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Data Security and Privacy Provisions of the Platform


FlexiMC effectively utilises the state-of-the-art security mechanisms provided by cloud providers – AWS &
MongoDB - to secure the platform and keep threats at bay.

Below are the details of data security and privacy implementations at different levels:

Incoming data:

 Each IoT Gateway is configured and conferred its own unique identity.

 The identity must consist of a unique name, X.509 client certificate and a public-private key combination.
The MQTT connection is authenticated using this identity.

 Each gateway shall have its own unique MQTT topic to send the data to. FlexiMC’s AWS IoT Rules have
been configured such that a gateway can only send data pertaining to its own site, and if the gateway
tries to send data for other site, the data is rejected and the gateway is disconnected.

 AWS Lambda processes and inserts the data to the database. This connection is secured by MongoDB
connection string, TLS v1.2, Special VPC for MongoDB access and Special Security Group.

Cloud Architecture relevant to Application

 All the data is encrypted at rest.

 MongoDB Atlas uses whole volume (disk) encryption for any data at rest, including cluster data and
backups of that data.

 MongoDB Atlas also requires TLS encryption for client data and intra-cluster network communications.


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may not be used, published, or redistributed without the prior written consent of FlexiMC Solutions Pvt Ltd ontained
V1.1 c

 TLS v1.2 is used for any communication between atlas nodes as well as MongoDB clients.

 By default, we deploy a 3-node cluster, so even if one of the nodes goes down, the other node takes its
place without any downtime.

 Disk snapshot backups are taken periodically

 MongoDB Atlas cluster is accessible to AWS Service only via VPC Peering. AWS Service must be added in
the VPC in order to make MongoDB accessible to it.

 Additionally, there is always an option for multi-region cluster.

 Passwords are hashed before they are stored in the database, so they cannot be used even in case of a

 The NoSQL queries are converted to binary, so there is no threat of SQL Injections.


 HTTPs APIs with TLS v1.2

 JWT for authentication and authorization

 No API to write every-minute telemetry data so that it remains untouched

 API does not have direct access to the database – it is connected to AWS Lambda, which is responsible
for authentication and authorization checks.


 Frontend Application is replicated across globe and served using AWS CloudFront.

 Role based access for users, with site level and module level restrictions.

 Backend queries are translated to BSON objects to prevent traditional SQL injections.


 AWS IAM Roles have been created following principle of least privilege.

 Services get access to resources strictly on a need-to basis. A service needs to have specific VPC access in
order to connect to the database.

 The VPC that connects to MongoDB is not attached to the AWS Internet Gateway access. Lambda
functions are not attached to the AWS Internet Gateway access. This means that the Lambda function
cannot connect to the internet and is restricted within the VPC only.


The entire platform has been designed meticulously to ensure data security and integrity is maintained across all
stages. From the point where raw data enters the platform to all the intermittent services it passes through, data
remains secured in transit and encrypted at rest. Periodic security upgrades from the cloud providers ensure the
platform remains up-to-date and has checks and balances to prevent issues from all known as well as emerging
threats. The platform as-is and in future versions will continue to remain robust and secure carrying a very low to
nil risk of being compromised.


The information contained in these documents is confidential, privileged and only for the information of the intended recipient and
may not be used, published, or redistributed without the prior written consent of FlexiMC Solutions Pvt Ltd ontained

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