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NAME Solutions for Common Medical Entrance Exam set –XXI (2078-1-18)

NAME Institute
In front of Singhdurbar, Putalisadak
Tel: - 01- 4231144

Model Questions
Common Medical Entrance
Date: 2078/1/18

Hints and Solutions

NAME Solutions for Common Medical Entrance Exam set –XXI (2078-1-18)
1. c) In rabbit, the lower jaw is suspended from the upper jaw by squamosal.
2. c) Gastrulation is the process of the embryonic development during which cell
movements establish the three primary germinal layers namely ectoderm, mesoderm
and endoderm.
3. c) Two auricles open into a single ventricle by a common large auriclo-ventricular
aperture guarded by two pairs of auriculo-ventricular valves, one arising from the
dorsal edge and the other from the ventral edge of this aperture
4. d) The foramen magnum is the large opening at the hind end of a vertebrate skull through
which the spinal cord passes the brain
5. b) Membranous labyrinth contains a fluid called endolymph.
 Ampulla has a group of sensory hair cells called crista.
 Cristae are covered by a mass of gelatinous material called the capula.
 Cristae has longer sensory hairs and lacks otolith (also called otoconia), particles
of CaCO3.
6. c) Hypothalamus (Modulator) it contains hunger and satiety centres. When glucose level
is increased statiety centre activated and when glucose level is decreased hunger centre
activated. When glucose level increase in blood, receive this message to hypothalamus
via chemoreceptor. Hypothalamus send inhibitory message to the islets of langerhans
( Effector) for producing insulin to decrease level of glucose
7. a)
8. a) Cro-Magnon, most recent ancestor of today’s man.
9. c) Infective stage- promastigote/leptomonad
10. b) Cephalopoda- jet siphon system, inner shell, foot is located in head, ink gland, largest
Neopilina (living fossil) is found in monoplacophora
11. d) Dracunculus- guinea worm- longest nematode- primary host, man and intermediate
host, cyclops.
12. d) Hydra – polyp, obelia- polyp and medusa both
13. b) In cursorial adaptation adaptation (running adaptation) reduction in fibula and ulna,
the limbs are such modified that they have become pendulum like i.e. moving only one
Fossorial adaptation reduction of tail and loss of eye
14. b) In relationship of turbellaria and platyhelminthes.
turbellaria  class of phylum platyhelminthes.
Similarly, Asteroidea, class of phylum echinodermata
15. a) In cockroach, excretory products is uric acid. Malpighian tubules open at the junction of
midgut and hindgut (ileum).
Blood of cockroach is colourless, consist of colour plasma and corpuscles called
16. d) The social behaviour mainly deals with communication among the members of species
17. d) Dog fish belongs to pisces.
18. b) Mid-brain consist of two large hollow lobes called optic lobes (corpora bigemina) and
crura cerebri.
19. c) Lemurs - order primates
Horse - order perisodactyla
Whale - order cetacea
20. b) Clinical features: slow onset of fever (step-ladder pattern), myalgia, headache.
21. d) Mammalian RBC is without cytoplasmic granules like mitochondria; golgi bodies,
centrosomes, ribosomes etc – Nucleus also absent.

NAME Solutions for Common Medical Entrance Exam set –XXI (2078-1-18)
22. c) Parkinson’s disease or Paralysis agitans is a defect of brain. Parkinson’s is a
characterised by tremors and progressive rigidity of limbs caused by a degeneration of
brain neurons and a neurotransmitter called dopamine
23. a) Stratum corneum is the outer layer of cells of the epidermis. It consists of dead cells
whose cytoplasm has been entirely replaced by keratin. It is particularly thick on
plasma and soles of the feet and is continually being sloughed off as a result of frictional
24. b)
25. c). Simple squamous epithelium: lining of blood vessels, bowman’s capsule, alveoli of
Cuboidal epithelium: germinal epithelium of ovary, thyroid follicle, choroid plexus
Stratified squamous epithelium: skin, buccal cavity, oesophagus, vagina, tongue
Pseudostratified: upper respiratory tract
26. b) Testis is covered by three layers, tunica vaginalis, tunicaalbuginea and tunica vasculosa
from outer to inner surface. Tunica albuginea is covering of testis.
27. b) O2 transport in the form of oxyhaemoglobin (97%) and dissolve in plasma (3%). CO 2
transport in the form of bicarbonates (79%), carbamino-haemoglobin (23%) and dissolve
in plasma (7%) as carbonic acid.
28. b) Phrenic arteries are two small vessels which supply the diaphragm but present much
variety in their origin.
29. a) Podocytes is an epithelial cell of the Bowman's capsule of the kidney which rest on the
basement membrane.
30. a) Hensen’s disc is the other name of H-zone. It is the light region that bisects A-band.
31. c) Folic acid is required for formation of DNA and replication of cellular genes.
32 d) Goblet cells - mucus, oxyntic cells - HCl.
33. d) Myocytes – present in sponges.
34. b)
35. b) But spermatheca – store sperm after copulation.
36. a) Neurohormone/brain hormone is secreted by brain/cerebral ganglia/supra-
pharyngeal ganglia
37. d) The resultant product of erythrocytic schizogony is merozoites with haemozoin.
Haemozoin - chills and fever.
38. c) Between 1831 and 1836, Charles Darwin worked as a naturalist on HMS Beagle on its
voyage around the world. He made careful records of the diversity and distribution of
living organisms, particularly in South America, the Pacific Islands and Australia.
39. b) Coacervates: The large organic molecules which were synthesized abiotically on
primitive earth later came together and due to intermolecular attraction, they formed
large colloidal aggregates. Such water bound aggregated have been named
microspheres by Sydeny Fox.
40. b) Sporozoite  start pre-erythrocytic schizogony
Metacryptomerozoite  start erythrocytic schizogony

41 a) Limnology is the study of fresh water ecology like lakes, spring, rivers, etc.
42 b) Naked DNA does not contains histone protein as in prokaryotes like bacteria, BGA,
mycoplasma and eukaryotic mitochondria chloroplast.
43 b) Influenza is retrovirus which contains single stranded RNA ssRNA) as genetic

NAME Solutions for Common Medical Entrance Exam set –XXI (2078-1-18)
44 d) Mycoplasm, bacteria and all types of prokaryotic organisms have single DNA segment
as genetic materials without histone proteins.
45 c) Azygospre is unsuccessful sexual spore (diploid or binucleate) produced during
conjugation due to incompatibility.
46 d) Rust disease of wheat is called by Hamileiavastatrix(fungus) while Red rust of coffee is
caused by Cephaleurosarabaica(algae).
47 b) The spores of moss (Funaria) and Dryopteris are green due to presence of chlorophylls
and later become brownish.
48 b) Fossil fuel or petroleum products are produced from ferns of carboniferous period.
49 b) Armed parenchyma or stellate parenchyma are common characters of Pinus.
50 d) Flower is responsible for sexual reproduction and essential for survival and genetic
51 d) Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) is leguminous plant, belongs to family Leguminosae
52 a) Productivity at the level of consumer is secondary productivity and at producer
primary productivity.
53 d) Ecologically most stable ecosystems are tropical rain forest, tropical forest, ocean and
sea ecosystems due more diversity and more productivity.
54 a) Flora and fauna are the plant and animal community (several population) in an
ecosystem or locality respectively.
55 b) The evergreen ecosystem is characterized by constant seasons throughout year and
always show no variation of vegetation with lack of leaf fall.
56 c) Addition of humus decreases the porosity of soil and increases water retention capacity
of soil.
57 d) Due to presence of homogenous nature of cytoplasm and dead nature of cell, bacterial
cell and vessels do not show cyclosis and streaming.
58 b) Oxysome or F0-F1 particles were discovered by Moran and Fernandez as functional
unit of mitochondria lies on inner membrane.
59 b) Animal cells like RBC, when placed in hypotonic solution like water, show endo-
osmosis and cell volume increases and burst due to excessive turgor pressure.
60 d) Centrioles, flagella, cilia and chromosomes lack external membrane.
61 c) Sex cells or gametes ready for sexual reproduction have half amount of DNA and half
number of chromosomes as compare to parent cells due to involvement of meiosis.
62 a) An offspring of two homozygous parents (AA and aa) differing from one another by
alleles at only one gene locus is monohybrid (Aa).
63 c) Allele is a pair of characters which may be similar (homozygous) or dissimilar
(heterozygous). Half of allele is also called hemizygous allele and found in gametes or
spores produced through meiosis.
64 d) Pure line are the progenies produced from selfing of homozygous individuals.
65 b) Marfan’s diseases is genetic disorders due to loss of gene responsible for single gene.
66 a) The number of gametes from genotype AABbcc will be 2 (ABc and Abc) due to
presence of single heterozygous allele.
67 b) Holandric genes are found in Y chromosomes of human which is transferred from male
parent of their sons.
68 b) The linkage group is the haploid number of chromosomes or the chromosomes found in
69 c) In concentric vascular bundles, one core of elements is covered by another element.
When inner core of xylem is covered by outer circle of phloem, it is called amphicribal.
In amphivasal, inner core of phloem is covered by outer circle of xylem.
70 a) The addition of solutes increases solute potential and reduces solvent potential or water
potential. Pure water has maximum water potential which decreases after addition of

NAME Solutions for Common Medical Entrance Exam set –XXI (2078-1-18)
71 b) During photosynthesis, CO2 molecule is converted into glucose molecule with the help
of Hydrogen molecules taken from water molecules. The molecular oxygen is produced
from water molecules.
72 a) C3 plants show less efficient as compare to C4 and CAM plants due to absence of Kranz
anatomy, absence of PEP as CO2 acceptor and increased rate of photorespiration.
73 c) Glycolysis produces 2NADH2 and 2ATP at substrate level. NADH2 enter into
mitochondria for ETS and generate 2 ATP per molecule (though usual shuttle system).
74 b) Fermentation or anaerobic respiration does not produce water molecules due to absence
of oxygen.
75 b) Retention of chlorophyll or maintaining cellular integrity is possible due to application
of cytokinin which was experimentally proved by Richmond and Lang.
76 b) Antipodals, synergids, egg cell are haploid cells of female gametophytes of
77 b) Porogamy is entry of pollen tubes through micropyle of ovules while aporogamy occurs
through other than micropyle.
78 c) Coconut milk is liquid endosperms rich in cytokinin.
79 a) Failure of antibiotics in several bacterial diseases is due to development of mutant
resistant characters by bacteria against medicine.
80 b) Bioreactor refers to the yeast used in fermented tank during industrial fermentation.

81. d) According to Heisenberg uncertainty principle, x  p 
If uncertainty in position is zero, then uncertainty in momentum is infinite.
82. c) Manganese is not ferromagnetic.
83. b) During charging lead storage battery acts as electrolytic cell.
84. d) Q = It = 4 × 30 × 60 = 7200 C.
2H++ 2e  H2
2 × 96500 C liberate H2 = 22.4L at STP
 7200 C will liberate = ×7200 L= 0.836 L
85. b) r = k[A] = ka
1.837 r = k(1.5a)
Dividing, 1.837= (1.5)
On solving, we get  = 1.5. so order of reaction is 1.5.
86. d) The geometry of IF7 is pentagonal bipyramidal.
87. c) H2(g)  H(g) + H(g).
88. b) The balanced equation is,
Cr2O72- + 6Fe2+ +14H+  2Cr3+ + 6Fe3+ + 7H2O
89. b) More than
90. b) 2KClO3  2KCl + 3O2
2  122.5
48g of O2 would be produced from pure KClO3 = ×48
2  122.5 100
80% KClO3 required =  48  = 153.125g.
96 80
91. d) Moles of NaCl = 3 × 300 × 10–3
 Moles of Cl– ions = 3 × 300 × 10–3 =0.9 mol
Moles of BaCl2 = 4 × 200 × 10–3
 Moles of Cl– ions = 2 × 4 × 200 × 10–3 = 1.6 mol
Total moles of Cl– ions in solution = 0.9 + 1.6 = 2.5 mol

NAME Solutions for Common Medical Entrance Exam set –XXI (2078-1-18)
Total volume of solution = 500 ml
2.5  1000
 Conc. Of Cl– ions = = 5 M.
92. c) Efflorescence: substances loss water of crystallization.
93. b) Ratio of volume of A : B : C = 2 : 5 : 2.
Ratio of number of molecules in A, B and C = 2: 5 : 2 or 1 : 5/2 : 1
Thus, 1 molecule of C contains 1 molecule (i.e., 2 atoms) of A and 5/2 molecules (i.e.,
5/2 × 2 atoms of B).
Hence the formula of C is A2B5.
94. d) Let mass of each gas be m then,
O2 = m/32; nN2 = m/28
O2 m  28
Now,  = 0.875
N2 m  32
95. a) KE is highest in vapour state
96. b) C2H4 + 3O2  2CO2 + 2H2O
 H = 2(286) + 2(394) – (52) = –1412kJ.
97. a) It is the conjugate base of weakest acid HClO. Acid strength of oxy-acids of chlorine is
in the order
HClO< HClO2< HClO3< HClO4.
98. b) m mole of HCl = 55  = 5.5
m mole of NaOH = 45  = 4.5
m moles of HCl left unreacted = 5.5 – 4.5 = 1
[HCl] = M = [H3O+]
[H3O+] = 0.0 M, pH = 2.

99. d) PCl5⇋ PCl3 + Cl2

2(1-x) 2x 2x
Total = 2 – 2x + 2x + 2x = 2 + 2x = 2(1+x).
100. b) Because Mg has highest I.E. among the given elements.
101. b) 2ZnS + 3O2 → 2ZnO + 2SO2
ZnO + C   Zn + CO
1270 K

102. d) SiC is covalent molecule.

103. a) Borax bead test is given by elements which forms coloured ions.
104. c) a protective coating of PbCl2 is formed on Pb surface
105. c) CO2 being more dense covers the igniting material more effectively than N2.
106. d) CO2 + Na2O  Na2CO3
107. b) It is the conversion of white tin to grey tin at low temperature which crumbles into
108. c) Under composed AgBr forms a soluble complex with hypo
AgBr+ 2Na2S2O3 Na3[Ag(S2O3)2 ]+ NaBr
soluble complex
It is washed with water and the image is fixed
109. b) S+ O2 SO2 (burns with blue light)
4Na + O2 2NaO(burns with yellow light)
P4 + 3O2 P4O6
P4 + 5O2 P4O10
Cl+ O2 No reaction
Chlorine does not react directly with oxygen.
110. b) Alkaline pyrogallol absorbs O2 and oil of cinnamon absorbs O3.

NAME Solutions for Common Medical Entrance Exam set –XXI (2078-1-18)

111. a) In ClO  Chlorine is present in highest O. no.

4 ,
112. c) Pb(CH3COO)2+ H2S PbS + 2CH3COOH
PbS + 2H2O2 PbSO4 + 2H2.
113. c) Cyclohexylidenemethanone
114. b) Cannizaro rxn is an example of hydride (H-) transfer rxn (which is slow).
115. a) Chain initiation step involves formation of free radicals only.
116. d) Primary amine given carbolamine test. P-methylbenzyl aniline is primary amine. 2, 4 –
dimethylaniline is also primary amine but due to steric hindrance it does not give
carbylamines rxn.
117. b) o,m, and p – isomer.
118. b) Aniline is move reactive among the given.
119. b) C6H5CHCl2   C6H5CHO

120. b) benzophenonen does not give iodoform test.

121. b) Osazone formation involves oxidation of two carbons.
122. b) Aniline on condensation with aromatic aldehyde gives Schiff's base.
123. d) Thermo sets, cross linkage is usually developed at the time of moulding where they
harden irreversibly.
124. a) R3C+has three pairs of electrons in three bonds
125. b) It is free radical addition (See mechanism of peroxide effect)
126. c) Due to hyperconjugation toluene is most reactive for electrophilic substitution.
127. a) Recall that first four alkanes are gaseous in nature at room temperature.
128. d) Addition of HBr on alkenes is an electrophilic reaction, hence more the number of
electron-releasing groups on the double bond easier will be the addition.
129. a) Alkynes contains acidic hydrogen.
130. c) CHCl3 + HONO2(conc)  NO2CCl3

131. b) Direction of vector A is along z-axis  A and Ak
Direction of vector B is towards north  B= Bj
Now A × B = Ak × Bj = AB (–i)
 The direction of A × B is along West
132. c) Tension = [MLT–2] . Surface Tension = [MT–2]
133. d) In the condition of free fall apparent weight becomes zero.
134. b)
135. c)
136. c) ve = ve 
137. a) Interatomic force constant K = Y × r0 = 2 × 1011 × 3 × 10–10 = 60 N/m
138. a)
139. c) P = hg i.e. pressure does not depend upon the area of bottom surface.
140. c) If two drops of same radius r coalesce then radius of new drop is given by R
R3 = r3 + r3  R3 = 2r3  R = 21/3 r
If drop of radius r is falling in viscous medium then it acquire a terminal velocity v and
v  r2
= =  v2 = 22/3 × v1 = 22/3 × (5) = 5 × (4)1/3 cm/s
141. a) When the ball is heated, expansion of ball and cavity both occurs, hence volume of
cavity increases.
142. c) Stress = Y ; hence it is independent of length.

NAME Solutions for Common Medical Entrance Exam set –XXI (2078-1-18)
143. d) Due to large specific heat of water, it releases large heat with very small temperature
144. a) Ideal gas possess only kinetic energy
145. d) ==Q=W
= × 800 = 1600 J
146. c) Mud is bad conductor of heat. So it prevents the flow of heat between surroundings and
147. a) Optical fibres are used to send signals from one place to another.
148. c) = ( – 1)
For biconvex lens R2 = R1  = ( – 1)
Given R =   f = , so no focus at real distance
149. c) In minimum deviation condition ∠i = ∠e, ∠r1 = ∠r2
150. c) In this case, for seeing distant objects the far point is 40cm.
Hence the required focal length is
f = – d (distance of far point) = – 40cm
Power P = cm = = – 2.5D
151. a) =; B
=  ' = 0.3mm
152. c) Width of central bright fringe
= = = 4 × 10–3 m = 4mm
153. c) Since solid has both the properties (rigidity and elasticity)
154. c) I  a2  a 
155. c) n
156. c) EK = workdone = FS = qEy
157. d)
158. c) C' = C=
d >>> t so t = 0
C' = = C
159. c) vd =  vd  J (current density)
J1 = and J2 = = = J1;  (vd)1 = (vd)2 = v
160. c) Resistance of 1 ohm group = = 
This is in series with  resistor
 Total resistance = + =  = 1
161. c) S = = = = 0.002
162. c) Resistance of carbon filament decreases with temperature while that of tungsten
increases with temperature.
In series Pconsumed  R i.e. tungsten bulb will glow more brightly.
163. a) Magnetic field due to revolution of electron
B = . = . = 107 ×
 16 = 10–7 ×   = 1017 rad/sec
164. c) F = = 10–3N
When current in both the wires is doubled, the
F = = 4 × 10–3 N
165. d)
166. a) Faraday’s laws involve conversion of mechanical energy into electric energy. This is in
accordance with the law of conservation of energy.
167. c) e = Bvl  e  v  gt
168. a) K = QV = 1.6 × 10–19 × 100 = 1.6 × 10–17 Joules
169. b) = (E = same)
170. d) E  ; also infrared > visible so Einfrared < Evisible

NAME Solutions for Common Medical Entrance Exam set –XXI (2078-1-18)
171. b) Kmax (eV) = E(eV) – W0 (eV) = 6.2 – 4.2 = 2eV
 Kmax (Joules) = 2 × 1.6 × 10–19 J = 3.2 × 10–19 J
172. c) Range of X-rays is 0.1Å to 100Å
173. b) Paschen series lies in the infrared region
174. b)
175. a)
176. d) Resistance of conductors (Cu) decreases with decrease in temperature while that of
semi-conductors (Ge) increases with decrease in temperature.
177. b)
178. b) The energy of the sun is due to fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium.
179. b) According to Wien's law, m  . it means higher the temperature of a star, the lower is
the wavelength of maximum intensity radiation emitted from star which tells the colour
of star.
180. b)

181. c) B = 2, E = 5, A = 1, M = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4
182. b)
183. b)

In the evening sun sets in West. Hence then any shadow falls in the East. Since Hema's
shadow was to the right of Hema. Hence Rekha was facing towards South.
184. b) Clearly, 2 x 3 = 6, 6 x 3 = 18, 18 x 3 = 54,.....
So, the series is a G.P. in which a = 2, r = 3.
Therefore 8th term = ar8-1 = ar7 = 2 x 37 = (2 x 2187) = 4374.
185. c) (4 x 8) + 1 = 33
(5 x 9) + 1 = 46
Similarly, (7 x 11) + 1 = 78
186. d) Total number of routes from Bristol to Carlisle = (4 × 3 × 2) = 24.
187. c) From figures (i), (ii) and (iv) We conclude that 6, 4, 3 and 1 lie adjacent to 2. Hence, 5
must lie opposite 2.
188. d) The third figure in each row comprises of parts which are not common to the first two
189. a) Let the present ages of Sameer and Anand be 5x years and 4x years respectively.
Then, =
 9(5x + 3) = 11(4x + 3)
 45x + 27 = 44x + 33
 45x - 44x = 33 - 27
 x = 6.
 Anand's present age = 4x = 24 years.
190. c) Required average =
= = = 48.55

NAME Solutions for Common Medical Entrance Exam set –XXI (2078-1-18)
191. a) In one step, one half-leaf is lost from the CW-end and three half-leaves are added at the
ACW-end. In the next step, one half-leaf is lost from the CW-end and two half-leaves
are added at the ACW-end.
192. b)

193. d)

194. c) Number of pages typed by Ravi in 1 hour = =

Number of pages typed by Kumar in 1 hour = = 8
Number of pages typed by both in 1 hour = =
 Time taken by both to type 110 pages = hours
= 8 hours (or) 8 hours 15 minutes
195. b) Let C.P.=Rs. 100. Then, Profit = Rs. 320, S.P. = Rs. 420.
New C.P. = 125% of Rs. 100 = Rs. 125
New S.P. = Rs. 420.
Profit = Rs. (420 - 125) = Rs. 295.
 Required percentage = % = % = 70% (apporximately)
196. a) Total number of balls = (8 + 7 + 6) = 21.
Let E = event that the ball drawn is neither red nor green
= event that the ball drawn is blue.
 n(E) = 7
 P(E) = = =
197. b) Let the number of boys be x. Then, (3/4)x = 18 or x = 18 x(4/3) = 24.
If total number of students is y, then (2/3) y = 24 or y = 24 x (3/2) = 36.
Therefore Number of girls in the class = (36 - 24) = 12.
198. a)
199. b) The correct order is :
Skull Face Neck Shoulder Hand Chest Stomach Thigh Knee Heel
3 9 4 2 10 6 8 7 5 1
200. d)

Result will be published on Sunday

NAME Solutions for Common Medical Entrance Exam set –XXI (2078-1-18)

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