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According to Cleverly, Facebook used in political communication, Facebook helps candidates

to raise their visibility, to directly communicate with the citizens and involve them in creating virtual
communities and content in order to virally promote political messages. The importance of the social
media during the local elections in this city has slowly but surely increased. In 2012, the presence on
Facebook was only an opportunity, much less exploited than television or newspapers. In 2016 all the
candidates created their campaign online, some of them exclusively on this social network. However,
the success of the 2.0 mayor is not based only on using the social network as (an alternative) news
channel, but rather on establishing a bidirectional link and a constant interaction with virtual friends.

According to Kaplan & Haenlein (2010), there are six different types of social media:
collaborative projects, (micro) blogs, content communities, social networking sites, virtual game worlds
and virtual social worlds. Table 2 presents their classification according to the two dimensions. The
dimension social presence/media richness stems from media research. Social presence refers to the
intimacy and immediacy of a medium, where higher social presence implies a larger influence that
communication partners have on each other’s behavior, while media richness means the amount of
information transmitted in a given time period (Kaplan & Haenlein 2010, p. 61). The second dimension is
that consisting of the social processes of self-presentation and selfdisclosure. Self-presentation refers to
people’s desire to present themselves and control other’s impressions of them, while self-disclosure is
“the conscious or unconscious revelation of personal information” (Kaplan & Haenlein 2010, p. 62).

Factor Analysis is applied to identify the factors that influenced Facebook users for buying
the product through Facebook, also the same analysis is used to find out the maximum and
minimum variance of the factors which helps the researchers to reach their destination and examined
how Small Business owners are motivated to use social media applications to improve their business.
For this study, researchers have collected 100 samples and given a helpful conclusion from the
consumer view regarding demographic factors from the city of Kolkata, West Bengal, India. An
attempt has been made to analyze customer perceptions, their preference factors that increase the
adoption rate of FB users, changing their buying pattern from traditional to online through social
media, facebook.com and lastly finding the most important factors which influences more, that helps
the entrepreneur to set their Decision Support System as well as to improve the obtainable Business
(Hyde et al., 2017).
A social network is defined as a website-based service that allows a member of a restricted
community to create a profile publicly or anonymously (Solomon et al., 2010). Users can communicate
easily with others they know or are unfamiliar with as well as find friends in the program, or make
friends, and build their social networks. Millennials customers are strongly engaged with their social
media platform. Voorveld et al., (2018) state that engagement is highly context-specific; it comprises
various types of experiences on each social media platform such that each is experienced in a unique
way. The engagement of millennials with social media advertising itself is key in explaining how social
media engagement is related to advertising evaluations (Voorveld et al., 2018). Hence, social networks
change the way people think about marketing, companies and consumers have direct interaction and
relationships with each other (Solomon et al., 2010). Today, how interactions between companies and
consumers have been changed, and the power to transfer companies to consumers is due to online
social networks (Hagel and Armstrong, 1997). On social networking sites, millennials consumers are
empowered to filter, select, and exchange information with each other or with companies. Some
researchers have distinguished the difference between social commerce and social procurement.
Stephen and Toubia (2010) conclude that social shopping connects customers, while social commerce
connects sellers. Since 2004, the number of Facebook users has consistently increased at a remarkable
rate every year. Besides, concerns about leaking social network user data in 2018 made Facebook users
not only increase but also surpassed by 3.2%; and reached 2, 23 billion users at the end of March
(Brailovskaia and Margraf, 2016). They consider Facebook as an extensive network to search,
communicate and connect with friends and partners (Zickar et al., 2018). However, many strangers can
view images, sharing, and personal information from all over the world (Saariketo, 2014). However,
from 2006 until now, after Newsfeed and many other modes have been launched, the privacy of
individuals has been established and protected with various customizations by Facebook's commitment
(Pham et al.,2019). As Facebook continues to grow its number of active users, the potential to harness
data generated by Facebook users also grows. As much of Facebook users’ activity consists of creating
(and commenting on) written posts, the potential use of text data for research is enormous (Franz et al.,
According to Churchill & Halverson (2005),Facebook have related social networking to the
concept of six degrees of separation that promotes the idea that everyone on the globe is separated
from everyone else by no more than six intermediate personal relationships. Social networking
technologies help to establish connectivity with people that would not have been possible otherwise.
The use of social networking is rapidly increasing at an alarming rate. Facebook had 150 million users
early last year whereas the latest figures reveal the number of users to be 500 million (Facebook, 2010;
Gordon, 2010). A growth of 350 million users in over a year demonstrates the increasing popularity of
social networking. The trends in SNS show a shift towards specialization of the social networks as they
are segmented according to the types of market segment they serve. SNS like LinkedIn, Viadeo, Ryze,
and Ning specifically target formal business related communication whereas Facebook, MySpace, and
Orkut target informal social communication. But as the popularity of Facebook demonstrates, there is a
grey area as a lot of formal business activity is carried out on Facebook. Barnes and Barnes (2009) have
highlighted the importance of the ubiquitous nature of SNS and how they are currently being utilised by
for-profit or non-profit businesses of all sizes. It is imperative that the business value of SNS is
established and businesses attempt to understand and utilise it to build brands, promote products and
services, and engage with stakeholders. Social networking is blooming in the business world enabling
professionals and executives to rub virtual elbows with stakeholders (Vascellaro, 2007) and holds ever-
growing importance for businesses (Kriescher, 2009). Most current focus is on social networking sites
used for personal communication but due to their wide spread popularity for business-related purposes
globally, attention is now diverting to social networking that caters to specific professional groups. Singh
(2008) has warned that in spite of the numerous benefits online social networking is prone to misuse
and abuse so it is most important to be also aware of the shortcomings.

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