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Surya Kriya – Living Without


30 Oct 2013 17 Comments




Dear Sadhguru, what is the significance of

being initiated into Surya Kriya and what
changes happen in the system?

The idea of yoga is that your body

becomes a possibility, not a barrier. If that
has to happen, everything within your
system should function with least amount
of resistance, with least amount of friction.
Even according to our understanding of
mechanical sciences, we know that we will
call a machine truly efficient, only if it has
least amount of friction. The more friction it
has, the more inefficient it becomes. If it
has no friction, it will be the ultimate
machine. If you minimize the friction itself,
the wear and tear comes down
phenomenally. So, if the wear and tear of
this body has to come down phenomenally,
the first thing is to see there is no friction
between different dimensions of who we

You have a physical dimension, which is

an accumulated dimension. You have a
psychological dimension, which is also

converted by
kinds of
dimension is little bit of
purely aberrations
from this life.
that one
may be
dimension you born with
have acquired or or
from many
lifetimes. And
in the
there is a karmic process of
dimension, which living, all
is a much larger
these are
and much more
complex. And out. To
there is energy, bring this
which is grown
from within, but
given to us from
there are
the process of various
life, which systems.
happens within
us. And there are
Kriya is a
which are purely powerful
cosmic in nature, process in
which are not
If we want to
make sure that
this being or this mechanism, which is a
combination of all these aspects, is not in
friction; there are many levels on which we
have to lubricate it. One thing is the basic
friction, a very rudimentary friction that
people are experiencing everywhere.
They’re talking about stress. Stress is a
very rudimentary thing. It is like you are
trying to run your engine without lubrication
oil and you are complaining, ‘my car is not
going anywhere.’ If you go to a mechanic
with your car and you say, “I got a
problem,” and he sees that you are running
it without lubrication, he will knock you on
your head and say, “You fool! You are not
fit for driving.”

This is just like that. ‘I am stressed out’

means your mind is in a state of friction,
psychological friction within yourself. This

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is the most fundamental level of friction, but
there are other more complex levels of
friction or deeper dimensions of friction
within us. Your karmic body and your
physical body, if it doesn’t fit, there will be a
different kind of friction. Why would this
happen? It may so happen – you have a
certain type of karmic body, but you did not
find the right kind of womb – then your
karmic body will be in a state of friction with
your physical body. That is not a small
thing to handle. That will take a lot of
handling. That is a very complex friction.

Otherwise, your energy body may not fit

into your physical body. There are certain
types of people who are going through that.
This may have something to do with
culture. This may have something to do
with the general atmosphere, maybe
pollution levels, maybe the land itself, the
kind of memory the land carries. There’re
various aspects to it.

There may be other kinds of frictions,

which is your psychological structure and
your physical structure are not going well
together. Like this, every part of you, every
dimension of who you are either can run
smoothly or can run with a lot of friction.
The idea of Hata Yoga is to knead the
system – not just the physical body – to
knead the whole system in such a way that
all these frictions are smoothened out in
such a way that after some time if you sit
here, there is absolutely no sense of
friction within you. You have only the
outside to deal with. Nothing else. Only if it
becomes like that, can you deal with the
outside with a phenomenal ease and

Surya Kriya is a
process in that
So, initiation direction to bring
is to just smoothness to
make the system. This
sure that smoothness to
the system or
the new this well-oiled
possibilities feeling within
that you yourself will not
have come unless you
are in sync with
created the largest

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system, which is
by a the solar system.
certain The larger body
practice of who you are is
do not the solar system.

remain This process of

dormant Surya Kriya is to
for too enlarge the
long. cycles of who
you are; in such
a way that your
energy system’s
cycles should increase in a way that it
becomes exactly the same as the solar
cycles, which takes something like twelve
years, three months and some few days to
complete the cycle. Your system, your
energy system should take exactly the
same time. If you take the same time, if
your cycles are absolutely in sync with the
sun, then you will see your system will run
without any kind of friction. Whatever kinds
of little bit of aberrations that one may be
born with, whatever types of aberrations
that one might have acquired in the
process of living, all these are smoothened
out. To bring this state, there are various
systems. Surya Kriya is a powerful
process in that direction.

It is to get into a certain segment of the

cycle so that it manifests itself within us
before you’re initiated. Initiation process for
Surya Kriya is going to be very simple; it’s
a simple process because if you achieve a
certain level of geometry in the system,
then all it needs is just the new geometry
that you have created. When I say the new
geometry – one needs to understand, out
of the one hundred and fourteen chakras
which exist in the body, if you have twenty
one of them active, you can live quite a
complete life. Physically, psychologically,
emotionally, you can live quite a complete
life. The initiation is mainly to put energy
into the system, which is opened up fresh.
If you have twenty-one of them open fully,
you can live a full life. Most people don’t
even have that many open. If twenty-one of
them are fully flexed and active and vibrant,
one will live a very active, dynamic, and a
full-fledged life within himself or herself.

But, if more of them become open by

aligning your system properly either

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through general Hata Yoga or particularly
through Surya Kriya, they may have
opened up, but they might not have
energized themselves because how they
open up may not be in a series. They may
open up in different places and the rest of
the system may not be able to course the
energy through those points.

So, initiation is to just make sure that the

new possibilities that you have created by a
certain practice do not remain dormant for
too long because if it remains dormant for
too long, you may lose the necessary
motivation for you to continue to do the
process. If you can keep up without any
results or expecting any results, though
there will be results, but without any
expectation you continue the sadhana, you
come to a certain level of openness, then
we can energize those centers, which
have been opened by your sadhana. That
is the intention of initiation. In the physical
understanding of things, it will be a simple
process, but, we can make it grand by
making a lot of noise and eating more on
that day!

Love & Grace,

Excerpted from a recent sathsang with the

Hata Yoga Teacher Training Program

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TAGS: Classical
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• 2 years ago
Beautifully explained by
Sadhguru as always.
I just learned Surya kriya 4
months back. I have to wait 12
more years for initiation then...
12 • Reply • Share ›

Somanathan >
• 2 years ago
I am also interested in
learning Surya kriya. It
will be helpful if you tell
that from which course
in isha center you have
learned the same.
Also, how you get into
12 years understanding
on initiation? Advance
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• 2 years
I took the
course from a
teach who
completed the 6
month teacher

converted by
programme in
USA. For the 12
years, its in the
article itself

"This process
of Surya Kriya
is to enlarge the
cycles of who
you are; in such
a way that your
see more
• Reply

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Venkat • 2 years ago

Thank you Sadhguru for
offering surya kriya, it is a truly
phenomenal sadhana
especially if you take cold head
bath and do surya kriya
sadhana you feel much more
less fiction and more
lubrication. Awesome
5 • Reply • Share ›

Gayathri Kumar
• 2 years ago
I have been doing surya kriya
from July this year.It's only
November and the energy
levels I'm experiencing is
tremendous.Number of
activities I'm doing has gone
ng a lot actually.After reading
Sadhgurus article i realise that
I'm able to feel the silence
within me with more
awareness now.I did not learn
suriya Namaskar,no need for
that.I'm doing either one or
three cycles everyday.Three is
better.To me suriya kriya is a
powerful,silent friend! I love
doing it for some reason and it
just works on my systems
balance while I'm busy with my
life.Im able to play with life and
to offend someone is never my
intension.Somehow things
work out with sadhgurus
3 • Reply • Share ›

Gopi Krishna
• 2 years ago
Now I'm really interested to do
Hata Yoga too.. hopefully this
December.. Thank you
Sadhguru :)
3 • Reply • Share ›

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SV • 2 years ago
"In the physical understanding
of things, it will be a simple
process, but, we can make it
grand by making a lot of noise
and eating more on that day!"
Sadhguru, you are so funny!!
Waiting to learn Surya Kriya,
hoping to be initiated some
day... thank you for all the tools
you give us.
2 • Reply • Share ›

L Bouchard
• 9 months ago
Surya Kriya gives a
tremendous amount of energy
even from day one. My
problem is doing it at night can
make it hard to sleep - and
with my other Kriya practices
in the mornings I don't have
time for it. I'm thinking of
alternating between the other
Kriya practices and Surya
Kriya in the mornings.

Of course Kriya has to be

practiced correctly, in order,
etc. So alternating practices
seems like a bad idea. Any
• Reply • Share ›

Sarita Nanal
• 2 years ago
I finished the 2&1/2 day hata
yoga course last month which
was conducted in mumbai. I
am doing the practice
everyday, surya namaskar
thrice but people have already
started noticing the change in
my body, leave alone what
energies i u know
every course Sadhguru offers
is a blessing for us.
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alex • 2 years ago

No you do your practice every
day and that is your initiation.
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rohit • 2 years ago

i would like to learn surya
kriya,is there any who has
completed the hatha yoga
program and willing to
teach..plz reply..i really really
would like to learn this..anyone
from south india :)
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Haran > rohit

• a year ago

converted by
Hi Rohit,
It is advisable to learn it
from a teacher who will
initiate you and imbibe
it in you. I would highly
recommend you to look
and go to program
section where they
have these courses
and learn them :)
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Jayaprakash D
• 2 years ago
" we can make it grand by
making a lot of noise and
eating more on that day" --
What a timing. Guruve
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arun chakkravarthy
• 2 years ago
yeah i want to get initiated to
open up all the
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Vijay • 2 years ago

Is there anyone who teach
surya kriya in bangalore, who
has completed 6 months
teachers training from Isha
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poonam rao
• 2 years ago
I have to do surya namaskar
properly to be able to learn
surya kriya?
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Satchitanand >
poonam rao
• 2 years ago
Kind of. Surya kriya is
similar to surya
namaskar, but the
purpose of each one is
1 • Reply •
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Chaitanya >
poonam rao
• 2 years ago
No need, but it takes
enormous awareness
and patience for doing
surya kriya,
approximately it takes
30 minutes for 3 cycles
of surya kriya. If you
think you can invest 30

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minutes more to your
sadhana time then go
ahead or else ignore.
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