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Internship Report On GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan

Submitted by: Ali murad MBA (Marketing) Batch 09B

Sukkur Institute of Science & Technology

Our values And behavior

Table of Contents

Acknowledgement Dedication Certificate CHAPTER:1 INTRODUCTION Overview History

Mission Statement & Core Values Functions Objectives Purpose of internship Research
methodology Limitations CHAPTER:2 ORGANIZED STRUCTURE & SETUP Functions of
Department Marketing & Sales Department CHAPTER: 4 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES
Manufacturing Sites of GSK Pakistan CHAPTER: 5 CHAPTER: 6 SWOT
CONCLUSION/SUGGESTION/PROCEDURE Conclusion Suggestion Reference/ bibliography 3

4 5 6 7 7 8 18 19 20 20 20 21 22 22 24 25 25 30 33 35 36 37 37 37 38
Before writing this Acknowledgement I am very thankful to Almighty ALLAH who gives
me ability and courage to complete this Internship Report successfully in a
sophisticated manner. I would like to acknowledge the dynamic guidance and support
of our respectable teachers, who support me from 1st Semester to Last Semester.
Without their guidance, support and guidance this task of completing this
Internship Report would be very difficult. I am very thankful to GlaxoSmithKline
Pakistan members who guided me during entire course of my Internship and gave me
their precious time and information to make the report in proper manner. I am also
thankful to our respectable Director Sir Hassan Bhayo, for his personal efforts and
interest in making the career of the Students bright and beautiful and last but not
the least I feel very great depth of obligation to my parents and other teachers of
SISTECH whose bold commitments, confidence on me and appreciation helped me a lot
to prove myself. I am in short of word to express my modest gratefulness and
recognition to cuddly and loveable “Parents and Members of Family” who each and
every moment pray for my Success. I also pay appreciation to my Friends. I am also
thankful to all my Teachers who taught me from Childhood to still. My special
thanks to my Regional Sales Manager Mr. Syed Irfan Ali and Mr. Jawed Iqbal Kaim
Khani who help me extra ordinary and guide me each and every Step and give me
useful information for to learn more and more. I feel great pride and pleasure on
accomplishment of this Report


“Confidence comes from Hours and Days And Weeks and Years of Constant Work and
Dedication” At first dedicating this Work to Almighty ALLAH without his mercy and
Sympathy I was not able to accomplish this work. This humble effort is dedicated to
my honorable PARENTS Who did their best to uplift me to the height of and ideal
life and whose affections inspired me to love Mankind and respect others TEACHERS
Who built my moral and made possible me to achieve the height of ideal life.
FRIENDS Who always helped me in preparing this Internship report and all types of

CHAPTER: 1 Overview


GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Limited was created January 1st, 2001 through the merger
of SmithKline and French of Pakistan Limited, Beecham Pakistan (Private) Limited
and Glaxo Wellcome (Pakistan) Limited- standing today as the largest pharmaceutical
company in Pakistan. As an industry leader we are committed to our mission of
providing patients quality products to help improve their lives. GlaxoSmithKline –
one of the world's leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies –
is committed to improving the quality of human life by enabling people to do more,
feel better and live longer. We are one of the few pharmaceutical companies
researching both medicines and vaccines for the World Health Organization’s three
priority diseases – HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, and are very proud to have
developed some of the leading global medicines in these fields. Headquartered in
the UK and with operations based in the US, we are one of the industry leaders,
with an estimated seven per cent of the world's pharmaceutical market. But being a
leader brings responsibility. This means that we care about the impact that we have
on the people and places touched by our mission to improve health around the world.
It also means that we must help developing countries where debilitating disease
affects millions of people and access to life-changing medicines and vaccines is a
problem. To meet this challenge, we are committed to providing discounted medicines
where they are needed the most. As a company with a firm foundation in science, we
have a flair for research and a track record of turning that research into
powerful, marketable drugs. Every hour We spend more than £300,000 (US$562,000) to
find new medicines. We produce medicines that treat major disease areas such as
asthma, virus control, infections, mental health, diabetes and digestive
conditions. In addition, we are a leader in the important area of vaccines and are
developing new treatments for cancer. We also market other products, many of which
are among the market leaders:
• • • • •

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines including Iodex, Eno, Calplol and Panadol Dental
products such as Aquafresh and Sensodyne Smoking control products
Nicorette/Niquitin Nutritional healthcare drinks such as Lucozade, Ribena and
Horlicks Skincare products marketed by Stiefel Laboratories

History of GlaxoSmithKline World wide

1830 John K Smith and his brother-in-law, John Gilbert, opened a drugstore in
Philadelphia in 1830. When John Gilbert decided to withdraw, Smith was joined by
his younger brother George. The company soon became a leader in drug wholesaling.
1842 Thomas Beecham launches the Beecham's Pills laxative business in England. The
laxative is to become widely successful.

1859 Beecham opens the world's first factory to be built solely for making
medicines at St Helens in England. 1865 Mahlon Kline joins Smith and Shoemaker - as
John K Smith and Co had become - as a bookkeeper 1873 Joseph Nathan, who left the
UK to seek new business opportunities 20 years before, establishes a general
trading company at Wellington in New Zealand - Joseph Nathan and Co - the
foundation for the Glaxo company to be formed later. 1875 Mahlon Kline took on
additional responsibilities as a salesman and added many new and large accounts. He
is rewarded when the company, Mahlon K Smith and Company, is renamed Smith, Kline
and Company.

1880 Burroughs Wellcome & Company is established in London by American
pharmacists Henry Wellcome and Silas Burroughs, four years after Joseph Nathan
opened a London office. 1884 Tabloid is registered as a Burroughs Wellcome and
Company trademark to describe its compressed tablets 1885 Thomas Beecham's company
acquires headquarters on the corner of Silver Street and Water Street, St Helens,
England. Two years later, the company's new factory in St Helens becomes the first
in the area to have electricity 1891 Smith, Kline and Company acquires French,
Richards and Company, providing a greater portfolio of consumer brands

1902 The Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories open 1904 Nathan starts dried milk
powder production in New Zealand, exporting to London. Henry Wellcome hires Henry
Dale, who is to discover and study, among other things, 1913 Production of
Beecham's Pills laxative reaches one million a day. 1919 Alex C Maclean establishes
Macleans Ltd, manufacturing own-name products for chemists. Mahlon Kline begins the
novel practice of sending pharmaceutical samples through the mail to doctors across
the US.

1924 The vitamin D preparation Ostelin becomes Glaxo's first pharmaceutical
product. The Wellcome Foundation Ltd is formed. The Beecham estate is purchased by
Philip Hill, who realised that the Beecham's Pills business could, through
diversification, become the basis of a major company. 1926 Beecham's Powders cold
remedy is introduced 1929 Smith, Kline and French Company is renamed Smith Kline
and French Laboratories and becomes more focused on research. 1930 Sydney Smith of
Wellcome isolates the glycosides of Digitalis lanata, a variety of foxglove.
Lanoxin (digoxin) is used in the treatment of heart failure. 1935 Glaxo
Laboratories is formed and new facilities are created at Greenford, near London.
1936 Sir Henry Wellcome's will leaves sole ownership of The Wellcome Foundation Ltd
to a UK medical research charity, today called the Wellcome Trust. Sir Henry Dale
of Wellcome is awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for his work in the chemical
transmission of nerve impulses 1938 Beecham acquires Macleans Ltd and Eno's
Proprietaries Ltd. Macleans toothpaste and Lucozade energy-replacement drink are
added to Beecham's product line 1943 Beecham Research Laboratories is formed with
the mission to focus exclusively on basic pharmaceutical research. 1945 Beecham
Group Ltd is established, replacing Beecham Pills Ltd and Beecham Estates Ltd later
known as Beecham Group plc - and incorporates Beecham Research Laboratories. 10
1947 glaxo Laboratories Ltd absorbs the Joseph Nathan company and becomes the
parent company. Glaxo is listed on the London Stock Exchange. New Beecham
laboratories are established at Brockham Park in Surrey, England. 1948 Vitamin B12
is isolated by Glaxo scientists for the treatment of pernicious anaemia.
Streptomycin for TB treatment is produced by Glaxo scientists. Polymixin anti-
bacterials are developed by Wellcome. Smith Kline and French Laboratories acquire a
new site at 1530 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia. 1949 Beecham Group Ltd
acquires C L Bencard Ltd, a company specialising in allergy vaccines. It is a first
step towards ethical products for the Beecham company.

1953 Wellcome launches its antileukaemic drug Purinethol (mercaptopurine). 1958

Glaxo acquires Allen and Hanburys Ltd. 1959 The Wellcome Foundation acquires
Cooper, McDougall and Robertson Ltd, an animal health company founded in 1843.
1958-1959 Wellcome launches range of Actifed antihistamine products for head colds
and allergies. 1960 Smith Kline and French launches Contac, the cold remedy, using
the Spansule to release an initial major therapeutic dose, followed by numerous
smaller doses, over 10-12 hours. The

company moves into the animal health business with the acquisition of Norden

1963 Betnovate (betamethasone) becomes the first of Glaxo's range of steroid skin
disease treatments. In the mid-1960s, Smith Kline and French acquires RIT
(Recherche et Industrie Therapeutiques), a vaccines business. 1968 Septrin (co-
trimoxazole) anti-bacterial from Wellcome is introduced. 1969 Glaxo launches
Ventolin (salbutamol) for asthma, developed at Ware and marketed under the Allen
and Hanburys name. Ceporex, Glaxo's first oral cephalosporin antibiotic, is
introduced. Smith Kline and French enters the clinical laboratories business
through the purchase of seven laboratories in the US and one in Canada. 1970
Burroughs Wellcome Inc moves its production facility from New York to Greenville,
North Carolina. 1971 Wellcome launches its rubella vaccine. Burroughs Wellcome Inc
opens its research site at Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. 1972 Scientists
at Beecham Research Laboratories discover amoxicillin and launch Amoxil, to become
a widely-used antibiotic. Beecham Group plc is unsuccessful in its bid for Glaxo
Group Ltd - and Glaxo is unsuccessful in its attempt to merge with UK chemists
Boots. Inhaled steroid beclomethasone dipropionate is launched by Glaxo as Becotide
(beclomethasone dipropionate) for asthma, followed in 1975 by Beconase for rhinitis
conditions. 1976 The H2 blocker Tagamet (cimetidine) is introduced in the UK by the
SmithKline Corporation, and in the US in the following year. The treatment will
revolutionise peptic ulcer therapy. 1978

Through the acquisition of Meyer Laboratories Inc, Glaxo's business in the US is
started, to become Glaxo Inc from 1980. The broad-spectrum injectable antibiotic
Zinacef (cefuroxime) is introduced by Glaxo.

1981 The anti-ulcer treatment Zantac (ranitidine) is launched by Glaxo and is to

become the world's top-selling medicine by 1986. Augmentin (amoxicillin /
clavulanate potassium), to combat a wide range of bacterial infections in children
and adults, is launched by Beecham. The antiviral Zovirax (aciclovir) is launched
by Wellcome for herpes infections 1982 SmithKline acquires Allergan, an eye and
skincare business, and merges with Beckman Instruments Inc, a company specialising
in diagnostics and measurement instruments and supplies. The company is renamed
SmithKline Beckman. John Vane of the Wellcome Research Laboratories is awarded the
Nobel Prize, with two other scientists. 1983 Glaxo Inc moves to new facilities in
Research Triangle Park and Zebulon, North Carolina. The broad-spectrum injectable
antibiotic Fortum (ceftazidime) is launched. Wellcome launches Flolan
(epoprostenol) for use in renal dialysis. 1986 Beecham acquires the US firm
Norcliff Thayer, adding Tums antacid tablets and Oxy skin care to its portfolio.
1987 The AIDS treatment Retrovir (zidovudine) is launched by Wellcome. Glaxo
introduces the oral antibiotic Zinnat (cefuroxime axetil). 1988 SmithKline
BioScience Laboratories acquires one of its largest competitors, International
Clinical Laboratories, Inc, increasing the company's size by half and establishing
SmithKline BioScience Laboratories as the industry leader. The Nobel Prize for
medicine is awarded to George Hitchings and Gertrude Elion, of Burroughs Wellcome
Inc, and to Sir James Black, who had worked at the Wellcome Foundation and Smith
Kline and French Laboratories. 1991 Glaxo launches its novel treatment for
migraine, Imigran (sumatriptan), Lacipil (lacidipine) for high blood pressure, and
Cutivate (fluticasone propionate) in the US for skin diseases.

SmithKline Beecham moves its global headquarters to New Horizons Court at
Brentford, England. SmithKline Beecham's Seroxat/Paxil (paroxetine hydrochloride)
is launched in the UK, its first market.

1992 Mepron (atovaquone) for AIDS-related pneumonia is introduced by Burroughs

Wellcome in the US. SmithKline Beecham's Havrix hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated,
the world's first hepatitis A vaccine, is launched in six European markets. 1993
SmithKline Beecham and Human Genome Science negotiate a multi-million-dollar
research collaboration agreement for identifying and describing the functions of
the genes in the human body. Glaxo introduces Flixotide (fluticasone propionate)
for bronchial conditions. 1994 SmithKline Beecham purchases Diversified
Pharmaceutical Services, Inc, a pharmaceutical benefits manager. Sterling Health
also is acquired, making SmithKline Beecham the thirdlargest over-the-counter
medicines company in the world and number one in Europe and the international
markets. With the intention of focusing on human healthcare, SmithKline Beecham
sells its animal health business. 1995 Glaxo and Wellcome merge to form Glaxo
Wellcome. Glaxo Wellcome acquires California-based Affymax, a leader in the field
of combinatorial chemistry. The Queen opens Glaxo Wellcome's Medicines Research
Centre at Stevenage in England. Valtrex (valaciclovir) is launched by Glaxo
Wellcome as an anti-herpes successor to Zovirax (acyclovir). SmithKline Beecham
acquires Sterling Winthrop's site in Upper Providence, Pennsylvania, to fulfil US
R&D expansion needs. 1997 SmithKline Beecham's research centre, New Frontiers
Science Park, opens at Harlow in England. SmithKline Beecham and Incyte
Pharmaceuticals create a joint venture diaDexus - to discover and market novel
molecular diagnostics based on the use of genomics. 1998 SmithKline Beecham and the
World Health Organization announce a collaboration to eliminate lymphatic
filariasis (elephantiasis) by the year 2020. The largest pharmaceutical company in
Poland is created with the acquisition of Polfa Poznan by Glaxo Wellcome.

1999 The 30th anniversary of the launch of Ventolin (albuterol) is marked as
respiratory becomes Glaxo Wellcome's largest therapeutic area. Sharpening its focus
on pharmaceuticals and consumer healthcare, SmithKline Beecham divests SmithKline
Beecham Clinical Laboratories and Diversified Pharmaceutical Services. SmithKline
Beecham's Avandia (rosiglitazone maleate), for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, is
launched in the US.

2000 GlaxoSmithKline is formed through the merger of Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline
Beecham. 2001 GSK moves to its new UK headquarters in Brentford, West London. GSK
House consists of four, five-storey buildings and a 16-storey tower block linked by
an internal fully-glazed 'street'. The building was designed with input from
employees. Twinrix, the first combination vaccine to prevent hepatitis A and B is
approved by the FDA. GSK reorganises its research and development efforts into
Centres of Excellence for Drug Development (CEDDs), small business units that
emphasise flexibility, innovation and therapeutic focus. GSK launches Advair, an
anti-asthma medicine, in the US and acquires the Sensodyne range of oral care
products. GSK launches the African Malaria Partnership to help combat a disease
that kills more than one million people every year. 2003 On 27 July 2003, ten
million people in Sri Lanka received free doses of GSK-donated albendazole to help
prevent the transmission of lymphatic filariasis. GSK launches Wellbutrin XL, an
anti-depressant medicine, in the US. 2004 GSK ships 33 million tablets of
preferentially-priced Combivir (HIV treatment) to Africa. GSK launches its Clinical
Trial Register, an Internet site containing clinical trial data that anyone can
access. GSK is the first pharmaceutical company to offer this level of transparency
for its clinical trial data.

2005 GSK launches Rotarix, a vaccine against rotavirus, a major cause of vomiting
and diarrhoea in infants. The launch programme of the product focuses on markets
where the need is highest. GSK donates medicines and vaccines in response to the
Asian Tsunami disaster of December 2004 and devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina
in the USA in August 2005. GSK announces the FDA approval of Fluarix GSK take steps
to bolster it leadership position in pandemic flu preparedness by investing in flu
vaccine production facilities, the acquisition of vaccines production facilities
and the development of candidate pandemic flu vaccines. 2006 GSK produces over 10
million packs of its anti-flu treatment Relenza in one year. To boost its consumer
healthcare portfolio, GSK acquires CNS Inc 2007 In a busy year for acquisitions,
GSK acquires Domantis, a leader in developing antibody therapies, Praesis
Pharmaceuticals, a biopharmaceuticals company and Reliant Pharmaceuticals, a
producer of cardiovascular medicines. GSK launches alli, over-the-counter orlistat,
for first FDA-approved treatment for obesity in the US. New R&D centre opened in
China. 2008 GSK marks the ten year anniversary of its commitment to eliminate
lymphatic filariasis. New allergic rhinitis treatment Avamys approved in GSK
reduces prices for anti-retrovirals in the world's poorest GSK ceases providing
corporate political contributions. 2009 Weight loss medicine alli launches in
Europe. Synflorix, GlaxoSmithKline‘s pneumococcal vaccine, receives European
authorisation. GSK‘s commitment to emerging markets is strengthened through
agreements with Aspen, Dr. Reddy‘s and UCB. GSK becomes a leader in skincare with
the acquisition of Stiefel. advances in treatment and care for HIV communities.
Agreement reached to launch Lucozade in China. GSK‘s H1N1 Pandemrix vaccine
receives European Commission Approval. 16 Europe. countries.
Cervarix approved in USA and Japan. World‘s largest malaria vaccine trial gets
underway in seven African countries. GSK signs agreement with the World Health
Organization to donate 50 million doses of pandemic H1N1 vaccine for distribution
to developing countries. GlaxoSmithKline announced as Tier 3 Sponsor as London 2012
anti-doping plans confirmed. As part of its commitment to greater transparency, GSK
publishes speaking and consulting fees paid to US physicians. 2010 GSK becomes
acquired Bristol-Myers Squibb Products in Pakistan and Egypt.

History of GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Limited

GlaxoSmithKline, Pakistan (GSKP) Limited is the largest research-based
pharmaceutical company in the country and the second largest in the world. GSK have
been represented in Pakistan since 1955, which puts in a great position to make a
difference to our community and promote good corporate citizenship. We strive to be
valued corporate citizens no matter where we do business. We have always shown
strong commitment and support for public health and awareness initiatives and have
championed many social causes. In the face of growing adversity, especially in the
developing world, GSK have responded through three main channels: preferential
pricing (vaccines and anti-virals being offered on non profit basis/discounts),
research and development and community investment. The Group's strong commitment to
the community is reflected in various charitable projects in Pakistan, and around
the world. GSK relationship with our various communities is something we are very
proud of as individuals and as an organization. According to the Guardians Giving
List: GSK was at 6th place before any other pharmaceutical company, with the
highest overall gift in kind quantity and the third highest overall cash donation
of £61 million in 2006. GSK Pakistan was also awarded the prestigious Management
Association of Pakistan (MAP) award for which nominations are based on independent
evaluation of quality of management practices including corporate governance,
marketing planning, production, R&D and corporate social responsibility and also
financial performance. Awards are given in two categories - Business & Industrial
and Financial and GSKP won the overall Corporate Excellence Award in the Business &
Industrial category by obtaining the score across all sectors in 2007.

Mission Statement
Excited by the constant search for innovation, we at GSK undertake our quest with
the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs. We value performance achieved with integrity. We
will attain success as a world class global leader with each and every one of our
people contributing with passion and an unmatched sense of urgency. Our mission is
to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and
live longer. Quality is at the heart of everything we do- from the discovery of a
molecule to the development of a medicine.

GSK Values
GSK values are deeply embedded in every function, across the globe. Strategic
development, operations, and customer engagement are based on our values of

Vision Statement
To create and sustain value by recognized as a pharmaceutical industry leader
valued by patients and the health care providers, sought after as an employer, and
respected by the scientific community and by our competitors.

Our corporate functions are based at GSK House in West London, and work with
various different business areas to deliver against overall organizational goals.
As well as benefits, compensation, recruitment, organization and leadership
development, and employee health management, the HR team is also responsible for
operations, strategy, communications and systems. Our 2011 Industrial Placement
Opportunities exist for students who are currently undertaking a business related
degree and can demonstrate a genuine interest in Human Resource Management.

As a leading international pharmaceutical company we make a real difference to
global healthcare and specifically to the developing world. We believe this is both
an ethical imperative and key to business success. Companies that respond
sensitively and with commitment by changing their business practices to address
such challenges will be the leaders of the future. GSK Pakistan operates mainly in
two industry segments: Pharmaceuticals (prescription drugs and vaccines) and
consumer healthcare (over-thecounter- medicines, oral care and nutritional care).
GSK Pakistan leads the industry in value, volume and prescription market shares,
and we are committed to our mission of providing patients quality products to help
improve the quality of their lives. Some of our leading pharmaceutical brands
include Augmentin, Seretide, Amoxil, Velosef, Zantac and Calpol and renowned
consumer healthcare brands, which include Panadol, Horlicks, Aquafresh, Macleans
and ENO

At GSK, we firmly believe that operating in a responsible and ethical way is

essential for the success of our business. We have come a long way but recognise
that there is much more we can do and we will continue to challenge ourselves. CEO
Sir Andrew Witty Purpose of Internship
The main purpose of this internship report is to fulfill the partial requirement of
the degree of MBA and to become familiar with the practical working conditions of
business organization. To measure the gap between theory and practice.

Research Methodology
The research will be composed of literature review for theories and qualitative
research mainly. An extensive study of the research methodology literature will be
the base. Then the practical experiences and observations from the project worked
for during internship will be compared with the literature. Finally qualitative in-
depth interviews and key informant interviews will lead us to our answers. Mostly
Primary data are used in Internship, but Secondary data also used due to
unavailability of Primary Data.

It is very obvious that there should be some limitations in organization while
working, because with lots of co-operative and polite attitude they kept many
things some matters away from me, just like they didn't allow me for working in
field and working with distribution sales officer as well.

Definition of Organization


An organization is a group of people associated for business, political,

professional, religious social or other purpose. In other words we can say that any
group of people who have some goal with formal agreement may be an organization.
Organizational Chart An organization chart is defined as a clear set of
relationship among the member of an organization. Management organizational
structure shows who is responsible for what & who is to report to whom. It's also
sets the routs along which information flows both up & down the chain of command.

Functions of management

Board of Directors Salman Burney Rafique Dawood Husain Lawai Maqbool-ur-Rehman Erum
Shakir Rahim Fariha Salahuddin Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal Shahid Mustafa Qureshi Yahya
Zakaria Mehmood Mandviwalla

Management Committee Salman Burney Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal Erum Shakir Rahim Fariha
Salahuddin Shahid Qureshi Yahya Zakaria Maqbool ur Rehman Sohail Mateen Dr Atif
Mirza M. Salman Burney - Managing Director Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal - Technical Director,
Global Manufacturing and Supply Pervaiz Iqbal Awan - Director Sales BU-I Maqbool Ur
Rahman - Director Sales BU-II Erum Shakir Rahim - Director Marketing & Business
Development Javed Ahmedjee - Director Finance, IT & Logistics Shahid M. Qureshi -
Director Legal, Corporate Affairs, IR, Admin and Regulatory Fariha K. Salahuddin -
Head of Human Resource and Organisational Development Dr. Yousuf Khan - Director
Medical Affairs and R&D Sohail Matin - Country Manager, Consumer Healthcare

Chart of Management
Managing Director

Director Legal

Technical Director

Director Medical

Director HR

Director BU I

Director BU II

Director Marketing & BD

Director Finance

HR Manager

National Sales Manager

Group Product Manager

Assistant HR Manager

Sales Manager

Product Manager

Regional Sales Manager

Brand Manager


Medical Services Executive



Human Resources Department

GlaxoSmithKline has a very extensive HR department, which always busy to develop
the company's capability & seeks to facilities the contribution among the employees
to achieving the company's goals. The HR department creates the strategies &
innovation for which companies noted. As slogans of GSK our challenges is life. The
HR department activities contributed to company's success in a variety of ways,
like HR department responsible to hire the people according to the job description.
In recruitment process GlaxoSmithKline invest the money for hiring the right
candidate. GlaxoSmithKline department of the products, every year HR department
spend the certain amount on the R&D department. Recruitment & Selection Process

GlaxoSmithKline has very qualitative recruitment & selection process. In which HRD
plays very important role to hire the employee. When the company conducts the
interviews in which HR members & departments' members select the candidate. In
GlaxoSmithKline recruitment & selection process has some steps which are followed
in recruitment process.

Selection Process

Failed to meet minimum qualification

Failed to complete application or job specification

Employment Test Comprehensiv e Interview Background Checks If required

Failed Test

Failed to impress interviewer & or meet job

Med / Phy Examination
Reject Application

Specification Problem encountered

Unfit to do essential elements of Job

Able to perform essential elements of Job

Final Job Offer

Creating a High- Performances Culture GlaxoSmithKline wants to align employee with

the key success factors of our business and to give them incentive to concentrate
their efforts in areas where the biggest difference can be made and the greatest
benefits achieved. Performance and talent 'management area the two pillars of clear
for goal settings, performance review and training. Training and Skills Development
GlaxoSmithKline is an innovation driven company, it is essential to promote the
renewal and development of individual skills of our employee. Therefore, they are
fostering and making environment that establishes an expectation of continual
learning, innovation and creativity to achieve outstanding performers.
GlaxoSmithKline intends to support our employee, personal development efforts and
provide them the necessary training programs to perform their function and to
develop their capabilities. Individual development planning begins our performance
process. The purpose of the annual performance review is not only to assess annual
achievements and to agree on individual objectives, but also to discuss career
aspirations; and possible personal development. During this discussion, the
employee and the manager on what is needed to further develop the employee in the
current job and lot prepare the employee for other positions. Based on this
exchange between employee and manager, training program

and the other activities are identified that update and enlarge the knowledge of
our employees and also improve their employability. What information designed is to
attract, retain and motivate the best people. Talent Management Through the talent
management process, we address organizational issues that are important to our
business success. The aims are to identify talent recruitment based on business
need, assess individual and organizational potential, review talent and address
gaps in our talent pipeline. By identifying successors for key positions, we can
define coaching and development plans and future moves. And where gaps exist, we
will fill them by recruiting suitable candidates. Differentiation increases
motivation and retention of our best performers; it also clarifies the need for
establishing development plans for our talent. Participate, purchased 2.3 million
new shares under the plan, even though the stock market environment was very
volatile at the time of the offering. A similar plan was offered in 2000. Using the
Leadership Profile a tool for Managers & PA’s The leadership profiles one of sanofi
aventis mangers most important tools. It is linked to major people-related process
that managers use to identify and develop the people who make certain that sanofi
aventis is a leader in global pharmaceuticals markets. Hiring and Staffing Besides
the functional / technical aspects, the leadership profile sets the criteria for
selecting the individuals who have the best qualifications and skills to be
successful in leadership positions to be filled. Training GlaxoSmithKline use the
leadership profile to focus individual training on the success factors which has
been identified as critical for GSK success. GlaxoSmithKline principle of Total
Reward GSK offers a reward program designed to attract, retain and motivate the
people who are critical for reaching the goal of our performance driven company.
GSK reward program reinforces the partnership between the company and its
associates by providing a clear line of sight between individual's performances and
rewards linked to business results. GSK taken together, their plans that comprise
total reward are competitive with comparable pharmaceuticals and related companies
in the location where we operate. GSK provides a competitive benefits package
designed to support the current and future needs of a diverse population.
Compensation Plan The successful transformation of GlaxoSmithKline into a pure
pharmaceutical company is due first and foremost to our employees. Their commitment
to business goals and dedication to customer needs are the foundation of our
progress. 28
GSK has established policies and practices designed to make us an employee of
choice in our industry. We have a worldwide employment approach based on two
principles: respect for legal requirements in each country where we operated and
respect for people and organization representing our employees. o o o o o o o
Competitive compensation and reward system. Increasing focus on talent management.
Training and skills development. Workplace diversity. Global employee opinion
survey. Europeans work council. Employee share ownership.

GSK Components of Total Compensation Plan:Our Total Compensation Components

Employee benefits and perquisites Long term incentives Short term incentives Base
salary o Base salary is fixed o Long term and short term incentives are variable.
Base Salary Their basic salary ranges are locally developed to be competitive in
each country. The application of these ranges to what individuals are actually paid
reflects performances, skills, competency level and experience. Short-Term
Incentives This compensation component, their annual incentives plan, provides cash
awards to eligible associates around the world. The target awards levels are
developed to be competitive and to meet local market requirements. Their annual
incentive is to use the annual incentive plan to drive and reward better-then
industry performances. Marketing System GSK has very huge and effective marketing
system, which is always busy to provide support to the sales, management teams when
planning, analyzing and evaluating alternative strategies. GSK believe on an
effective marketing system which can help to capture the market and enhance the
profitability of the company by using the effective marketing plans. Daily Sales

The account officers compile this report after gathering the product wise primary
sales figures of all the areas from depot and email it to the head office and daily
basis. This report depot target this month, sales this month/last month/on had.
Graphical Analysis of Sales Mostly this activity applies at head office, through
graphical analysis they analyze the current sales position national and area wise.
1. Daily sales analysis (using Bar Charts) (Distributor Sale, Salesman wise sale,
Route wise sale, Brand wise sale, Brand shop sale) 2. Daily sales analysis (using
line charts) 3. Brands share (using pie charts) 4. M/Sales Analysis (using bar
charts) 5. M/Sales Analysis (using line charts) GSK leadership profile Business
success demands effective leadership. Leader must communicate a clear vision
provide a sense of direction and motivate others to follow that direction. At GSK,
our goal is to consistently have quality leadership across the entire organization.
Therefore we developed our town leadership profile to help our managers focus on
the leadership capabilities we will need to address our business challenges
successfully in the competitive pharmaceuticals market. GSK leadership profile
includes five success factors • • • • • Deliver strategic business results
Demonstrates personal leadership Build the global organization Develop human
capital Transforms and reinvent the business

Deliver strategic Business Results • • • • Focus on customers and market value

creation. Establish a compelling vision with clearly focused priorities. Drive for
Speed in decisions and action. Integrate and balance global and local perspectives.

Marketing & Sales Departments

Sales Promotion Promotion is adding values and bringing innovative style of
promotion to activate & communicate merit of the products and purses the target
customers to buy it. GSK has a great concern for the promotion of its products. The
all Pharma Associates are totally equipped with scientific knowledge about the
products & they know how-to compete the other competitors. This makes the
difference in the market that's why GlaxoSmithKline is known by the name of
"research base organization in allover the world". Special posters are designed
stalls are set at different occasions. These stalls run a promotion called "sure
win" which offered customers an instant win (with 100% incidence) on prescription
of the product. This kind of stalls ranges the special events like conference etc.
Drug Information Systems GSK has information system which's always looks to the new
information regarding the disease or product. This department provides the latest
information to company's employee as well as to customer on request. This
department is specially controlled or run by the doctors & scientist too. This
department is responsible to search new information for customers (doctors).

Duties and Responsibilities • • • • • • • • • • • • • Medical Service Executive

Sukkur Region will report to Regional Sales Managers Updating of Scientific
knowledge Making Business Plan Quarterly Implementation of Marketing Activities
Managing Accounts by sharing of scientific Knowledge Identifies the weak &
potential areas which can cover to meet the Business goal Implementation of SOPs
Arrangement of Scientific Product Presentations & Round table discussion With
highly sophisticated Physicians or Specialists Collect the Daily Sales from
distributors and convey to District Managers Experience sharing with Pharma
Associates on weekly meetings Abide by all instruction from Information Solution
department Any special task assigned by Sales Manager 31
Accomplishments Duties Time Line


01 Day Two Weeks 02 Days 01 Day 02 Days 01 Day 02 Days 03 Days 01 Days Two Weeks 03
Days 01 Days 02 Days 03 Days 03 Days Three Weeks 01 Day 01 Day 01 Day 01 Day 02 Day
06 Day 02 Day 02 Day 02Day Five Days 01 Day 01 Day 01 Day

1. IJSFA o o o o o o o

Entry of Call Plan manual & computerized Entry of Travel Plan manual & computerized
Develop Dr List Red Book Coverage SFPI Addition and Deletion of Drs

2. General Administration o Log Books o House Keeping o General Work o Arrangement

 Promotional Activities Inside & Outside  HR & other supporting Activities 3.
Sales o o o o o o o o o

Daily Sales Performa Weekly & Monthly Sales Performa YTD & Growth Sales Chart Value
Wise & Product Wise Sales Chart Geographical Sales Performa Business Review Package
of Sukkur Region Expense Performa (DM & P A) Forecast sales & Target distribution
Sale Force Leadership Plan

4. System Administration o Troubleshooting of Software and Hardware o Network (LAN)

o Mail Server



GSK Pakistan currently working with following Products.

Core Product Portfolio Augmentin Septran Calpol Zinacef Velosef Ceporex Zantac
Polyfax Antibiotic Antibiotic Antipyretic Antibiotic Antibiotic Antibiotic PPI

Strategic Product Portfolio Arixtra Avodart Maxipime Zofran Capoten Cutivate

Panadol Engerix Anti-Coagulant BPH Antibiotic Antiemetic Antihypertensive
Antifungal Antipyretic Vaccine





GSK Manufacturing Sites in Pakistan
GMS West Wharf This manufacturing site is located on the sea shore close to the
Karachi Port and city centre. The major manufacturing operations at this site are
Dermatological products, Ointments and Creams, including a sterile facility for
liquid ampoules. The West Wharf site also has a small unit for aerosols and
spansules manufacturing. Over a 100 Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are manufactured
here, with an annual volume of around 120 million packs. Major products
manufactured at this site are Betnovate, Dermovate, Polyfax and Fefol Vit. GMS F
268, SITE Karachi This site is located in the Sindh Industrial Trading Estate and
is the biggest GMS site in Pakistan. It has three manufacturing blocks Liquid
Block, Tablets Block and a dedicated Penicillin Block. The site also has a small
dedicated unit for Iodex Cream. Over 120 SKUs are manufactured at this site, with
an annual volume of around 185 million packs. Major products manufactured at this
site are Augmentin, Amoxil, Calpol, Zantac and Actifed. GMS Korangi, Karachi
Located in the Korangi Industrial State, this manufacturing site has a dedicated
block for Cephalosporin, both orals and injectables, as well as a small unit for
tablets. GMS Korangi manufactures around 50 SKUs and produces an annual volume of
around 25 million packs. A major product manufactured at this site is Velosef.

GMS Lahore This site is located on Ferozepur Road in Lahore and has a dedicated
manufacturing unit for Cephalosporin’s orals and injectables. The site manufactures
around 15 SKUs with an annual production volume of around 8 million packs. Major
products manufactured at this site are Fortum, Zinacef and Ceporex.



• • • • • Interdicting new and research products. Ethical marketing approach. Up
grading the products by utilizing the market knowledge as well as information.
Effective human resource department which is always busy to coordinating the whole
organization function Good training and development activates for employees.


Limited Pharma Associates and District Manager as compared to leading National

Companies.. Less number of activities done by product management side s compared to
GSK and Novartis (MNCs)

• • • • High concentration on new accounts. Government campaign to promote cardiac
products and oncology products. Industry growth or market growth. Research
molecules in pipe line.

• • • • Large number of competitors. High cost and due to high cost high price.
Government policies for high price products. Unethical practices from competitors.



During the internship, I have observed that all the departments of the organization
doing their job in a defined format. I have observed that there is room for little
improvement in a few department of the company.

1. It is seen that there is no proper communication in the organization upward. 2.

The Distribution Channels are covering a huge territory, that's why they are unable
to cover the market extensively. 3. They do not have realistic approach in target
setting and facing difficulties in achieving target 4. They have been facing
problems in the execution of planning.

1. Communication is the life blood for any organization; they should have smooth
down ward and up ward communication so that the customer’s complaints or queries
can easily resolve. 2. The budgets of the entire field force should be on rationale
basis, higher targets may lead to turnover. 3. Organizations make professionals,
every organization focuses on process of continuous improvement that will bring
drastic improvement in the internal environment of the organization, and GSK as a
giant should also adopt these policies for front line team which will increase the
status of GSK in the pharmaceuticals industry. 4. Customers are not satisfied with
the distributions management in terms booking & supply, they should put into
operation some latest technology in it with using electronic devices for just in
time delivery.

Reference/ bibliography

Philip Kotlar Employee Handbook IJSFA Miss Fariha salauddin

Mr.Maqbool Rehman Mr.Zulfiqar Ali Mr Jawed Iqbal Kaim Khani Mohammad Qasim HR
Director Head of Core Business National sales Manager Regional Sales manager -
Sukkur MSE - Sukkur

• • • •
• • •


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