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Introduction to Differential Calculus

Calculus- Is a method of calculation. The word was derived from the

Latin word for stone or pebble .During the ancient times, stones or
pebbles were used for calculations.
-It was in the 17th when two remarkable men in different places invented
different theories and principles. Today calculus has important
applications in almost every field of study that uses mathematics.
Two Branches :
1. Differential Calculus-a branch of mathematics which deals with
problems about anything that changes like motion, lengths, and others.
-deals with the analysis about the dependence of the rate of change
of functions upon changes in its variable/variables.
2. Integral Calculus- the reverse process of differential calculus.It is
concerned with calculating areas bounded by curves, volumes bounded
by surfaces, and solutions to differential equations
Introduction to Differential Calculus
Relation and Function
A. Relation- is a set of ordered pairs(x , y), where x is the
domain and the y is the range. The x is the 1st coordinate
and y is the 2nd coordinate. The x is the independent
variable and the y is the dependent variable.
Ex. 𝑥 2 -6y=2xy , x=𝑦 2 ,𝑦 = 5𝑥 2 -6x ,(2,3),(-2,5),(4.7)
B. Function- a special type of relation such that no ordered
pairs of set have different second coordinates corresponding
to the same 1st coordinates.
Ex. 𝑦 = 5𝑥 2 -6x , y=7x-8
All functions are relations, but not all relations are
Prepared By: Engr. Victoria O. Yap
Introduction to Differential Calculus
Function Notation:
Function notation is the way a function is written. It is meant to be a precise way
of giving information about the function without a rather lengthy written
explanation. It is associated with a formula and symbols are used.
The most popular function notation is f (x) which is read "f of x".
This is NOT the multiplication of f times x.
𝑒𝑥. 𝑓 𝑥 = 4𝑥 2 -5x+3 where f(x) means a function of x which can be
substituted by any symbol like y=f(x) ,v=f(x) and so on….
Function Notation is not limited only to x and y but any variable can be
dependent or independent.
Ex. 𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟 2 A as the dependent variable and r as the independent
Composite function:
When there are two or more equations with respect to one variable.
𝑓(𝑥) =4𝑥 2 -5x+3 , 𝑔 𝑥 = 3𝑥 − 2
Prepared By: Engr. Victoria O. Yap
Introduction to Differential Calculus
In the graphical representation of a function ,it is clear how we can
identify function from relation not a function using the vertical line test.
In example 𝑦 2 =4x ,which represents a parabola facing right is not a
function. But this relation is composed of two functions. The one above
the origin and the other below it.
y vertical line

𝑦 = +2 𝑥

𝑦 = −2 𝑥
A function can be identified as to Range is to domain
Range (dependent variable) Domain (independent variable)
A. one one
ex. 𝑦 = 5𝑥 − 3
In every one value of x there is only one value of y
B. one many
ex. 𝑦 = 5𝑥 2 − 6
In every value of y, there can be more than value of x
from the above example let x=1,y=-1 and let x=-1,y=1
Another way to express a function is through ordered pairs:

Here, for A and B are one to one property and for C ,there is one to
Introduction to Differential Calculus

If in a function the dependent variable y can be explicitly

written in terms of independent variable x in terms of 'x'
must not involve y in any manner , then the function is
called an explicit function
y = x2 + 1,
y = sin x + cos x

If the dependent variable y and independent variable x

are so convoluted in an equation that y cannot be written
explicitly as function of x then f(x) is said to be an implicit

e. x2 + y2 = tan-1 𝑥𝑦
Introduction to Differential Calculus
Introduction to Differential Calculus

𝑔 𝑥 = ( 𝑥)2 −9 𝑥 + 3
Introduction to Differential Calculus
Types of functions

2. Transcendental Functions
-it is any function that cannot be solved through arithmetic operations. These are the
exponential , logarithmic , trigonometric and hyperbolic functions(associated with

hyperbolic 𝑦 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ5𝑥 − 𝑡𝑎𝑛ℎ3𝑥

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