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Marwa Mohammed Jashim BD307 2114

a. Group of organisms that can reproduce to produce fertile
1. Extended ear lobes(pinna)
2. Have mammary glands
c. Select sheep that have thin hairs. Cross breed them. Select
offspring that show original features(thin hair), and continue
cross breeding and selecting for many more generations
d. Natural selection causes the survival and reproduction by
animals with better fitness, when there is a competition of
resources such as food and shelter, and struggle for survival
within variation of the same species Adaptive features thus
develop over generations. The selection is selective breeding
is decided by humans who manually cross individuals of a
species and happens within a shorter period of time,

a. As a raw material to produce carbohydrates.
b. Oxygen is produced as a by-product during photosynthesis.
The decrease in carbon dioxide concentration is measured
within a period of time(using a stopwatch), and is divided by
the measured time.
i. Humidity
ii. Gradually increases from 12 μmol per m2 per s at 10 °C
to 22 μmol per m2 per s at 30°C then levels off
Marwa Mohammed Jashim BD307 2114

iii. (30/22)* 100 = 136%

136-100 = 36% increase
iv. Rate of photosynthesis rapidly increases as
temperature increases at CO2 concentration B. It does
not level off as the abundance of CO2 means that there
are no limiting factors. Since requirement of water is
always low, it is not a limiting factor either.
v. Rate remains at 22 μmol per m2 per s even as
temperature is increased
d. Rate drops to 0. Photosynthesis is an enzyme controlled
reaction and enzymes tend to denature at temperatures
around 40 °C
a. Accommodation
b. Carrier proteins in the cell membranes use energy by
respiration to carry ions into the neurons against the
concentration gradient.
c. Atropine and eserine cause other neurotransmitters to not
diffuse across neurons or be broken down, hence act as
powerful depressant drugs. The blockage cause the user to
have slower reaction times and impaired muscle control.
This has many social implications as well such as increased
tendency to commit crimes due to lowered self-control and
d. Anabolic steroids cause an unnatural increase in muscle
mass and aggression, and allow them to train for longer
Marwa Mohammed Jashim BD307 2114

times with less downtime, giving them many unfair

advantages during competitions.
structure level of organisation
epithelium Tissue
nucleus Cell structure
sperm Cell
testis Organ

name function Letter
Testis Produces sperm C
and testosterone
Spermduct Transports sperm D
but not urine
Urethra Tube for urine and A
seminal fluid
through the penis
Prostate gland Produces seminal E
Scrotum Contains testis B


i. Nucleus containing a single set of unpaired
ii. 23
Marwa Mohammed Jashim BD307 2114

i. Medium in the blood which transports substances
ii. Amino acids
i. Plasmid
ii. Restriction enzyme
iii. The same restriction enzyme is used in the DNA is used
on the bacterial plasmid, which forms complementary
sticky ends(unpaired bases). The human gene is
inserted into the plasmid using DNA ligase and the
recombinant plasmid is formed
iv. Faster production
v. mRNA carry copies of genes in the nucleus to
ribosomes in the cytoplasm during protein synthesis
i. Square cells
ii. It is nuclear division that gives rise to genetically
identical cells for growth
b. Mitochondria produces ATP by aerobic respiration to
provide energy to duplicate chromosomes and divide.
i. Auxin
ii. Auxin produced in the shoot tip for stem growth have
negative gravitropism. The auxin diffuses through the
plant and accumulates in the underside of the stem,
causing rapid elongation which causes it to grow
Marwa Mohammed Jashim BD307 2114

d. Cell A has to be adapted to its function, as well as develop

into a specialized cell. Since certain genes code for certain
proteins, the cell needs to produce only those proteins it
needs for its specific function.

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