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It is important for us to be obedient to those who know more than we do.

Our parents want to keep us safe from all harm and so they tell us to be
careful. They say, “Don’t touch the fire or you will get burnt.” “When you
grow older you can cut with that sharp knife.” Sometimes we do foolish
things when we do not listen.
Now God, who has made the
whole wonderful world, knows
just what will harm us and what
will make us happy. Sometimes
we don’t understand why He
tells us not to do certain things,
but we should listen anyway,
just because we know He is our
Friend and He knows what is
best for us.
A mother and father
bird and their three
babies lived in a nest
high up in a tree. The
parents had to go off
to find food for their
babies and leave them
alone in the nest.
When the babies were very little they were
obedient and stayed quietly in the nest waiting for
their mother or father to come with the food.
As the babies grew bigger they used to look out over the
edge of the nest. Their parents warned them about the cat
that lived in their area. “The cat looks very friendly but he
eats little birds. Never listen to the cat and never go near the
cat,” they warned.
One day when the parents were away the cat came and sat under the tree. “I
am so happy to see you,” said the cat. “Please come and play with me.”
“Oh, no!” said the baby birds. “Our parents told us about you. You eat little
birds!” “Oh, no!” said the cat. “I would never do that! You are my friends.
Come and play with me.” “Oh, no!” said the baby birds. Then the cat began
to cry. “I am so lonely,” he said. “I have no-one to play with.”
The first and second baby birds said, “No never! Our parents
have warned us about you. We will not come and play.” But the
third little bird looked over the edge of the nest. “He is such a
beautiful cat,” he said, “and he is crying because we will not go
and play with him.” “Oh, please,” said the cat. “Please come
and play with me.”
With those words the third little bird jumped down
from the nest to play with the cat..

“Snap, snap!” The little bird was gone, and there was
a smile on the face of the cat! Just then father and
mother bird came back. “Shoo!” they shouted and
chased the cat away.

“Now we know why we must listen,” said

the two little birds who were still in the nest.
“Obedience is less painful than regret.”
Exercise: Circle the correct answer:
1. A mother and father bird with their ( five / three ) babies lived
in a nest.
2. Mother and father bird often went to find ( food / toys ) for
the babies.
3. The parent birds warned the babies about the ( dog / cat).

4. The cat asked the baby birds to ( play / eat ) with him.

5. The ( first/ third ) baby bird jumped down from the nest to play
with the cat.

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