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Marwa Mohammed Jashim BD307 2114

1. Processor, Sound card

- Volatile
- It can be read as well as written to
3. 3D printer
a. RFID reader
b. OMR
c. Barcode scanner
1. Temperature sensor
2. Light sensor
3. Hygrometer (humidity sensor)
1. Sensors can only read data in analogue form
2. Computer microprocessors can only read data in digital form
1. Taking photos
2. Surfing the web
3. Playing mobile games
4. Sending and receiving texts
a. NORMAL – data that is within the acceptable range and has known outcome.
ABNORMAL – data that is incorrect and unacceptable. May produce an error message.
EXTREME – data that is at the limits of the acceptability range.
1. School only has to pay for memory used
2. Automatically backs up.
3. Data can be accessed from any device.
4. Data is unlikely to be lost.
1. Have to trust service provider for security.
2. Requires internet connection
3. More likely to be hacked as data stays on the cloud for a longer period
of time.
Health problem Possible solution
Using a mouse for a long RSI Using a wrist rest
period of time

Sitting for too long in one Back ache Use of an ergonomic chair
Marwa Mohammed Jashim BD307 2114

8. An extension of an intranet. It is a secure, private network within a company that uses internet
technology and can be accessed by members of a company such as customers.
9. The computer system in the company cars have signals detected by at least 3 or 4 satellites. The
distance from the car and each satellite is used to calculate its current location and the data is
collected and stored to the car computer. The microprocessor in the car computer then sends
the digital data to the office monitor, where a Geographic Information System (GIS) displays this
information. This process is continuous and thus shows the route being taken as the car keeps
1. Webcam
2. Speakers
3. Microphone
1. Connect webcam, microphone and speaker to the computer system
2. Turn on internet connection
3. Turn on hardware devices
11. Microprocessor-controlled devices in washing machines and dishwashers do household chores
so people do not have to be home to get chores done. Additionally, people have more leisure
time that they can spend with family and friends, they also get less tired and have time to do
other things. Smart fridges allow people to assess the nutrition of food so people eat more
healthily. They are used in burglar alarms which provides security
12. The online store runs 24/7 so goods can be bought anytime of the day. It is also cost efficient for
the following reasons: Since it reduces need for shopping assistants, wages are reduced. There is
also reduces electricity usage, storage space and rent needed for a physical store, hence
reducing expenses. It also creates an international audience for the store. It is also more
convenient as staff members do not have to manually deal with customers. Stock is
automatically updated.
1. Not enough memory available.
2. Virus found
14. Both allow users to transfer data. Both use wireless technology.
However, Wi-Fi has a higher bandwidth compared to Bluetooth and thus has higher data
transfer speed. Wi-Fi is also more secure than Bluetooth. Bluetooth allows data transfer
between two devices while Wi-Fi is more suited for full range network. Thus Wi-Fi has a larger
range(100m) compared to Bluetooth(20m).
15. Customers are not subject to mugging or stealing of cards or cash. If they want, they can choose
not to interact with staff via phone banking. It reduces costs as there are no travelling expenses,
hence time is also saved. Customers do not have to wait in long queues or be at risk of shoulder-
surfing while entering bank-details as there is no stranger at homes. Disadvantages are that they
are more at risk of pharming. They require a reliable internet connection. Internet connectivity
which has a risk of dropping which may stop the service.
Marwa Mohammed Jashim BD307 2114

1. Criminal records
2. Information about one’s ethnicity
3. Political opinions
1. Do not share personal information such as your full name.
2. Do not share inappropriate images.
3. Do not talk or message strangers
4. So not arrange to meet with an unknown online ‘friend’ in private.
a. It saves time and expenses as patient does not have to travel and pay for travelling
expense. Medical staff do not have to spend time with patients wanting appointments
hence have time for other work. The system shows when doctors are booked for
appointments hence prevents possibility of overbooking, double-booking, and shows
when certain doctors are free. Booking can be made anytime of the day and from
anywhere, Disadvantages are that reliable internet connection is required and technical
literacy is required to use the system. Staff may need to be trained to use it thus
increasing expenses.
1. Rules base
2. Knowledge base
3. Interactive User Interface

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