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Department of Electrical Engineering

EE-462 Computer Networks Lab

Project Proposal: Airport Network

Name: Saadia Mehrwer
Roll Number: 150161
Class: BEE-7B (Power)

Submitted To: Engr. Aqib Khan

Submission Date: November 30th, 2018

I will be designing network for Airport using one Class B Network e.g There will be 3 departments in the Airport. So I will divide
this network into 3 Subnets according to requirement so that there will
be no wastage of IP Addresses
Airport Authority
Flight Service Provider
Access Criteria:
Access List will also be implemented for security purpose. Airport
Authority will have access to Flight Service Provider and Passengers.
Similarly Passengers cannot have access to either of networks.
No of users estimated in each section will be as follows:
Airport Authority 30
Flight Service Provider 60
Passengers/Guests 150
In each department VLAN’s will be created if needed. Proper
Naming/Description of Router’s/Switches’ will be observed.

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