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Problem of marine life

Extinction of marine wildlife

We all know that over 75% of the Earth's surface is covered by the ocean, which means the
ocean is intrinsically the most significant environment of almost the living species in our planet.
Unfortunately, the marine life is under threat of human's over exploitation. Myriad aquatic
species are on the verge of becoming extinct. So im gonna go through some causes to this head-
spilting problem as well as suggest some solutions.
First of all, people’s domestic waste from household and factories can cause the extinction of
marine life.I have to say that the most detrimental contamination sources come from our
developing industry. There are million tons of domestic waste and sewage dumped from
factories and power plants to the rivers, streams,etc nearby every year. Hence, those toxic waste
would harm the water sources,which are the means of existence of all aquatic specices. And
then , poisonous water would gradually kill these species. Besides, Herbicides and Pesticides that
used in agriculture also be dumped into the water sources, which result in several deaths of
myriad aquatic species.The second ground is, undeniably, that Marine poachers are threatening
the appearance of myriad aquatic species. Indeed, nature grants every species living in this world
an indespensable role to play and each’s role contribute to the balance of our ecosystem. What
would happen if one of the species be put into an end. The answer is that the climate would
harshly change in a bad way. Then one time in the future, our planet would be vanished by the
destruction of humanity.
On the grounds of that, to avoid such bad future as we imagine, we need to take some solutions.
First, government should publicise more strict laws and rules about dumping waste into water
sources then raise people’s conciousness of preserving our oceans by some environmental
compains via propagandas or media. Furthermore, we our selves need to have the awareness of
protecting our water sources. We need to reduce the amount of plastic products as it may lead to
habitat destruction. In terms of marine poachers, government should stritly punish poachers and
forbid over hunting. Moreover, we also need to lower the need of aquatic creatures that are on
the verge of extinction in order to lessen overhunting.
In short, the oceans are exceedingly essential to every living species in this planet. Human has to
get into the swing of doing things that could protect the oceans life.

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