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S.N. Query from Students Response DAY

 I am facing issue in saving the Try going to the Tableau website (Same link which we used for installation of
file. i tried to create my profile , tableau). Select the "Sign up" option on the top right (Orange tab- Very visible) .
Day 1
but was not able to create. could You can sign up there and then try saving the visualization. Also, you can click on
you help Sign in and select “Create one now for free”

Firstly, You just need to create a profile on the Tableau public website and save
Day 1
How to publish reports to other & you tableau work there.
also how to create multiple report You can then share / publish the data in the form of Image, PPT, PDF file. Also, the
at one page interactive file can be shared by sending the link in the "Share" option. Also, you
can share the workbook/dashboards by using the "Download" option in the
tableau website bottom right options.
Trust you are referring to (Day 1) Video 8 where i have explained about the
grouping into folders and hierarchy
Grouping into Folders : When we have huge number of columns we use this
optionality to organise the data into specific folders so that we can navigate
through various columns, also have a clear view on the left hand pane
(Dim./Meas.) while making the Viz eg. if you have 3 column data of 5 years (Total 15
GROUP by Folder and
columns), you can group columns into year wise data for selection while making
HIERARCHY.. how they are
the Viz. There may or may not be a relation between items within grouped folder.
functionally different? How and Day 1
(Note this is not the Day 4 Grouping Functionality)
where to use Hierarchy and
group? Hierarchy : Arranging the data which has a logical hierarchical existence eg. You
can create a hierarchy of Country with items like State, City, metro as they form
part of a logical sequence. There has to be a relation of items grouped within a
hierarchy. When you add a field from a hierarchy to the visualization, you can
quickly drill up or down in the hierarchy to add or subtract more levels of detail.

here is an option in Format (2nd ribbon of Tableau screen - After Maps and before
How to edit axis lines and internal
help) >> Select "Lines" >> On left of screen select "Gridlines" or "Axis Rulers" and Day 1
grid within a graph ?
format the colour, border size etc

Fixed Range - This option provides you a MANUAL option to start and/or end the
axis at a specific value which you want. When you fix both ends of the axis, the
axis range is determined by the values you specify. Now you have an option of
Fixing both ends of the axis or only one end, when you fix only one end of the axis,
Regarding axis, what is the you must set the other end of the axis as automatic, uniform, or independent.
difference between uniform
Day 1
range and fixed axis under the
general tab. Uniform axis range for all rows or columns : This option AUTOMATICALLY sets the
axis range uniformly to the maximum data range for all panes in the view. Basis
for the same would be source data Hope this brings clarity !! Happy Learning

Edit Axes - Tableau

How to format the axis title as I

You can format the Title of the axis by Right Clicking on the Axis >> Select Format
was getting Month year as axis Day 1
>> Format tab will appear on the left of the screen
while practicing granularity chart

While I am trying to create a

folder to move two tables from
dimension, am not able to do so You need to go the blank space below measures (left side of the screen) and
Day 1
as folder option is greyed out. Can check if "Group by Folder" option is selected
you tell me where I am going

Trainer : Rushabh jain 1 Not for further circulation, to be used for workshop only
S.N. Query from Students Response DAY

If you have removed the X (Horizontal) or the Y (vertical) axis, go to the Column /
If I have deleted the axis of a rows section on the top and select the small arrow drop in the dimension or the
Day 1
chart, how to add them again measure dragged in the same and select "Show Header". You can hide it by
selecting Show header option again

Sharing the steps that will help you create a color palette at your end, it requires
working with XML files and its not difficult !!

Close Tableau >> Search your system for a folder called "My Tableau Repository"
(Generally in "Documents" folder) >> Select “Preferences” & Open in Notepad.

Between the <Workbook> and </Workbook>, mention the below :

<color-palette name="Test" type = "regular">

Can we create our own color <color>#17becf</color>

</color-palette> Day 1
palette in Tableau?

Save the notepad & Close

Open Tableau >> Import any file >> Drag a dimension to color >> Select “Edit
Color” and Check the drop down to find the new “Test” palette

I used 3 Color codes (eg#CD5C5C) from the site in above example You can choose
yours from

Video Link incase you get stuck
How to save Tableau Public
workbooks privately on your How to save Tableau Public workbooks privately on your computer Day 1

The functionality for View, Edit is indeed available using permissions option in
Tableau Licence (Server/online) version.

Just see the below link that will help you understand how its done !!
Creating access rights
Does Tableau have view and edit
Day 1
Creating Usergroups in which projects are saved and access rights are provided

Step by Step Detailed process as per Tableau website

Yes the Map can be coloured. Ideally colours to be used must be indicative of a
Can the map color be edited ? Or
measure (eg. Sales for a region from light to dark colours). We have 2 videos, one Day 2
is that the default color ?
on day 3 (last 2 videos) and one on day 4

Yes, indeed you can. You can type the formula in the calculated field dialog box
for instance IF or IF ELSE and the same will appear in the drop down for selection.
Can we use logical formula like if
Also, a Quick Tip : To see a list of available functions, click the small triangle icon Day 2
in tableau?
(in the centre of the right-side border) of the Calculation Editor. I am sure this will
help !!

Trainer : Rushabh jain 2 Not for further circulation, to be used for workshop only
S.N. Query from Students Response DAY

If the column names (eg. Order ID in my video) are same in 2 files used for
Is blending of the data will be blending then Tableau will read the same and create a blend. You just need to
done automatic? do we have to activate it by clicking the Pin type button and set it into an Orange colour. If the
Day 2
make the blend every time column names are different, we need to create the blend manually using the
manually? option Data >> Edit blend relationships and activate it by clicking the Pin type
button and set it into an Orange colour.

What data can be converted to

There are specific data formats which can be identified for creating a geocode
geographical. Like you change
related data (Refer Annexure)
locations in abc to maps. What if Day 2
unknowns in geographical data
belongs to 2 or more locations.??

1. There will be there sub-segments in the marks tab - you need to select area
In day 2 session there was a video
chart for the Sum (Target) part and select Area chart
regarding the target and the
actual sales , in blend video .But
unable to take target sales as Day 2
2. Target is either appearing constant or larger than the actual sale - You need to
area chart, if i take the target is
select Synchronize Axis. I guess you have missed that step The data should
either appearing constant or
correct if you do the above
larger than the actual sales

The file structuring is segregating the data correctly into “Dimensions” and
“Rows”. Suppose you have 20 footwear at your home (Brands – Nile 10 pairs, 5
In day 2 video of joins and
adidas and 5 Reebok). The Brands column will be a dimension and the count of 20
relationship, how is the file Day 2
pairs will be in the Count column classified as measures. In file structuring of
structuring is done
tableau incorrectly classifies the 2 interchangeably then you can drag the column
to the Dimension or measure based on the correct logical section.

All fields must be aggregate or constant while using multiple sheets or Table
calculation functionalities

While creating calculated field for

profit calculation why didn't you
did aggregation as in why didn’t Day 2
you take sum of profit divided by
sum of sales

What's the difference between County is a territorial division of some countries. Eq. Shires in England, Like
Day 2
County and Country/Region sir ? Manhatten in New York city,
The default view that you first see in the Data Source page canvas is the logical
layer of the data source. You combine data in the logical layer using relationships
(or noodles).

Think of this layer as the Relationships canvas in the Data Source page. They act
like containers for physical Layer tables. Logical tables remain distinct
Could you please again explain
(normalized), not merged in the data source (Physical layer joins the data using
the Logical Layer relationship Day 2
options like Joins). Best example is Customer Master and Supplier Master, these
without joins? how is it useful?
are 2 distinct tables for an organisation but there is a relationship developed from
the goods are passed from one to another. We dont need to JOIN / MERGE the
data, but, we can definitely create a RELATIONSHIP between them. In terms of
use you can use these to create a RELATIONSHIP between multiple tables
without merging them.

Trainer : Rushabh jain 3 Not for further circulation, to be used for workshop only
S.N. Query from Students Response DAY

Instead of breaking the year into Quarters and months, you can keep the columns
In terms of dual axis/ merging
at "Year" level only. The year will represent the cumulative number for actuals.
charts example can we show a
Now, since we wanted to do an actuals vs budget at month level we created a
cumulative TARGET and Day 2
blend on the same. If we want to blend at year level then create a blend at year
Cumulative BUDGET as a single
level using Edit blend relationships >> Custom >> select the last item "Year" on the
bar showing EOY details
left and right screen sections >> Select OK

There is no specific functionality that fetches the pin code from an address in
tableau. As a solution, on day 3 we will be learning a few functionalities on data
interpreter which works like text to column in excel. Check if that helps you to
split data if it is in a constant format (Example the last characters after ":" for
How to extract pincode from instance)
Day 2
address (if available)?
Tableau generally uses the specific format. Tableau tool identifies the geographic
roles based on location names, codes based on the type of geographic data
contained in the base file. For example, you can assign the geographic role to a
field that contains Pin codes.

When we discussed dimensions I would say that if you want to classify sales performance based on date (eg.
and measures, it is mentioned higher sales on week ends vs weekdays, wouldnt that be a categorizable aspect
that dimensions are where we to put the Order Date into Dimensions :).
can classify the data and
measures are kind of random Order ID - Yes you can take it as measure !!
Day 2
data. If we apply that logic, order
date and order id also should be the best practice here is that we can change the Dimension to a measure or vice
measures, right? They can't be versa based on the correct understanding of what that column is representing
classified and are pretty much
unique for each record. The Analyst must take a call based on understanding of the base file 😊

The 'HIDE' option is not working (a) Hide option will not work if you have used the field for making any Viz. Just
for me, and can you tell how to check if you have removed the use of the same in any sheet
unhide something if we hide (b) You can unhide the columns by going to the data source sheets, see the mid Day 2
(Video showing how to hide sale right side to find an option "Show hidden fields", Tick the same. You would see the
column) hidden column in greyish shade. Right click and unhide.

Bins group a set of data into groups of equal interval or size making it a
systematic distribution of data. Sometimes it's useful to convert a continuous
measure (or a numeric dimension) into bins. Example, If you are the management
What is the difference in using and want to see number of people who have got a 4 to 5 star rating in their
Day 3
bins than a normal bar chart? appraisal and 0 to 1 star rating low performers. You can create a bin to have a
correct interval setup. When you use a normal bae chart you will get multiple
barcharts for people getting 4.1, 4.5, 3.4, 0.2, etc. Bins helps here to give decisive
insights on performance.

Data Interpreter provides various cleaning operations that you can use out of the

box to clean and shape your data. Cleaning up dirty data makes it easier to
combine and analyze your data or makes it easier for others to understand
What is the role of data
your data when sharing your data used for data cleanup before you make
interpreter? What all task it Day 3
the visualization. Data Interpreter can remove extraneous info to help prepare
performs? And when to use it?
your Tableau data source. After you set up the data source, if Tableau detects
unique formatting or extraneous info, the Data Interpreter option becomes

Trainer : Rushabh jain 4 Not for further circulation, to be used for workshop only
S.N. Query from Students Response DAY
As i mentioned in my video, a sheet cannot be filtered by field from a secondary
data source used for making a blend. Eg. Sheet A uses data source 1 as the
primary data source; sheet B uses data source 1 as the secondary data source. If
you create a quick filter on a field from data source 1 (in our example Category of
Furniture, etc.) and apply this quick filter to sheet A and sheet B, sheet B will not
While we have enabled “use a be filtered as sheet B uses a secondary data source.
filter” option why doesn’t the age
worksheet change even if we Now coming to the solution: Day 3
have common filter across the
(1) Use Join to join your data rather than blend if aggregation is not an issue OR
(2) Configure all sheets to use the same primary data source

What's the difference in

Tableau being a user friendly tool provides various ways to do the same thing.
functionality between navigating:
One such item is applying filters. When you select Actions from either Worksheet Day 3
worksheet-->Actions and
or Dashboard tabs, both take you to the same Tool bar !!

In chapter " Creating bins " , after the null value pertains to the age group bin prior to the age bin of 15. Since there
changing ' Age bin ' from discrete are no customers there the null represents the same. You too can check the same
to a continuous value, A Null using the following method Day 3
value Occurred. What does it
refers ? Right Click >> View Data -See the Null value details

A region is can be counties within a state or countries within a continent. Not

What is a Region? only does Tableau allow us to visualize these custom regions, but we Day 4
can also do calculations using these regions as groups.

GROUPING:- .. In method 2,
Category was assigned After doing the step of selecting Territory >> Creating from state option (@5.07 to
GEOGRAPHY ROLE and created 5.09 Seconds in Day 4, V02), what we are doing here is that, we are creating a
from State ( an existing hierarchy group to split the locations into territories, using a defined category (Territory)
State + City).. In left panel a available in the data source. As soon as we do this, there is an addition in
Day 4
modification in Hierarchy was Hierarchy, which is exactly the change you see on the hierarchy list on the left
observed as( Territory, State, pane. As per my explanation in 1st Q&A, there is a logical sequence developed
City).. Please explain why a wherein the states and cities are categorized under a bigger category ie. Territory
change in Hierarchy was and can be drilled down that way. Thus there is a change on the screen.

In GROUPING.. Method 1-..Is it Let me explain it in the Live session. However, for current consumption, the
possible to go beyond 2 values for method 1 is not a good way to do in our example being solved in the video,
Dimension ( Territory in this case) selecting and grouping is a slow process and good if the manual activity requires Day 4
Area A and others ?? Is it inherent us to do a two dimensional grouping. The method 2 is apt and preferable as it is
limitation of the Tableau ? faster and more efficient in the example we are solving.

Trainer : Rushabh jain 5 Not for further circulation, to be used for workshop only
S.N. Query from Students Response DAY
In my view, becoming an expert on any kind of output requires good
understanding of the Biz, developing experience in the granular things of a Biz
and trying to gauge/understand the expectation of the reader (Maybe
management, shareholders, etc).

For instance incase of a coal mining machines evaluation the output will show
How to become expert in
how many machines are there, how long they are working and how much
understanding the output and
maintenance is required due to utilization / underutilization. Here, the Day 4
accordingly functioning the same
management expectation would be to evaluate the times when the machine
in tableau.
gave a low output, where the machine broke down, , cost incurred in previous
times to repair the machine, etc. Once you understand this expectation of the
management, the Tableau Viz can be used to evaluate the facts based on actual
manhours and plotting on the graph the same using a Viz.

Hope this gives you a good idea on where you must focus to be an expert.

To remove a trend line from any visualization, click on any trendline and drag it off
How can we remove Trend line of the visualization canvas area. You can also click a trend line and unselect "Show
Day 4
from a saved file? Trend Line". To remove all trend lines from the view, select Analysis >Trend Lines
>Show Trend Lines.

As indicated in the video itself we can use a filer as well to see only new locations,
but how do we see both new old locations and color differentiation of regions.
Why did we use highlight feature
in the sheet 2 of day 4 videos? If i want to See both the region (Region A,B,C) to which the "new location belongs
Day 4
Where we wanted to analyse only to" in the 3 colors as well as the "New and old Category" indicatively on the same
new locations. vizual. This is possible using the highlighter option without changing the region
colors. This adds a bifurcation through Colors as well as a highlight of new colors
when asked to show both by the reader of the report.

Tableau does have language options in terms of Western languages like French,
Spanish, Deutch, etc. the option to check the same is Help >> Choose language.
Working with government, will
Hindi is not a part of the same.
require to make report in hindi
language or font. Can I be able to Overall
However, for currency related information, you can format the labels see the drop
work in hindi lang/font or other
down on left in Numbers >> Currency (Standard) >> select languages like
marathi, bengali, etc for showing currency (numbers) related info in that
languages number format.

Using google online screen recorder, you can make your dashboards and record
on this application for sharing on linked in (pls tag me as well). For sharing the
How to share dashboards and
files with friends over email i showed the method in yesterday’s QnA yesterday,
story with our friends or on any Overall
can you see the video that should help you out.
platform like linkedin?

Alternatively, Use the buttons “Windows”+”G” and there is an Xbox functionality.

How can we reduce the use of
Here is the link for tableau keyboard shortcuts
the mouse in tableau, are there Overall
any shortcuts like in excel?
- Pull the dimension to Text,
- Pull the dimension to Size
How to make a word cloud in
- Change the measure of the size of dimension to "Count" Overall
- Make the chart type a text
- Drag dimension to Color
Once our work is saved in the
Tableau Public Domain, I could
not see different sheets I had Go to the settings option on your public domain on the page of your dash board,
worked on. Is there a way to select show sheets on the settings oprion on the right side!! You should be able to Overall
check these multiple see the sheet names on the top right, its that simple my friend :)
sheets/dashboards in the public

Trainer : Rushabh jain 6 Not for further circulation, to be used for workshop only
S.N. Query from Students Response DAY

The simplest method is to transpose data (like we do in excel) is using the pivot
data option in Tableau. If you bring your unpivoted data into Tableau, you can
we have two tables where row select the columns you wish to pivot >> then right-click >> select “Pivot”.
and columns both are same but
numbers are different in both the You can then rename the pivot fields and values as desired and then you can use
tables. we need the difference the lookup advance function.
between both the sheets. what
will we do?
measure-values-in-a-view (sorry this is an advance functionality, but this link will
help you)

No way to hide anything while share our workbook to the users. if they install
desktop then they can easily see all data and calculations. Better try to use
Can we send dashboards/files in tableau server (licence version) and restrict user download (This link will help you
ready only mode where you can ask reader to download tableau reader :

Can we embed links either in

Use the Navigation option and Web page option in the dash board settings on
dashboard/sheets to a diff Overall
left side (next to image) and Alt + Click
source/file/sheet 4

Go to the web data connector to try out the same in your connect data section in
How to connect data from public More in Tableau Desktop
domain directly in tableau
Topic Detail (

Trainer : Rushabh jain 7 Not for further circulation, to be used for workshop only

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