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July - December 2020

Report highlights
• Report includes 54 green bonds with a
combined face value of USD62.5bn issued
between July and December 2020 (H2 2020)
• Strong evidence in support of green as 26 out
of 33 bonds price on curves or with a greenium
• Green bonds in EUR and USD performed
well on all metrics in the primary market, on
• 56% of green bonds were sold to green investors
• Spotlight on German twin bond structure
5 10 15 20
• Spotlight on green bonds and transition in the
auto sector

With funding support by Lyxor Asset Management

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 1
This is the eleventh report in our pricing EUR is the dominant currency with 35 bonds • German sovereign spotlight:
series, in which we observe how green totalling EUR40.5bn (USD47.5bn), while 19 Germany’s unique twin bond structure
bonds perform in the primary markets. USD denominated bonds had a combined demonstrates lower yields and
This report includes bonds issued in the issue size of USD15.4bn. volatility for green twins with the
last six months of 2020 (H2 2020). logical conclusion that governments
Report highlights should be encouraged to prioritise
Our methodology is designed to capture
• Green bonds achieved a higher book green expenditure knowing it is
the most liquid portion of the green bond
cover and spread compression than relatively cheaper.
market and is therefore limited to USD and
vanilla equivalents, on average. See more on page 15
EUR bonds with a minimum original issue
See more on page 3
size of USD500m. Developed market (DM), • Seven and 28 days after pricing green
emerging market (EM) and supranational • Overall, 56% of green bonds were allocated bonds had, on average, tightened more
issuers (SNAT) are included.1 The full to investors describing themselves as than vanilla baskets and matched indices.
methodology is explained on page 29. having green or ESG mandates. See more on pages 16
See more on page 6
During this period, USD178bn of green • Auto sector spotlight Volkswagen and
bonds were added to the Climate Bonds Daimler issued debut green bonds in
• Most bonds exhibited a greenium - Yield
Green Bonds Database.2 This paper September, but where are the green
curves could be built for 33 bonds in
includes the 35% of that amount that met bonds from other auto issuers?
our sample. 26 priced on or inside their
the above requirements (USD63bn), split See more on page 20
issuer’s yield curves.
between 54 green bonds from 46 issuers.
See more on page 8

1. Market developments in the Climate Bonds Green Bond Database. A Twenty debut issuers printed a total of 24
USD2bn 10-year in was issued in mid-August. green bonds including:
While 2020 was characterized by the most
KfW continues to be one of the most prolific
challenging financial market conditions in Germany launched its green bond programme
issuers in the green bond market, and in 2020
living history, all types of bonds enjoyed with a EUR6.5bn (USD7.7bn) 10-year (Bund) in
issued EUR8.3bn (USD10bn) worth of green
record issuance. After a strong first quarter, early September. This was followed by a EUR5bn
bonds over 14 transactions in six currencies.
second quarter green bond issuance was (USD5.9bn) 5-year (Bobl) in early November.
impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. A In early October, Société du Grand Paris Germany identified around EUR12.7bn
record breaking third quarter secured a strong (France) priced a EUR6bn (USD7bn) two- (USD15bn) of eligible expenditures in the 2019
finish as entities that had postponed green part deal, the largest non-sovereign green budget and is planning to create a green yield
bonds earlier in the year came to the market. deal of 2020. Société du Grand Paris was curve using its unique twin bond structure. The
US entities clamoured to secure refinancing set up in 2010 by the French government pricing dynamics are discussed on page 15.
at prevailing low rates, with strong support to construct and deliver the ‘Grand Paris
Volkswagen issued a 2028 EUR1.25bn
from the FED, and ahead of the presidential Express’ transport network, an expansion
(USD1.4bn), and a 2032 EUR750m (USD877m).
election. Although the Biden administration of the existing metro and commuter rail
The eligible green projects include the
is expected to rebalance US policy priorities network in Ile-de-France. As the mass transit
development of a modular electrification toolkit;
in favour of the climate agenda, a policy led network is completely powered by electricity
and e-charging infrastructure. The deals were
expansion could push up long term rates in it qualifies for Certification under the Climate
Certified Climate Bonds under the Low Carbon
the US. Indeed, after the US election in early Bonds Standard, according to the Low
Transport Criteria of the Climate Bond Standard.
November, there was a notable slowdown Carbon Transport Criteria. Société du Grand
The auto sector is discussed on page 20.
in supply of USD green bonds with just two Paris had 13 green bonds outstanding at the
of the 19 USD bonds qualifying for inclusion end of 2020. State owned Saudi Electricity Company
in this paper issued in the fourth quarter of issued a pair of green Sukuk, worth USD1.3bn
In November, Dutch grid operator TenneT
2020 (Q4). This paper captures half as many split evenly between 2025 and 2030
issued EUR1.4bn (USD1.6bn) of green bonds,
bonds for Q4 (18 bonds) compared to the maturities. The proceeds will finance energy
upsized from EUR1bn due to strong investor
third quarter (Q3) efficiency and renewable energy projects.
appetite. The deal was split into two tranches:
(36 bonds) and anecdotally, dedicated
a 12-year maturity of EUR600m (USD720m), Remarks:
investors reported difficulty in finding
and a 20-year maturity of EUR750m
sufficient labelled green bonds towards • Seniority rankings of financial corporate
(USD900m). TenneT had 16 green debt
the end of the year. bonds are denoted using the following
instruments outstanding at the end of 2020.
abbreviations: Senior Preferred = SP; Senior
See page 9 for remarks on TenneT’s yield curve.
New Issues in H2 2020 Non-Preferred = SNP; Covered = CO. As per
China Construction Bank (CCB) printed our standard methodology, the payment
In H2 2020, 46 entities issued 54 qualifying
a two tranche USD deal in late July rank of the green bond is matched, where
bonds. Among them, were 27 repeat visitors,
comprising a USD500m 8-year bond practicable, when selecting vanilla bonds
four of which issued more than one bond:
and a USD700m 5-year. The proceeds with which to compare the performance.
KfW (Germany) issued a EUR3bn were earmarked for metro projects in two
• Metlife Global Funding 0.95% 02/07/2025
(USD3.5bn) 8-year deal in July. The bond provinces, and the bonds were Certified
(Metlife 2025) was priced on 29/06/2020,
was subsequently tapped twice to become Climate Bonds, under the Low Carbon
but was not picked up for inclusion in H1,
the largest individual SSA green bond ever Transport Criteria. At the end of 2020, CCB
hence it has been added to this paper.
issued and the fifth largest single green bond had five green bonds outstanding.

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 2

2. Spread compression and book size: Green bonds in both EUR and USD attracted larger book cover on
average, and EUR green bonds exhibited greater spread compressions, than vanilla equivalents

• EUR: Average oversubscription • USD: Average oversubscription Green bonds are oversubscribed, and
was 4.2x for green bonds, and was 3.5x for green bonds and experience spread tightening as part of the
2.9x for vanilla equivalents. 3.3x for vanilla equivalents. pricing process, just like vanilla bonds. To help
Spread compression averaged Spread compression averaged determine whether investors attach any value
24bps for green bonds and 21bps 25bps for green bonds and 27bps to the green label, green bonds are compared
for vanilla bonds. for vanilla bonds. to carefully selected vanilla equivalents.

25 out of 35 EUR bonds attracted higher book cover than vanilla equivalents
Sovereign SSA Covered AAA AA A BBB
• Green Bond
• Vanilla bond


8 EUR Green bond average EUR Vanilla bond average

Times oversubscribed

book cover: 4.2x book cover: 2.9x


30 25 028 040 027 030 060 030 026 28 0 O) O) O) 32 P) 025 040 032
y 20 L 20 2 t 2 k 2 ta 2 s 2 s 2 O 2 IL 20 s 203 7 (C 0 (C 7 (C ol 20 27 (S 2 2 T2
i i i SF che r 02 3 02 hiph 20 ho FG nneT enne
r m an BOB KfW kred nban Kun d Par d Par IC
. 2 20
. 2 M
Ge e
un Rent
ran ea lig H
BH Bolig Sc u Te T
ran o T t Bo BFC Miz
o mm D u G Du G n t ari e s e st
K c. Soc. O V V
So ken k1
b an b an
are Sp
10 Sp

8 EUR Green bond average EUR Vanilla bond average

Times oversubscribed

book cover: 4.2x book cover: 2.9x


28 P) 27 32 27 0 27 32 028 032 025 02
8 0
i 20 (SN y 20 a 20 a 20 r 203 G 20 h 20 2 2 03
d 2 BV 2 itch 2 ne 2 ius 2 nso 2
i n c 2 7 e r t r n n c l e R tc W V W i e l e
V 20 rop Te ioba im E u V Y P v E
ls. Da al D nt CT al Sw ymm Flu tora
n de N EP M ed i git Tale lob M-K S
Ha D G
ka UP
n s

7 out of 13 USD green bonds attracted higher book cover than vanilla equivalents
• Green Bond
• Vanilla bond

6 USD Green bond USD Vanilla bond average

average book cover: 3.5x book cover: 3.3x
Times oversubscribed

25 30 30 32 25 25 51 25 30 30 on 25 28
e 20 R 20 is 20 la 20 k 20 e 20 ic 20 C 20 ls 20 s 20 Veriz ix 20 ix 20
tlif n
MT rolog a-Co h. Ba inan Elect
c r
CIB ontro tiliti
e uin quin
Me c B F nion Eq E
P Co Merc N o n C
r tyU
i n a Q U h ns L i be
Ch Jo

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 3

EUR green bond pricing A well-defined sustainability or transition Book cover
strategy such as that of Ontario Teachers’ Data was available for 13 of the bonds in
EUR order books and spread compressions
or Stora Enso that includes clear ambitions the USD sample. While only five of those
eased off slightly compared to H1 2020,
and quantified measures towards carbon- attracted larger book cover than vanilla
as supply increased in Q3. The average H2
reduction targets can give investors equivalents, the average book cover for green
oversubscription for green bonds of 4.2x
additional comfort around green bonds and bonds was higher because of the magnitude
was the second highest we have recorded
the wider labelled universe and minimise of the top performers.
since 2016 (after H1 2020 which was 5.2x).
exposure to greenwashing.
Average spread compressions for EUR green Multinational telecom, Verizon’s (Verizon
bonds eased off by 1bp against H1 to 24bps Spread compression 2030) second green bond attracted the
and were the second highest recorded. Stora Enso 2030 exhibited spread most interest, with a book cover of 6.2x
compression of 50bp, but Daimler 2030 while industrial, Johnson Controls (Johnson
tightened the most, with its debut green Controls 2030) took second place with its
• More than two-thirds (70%) of EUR green bond narrowing by 57.5bps, the second debut issue at 5.4x. Verizon 2030 priced
bonds achieved larger oversubscription highest spread compression we have seen inside its yield curve, exhibiting a greenium.
than vanilla equivalents. since 2016 (following Prologis 2032 EUR There was no yield curve for Johnson Controls
which achieved record spread compression 2030. Both are US issuers, issuing in USD,
• Ten out of 35 EUR green bonds achieved
of 67bps in H1 2020). Volkswagen (VW) and green bonds in this format tend to
lower book cover than their comparable
priced a pair of bonds in September. The VW perform well since there are relatively few.
2028 tightened by 45bps, while the VW Such demand dynamics are encouraging. We
• Three-quarters of EUR green bonds 2032 achieved 42.5bps. This squeeze on expect that the climate related ambitions of
experienced larger spread compression demand translated into a pricing benefit, as the Biden administration will encourage more
compared to vanilla equivalents. Daimler 2030, and VW 2028 and 2032 all US corporates to join the green bond market
priced with a greenium. There was no yield in 2021 and beyond.
• Four bonds were evenly matched (KfW
curve available for Stora Enso.
2028, Kommunekredit 2040, Sparebank Spread compression
1 Vest Bolig. 2027 (CO), and Talent Yield There is a notable shortage of green bonds Spread compression data was available for
2025), and two lacked data (Germany from the auto sector, and we address this all bonds in the USD sample. Green and
2030, and Germany 2025). issue in more detail in our spotlight section vanilla bonds achieved the same levels in two
on page 20. cases: Metlife 2025, and Union Electric 2051.
Book cover
Among the remaining 17 green bonds, ten
The top two spots were filled by green bonds NB1: We did not measure spread compression
achieved larger spread compression, but the
priced towards the end of November. Finnish for Germany 2025 and Germany 2030
average for the vanilla bonds was still higher
pulp and paper manufacturer Stora Enso Oyj
USD green bond pricing (27bps versus 25bps).
(Stora Enso 2030) achieved a book cover
of 9.2x, the largest among EUR green bonds The US experienced a record year for China Merch. Bank 2025 and CCB 2025 both
in H2. Pasi Kyckling, Group Treasurer at corporate bond issuance and strong demand tightened by 45bps in the primary market, the
Stora Enso remarked “The green format and was reflected in the pricing dynamics. In largest among the USD green bonds. Yield
benchmark issue size clearly contributed USD, average order books in H2 2020 for curves are not available for either bond so
to the investor interest, in addition to both green and vanilla bonds were larger we cannot say whether this translated into
our general company strategy that has compared to H1 2020 (3.5x versus 2.6x) but pricing benefits.
sustainability at its core”. did not reach the high of 4.1x observed for
Methodology notes: Baskets comprise bonds
green bonds in H1 2019.
Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (Ontario that most closely match the green bonds and are
Teachers 2030) achieved the second largest Findings issued during the same quarter. The baskets in
book cover with 8.9x. This is particularly this publication include between one and three
• More green bonds achieved larger spread
notable given that Ontario Teachers’ is in the bonds. For an explanation of the methodology,
compression than vanilla equivalents, but
SSA asset class, where pricing metrics are see page 29, and for summary statistics of the
the average for the vanilla bonds was still
typically less dramatic compared to corporate baskets, see pages 25-28.
higher (27bps versus 25bps).
issuers. Ontario Teachers’ has committed
to net-zero emissions by 2050 and has • Nevertheless, 25bps is the largest average
stated that it will hold itself accountable by spread compression for USD green bonds
establishing concrete targets for portfolio we have observed to date, beating the prior
emissions and investments in climate high of 20bp witnessed in H1.
solutions. Progress will be audited annually.

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 4

21 out of 28 EUR green bonds tightened by more than vanilla equivalents during book building*
Sovereign SSA Covered AAA AA A BBB
• Green Bond
• Vanilla bond
(CO 7(
6 0 0 27 0 2
0 0 2 2
40 s2 03 30 ig. lig.
t 20 27 Pari aris 2 s 20 st Bol ) t Bo P)
red nk 2 30 0 nd and P r
he n V e O s
Ve 032 27 (S 25
8 k ra ac e 0 (C 1 20 040 32
2 u n e b a 2 0 G G r 2 6 2 8 Te nk 03 an k l 2 2 0 FG 2 20
20 m e n a D u
u 2 0 2 0 rio ba
re HH 2 b
re chip ho ho eT e T
m nt nt c. L ta CM izu n n
0 KfW Ko Re Ku So Soc ICO SFI On Spa B Spa S BF M Ten Ten






-60 EUR Green bond average EUR Vanilla bond average spread
spread compression: 24bps compression: 21bps

-80 * five more bonds tightened by the same amount as vanilla equivalents.

7 (SN
2 28
ls. 20 027 2 7 032 2 5 0 30 e 20
y2 a2
2 0 2 en 30
28 a Ha pert 2032 banc r 20 027 l Dut
ch 8 2 i e ld 2 2025 witch mm 2030 so 20
0 e 0 2 03 Y V S K y s n
ci 2 vensk E Pro erna dio aiml RG 2 igita W 2 W 2 alent TP B lobal PM- luviu tora E
0 Vin S N T Me D E D V V T C G U F S







-70 EUR Green bond average EUR Vanilla bond average

spread compression: 24bps spread compression: 21bps
-80 * five more bonds tightened by the same amount as vanilla equivalents.

11 out of 18 USD green bonds tightened by more than vanilla equivalents*

Sovereign SSA Covered AAA AA A

• Green Bond
• Vanilla bond

02 25 30 30
n k 2 k 20 k 20 25 0 51 l s 20 2030
2 a u u 0 2 o es
25 30 20
3 h. B Suk . Suk nce 2 ctric 5 on
tr liti 5 8
30 20 2030 is 20 Cola erc lec. ec a le 2 23 25 on C y Uti n 02 02
20 t l i fe
R l o g a - n a M
d i E d i E l
B Fi n
o n E
C 2 0 2 0 2 0
n s r t i zo i n ix 2 inix 2
c i u u i B B e r u u
0 KfW EIB Me MT Pro Co Ch Sa Sa QN Un CIB CC CC Joh Lib Ve Eq Eq




USD Green bond average USD Vanilla bond average
-50 spread compression: -25bps *one bond tightened by the same amount as its vanilla equivalent spread compression: -27bps

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 5

3. Green allocations: 56% was allocated to investors describing themselves as green

• The 46 issuers included in Multiple issuers, including Coca-Cola and Methodology notes: Green investor
this analysis were contacted BFCM noted that that the green deal had participation is provided by issuers. There is no
and invited to disclose what attracted new investors. According to standard methodology for defining a ‘green’
percentage of their deal was the Climate Bonds Green Bond Treasurer investor and we acknowledge that this is subject
allocated to investors describing Survey, published in March 2020, 98% to interpretation. There is no way to monitor
themselves as green or socially of respondents said that their green bond how investors split their allocations of green
responsible (green investors). attracted new investors.3 Benefits of this bonds among their different portfolios.
The results of this outreach were were described as 1) a more diverse pool
as follows: of investors, offering greater flexibility to
reopen or issue new bonds; 2) a stickier
• 29 issuers representing 33 bonds shared
investor base; and 3) greater visibility.
the data
Some of those who did not disclose green
• Ten issuers representing 11 bonds replied
allocations did not wish to do so because
but were unable to disclose the data
there remains no clear definition of green or
• Eight issuers representing ten bonds did socially responsible investors. It seems that
not reply investors are increasingly keen to classify
themselves as green or socially responsible
Based on the responses we received, the
in the hope of obtaining larger allocations as
average allocation to investors describing
highlighted in the Climate Bonds Sovereign
themselves as green was 56%, the highest
GSS Bond Survey report published in January
to date. Allocations ranged from 16%
2021.4 Multiple sovereign issuers mentioned
(Mediobanca 2027 (SP)), to 80% (BFCM
that investors had gone to extreme efforts to
2027 (SP)). As usual, some issuers stated
demonstrate their green credentials.
that they could have allocated 100% of their
deal to green investors, such was the demand. Efforts are currently being made to
standardise the definition of a green
Germany issued its first green bond, the
investor. From 1st January 2022 European
2030 (Bund) in September 2020. Like most
investment firms describing their products
first time green sovereign issuers, Germany
as green, or socially responsible will be
issued via a syndicate. The syndicate also
required to disclose the percentage of their
allocated the Bund so investor data was
investments in compliance with the EU
available, and around a third was assigned to
taxonomy, i.e. consistent with a net zero
investors describing themselves as green or
economy by 2050. This will give green bond
socially responsible. In November, Germany
issuers a clear benchmark to measure the
priced a second green bond, a 2025 maturity
relevant credentials of bidders and offer
(Bobl). The Bobl was placed via an auction
asset owners more transparency in the
to the members of the ‘Bund issues auction
manager selection process.
group’ (primary dealers), and distribution
data was therefore not available.

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 6

56% of green bonds were allocated to green investors

Declared green investor Not declared green investor Average 56% was allocated to green investors

Rating Group
EUR 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Sovereign Germany 2030

SSA KfW 2028
Kommunekredit 2040
Rentenbank 2027
Kunta 2030
ICO 2026
COV Sparebanken Vest Bolig. 2027 (CO)
BHH 2030 (CO)
Sparebank 1 Vest Bolig. 2027 (CO)
A Schiphol 2032
BFCM 2027 (SP)
Mizuho FG 2025
TenneT 2040
TenneT 2032
Vinci 2028
Svenska Handels. 2027 (SNP)
BBB NE Property 2027
Mediobanca 2027
Daimler 2030
ERG 2027
Digital Dutch 2032
VW 2028
VW 2032
Fluvius 2030
Stora Enso 2030


SSA KfW 2030

AA MTR 2030
A Prologis 2030
Coca-Cola 2032
BBB Johnson Controls 2030
Equinix 2025
Equinix 2028

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 7

4. The greenium: 26 out of 33 green bonds priced on or inside their yield curves

The new issue premium is the extra yield Within our sample of 33 green bonds: Green in the USA
that a buyer receives, and a seller pays for
• 19 priced inside their yield curve We built yield curves for nine green bonds
a new bond compared to where seasoned
exhibiting a greenium. In EUR: Germany in our USD sample. Eight of those priced
bonds from the same issuer are trading in the
2025 & 2030, KfW 2028, Kommunekredit with a greenium, and one (EIB 2030)
secondary market at the time of issuance. A
2040, Rentenbank 2027, Kunta 2030, priced on the curve. This is consistent with
new issue premium is a standard feature of
Sparebank 1 Vest Bolig. 2027 (CO), the extraordinary demand for USD credit
the bond market.
Daimler 2030, VW 2028 & 2032, and witnessed in 2020, but nevertheless notable
Sometimes, a bond may be issued with a Fluvius 2030. In USD: KfW 2030, Metlife in the context of green bonds. Between 2016
higher price, and thus have a lower yield 2025, Prologis 2030, QNB Finance 2025, and June 2020 we constructed yield curves
compared to outstanding debt. The bond will CIBC 2025, Verizon 2030, and Equinix for a total of 47 USD green bonds. Just nine
price inside its own yield curve. This is known 2025 & 2028; of those exhibited a greenium, 19 priced
as a new issue concession; when present in a on the curve, and 19 priced with a normal
• Seven priced on the yield curve (no new
green bond, we have termed it “greenium”. new issue premium. In support of this, we
issue premia);
kept hearing stories from issuers of green
There is no reason why a bond being green
• Five priced with normal new issue investors pulling out of these deals as pricing
should impact its price, since green bonds
premia; and was squeezed tighter hence greeniums
rank pari-passu (on equal footing) with
were not being achieved. The coming year
bonds of the same payment rank and issuer. • Two were indeterminate.
will reveal whether the higher incidence of
There is no credit enhancement to explain
In H1 2020 11 out of 21 bonds (52%) greenium in USD green bonds signalled the
pricing differences and issuers of green
priced on or inside their yield curve, in H2 emergence of a larger pool of dedicated
bonds often incur costs such as Second
that rose to 26 out of 33 bonds (79%) investors, or purely an extension of the
Party Opinions and Certification, although
suggesting robust demand for the green increased demand experienced by all USD
these are typically negligible. Green bonds
label demonstrated during book building is bonds during this period.
and vanilla equivalents are subject to the
following through into pricing. This is the
same market dynamics such as supply, rate Among those pricing with greenium,
strongest evidence of investor support we
expectations, geo-political issues, and the Metlife 2025, QNB Finance 2025, CIBC
have seen for the green label to date.
fall-out from global pandemics. 2025, and Equinix 2025 and 2028 were
first time green bond issuers. Digital
In H2 2020, we were able to build yield
infrastructure company Equinix priced a trio
curves for 33 out of the 54 bonds in our
of bonds in late September 2020. The 2025
sample, of which 14 issuers (covering 16
and 2028 tranches were both green labelled,
bonds) had already issued green bonds
while a 2051 maturity was not. The pair
sharing similar characteristics.
of green bonds both exhibited a greenium
while the longer bond did not. Around 53%
of the 2025 and 41% of the 2028 tranche
were placed with investors describing
themselves as green.

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 8

Spotlight on TenneT Tennet 2032 & 2040 EUR - on the green curve
Dutch grid operator TenneT has a well- 0.6
defined transition strategy underway.
The company has set out sustainability
goals and targets in its Corporate, Social,
Responsibility (CSR) ambition plan 2025. 0.4
The report describes TenneT’s efforts to
lead the energy transition sustainably. 0.3
TenneT 2032 and 2040 were priced in 0.2
mid-November. The Use of Proceeds
were defined as 1. Transmission of 0.1
renewable electricity from offshore wind 0
power plants into the onshore electricity
grid using direct current technology -0.1
Yield as of 16/11/2020

or alternating current technology and, -0.2

2. Developments, construction, and -0.2
reconstruction of the onshore electricity
grid to enhance the transmission capacity -0.3

Source: Bloomberg
for renewable energy. All activities are -0.4
aligned with the EU Taxonomy and
contribute to UN SDGs 7 (affordable and -0.5
clean energy), and 13 (climate action). 00Duration 55 10
10 15
15 20
Maturing liabilities and new CAPEX
have been financed with green bonds New issue green bonds Vanilla bonds Seasoned green bond
since 2015. There are just two non-green
Vanilla bonds issued on the same day as the green bond
bonds remaining on the yield curve and
the yields are relatively higher for those,
suggesting that investors attach a lower
value to those bonds. This is likely due
to a combination of the lack of liquidity
in the older paper, and the increasing
preference for the green label.
The new bonds priced on the existing
green curve. At the time the bonds
were issued, they attracted the lowest
recorded coupons for EUR corporate
bonds at 0.125% for the 12-year, and
0.5% for the 20-year. This suggests that
TenneT’s transition strategy is helping it
attract lower funding costs.

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 9

Metlife 2025 USD - greenium Sparebanken Vest Boligkreditt AS 2027 EUR
- new issue premium

2.0 0-0.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1.5 -0.2
1.5 -0.2
Yield as of 29/06/2020

1.0 -0.3

Yield as of 01/07/2020
1.0 -0.3

0.5 -0.4
0.5 -0.4


0 -0.5
0.0 -0.5
0 22 44 66 88 10
10 0 2 4 6 8
Duration Duration

NE Property 2027 EUR - new issue premium Terna EUR - indeterminate

4.0 0.8
4.0 0.8
3.5 0.6
3.0 0.5
Yield as of 07/07/2020

Yield as of 17/07/2020

3.0 0.4
2.5 0.3


2.0 0.1
2.0 0.1
2 33 4
4 55 6
6 7
7 88 0
0 22 44 66 88 10
10 12
Duration Duration

KfW 2028 EUR - greenium to vanilla curve, new Prologis 2030 USD - greenium
issue premium to green curve
0 5 10 15 20
-0.1 2.0
Yield as of 06/08/2020

Yield as of 21/07/2020

-0.4 1.0

-0.6 0.5
-0.6 0.5
0 5 10 15 20 00 55 10
10 15
15 20
20 25
Duration Duration

New issue green bonds Vanilla bonds Seasoned green bond Non-green bond issued on the same day as the green bonds

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 10

KfW 2030 USD - greenium BHH 2030 (CO) EUR - on the curve

0-0.1 2 4 6 8 10 12
0.7 -0.2
0.5 -0.3
0.5 -0.3

Yield as of 25/08/2020
Yield as of 18/08/2020

0.4 -0.4
0.3 -0.5


0.1 -0.6
0.1 -0.6
00 22 44 66 88 10
10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Duration Duration

Kommunekredit 2040 EUR - greenium Mediobanca 2027 (SP) EUR - new issue premium

0 5 10 15 20 1.2
0.3 1.2
0.1 0.8
0 0.8
Yield as of 01/09/2020
Yield as of 27/08/2020

-0.1 0.6
-0.2 0.4
-0.4 0.2


-0.5 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 2
2 33 44 55 66 77 88
Duration Duration

Germany 2030 (Bund) EUR - greenium Daimler 2030 EUR - greenium

00 5 10 15 20 25 30 1.2
On-the-run yield curve as of 02/09/2020

Bundesbank reference prices from Frankfurt Stock Exchange

-0.1 1.0
-0.2 0.8
-0.2 0.8
Yield Curve as of 03/09/2020

-0.3 0.6
-0.4 0.4
-0.4 0.4
-0.5 0.2
-0.6 0
-0.6 0.0

-0.7 -0.2
-0.8 -0.4
-0.8 -0.4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 3 6 9 12 15
Duration 0Duration 3 6 9 12 15

New issue green bonds Vanilla bonds Seasoned green bond Non-green bond issued on the same day as the green bonds

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 11

Digital Realty 2032 EUR - on the curve QNB Finance Ltd 2025 EUR - greenium

1.2 2.0
1.2 2.0
0.8 1.5
0.8 1.5
Yield as of 14/09/2020


Yield as of 15/09/2020
0.4 1.0
0.4 1.0


0 0.5
0.0 0.5
22 4
4 66 88 10
10 12
12 0
0 11 22 33 44 55 66
Duration Duration

SpareBank 1 Bolig. 2027 EUR - greenium

RENTEN 2027 EUR - greenium

0-0.1 2 4 6 8 10 00 5 10 15 20
-0.2 -0.1
-0.2 -0.1
-0.3 -0.2
Yield as of 15/09/2020

Yield as of 15/09/2020

-0.4 -0.4
-0.5 -0.5

-0.6 -0.6
-0.6 -0.6
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 5 10 15 20
Duration Duration

EIB 2030 USD - on the vanilla curve, greenium to VW 2028 & 2032 EUR - Greenium x 2
green curve

1.0 2.0 2.0


0.8 1.5 1.5


0.6 1.0 1.0

Yield as of 15/09/2020

Yield as of 16/09/2020

0.4 0.5 0.5


0.2 0.0 0


0 -0.5 -0.5
00 2
2 44 66 88 10
10 0
0 33 66 99 12
12 15
Duration Duration

New issue green bonds Vanilla bonds Seasoned green bond Non-green bond issued on the same day as the green bonds

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 12

Verizon 2030 USD - greenium Equinix 2025 & 2028 USD - greenium

3.0 3.0
3.0 3.0
2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0

Yield as of 23/09/2020
Yield as of 16/09/2020

1.0 1.5
0.5 1.0

0 0.5
0.0 0.5
0 55 10
10 15
15 20
20 00 5
5 10
10 15
15 20
20 25
Duration Duration

BFCM 2027 (SP) EUR - new issue premium Kunta 2030 EUR - greenium

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 3 6 9 12 15
0.10 0
0.00 -0.1
Yield as of 06/10/2020

Yield as of 01/10/2020

-10 -0.2
-0.15 -0.3
-0.20 -0.4

-0.30 -0.5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 6 9 12 15
Duration Duration

Mizuho 2025 EUR - new issue premium Societe du Grand Paris 2030 & 2060 EUR - on the
green curve
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
0.8 0.8
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.6 0.5
0.5 0.4
Yield as of 06/10/2020

0.4 0.3
Yield as of 07/10/2020

0.4 0.2
0.3 0.1
0.2 0
0.2 0.0
-0.1 -0.2


0.1 -0.2
0.0 -0.3
22 44 66 88 10
10 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Duration Duration

New issue green bonds Vanilla bonds Seasoned green bond Non-green bond issued on the same day as the green bonds

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 13

CIBC 2025 USD - greenium ICO 2026 EUR - indeterminiate

1.0 0-0.2 1 2 3 4 5 6

0.8 -0.3
Yield Curve as of 19/10/2020


Yield as of 21/10/2020
0.4 -0.4


0.2 -0.5
0.2 -0.5
0 11 2 33 44 55 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Duration Duration

Fluvius 2030 EUR - greenium

Germany 2025 (Bobl) EUR - greenium

0-0.2 5 10 15 20 25 30 00.3 2 4 6 8 10
On-the-run Yield curve as of 04/11/2020

Bundesbank reference prices from Frankfurt Stock Exchange

-0.4 0.2
-0.4 0.20
-0.6 0.10
Yield as of 25/11/2020

-0.8 0.00
-0.8 -0.05

-1.0 -0.15
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 2 4 6 8 10
Duration Duration

Methodology notes: We use yield on issue date, which reflects the price
that the green bond offered on the pricing date. For comparable bonds,
we use the yield-to-convention-mid.
For all bonds, we use modified duration to mid, and all the data is as
of the pricing date of the green bond. The modified duration is the
percentage price change of a security for a given change in yield. The
modified duration increases with risk.

First, we plot seasoned vanilla bonds (blue dots) and fit a 2nd order
polynomial yield curve. Next, we overlay any seasoned green bonds
(orange), and finally, we add our subject bonds (green). Vanilla bonds
issued on the same day as the subject green bond are also included
(grey). We include the yield curves of bonds in our sample with a
minimum of four suitable comparable bonds.
Comparable bonds used for this exercise must fit the specification
for green bond selection outlined on page 29, except that they are not
labelled and the use of proceeds is not limited. Bonds must share the
same credit rating and payment rank as the green bond and have been
issued on or after 01/01/2010.

New issue green bonds Vanilla bonds Seasoned green bond Non-green bond issued on the same day as the green bonds

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 14

5. Spotlight: German sovereign green bonds
In September 2020, Germany The green Bund has exhibited consistently lower yields
became the 15th sovereign compared to its vanilla twin
nation to issue green bonds and -1.5
introduced a unique twin bond
structure. The twin bond structure -2.0
involves issuing a conventional
(vanilla) bond and a green bond, -2.5
sharing similar characteristics,
within a short period. -3.0

Yield differential bps

On 17th June 2020, the German Finance -3.5
Agency (DMO) issued a EUR5bn
(USD5.6bn) vanilla 10-year (Bund). This -4.0
was subsequently reopened multiple times,
reaching EUR30.5bn (USD34bn) by 20th -4.5
November 2020. On 2nd September, the 08.09. 06.10. 03.11. 01.12. 29.12.
DMO also offered a EUR6.5bn (USD7bn) 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
green Bund sharing the same coupon Source: Bloomberg
and maturity as the vanilla one. The only
difference was the use of proceeds which
The Bobl has exhibited consistently lower yields compared
were named as eligible expenditures falling
to its vanilla twin
into five categories: transport; international 0
cooperation; research, innovation, and
awareness raising; energy and industry; and
agriculture, forestry, natural landscapes, and -0.5
biodiversity. The DMO has termed this the
‘green twin’. In effect this is a non-fungible
tranche that will continue to maintain a -1.0
Yield differential bps

separate identifier until maturity.

The green Bund priced with a greenium (1bp -1.5
lower than the vanilla twin), and as of the
end of 2020 had maintained consistently
lower yields compared to its vanilla twin.5 It -2.0
is important to note that while the green twin
05.11. 19.11. 03.12. 17.12. 31.12.
is smaller, both bonds are of a vast size and
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
share the same cash flows making it easy to
Source: Bloomberg
determine whether investors assign a value
to the green label. In addition, the DMO has
a large, liquid, government bond with a green an equivalent yield and higher volatility. If
promised to exchange the green twin for the
‘twin’ is the dream case study. Both bonds lower volatility were consistently present in
vanilla twin at any time, so the difference in
trade actively in the secondary market, sovereign green, social, and sustainability
size should not affect liquidity.
thus the prices reflect actual transactions. (GSS) bonds, it could help investors to justify
Germany repeated this exercise on the 4th This enables us to draw more meaningful a primary market greenium.
of November, issuing a green twin EUR5bn conclusions from the results.
Although the observation period for the
(USD5.9bn) 5-Year federal government
As of 31st December 2020, the green Bund green BOBL was less than two months, it
bond (Bundesobligation or BOBL). The DMO
had exhibited lower price volatility than its exhibited lower volatility than its twin on
operates according to a strict schedule of
vanilla twin on a ten, 30, 60, and 90-day a 30-day basis. On both the 10-day and
issuance, and the date coincided with the US
basis.6 The DMO retained some of the bond 60-day basis the volatility of the green bond
Presidential election, hence press coverage
for market intervention but this would not was higher. Since the yield differential also
was muted. However, the green BOBL priced
impact relative stability since this is standard appears to have narrowed during the initial
with a 1.5bp greenium, and exhibited a
practice for all German government bonds. secondary market trading period, this could
consistently lower yield compared to its
All things being equal, investors prefer be due to the new issue changing hands and
vanilla twin until and at the end of 2020.
lower volatility instrument. Some investors finding the true price. 7
Historically, secondary market bond data evaluate each instrument on a risk-adjusted
tends to be unreliable, limiting analysis of the returns basis, making lower volatility
volatility in the green bond market. However, instruments more attractive than bonds with

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 15

German Sovereign Volatility
The German Bund priced with a greenium,
Green Bund Vanilla ‘twin’ Green Bobl Vanilla ‘twin’
maintained a lower yield in the secondary
Bund Bobl
market, and exhibited lower volatility
compared to its vanilla twin. The Bobl priced 10 day 3.142 3.144 1.306 1.283
with a greenium and maintained a lower
30 day 3.384 3.435 1.375 1.387
yield in the secondary market compared
to its vanilla twin, but the volatility was 60 day 4.026 4.044 1.587 1.585
less conclusive. Nevertheless, this is clear
90 day 3.667 3.680 n/a
evidence that investors attach a premium to
the green label offering cheaper financing
Data from Bloomberg as of 31/12/2020
to DMOs, and that green bonds can provide
a relatively more stable investment. The The price volatility of a given period equals the annualized standard deviation of the
logical conclusion is that governments relative price change for the relevant number of the most recent trading days closing
should be encouraged to prioritise green price, expressed as a percentage.
expenditure knowing it is relatively cheaper
and investors should commit more capital
to green mandates.8

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 16

6. Performance in the immediate secondary market
• Seven days after pricing, 52% • 28 days after pricing, 56% of In H2 2020, 70% of individual green bonds
of green bonds had tightened green bonds had tightened more in our sample had tightened seven days after
more than comparable vanilla than comparable vanilla baskets; pricing; after 28 days this had increased to
baskets; 76% had tightened more 67% had tightened more than 77%.
than their corresponding index. their corresponding index.

% change 1 week % change 1 month

Rating Bond Green Bond Vanilla Corresponding Green Bond Vanilla Corresponding
Group Basket iBoxx Index Basket iBoxx Index
EUR SSA KfW 2028 -18.0% -37.0% 0.6% -8.5% -82.6% -2.7%
Kommunekredit 2040 3.2% 2.2% 6.7% 4.6% -6.2% 5.3%
Rentenbank 2027 -25.9% -77.0% -1.9% -21.7% -332.0% -20.1%
Kunta 2030 -60.5% -65.0% -9.3% -116.5% 17.0% -24.4%
Soc. Du Grand Paris 2060 -3.3% 1.3% 0.5% -6.7% -4.4% -7.5%
Soc. Du Grand Paris 2030 -6.4% -4.4% 0.5% -28.7% -5.0% -7.5%
ICO 2026 N/A -65.0% -1.1% -47.7% 17.0% -20.0%
SFIL 2028 -20.8% 6.5% -6.8% 2.9% -23.9% -4.0%
Ontario Teachers 2030 -17.0% -13.3% -3.4% -15.1% -13.1% 0.0%
Covered Sparebanken Vest Bolig. 2027 (CO) 6.3% -2.4% -7.7% -2.1% -25.6% -10.6%
BHH 2030 (CO) -15.3% -4.4% 5.3% -44.7% -24.2% -10.8%
Sparebank 1 Vest Bolig. 2027 (CO) -11.6% -2.4% -7.1% -21.4% -25.6% -18.7%
A Schiphol 2032 -2.8% -11.8% -0.4% 3.5% -9.2% 3.8%
BFCM 2027 (SP) -10.4% 2.6% -8.5% -6.1% -14.3% -5.7%
Mizuho FG 2025 -12.0% 7.9% -8.7% -2.6% -15.4% -5.1%
TenneT 2040 2.6% -12.1% -2.4% 6.4% -27.7% -9.4%
TenneT 2032 0.5% -12.1% -2.4% 6.8% -27.7% -9.4%
Vinci 2028 -0.1% 26.7% -3.7% 30.0% 0.1% -2.2%
Svenska Handels. 2027 (SNP) 7.9% 3.1% 2.9% 8.1% 0.5% 3.0%
BBB NE Property 2027 -2.7% -2.1% -0.8% -4.9% -1.3% -10.4%
Terna 2032 -7.8% -0.7% -4.4% -30.9% -6.1% -9.9%
Mediobanca 2027 -4.7% 3.1% -0.5% -3.4% 2.8% 2.1%
Daimler 2030 -1.6% -3.2% 1.6% -5.0% -5.7% 3.4%
ERG 2027 -3.5% 6.7% 0.6% -8.1% -1.0% 2.1%
Digital Dutch 2032 -2.7% 0.4% -2.7% -2.3% 2.1% -5.5%
VW 2028 -0.8% -3.2% 1.8% -12.5% -5.7% -5.0%
VW 2032 -2.5% -3.2% 1.7% -12.5% -5.7% -5.2%
Talent Yield 2025 -7.3% -13.4% 5.1% -13.3% -17.8% -3.9%
CTP BV 2025 0.5% -2.1% -1.5% -11.5% -1.3% -11.2%
Global Switch 2030 -2.4% -6.4% -6.0% -5.0% -10.5% -9.1%
UPM-Kymmene 2028 -6.2% -9.1% -2.7% -5.9% -11.1% -8.1%
Fluvius 2030 -8.2% -11.1% 2.6% -21.9% -19.6% -0.7%
Stora Enso 2030 -15.3% -2.9% 2.6% -24.1% -4.6% -0.7%
USD SSA EIB 0.3% 8.7% 4.1% 0.3% 1.8% 1.1%
KfW 2030 -24.7% 9.7% -0.7% -4.4% 4.4% -4.6%
AA Metlife 2025 -0.1% N/A -10.7% -28.7% -6.3% -22.5%
MTR 2030 N/A 2.6% 8.4% -0.9% -3.5% 5.6%
A Prologis 2030 0.0% 1.3% -0.4% 1.0% -9.5% 2.5%
Coca-Cola 2032 -5.8% -5.0% -3.3% -5.8% -4.5% -0.1%
China Merch. Bank 2025 4.7% -11.9% 4.8% 4.7% 5.4% 16.7%
Saudi Elec. Sukuk 2025 0.0% N/A 0.5% -6.1% -2.9% 2.5%
Saudi Elec. Sukuk 2030 2.1% -1.0% -0.8% -13.2% 1.0% -3.9%
QNB Finance 2025 2.1% -1.8% 3.9% -6.3% -3.6% -8.8%
Union Electric 2051 -3.8% -2.5% -6.4% -8.1% -19.5% -7.5%
CIBC 2025 -19.0% -0.8% -0.6% -22.1% -7.7% -6.8%
CCB 2023 -11.0% 1.1% -4.7% -9.8% 5.7% -8.7%
CCB 2025 -9.5% 0.8% -7.3% -8.6% 4.9% -12.7%
BBB Johnson Controls 2030 -8.3% -6.2% -1.6% -9.8% -5.8% -0.7%
Liberty Utilities 2030 4.9% 0.9% 3.5% 3.4% -7.6% -0.5%
Verizon 2.1% 0.9% 3.5% -6.3% -3.9% -0.5%
Equinix 2025 20.8% 13.1% 4.6% -1.6% -6.7% -6.7%
Equinix 2028 -23.1% 9.1% 2.7% -36.2% -3.8% -5.6%

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 17

Many bonds deliver price tightening in In USD, nine out of 16 green bonds had NB1: Metlife 2025 was matched with NY Life
the immediate secondary market since tightened against both their basket and Global Funding 0.95% 24/06/2025, for which
investors may want to increase their matched index after a week. KfW 2030 there was no secondary market benchmark
position or open a position in a bond they (-18%), Equinix 2028 (-23.1%), and CIBC 2025 spread data for the 7-day data point. MTR 2030
did not get allocated. Timing is an important (-19%) tightened by the largest percentages did not have secondary market benchmark
factor, because bond indices rebalance at and were among the bonds that beat both spread data for the 7-day data point. Saudi
each month end. Therefore, if bonds are vanilla baskets and indices. All these bonds Elec. Sukuk 2025 was matched with QIB Sukuk
issued early in the month, there could be did exhibit a greenium, hence we can say they Ltd. 1.95% 27/10/2025, for which there was no
an opportunity for managers to add some delivered value to both issuers and investors. 7-day data point.
off-benchmark performance before bonds
After 28 days, Methodology notes:
are added to benchmark indices. Once
• 56% of green bonds had tightened by 1. Vanilla baskets comprise the closest
bonds enter indices, (except for credit
more than their vanilla baskets: 48% of possible matches based on the considerations
events), liquidity evaporates, and accurate
EUR and 68% of USD green bonds. highlighted on page 29. We have created
spreads are quoted on a bilateral basis.
this proxy to illustrate what else an investor
Our consideration of the secondary market • 67% of green bonds had also tightened
could have done with their money during the
consequently only extends to one month when compared to corresponding indices:
same quarter. 2. Indices. We compare each
after the pricing date of each bond. 64% of EUR and 74% of USD green bonds
bond to a standard iBoxx index. The indices
To contextualise spread movements, The 28-day metrics for H2 were like those of are granulated by currency, asset class, tenor,
we compare each green bond to two H1: 59% tightened more than their baskets and credit rating all of which can influence the
alternatives. Firstly, we match each green in H1 compared to 56% in H2 while 67% behaviour of a bond. Each bond is therefore
bond to a vanilla bond or a basket of vanilla tightened more than corresponding indices compared to an index sharing similar
bonds sharing similar characteristics, in both H1 and H2. Twenty-four bonds had characteristics, for example, Verizon 2030 is
issued as closely as possible to the green tightened by more than both vanilla baskets matched with the iBoxx USD Corporates BBB
bond. This comparison is a proxy for the and indices after 28 days. 7-10 index.
opportunity cost to the investor. Secondly,
In EUR, ICO 2026 (-47.7%), BHH 2030 Seven calendar days include five data
we compare each green bond to a matched
(CO) (-44.7%), and Terna 2032 (-30.9%) observations. Twenty-eight calendar days
index to monitor their performance against
tightened by the largest magnitude beating include 20 data observations.
‘the market’.
both vanilla baskets and indices. Performance
After seven days, for these three bonds was mixed in the
• 52% of green bonds had tightened by primary market. All three achieved higher
more than their vanilla baskets: 50% of book cover than vanilla baskets, but BHH
EUR and 56% of USD green bonds. 2030 (CO) did not achieve greater spread
compression while the other two bonds did.
• 76% of green bonds had tightened by
Terna 2032 priced with a new issue premium,
more than their corresponding index: 78%
hence the 30.9% tighter spread a month
of EUR and 63% of USD green bonds.
later would have pleased investors. BHH
Compared to H1 2020, a lower percentage 2030 (CO) priced on the yield curve, so we
of green bonds tightened more than their can say that both sides benefitted here, and
baskets, while a higher percentage of ICO 2026 had a longer maturity compared to
green bonds tightened more than their other bonds on the issuer yield curve, hence a
corresponding indices. 70% of individual greenium was indeterminate.
bonds tightened on the break (initiation
In USD, the most dramatic tightening was
of secondary market trading), which is the
experienced by Equinix 2028 (-36.2%),
same as H1 2020, but the lower relative
Metlife 2025 (28.7%), and CIBC 2025
numbers could be due to the strong
(-22.1%). The debut green bond from Metlife
dynamics in the primary market.
experienced a smaller book, but greater
In EUR 16 out of 32 bonds had tightened spread compression than vanilla equivalents,
against both their vanilla basket and and priced with a greenium. After 28 days, it
matched index after a week. SFIL 2028 had tightened by a larger percentage than its
(-20.8%), Ontario Teachers’ 2030 (-17.0%), vanilla basket and matched index. Like CIBC
and Stora Enso 2030 (-15.3%) all performed 2025 and Equinix 2028 mentioned above,
well compared to matched vanilla baskets this bond demonstrated value to both issuer
and indices. These three bonds were and investors.
among those that experienced larger
After 28 days, more EUR and USD green
oversubscription and spread compression
bonds had on average tightened by more
in the primary market compared to vanilla
than both vanilla baskets and corresponding
equivalents. Coincidentally, none of them
indices. Sixteen bonds from our EUR sample
had yield curves available so evidence of
tightened more than both baskets and
a greenium could not be determined, but
indices after both seven and 28-days. There
it seems that they are examples of green
is no obvious link between these bonds in
bonds offering benefits to both issuers and
terms of sector, maturity, credit rating, or
issue date.

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 18

7. Green bond ETFs On the remarkable growth of the Lyxor Green
Bond DR UCITS ETF, Francois Millet, Head of
ETFs experienced record net inflows of ETF Strategy, ESG, and Innovation at Lyxor
around USD763bn in 2020.9 Among over Asset Management remarked:
7,600 ETFs benefitting from this capital,
“Since its creation in 2017, our green bond ETF
there were six products designed to
grew along with the green bond market, to
replicate the performance of green bond
reach EUR500m assets under management
indices, five of which multiplied in size
in H2 2020. It tripled in size during the
during 2020. COVID-19 has sharpened
year thanks to demand from a diversified
the focus on sustainable investing. It
array of wealth and asset managers. As the
has become increasingly clear that the
investment universe has expanded by a factor
investment community has an important
of four since the fund’s inception, higher bond
role to play in directing capital to support a
diversification and fund size allowed the ETF
sustainable future.
to change status, gaining in index replication
The largest - and longest established - green accuracy and liquidity. The enhanced ETF
bond ETF is the Lyxor Green Bond DR UCITS primary market eco-system and secondary
which more than tripled in size in 2020. market volumes allowed for higher execution
Smaller funds such as the Franklin Liberty capacity. Liquidity made outstanding
Euro Green Bond ETF grew by over five progress, with bid-offer spreads compressing
times. The sharp growth in green bond ETFs from 30-32 bp at fund’s inception to 13-18bp
is contributing to the demand pressure in the in Q4 2020, and average daily volume
secondary market. multiplying by 20 since early 2019.”

ETF name Currency Index Launch Size at Total Total Total

date launch Assets Assets Assets
31st Dec 30th June 31st Dec
2019 2020 2020

Lyxor Green Bond DR EUR Solactive Green Bond February EUR5m EUR179m EUR320m EUR548.7m
UCITS ETF Index 2017

Van Eck Vectors Green USD S&P Green Bond Select March USD5m USD26m USD33m USD57m
Bond ETF Index 2017

iShares Global Green USD Bloomberg Barclays MSCI November USD25m USD43m USD82m USD156.5m
Bond ETF Global Green Bond Select 2018

UC MSCI European EUR Bloomberg Barclays November EUR20m EUR21m EUR22m EUR21m
Green Bond ETF MSCI European GB Issuer 2018
Capped EUR Index

Franklin Liberty Euro EUR Bloomberg Barclays MSCI April EUR10m EUR16m EUR29m EUR79.2m
Green Bond ETF Euro Green Bond Index 2019
Lyxor Green Bond ESG Solactive Green ESG Bond October EUR4m EUR4m EUR10m EUR20.2m
Screened EUR USD IG TR Index 2019

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 19

8. Spotlight: Auto sector green bonds drive off with a greenium

The need for and production of electric compression of 45bps. The 12-year was 2.5x covered, and 31 investors got involved.
vehicles (EV) are well understood and the more than five times oversubscribed and The green bond framework describes eligible
automobiles manufacturing (auto) sector tightened by 42.5bps. Both bonds priced projects as loans and leases to fund the
is well on the road to a complete transition inside the Volkswagen vanilla (conventional) purchase of sustainable passenger vehicles.
away from fossil fuel reliance.10 So far, only a yield curve driving off with a greenium. The
handful of auto manufacturers have issued green financing framework specified two Green investors are keen for
green bonds, and there is huge potential for sustainability projects: electric vehicles auto supply to move up a gear
more to come to the market. In Q3 2020, based on the modular electric drive toolkit
Volkswagen reported
four high profile auto companies issued (MEB) and charging instrastructure. The
that around 69% of the
debut green bonds to help finance their framework may later be extended to
8-year, and 74% of the
transitions away from Internal Combustion encompass other project categories.
12-year bond was
Engine (ICE) vehicles.
On September 30th, Volvo priced a allocated to socially
As confidence returned to the green bond EUR500m (USD556m) 7-year bond with responsible investors
new issue market in Q3 2020, there were Use of Proceeds described as investments with Daimler describing participation from
numerous examples of bonds achieving large and expenditures for the design, such investors as around two-thirds of the
oversubscriptions and spread compressions, development, and manufacturing of battery total. Volvo said that they also had high
and pricing through their yield curves electric vehicles (BEVs). The credit rating interest with the green arms of many of
exhibiting greenium. These included EUR of Volvo is in the high-BB category and the their regular accounts getting involved in the
benchmark deals from autos Daimler, order book was four times covered. The bond transaction, and that this demand pressure
Volkswagen, and Volvo. Smaller deals priced at par to yield 2.5% against initial had contributed to the success of the deal.  
came from Honda and Toyota in JPY, and price thoughts of 2.875%, which the primary
The Climate Bonds Green Bond European
Volvofinans Bank priced a three-tranche deal dealers described as flat to the estimated
Investor Survey noted that green bond
in SEK. fair value curve based on the company’s
investors wanted to diversify portfolios
outstanding notes. As the bond priced inside
Daimler was the first of the EUR trio to come heavily dominated by the utility, financial,
estimated fair value, it achieved a greenium
to the market, with a EUR1bn (USD1.1bn) 10- and real estate sectors.12 Further, results of
of 0.375%.11
year deal priced on 3rd September, just one the Climate Bonds Green Bond Treasurer
day after Germany debuted its EUR6.5bn Volvo is owned by Geely Holding Group survey highlighted that a more diverse
(USD7.2bn) green Bund. Daimler’s green (Geely), a Chinese auto company. Geely investor base was perceived as one of the
bond was 4.2 times oversubscribed and also owns the Zheijiang Geely London Taxi multiple benefits of issuing green bonds.13
achieved spread compression of 57.5bps Corp which was the third auto issuer to The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified
during bookbuilding. Since initiating primary come to the market in May 2016, (Toyota the contribution that the investment
market pricing analysis in 2016, we have only issued green ABS in 2014 and 2015, and community must make in improving the
seen one green bond with greater spread Hyundai came to the market in March quality and sustainability of life on our
compression than this (Prologis 2032 EUR 2016) with a 5-year deal to fund electric planet. Consequently, there has been much
priced June 2020 with spread compression taxi development. The bond was originally greater emphasis on investors committing to
of 67bps). These metrics suggest robust planned to be USD300m but when demand responsible investment strategies, including
investor appetite, and the bond priced inside reached eight times that amount, it was those involving green bonds. In addition to
its own yield curve. increased to USD400m. this, there is mounting evidence to suggest
that green bonds experience lower volatility
Daimler included clean transportation, Further afield, Honda Finance in Japan
in secondary markets, partly because the
energy efficiency, pollution prevention printed its first green bond on 4th
investor base is often heavily weighted
and control, and renewable energy as September, a JPY30bn (USD276m) 5-year.
towards the buy and hold category.
eligible project categories in the financing The proceeds were earmarked for hybrid
framework. Development and production vehicle leasing and loan businesses. Honda
of zero-emission vehicles such as battery- described the deal as being ‘well received’,
Green bonds signal a change of
electric (BEV) and fuel-cell electric vehicles with the order book reaching JPY100bn
lane for auto issuers
(FCEV) were highlighted as examples. (USD 1bn). They confirmed that they would The Climate Bonds Green
Daimler’s green bond framework specifies consider issuing more green bonds in the Bonds Database includes
a look back period of three years. The first future if they needed additional funds. 28 green bonds from
green bond is expected mainly to refinance the auto sector from
Toyota came to the market on the 9th of
existing projects, while subsequent deals will ten issuers, with a total
October with a JPY30bn (USD282.5m)
support new projects. current size of USD9.9
5-year deal. The proceeds were earmarked
bn.14 In a segment of the market
Volkswagen issued a pair of green bonds to refinance loans for hybrid electric vehicles
where investors are desperate to add
on the 16th of September, having delayed (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
sector diversification, they have all been
the planned launch from March to avoid (PHEVs), and fuel cell electric vehicles
very well received.
the COVID-19 chaos. The issue was split (FCEVs) accumulated during the preceding
between a EUR1.25bn (USD1.4bn) 8-year two years. But these represent a tiny fraction of the
and a EUR750m (USD834m) 12-year. The potential market. As of February 2021, there
Lastly, on November 11th, Volvofinans
8-year was the largest single green bond were 90 auto companies with 2465 bonds
Bank, owned by Swedish Volvo and Renault
from the auto sector to date, and was more outstanding amounting to USD719bn.15 The
dealers, issued a three-tranche green deal
than four times oversubscribed, with spread ten most prolific auto issuers are responsible
worth SEK1.5bn (USD300m). The book was

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 20

Pole position: VW is the largest issuer of auto green bonds

No. of outstanding 6 6
green bonds 5

2.5 1 1 1 1 1


Total green bonds USDbn



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for 87% of the total (USD624.0bn) divided is being funded by bonds categorised as automotive company to pledge to phase
among 2038 individual bonds. All the top ‘general corporate purposes’. In March 2020, out all ICE vehicle production by 2035.16
ten issuers (and most of the rest) have well it was reported that the largest automaker 17
USD20bn would more than double the
developed electric vehicle programmes in the US, General Motors (GM), had current investible opportunity set in the auto
underway, but only five out of the top ten committed USD20bn to developing EVs sector for green bond investors.
largest debt issuers have issued green bonds. over the next five years, and the company
In most cases electric vehicle development subsequently became the first US-based

Autos: The top ten bond issuers

Rank by USD Name Domicile Ticker Total bonds amount Total number Number of green bonds
amount out out USD bn of bonds

1 Volkswagen Germany VW 106.8 152 2

2 Toyota Japan TOYOTA 97.4 376 4 outstanding,

(3 further bonds have
been redeemed)

3 Daimler Germany DAIGR 86.3 184 1

4 Ford USA F 83.0 342 0

5 General Motors USA GM 64.9 157 0

6 BMW Germany BMW 62.8 114 0

7 Honda Japan HNDA 38.8 93 1

8 Renault France RENAUL 26.4 42 0

9 Nissan Japan NSANY 22.1 45 0

10/11 Hyundai Capital South Korea HYNMTR / 17.8/17.6 29/504 0/10

America/ Hyundai HYUCAP
1/1.14 -22.50
Capital Services

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 21

Green bond issuers Daimler and Volkswagen For example, the mining companies providing
Policy makers toot horns in both benefit from the clear policy support the rare-earths and lithium required for the
support of EVs of the German government. Germany batteries powering electric vehicles are well-
According to the IEA, the has stated multiple times it will build placed to take advantage of green definitions
stock of EVs on the road in back green, and in June 2020 announced for mining activities as they are developed.
2019 reached 7.2 million, enhanced policy measures to support the Companies processing raw materials such
compared to just 17,000 COVID-19 recovery including a doubling as manufacturing of steel and aluminium –
in 2010.18 With record of existing subsidies on EVs. Germany will the most common inputs into the body of a
sales in 2020 and double- also implement higher taxes for vehicles car – can similarly utilise emerging standards
digit growth rates in recent years, EVs are consuming high levels of petrol.24 In an and definitions for their industry to map
poised to overtake a large share of the global indication of similar potential, South Korea their eligible assets, projects and activities
automotive stock in the coming decades, recently announced measures to both extend against a prospective labelled bond issuance.
reaching a third by 2040.19,20 electric vehicle subsidies and increase the Whatever the label adopted, issuers will
budget as part of its green new deal. This need to show the requisite level of ambition
However, there are areas where
was combined with ambitious targets for the (i.e. alignment with sector-specific, Paris-
improvements are needed. Removing the
number of EVs on the road.25 Neighbouring aligned decarbonisation pathways) and
actual and perceived barriers to EV adoption
Japan’s government has also announced a action – not only pledges – as characterised
includes addressing the limitations related
target to eliminate all ICE vehicles by 2030, in emerging guidance and standards in the
to cost, charging infrastructure, and battery
which will likely pan out positively for the market, such as the Climate Bonds Transition
quality, capacity and recyclability. Ambitious
electrification plans of existing green bond Finance Principles.27
policy commitments have and continue to
issuers Honda and Toyota.26
play a crucial role for lowering these barriers Given the combination of required
and supporting the transition. investment to rapidly transition the auto
Steering the automotive industry to net zero, the broad policy
To drive down cost, many governments have industry from brown to green support, and strong investor demand for
introduced incentives such as tax breaks
Beyond car manufacturing, green bonds, we expect issuers from across
or purchase credits for companies and
the entire automotive the automotive value chain to help bring
individuals. Perhaps the most successful
value chain can benefit further depth and liquidity to the green bond
example is in Norway where policy
from the development of market in the next few years.28
intervention has brought the total cost of
green finance policies,
ownership (TCO) of a new EV below that of
standards and definitions
an ICE vehicle and boosted the share of EVs
in the context of a low-carbon transition. The
to just over half of the country’s overall car
robust investor demand for a more diverse
stock.21 China, the largest EV market, has
set of industry sectors is a positive backdrop
done this also at the city level with cities
for the potential entrance of entities
adopting entire fleets of electric buses as
such as raw material suppliers, materials
part of their public transportation networks –
processing companies, original equipment
partially funded by green bonds.22,23
manufacturers (OEMs) and car part makers,
car retailers and leasing and ride sharing
companies to enter the green bond market.

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 22

9. Conclusion

During the second half of 2020, USD178bn practicable for investors to achieve a well- over the next few years. In late October,
worth of green bonds were added to the diversified portfolio and facilitate more Japan’s new Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide
Climate Bonds Green Bonds Database, dedicated mandates. In the auto sector there announced its ambition to be carbon neutral
almost double that of H1. Green bonds were is enormous potential for growth given that by 2050.
issued in 24 currencies, and almost half the large manufacturers are committing
We expect growth out of the US given the
(46%) were EUR denominated. to low carbon transition strategies and are
Biden Administration’s commitment to
already active bond issuers. The tight pricing
H2 provided the strongest evidence to date tackle climate change. His administration
that we have seen in green auto bonds in H2
that green bonds can offer value to both has already demonstrated its determination
2020 suggests that there is unmet demand.
issuer and investor. Qualifying green bonds in by re-joining the Paris Agreement, and
EUR and USD again performed well compared The tighter pricing we have observed from with the appointment of a high profile,
to vanilla peers during book building. This our analysis suggests that more supply of experienced team. John Kerry has been
research highlights multiple examples green bonds is needed from all sources. given the job of Special Envoy on Climate
of bonds with decent primary dynamics The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted Change leading the international side, while
translating into the greenium and tightening the role the investment community can Gina McCarthy is the first White House
further in the immediate secondary market. play in a sustainable and green recovery National Climate Advisor concentrating on
We would expect this to persist as sources of and the policy narrative has placed a strong domestic policy.
demand continue to grow. emphasis on building back better. In late
Such commitments could galvanise a
September, Chinese President Xi Jinping
Germany’s twin bond structure provided substantial shift into green bonds by both
announced a target for China to become
the dream case study for demonstrating issuers and investors. Issuers will be inclined
carbon neutral before 2060 following
that there can be pricing benefits for to align themselves with these developments
dozens of other countries that have pledged
sovereign green bonds. Following this by transforming their operations and entities
similar goals. China is already the source of
example, governments around the world into climate compatible ones, and investors
the second largest amount of green bonds
should be encouraged to prioritise green will be encouraged to commit funds to green
(after the USA) with cumulative issuance of
expenditure knowing it is relatively cheaper investment strategies if there is a steady
USD130bn and this commitment will likely
and investors should commit more capital to supply of available paper. We note that
require multiples of that investment.29 The
green mandates. China, Japan, and the USA, three of the four
EU has committed to reach net zero by 2050
largest issuers of sovereign bonds, have yet to
It is encouraging to see a broader range and is combining this ambition with a digital
commit to issuing green sovereign bonds.30
of issuers committing to the green bond transition and post COVID-19 recovery.
market, from the non-financial sector In mid-September, European Commission
and an increasing number of sovereigns. President Ursula von der Leyen confirmed
A larger pool of issuers will make it more EU plans to issue EUR225bn in green bonds

EUR and USD remained the dominant currencies for labelled green bonds in H2 2020


EUR 56%
13% EUR
Included in analysis
5% 59%
Others Non-investment grade
4% Structure
Too small
1% Tap
8% 9% Others

USD 31% 54% USD

JPY 3%
AUD 2%
SGD 2%
CAD 1%
CHF 1%

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 23

In early December, the Climate Bonds Increased supply is urgently required and We started monitoring green bond pricing
Database breached the USD1tn milestone. anticipated. At Climate Bonds, we forecast in 2016, and after four years (the end of
While other data sources had already 2021 to produce a tenth consecutive green 2020), we had looked at 367 securities.
called this benchmark, the Climate Bonds finance record with a figure ranging from a As the profile of green bonds has evolved
Database only includes bonds with 100% low to high USD400bn-USD450bn in global in the intervening period, pricing dynamics
of net proceeds dedicated to green assets green bonds, loans and Sukuk. Social and have also been affected. We will continue to
or projects aligned with the Climate Bonds sustainability bonds are expected to deliver monitor the behaviour of green bonds in the
Taxonomy.31 The USD1tn mark is a symbolic USD250-300bn on top of that. primary and immediate secondary market.
achievement, but to put it into context,
This analysis is based on a limited number
the OECD estimates that the required
of green bonds, chosen according to the
investment for infrastructure alone is at
parameters outlined on page 29. Green
least USD6.3tn a year.32 Meanwhile, the IEA
bonds issued in other currencies, structures,
highlighted that total cumulative spending
formats, and sizes may perform differently
on renewable energy and energy efficiency
from those discussed in this paper.
to 2030 should increase to USD13.5tn.33

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 24

EUR summary statistics of bonds used for comparison
Bonds sharing similar characteristics to green bonds in our sample

Q3 Green bond priced between July 01 and September 30 Number Average Coupon Maturity Deal Size Pricing
of bonds (par weighted) (Years) EURbn date

Sparebanken Vest Boligkreditt AS 0.01% 28/06/2027 (CO) 1 0.01% 7 0.5 01-Jul

SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt AS 0.01% 22/09/2027 (CO) 1 0.01% 7 1 15-Sep

BPCE SFH 0.01% 10/11/2027 (CO) 1 0.01% 7 0.6 02-Sep

NE Property BV 3.38% 14/07/2027 1 3.38% 7 0.5 07-Jul

CTP BV 2.13% 01/10/2025 1 2.13% 5 0.65 24-Sep

BBB Real Estate 6-7 Years 3 1.72% 6.7 0.55 Jul-Aug

Berlin Hyp AG 0.01% 02/09/2030 (CO) 1 0.01% 10 0.5 21-Sep

Covered Bonds 10 Years 2 0.01% 10 1 Sep

Mediobanca Banca di Credito Fin. SpA 1% 08/09/2027 (SP) 1 1% 7 0.5 01-Sep

Commerzbank AG 0.375% 09/01/2027 (SP) 1 0.38% 7 0.75 24-Aug

Digital Dutch Finco BV 1% 15/01/2032 1 1.00% 12 0.75 14-Sep

American Tower Corp 1% 02/09/2020 1 1.00% 12 0.65 02-Sep

Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA 0.75% 24/07/2032 1 0.75% 12 0.5 17-Jul

National Grid Elect. Transmission 0.823% 07/07/2032 1 0.82% 12 0.75 02-Jul

Royal Schiphol Group NV 0.875% 08/09/2032 1 0.88% 12 0.5 01-Sep

Ryanair DAC 2.875% 15/09/2025 1 2.875% 5 0.85 08-Sep

Daimler AG 0.75% 10/09/2030 1 0.75% 10 1 03-Sep

Volkswagen International Finance NV 0.875% 22/09/2028 1 0.88% 8 1.25 16-Sep

Volkswagen International Finance NV 1.25% 23/09/2032 1 1.25% 12 0.75 16-Sep

Nissan Motor Co. 3.201% 17/09/2028 1 3.201% 8 0.75 11-Sep

ERG SPA 0.5% 11/09/2027 1 0.50% 7 0.5 04-Sep

National Grid Plc. 0.553% 18/09/2029 1 0.55% 9 0.5 11-Sep

Talent Yield Euro Ltd 1% 24/09/2025 1 1% 5 0.5 17-Sep

State Grid Overseas Inv. 0.797% 05/08/2026 1 0.797% 6 1 29-Jul

Global Switch Finance 1.375% 07/10/2030 1 1.375% 10 0.7 30-Sep

Koninklijke KPN NV 0.875% 14/12/2032 1 0.875% 12 0.6 07-Sep

Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau 0% 15/09/2028 1 0% 8 3 21-Jul

Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau 0% 17/09/2030 1 0% 10 3 27-Aug

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank 0% 22/09/2027 1 0% 7 1.75 15-Sep

Finnvera Plc 0% 15/09/2027 1 0% 7 1 08-Sep

Kommunekredit 0.125% 26/09/2040 1 0.125% 20 0.5 27-Aug

Regional Governments 20-Years 3 0.08% 20 0.5 Jul-Sep

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 25

Q4 Green bond priced between October 01 and December 31 Number Average Coupon Maturity Deal Size Pricing date
of bonds (par weighted) (Years) EURbn

Mizuho Financial Group Inc 0.21% 07/10/2025 1 0.214% 5 0.5 01-Oct

Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group 0.303% 28/10/2027 1 0.303% 7 0.5 28-Oct

Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel SA 0/1% 08/10/2027 (SP) 1 0.100% 7 0.75 01-Oct

Credit Mutuel Arkea 0.01% 28/01/2026 (SP) 1 0.010% 6 0.5 21-Oct

Kuntarahoitus Oyj 0% 14/10/2030 1 0.0% 10 0.5 06-Oct

Instituto de Credito Oficial 0% 30/04/2026 1 0.0% 6 0.5 21-Oct

Land Hessen 0% 08/11/2030 1 0.0% 10 1 02-Nov

Societe Du Grand Paris EPIC 0.7% 15/10/2060 1 0.7% 40 3 07-Oct

SSA 31-Years 2 0.8% 40 1.5 Oct/Nov

Societe Du Grand Paris EPIC 0% 25/11/2030 1 0.0% 10 3 07-Oct

Province of Ontario 0.01% 25/11/2030 1 0.01% 10 2.5 17-Nov

Bundesobligation 0% 10/10/2025 1 0.0% 5 5 04-Nov

UPM-Kymmene Oyj 0.13% 19/11/2028 1 0.125% 8 0.75 12-Nov

BBB Non-Financial Corporate 8-Years 2 0.37% 8 0.625 05&25-Nov

SFIL SA 0% 23/11/2028 1 0.0% 8 0.5 13-Nov

KfW 0% 15/12/2027 1 0.0% 7 3 13-Oct

TenneT Holding BV 0.5% 30/11/2040 1 0.5% 20 0.75 16-Nov

TenneT Holding BV 0.13% 30/11/2032 1 0.125% 12 0.6 16-Nov

BBB Utilities 12-Years 3 0.458% 12 0.5 Oct

Vinci SA 0% 27/11/2028 1 0.0% 8 0.5 18-Nov

Cie General Des Establissement (Michelin) 0% 26/10/2020 1 0.0% 8 0.5 02-Nov

Ontario Teachers’ Finance Trust 0.05% 25/11/2030 1 0.05% 10 0.75 19-Nov

Province of Quebec 0.0% 29/10/2030 1 0.00% 10 2.25 29-Oct

Svenska Handelsbanken AB 0.01% 02/12/2027 (SNP) 1 0.01% 7 0.5 25-Nov

Nykredit Realkredit AS 0.25% 13/01/2026 (SNP) 1 0.25% 6 0.75 12-Nov

Stora Enso Oyj 0.63% 02/12/2030 1 0.625% 10 0.5 25-Nov

Telia Company AB 0.125% 27/11/2030 1 0.125% 10 0.5 20-Nov

FLUVIUS System Operator CVBA 0.25% 02/12/2030 1 0.25% 10 0.6 25-Nov

A-BBB Utilities 10 Years 2 0.25% 10 0.5 Oct/Nov

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 26

USD summary statistics of bonds used for comparison
Bonds sharing similar characteristics to green bonds in our sample

Q3 Green bond priced between July 01 and September 30 Number Average Coupon Maturity Deal Size Pricing
of bonds (par weighted) USDbn date

Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV 1.85% 01/09/2032 1 1.85 12 0.705 26-Aug

Mars Inc. 1.625% 16/07/2032 1 1.625 12 0.7 13-Jul

Johnson Controls International plc 1.75% 15/09/2030 1 1.75 10 0.625 08-Sep

Roper Technologies Inc. 1.75% 15/02/2020 1 1.75 11 1 18-Aug

Saudi Electricity Global Sukuk Co 5 1.74% 17/09/2025 1 1.74 5 0.65 10-Sep

QIB Sukuk Ltd. 1.95% 27/10/2025 1 1.95 5 0.75 20-Oct

Saudi Electricity Global Sukuk Co 5 2.413% 17/09/2030 1 2.413 10 0.65 10-Sep

Dubai DOF Sukuk Ltd. 2.763% 09/09/2030 1 2.763 10 1.5 02-Sep

ENN Energy Holdings Ltd 2.625% 17/09/2030 1 2.625 10 0.75 10-Sep

State Grid Overseas Inv. 1.625% 05/08/2030 1 1.625 10 1.15 29-Jul

Verizon Communications Inc 1.5% 18/09/2030 1 1.5 10 1 16-Sep

Cox Communications 1.8% 10/09/2020 1 1.8 10 0.75 10-Sep

EDP Finance BV 1.71% 24/01/2028 1 1.71 8 0.85 17-Sep

Liberty Utilities Fin 2.05% 15/09/2030 1 2.05 10 0.6 16-Sep

BBB Utilities 10-Years 3 1.7 10 0.55 Aug-Sep

MTR Corp Ltd 1.625% 19/08/2030 1 1.625 10 1.2 12-Aug

A Transport & Logistics 10-Years 2 1.9 10 0.775 Jul-Aug

China Construction Bank Corp/Hong Kong 1% 04/08/2023 1 1 3 0.5 28-Jul

Ind. & Commercial Bank of China/Hong Kong 1% 20/07/2023 1 1 3 0.8 13-Jul

China Construction Bank Corp/Hong Kong 1.25% 04/08/2025 1 1.25 5 0.7 28-Jul

Ind. & Commercial Bank of China/Hong Kong 1.2% 20/07/2025 1 1.2 5 0.8 13-Jul

Prologis LP 1.25% 15/10/2030 1 1.25 10 0.75 06-Aug

Simon Property Group LP 2.65% 15/07/2030 1 2.65 10 0.75 06-Jul

China Merchants Bank Co Ltd/Hong Kong 1.2% 10/09/2025 1 1.2 5 0.8 02-Sep

A Chinese Banks 5-Years 2 1.2 5 0.9 02-03 Sep

QNB Finance Ltd 1.625% 22/09/2025 1 1.625 5 0.6 15-Sep

CBQ Finance Ltd. 2% 15/09/2025 1 2% 5 0.5 08-Sep

Metlife Global Funding 0.95% 02/07/2025 1 0.95 5 0.75 29-Jun

New York Life Global Funding 0.95% 24/06/2020 1 0.95 5 0.5 17-Jun

Continued to page 28

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 27

Q3 Green bond priced between July 01 and September 30 Number Average Coupon Maturity Deal Size Pricing
Continued from page 27 of bonds (par weighted) USDbn date

Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau 0.75% 30/09/2030 1 0.75% 10 2 18-Aug

Landwirtsch. Rentenbank 0.875% 03/09/2030 1 0.875% 10 1.5 25-Aug

European Investment Bank 0.75% 23/09/2030 1 0.75% 10 1.5 15-Sep

Supranational 10-Years 3 0.75% 10 1.6 Aug-Sep

Equinix Inc 1% 15/09/2025 1 1 5 0.7 23-Sep

BBVA Bancomer SA Texas 1.875% 18/09/2025 1 1.875% 5 0.5 15-Sep

Equinix Inc 1.55% 15/03/2028 1 1.55 8 0.65 23-Sep

American Tower Corp 1.875% 15/10/2030 1 1.875% 10 0.8 23-Sep

Q4 Green bond priced between October 01 and December 31 Number Average Coupon Maturity Deal Size Pricing
of bonds (par weighted) USDbn date

Union Electric Co 2.625% 15/03/2051 1 2.625% 31 0.55 01-Oct

Berkshire Hathaway Energy 2.85% 05/15/2051 1 2.850% 31 1.5 27-Oct

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 0.95% 23/10/2025 1 0.95% 5 0.5 19-Oct

Allstate Corp 0.75% 15/12/2025 1 0.75% 5 0.6 19-Nov

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 28

This paper includes labelled green bonds Comparable baskets include bonds issued in Endnotes
issued during H2 2020. Labelled green the same quarter as the subject green bond. 2. As of 31st December 2020
bonds meeting the following specifications Comparable bonds must fit the parameters 3. Harrison C., Muething L., and Tukiainen K. Green Bond Treasurer
Survey, Climate Bonds Initiative, April 2020
are included: described above except that they are not 4. Harrison, C., and Muething, L., Sovereign Green, Social, and
labelled and the use of proceeds is not Sustainability Bond Survey, Climate Bonds Initiative, January 2021
• Announcement date between 5. Primary market yields are Bundesbank reference prices from
explicitly green. Baskets comprise the closest Frankfurt Stock exchange. Secondary market yields are Bloomberg’s
01/07/2020 and 31/12/2020 conventional ask
possible matches based on the following 6. Bloomberg volatility data
• Currency: EUR or USD considerations in order of priority: a) 7. More work needs to be done over a longer time horizon, and
with a larger number of securities to determine the credibility of
currency, b) market type (EM/DM/Sukuk), this data with regards to sovereign GSS bonds. Ulf G Erlandsson of
• Benchmark size i.e. >= USD500m
c) no other thematic label d) seniority e) Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute has written on the topic of
green bond secondary market volatility by https://anthropocenefii.
• Investment grade rated maturity, f) credit rating and g) sector, org/afii-research
8. This spotlight was kindly reviewed by Anastasiya Ostrovnaya,
among bonds issued in the same quarter. If
• Minimum term to maturity of three years Imperial College, London.
corresponding bonds cannot be found, best 9.
at issue c8dae0c2b037
efforts are made to find suitable alternatives 10. Bloomberg Industry Classification System (BICS) is used to
• Consistent with the Climate Bonds from the available sample. The resulting determine the sector of economic risk
11. There were insufficient comparable bonds to construct a yield
Taxonomy and included in the Climate baskets are a proxy for how the money could curve for Volvo.
Bonds Green Bond Database have been invested in the same quarter european-investor-survey-2019
in which the green bond was issued. The 13.
Amortising, perpetual, floating-rate, and treasurer-survey-2020
number of bonds in each basket ranges from 14. Climate Bonds Green Bond database as of 11/02/2021
other non-vanilla structures were excluded.
one to three bonds. We acknowledge that 15. Bloomberg 11/02/2021
These parameters are designed to capture 16.
bonds behave differently depending on when billion-on-new-electric-autonomous-vehicles.htmlhttps://
the most liquid portion of the market
they are issued and that geo-political events
while not limiting the diversity of data.
can affect bond prices from one day to the nment%2f2021%2f01%2f28%2fgeneral-motors-electric%2f
All historical data is based on asset swap 17.
next. This proxy was designed to circumvent
spreads for EUR denominated bonds. USD
the fact that vanilla bonds and green bonds nment%2f2021%2f01%2f28%2fgeneral-motors-electric%2f
bonds are compared to a US treasury curve. 18.
with similar characteristics are rarely issued global-electric-vehicle-fleet-expanded-significantly-over-the-last-
All historical data is from Refinitiv EIKON. decade-underpinned-by-supportive-policies-and-technology-
on the same day. advances
28. Written with contributions from Krista Tukiainan and Michelle
29. Climate Bonds Green Bond Database 01/02/2021
30. The UK is the third largest issuer of sovereign bonds and had
committed to issuing a green bond
31. The minimum threshold for green projects was increased to
from 95% to 100% on 1st October 2020. All bonds issued prior
to that were evaluated for inclusion based on at least 95% of the
proceeds being allocated to projects in compliance with the green
definitions set out in the Climate Bonds Database Methodology.”
32. policy-highlights-financing-climate-futures.pdf (
33. IEA 2015a

Climate Bonds Initiative © March 2021

Lead author: Caroline Harrison
Contributors: Michelle Horsfield, Suggested citation: Harrison, C., Green Bond If you would like to discuss this paper in more
Krista Tukiainen, and Anastasiya Ostrovnaya Pricing in the Primary Market H2 2020, Climate detail please contact:
(Imperial College, London) Bonds Initiative, March 2021

Editor: Bridget Boulle

Design: Godfrey Design

Disclaimer: The information contained in this communication does not constitute investment advice in any form and the Climate Bonds Initiative is not an investment adviser. Any reference to a financial organisation or
investment product is for information purposes only. Links to external websites are for information purposes only. The Climate Bonds Initiative accepts no responsibility for content on external websites.
The Climate Bonds Initiative is not endorsing, recommending or advising on the merits or otherwise of any investment or investment product and no information within this communication should be taken as such, nor
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A decision to invest in anything is solely yours. The Climate Bonds Initiative accepts no liability of any kind, for any investment an individual or organisation makes, nor for any investment made by third parties on behalf of
an individual or organisation, based in whole or in part on any information contained within this, or any other Climate Bonds Initiative public communication.

Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: July - December 2020 29

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