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VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)

ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 Article No. 81

PP 1-6
VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)

Auto Traffic Management System

Adit Shirodkar1, Sumedh Tandel2, Shlok Raut3, Bhagyashree Vaidya4
(Department of EXTC, VIVA Institute of Technology, Mumbai University, India)
(Department of EXTC, VIVA Institute of Technology, Mumbai University, India)
(Department of EXTC, VIVA Institute of Technology, Mumbai University, India)
(Department of EXTC, VIVA Institute of Technology, Mumbai University, India)

Abstract : Road traffic jam becomes a serious issue for highly crowded metropolitan cities. India is that the
second most populated country within the world and may be a fast growing economy. it's facing terrible road
congestion within the cities. consistent with Times of India about 30 percent of deaths are caused thanks to delayed
ambulance to succeed in at hospital. In proposed system we try to scale back the delay for the ambulance. To
smoothen the ambulance movement, we come up with “Auto Traffic Management System”. We try to supply the
green signals for ambulance by switching the signals. We are getting to use the technologies like RFIDs. Whenever
signal detects the ambulance almost signal, then signal switches to green. As this technique is fully automated, it
recognize the ambulance and control traffic signals. this technique controls traffic signal and saves the time in
emergency period. Also we've automated camera which can help in monitoring the traffic jam . Thus it act as a
life saver project.
Keywords - Emergency Vehicles, IR Blaster, RFID Tags, Servo Motor, smart city, traffic lights recognition.

Traffic congestion may be a severe problem in many major cities across the planet and it's become a
nightmare for the commuters in these cities. The traffic jam also can be caused by large Red light delays, etc. The
delay of respective light is tough coded within the traffic signal and it's not hooked in to traffic. Therefore for
simulating and optimizing control to raised accommodate this increasing demand is arises .One of the main
problems faced by heavy traffic is by Ambulances. As we all know that Ambulances are the foremost important
medical means of transport in any country as they carry patients to the nearby hospitals. But thanks to heavy
traffic, one can often see the Ambulances stuck in traffic for long durations thus causing danger to patient’s life.
per annum , many of us die, lose their homes, and are exposed to permanent injuries or physical disabilities thanks
to road accidents, fires, earthquakes, floods and other disasters. This becomes worse just in case of delay within
the required assistance from emergency response vehicles like ambulances or fire-trucks etc. When an emergency
response vehicle is delayed by a couple of minutes, it makes an enormous difference in saving the lives of
individuals in emergency. Studies by Saudi Red Crescent Authority revealed that “70% of the deaths could are
saved, if the emergency teams intervened faster”. So, our project aims to unravel this problem of Ambulances.
When an Ambulance arrives, its corresponding lane traffic signal becomes green and every one the others become
red, thus paving traffic less way for the Ambulance and thus helping it to succeed in the hospital swiftly. this is
often possible by the utilization of RFID Sensors. Each Ambulance are going to be assigned with a singular RFID
cards which can be scanned by RFID Readers. And accordingly the traffic lights therein lane will turn green.
within the second use of our project, we aim at controlling traffic density using IR sensor. we'll detect number of
vehicles on each lane through our IR sensor and adjust the traffic delay times for avoiding congestion.

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 Article No. 81
PP 1-6
VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)

1.1 Importance of Project: traffic jam is rising in cities round the world. Contributing factors include expanding
urban populations, aging infrastructure, inefficient and uncoordinated traffic light timing and a scarcity of real-
time data. The concept of our project can improve safety and significantly decrease traffic jam levels and
greenhouse emission (GHG) emissions. due to traffic jam emergency vehicles like ambulance, fire brigade, police
vehicle doesn’t reach at destination on time and since of delay it makes huge difference in saving the lives of
individuals in emergency. So, in our project when any emergency vehicles arrives, its corresponding lane 6 traffic
signal becomes green and every one other becomes red, tus an emergency vehicles can pass in less amount of
your time and reached at a destination on time.

1.2 Motivation: If we saw today’s Intelligent traffic signal System (ITLS), then we observe that are lot of
limitation thereon system. Congestion on roads leads to slow moving traffic which increases the time period also
as fuel consumption and noise. During rush hours, emergency vehicles like ambulance, fire brigade, and police
cars fail to succeed in their destination on time, thereby leading to loss of lives and property. the most challenge
is to spot a system which may help to urge obviate the prevailing issues to regulate also as monitor simultaneously
the traffic flow. So, we've come up with an answer to those problems.

2.1 Block Diagram

2.1 Block Diagram

The block diagram of Auto Traffic Management System is shown in fig. As we can see in an input section
there are four RFID readers and four Arduino NANO. RFID readers are connected with Arduino NANO. In
processing section Arduino NANO’s are connected with Arduino mega which is master control unit (MCU).
Power supply is also connected with this section. In output section four traffic light module and four servo motors
are connected with Arduino mega (MCU). Servo motors are connected with power supply. When RFID reader
reads the signal from RFID tag, RFID reader pass this signal to Arduino NANO. Arduino NANO further passes
this signal to Arduino mega i.e. MCU. Arduino mega (MCU) checks that from which Arduino NANO signal is
coming from and according to that Arduino Mega (MCU) set the traffic light module and servo motor.

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 Article No. 81
PP 1-6
VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)

2.2 Flowchart

2.2 Flowchart

Figure 2 shows the flowchart of overall process. As shown in fig once the system starts the Main control unit
(MCU Arduino Mega) will check for any interrupt raised by Arduino Nano which are connected to RFID readers.
If the interrupt is raised MCU will clear that respective path. If Interrupt is not raised by any path MCU will run
sequential traffic light code which will make every signal green for particular period of time until interrupt is
raised. During sequential running of code the MCU will also calculate density of traffic using inputs from IR

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 Article No. 81
PP 1-6
VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)

sensor. If the congestion or density of vehicles is more and it crosses predefined threshold on any lane then the
responding lane signal will turn green. Once the path is clear the sequential running will start again.

2.3 Working

This system consist of Arduino mega, Arduino NANO's, few motors, RFID tags, RFID sensor's and some LED
signal module. Underground poles are connected to the servo motors and according to traffic signal it move in or
out from the ground. Arduino mega is main control unit i.e. MCU. RFID tag & sensors are connected to Arduino
Nano and Arduino Nano’s are connected to Arduino mega. Arduino NANO is used to read RFID tag & sensors
and according to signal coming from RFID it gives high or low signal to MCU.

When system is boot first time main control unit (i.e. MCU or Arduino mega) checks the any interrupt occurred
or not. If any interrupt occurred MCU give preference to that corresponding path means signal of that particular
road turns into green and all others signals of remaining road turns into red. The signal remains green for particular
period of time until interrupt is raised. After that system will run in sequential manner that means if interrupt is
occurred on road 2 then after interrupt is raised signal of road 3 turns to green and so on. This process is continue
till if any interrupt is occurred. When signal is red poles are coming out from underground and because of this
vehicles can’t break the traffic signal rules.

Along with this process to avoid traffic congestion problem we also introduce a system in which traffic signal
turns into red or green according to traffic density on road. This is done by using IR sensor which are placed on
the road near junction. IR sesnsors measure the traffic density from particular road and according to density it
gives signal to Arduino Mega i.e. MCU. MCU will set the timer of signals according to traffic density on road. If
traffic density on road 2 is less then MCU will set the signal time of road 2 is less i.e. time required to pass all the
vehicles on road 2. And if traffic density on road 4 is more less then MCU will set the signal time of road 4 is less
i.e. time required to pass all the vehicles on road 4. In simple words MCU set the less time for road which have
less traffic and more time for road which have more traffic.


Fig. 3.1 Side View of 3D Model Fig. 3.2 Top View of 3D Model

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 Article No. 81
PP 1-6
VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)

These are the virtual images of the hardware structure which is created using Autodesk 123D design.
In these images we can see that the underground poles are connected to the servo motor & according to the traffic
signal it will move in & out from the ground.
MCU (main control unit or Arduino mega) checks if there is any interrupt or not. If any interrupt occurs that is if
any emergency vehicle is detected, that specific road signal turns into green signal and rest of the road signals turn
into red signal.
The signal remains green for a particular time span, after that the system will run in the sequential manner as

The proposed technique is meant , implemented and targeted directly for effective management of
traffic such vehicles of emergency moving on road can proceed during a smooth manner without getting stuck in
traffic jam until they arrived to the purpose of destination without taking much time and human involvement. The
proposed system is additionally effective in controlling the congestion of traffic and efficiently identifies and
detects a stolen vehicle. Human life is precious and must follow safety measures very conscious altogether aspects
this in fact includes ambulances services too. In this, by using intelligent ambulance system we will achieve the
uninterrupted service of the control system by implementing the alternate methods for signal change to permit
flow control. The accuracy of the RFID is quite Camera’s. So our proposed paper also improves the performance
of traffic signal Violation Detection System. With automatic traffic light control supported the traffic density in
the route, the manual effort on the a part of the traffic policeman is saved. the planning and implementation of this
technique is directly targeted for traffic management in order that emergency vehicle on road gets clear thanks to
reach their destination in less time and with none human interruption. because the entire system is automated, it
requires very less human intervention..

We would wish to thank our Professor cum Guide of Project Mr. Shoeb Shaikh who has constantly motivated and
guided us through this truthful endeavor. We extend our gratitude for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, his
exemplary guidance and immense knowledge that has helped us to shape this work. We couldn't have imagined
having a far better advisor and mentor for our project. Here would really like to thank our honorable principal
Dr. Arun Kumar, who made all the facilities available for us within the college premises. it's been great experience
to figure along side staff and group members. And support from our parents is greatly acknowledged. We also
would really like to thank the HOD Prof. Archana Ingle and therefore the staff members of Department of
Electronics and Telecommunication, Viva Institute of Technology for their cordial support and granting us
permission for our practical training. We are very thankful to Mr. Ankit Sir the respected of EXTC lab Assistants
for his valuable guidance, co-operation and sparing their valuable time. Lastly, we thank the Almighty, and that
we extend our sincere because of our family, friends and every one those that helped us in various ways in
successful completion of this project work.


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VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 Article No. 81
PP 1-6
VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)

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