Iot Based Automatic Plant Growth Monitoring and Irrigation Control System

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Mini project on:

IOT Based Plant Growth Monitoring

and Irrigation Control System

Submitted By:

Bharani Sripriya Vemula-17251A1733

Bandi Greeshma-17251A1703

P Dheeksha Reddy-17251A1722

Internal Guide:

Mrs. V Anitha

Assistant Professor

Date: 16, February 2021

This is to certify that the Mini Project report entitled “IOT BASED PLANT GROWTH


P.DHEEKSHA with Roll no.17251A1722 in partial fulfilment of the award of B.Tech in

Electronics and Telematics Engineering, to the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,

Hyderabad is a record of bonafide work carried out by her under our guidance and supervision in

the academic year 2020- 2021 .

Internal Guide Head of Department

Ms. V. Anitha Dr. K. Rama Linga Reddy

Assistant Professor Professor and HOD

Department of ETM Department of ETM


I wish to express my profound gratitude and sincere thanks to my Internal Guide Ms. V.

Anitha Assistant Professor, Department of ETM, GNITS for his encouragement, valuable

suggestions, and valuable guidance in carrying out this work. Her meticulous supervision at each

phase of the work inspired me greatly.

I wish to express my gratitude to Dr. K. Rama Linga Reddy, Professor and HOD Department
of ETE, GNITS for his constant support and encouragement at all stages of this work.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to our principal Mr. K. Ramesh Reddy, for providing the
necessary facilities in the college for completion of this project work.
Special thanks to the Mini Project Review Committee members for their cooperation.

Finally, I would like to thank all the faculty members, supporting staff of ETM Dept, my friends
and family members for their cooperation and wishes towards successful completion of this
project work.

Agriculture plays vital role in the development of agricultural country like India. Issues
concerning agriculture have been always hindering the development of the country. The only
solution to this problem is smart agriculture by modernizing the current traditional methods of
agriculture. Hence the proposed method aims at making agriculture smart using automation and
IoT technologies. Internet of Things (IoT) enables various applications crop growth monitoring
and selection, irrigation decision support, etc. Therefore, a node MCU based automation
irrigation is proposed to modernize and improves productivity of the crop. main aim of this work
to crop development at low quantity water consumption, in order to focus on water available to
the plants at the required time, for that purpose most of the farmers waste lot time in the fields.
An efficient management of water should be developed and the system circuit complexity to be
reduced. The proposed system is developed based on the information sent from the sensors and
estimate the quantity of water needed. Two sensors are used to get data about the humidity, the
temperature, and the duration of sunshine per day and send it to data station. The proposed
system based on these values would calculate the water quantity required for irrigation of crop.
The major advantage of this system is implementing of Precision Agriculture (PA) with cloud
computing, which will optimize the usage of water fertilizers while maximizing the yield of the
crops and will help in analysing the weather conditions of the field. The system is fully
functional, and the prediction results are very encouraging. Moreover,With the data that has been
gathered related to the height of plants and further implementation in techology and procedures
weeds can be easily detected and removed.Also unwanted plants grown between the healthy
plants can be removed

1. Mongrel Islam Pavel, Syed Mohammad Abruzzian and Sandman Shakib Hasan.
CONTENT”. This paper authors proposed an automated irrigation mechanism which turns
the pumping motor ON and OFF on detecting the moisture content of the earth. In the domain
of farming, utilization of appropriate means of irrigation is significant. The benefit of
employing these techniques is to decrease human interference and still make certain
appropriate irrigation.
2. Sandeep reddy. B1, Supriya. G1, Keerthana.P1, Akhil.M1,S.Rajsekaran2. “IOT
ANDTEMPERATURE”. This above author explained in this paper about Contamination of
water resources has become a common problem. The usual methods of water quality
observations involve the collection of water sample manually from varies spots. Such
approaches are time killing and no longer considered to be efficient. The previous methods of
water quality detection were time consuming, low precision and costly to reduce and
overcome the above issues, a low-cost water quality monitoring system is builded and
designed that can observe water quality in real time using IOT.
3. A. Pravin1*, T. Prem Jacob2 and P. Asha3 “ENHANCEMENT OF PLANT
MONITORING USING IOT”. In this paper, it explains how IOT plays the main role in
enhancement of plant monitoring. Most of the area the major problem is the water scarcity
because of low rainfall and even though there is rainfall the water is wasted because of no
proper arrangement for the storage of water. Many techniques are proposed in IoT in terms of
providing a better irrigation to the crop. The condition of the crop whether the crop is affected
by any set of disease and what is the impact of that on the crop. The alternate solution can be
identified by the farmers itself if they are equipped with a system that can provide the details
about the disease and the affected percentage. By this method we come to know the complete
condition of the plant monitor by the using of microcontroller, we get the information about
the soil moisture level , water level and the level of the plant growth. the farmer come to
know about plant if plant growth is good and efficient it is handled by the farmers in the field
it gives farmers in the field it gives better improvement of the plant.

4. Vanitha, Mr.D. Deepak UG Student, Assistant professor. “AUTOMATIC FIELD

IRRIGATION SETUP USING MATLAB”. In this papers the author explains automatic
irrigation process to know the levels of soil moisture, temperature, water level and humidity.
In the plant monitoring system, it monitors the plant and growth of the plant. It observes the
all the conditions surroundings of the plants that moisture levels, temperature, and the
humidity. By using the micro controllers check soil level, temperature of the soil. Specified
values are taken to the microcontrollers compared to the measured values. This taken by the
help of MATLAB software to dump the program to microcontrollers. If measured vales are
equal or more than the specified values water pump at turns OFF condition if not the pump
turns ON and it verify with specified values. It makes better growth of plant and controlling
of water by smart irrigation.

5. K. Krishna Kishore, M. H. Sai Kumar. “AUTOMATIC I RRIGATION SYSTEM FOR

Irrigation system, depending upon the soil type, water is provided to plant. The greenhouse
based modern agriculture industries are the recent requirement in every part of agriculture in
India. In this technology, the humidity and temperature of plants are precision the main
objective of the present paper is to develop a smart wireless sensor network (WSN) for an
agricultural environment. Monitoring agricultural environment for various factors such as soil
moisture, temperature, and humidity along with other factors can be of significance. A
traditional approach to measure these factors in an agricultural environment meant individuals
manually taking measurements and checking them at various times. This paper investigates a
remote monitoring system using RF module. These nodes send data wirelessly to a central
server, which collects the data, stores it and will allow it to be analysed then displayed as
needed and can also be sent to the client mobile. A. Pravin1*, T. Prem Jacob2 and P. Asha3
how IOT plays the main role in enhancement of plant monitoring. Most of the area the major
problem is the water scarcity because of low rainfall and even though there is rainfall the
water is wasted because of no proper arrangement for the storage of water. Many techniques
are proposed in IoT in terms of providing a better irrigation to the crop. The condition of the
crop whether the crop is affected by any set of disease and what is the impact of that on the
crop. The alternate solution can be identified by the farmers itself if they are equipped with a
system that can provide the details about the disease and the affected percentage. By this
method we come to know the complete condition of the plant monitor by the using of
microcontroller, we get the information about the soil moisture level , water level and the
level of the plant growth. the farmer come to know about plant if plant growth is good and
efficient it is handled by the farmers in the field it gives better improvement of the plant.

6. K. Krishna Kishore, M. H. Sai Kumar. “AUTOMATIC I RRIGATION SYSTEM FOR

Irrigation system, depending upon the soil type, water is provided to plant. The greenhouse
based modern agriculture industries are the recent requirement in every part of agriculture in
India. In this technology, the humidity and temperature of plants are precisely controlled. Due
to the variable atmospheric circumstances these conditions sometimes may vary from place to
place in large farmhouse, which makes very difficult to maintain the uniformity at all the
places in the farmhouse manually. The main objective of the present paper is to develop a
smart wireless sensor network (WSN) for an agricultural environment. Monitoring
agricultural environment for various factors such as soil moisture, temperature, and humidity
along with other factors can be of significance. A traditional approach to measure these
factors in an agricultural environment meant individuals manually taking measurements and
checking them at various times. This paper investigates a remote monitoring system using RF
module. These nodes send data wirelessly to a central server, which collects the data, stores it
and will allow it to be analysed then displayed as needed and can also be sent to the client

7. Srishti Rawal Department of Computer Science, VIT University. “IOT BASED SMART
IRRIGATION SYSTEM”. In this paper Automation of farm activities can transform
agricultural domain from being manual and static to intelligent and dynamic leading to higher
pro duction with lesser human supervision. In this proposes an automated irrigation system
which monitors and maintains the desired soil moisture content via automatic watering. The
setup uses soil moisture sensors which measure the exact moisture level in soil. This value
enables the system to use appropriate quantity of water which avoids over/under irrigation.
IOT is used to keep the farmers updated about the status of sprinklers. Also, the sensor
readings are transmitted to a Thing speak channel to generate graphs for analysis.

1.1. Objectives of Project

There are various methods in the field of agriculture. To yield a better crop the farmer needs to
monitor them continuously and vigorously. By enhancing IOT and smart automation, we are in a
diminutive mode in implementation of a smart agriculture. Therefore, a Node MCU based
automation irrigation is proposed to modernize the productivity of the crop. There are sensors
which are established, where their function is to monitor the given plant or crop with required
water levels, moisture levels, temperature, height and humidity so that the crop is raised in an
efficient way. The major advantage of this proposed system is implementation of Precision
Agriculture (PA) with cloud control that will optimize the usage of water and liquid fertilizers
while maximizing the yield of crops and also helps in analysing the weather conditions of the

1.2. Introduction

Agriculture plays a vital role in the development of our country’s economy. With rising
population, there is a need for increased agricultural production. To support greater production in
farms, the requirement of the amount of freshwater used in irrigation also rises. Currently,
agriculture accounts 63% of the total consumption of water in India. Unplanned use of water
inadvertently results in wastage of water. This suggests that there is an urgent need to develop
systems that prevent water wastage without imposing pressure on farmers. From the past 19
years, farmers started using computers and software systems to organize their financial data and
keep track of their transactions with third parties and monitor their crops more effectively. In the
Internet era, where information plays a main role in people's lives, agriculture is rapidly
becoming a very data intensive industry where farmers need to collect and evaluate a huge
amount of information from a diverse number of devices (e.g., sensors, faming machinery etc.)
to become more efficient in production and communicating appropriate information. 1.1.1
India’s Agriculture Sector India ranks 2nd worldwide in farm output. Agriculture and allied
sectors like forestry and fisheries accounted for 15.4% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Production)
in 2019 and employed 50% of the workforce. The irrigation infrastructure includes a network of
canals from rivers, ground water, well based systems, tanks and other rainwater harvesting
products for agriculture activities. Today ground system is the largest, covering – 160 million ha
of cultivated land in India with 39 million ha irrigated by ground water, 22 million ha by
irrigated canals and about two third of cultivation in India is still depending on monsoon. India is
the world’s largest producer of fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, major spices, various crops such
as jute, staples such as millets and castor oil seed. It is also the second largest producer of wheat
and rice. The average size of the around 138 million farms was around 1.15 ha in 2010/11 and
average size of large-scale farmers’ farms (170.000) is around 37 ha in 2016 (BMEL India
country report 2016). Agricultural extension has only one extension worker per 800-1000
farmers and degree of mechanization reaches less than 50% (BMEL India country report 2016).
Indicators of water stress and scarcity are generally used to reflect the overall water availability
in a country or a region. As per the international norms, a country is classified as water stressed
and water scarce if per capita water availability goes below 1700 m3 and 1000m3, respectively.
With 1544 m3 per capita water availability, India is already a water-stressed country and is
moving towards turning into water scarce.

1.2.1. Droughts and their impact

1. Droughts have major impacts on economy, environment and society affecting crops,
irrigation, livestock, wildlife, soil, health problems, public safety ultimately leading to
severe loss to human life. Drought in India has resulted in millions of deaths over the course
of the past few years.
2. The period between 1950 and 1989 had 10 drought years, while there have been 5 droughts
in the last 16 years (since 2000). The latest findings suggest that while there have been
alternate dry and wet spells over the past three decades, the frequency of occurrence of
drought years has significantly increased in India. According to meteorologists the
frequency is set to increase between 2020 and 2049.
3. Indian agriculture is mainly dependent on the local climate, favourable southwest summer
monsoon is critical in securing water for irrigating crops. In some parts of India, the lack of
monsoons results in water shortages, resulting in below-average crop yields.
4. This particularly occurs in major drought-prone regions such as Andhra Pradesh (South-
eastern coast of India), Southern and Eastern Maharashtra (Western India), Northern
Karnataka (South-Western India), Odisha (Eastern coast of India), Telangana (South-eastern
coast of India) and Rajasthan (Western India).
5. Droughts have less water availability for agriculture than usage. Groundwater should
Increase use during droughts can help overcome such critical periods. However, the
resulting groundwater overuse and quality deterioration mean there is also less groundwater
available for agriculture than there was before, thereby causing even more pressure on
agricultural production. The main point of consideration is that all the above-mentioned
impacts must be critically considered during planning and responding to drought conditions.
To overcome all this, here we introduce an idea of a smart agriculture method to use by all the
farmers. Continuous increasing demand of food requires rapid improvement in food production
technology. It is a simple, precise method for a country like India, where the economy is mainly
based on irrigation.
1. It also helps in time saving, removal of human agriculture and as the climatic conditions are
isotropic, still there is an error in adjusting to the available soil moisture levels and hence we
are not able to make full use of agricultural resources and maximize their net profits.
2. The proposed system helps the farmers in terms of high self-help compatibility and will
reduce the initial capital cost. There are many disadvantages found in manual irrigation
3. It includes very basic and creates a lot of work in a large field. Labour intensive, farmers
need very basic training to install and use the proper and effective method. IV. If the
pumping water is not properly refined out and the equipment used is not properly
maintained, it can result in clogging. Automatic land irrigation system overcomes these
1.3 Types of Irrigation

There are many types of non-technical irrigation methods some of them are

● Surface irrigation.

● Drip irrigation.

● Sprinkler irrigation.

● Centre pivot irrigation

● Sub irrigation

1.3.1 Surface Irrigation

Surface irrigation is applied and distributed over the soil surface by gravity. It is by far the most
common form of irrigation throughout the world and has been practiced in many areas virtually
unchanged for thousands of years. Surface irrigation is often referred to as flood irrigation,
implying that the water distribution is uncontrolled and therefore, inherently inefficient. Some of
the irrigation practices grouped under this name involve a significant degree of management (for
example surge irrigation). Surface irrigation comes in three major types: level basin, furrow, and
border strip. The process of surface irrigation can be described using four phases. As water is
applied to the top end of the field, it will flow or advance over the field length.

The advance phase refers to that length of time as water is applied to the top end of the field and
flows or advances over the field length. After the water reaches the end of the field it will either
run-off or start to pond. The period between the end of the advance phase and the shut-off of the
inflow is termed the wetting, ponding or storage phase. As the inflow ceases the water will
continue to runoff and infiltration until the entire field is drained. The depletion phase is that
short period of time after cut-off when the length of the field is still submerged. The recession
phase describes the time period while the waterfront is retreating towards the downstream end of
the field. The depth of water applied to any point in the field is a function of the opportunity time
length of time for which water is present on the soil surface.

Fig 1.1. Surface irrigation

1.3.2 Drip Irrigation
Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation system that has the potential to save water and
nutrients by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants, either from above the soil
surface or buried below the surface. The goal is to place water directly into the root zone and
minimize evaporation.
Drip irrigation systems distribute water through a network of valves, pipes, tubing, and emitters.
Depending on how well designed, installed, maintained, and operated it is, a drip irrigation
system can be more efficient than other types of irrigation systems, such as surface irrigation or
sprinkler irrigation.
Fig 1.2. Drip Irrigation
1.3.3 Sprinkler Irrigation

An irrigation sprinkler (also known as a water sprinkler or simply a sprinkler) is a device used to
irrigate agricultural crops, lawns, landscapes, golf courses, and other areas. They are also used
for cooling and for the control of airborne dust. Sprinkler irrigation is the method of applying
water in a controlled manner in way like rainfall. The water is distributed through a network that
may consist of pumps, valves, pipes, and sprinklers.
Irrigation sprinklers can be used for residential, industrial, and agricultural usage. It is useful on
uneven land where sufficient water is not available as well as on sandy soil. The perpendicular
pipes, having rotating nozzles on top, are joined to the main pipeline at regular intervals of time.
When water can flow through the main pipe under pressure with the help of pump it, escapes
from the rotating nozzles. It gets sprinkled on the crop. In sprinkler or overhead irrigation, water
is piped to one more central location within the field and distributed by overhead high-pressure
sprinklers or guns.
Fig 1.2. Sprinkler Irrigation

1.2.4 Centre Pivot Irrigation

Centre-pivot irrigation, also called waterwheel and circle irrigation, is a method of crop irrigation
in which equipment rotates around a pivot and crops are watered with sprinklers. A circular area
centred on the pivot is irrigated, often creating a circular pattern in crops when viewed from
above. Most centre pivots were initially water-powered, however today most are propelled by
electric motors.
Centre pivot irrigation is a form of overhead sprinkler irrigation consisting of several segments of
pipe (usually galvanized steel or aluminium) with sprinklers positioned along their length, joined
together, and supported by trusses, and mounted on wheeled towers. The machine moves in a
circular pattern and is fed with water from the pivot point at the centre of the circle.
For a centre pivot to be used, the terrain needs to be reasonably flat; but one major advantage of
centre pivots over alternative systems that use gravity flow is the ability to function in undulating
country. This advantage has resulted in increased irrigated acreage and water use in some areas.
The system is in use, for example, in parts of the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and
Brazil and also in desert areas such as the Sahara and the Middle East.
Fig 1.4. Centre Pivot Irrigation

1.2.5 Sub Irrigation

Subirrigation also known as seepage irrigation, is a method of irrigation where water is delivered
to the plant root zone. The excess may be collected for reuse. Subirrigation is used in growing
field crops such as tomatoes, peppers, and sugar cane in areas with high water tables such as
Florida and in commercial greenhouse operations.
Three basic types of subirrigation system are in general use for potted plants in greenhouses: ebb-
and flow (bench-mounted enclosures holding pots are filled and then drained); trough (water is
flowed through bench-mounted, slightly sloping enclosures containing pots); and flooded floor
(special sloped concrete flooring is flooded and drained).
Greenhouse subirrigation has been growing in popularity since the 1990s. Advantages are water
and nutrient conservation, and labour-saving. The outfitting cost is relatively high. Potential
problems, such as the possibility of increased presence of disease in recycle water, have only
begun to be investigated. One of the disadvantages of sub-irrigated closed systems, such like
Earth Boxes and sub irrigated planters, is that soluble salts cannot be flushed into the lower soil
profile and build up over time.
Fig 1.5. Sub Irrigation


2.1. Basic Block diagram

Power supply(+5V)

Node MCU
and Humidity
Raindrop software
Fig 2.1.block diagram

From the above block diagram, we can know that the input values are taken from the sensors
which measures the crop conditions and gives the information to the microcontroller.
This information to the microcontroller will be read and this compares the sensed values to the
fixed reference values. If they are within the range, then it sends a message to user what are the
values of temperature, humidity and moisture level of soil. If those sensed values are not within
the range then it sends a information to switch on the pump motor to pour water.
It takes the water till the reference values given to it reaches and when they are within the range
then it sends and information to switch off the motor. Additional to that we are using ultrasonic
sensors to detect the height of the growing plant, this gives the complete monitoring of the plant.
We also provide pesticides to plant based on the height grown by plant and delay or time
required to the plant according to its required considerations. This process helps in efficient
growth of plant.



NodeMCU is a firmware with a development board containing 16 pin and featured with Wi-
Fi___33 capability, analog pins, digital pins, and serial communication protocols. Many Arduino
boards support the connection link with the Wi-Fi while NodeMCU has ESP8266 Wi-Fi module
embedded on its microcontroller chip.
Fig.2.2. NodeMCU

DHT11 sensor is used here, as it is most used cost-effective digital humidity and temperature
sensor. It employs a thermistor to measure surrounding temperature and sends a digital signal the
data pin of Node MCU.

fig 2.2. DHT 11 Sensor


An ultrasonic sensor is an electronic device that measures the distance of a target object by
emitting ultrasonic sound waves and converts the reflected sound into an electrical
signal. Ultrasonic waves travel faster than the speed of audible sound (i.e. the sound that humans
can hear).It is around 340 m/s.
Fig 2.3. Ultrasonic

This is particularly important in countries that face food shortages. In our system we are using
liquid pesticides to pour at the point of plant for the healthy growth of it, when the plant reaches
its allowable growth of taking pesticides. Here we are storing the liquid pesticides or water in a
tank and dipped a motor in it to outlet the pesticide/water when required. Based on the height,
temperature and humidity measured by the controller using the above method this method is
allowed to act. Then the measured parameters are compared with the reference parameters and
based on the condition it gives the information to the motor which is dipped in tank to act
(whether to ON/OFF ).

Fig 2.4. Motor


Raindrop Sensor is a tool used for sensing rain. It consists of two modules, a rain board that
detects the rain and a control module, which compares the analog value, and converts it to a
digital value. The raindrop sensors can be used in the automobile sector to control the windshield
wipers automatically, in the agriculture sector to sense rain and it is also used in home
automation systems.
Fig 2.5. Raindrop sensor


Blynk is a Platform with iOS and Android apps to control Arduino, NodeMCU and the likes over
the Internet. It's a digital dashboard which enables us to assemble a graphical interface for your
project by simply dragging and dropping widgets. In this project we use a virtual LCD widget for
displaying moisture level and temperature of the surroundings. Button widget is used in to switch
ON and OFF the water supply through this application.

Fig 2.6. Blynk app


Fig 2.7. Circuit Diagram

The soil moisture sensor is connected to A0 of Nodemcu and DHT11 to D4 Pin. The motor is
connected to Relay. The relay is controlled using the D5 Pin of NodeMCU. The OLED display is
connected to the I2C pin of NodeMCU. The Motor and Relay are powered using 5V via Vin pin
of NodeMCU. The DHT11 Sensor, Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor, and OLED Display is
powered using 3.3V Supply only.

3.1 Introduction

This chapter tells us the hardware requirements of our system to perform all the above
operations. By using these hardware components, we are going to build a system which is used to
function all the above-mentioned requirements like Automatic Irrigation, plant height
monitoring, pesticide control and water level in our tank. All the components were connected
through the microcontroller using jump wires Here by using these input components (i.e.
ultrasonic sensor, temperature sensor ,soil moisture and IR sensor) we are sensing the parameters
and gives them to microcontroller ,this microcontroller analyses and compare those sensed values
to reference values and sends the signal to the output components (i.e. water pump pest
pump).We can say that the microcontroller (Node MCU ) is one of the main heart component of
the system, which receives the data ,analyses the data and also sends the data according to the
conditions given.


1. Node MCU

2. Mini Submersible Pumps

3. DHT 11 Sensor

4. Ultrasonic Sensor

5. Jump wires

6. Bread Board

3.2.1. Elements of a microcontroller

The core elements of a microcontroller are:

● Processor - A processor can be thought of as the brain of the device. It processes and
responds to various instructions that direct the microcontroller's function. It also perfor
data transfer operations, which communicate commands to other components in the
larger embedded system. This involves performing basic arithmetic, logic and I/O
● Memory - A microcontroller memory is used to store the data that the processor receives
and uses to respond to instructions that it's been programmed to carry out. A
microcontroller has two different memory types: Program memory, which stores long-
term information about the instructions that the CPU carries out. Program memory is
non-volatile memory, meaning it holds information over time without needing a power
source. Data memory, which is required for temporary data storage while the instructions
are being executed. Data memory is volatile, meaning the data it holds is temporary and
is only maintained if the device is connected to a power source.
● I/O peripherals - The input and output devices are the interface for the processor to the
outside world. The processor receives that data and sends the necessary instructions to
output devices that execute tasks external to the microcontroller. The input ports receive
information and send it to the processor in the form of binary data.

3.2.2. Mini submersible pipes and motor

This DC 3-6 V Mini Micro Submersible Water Pump is a low cost, small size Submersible Pump
Motor which can be operated from a 2.5 ~ 6V power supply. It can take up to 120 liters per hour
with a very low current consumption of 220mA. Just connect tube pipe to the motor outlet,
submerge it in water and power it.

Features & Specifications.

1. Operating Voltage: 2.5 ~ 6V
2. Operating Current: 130 ~ 220mA
3. Flow Rate: 80 ~ 120 L/H
4. Maximum Lift: 40 ~ 110 mm
5. Outlet Outside Diameter: 7.5 mm
6. Outlet Inside Diameter: 5 mm

Here in our system, we are using Ultrasonic sensor for sensing the height of the plant. This
sensor contains a trigger and echo which sends and receives the signals for measuring the height.
The Trigger sends the signal or wave pulse from it, that signal going on travelling until it is
disturbed by an obstacle, here obstacle is our object which we are going to measure .And when
the signal is disturbed then it starts travelling backwards in same direction which is received by
echo. This phenomenon is used in ultrasonic sensor for measuring the distance of a object. Here
the distance is measured by the simple formula” [ Distance = Speed * Time]”, the distance
travelled by the signal to reach the object and return to the sensor we take it as distance

As the speed of the signal to reach the object and return to the sensor and time taken for signal to
reach the object from sensor and return to sensor from object, these things are used to measure
the distance of the object. Distance measured = (speed of ultrasonic sound wave) * (time taken
by it to reach the object and back to sensor) Distance measured = (340m/sec) *( time taken will
depend upon the distance of object) Time taken for a signal is directly proportional to the
distance of the object from sensor, if the distance is more the time taken will be more and vice
versa. An ultrasonic sensor transmits pressure waves of sound energy at frequencies between 25
and 50 MHz, which is above the human audible range.

For DHT11 Sensor

1 Vcc Power supply 3.5V to 5.5V

2 Data Outputs both Temperature and Humidity through serial Data

3 NC No Connection and hence not used

4 Ground Connected to the ground of the circuit


Irrigation is the process of supplying water to the land at the land at regular intervals by means
of canals and other artificial methods, to enhance agricultural growth and maintain the landscape
during the periods of less average rainfall. An automatic irrigation system does the operation of a
system without requiring manual involvement of persons. Every irrigation system such as drip,
sprinkler and surface get automated with the help of electronic appliances and detectors such as
computers, timers, sensors, and other mechanical devices. The DHT sensors are made of two
parts, a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor. There is also a very basic chip inside
that does some analog to digital conversion and spits out a digital signal with the temperature and
humidity. The digital signal is easy to read using any microcontroller.


A jump wire (also known as jumper, jumper wire, jumper cable, DuPont wire or cable) is
an electrical wire, or group of them in a cable, with a connector or pin at each end (or sometimes
without them – simply "tinned"), which is normally used to interconnect the components of
a breadboard or other prototype or test circuit, internally or with other equipment or components,
without soldering. Individual jump wires are fitted by inserting their "end connectors" into the
slots provided in a breadboard, the header connector of a circuit board, or a piece of test


A breadboard is a solderless device for temporary prototype with electronics and test circuit
designs. Most electronic components in electronic circuits can be interconnected by inserting
their leads or terminals into the holes and then making connections through wires where

3.3. Blynk Software

Blynk is a Platform with IOS and Android apps to control Arduino, Raspberry Pi and the likes
over the Internet. It’s a digital dashboard where you can build a graphic interface for your project
by simply dragging and dropping widgets. Blynk was designed for the Internet of Things. It can
control hardware remotely, it can display sensor data, it can store data, visualize it and do many
other cool things. There are three major components in the platform:

● Blynk App - allows to you create amazing interfaces for your projects using various
widgets we provide.
● Blynk Server - responsible for all the communications between the smartphone and
hardware. You can use our Blynk Cloud or run your private Blynk server locally. It is
open source, could easily handle thousands of devices and can even be launched on a
Raspberry Pi.
● Blynk Libraries - for all the popular hardware platforms - enable communication with the
server and process all the incoming and outcoming commands.

Fig 1.6. Blynk Communication

3.3.1 Blynk

Continuous Communication Process Blynk application can be found from the following links –

1. Android Blynk App

2. IOS Blynk App

Click the “Create New Project” in the app to create a new Blynk app. Give it any name. Then
you’ll be presented with a blank new project. To open the widget box, click in the project
window to open. We are selecting a button to control Led connected with Node MCU.

1. Click on Button.

2. Give name to Button say led.

3. Under OUTPUT tab- Click pin and select the pin to which led is connected to Node
MCU, here it is digital pin 2, hence select digital and under pin D2. And Click continue.
Under MODE tab- Select whether you want this button as “push button” or “Switch”.

3.4. Working principle and execution

We are making use of Internet of Things (IOT) to build a system which overcomes the problems
in present scenario in farming and helps in yielding a better crop. For this we have design a
system of automatic irrigation control and pest controlling process to the plants. This
methodology of the proposed system, mainly
Water content or moisture content is the quantity of water contained in a material, such as soil, is
known as soil moisture. It is an important component in the atmospheric water cycle both on
small- and large-scale agricultural practices.
Based on this measured height we are giving the pesticides to plant. As we know the pesticides
are used in the agricultural process for killing the pests or insect which are responsible for not
yielding good crops. Here, we provide the plants with liquid pesticides when it reaches the
required height and re given based upon there specifications by taking the inputs from height
(ultrasonic sensor) from micro-controller. It analyses the height and checks with the reference
height level that has given in the program and acts accordingly.


NodeMCU is an open-source Lua based firmware and development board specially targeted for

IoT based Applications. It includes firmware that runs on the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC from Espressif
Systems, and hardware which is based on the ESP-12 module.


The NodeMCU ESP8266 development board comes with the ESP-12E module containing
ESP8266 chip having Ten silica X tens a 32-bit LX106 RISC microprocessor. This
microprocessor supports RTOS and operates at 80MHz to 160 MHz adjustable clock frequency.
NodeMCU has 128 KB RAM and 4MB of Flash memory to store data and programs. Its high
processing power with in-built Wi-Fi / Bluetooth and Deep Sleep Operating features make it
ideal for IoT projects. Node MCU can be powered using Micro USB jack and VIN pin (External

Supply Pin). It supports UART, SPI, and I2C interface. A cable supporting micro-USB port is
used to connect the board. As you connect the board with a computer, LED will flash. You may
need some drivers to be installed on your computer if it fails to detect the NodeMCU board.
Fig 4.1. Node MCU


The following are few features of Node MCU,

 Operating Voltage: 3.3V

 Input Voltage: 7-12V
 Digital I/O Pins (DIO): 16
 Analog Input Pins (ADC): 1
 UARTs: 1
 SPIs: 1
 I2Cs: 1
 Flash Memory: 4 MB
 SRAM: 64 KB
 Clock Speed: 80 MHz
 USB-TTL based on CP2102 is included onboard, Enabling Plug n Play.
 PCB Antenna
 Small Sized module to fit smartly inside your IoT projects.

4.3.1. Pin Diagram

Fig 4.2. Node MCU pin diagram

4.3.2. NodeMCU Development Board Pinout Configuration

TABLE 4.1:

Pin Name Description


Power Micro-USB, Micro-USB: NodeMCU can be powered through the USB port.

3.3V, GND,
 3.3V: Regulated 3.3V can be supplied to this pin to power the
 GND: Ground pins
 Vin: External Power Supply

Control EN, RST The pin and the button reset the microcontroller

Analog A0 Used to measure analog voltage in the range of 0-3.3V


GPIO GPIO1 to NodeMCU has 16 general purpose input-output pins on its

Pins GPIO16 board

SPI Pins SD1, CMD, NodeMCU has four pins available for SPI communication.

UART TXD0, RXD0, NodeMCU has two UART interfaces, UART0 (RXD0 &
Pins TXD2, RXD2 TXD0) and UART1 (RXD1 & TXD1). UART1 is used to
upload the firmware/program.

I2C Pins   NodeMCU has I2C functionality support but due to the internal
functionality of these pins, you have to find which pin is I2C.
4.4. Node MCU Programming
4.5. Compiling and Programming
4.6. Applications of Node MCU

 Prototyping of IoT devices

 Low power battery operated applications
 Network projects
 Projects requiring multiple I/O interfaces with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionalities

1. It allows farmers to maximize yields using minimum resources such as water, fertilizers,
seeds etc.
2. Solar powered and mobile operated pumps save cost of electricity.
3. The sensors used will improve data collection process and helps in wireless monitoring
and control.
4. It is cost effective method.
5. It delivers high quality crop production.


1. The smart agriculture needs availability of internet continuously. Rural part of most of the
developing countries do not fulfil this requirement. Moreover, internet connection is
2. The smart farming-based equipment require farmers to understand and learn the use of
technology. This is major challenges in adopting smart agriculture farming at large scale
across the countries.

7.1. Conclusion

The smart agriculture using IOT has been experimentally proven to work satisfactorily by
monitoring the values of humidity and temperature successfully. Through the internet control the
motor in the field. It also stores the sensor parameters in the timely manner. This will help the
user to analyse the conditions of various parameters in the field anytime anywhere. Then control
or maintain the parameters of field properly. This system is implemented for agriculture plants to
measure their growth and feedwater and pesticides when ever need. The designed system is not
versatile. This also helps harvesting and cultivation. By implementing this idea we can improve
tradition way agriculture irrigation system. Finally, we conclude that IOT based irrigation
system is more efficient than scheduled irrigation process.

7.2. Scope for the Future work

As we are monitoring the height of the plant, all most all plants in a crop will be of same height,
the plants other than this height can be considered as weeds. By this method we can develop a
system that which can remove weeds easily. And we can also measure the distance between the
two plats taken under fix considerations at specified distances of plants then the plants were
grown in between these two plants under the specified distances were taken as the unwanted
plant and is to remove by this method we can also develop the system to easily identify the
unwanted crops grown in between the plants, we can easily identify the plants and easy to

1. Sandeep reddy. B1, Supriya.G1, Keerthana.P1, Akhil.M1, S. Rajsekaran2. “IOT

TURBIDITY AND TEMPERATURE”. Graduating student, Dept. of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, BIT college, Telangana, INDIA1. Professor, Dept. of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering, BIT college, Telangana, INDIA2, Volume VIII, Issue V,

2. A. Pravin1*, T. Prem Jacob2 and P. Asha3 “Enhancement of Plant Monitoring Using

IOT” International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.27) (2018) 53-55
International Journal of Engineering & Technology (2018)

3. Vanitha, Mr.D. Deepak UG Student, Assistant professor. “Automatic field irrigation setup
using MATLAB”. Ganapathi Tulsi’s Jain Engineering College, Kaniyambadi Vellore
International Journal of Global Engineering (IJGE)E-ISSN:2456-3099 VOL 2
ISSUE 4 (2018) PAGES 59 - 67Received: 20/03/2018. Published: 15/04/2018.
4. K. Krishna Kishore, M. H. Sai Kumar. “Automatic irrigation system for agricultural field
using wireless network”. M. B. S. Murthy GMR Institute of Technology Rajam, India,
International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics ICEI 2017, 978-1-
5090-4257-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE.
5. Srishti Rawal Department of Computer Science, VIT University. “IOT based Smart.
Irrigation System”. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 159 – No 8, February 2017.

6. Mongrel Islam Pavel, Syed Mohammad Kamruzzaman and Sadman Sakib Hasan.”
Automatic irrigation system on sensing soil moisture content”. BRAC University, Dhaka-
1212, Bangladesh. 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication
Systems 2019 IEEE

DHT11 And NodeMCU With Blynk

//My GitHub
//This Video Link
#define echoPin D6 // attach pin D2 Arduino to pin Echo of HC-SR04
#define trigPin D7 //attach pin D3 Arduino to pin Trig of HC-SR04

// defines variables
long duration; // variable for the duration of sound wave travel
int distance; //

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <DHT.h>
// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "AmAdaL9Mvh_DGu-hUxpEM0aheiTmdI9-";
// Your Wi-Fi credentials.
// Set password to "" for open networks.
char ssid[] = "TechieYan";
char pass[] = "TechieYan@123";
#define DHTPIN 0          // D3
// Uncomment whatever type you're using!
#define DHTTYPE DHT11     // DHT 11
//#define DHTTYPE DHT22   // DHT 22, AM2302, AM2321
//#define DHTTYPE DHT21   // DHT 21, AM2301
BlynkTimer timer;
// This function sends Arduino's up time every second to Virtual Pin (5).
// In the app, Widget's reading frequency should be set to PUSH. This means
// that you define how often to send data to Blynk App.
void sendSensor()
  float h = dht.readHumidity();
  float t = dht.readTemperature(); // or dht.readTemperature(true) for Fahrenheit
  if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) {
    Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!");
  // You can send any value at any time.
  // Please don't send more that 10 values per second.
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, t);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, h);
void setup()
  // Debug console
  pinMode(D4, OUTPUT);
  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
  // You can also specify server:
  //Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, "", 8442);
  //Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, IPAddress(192,168,1,100), 8442);
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // Sets the trigPin as an OUTPUT
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as an INPUT
  //Serial.begin(9600); // // Serial Communication is starting with 9600 of baudrate speed
  // Setup a function to be called every second
  timer.setInterval(1000L, sendSensor);
void loop()
    // Clears the trigPin condition
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  // Sets the trigPin HIGH (ACTIVE) for 10 microseconds
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  // Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  // Calculating the distance
  distance = duration * 0.034 / 2; // Speed of sound wave divided by 2 (go and back)
  // Displays the distance on the Serial Monitor
  Serial.print("Distance: ");
  Serial.println(" cm");

  Blynk.virtualWrite(V7, distance);;;

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