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ex 9-1
Harga mobil baru adalah $21.000. Pada pasar terbuka, defender menjual dengan harga $10.0
dan perlu mengalami perbaikan sebesar $1.500

a. Berapa total investasi (defender) dengan sudut pandang orang luar?

JAWAB Dari sudut pandang orang luar

$10.000 + $1500 = $11.500

Jadi total defender adalah MV saat ini ditambah biay peningkatan mobil sehingga ssebanding

b. Berapa total nilai defender yang belum diarmotisasi

Nilai defender yang belum diamortasi merupakan kerugian baku yang terkait dengan pembua
$12.000 - $10.000 = $2.000

Hal tersebut merupakan perbedaan MV dan BV saat ini defender. Jumlah ini merupakan sunk
penggantian, kecuali hal itu dapat berdampak pada pajak penghasilan.

ex 9-2

Peusahaan memiliki bejana tekan yang ingin diganti. Bejana lama dengan BOP $60.000 per tah
ada MV. Bejana lama memiliki nilai harga jual $30.000 dan terdapat MV sebesar $50.000 dala
tahun.Dengan MARR 20%. Bejana baru dapat dibeli dengan harga $120.0000 dengan MV $50.
per tahun
Tentukan apakah bejana lama perlu diganti?

JAWAB Alternatif Value k Nilai

-$ 30,000
A -$ 60,000 P/A, 20%, 5 2.9906
-$ 120,000
-$ 30,000 P/A, 20%, 5 2.9906
$ 50,000 P/F, 20%, 5 0.4019
PW alternatif B lebih besar dari alternatif A. Maka, bejana lama harus diganti.

ex 9-3

The manager of a carpet manufacturing plant became concerned about the operation of a cri
this situation with the supervisor of plant engineering, they decided that a replacement study
would be appropriate for this situation. The company that owns the plant is using a before-ta
projects. The existing pump, Pump A, including driving motor with integrated controls, cost $1
The manager of a carpet manufacturing plant became concerned about the operation of a cri
this situation with the supervisor of plant engineering, they decided that a replacement study
would be appropriate for this situation. The company that owns the plant is using a before-ta
projects. The existing pump, Pump A, including driving motor with integrated controls, cost $1
could be obtained for the pump if it were sold now. Some reliability problems have been expe
of the impeller and bearings at a cost of $1,750. Annual operating and maintenance expenses
property tax expenses are 2% of the initial capital investment. It appears that the pump will p
present maintenance and repair practice is continued. It is estimated that if this pump is conti
will be about $200.

table 9-1 MARR (before taxes)

Existing Pump A (defender)
Capital investment when purchased five years ago
Annual expences
Replacement of impeller and bearings
Operating and maintenance
Taxes and insurance: $17.000 x 0,02
Total annual expenses
Present MV
Estimated market value at the end of nine additional years

Replacement Pump B (challenger)

Capital investment
Annual expenses
Operating and maintenance
Taxes and insurance: $16.000 x 0,02
Total annual expenses
Estimated MV at the end of nine years: $16.000 x 0,20

An alternative to keeping the existing pump in service is to sell it immediately and to purchase
estimated MV at the end of the nine-year study period would be 20% of the initial capital inve
the new pump are estimated to be $3,000 per year. Annual taxes and insurance would total 2
Example 9-3 are summarized in Table 9-1.

Based on these data, should the defender (Pump A) be kept [and the challenger (Pump B) not
now (and the defender sold)? Use a before-tax analysis and the outsider viewpoint in the eva

study period = 9 thn keep old pump A

Annual expenses $ 5,340.00
Capital recovery cost:
[$750(A/P,10%,9)-$200(A/F,10%,9)] $ 115.50
[$16000(A/P, 10%, 9)-$3200(A/F, 10%, 9)]
TOTAL EUAC(10%) $ 5,455.50
pompa A memiliki nila EUAC lebih kecil daripada pompa , pompa pengganti tidak disarankan d

ex 9-4
A new forklift truck will require an investment of $30,000 and is expected to have year-end M
5, respectively, of Table 9-2. If the before-tax MARR is 10% per year, how long should the asse

Loss in Market Value Cost of Capital =

End of Year, k MV, End of Year k 10% of Beginning of
(MV) During Year k Year MV
0 $ 30,000
1 $ 22,500 $ 7,500 $ 3,000
2 $ 16,875 $ 5,625 $ 2,250
3 $ 12,750 $ 4,125 $ 1,688
4 $ 9,750 $ 3,000 $ 1,275
5 $ 7,125 $ 2,625 $ 975

JAWAB Solve by hand

Solusi untuk masalah ini diperoleh dengan melengkapi kolom 3, 4, 6 [Persamaan (9-2)], dan 7
semua arus kas. Kerugian dalam MV selama tahun k hanyalah perbedaan antara nilai pasar aw
tahun k adalah 10% dari modal yang belum diperoleh kembali (diinvestasikan dalam aset) pad
hingga k) jika aset dipertahankan dalam layanan selama tahun k dan kemudian diganti (atau d
Terlihat dari nilai yang ditunjukkan di kolom 7 bahwa truk forklif baru akan memiliki EUAC min

JAWAB Solve by spreadsheet

MARR 10%
EOY End of Year MV CR Amount Annual Expenses
0 $ 30,000
1 $ 22,500 $ 10,500 $ 3,000
2 $ 16,875 $ 9,250 $ 4,500
3 $ 12,750 $ 8,211 $ 7,000
4 $ 9,750 $ 7,363 $ 10,000
5 $ 7,125 $ 6,747 $ 13,000

ex 9-5 Determine the economic life of an $800 laptop computer. Your personal interest rate is 10% p
values are expected to be the following:
Year 1
Software upgrade and maintenance $ 150
Resale value at end of year $ 600

JAWAB Year 1
Upgrade and maintenance $ 150
Depreciation $ 200
Interest on capital at 10% $ 80
Total marginal cost $ 430

EUAC 1 $ 430

EUAC 2 Year, k Total Marginal Cost P/F, 10%, k

1 $ 430 0.9091
2 $ 410 0.8264

EUAC3 Year, k Total Marginal Cost P/F, 10%, k

2 $ 410 0.8264
3 $ 595 0.7513

Oleh karena itu, laptop harus disimpan selama dua tahun sebelum diganti.

Meskipun perbedaan nilai EUACk (10%) mungkin tampak cukup kecil untuk membuat analisis
usaha, pertimbangkan sudut pandang perusahaan internasional yang memasok laptop kepada
dihemat dengan mengganti laptop setelah dua tahun, dibandingkan menyimpannya untuk tah
ketika Anda mempertimbangkan ratusan atau bahkan ribuan komputer di seluruh perusahaan
ribuan mahasiswa yang perlu membeli laptop.

ex 9-6
It is desired to determine how much longer a forklift truck should remain in service before it i
(challenger) for which data were given in Example 9-4 and Table 9-2. The defender in this case
cost $19,500, and has a present realizable MV of $7,500. If kept, its MVs and annual expenses

EOY, k MV, EOY k Annual Expenses, Ek

1 $ 6,000.00 $ 8,250.00
2 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,900.00
3 $ 3,000.00 $ 11,700.00
4 $ 1,500.00 $ 13,200.00

Determine the most economical period to keep the defender before replacing it (if at all) with
Example 9-4. The before-tax cost of capital (MARR) is 10% per year.

JAWAB Cost of Capital =

EOY MV, EOY Lost in Market Value 10% of Beginning of
(MV) during Year k
Year MV
0 $ 7,500.00 $ 1,500.00
1 $ 6,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 750.00
2 $ 4,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 600.00
3 $ 3,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 450.00
4 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 300.00

ex 9-7
Suppose that we are faced with the same replacement problem as in Example 9-6, except tha
is (a) three years or (b) four years. That is, a finite analysis period under the coterminated assu
case, which alternative should be selected?
(a) Untuk jangka waktu perencanaan tiga tahun, kita mungkin berpikir bahwa bek harus ditah
penantang untuk bertugas selama tiga tahun ke depan. Dari Tabel 9-3, EUAC untuk bek selam
untuk penantang selama tiga tahun adalah $ 12.918. Jadi, mengikuti alasan ini, bek akan ditah
Berfokus pada kolom Total (Marginal) Biaya untuk Setiap Tahun, kita dapat melihat bahwa be
pertama, tetapi pada tahun ketiga biayanya adalah $ 13.650; EUAC selama satu tahun layanan
akan lebih ekonomis mengganti bek setelah tahun kedua. Kesimpulan ini dapat dikonfirmasi d
penggantian dan biaya masing-masing dan kemudian menghitung EUAC untuk masing-masing
perencanaan empat tahun di Bagian (b).

table 9-4 Keep Defender Keep Challenger Total (Marginal) Costs for Each
for for 1 2
0 4 $ 13,500 $ 12,375
1 3 $ 10,500 $ 13,500
2 2 $ 10,500 $ 12,000
3 1 $ 10,500 $ 12,000
4 0 $ 10,500 $ 12,000

(b) Untuk jangka waktu perencanaan empat tahun, alternatif dan biaya masing-masing untuk
pada Tabel 9-4. Dengan demikian, alternatif paling ekonomis adalah mempertahankan bek se
dengan penantang, untuk dipertahankan selama dua tahun berikutnya. Keputusan untuk mem
sama dengan saat asumsi pengulangan digunakan, yang tentu saja tidak akan benar secara um

ex 9-8
Mesin baling seharga $ 80.000 untuk kertas daur ulang dibeli oleh perusahaan XYZ dua tahun lalu. MV
dan dapat tetap digunakan selama tujuh tahun lagi. MARR adalah 12% per tahun dan proyeksi penerim
(pendapatan dikurangi biaya) dan nilai pasar akhir tahun untuk mesin tersebut ditunjukkan di bawah i
perusahaan untuk meninggalkan proyek ini?

1 2
Net annual receipts $ 20,000 $ 20,000
Market value $ 40,000 $ 32,000

Net annual
Years receipts Market value P/F, 12%, 1

1 $ 20,000 $ 40,000 0.8929

2 $ 20,000 $ 32,000 0.7972
3 $ 18,000 $ 25,000 0.7118
4 $ 15,000 $ 20,000 0.6355
5 $ 12,000 $ 15,000 0.5674
6 $ 6,000 $ 10,000 0.5066
7 $ 3,000 $ 5,000 0.4523
ex 9-9
Find the economic life on an after-tax basis for the new forklift truck (challenger) described in
the new forklift is depreciated as a MACRS (GDS) ∗ three-year property class asset, the effecti
and the after-tax MARR is 6% per year.

Loss in MV during Year Cost of Capital = 6%
End of Year, k MV, End of Year k k of BOY Mvin Col. 2

0 $ 30,000 $ - $ -
1 $ 22,500 $ 7,500 $ 1,800
2 $ 16,875 $ 5,625 $ 1,350
3 $ 12,750 $ 4,125 $ 1,013
4 $ 9,750 $ 3,000 $ 765
5 $ 7,125 $ 2,625 $ 585

ex 9-10
An existing asset being considered for replacement has a current MV of $12,000 and a curren
the after-tax investment value of the existing asset (if kept) using the outsider viewpoint and

JAWAB BV0 $ 18,000 t

End of Year, k BTCF Depreciation Taxable Income

0 $ -12,000 None $ 6,000

ex 9-11
An engineering consulting firm is considering the replacement of its CAD workstation. The wo
years ago for $20,000. Depreciation deductions have followed the MACRS (GDS) five-year pro
workstation can be sold now for $4,000. Assuming the effective income tax rate is 40%, comp
value of the CAD workstation if it is kept.

JAWAB BV0 = $20.000(1-0,2-0,32-0,192-0,1152) = $ 3,456

t 40%

End of Year, k BTCF Depreciation Taxable Income

0 $ -4,000 None $ -544

ex 9-12
The manager of a carpet manufacturing plant became concerned about the operation of a cri
processes. After discussing this situation with the supervisor of plant engineering, they decide
should be done and that a nine-year study period would be appropriate for this situation. The
is using an after-tax MARR of 6% per year for its capital investment projects. The effective inco

The existing pump, Pump A, including driving motor with integrated controls, cost $17,000 fiv
records show the depreciation schedule to be following that of an asset with a MACRS (ADS) r
Some reliability problems have been experienced with Pump A, including annual replacement
at a cost of $1,750. Annual expenses have been averaging $3,250. Annual insurance and prop
the initial capital investment. It appears that the pump will provide adequate service for anot
maintenance and repair practice is continued. An estimated MV of $750 could be obtained fo
is estimated that, if this pump is continued in service, its final MV after nine more years will b
The existing pump, Pump A, including driving motor with integrated controls, cost $17,000 fiv
records show the depreciation schedule to be following that of an asset with a MACRS (ADS) r
Some reliability problems have been experienced with Pump A, including annual replacement
at a cost of $1,750. Annual expenses have been averaging $3,250. Annual insurance and prop
the initial capital investment. It appears that the pump will provide adequate service for anot
maintenance and repair practice is continued. An estimated MV of $750 could be obtained fo
is estimated that, if this pump is continued in service, its final MV after nine more years will b

An alternative to keeping the existing pump in service is to sell it immediately and to purchase
B, for $16,000. A nine-year class life (MACRS five-year property class) would be applicable to t
An estimated MV at the end of the nine-year study period would be 20% of the initial capital i
maintenance expenses for the new pump are estimated to be $3,000 per year.

MARR (after taxes) = 6% per year

Effective income tax rate = 40%
Existing Pump A (defender)
MACRS (ADS) recovery period 9 years
Capital investment when purchased five years ago $ 17,000
Total annual expenses $ 5,340
Present MV $ 750
Estimated market value at the end of nine additional years $ 200

Replacement Pump B (challenger)

MARCS (GDS) property class 5 years
Capital investement $ 16,000
Total annual expenses $ 3,320
Estimated MV at the end of nine years $ 3,200

JAWAB ATCF Computation for the Defender (Existing Pump A)

End of Year, k BTCF MACRS (ADS) Taxable Income
0 $ -750 None $ 7,750
1 s.d. 4 $ -5,340 $ 1,889 $ -7,229
5 $ -5,340 $ 944 $ -6,284
6 s.d. 8 $ -5,340 $ - $ -5,340
9 $ 200 $ 200

ATCF Computations for the Challenger (Replacement Pump B)

End of Year, k BTCF Depreciation Taxable Income

0 $ -16,000 None
1 $ -3,320 $ 3,200 $ -6,520
2 $ -3,320 $ 5,120 $ -8,440
3 $ -3,320 $ 3,072 $ -6,392
4 $ -3,320 $ 1,843 $ -5,163
5 $ -3,320 $ 1,843 $ -5,163
6 $ -3,320 $ 922 $ -4,242
7 $ -3,320 $ - $ -3,320
8 $ -3,320 $ - $ -3,320
9 $ -3,320 $ - $ -3,320
9 $ 3,200 $ 3,200

Karena selisih EUAC dari kedua pompa sangat dekat, pertimbangan lain, seperti keandalan ya
ekonomis untuk Pompa A. Biaya setelah biaya pajak tahunan dari kedua alternatif jauh lebih k
al dengan harga $10.000. Ia membeli 3 tahun lalu dengan harga $12.000

l sehingga ssebanding dengan layanan kepada challenger

erkait dengan pembuangannya.

ah ini merupakan sunk cost dan tidak ada relevansinya dengan keputusan

an BOP $60.000 per tahun (dimana waktu pakai 5 tahun) dan saat itu tidak
V sebesar $50.000 dalam 5 tshun dan nilai BOP sebesar $30.000 per
.0000 dengan MV $50.000 dalam 5 tahun dan biaya perawatan $30.000

-$ 30,000
$ (179,436.7284)
-$ 209,437
-$ 120,000.0000
-$ 89,718.3642
$ 20,093.8786
-$ 189,624.4856

the operation of a critical pumpin one of the processes. After discussing

at a replacement study should be done, and that a nine-year study period
nt is using a before-tax MARR of 10% per year for its capital investment
grated controls, cost $17,000 five years ago. An estimated MV of $750
10% per year
$ 17,000

$ 1,750
$ 3,250
$ 340
$ 5,340
$ 750
$ 200

$ 16,000

$ 3,000
$ 320
$ 3,320
$ 3,200

diately and to purchase a replacement pump, Pump B, for $16,000. An

f the initial capital investment. Operating and maintenance expenses for
nsurance would total 2% of the initial capital investment. The data for

hallenger (Pump B) not purchased], or should the challenger be purchased

r viewpoint in the evaluation.

pump b

$ 3,320.00

$ 2,542.60
$ 5,862.60
anti tidak disarankan dan harus disimpan setidaknya 1 tahun lagi.

ed to have year-end MVs and annual expenses as shown in columns 2 and

w long should the asset be retained in service? Solve by hand and by

Total (Marginal) EUAC^a

Annual Expenses (Ek) P/F, 10%, j A/P, 10%, k Through
Cost for Year (TCk) Year k

$ 3,000 $ 13,500 0.9091 1.1000 $ 13,500

$ 4,500 $ 12,375 0.8264 0.5762 $ 12,964
$ 7,000 $ 12,813 0.7513 0.4021 $ 12,918
$ 10,000 $ 14,275 0.6830 0.3155 $ 13,211
$ 13,000 $ 16,600 0.6209 0.2638 $ 13,766

ersamaan (9-2)], dan 7 dari Tabel 9-2. Dalam solusinya, diasumsikan terjadinya akhir tahun yang biasa dari
an antara nilai pasar awal tahun, MVk − 1, dan nilai pasar akhir tahun, MVk. Biaya peluang modal pada
asikan dalam aset) pada setiap awal tahun. Nilai di kolom 7 adalah EUAC yang akan terjadi setiap tahun (1
mudian diganti (atau dihentikan) pada akhir tahun. EUAC minimum terjadi pada akhir tahun N ∗ C.
kan memiliki EUAC minimum jika hanya digunakan selama tiga tahun (yaitu, N ∗ C = 3)

PW of Annual Exp EUAC of Ann. Exp. Cumulative EUAC

$ 2,727 $ 3,000 Rp13,500.00

$ 3,719 $ 3,714 Rp12,964.29
$ 5,259 $ 4,707 Rp12,918.43
$ 6,830 $ 5,847 Rp13,210.73
$ 8,072 $ 7,019 Rp13,765.88

al interest rate is 10% per year. Annual expenses and year-end resale

Year 2 Year 3 Harga Laptop

$ 200 $ 300 $ 800
$ 450 $ 200

Year 2 Year 3
$ 200 $ 300
$ 150 $ 250
$ 60 $ 45
$ 410 $ 595

A/P,10%, k EUAC2
$ 586

A/P,10%, k EUAC3
$ 519

ntuk membuat analisis ini tidak sepadan dengan

emasok laptop kepada karyawannya. Uang yang
enyimpannya untuk tahun ketiga menjadi signifikan
di seluruh perusahaan. Hal ini juga berlaku untuk

in in service before it is replaced by the new truck

he defender in this case is two years old, originally
s and annual expenses are expected to be as

placing it (if at all) with the present challenger of

Annual Expenses (Ek) Total (marginal) EUACa

Cost for Year (TCk) through year k

$ 8,250.00 $ 10,500.00 $ 10,500.00 N*D = 1

$ 9,900.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 11,214.29
$ 11,700.00 $ 13,650.00 $ 11,950.15
$ 13,200.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 12,607.30

xample 9-6, except that the period of needed service

the coterminated assumption is being used. In each
bahwa bek harus ditahan selama tiga tahun atau harus segera diganti oleh
EUAC untuk bek selama tiga tahun adalah $ 11.950; dari Tabel 9-2, EUAC
asan ini, bek akan ditahan selama tiga tahun. Hal ini, kurang tepat.
pat melihat bahwa bek memiliki biaya terendah dalam dua tahun
ma satu tahun layanan untuk penantang hanya $ 13.500. Oleh karena itu,
ni dapat dikonfirmasi dengan menghitung semua kemungkinan
C untuk masing-masing kemungkinan, seperti yang akan dilakukan untuk

arginal) Costs for Each Year P/F, 10%, j

3 4 1 2 3
$ 12,813 $ 14,275 0.9091 0.8264 0.7513
$ 12,375 $ 12,813 0.9091 0.8264 0.7513
$ 13,500 $ 12,375 0.9091 0.8264 0.7513
$ 13,650 $ 13,500 0.9091 0.8264 0.7513
$ 13,650 $ 15,000 0.9091 0.8264 0.7513

masing-masing untuk setiap tahun dan EUAC masing-masing diberikan

empertahankan bek selama dua tahun dan kemudian menggantinya
Keputusan untuk mempertahankan bek selama dua tahun kebetulan
k akan benar secara umum.

n XYZ dua tahun lalu. MV mesin saat ini adalah $ 50.000,

hun dan proyeksi penerimaan tahunan bersih
t ditunjukkan di bawah ini. Kapan waktu terbaik bagi

End of Year
3 4 5 6 7
$ 18,000 $ 15,000 $ 12,000 $ 6,000 $ 3,000
$ 25,000 $ 20,000 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 5,000


$ 3,571
$ 9,311
$ 14,408
$ 18,856
$ 21,466 Waktu terbaik
$ 21,061
$ 19,614
hallenger) described in Example 9-4. Assume that
class asset, the effective income tax rate is 40%,

Approximate After Interest on Tax After Tax
Tax Total MACRS BV at End of Adjustment =
Annual Expenses (Marginal) Cost for Year k 6%.t.BOY BV in Total
Year k Col.7 (Marginal)
Cost (TCk)
$ - $ - $ 30,000 $ - $ -
$ 3,000 $ 7,380 $ 20,001 $ 720 $ 8,100
$ 4,500 $ 6,885 $ 6,666 $ 480 $ 7,365
$ 7,000 $ 7,283 $ 2,223 $ 160 $ 7,442
$ 10,000 $ 8,259 $ - $ 53 $ 8,312
$ 13,000 $ 9,726 $ - $ - $ 9,726

$12,000 and a current BV of $18,000. Determine

utsider viewpoint and an effective income tax rate of


Cash Flow for

Income Taxes
$ -2,040 $ -14,040

D workstation. The workstation was purchased four

RS (GDS) five-year property class schedule. The
tax rate is 40%, compute the after-tax investment

Cash Flow for ATCF

Income Taxes
$ 218 $ -3,782

the operation of a critical pumpin one of the

ngineering, they decided that a replacement study
e for this situation. The company that owns the plant
ects. The effective income tax rate is 40%.

ntrols, cost $17,000 five years ago. The accounting

t with a MACRS (ADS) recovery period of nine years.
ng annual replacement of the impeller and bearings
ual insurance and property tax expenses are 2% of
quate service for another nine years if the present
0 could be obtained for the pump if it is sold now. It
nine more years will be about $200.
diately and to purchase a replacement pump, Pump
ould be applicable to the new pump under the GDS.
% of the initial capital investment. Operating and
er year.

Income Taxes at 40% ATCF EUAC (6%) of Pump

A (Defender)
$ -3,100 $ -3,850
$ 2,892 $ -2,448
$ 2,514 $ -2,826 $ 3,333
$ 2,136 $ -3,204
$ -80 $ 120

EUAC (6%) of
Income Taxes at 40% ATCF P/F, 6%, k Pump A
$ -16,000
$ 2,608 $ -712 0.9434

$ 3,375
$ 3,376 $ 56 0.8900
$ 2,557 $ -763 0.8396
$ 2,065 $ -1,255 0.7921
$ 2,065 $ -1,255 0.7473 $ 3,375
$ 1,697 $ -1,623 0.7050
$ 1,328 $ -1,992 0.6651
$ 1,328 $ -1,992 0.6274
$ 1,328 $ -1,992 0.5919
$ -1,280 $ 1,920

, seperti keandalan yang lebih baik dari pompa baru, dapat mengurangi sedikit pilihan
a alternatif jauh lebih kecil daripada sebelum biaya pajak tahunan.
A/P, 10%, 4 10% for 4
4 Years
0.6830 0.3155 $ 13,211
0.6830 0.3155 $ 12,225
0.6830 0.3155 $ 12,006
0.6830 0.3155 $ 12,284
0.6830 0.3155 $ 12,607
(After Tax)
P/F, 6%, j A/P, 6%, k through
Year k

0.9434 1.0600 $ 8,100

0.8900 0.5454 $ 7,743
0.8396 0.3741 $ 7,649 N*AT=3
0.7921 0.2886 $ 7,800
0.7473 0.2374 $ 8,142
A/P, 6%, 9 0.147022235

P/A, 6%, 4 3.4651056127

F/P, 6%, 4 1.26247696

F/A, 6%, 4 4.374616

A/F, 6%, 9 0.087022235

A/P, 6%, 9 0.147022235

A/F, 6%, 9 0.087022235

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