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Vertical Effects Of Nosing on den T0522 fas ani 20,8 x(LM714°SW/0) instead of (LM/T"+"SWW/0) where vertical trafic actions favourable. b Valid for heavy freight traffic limited to a maximum speed of 120 km/h, ¢@ = 1 te evoid double counting the reduction in mass of train with d See 6 51(3) regarding vertical effects of cenvitugal loading. Vertical load effect of centrifugal loading less any reduction due to cant should be enhanced by the relevant dynamic factor. When determining the vertical effect of centrifugal force, factor fo be included as shown above, where: where: Maximum speed in accordance with 6.5.1(6) Ikra) { Recuction factor in accordance with 6.5.1(8) ‘Facto for classified vertical loads in accordance with 63.2(3), LMT71%#'SW/0 Load Model 71 ard if relevant Load Model SW/0 for continuous bridges. (10) The criteria in 6.5.1(5) and 6 5.1(7) to 65.1(9} are not vale for heavy freight trafic with a Maxirrum Permited Vehicle Speed exceering 120 km/h, For heavy freight traffic wth a speed exceeding 120 km/h additional requirements should be specified. NOTE The indvidua project may speci the additionalrequirements, 65.2 Nosing force (1)P The nosing force shall be taken as a concentrated force acting horizontally atthe top ofthe rails, perpendicular to the centre-ine of track. It shal be applied on both straight track and curved track. (2)P The characteristic value of the nosing force shall taken as Qsk~ 100 KN. It shall not be mukiplied by the factor @ (see 6.4.5) or by the factor fn 6.5.14) (3) The characterstic value of the nosing force in 6.5.2(2) should be mallipled by the factor ain accordance with 6 8.2(8) for values of a> 1 (4)P The nosing force shall aways be combined with a vertical traffic lad, 6.53 Actions due to traction and braking (1)P Traction and breking forces act atthe top of the rails in the longitudinal ection of the track They shall be considered as wniforrnly distributed over the corresponding influence length Lab for traction and braking effects forthe structural element considered. The ditection ofthe traction and braking forces shell take account of the permitted crestion(s) of travel on each track (2)P The characteristic values of traction and braking forces shall be taken as fellows Traction force: Qak = 83 kN] Lab [rn] < 1000 [kN] (6.20), for Load Mocels 71, SW/0, SW/2 and HSLM Braking force: Qbk = 20 {kNs/nl Lab [rl < 6000 kN] (6.21) fot Load Mocels 71, $W/0 and Load Model HSLM: for Load Model Sw/2 ‘The characterist values of traction and braking forces shall not be multiplied by the factor 0 (sce 6.45.2) or by the factor fin 6.5.1(6). NOTE 1 For Load Models SW/0 and SW/2 traction ane braking forces need only to be applied to those parts ofthe structure wich are loaded according lo Figure 62 and Tadle 61 NOTE? Traction and braking may be neglected for the Load Model "unloaded tai (3) These characteristic values are applicable to all ypes of track constuction, e.g, continuous welded rails or jointed rails, with or without expansion devices. (4) Tae above traction and braking forces for Load Models 71 and SW/D should be mutipiee by the factor a in aceordance withthe requitements of 632(3) (5) For loaded lengths greater than 300m additional requirements for taking into account the effects of braking should be specifies, [NOTE The National Annex or individual project may specify the adeltional requirements, (6) For nes carrying special traffic (eg. restricted to high speed passenger traffic) the traction and braking forces may be taken as equal t0-25% of the sum ofthe axleloads (Real Train} acting on the influence length of the action effect of the structural element considered, with a maximum value of 1000 KN for Q* anc! 6000 KN for Qbk. The lines carrying special traffic and associated loading detalls may be specified. NOTE 1 The individual project may specify the requirements NOTE 2 Where the individual project specifies reduced traction and braking eating in eocordance with the above the specified loading should take nto account other traffic permitted to use the line, ¢9, trains for track maintenance ete (7)P Traction and breking forces shall be combined withthe corresponding vertical loads (8) When the track is continuous at one or beth ends of the bridge only a proportion ofthe traction or braking force is transferred through the deck to the bearings, the remainder of the force being transmitted through the track where iis resisted behind the abutments. The proportion of tne force transferre thvough the deck to the bearings should be determined by taking into account the combined response lf the structure and track in accordance with 6.5.4, (9)P in the case of a bridge carrying two or more tracks the braking forces on one track shall be consicered with the traction forces on one other track \Where two or more tracks have the same permitted cirection of travel ether traction on two tracks or braking on two tracks shalbe taken Into account. NOTE For bridges canying two oF more tacks with the same permitted direction of travel the National Annex may specify alternative requiterments forthe application of traction and braking forces. 6.5.4 Combined response of structure and track to variable actions General principles (1) Were the rails ere continuous over discontinuities the support to the track (ea between a bridge structure and an emnbankrment) the structure of the bridge (oridge deck bearings and substructure) and the track (rail, ballat etc.) jointly resist the longitudinal actions due to traction or braking. Longitudinal actions are trensmitted partly by the rails to the embankment dehind the abutment and partly by he bridge bearings and the substructure tothe foundations, NOTE References to embankment throughout 6 5.4 rney also be taken as references to the rack fornation or ground beneath the track on the approaches tothe bridge whether the track on an embankment, level ground orn a cutting (2) Where continuous rails restrain the free movernent of the bridge deck, deformations of the bridge deck (e.g. due to thermal variations, vertcalloadine, creep and shrinkage) produce longitudinal forces in the rals and in the fixed bridge aearings, (2)P The effects resuting from the combined response ofthe structure and the track to variable actions shall be taken into account for the design of the bridge superstructure, ‘ec besrings, the substructure and for checking load effects inthe rails (4) The requirements of 6§.4 are valié for conventional allasted track (8) The requirements for non-ballasted track should be specifies [NOTE The requirements for non-ballasted track may be specified in ether the National Annex or forthe inévicual project. 6.5.42 Parameters affecting the combined response oftne structure and track (1) The following parameters influence the combined behaviour of the structure and track and shal be taken into eccountin the analysis 2) Configuration ofthe structure simply supported bear, continuous beams or a series of bears, rrumeer of inlvidal decks ang length of each deck, number of spans ane length of each spen, position of fixed bearings, position of the therrnalfxed point, expansion length LT between the thermal fxed point and the end ofthe deck. 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