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ARTICLE 13. When the laws speak of years, months, because you received the order at 2pm today. But if you
days or nights, it shall be understood that years are of exclude the first day you are able to exhaust the 15 days
three hundred sixty-five days each; months, of thirty days; and the 24-hours of the last day. That is why we exclude
days, of twenty-four hours; and nights from sunset to the first day and include the last day.

If months are designated by their name, they shall be What if there is a period and the last day of that period
computed by the number of days which they respectively falls on a holiday or on a Sunday? How do you discern
have. when is your deadline?

In computing a period, the first day shall be excluded, and If the act to be performed within the period is prescribed
the last day included. or allowed by the Rules of Court, by an order of the court,
or by any other applicable statute the Sunday or the
GENERAL RULE: First paragraph, on the computation of holiday will not be considered as the last day, the last day
periods. will automatically be the next working day. So, in a sense
the period is extended.
As to months, depending on their designation, there is
another rule. Generally, when we say months, it means Example: If it was a court order and your deadline falls on
30 days but if for example a contract pertains to a specific June 12 which is a holiday and it is a Friday as well then,
month of the year then you follow the number of days that the next working day will be on Monday and so technically
is provided in that particular month. your deadline is extended to Monday.

So, in June there are 30 days but in July there are 31

days, if the contract states that something is due by the But what if it is merely an agreement between among the
end of July then that thing is due on the 31st. But if your parties?
contract says that something is due at the end of June
then that is due on the 30th. If it is just a contract between you and your neighbor that
you will deliver to them 5 sacks of rice by June 12, in that
Weeks are not provided for in Article 13 as we usually do case because it is merely contractual, then the act will
not deal with periods in weeks. However, when there is a become due notwithstanding the fact that the last day falls
reference to a week there are two ways to compute it on a Sunday or holiday.
according to legal experts.

A week has two meanings: What is the technique when you compute the deadline?

a. When computed in accordance with the calendar No need to overthink it, you just add the period to the date
- it means 7 successive days without regard to the that the particular order was given.
day of the week it shall begin; and
b. When computed without reference to the So, if you received the order on July 1 then you add 15
calendar - it means beginning Sunday and ending days and so it will be due on July 16. If you received the
on Saturday order on July 3 and you are given only 10 days to file your
pleading then that is due on July 13.
In legal matters (a) is recognized unless otherwise agreed
upon. When we say one week from Wednesday
according to (a) then we would end the week as well on What if there is a leap year?
Wednesday or one week from July 1 would be July 8
because that is the computation for 7 days. Because there are certain prescriptive periods in ObliCon
which will span 10 years and usually in 10 years we get 2
leap years. So, you have 2 years that have 366 days
instead of 365 days.
Why is it in the third paragraph it states that we should
exclude the first day and include the last day? So, if for example, today is June 28 and we entered into
a contract that provides for a prescriptive period of 10
Because if we include the first day, we violate the 24-hour years from now.
rule provided in the first paragraph.

Example: You received an order from the court to file a Does that mean that my right will prescribe on June 26,
comment today at 2pm you received that order. 15 days 2013 because there are 2 leap years within the 10 years
from now you need to file that comment and if you include from now?
the first day you would have already lost 14 hours

NO, Because Article 13, paragraph 1, provides that a year child with Del Socorro is committed here in the
consists of 365 days regardless if the year is actually a Philippines as all of the parties are residents of the
leap year. So, my right will still prescribe on June 28, 2013 Province of Cebu. ...on this court is undisputable that
which is 10 years from now without consideration for the the alleged continuing acts of the respondent in refusing
2 additional days brought about by 2 leap years in that to support his child, the petitioner, is committed here in
span of 10 years. the Philippines.

As all of the parties herein are residents to the Province

ARTICLE 14. Penal laws and those of public security and of the City of Cebu. As such, our courts have territorial
safety shall be obligatory upon all who live or sojourn in jurisdiction over the offenses charged against
the Philippine territory, subject to the principles of public respondent. It is likewise irrefutable that jurisdiction over
international law and to treaty stipulations. the respondent was acquired upon his arrest.

Principle of Territoriality in Criminal Law - any offense So since RA 9262 is a penal law, and Van Wilsem was
committed by anyone within the territory of the country is sojourning in our country at the time that he was
an offense against the state and therefore the sovereign charged with the violation of such penal law, then the
state has the power to prosecute and punish the offender same was made applicable to him under Article 14.
be he a national or a foreigner.

Aliens who sojourn in the Philippines owe temporary Article 15 is the Nationality Theory. It is a very important
allegiance to the country, as the country is obliged to provision because this is something that will emanate in a
protect them while they are in our territory. They do not lot of your Civil Law subjects, particularly in Succession
need to be here as permanent residents for the country to and Conflict of Laws or Private International Law.
afford them protection even if they are here temporarily
the country commits to protect them from crime. So, in a
sense they are also expected to owe temporary
Article 15. Laws relating to family rights and duties, or
allegiance to the Philippines by abiding by our penal laws.
to the status, condition and legal capacity of persons are
binding upon citizens of the Philippines, even though
living abroad.
Application of Article 14

DEL SOCORRO v. VAN WILSEM So when we say family rights and duties, we already know
G.R. No. 193707 that these are provided in the Family Code and other
December 10, 2014
special laws relating to family law, marriage, support, and
parental authority.
Del Socorro married Van Wilsem in Holland in 1990 and
they had a son. Unfortunately, they divorced after 5 year When we say status, this is a term used to designate the
and wherein their son was 18 months old, so, Del circumstances affecting legal situation or the sum total of
Socorro went home to the Philippines and then Van capacities and incapacities of a person in lieu of his age,
Wilsem ended up not sending support to Del Socorro nationality, and membership. So the status usually
and their son. Eventually Van Wilsem also went to the
includes both condition and legal capacity. It embraces
Philippines and he remarried. So, Del Socorro filed for
matters like the end and the beginning of human
a complaint for a violation of RA 9262 under Section 5a,
where you can file for deprivation of financial support. personality, the capacity to have rights in general, the
capacity to engage in legal transactions, and family
ISSUE: relations. Like if you say that your civil status is married,
that will imply that you are incapacitated to contract
Whether or not Van Wilsen being a foreign national can another marriage while your first marriage is subsisting,
be held criminally liable under RA 9262 for his but it will also enable you to administer your properties as
unjustified failure to support his minor child? YES husband and wife if it is absolute community or conjugal
Now, when we say condition, it is a mode or state of being;
Considering that Van Wilsem is currently living in the a state or situation. For example, the condition of being
Philippines, we find strengths in Del Socorro's claim that inebriated—meaning the condition of being drunk and the
the territoriality principle in Criminal Law in relation to condition of being insane. Sometimes, there are mental
Article 14 of the New Civil Code, applies to this case. conditions that allow you to be lucid at certain intervals so
On this score it is indisputable that the alleged that’s why we say that being insane is a condition as well.
continuing acts of Van Wilsem in refusing to support his

When we say legal capacity, as we earlier discussed, it petitioner’s husband entitled to exercise control over
does not just refer to the minority, but also if for example conjugal assets as he is bound by the decision—
you are a civil interdictee and how that affects your legal meaning the divorce decree of his own country’s court
capacity to act with respect to certain rights and which validly exercise the jurisdiction over him, and
obligations. whose decision he does not repudiate, he is estopped
by his own representation before said Court from
Article 15 is pretty straightforward, because if you look at asserting his right over the alleged conjugal property.
it or you read it in another way, the net takeaway is that
as long as you remain a Filipino citizen, your family rights So in short, because Upton had already obtained a
and duties, status, condition and legal capacity will be divorce decree in Nevada, that divorce decree was
governed by Philippine law. Conversely, Philippine law valid as to him and as to his national law, we have to
recognize the effect of that as to Van Dorn because of
will respect the national laws of foreign nationals as
not, then Van Dorn would be placed in an unfair
regards their family rights and duties, status, condition
situation where Upton is single according to his
and legal capacity. national law, but Van Dorn would still become married
So, in most cases, we can actually easily apply this, but under our national law. Obviously, that become an
injustice to Van Dorn and therefore the Supreme Court
we will learn later on that it gets pretty complicated
recognized that the divorce was valid as to Upton’s
especially when our national laws have to be reconciled
national law, and that it also benefitted Van Dorn.
with the national laws of other countries. But for now, let’s
start with the basic demonstration of how Article 15
applies in the case of Van Dorn v. Romillo.
139 SCRA 139 Pilapil is a Filipino citizen. She married Geiling, a
Van Dorn is a citizen of the Philippines, while Upton is German National in Germany.
a citizen of the USA. They married in Hong Kong in
1972 and got divorced in Nevada in 1982. They’re truly Geiling filed for divorce three years later, and Pilapil filed
a very international couple. for legal separation in the Philippines while the divorce
proceedings were pending. Eventually, the divorce
In 1983, Upton filed a suit against Van Dorn, decree was issued, but Geiling filed a complaint for
demanding for accounting of their supposed conjugal adultery against Pilapil after the issuance of the divorce
property and that he be appointed as a manager of decree.
their conjugal property. However, Van Dorn argues
that Upton can no longer file such suit as the divorce The question then became: Did Geiling have legal
decree issued prior has already declared that they no standing to file the criminal case of adultery, considering
longer had any community property. that the divorce decree was issued prior to the filing of
the case?
The court denied the motion to dismiss by Van Dorn
because according to the court, the divorce decree The Supreme Court said: in the present case that the
had no bearing on the case filed by Upton. Upton, private respondent obtained a valid divorce in his
pursuant to the nationality theory. Why? Because Van country is admitted. Said divorce and its legal effects
Dorn was a Filipino, therefore, according to the court, may be recognized in the Philippines insofar as private
there could be no recognition of the divorce decree as respondent is concerned in view of the nationality
to her because our laws do not provide for divorce. principle in our civil law on the matter of status of
The Supreme Court said that it is true that owing to the
nationality principle embodied in Article 15 of the Civil Pilapil v. Ibay-Somera cited Van Dorn v. Romillo
Code, only Philippine nationals are covered by the because in a sense, the ruling was the same. Under the
policy against absolute divorces the same being same considerations and rationale, private respondent
considered contrary to our concept of public police and may no longer be the husband of petitioner, had no legal
morality. However, aliens may obtain divorces abroad, standing to commence the adultery case under the
which may be recognized in the Philippines, provided imposture that he was the offended spouse at the time
they are valid according to the alien’s national law. that he filed the suit because in truth and in fact, he was
no longer the offended spouse at the time he filed the
Thus, in a sense, while the trial court was correct to suit as the divorce decree had already been issued.
say that there is no divorce here, we do not recognize
divorce here, but pursuant to the national law of Upton,
respondent is no longer the husband of Van Dorn. He
would have no standing to sue in the case as RECIO v. RECIO

366 SCRA 437 So what did Rederick Recio do when he introduced the
Rederick Recio is a Filipino who was married to Editha divorce decree? What he did was he just introduced the
Samson, an Australian citizen in Malabon, Rizal. They divorce decree but he did not comply with the
lived together as husband and wife in Australia, but two authentication requirements that are provided under our
years later, they obtained a decree of divorce, which Rules on Evidence.
purportedly dissolved the marriage. This decree of
divorce was issued by the Australian Family Court. So the SC said that before a foreign judgment is given
a presumptive evidentiary value, the document must
Subsequently, Rederick Recio became an Australian first be presented and admitted in evidence. A divorce
citizen, and then as shown by a certificate of Australian obtained abroad is proven by the divorce decree itself.
Citizenship issued by the Australian government. Indeed, the best evidence of a judgment is the judgment
Thereafter, Rederick Recio married Grace Recio, the itself. The decree purports to be a written act or record
petitioner herein. The marriage license of Rederick of an act of an official body or tribunal of a foreign
Recio prior, indicated that he was a Filipino Citizen. But country.
then, they again separated so Grace Recio sued
Rederick for bigamy. Therefore, what you need to do when you prove or
introduce a divorce decree is to comply with Sections
Now Rederick defended himself by presenting the 24 and 25 of Rule 132 of the Rules of Court.
divorce decree which he obtained in his first marriage
with Editha Samson. Section 24. Proof of official record. — The record of
public documents referred to in paragraph (a) of Section
The question is: How should he prove that divorce 19, when admissible for any purpose, may be evidenced
decree, and was he able to prove that divorce by an official publication thereof or by a copy attested
decree? by the officer having the legal custody of the record, or
by his deputy, and accompanied, if the record is not kept
SC said that the Ph law does not provide for absolute in the Philippines, with a certificate that such officer has
divorce, hence our courts cannot grant it. A marriage the custody. If the office in which the record is kept is in
between two filipinos cannot be dissolved even by a foreign country, the certificate may be made by a
divorce obtained abroad because of Arts. 15 and 17 of secretary of the embassy or legation, consul general,
the Civil Code. consul, vice consul, or consular agent or by any officer
in the foreign service of the Philippines stationed in the
In mixed marriages involving a filipino and a foreigner, foreign country in which the record is kept, and
Art. 26 of the FC allows the former to contract a authenticated by the seal of his office. (25a)
subsequent marriage in case the divorce is validly
obtained abroad by the alien spouse, capacitating him Section 25. What attestation of copy must state. —
or her to remarry. We saw this in Van Dorn vs. Romillo Whenever a copy of a document or record is attested
and Pilapil vs. Ibay-Somera. for the purpose of evidence, the attestation must state,
in substance, that the copy is a correct copy of the
A divorce obtained abroad by a couple who are both original, or a specific part thereof, as the case may be.
aliens may be recognized in the Ph provided it is The attestation must be under the official seal of the
consistent with their respective national laws. attesting officer, if there be any, or if he be the clerk of a
court having a seal, under the seal of such court. (26a)
Now a comparison between marriage and divorce, as
far as pleading and proof is concerned, can be made. A writing or document may be proven as a public or
Van Dorn vs Romillo Jr. decrees that aliens may obtain official record of a foreign country by either: (1) an
divorces abroad which may be recognized in the Ph, official publication; or (2) a copy thereof attested by the
provided that they are valid accoridng to their national officer having legal custody of the document. If the
law. Therefore, before a foreign divorce decree can be record is not kept in the Ph, such copy must be
recognized by our courts, the party pleading it must accompanied by a certificate issued by the proper
prove the divorce as a fact and demonstrate its diplomatic or consular officer in the Ph Foreign Service
conformity to the foreign law allowing it. stationed in the foreign country in which the record is
kept and be authenticated by the seal of his office.
Essentially, what is the SC saying? It is saying that, as
with Van Dorn vs. Romillo and Pilapil So the new learning from Recio vs. Recio is that you
vs. Ibay-Somera, we can recognized divorce decrees cannot just present the divorce decree and expect our
provided that the same was obtained by the alien courts to recognize it. You also have to prove it as a fact
spouse in conformity with their national laws. However, and you do that by authenticating it under Sections 24
what is unique about Recio vs. Recio is it now and 25 of Rule 132 of our Rules of Court.
introduces the concept of proving divorce decrees.

QUITA VS COURT OF APPEALS We have Tristan Catindig who married Lily Catindig
In Quita vs. CA, Fe Quita and Arturo Padlan, both twice and in two different churches. They had 4 children,
filipinos, were married in the Ph in 1941. They divorced but then they decided to separate and obtained a
in 1954, three weeks after Fe married a certain Felix divorce decree from the Dominican Republic. Aside
Tupas in the same locality but the relationship also from that, they filed a Joint Petition for Dissolution of
ended in a divorce. Still in the US, Fe married for a third Conjugal Partnership before the RTC which was also
time to a certain (Vernmont). In 1972, the first ex approved.
husband, Arturo Padlan, died. So technically, Fe Quita
here married three times but in the end, she still Subsequently, Tristan married Elmar Perez in the US.
returned to her first husband. When Perez found out that Tristan had been previously
married, she was angry, and that they even obtained a
The alleged heirs and petitioner could not agree as to divorce decree, but said divorce decree was not
the distribution of Padlan's estate. But eventually, the recognized in the Ph, which made her even angrier. So
heirs were determined due to a private instrument Tristan, to appease Elmar, filed for a Petition for
acknowledging them as heirs. Declaration of Nullity of his marriage with the RTC of
Quezon City. Elmar, being the aggressive wife that she
The question then becomes: who is the correct is, filed a Petition for Intervention.
spouse, or who is the correct surviving spouse?
Because Fe Quita is saying that she's still the spouse So the question then became: Could Elmar validly
because their marriage was not actually nullified but intervene, and was the divorce decree obtained in
Arturo Padlan already remarried. But then, the new Dominican Republic valid?
spouse is saying taht she's the correct surviving spouse.
So who between Fe and the new wife is the correct SC said that when petitioner and Tristan married in July
surviving spouse? 14, 1984, Tristan was still lawfully married to Lily. The
divorce decree that Tristan and Lily obtained from the
SC said that reading between the lines, the implication Dominican Republic never severed the marital bonds
is that Fe is no longer a Ph citizen at the time of her between them. It is basic that laws relating to family
divorce from Arturo. This should have prompted the TC rights and duties, or to the status, condition, and legal
to conduct a hearing to establish her citizenship. The capacity of persons are binding upon citizens of Ph even
purpose of the hearing is to ascertain the truth of the though living abroad. Regardless of where a citizen of
matters in issue with the aid of documentary and the Ph might be, he or she will be governed by the Ph
testimonial evidence as well as the arguments of the laws with respect to his or her family rights and duties,
parties either supporting or opposing the evidence. We or to his or her status, condition, and legal capacity.
deduce that the finding on her citizenship pertains solely Hence, if a filipino, regardless of whether he or she is
to the time of their marriage as the TC was not supplied married here or abroad, initiates a petition abroad to
with basis to determine petitioner's citizenship at the obtain an absolute divorce from his spouse and
time of their divorce. The doubt persisted as to whether eventually becomes successful in getting an absolute
she was still a Ph citizen when their divorce was divorce decree, the Ph will not recognize such absolute
decreed. The TC must have overlooked the materiality divorce. So, when Tristan and Lily married on May 18,
of this aspect. 1968, their marriage was governed by the provisions of
the Civil Code which took effect on August 30, 1950. In
Once proved that she was no longer a Ph citizen at the the case of Tenchavez vs. Escano, the Sc had already
time of their divorce, Van Dorn would become held that the foreign divorce between Ph citizens sought
applicable and petitioner could very well lose her right and decreed after the effectivity of the present Civil
to inherit from Arturo. Code, is not entitled to recognition an is invalid in this
So in the end, the SC had to remand the proceedings
back to the TC to determine what was Fe's citizenship
at the time they obtained the divorce decree in 1954. Extraterritoriality is the principle where our country is
Only then can it be determined who is the correct allowed to extend its territory into another country as this
surviving spouse. is an extension recognized under international law.

The 3rd paragraph on prohibitive laws is actually

demonstrated by how our jurisdiction does not
recognize divorce decrees obtained abroad by

Because under our national law, the only ways to

terminate a marriage are to either nullify or annul it on
the basis of specific grounds are contained in the Family

code. Thus, in a case where a Filipina wife obtained a The first marriage between Atty. Luna and Eugenia,
divorce abroad and later remarried an American, the both Filipinos, was solemnized in the Philippines on
Filipino husband can file a case of adultery against his September 10, 1947. The law in force at the time of the
wife since divorce is not recognized in the Philippines. solemnization was the Spanish Civil Code, which
And neither is the marriage contracted with another adopted the nationality rule, both Atty. Luna and
party by the divorced consort, subsequently to the Eugenio having remained Filipinos until the death of
foreign decree of divorce, entitled to validity in the Atty. Luna on July 12, 1997 terminated their marriage.
country. From the time of the celebration ofthe first marriage on
Ultimately, it was decided that Tristan’s marriage to September 10, 1947 until the present, absolute divorce
Perez was not valid because he was validly married to between Filipino spouses has not been recognized in
Lily. the Philippines.
Atty. Luna married in a civil ceremony in Rizal and then
Church in Bulacan. Two decades later, they decided to
SAN LUIS VS SAN LUIS live separately, and entered into an agreement entitled
In San Luis, we also have 3 marriages contracted by “Agreement for separation of property and settlement”
Felicisimo. 1st marriage was with virginia Sulit, 2nd was whereby they agreed to live separately and to dissolve
with Merry Corwin. They filed for a divorced that and liquidate their conjugal property. Subsequently in
involved a child custody.with Merry. 1976, obtained a divorce degree from Sto. Domingo
The 3rd marriage was with Felicidad San Luis and lived Dominican Republic and he contracted with another
with her for 18 years until his death. Felicidad sought marriage this time with Soledad. They returned to
resolution for their conjugal partnership and the Philippines and lived with each other until 1987.
settlement of state of Felicisimo. One of the children by Soledad, the 2nd wife, explained that she should inherit
the 1st marriage opposed the petition stating that Atty. Luna’s properties as his surviving spouse.
Felicidad was merely a mistress. At the time of the 3rd So, is Soledad correct? No.
marriage, Felicisimo was allegedly married to Merry Atty. Luna’s marriage with Eugenia is still subsisting.
Lee. What about the agreement? How did the SC deal with
The SC held that, Anent the issue of respondent that issue.
Felicidad’s legal personality to file the petition for letters There is no question that the approval took place only
of administration, we must first resolve the issue of as an incident ofthe action for divorce instituted by Atty.
whether a Filipino who is divorced by his alien spouse Luna and Eugenia, for, indeed, the justifications for their
abroad may validly remarry under the Civil Code, execution of the Agreement were identical to the
considering that Felicidad’s marriage to Felicisimo was grounds raised in the action for divorce. With the divorce
solemnized on June 20, 1974, or before the Family not being itself valid and enforceable under Philippine
Code took effect on August 3, 1988. In resolving this law for being contrary to Philippine public policy and
issue, we need not retroactively apply the provisions of public law, the approval of the Agreement was not also
the Family Code, particularly Art. 26, par. (2) legally valid and enforceable under Philippine law.
considering that there is sufficient jurisprudential basis Consequently, the conjugal partnership of gains of Atty.
allowing us to rule in the affirmative. Luna and Eugenia subsisted in the lifetime of their
Applying the above doctrine in the instant case, the marriage.
divorce decree allegedly obtained by Merry Lee which The divorce decree was not valid. Therefore, the
absolutely allowed Felicisimo to remarry, would have agreement could not be honored.
vested Felicidad with the legal personality to file the
present petition as Felicisimo’s surviving spouse.
However, the records show that there is insufficient
evidence to prove the validity of the divorce obtained by
Merry Lee as well as the marriage of respondent and
Felicisimo under the laws of the U.S.A. NOVERAS VS NOVERAS
This is pretty much like the case of Recio vs. Recio David A. Noveras (David) and Leticia T. Noveras
where there needed be a proper proof of divorce (Leticia) were married on 3 December 1988.
decree. They resided in California, United States of America
(USA) where they eventually acquired American
Due to business reverses, David left the USA and
returned to the Philippines, where he, according to
Leticia, had affair with Martinez. So Leticia Leticia filed

a petition for divorce with the Superior Court of

California, where it was granted. • Lex situs / lex rei sitae – property shall be
Leticia filed a petition for Judicial Separation of Conjugal governed by the law of the place where it is
Property before the RTC of Baler, Aurora. situated.
Same issue, • However, intestate and testamentary
The SC held that, the starting point in any recognition of successions shall be regulated by the national
a foreign divorce judgment is the acknowledgment that law of the person whose succession is under
our courts do not take judicial notice of foreign consideration, whatever may be the nature of the
judgments and laws. Justice Herrera explained that, as property and regardless of the country wherein
a rule, "no sovereign is bound to give effect within its the property may be found.
dominion to a judgment rendered by a tribunal of • Succession is an exemption to this rule because
another country." This means that the foreign judgment when you allow someone to inherit from your
and its authenticity must be proven as facts under our estate, there can only be one inheritance
rules on evidence, together with the alien’s applicable belonging to one person to be passed on or
national law to show the effect of the judgment on the distributed. The oneness of the inheritance is not
alien himself or herself. broken by the fact that the properties belonging
Based on the records, only the divorce decree was to the state or found in different countries.
presented in evidence. The required certificates to • Bellis vs. Bellis case
prove its authenticity, as well as the pertinent California - The petitioner in the case was born in Texas,
law on divorce were not presented. USA. He executed a will in the Philippines and
It may be noted that in Bayot v. Court of Appeals, we went back to Texas where he eventually died. His
relaxed the requirement on certification where we held legitimate children opposed the settlement of his
that "[petitioner therein] was clearly an American estate arguing that they were deprived of their
citizenwhen she secured the divorce and that divorce is share in his estate under the rules of Texas. The
recognized and allowed in any of the States of the supreme court rule that regarding successional
Union, the presentation of a copy of foreign divorce rights and the rights of the deceased, it is the
decree duly authenticatedby the foreign court issuing national law of Texas that must be applied since
said decree is, as here, sufficient." In this case however, he is a citizen of the country.
it appears that there is no seal from the office where the
divorce decree was obtained.
So as in Recio v Recio and San luis v San Luis, they First Paragrah: General rule lex situs/ lex rei sitae
had to make proper proof of the divorce decree and the
capacity of the Petitioner as to the capacity to marry Example: if house is located in Davao City it is the
before the divorce decree could be recognized. Philippine law that will govern its sale and lease and
So, if you look at the application of the Nationality Philippine law on tax will govern the payment of taxes.
Theory, in terms of the recognition of the Divorce Another example: Applying the nationality theory to the
decree, the application of article 15 is pretty consistent.
disposition of property it would be difficult to access what
is the law abroad if you were a foreigner but owned a
property here. It would be difficult to comply with our rule
like that. Which is why, in terms of practicality lex situs is
ARTICLE 16 – LAW GOVERNING REAL AND the better rule to follow
Exemption to the General Rule: SUCCESSION – By
allowing someone to inherit your estate there can be only
Article 16. Real Property as well as personal property is one will, one inheritance, belonging to one person to be
subject to the law of the country where it is situated. passed on or distributed. The oneness of the will or
inheritance is not broken by the fact that the properties
However, intestate and testamentary successions, both belonging to the estate are found in different countries.
with respect to the order of succession and to the amount
of successional rights and to the intrinsic validity of So even if you have properties say in New York and in the
testamentary provisions, shall be regulated by the Philippines. You cannot make New York laws on
national law of the person whose succession is under succession apply to the way you dispose your estate in
consideration, whatever may be the nature of the property New York and then you make the Philippine law apply to
and regardless of the country wherein said property may the way that you dispose your estate in the Philippines.
be found. Because there is only one inheritance and one estate, in
whole that you can distribute. You cannot split the estate

according to where they are located when it comes to in our jurisdiction under the application of our own laws.
Inheritance and distribution of Estate. This phenomenon is called

• Renvoi Doctrine- renvoi literally means “

BELIZ VS BELIZ referring back”. It is a situation which arises when
Facts: Petitioner is born in Texas and a citizen of Texas. our law refers a case to another country for them
He executed a will in the Philippines and went back to to apply their law but the law of the country refers
Texas where he eventually died. His children opposed
the settlement of his estate arguing that they were it back to our country to apply our law instead-
deprived their share under the Rules of Texas. • Remission- Single Renvoi
• Transmission- Double Renvoi
Held: Supreme court rule that regarding Successional • Lex Fori Rule- literally means “ the law of the
Rights and the Rights of the Deceased it is his national forum “ (the courts where the suit is brought ) shall
Law that must apply to the distribution of his estate.
Note: Beliz cannot split the application of Texas Law • Processual Presumption- if the application of
and The Philippines just because the Philippine law is the foreign law is invoked, that foreign law must
more favorable to his illegitimate children. Rule : One be proved as a fact by the rules of the evidence.
will one inheritance Otherwise, the foreign law is presumed to be the
same as that of the Philippine Law (the law of the
forum). Example: The divorce decree if you
wish prove that you are capacitated to marry
• Order of Succession in Intestacy- in testate (die under your own law under the foreign law then
without a will) rule provides who nearest to the you need to present the decree, you need to
deceased can succeed him/ inherit from him. (ex: prove it in accordance with our rules on evidence
nearer heirs exclude the farthest) and to prove that you are capacitated to marry
• Amount of Successional Rights- amount to be using another document ex. Cert of authorization.
distributed to the heirs. (ex: share of the (RECIO V RECIO)
legitimate child vs illegitimate) • NOTE: If cannot prove apply the doctrine of
• Intrinsic Validity of provisions of the will- processual presumption.
effectiveness of the disposition/ whether the
disposition can be given effect under the PH law
(ex: validity of the condition before the heir can
inherit) Compulsory heir- inheritance cannot be ORION SAVINGS BANK VS SUZUKI
made to depend on a condition. Doctrine:
• Capacity to Succeed- capacity of the heirs to
inherit in accordance with the national law of the Should it be immovable property, the ownership shall
deceased. (ex. If they killed the deceased belong to the person acquiring it who in good faith first
recorded it in the Registry of Property.
disqualified if found guilty).
Should there be no inscription, the ownership shall
Question: What if the provisions of the will is valid and
pertain to the person who in good faith was first in the
they complied with by our law but now you have to transfer possession; and, in the absence thereof, to the person
the deceased property which are located abroad. What who presents the oldest title, provided there is good
rule will govern the transfer? Ans: Discuss after the faith.
Lecture continues: because article 15 provides that we
will also apply the national laws of the foreigners corollary That as of August 26, 2003, Kang was the registered
to how we apply the laws of the Philippines to the Filipino owner of Unit No. 536 and Parking Slot No. 42;
citzens. And we also have article 16 which provides for a That the mortgage in favor of Orion supposedly
different rule as to what laws govern real estate and executed by Kang, with Entry No. 66432/C-10186 dated
personal property. We are confronted with situations February 2, 1999, was subsequently cancelled by Entry
where in our own law refers to the law of the foreigner to No. 73232/T No. 10186 dated June 16, 2000;
govern a particular matter and what happens is the law of That the alleged Dacion en Pago was never annotated
the foreigner refers the matter back to us for us to resolve in CCT Nos. 18186 and 9118;

That Orion only paid the appropriate capital gains tax the condominium. One of the arguments of Orion as to
and the documentary stamp tax for the alleged Dacion why they were refusing to give the certificate is that
en Pago on October 15, 2003; Kang's sale of the unit to Suzuki is void because
That Parking Slot No. 42, covered by CCT No. 9118, allegedly under Korean law, the sale of conjugal
was never mortgaged to Orion; and property should be made with the consent of both
That when Suzuki bought the properties, he went to spouses. Essentially, what Orion was saying is that
Orion to obtain possession of the titles. under Article 15, looking at the National Law of Kang,
he has no capacity to dispose of the condominium unit
Issue: Whether or not Korean Law should be applied in under his national law, which is the Korean law,
conveying the conjugal property of spouses Kang? because under Korean Lae, the sale of conjugal
property should be made with the consent of both
Ruling: spouses which Kang did not do in this instance.

RTC in favor of Suzuki; The court found that Suzuki was How did the Supreme Court respond to this argument of
an innocent purchaser for value whose rights over the Orion?
properties prevailed over Orion’s.
The SC said: "it is a universal principle that real or
Court of appeals in favor of Suzuki; The Court may immovable property is exclusively subject to the laws of
inquire into conclusions of fact when the inference made the country or state where it is located. The reason is
is manifestly mistaken found in the very nature of immovable property, its
immobility. Immovable are part of the country and so
Supreme Court in favor of Suzuki; petition denied due closely connected to it that all rights over them have
to lack of merit their natural center of gravity here. Thus, all matters
concerning the title and disposition of real property are
In the present case, Orion, unfortunately failed to prove determined by what is known as lex loci rei sitae which
the South Korean law on the conjugal ownership of can alone prescribe the mode by which title can pass
property. It merely attached a “Certification from the from one person to another or by which an interest
Embassy of the Republic of Korea”29 to prove the therein can be gained or lost. This general principle
existence of Korean Law. This certification, does not includes all rules governing the dissent, alienation,
qualify as sufficient proof of the conjugal nature of the transfer of immovable property, the validity, effect,
property for there is no showing that it was properly construction of wills, and other conveyances. This
authenticated by the seal of his office, as required under principle even governs the capacity of the person
Section 24 of Rule 132.30 making a deed relating to immovable property no matter
what its nature may be. Thus, an instrument will be
Accordingly, the International Law doctrine of ineffective to transfer title to land if the person making it
presumed-identity approach or processual presumption is incapacitated by the lex loci rei sitae even though
comes into play, i.e., where a foreign law is not pleaded under the law of his domicile and by the law of the place
or, even if pleaded, is not proven, the presumption is the instrument is actually made, his capacity is
that foreign law is the same as Philippine Law.31 undoubted.
Under Philippine Law, the phrase “Yung Sam Kang
‘married to’ Hyun Sook Jung” is merely descriptive of the On the other hand, property relations between spouses
civil status of Kang.32 In other words, the import from are governed principally by the national law of the
the certificates of title is that Kang is the owner of the spouses. However, the party invoking the application of
properties as they are registered in his name alone, and the foreign law has the burden of proving foreign law.
that he is married to Hyun Sook Jung. The foreign law is a question of fact to be property
pleaded and proved as a judge cannot take judicial
We are not unmindful that in numerous cases we have notice of a foreign law. Accordingly, matters concerning
held that registration of the property in the name of only the title and disposition of real property shall be
one spouse does not negate the possibility of it being governed by Philippine Law while the issues pertaining
conjugal or community property.33 In those cases, to the conjugal nature of the property shall be governed
however, there was proof that the properties, though by the South Korean Law provided it is proven as a fact.
registered in the name of only one spouse, were indeed
either conjugal or community properties.34 Accordingly, This is where the Supreme Court reconciled the
we see no reason to declare as invalid Kang’s application or Article 16 and Article 15. Because it is
conveyance in favor of Suzuki for the supposed lack of saying that the disposition of the condominium unit in
spousal consent. terms of its forms and solemnities are governed by
Article 16 because it is an immovable property. But if
The petitioner failed to adduce sufficient evidence to you look at Article 15, the capacity of Kang to dispose
prove the due execution of the Dacion en Pago certified should be governed by his National Law. The SC
that Kang had already paid the full purchase price for recognized that the national law of Kang should have

governed his ability to dispose of the property. But, what order, public policy and good customs shall not be
happened was Orion unfortunately failed to prove the rendered ineffective by laws or judgments promulgated,
South Korean Law. Since Orion failed to prove that or by determinations or conventions agreed upon in a
under South Korean Law Kang was incapacitated to foreign country.
dispose of the property, the SC applied the Philippine
Law under the doctrine of Processual presumption.
Under the Philippine Law, the statement in the This is how everything comes together. If Article 15 refers
certificate of title is merely describing his status and it to your capacity to dispose of a real property, and Article
does not actually indicate that the property was 16 refers to the rules on how to dispose real property,
conjugal. That is how we interpret it under Philippine law Article 17 refers to the form and the solemnities of the
and jurisprudence provided that there is no other contracts governing the disposition of the real property.
evidence to prove that the property was indeed
conjugal. Accordingly, ultimately what applied was the Needless to state, if there is anything that you should take
Philippine Law because there was failure to the Korean to heart, it should be Articles 15, 16, and 17.
law as a capacity of Kang.
Going back to Article 17, Article 17 refers to extrinsic
validities. So the technical manner of preparation of the
If you recall earlier when we talked about the intrinsic contract, will, or other public instrument.
validity of the will being governed by person's national
law, it is given that when we talked about successional Paragraph 1 provides for the general rule which is you
rights, what will govern is the national law of that person. follow the forms and solemnities of the place where you
execute the contract, will, or other public instrument.

What happens if we have to enforce the provisions of the Paragraph 2 is an exception because it implies the
will in another country? You obtain a judgement and the principle of exterritoriality. Exterritoriality applies to our
Philippines is saying "okay, you have to distribute the offices abroad because they are considered as
property in accordance with Philippine law" but the extensions of the Philippine territory. Precisely, because
property is located in New York. How will you transfer the they are considered as extensions of Philippine territory,
property that's located in New York to yourself you have to follow the forms and solemnities established
considering that the inheritance was already recognized by Philippine laws.
as valid here in the Philippines. Let's compare the principles of territoriality vs.
Based on your readings, the proper process would be you extraterritoriality vs. exterritoriality.
obtain the judgement here as to the distribution of the We know that territoriality is found in Article 14 of the civil
estate. After you obtained the judgement here, you prove code and also in Article 2 of the Revised Penal
the judgement abroad in accordance, for example, the law Code. Extraterritoriality is also provided in Article 2 of the
of the state of New York. Once the judgement has been RPC whereby it enumerates certain situations where the
proven abroad, that is when you follow the rule of lex loci Philippines has jurisdiction over crimes committed outside
rei sitae for the transfer of the property in New York. The its territorial boundaries
distribution of the estate in terms of the validity of the
succession will be governed by the Philippine law. But the Extraterritoriality is the principle where our country is
when it comes to the transfer of property, the law where it allowed to extend its territory into another country as this
is located will govern. This ties in very neatly with Article is an extension recognized under international law.
17 which provides:
The 3rd paragraph on prohibitive laws is actually
ARTICLE 17. The forms and solemnities of contracts, demonstrated by how our jurisdiction does not recognize
wills, and other public instruments shall be governed by divorce decrees obtained abroad by Filipinos.
the laws of the country in which they are executed. Because under our national law, the only ways to
terminate a marriage are to either nullify or annul it on the
When the acts referred to are executed before the basis of specific grounds are contained in the Family
diplomatic or consular officials of the Republic of the code. Thus, in a case where a Filipina wife obtained a
Philippines in a foreign country, the solemnities divorce abroad and later remarried an American, the
established by Philippine laws shall be observed in their Filipino husband can file a case of adultery against his
execution. wife since divorce is not recognized in the Philippines.
in their execution.

Prohibitive laws concerning persons, their acts or

property, and those which have for their object public


This time, we will actually look how they have actually And finally, this is how the Supreme Court applied
applied articles 15, 16, and the 3rd paragraph of article Article 17:
So earlier we said that under article 15, the national law
For article 15, what did the Supreme Court say? of Van Wilsem could state that he is not obliged to
provide support and he should have proven that national
-On this point, we agree with Van Wilsem that Del law in order for us to recognize it. But because he did
Socorro cannot rely on article 15 of the New Civil Code not prove it, the doctrine of processual presumption
in demanding support from him, because is a foreign applies. Therefore, he is obliged to provide support
citizen. Therefore, it is his laws that will apply, and not under the doctrine of processual presumption.
Philippine laws in terms of his rights as a person.
But even assuming for example that we did not apply
In other words, insofar as Philippine laws are the doctrine of processual presumption, was there a
concerned, specifically the provisions of the Family way that we could have compelled Van Wilsem to
Code on support, the same only applies to Filipino provide support to his child under Philippine laws?
citizens. By analogy, the same principle applies to
foreigners such that they are governed by their national This was where the Supreme Court applied Article
law with respect to family rights and duties. 17,3rd paragraph which provides that:
"Prohibitive laws concerning persons, their acts or
-The obligation to give support to a child is a matter that property, ad those which have for their object public
falls under family rights and duties. Since the order, public policy and good customs shall not be
respondent is a citizen of Holland or the Netherlands, rendered ineffective by laws or judgements
we agree with the RTC-Cebu that he is subject to the promulgated, or by determinations or conventions
laws of his country, not to Philippine law, as to whether agreed upon in a foreign country.
he is obliged to give support to his child, as well as the
consequences of his failure to do so. In this case, the Supreme Court said: "Foreign law
should not be applied when its application would work
So basically, if we were just to go with his national law undeniable injustice to the citizens and residents of the
alone, then assuming that he was able to prove his forum. To give justice is the most important function of
national law, Article 15 will have to apply. If his national law; hence, a law or judgement or contract that is
law states that he is not obliged to give support, then obviously unjust negates the fundamental principles of
supposedly we should respect it based on article 15 Conflict of Laws.
alone. But that will have to be reconciled later on with
Article 17. Applying the foregoing, even if the laws of the
Netherlands neither enforce a parent's obligation to
But since in this case, Van Wilsem was unable to prove support his child nor penalize the noncompliance
the Netherlands law, then obviously we know that when therewith, such obligation is still duly enforceable in the
the foreign law is not proven properly, the doctrine of Philippines because it would be of great injustice to the
processual presumption arises and is applied, what child to be denied if financial support when the latter is
happened is that the Philippine laws were presumed to entitled thereto."
be the same as the national law of Van Wilsem.
In Del Socorro vs Van Wilsem, the Supreme Court was
So the Supreme court said: able to use Articles 15, 16, and 17 to uphold the best
interest of the child which is to be able to receive support
-It is incumbent upon respondent to plead and prove from his father.
that the national law of the Netherlands does not impose
upon the parents the obligation to support their child. In
view of respondent's failure to prove the national law of
the Netherlands in his favor, the doctrine of processual
presumption shall govern. Under this doctrine, if the ARTICLE 18.— In matters which are governed by the
foreign law involved is not properly pleaded and proved, Code of Commerce and special laws, their deficiency
our courts will presume that the foreign law is the same shall be supplied this code.
as our local or domestic internal law. Thus, since the law
of the Netherlands as regards the obligation to support
has not been properly pleaded and proved in the instant The rule under Article 18 is that if the Code of Commerce
case, it is presumed to be the same with the Philippine or special laws are insufficient or deficient, the Civil Code
law, which enforces the obligation of parents to support shall be applied to supply the deficiency. In other words,
their children and penalizing the non-compliance the Civil shall be suppletory.

What is an example? For example we have the that the

provision in the Civil Code which supplies the rules as to
when a contract is deemed to have been perfected. In
terms of acceptance, when do you know that a person has
accepted your offer? Is it upon transmittal of the letter
accepting the offer? Is it upon actual receipt of the letter
accepting the offer? or is it upon the time when the person
who made the offer reads the acceptance of that offer.

Among those three, it is actually the latter. There is only

acceptance when the person who made the offer actually
reads the acceptance of the offer. That is the rule that we
apply in instances where the insurance for example is
approved and transmitted to the person, but the person
died before he could receive the letter approving his
insurance. In that case, he was not yet informed before
his death of the approval, therefore there was no
acceptance of the insurance.

What about if there is conflict between the Civil Code and

the special law to which the Civil Code is supposed to
apply suppletory?

Obviously, the special law must prevail because the

special law was enacted specifically for that purpose.
Therefore we cannot apply the general law where the
special law is specific to that purpose.

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