Effluent Toxicity

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Fishery Technology

2007, Vol. 44 (1) pp : 85 - 92

Toxicity Evaluation of Treated Refinery

Effluent using brine Shrimp (Artemia salina)
Egg and Larval Bioassay

P.K. Krishnakumar*, A.P. Dineshbabu, Geetha Sasikumar and G.S. Bhat

. Mangalore Research Centre o/Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
Post Box No. 244, Bolar, Mangalore 575 001, Kamataka

A bioassay test using Artemia Salina egg and larvae is conducted to evaluate the aquatic toxicity
treated refinery effluents. The brine shrimp (Artemia salina) has gained popularity as test organism
for short-term toxicity testing because of its ease of culture, short generation time, cosmopolitan
distribution and its commercial availability as dormant eggs. One year study has been carried out
to assess toxicity of effluent samples collected from an oil refinery at Mangalore, (India) on the egg
hatching and larval survival rate of A. salina. The chemical quality of the refinery effluent collected
during Oct 2002 - Sep 2003 was found to be within the prescribed permissible limits. The mean
EC50 for egg hatching rate using the effluent collected during the dry and wet seaspns was 40.6%
and 73.4% effluent (% by volume) respectively. The mean LC50 value for larval mortality using the
effluent samples collected during the dry and wet seasons was 37.2% and 48% effluent respectively.
The mean No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) for the effluent in the present study was
6.3%. The reported natural dilution available in the Arabian Sea near the marine outfall of the
refinery is sufficient enough to dilute the effluent below the observed NOEC.

Key words: Toxicity, refinery effluent, Artemia salina, EC50, LCSO, larvae, egg hatching

In many regions of the world, aquatic approved methods for toxicity studies (Wells,
toxicity test data are routinely used to evaluate 1999). To be of practical use in such bioassays, a
risks associated with the discharge of industrial candidate species, or at least one of its life-history
effluents into marine environment and it is a stages, should not only be sensitiv.;e to potential
legal obligation in many countries (Wells et. al., contaminants, but should also be relatively easy
1998). Such tests can provide an indication of to collect from the field (i.e. abundant), amenable
the potential toxicity of an effluent to biological to routine maintenance, culture and rearing in
communities inhabiting the receiving waters. the laboratory (Wells, 1999).
With regards to the marine environment, a The brine shrimp (Artemia salina) has
variety of invertebrate test species is currently gained popularity as a test organism for short
used in the framework of internationally tenn toxicity testing because of ease of culture,
• Corresponding author: E-mail-kkumarpk@Sanchamet.in

short generation time, cosmopolitan distribution Industries are expected to comply with a set of
and its conunercial availability as dormant eggs effluent regulations and guidelines, including
(cysts). These 'cysts were suggested as an fish bioassay tests (CPCB, 1986). It requires that
attractive alternative to standard invertebrate a 48/96 h fish bioassay to test the acute toxicity
stock cultures, since test animals can be hatched of treated effluent be regularly undertaken by("
synchronously (Persoone et ai., 1989). The the industry. There is a growing awareness that\
toxicological studies of different insecticides and acute toxicity tests that usually measure lethality
chemicals on various crustaceans have been to the test organism do not alone provide a
reported in the literature (Anyachukwo & sufficiently sensitive or accurate estimate of the
Akintonwaosa, 1992; Buikema et al., 1976; effects of long-tennexposure to effluents. Hence,
Ferrando & Andreu- Motiner, 1991; Rodrigues we have conducted a one year study to assess
& Amin, 1991; Schimmel & Forester, 19(7) but effects of effluent collected from an oil refinery
few have selected Artemia larvae as test at Mangalore, (India) on egg hatching and larval
organisms for acute toxicity studies (Goh & survival rates of brine shrimp (A. salina).
Chou, 1998; Sanchez & Barahona, 1995)996).
Materials and methods
The type and concentration of pollutants
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals
in refinery's effluent depend on the chemical
Limited, with a total refining capacity of 9
make-up of the crude oil and the processes used
million metric tonnes is located at Mangalore on
to make the final products. Many of these
thewest coast of India. The treated effluent from
processes require heating the oil to high
the refinery is discharged into the Arabian Sea
temperatures or pressures, or the use of
off Mangalore through a submarine effluent
chemicals called catalysts. Other chemicals are
pipeline. The rate of effluent discharge during
used to help create and purify the final products.
the 'wet season Gun - Sep) is 900 ml/h while
Refineries use large amounts of water in the
during the dry season (Oct - May) it is 400 m3 /
refining process as a cooIIDg agent. This water
h. Treated effluent samples were collected every
picks up waste oil and impurities. Some
month for one year (Oct 2002 - Sep 2003) from
impurities such as heavy metals, sulfide, and
the guard pond of the refinery. Chemical
phenols are in the crude oil itself, while others
parameters of the effluent samples were
are fonned during the refinement process (eg.
analysed follOWing standard procedures
cyanide, dioxins, and furans). All of these
(APHA, 1995). Six concentrations of the treated
chemicals can be toxic to aquatic life if the
effluent such as 6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 75% and
refinery effluent is discharged into the aquatic
100010 (by volume) were employed for the toxicity
environment (Sherry et. al., 1994). There are a
study. Different dilutions of the effluent were
number of studies on the biological impact of
made by using dean, filtered seawater having
concentration of pollutants in refinery effluent
35 ppt salinity. The final salinity of all test
in the past. (Sherry et. al., 1994, Gaur & Kumar,
solutions was adjusted to 35 ppt.
1986; Lee d. al., 1990; Paine & Chapman, 1992;
Rowe et. al., 1983a, 1983 b; Sprague, t>t. at., 1978; Arlemia salina, the brine shrimp prefers
Westlakeet. al., 198,3a, 1983b) habitats similar to a marine environment, and
lives in hyper saline lakes with very high algal
The most frequently applied procedure for
production. Like other zooplankton, it forms a
assessing the toxicity of industrial effluents
significant food source for many fish and aquatic
discharged into coastal waters in India involves
invertebrates. In Arlemin after fertilization, the
the use of acute toxicity tests using fishes.

eggs either develop into free-swimm ing completely by 24 h. The freshly decapsulated
naupliu s larvae (termed ovoviv iparou s cyst was 1IS<.-d for the egg hatching test while
reproduction), or (hey aresnrrOlUlded by a shell the 24 h o ld larvae were used for the mortality
that forms a cyst. Under normal condit ions, by study.
24 h the outer membrilne of the cyst bursts and
TIle ECSO test, inhibition of egg hiltching
the embryo, still su rrounded by i'I hatching
was conducted under static conditions in 96 weU
membrane will eme rge. After ano the r sho rt
polystyrene tissue cultttre plates. In each well,
period of lime, the embryo breaks through the
3.0 ml each of different concentrations o f the
membrane to emerge as nauplius.
effluent were added. Five decapsulated cysts
Commercially avai lable ATtemin SII/il/(/ were introduced in each well and left fo r
cysts purchased from San Francisco Bay Brand hatching in a light intensityofl000 lu x. For each
Inc., USA were used for the study. One gram of concentration ten replicates were maintained.
ATtem;(/ cysts was hydrated in distilled water at The hatching of the cysts in each well was
4 OC for 12 h. After 12 h, the hydrated cysts were examined under a dissection microscope after
collected and washed in cooled ultrapu re grade 18, 24 and 48 h intervals. The hatching was
water. The washed cysts were again washed considered complete only when the larvaecome
with chilled and filtered seawater and finally out after breaking the egg membrane (Fig. lA-
with filtered seawater at room temperatu re. The D). Hatching mtes in each well under different
hyd rated and washed cys ts were kepi for effluent concentrations were recorded and the
ha tching in filtered seawater at 25° C, pH 8.6 and mean percentage hatching rates were estimated
light intensity of 1000 lux. The cysts hatched ou t for 18, 24 and 48 h exposure.

c o
Fig. J.l'hotllml{rogr~l'lI.~ shllwmg lI1('A,trlllin )'II/inn ,'););' .lnd IM",~e (\OOX) A. Normal eggs With th ick capsule (darkroloured) ar.d the de-
cdp!iulnll>d ~1;8 (light (olour~od) ust'd fur thto EC50 t~... t..;. n Eml'ry" cl\fl1 lng <YJt of th~ membr~ne immedi~tply ~rter hatching. C. ArUmilllarva
aller 24 h ul'.:d f"f LC!iO tL... tS. D. Arlrllll,IIJr....ll' Jltef 48 h

The LCSO test, larval mortality, was and the mean % mortality rates were estimated
conducted in 96-<well polystyrene tissue culture for 18, 24 and 48 h exposure.
plates under static conditions using 24 hold
larvae. In each well five Artemia larvae were The EPA Probit Analysis software (version
introduced and the mortality of the larvae were 1.5) was used for calculating Ee/LCSO values
examined under a dissection microscope after and 95% confidence limits. The results of the
18,24,40,48 and 65 hexposure time, Larvae were toxicity tests were statistically analyzed to
considered dead if they did not exhibit any determine if effluent concentration was
internal or extemalmovement during 10 seconds significantly different (p=O.OS) from the clean
of observation. Mortality rates in each well under seawater control with respect to egg hatching
different effluent concentrations were recorded and larval survival rates. The short-tenn chronic

---0 Dry Season

• Wet Season
-Log. (Dry Season
1DO - -Log. (Wet season

~ 60 o ..0._", ...
~ • •
20 •
o+----,___ ~----~--~___,--__,
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
TIme to 50% EIfecl (h)

Fig. 2 Toxicity curve 9howing the effect (ECSO) on ArlmIia egg hatching with time 10 refinery
effluent sampled during wet and dry aeasons.

o DrY Season
80 e Wet Season
-Log. (Dry Season
60 - -log. (\Net Season

ew~ 40
." . , ,
o -----~-----

o 20 40 60 80
TIme to 50% Mortamy (Il)

Fig. 3. Toxicity CUrv.. showinglh.-effed (LC50) on Artemia larvae with time to refinery efflu..n! sampJai during wet and dry seasons.

Table 1. Major chemical parameters (mean ± 5D) of the treated Table 3. Toxicity of reflnery effluent sampled during dry (Oct-
effluent sampled during the dry and wet seasons May) and wet Gun -Sep) seasons to Artemia saljna larvae.

Chemical Parameters Dry,,",," WetSeason Toxicity &posure Dry Season We<

(Oct-May) Glln-Sep) parameters period (%by Season (%by
Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l.) Sl3±430.6 272 ± 124.9 volume) volume)
pH 7.38±0.54 7.37 ±.0.46 18h 59.7 706
Total5uspended Solids (mg/L) IS.3 ± 16.7 8.00±6.9 (47.7 -73.8) (58.1-86.4)
Biodlemical Oxygen Demand EC5O(95% 24h 42.5 55.5
(mgtl)- 5 days al20 OC 7.48±4.4 6.09 ± 4.3 confidence limits) (33.2-53.2) (43.9-69.6)
Chemical Otygen Demand 40h 37.9 51.7
• (mg/L) 36.41 ± 17A 46.13 +52.82 (29.3-47.1) (40.4-64.7)
Ammonicalnitrogen (mglL) 1.99±2.03 1.94 ± 2.44 48h 28.6 36.8
Cyanide (mg/L) O.OO3±o.oOl 0.002 ±.0.001 (1O.5-5t.5) (27.6-47.5)
Sulphide (mg/L) 0.013 ± 0.005 0.007 ± 0.005 65h 17.5 25.4
Oil and grease (mg/L) 3.16±2.66 2.75±2.25 (5.2-30.2) (10.0-41.5)
Pbenol(mg/L) 0.14±Q.05 0.17 ± 0.05 M~ 37.24 480
NOEC 6.3 6.3
WEC 12.5 12.5
Table 2. Toxicity of refinery effluent sampled during dry (Oct- ChV 9.' 9.4
Mayland wet (fun - Sep) seasons to Arltmia safma egg hatching. Calculated mean ECSO (with 95% confidence limits), No Observed
W. Effect Concentration (NOEC), lowest Observed Effect Concentra-
&"""re Dry"''''''
(%by Season{%by tion (LOEC) and Chronic Value (ChV).

61.0 parameters of the effluent samples were found
(22.4 - 44.4) (42.5 - 83.6) to be within the prescribed permissible limits
EC50{95% 24h 44.2 SO.5
confidence limits) (15.7-89.4) (58.1-115) (CPCB, 1986). Generally the chemical quality of

(58.0 -111.3)
the effluent samples collected during the wet
season was superior when compared to the
NOS:: 6.3 6.3 samples collected during the dry season. During
WS:: 12.5 12.5 the wet season the treated effluent stored in the
ChV 9.4 9.4
guard pond was diluted by heavy rain.
Calrulated mean EC50 (with 95%confidence limits), No Observed
EffectCoru;entralion (NOEC), Lowest Observed Effect Concentra- The mean median effective concentrations
lion (WEC) and Chronic Value (ChV) (EC50) for egg hatching rates are shown in Table
2. The normal and decapsulated eggs and
toxicity test endpoints expressed as the No hatching process are shown in Fig 1. The EC50
Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC), the value for the effluent collected during the dry
Lowest Observed Effect Concentration (WEC) season varied from 32.8% to 44.8% and varied
and the Chronic Value (ChV) were calculated from 61 to 78.9% during the wet season. The
using EPA Dunnett's test software. mean EC50 value (after 18, 24 and 48 h exposure)
for the dry season was 40.6% and for'the wet
Results and Discussion
season was 73.4% (Tables 2). The EC50 for egg
The Arternia egg and larval bioassay were hatching rate was found to be increasing with
found to be a very effective tool for evaluating time as shown in Fig. 2. The mean median lethal
the toxicity of refinery efflue~t as reported by concentrations (LC50) are shown in Table 3. The
earlier workers (Persoone et . al., 1989). The mean 24 - 48 h Artemia larvae are shown in Fig 1. The
chemical parameters of the treated effluent LC50 value for the effluent collected during the
samples collected during the wet season and dry dry season was varying from 17.5% to 59.7% and
seasons are shown in Table 1. The chemical from 25.4 to 70.6% during the wet season. The

The reported nahtral dilution available in the Gaur, J. P and Kumar, H.D. (1986). Effects of oil
Arabian Sea near the marine outfall of the refinery effluents on Selenastrum
refinery is sufficient enough to dilute the effluent capricomutum. Preintz.lntemat. Rev. Ges.
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effluent. Artemia larval bioassay test was found Screening of Singapore Gorgonians:
to be more sensitive than the egg bioassay. antimicrobial activity, toxicity to
Weare extremely grateful to our Director, Prof. (Dr) Artemia salina, and efficacy against
Mohan Joseph Modayil for his encouragement and fOf Plasmodium berghei. Zoological Science.
facilities provided. Weare thankful to Dr. M. Rajagopalan,
15, pp 805 - 812.
Head of FEM Division and Dr. C. Muthiah, Scientist-in-
Charge, RC oiCMFRI, Mangalore, for their encouragement.
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