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ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY:Layout 1 2009/10/29 2:02 PM Page 1

genic and nuclear transfer are part of the long- Various constraints in the technology which is easily UNDERSTANDING OF
term objectives of the group. applied to humans has hindered the application in other
species. The extraction of DNA from small samples is
Another objective of animal biotechnology is to successful in humans but is not as efficient in all animal
reduce the environmental impact of livestock species. Also, animals often lack the variability in known
farming. Transgenic animals are being created to genes due to inbreeding and this makes it difficult to
improve the use of dietary phosphorous to lessen distinguish individuals.
the environmental impact of animal manure. The ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY
EnviropigTM is the trademark of a genetically Ethical issues, safety and regulations
engineered pig developed at the University of
Geulph that is capable of digesting plant phos- As with any new technology, animal biotechnology faces
phorous more efficiently than normal unmodified a variety of uncertainties, safety issues, potential risks and PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF
Animal biotechnology is defined as the applica-
pigs. They produce the enzyme called phytase in ethical issues. For example, concerns have been raised BIOTECHNOLOGY tion of biotechnology to the processing or Transgenesis
their saliva which is active in the acid environ- regarding:
ment of the stomach and this breaks down the • the use of additional genes in constructs used to production of materials by animals (or aquatic
indigestible phytic acid into phosphate which is generate transgenic animals especially marker genes species) to provide goods and services. Scientists A transgenic animal is one which has been
easily digested by the pig. Grains such as corn, that are used to test whether the foreign DNA has are using biotechnology to address some of genetically altered to have specific charac-
soybean and barley contain 50 to 70% of successfully been transferred, the major global problems of modern times teristics it otherwise would not have. In
phosphorous in the form of phytic acid which is • the potential effects of genetically modified animals on including the food crisis, health and disease, and animals, transgenesis either means trans-
indigestible to normal pigs, thus they require the environment, conservation, through advances in the following ferring DNA into the animal or altering
phosphate supplements in their diet which in- • the possible effect on the direction of evolution through areas: DNA already in the animal.
creases the phosphorous content of the manure. manipulation of the DNA of animals.
In heavy rain the phosphorous in the manure • the effects of the biotechnology on the welfare of the There are various techniques that can be used
• Agriculture
may leach into water in ponds, rivers and streams animal,
Food production to create transgenic animals. Nuclear transfer
which facilitates algal growth, resulting in • potential human health and food safety concerns for
Animal breeding involves the transfer of a nucleus into a single
reduced oxygen concentration in the water and meat or animal products derived from animal biotech-
EnviropigTM photo courtesy of Dr Cecil Forsberg / University of Guelph

a death of fish and other aquatic animals. Enviro- nology, Animal health and nutrition egg whose nucleus has been removed.
pigs do not require phosphorous supplementa- • Other ethical, moral and socio-economic aspects. • Medicine Somatic Cell nuclear transfer is a method used
tion and excrete less phosphorous, reducing the Transplant organs to create clones of animals (see fact sheet on
potential of water pollution. Before animal biotechnology will be used widely by animal Pharmaceuticals stem cells and cloning). Transgenesis differs
agriculture production systems, additional research will Research into human disease from cloning in that the nuclues injected into
Another example of the impact of biotechnology be needed to determine if the benefits of animal biotech- • Industrial applications the cell would contain genetically modified
on ecology is the production of infertile fish. nology outweigh these potential risks. DNA. In cloning, the nucleus would be
• Conservation and ecology
Some species of fish being farmed are not indige- unmodified from the parent animal. DNA
• Animal forensics
nous to the area and can pose an ecological In January, 2009, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
microinjection of embryos has been the
threat if they were to enter the natural eco- issued a final guidance for industry on the regulation
Various technologies are employed in each of traditional method for generating transgenic
system. Techniques have been developed to of genetically engineered (GE) animals. The guidance
alter the chromosome composition of the fish explains the process by which FDA regulates GE animals. these areas and recent progress in such tech- livestock. This involves the physical injection
to make them infertile and thus reduce any risk. The United Kingdom has strict regulations regarding trans- nologies have facilitated much development in of a DNA solution into the pronuclei of a
genic animals covered in the Genetic Modification of animal biotechnology. These include sequencing zygote. The DNA in solution then integrates
DNA profiling and animal Organsims regulations and Environmental Protection Act and analysis of animal genomes, identification randomly into the cellular DNA, making the
forensics (1990). The risk to people working with transgenic animals of genes and their variations and an under- process a very inefficient process with a suc-
and the risk or impact on the environment in the event of cess rate of less than 4%. Sperm-mediated
standing of how these genes are regulated,
Animal forensics is a relatively new and develop- release of transgenic animals into natural populations are gene transfer uses sperm to carry transgenic
advances in molecular markers and diagnostics.
ing field. The Agricultural Research Council’s addressed. No transgenic animals are allowed to breed DNA to fertilise an oocyte. The sperm is
Animal Production Intstitute, Molecular Genetics with wild populations to ensure no long-term changes in
Recombinant DNA technology has produced pre-incubated with DNA which is randomly
Division at Irene offers forensic animal identifica- indigenous populations. In South Africa, genetically mod-
transgenic animals (i.e. animals that contain picked up by the sperm. This process is also
tion. They provide a domestic animal DNA profil- ifed organisms are regulated by the Genetically Modified
Organisms Act, 1997 (Act No. 15 of 1997), which provides foreign genes for a specific purpose). The first ineffcient, however improved uptake of DNA
ing service to the South African Police Service and
“for measures to promote the responsible development, transgenic animal produced in 1982 was a by sperm improve the success rate of creating
the farming community to facilitate prosecution
of stock thieves. Stock theft is a reality with great production, use and application of genetically modified mouse. Most transgenic animals that have transgenic animals. Homologous recombina-
economical impact facing farmers. A genetic organisms”. It requires careful evaluation of risks to been produced since are mice, used in medical tion is a method generally used to delete a
based positive identification system provides a human health and the environment. research. gene. Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer
greater success of prosecution of stock thieves. uses the natural gene delivery system of the
The ARC maintains a national allele database In the field of biomedical research, the animal welfare retrovirus to transfer DNA as it infects the
As the technology has developed, other trans-
for domestic animals to ensure animals can be issues associated with the use of transgenic animals are host cell, which then becomes integrated in
essentially no different from those associated with other genic animals have been produced for economic
positively identified. A DNA reference catalogue the host cell genome. Artificial chromosomes
animals. The objective is to minimise pain or distress to purposes. Cloning technologies have been deve-
stores samples collected by the owner which can are large self-replicating constructs which
be referenced to a sample collected at a crime individual animals in medical research, not the manner in loped to produce offspring genetically identical
which the animals are bred. Transgenic animals may suffer to the parent. allow for the transfer of large DNA constructs
scene or in the case of stock theft to make a
more abnormalities than regular research animals, as the and ensure better control of transgene
positive identification.
introduction of DNA can be complex and the side-effects expression. The disadvantage is the difficulty
The DNA profiling service covers cattle, horses, difficult to predict. Also the processes used to harvest and in handling such large fragments of DNA.
goats, sheep, pigs, buffalo, zebra, kudu, blue re-implant embryos may cause harm. Transgenic animals
wildebeest, rhino and ostriches. that do not express the foreign DNA are destroyed. All
these areas of potential harm are carefully monitored.

The information
presented here is
endorsed by SAASTA.
For more information
on the Scientific
The PUB programme is an initiative of the Department of Science and Technology and is implemented by SAASTA. Editorial Process
followed, visit
The mandate of PUB is to promote a clear, balanced understanding of the potential of biotechnology and to ensure
broad public awareness, dialogue and debate about biotechnology and its current and potential applications.
For more information visit or contact, Tel: 012 392 9300 or Fax: 012 320 7803.
F11. ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY:Layout 1 2009/10/29 2:02 PM Page 3


In addition to the inefficiency in the success of transfer of Trait Loci (QTL) that is associated with the trait of fine unknown, and additionally, the possibility exists of novel infec- studied. This provides a direct way of studying the function of a
foreign DNA and creating a transgenic animal, another mohair. Being able to identify individuals with a particular tions being transmitted from the donor animal to the human gene.
limitation in the technology is the stability of the expression makeup with regard to the QTL will improve the efficiency recipient. There will be many regulatory stages to pass before
of the introduced gene. Many of the genes introduced are of selection for breeding. this technology becomes a real possibility. A leading pharmaceutical company, GlaxoSmithKline will be using
expressed at low levels or non-specifically. Also, the effects transgenic mice to carry out some testing of their Oral Polio
have been reported to decrease over time in the individual Cloning is becoming a viable method of reproducing Pharmaceuticals vaccine. They have also successfully created a transgenic mouse
or in subsequent generations. desired animals of many species. Animals that have been which expresses the CD4 receptor found on the surface of white
cloned include sheep, pigs, cows, goats, horses, mules, cats, Transgenic poultry, pigs, goats and cattle have been produced blood cells, the target of HIV virus. They are able to test drugs
Other concerns regarding the technology are the environ- rats amd mice. Not only does this have potential signifi- that produce large quantities of human protein in eggs, milk, which interact with the CD4 receptor in mice instead of higher
mental stability/safety. This refers to the potential for the cance in maintaining the desired charateristics in livestock blood or urine with the intention to use these products as animals such as the chimpanzee, which posesses a CD4 receptor
gene to spread to the wild natural populations should a for food production (which is debatable of course!), but pharmaceuticals such as enzymes, albumin, clotting factors and 98% identical to that of humans.
transgenic animal escape or be released, as well as the also has potential significance in conservation of endan- antibodies. In a sense, these transgenic animals can be seen as
potential to spread to other animals including humans gered species (see Fact Sheet on Cloning and Stem Cells living bioreactors for the production of products of value. Industrial applications
through consumption of its meat or milk. Another concern for more information about the technology).
is the potential for novel disease being intiated through The USA’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently Transgenic animals can not only be created to produce products
the process of transgenesis. Also, various ethical concerns Animal health approved the first pharmaceutical produced in genetically of pharmaceutical value, but also products of industrial value. An
have been raised (see paragraph below). All these areas of engineered animals, called ATryn, manufactured by GTC Bio- example is “BioSteel”, the trademark name for the high strength
concern are the target of research into the process of trans- Although creating disease resistance in animals is not a therapeutics Inc. ATryn is produced in the milk of transgenic goats fiber material made from recombinant spider silk-like protein
genesis. practical reality as yet, as a limited number of genes are which have been genetically engineered to contain the gene to which is produced in the milk of transgenic goats, made by a
known to be responsible for disease resistance, biotech- produce human antithrombin in its milk. Antithrombin (AT) is a company called Nexia Biotechnologies. The protein is harvested
nology is making advances in reduction of diseases. This protein that helps to prevent blood clotting in the veins and from the milk, purified and transformed into microfibers. It is
Agriculture also includes development of vaccines against signficant arteries of healthy individuals. Patients with a rare disease called planned to use these fibres for bullet proof vests. In a paper
animal diseases. hereditary AT deficiency lack normal AT. In these patients, ATryn published in Science, they describe the production of a number of
Food production acts as an anticoagulant. Because this disease only occurs in a very different dragline spider silk proteins via cell culture techniques
The Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute (OVI) near Pretoria small proportion of the population (approximately 1 in 5000 in using silk genes derived from two different species of orb-weav-
Due to the population explosion, we exist in a time has made significant advances in the development of vac- the USA), the FDA had given ATryn an orphan drug designation, ing spiders. The silk proteins from one of these species were spun
of global food crisis, where for the past decade the cines against key endemic animal diseases. Research at the referring to a drug developed specifically to treat a rare medical from a solution to produce BioSteel® fibers, which were tested
world has been consuming more food than it has OVI has led to the development of unique vaccines against condition. for a number of mechanical properties and compared to natural
been producing. New technologies are being deve- African horsesickness virus in horses, bluetongue virus in spider silk. They found they were able to produce fibers with
loped to increase food production, to produce more sheep, botulism, anthrax, lumpy skin disease and more. ATryn was approved in 2006 by the European Medicines Agency mechanical properties similar to the natural spider silk including
food of higher quality in a shorter period of time. At the University of Pretoria the Department of Genetics for preventing clotting conditions in surgery in patients with toughness, but lower strength. Toughness measures the amount
This includes animal biotechnology being applied to has a key research programme into the molecular biology hereditary AT deficiency. ATryn was approved by two FDA centres: of energy that the fibers can absorb before breaking and spider
livestock to produce animals with a greater size, of orbiviruses, largely African horsesickness virus. The aim The Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) gave silks are among the toughest materials in the world.
improved lean muscle mass, increased growth rate, is to understand important aspects of the virus and its approval based on safety and efficacy, and the Center for Veteri-
greater milk production, production of milk with interaction with different cells, its replication process and nary Medicine approved the rDNA construct in the goats, stating Conservation and ecology
enhanced qualities such as higher protein content its virulence, in order to provide insight into the develop- that seven generations of goats did not suffer adverse effects
or lower fat content. Another example would be ment of new and more successful vaccines. from the genetic modification. In addition to the potential benefits of cloning of endangered
chickens with higher quality eggs. Traditional breed- species, biotechnology also plays a role in discovering, identifying
ing to select and propagate animals with such desired Medicine Since the approval of ATryn, new guidelines have been released and analysing genetic diversity in endangered species through
characteristics is a slow and arduous process. Biotech- for the regulation of genetically engineered animals under the the techniques of genetic characterisation of individuals in a
nology has the potential to short-cut traditional/ Transplant organs new animal drugs provisions of the Federal Food, Drug and population. Consequently, this could lead to regulation and
conventional selection/breeding methods to create Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), entitled “ The Regulation of the Geneti- conservation of genetic diversity.
animals with the desired traits. With a shortage of suitable organ donors for failing or cally Engineered Animals Containing Heritable rDNA Constructs”.
diseased organs, science and medicine is looking to other This provides producers of GE animals recommendations to help The University of Pretoria, Department of Animal and Wildlife
An example is seen in transgenic fish created for use species to make up the shortage. “Xenotransplantation” them comply to regulations and laws. Science, is using molecular scatology as a technique for obtaining
in aquaculture fish farming. A growth hormone refers to the process of transplanting organs, tissues or information on wild mammal populations. Molecular DNA ana-
transgene has been introduced into many species of cells between different species. The most promising animal Other examples of therapeutic proteins from genetically engi- lysis of faeces gives information as to the genetic structure and
fish, with many showing increased growth rates. for xenotransplantation to humans is the pig, with organs neered animals include the production of the protein 1-anti- demographics of a population. Individual identification can be
Coho salmon with a growth hormone transgene of similar size to those of humans. However, without ge- trypsin in sheep’s milk. This protein is used to treat hereditary obtained through “DNA fingerprinting”. This is particularly
showed an increase in growth rate so that fish netic manipulation and biotechnology, the pig would not emphysema, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary vital in animals that are endangered such as the cheetah, as it
reached market size in two years in comparison to be immunologically incompatible as a donor and organs disease which affect over 200 000 people in the US and Europe. improves population management and conservation strategies.
normal controls which took three years. The fish did would be rejected. This product is in clinical trials in Europe. Another example is
not grow beyond the normal adult size finally. A human lysozyme produced in the milk of genetically engineered The National Zoological Gardens has a genetic management
company called Aqua Bounty is engineering salmon, Biotechnology and gene knockout technology (in which cows. Lysozyme is an antimicrobial protein and so can increase research group which is focusing on genetic diversity in endan-
trout and tilapia to grow faster than traditional fish. a gene is deleted or inactivated) is developing pigs with the shelf life of the milk and offer health protection to infants. gered or threatened species, including the extent and effects of
immunologically compatible organs. One of the major inbreeding, the development of molecular markers for species
In the United States, most transgenic animals are problems in pigs being immunologically imcompatible is Research into human disease identification.
regulated by one or more of the FDA (Food and Drug caused by a type of sugar molecule called Gal-alpha(1,3)-
Administration) centres. At this stage no transgenic Gal which is attached to protein molecules on the surface Transgenic animals are useful as disease models. Animals are The Agricultural Research Council Irene (Animal Genetics Division)
animals have been approved for use as human food. of pig cells but not on human cells. In humans it is recog- genetically manipulated using biotechnology to mimic symptoms has developed a National Genetic Database for game and
nised as foreign, leading to a rapid rejection of the tissue of disease. In this way they can be used to study therapies and Biobank for deposition and storage of biomaterials from a wide
Animal breeding called hyperacute rejection. In transgenic pigs created for treatments. In particular, developments with transgenesis in mice range of animal species. This will have various benefits in under-
the purpose of organ donation, the gene for the sugar will contribute to the further reduction in the use of "higher" standing population structure, the level of gene flow and genetic
Many animal genomes have now been completely moleule has been “knocked out”, so that the sugar animals, such as dogs and non-human primates, in biomedical variation within and among populations and the level of inbreed-
sequenced and a number of gene variants have been molecule is not expressed on the cells of the pig. research. ing which will provide essential information for conservation
described and can be identified. Biotechnology can management programmes. This will include rhino, sable, cheetah,
be used to identify and select animals with mulitple There are various ethical issues when looking at pigs as a Approximately 80% of mouse genes have a single identifiable leopard, lion, buffalo, kudu and more.
desirable charactersitics, particularly traits associated source of donor organs and these issues will need to be orthologue in humans, in other words genes of similar function
with economic importance, and the best combination addressed as the possibility of using pig organs in humans that originated from a common ancestor. Mice have a short At the Indigenous Genotype Physiology & Biotechnology Deve-
of gene variants for breeding. nears reality. Public education is essential, informed con- reproduction cycle and their embryos are easily manipulated. lopment of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC)-Livestock
sent and the selection of human donors must be carefully This makes them useful to study disease. Over 95% of transgenic Business Division (LBD): Animal Production Institute (API) research
The University of Pretoria, Department of Animal and considered, and religious beliefs must not be ignored. animals used in biomedical research are mice. “Knockout” mice is being conducted on conservation of South African indigenous
Wildlife Sciences is researching the genetics of An- Safety is a critical issue. Organs and cells may be rejected, can be generated which carry specific mutations in a particular endangered breeds, through cryopreservation of semen, ova,
gora goats, particularly to identify a Quantitative the survival and longevity of xenotransplanted organs are gene of interest. The physical result of that mutation can then be embryo’s and somatic cells. Animal biotechnology such as trans-

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