Four Step Theory - 1

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by Tin Win (TW), Oct 17, 2007


1. This is a study note for better understanding of the Four Step Theory.


2. The 4 steps are as follows:

1) The Planet itself

2) The Star Lord of the Planet
3) The Sub Lord of the Planet
4) The Star Lord of this Sub Lord

3. In each step, the houses signified by the planet are the house occupied and the houses
owned by the planet. All the houses indicated in the 4 steps are basically the secondary
significators of the ‘main’ planet in the step 1. Out of them the primary (strong)
significators are chosen by the basic and special rules.

4. Only the primary significators are considered in this theory and the 3rd and 4th steps
are given more importance. In checking the promise of an event by the relevant cusp sub-
lord and choosing the fruitful DBA for an event, the cusp sub-lord and the DBA lords are
considered by the houses of primary significators in all 4 steps.


III.1. Basic Primary Significators

5. The basic primary significators are as given under:

III.1.1. Based on Starlord

5.1. A planet acting as the starlord of another planet, i.e. a planet in the step 2 or 4 is a
primary significator of the house occupied and the houses owned by this planet, provided
they are empty (not occupied by Sun to Ketu, without taking into consideration of
Fortuna, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). So the empty houses, in the ‘attached’ example
chart 1, ‘1, 2, 6, 8, 11, 12’ houses, are to be noted down. These houses primarily signified
are the KP grade A significators and grade C significators, which are upgraded when the
relevant houses are empty.

III.1.2. Based on Star Position

5.2. A planet with no planet in its star or a planet in its own star is the primary
significator of the house it occupies and the houses it owned, only if the houses are
empty. So in the example chart 1, the planets with no planet in their stars are to be
marked by “+”, ‘Mo, Me, Ju, Sa’ and the planets in their own stars by “*”, ‘Ra, Ke’. All
these planets, ‘Mo, Me, Ju, Sa, Ra, Ke’, are the primary significators in any step of 4
steps. Otherwise the planets in step 1 and step 3 are the secondary significators. These
houses primarily signified are the upgraded KP grade B significators for the planets with
no planet in their stars and in their own stars and upgraded grade D significators, when
the relevant houses are empty. In the example chart 1, Venus is a primary significator in
the steps 2 and 4 but not in the steps 1 and 3.

III.2. Rahu/Ketu Significators

6. The above same rules (in the point 5) apply to Rahu/Ketu, which gives the results of
the planets conjoined and aspecting within the 3d:20m orb, its star-lord and its sign-lord
in the ascending order. As a practical starting point, the house occupied by Rahu/Ketu,
and the house occupied and the houses owned by its sign-lord are usually taken into
consideration. Only if Rahu/Ketu is itself the ‘primary significator’(as per the principles
in the point 5), then the planets conj or aspt, star-lord and sign-lord also will become the
‘primary significators’. If Rahu/ Ketu is itself the secondary significator only, then they
also will be the secondary significators even though they are by themselves the primary
significators. In the attached example chart 1, since Rahu is a primary significator in any
step of 4 steps by being in its own star, its ‘Sgl Ve and conj Ju’ also become the primary
significators. In the attached example chart 2, Rahu is a primary significator in the steps 2
and 4 but not in the steps 1 and 3. (R1, pages 30, 41-42, R2, R9) (R1 means the
Reference item no 1.)

7. An emphasis is given to take into consideration of the house occupied and the houses
owned by the star-lord of Rahu/Ketu when it is the star-lord of another planet, ie.
Rahu/Ketu in the step 2 or 4. Its star-lord gives stronger results than its signlord. The
primary significators of the conjoined and aspecting planets are also to be added as
relevant. The results of the conjoined or aspecting planets or star-lord (when Rahu/Ketu
is a primary significator) should be given first priority, then the sign-lord can not give its
results. In the attached example chart 2, for the primary significator Rahu as a Stl of Su,
‘Asp by Ju(3,10) and Stl Mo(2,7)’ are supposed to be stronger than ‘Sgl Me(4)’, which is
assumed not to give its results in such case. (R 1, pages 28, 30, 41-42, 61, 77, 79, R5,
Msg#14976, #14998) (Msg# means the Messages in this KP Group.)

8. The KP Rahu/Ketu rules are only the Kalidasa’s “rules of the results of planets
conjoined and aspecting and the sign-lord” plus “Guruji KSK’s star-lord rule”, nothing
else, and the same rules followed by ‘Shri Bhatt’ and the Four Step Theory can be seen in
Msg#1832, #3231 and Msg #8911 or Ra/Ke rules in the KP E-Zine May 2007, in which
each and every practical application of the Rahu/Ketu rules applied by Guruji KSK in his
all Readers has been studied and the other views in the KP literature have been provided.
It can also be found there whether there are two separate Rahu/Ketu rules as mentioned in

Msg#14976 and whether Shri Bhatt could not judge how nodes give the results as
mentioned in Msg14998#.

9. It is worthy to note that Rahu is called as a blemish planet, which creates problems and
does not give results effectively to the native when it is in the DBA. If Rahu is a strong
significator of improving houses in all 4 steps, which is not found in most cases, then it
won’t create problems. Ketu does not create problems if it is supporting favorable houses.
(Messages in other group)

II.3. Additional Primary Significators from the KP ‘E’ Grade Significators

10. The special rules of upgrading the weak KP ‘E’ grade significators to the additional
primary significators are as follows:

1) Conjunction with Cusp,

2) Conjunction between Planets,
3) Aspect on Cusp, and
4) Aspect between Planets.

II.3.1. Conjunction with Cusp

11. If a planet is in conjunction with a cusp within 3d:20m orb, behind (before) the cusp
or ahead (after) the cusp, the planet is ‘automatically’ taken as a primary significator of
this cusp in ‘any step’ of 4 steps, irrespective of other planets being in the house whose
cusp is conjoined by the planet or the planet not being a primary significator. One may
wonder whether a planet can become a primary significator by the mere conjunction with
a cusp within 3d:20m orb. In the case of conjunction before the cusp, the physically
occupied house is also taken into consideration as a significator, and it will also become a
primary significator when the relevant planet is a primary significator. In such a case, the
planet becomes a primary signifcator of the conjoined house as well as the previous
house, which is a negative house for the conjoined house. The 3d:20m orb can be
increased up to 4-5 degree especially for the fast moving planets (Sun, Mars, Mercury
and Venus) and the very fast moving Moon. (R 1, pages 20-24, 27, 49, 53, 57, 61,67, 91;
R2, Part-4 & 5; Msg#13680, #13882, #14148, #14976)

12. In the example chart 1, ‘Ven conj 6’ is a conjunction before 6th cusp, and ‘Me conj 7,
Ju conj 3, Ra conj 3, Ke conj 9’ are the conjunctions after the cusps. In the case of ‘Ven
conj 6’ before the cusp, the physically occupied house 5th is also taken in to
consideration. When Venus becomes a primary significator by being the star-lord of Mars
in the step 2, both 5 and 6 houses become primary significators, offering 6th and 5th,
‘12th to 6th’, at the same time, which are opposing to each other such as gain and loss,
sickness and cure etc.

II.3.2. Conjunction of Planets

13. If a planet is conjoined with another planet within 3d:20m orb, the planet becomes a
primary significator of another planet, only if the original planet itself is a primary
significator (as per the rules in the point 5). These two planets (excluding Rahu/Ketu) in
conjunction will offer the results to each other. However, in the case of ‘Ra/Ke conj
another planet’, ‘only’ Rahu/Ketu offers the results of the conjoined planet as an agent of
this planet but the conjoined planet cannot offer the results of Rahu/Ketu. (R 1, pages 27-
28, 41-42, 51-53, R2-Part 4 & 5; Msg #13882, #14140)

14. In the example chart 1, in the case of ‘Su conj Me’, Sun gives the results of Mercury
when Sun becomes a primary significator by being the star-lord of Venus in the step 2.
On the other side, Mercury, having no planet in its star, offers the results of Sun in any
step of 4 steps. However, in the case of ‘Ra conj Ju’, ‘only’ Rahu offers the results of
Jupiter as an agent of Jupiter since Rahu is a primary significator by being in its own star.
Here a caution is that Jupiter cannot give the results of Rahu, like Jupiter giving the
results of Ketu in the case of ‘Ke conj Ju’ in the example of the R 2-Part 4. Similarly
Jupiter, which is the sign-lord of Rahu, cannot offer the results of Ra(2,8) in the first 2
steps like being mentioned to do so in Msg#14867, even though Rahu is an agent of
Jupiter. Rahu/Ketu will give whatever the planet is to give when it is an agent of this
planet but the planet can not give the results of RahuKetu. It is an agent of the planets
conjoined and aspecting and the sign-lord but it does not act as an agent of its star-lord.

II.3.3. Aspect on Cusp

15. If a planet throws the Hindu aspects on the cusps (not houses) within the 3d:20m orb,
the planet becomes a primary significator of these cusps, only if the ‘original’ planet
itself is a primary significator (as per the rules in the point 5), irrespective of other planets
being in the aspected houses. Ketu’s 7th aspect on the ‘cusp’ within 30d:20m orb is taken
into consideration, implying to take Rahu’s similar aspect also. (R 1, pages 28, 34, 70, 87,
#14976, #14998)

16. In the example chart 1, Jupiter aspects 7, 9, 11 cusps. Since Jupiter is a primary
significator with no planet in its star, it becomes a primary significator of 7, 9, 11 houses.
In the example chart 2, Saturn aspects 2 only and as a primary significator by having no
planet in its star, it becomes a primary significator of the 2nd house. ‘Me asp 7, Ju asp 9,
Ve asp 12, Ra asp 9, Ke asp 3’ are all the ‘7th’ aspects. While aspecting these cusps, the
planets are conjoined with the opposite cusps, ie. ‘Me conj 1, Ju conj 3, Ve conj 6, Ra
conj 3, Ke conj 9. Thus these planets become the significators of opposite houses, ie. Me
for 1 & 7; Ju for 2 & 9; Ve for 6 & 12; Ra for 3 & 9; Ke for 9 & 3 (Ra /Ke for the same 3
& 9) . One may think whether the same planet can signify the opposite houses, indicating
opposite matters and how Rahu or Ketu can aspect the opposite cusp and consequently
signify all the same opposite houses. (Msg#3316, #14708, #14843, #14987, #15079) In
KP the aspect of Rahu/Ketu is not considered since it is only the sensitive intersecting
point in the pathway of Sun and Moon. In the chart in the R5, where Sun (Sc 09-03) is
conjoined with the 12th cusp (Sc 10-59) and aspects the 6th cusp (Ta 10-59), signifying
the opposite houses of financial gain (6th) and loss (12th) at the same time, which are
opposing to each other. Whether to take into consideration of all primary significators or

to exclude some of them, especially significators by 7th aspect is up to the own judgment
and preference of an astrologer. If 7th aspect is not taken into consideration, Rahu/Ketu’s
opposite 7th aspect on a cusp will be automatically ruled out. Depending on which option
is chosen, the result can be entirely different, for instance in the example chart in
Msg#14714, Antara lord Venus can give marriage if ‘Su asp 7’ is taken into
consideration in the 4th step, otherwise marriage is denied in Venus Antara by the
primary signification of ‘totally negative’ houses 1, 12 in the 4th step.

17. The Rahu/Ketu conjunction with a cusp within the 3d:20m orb is not rare as said in
Msg#14976 but common as shown below:

1) R1, chart no 5, ‘Ketu conj 3’

2) R1, chart no 8, ‘Ketu conj 12’
3) R1, chart no 10, ‘Ketu conj 1’
4) R1, chart no 16, ‘Ketu conj 2’
5) R1, chart no 17, ‘Ketu conj 9’
6) R2- Part 2, example chart, ‘Ke conj 10’
7) R2- Part 4, example chart, ‘Ke conj 3’
8) R2- Part 5, example chart, ‘Ke conj 11’
9) Msg#5258, example chart, ‘Ke conj 10’
10) Msg#13680, example chat, Ke conj 6’
11) Msg#14700, example chart, ‘Ketu conj 3’
12) Msg#14711, example chart, ‘Ketu conj 9’
13) Msg#14787, example chart, ‘Ket conj 9’
14) SUB LORD SPEAKS LIX 1st example, ‘Ket conj 8’

18. Every case is unique but the rules are general for all cases without discrimination.
The rules can not work for each case and every event, for instance the marriage on 13-4-
1979 (ceremony on 14-4-1979) of the live chart in Msg#14774 can not be clearly
justified by the KP or Four Steps rules.

II.3.4. Aspect between Planets

19. If a planet has the Hindu aspect (throwing or receiving) with another planet within
the 3d:20m orb, the planet becomes a primary significator of another planet, provided the
original planet itself is a primary significator (as per the rules in the point 5). (R 1, pages
28, 30, 54, 57, 70, 75)

20. In the example chart 1, ‘Mo Aspected by Ju’ and on the side of receiving aspect,
Moon with no planet in it star, as a primary significator, offers the results of Jupiter in
any step of 4 steps. On the other side of throwing aspect, Jupiter, a primary significator
by having no planet in its star, also gives the results of Moon in any step of 4 steps. In the
chart of Msg#13882, Me (Ar 07-21) and Jupiter (Li 04-40) are aspecting each other by
7th aspect, which is not taken into consideration there. If this 7th aspect is taken into
consideration like in the Four Step Book, Mercury, as star-lord of Sun, has to offer the
results of Ju(8-11) and Jupiter, without any planet in its star, has to give the results of

Me(2-5), and thus both Mercury and Jupiter have to signify the same opposite houses of
2 and 8 at the same time, which seems doubtful.


21. The RPs of only 4 items applied in this theory are in the following order. (R1, pages
32, 34, 40-42, 81-83, 88, 91, R2-Part 5, R9, Msg#13610, #13882, #14553, #14976):

1) Lagna Lord,
2) Moon’s Starlord,
3) Moon’s Sign Lord, and
4) Day Lord.

22. The Rahu/Ketu is to be taken as the RPs, only if it ‘directly’ appears in the RPs and
not to take it while appearing as the agents of the RPs.

23. The ‘main essence’ of this theory is to judge the events without the help of the RPs
and so they are not used in fixing the DBA, except in the analysis of the chart no. 21 at
the end of the R1, pages 91-92. The RPs are used ‘only’ to confirm or correct the sub-
lord of the relevant cusp in the Natal chart. If the sub-lord is among the RPs, it is
supposed to be correct. If it does not appear in the RPs, the RP (planet), which is ahead
or behind the original sub-lord is taken as the corrected sub-lord of the relevant cusp.
The preference is given to the RP as per the above order of priority, if both planets ahead
and behind the original sub-lord appear in the RPs. The confirmation or correction of the
cusp sub-lord under consideration is to be done, as if there is some change in the birth
time, before the prediction of a natal chart. However, the horoscope is not recasted in line
with the corrected sub-lord of the relevant cusp.

24. The RPs will change depending on time, place and person. Consequently, any result
based on the RPs also will change, implying not giving support or help to everybody at
every time. (R1, page 2, Msg#14833,#13387, #14976, #5051, #5054)

25. For the example chart 1, the RPs at the time of judgment, at 22:03:27 PM on 08-10-
2007 at 39N05, 77W09, TZ (GMT-5) are as follows:

1) Lagna Lord = Venus

2) Moon’s Star Lord = Venus
3) Moon’s Star Lord = Sun
4) Day Lord = Moon

26. Since the 12th cusp sub-lord Moon is in the RPs, it is supposed to be a correct sub-
lord. For a case where the relevant sub-lord is not in the RPs, suppose the Day Lord is
Mars, then the sub-lord Moon is not in the RPs. So Moon is to be corrected to Sun

(before Moon) or Mars (after Moon), which are in the RPs, and the preference should be
given to Sun as per the priority order of the RPs.


27. If the sub-lord of the cusp governing the event under consideration is a primary
significator of any or more of the required houses (2, 7, 11 and 5, 8 for marriage) in any
or more of the 4 steps, then the event is promised for fructification unless there is the
primary signification of ‘totally negative’ houses (4, 6, 12 for marriage) in the steps 3 and
4. Whatever it may be or even though there are the primary significators of the ‘totally
negative’ houses (4, 6, 12 for marriage) in the steps 1 and 2, any primary significator of
the required houses (2, 7, 11 and 5, 8 for marriage) or a mixture of positive houses (2, 7,
11 and 5, 8 for marriage) and negative houses (4, 6, 12 for marriage) in the steps 3 and 4,
will give the positive result. The result will be unfavorable, only if the primary
significators are ‘totally negative’ (4, 6, 12 for marriage) in the steps 3 and 4. So the
primary significators in the steps 3 and 4 are ‘more important’ than the ones in the steps 1
and 2. The common rule of taking ‘12th to any house’ as a ‘negative house’ for this house
is not applicable in every case, for instance the 1st house, though 12th to the 2nd, is not
held as a negative house for 2nd, but considered as a primary house to get money as it
represents the native and his efforts etc; 10th is not considered as a negative house to
11th. In the 1st example chart of the SUB LORD SPEAKS – LVII article, the 7th cusp
sublord Mercury is a primary significator of 12 only in the 4th step, without any other
marriage giving primary significtors of 2, 7, 11 and 5, 8 in the steps 3 and 4. If 12th is
considered as a negative house to marriage, the result will be the same as in the article
that the martial life is not promised. In the example chart of the R4, the marriage an not
be promised, if the 12th house is considered as a negative house for marriage since the
7th cusp sub-lord Venus is the primary significator of 12th house only in the 4th step. As
per KP marriage is also found not promised in Msg#6077 (#6088). (R1, page 41-42, R5,
Msg#4409, #13195, #13245, #13571, #14336, #14364)

28. In the example chart 1, the 12th cusp sublord is Moon, primarily signifying 12, 3, 7,
9, 5 in the steps 1 and 2 and 3, 5, 12, 7, 9 in the steps 3 and 4. So foreign going is
definitely promised. It will be denied, only if Moon is a primary significators of totally
negative houses 2, 8, 11 and 4, 6 in the steps 3 and 4, without any primary significator of
3, 9, 12 and 5, 7. Moreover, since Moon is a primary significaotrs of 11 in the step 1 and
most importantly 6 and 11 in the step 3, it is possible for getting a monetary gain to
‘some extent’ through foreign visit during the jointly favorable DBA for getting money,
even though a primary signification of 1, 2, two main houses for getting money, is


29. The DBA lords are to be judged by the same above approach for an event to fructify.
The event will fructify only when the DBA lords are jointly the primary significators of
all the required houses (2, 7, 11 for marriage). Suppose the Dasa lord is the primary

significatotr of the house 2 and the Bhukti lord is a primary significator of the house 5 or
11, then the Antara lord should be the primary significator of the remaining house 7 to
complete the chain of DBA for the event to materialize. The 3 houses must be found in
the DBA lords. The event will not materialize, if there are only primary significators of
totally adverse or negative houses in the steps 3 and 4 of the DBA lords. . In the second
example of the R3, Moon may not be chosen for the Bhukti in the DBA chain for
marriage because Rahu is a primary significator of totally negative houses 1 and 12 for
marriage in the 4th step of Moon. However, if the star-lord of Rahu, Ketu is taken into
consideration, Ketu is in 6 and its sign-lord Mercury is in 10 and lord of 10, 7. This 7th
is supposed to help in taking the Moon Bhukti in the DBA chain. In the example of the
R10, the Bhukti lord Jupiter may not be taken in the DBA chain for child birth because
Jupiter is the only primary significators of totally negative houses 4, 8, 10 in the 4th step
without any primary significators of 2, 5, 11 and 9 in the steps 3 and 4. Moreover, if the
8th ( 12 to supporting 9) is considered as a negative house for child birth (which is not
clearly known), the Dasa lord Mars and Antara lord Moon may not be taken in the DBA
chain for child birth because both Mars and Moon are the primary significators of 8th
only in both steps 3 and 4. (R 1, pages 31-32, 39, 41-42, 75-76; R2-Part5; R 3, R8,
Msg#13265, #13469)

30. In fixing the Dasa, if sometimes there may not be any ‘primary significator’ of
required houses in any of the 4 steps, then its ‘secondary significator’ in any step can be
taken into consideration as the Dasa period is too long. But for the Bhukti and Antara, a
primary significator is needed in any step for the event to take place. (Msg #14357,
#14381, #14393) In fact, the DBA chain can not be complete, if the Dasa lord is not a
primary significator of at least one of the required houses. If the running dasa does not
signify any of the required houses (2, 7, 11 for marriage), this dasa is left and the next
dasa, which signifies any of the required houses, is chosen to make the DBA chain (2, 7,
11 for marriage) complete (Msg#13469, #13882)

31. In choosing the fruitful Antara out of many primary significators of the required
houses, the priority is given to the earliest Antara, at the time of question, if the Lagna is
in a movable sign; the next Antara, if the Lagna is in a fixed sign; and the following
Antara of the last priority, if the Lagna is in a common sign; if it is still doubtful,
Rahu/Ketu Antara can be chosen, as the nodes are stronger than the planets. Another
practical way is to choose the Antara, of which lord signifies the required houses in the
steps 3 and 4 other than the signification in the steps 1 and 2 as the primary significators
in the steps 3 and 4 are ‘more important or stronger’. When a main house of the required
houses (2 for marriage) is primarily signified by a planet only, a primary significator of a
supportive house (5 or 8 for marriage) can be chosen to make the DBA chain complete as
the supportive houses are supposed to give the results of the main houses in certain cases.
If there is not any planet, which is a primary significator of the required houses, the sub-
lord of a cusp under consideration (4th in buying a house) can be taken into consideration
with giving preference to the cusp sub-lord, which is also a primary significator of the
required houses (4, 11, 1 in buying a house). (R 1, pages 37-38, 46-47, 68, 80,

32. In the example chart 1, a monetary gain through foreign visit can be expected during
the DBA chain jointly signifying 3, 9, 12 and 5, 7 along with 1, 2, 6, 11. A lot of
combination of DBA is generally possible according to the very wide range of primary
significators as summarized below and the details are provided in the Appendix. The
primary significators of 1, 2 houses in the steps 3 and 4 are preferable for a monetary

1) Su/Ma/Me/Sa signify all houses except 4.

2) Ra/Ke signify all houses except 1-2.
3) Mo/Ju signify all houses except 1-2-4.
4) Ve signifies 1-2-6-7-11.

33. On the contrary to the example chart 1, in the attached example chart 2, the DBA
chain can not be complete for such major events of finishing engineering, paper marriage
and leaving for USA due to a ‘very limited’ number of primary significators, which are
also the same for some planets.

34. In the example chart 1, the Sa-Ra-Me DBA at the time of planned foreign visit is
easily found to be a complete chain of BDA for a monetary gain through foreign visit, as
shown under.

1) Dasa lord Saturn primarily signifies 9, 5, 3, 12, 7 and 6, 11 in the steps 1 and 2; and 7
and 6, 1, 2, 11 in the steps 3 and 4.
2) Bhukti lord Rahu primarily signifies 3, 5, 12, 7, 9 and 6, 11 in the steps 1 and 2; and 9,
5, 3, 12, 7 and 6, 11 in the steps 3 and 4.
3) Antara lord Mercury primarily signifies 7, 3, 5, 12, 9 and 2, 11, 1, 6 in the steps 1 and
2; and 7, 3, 5, 12, 9 and 2, 11, 1, 6 in the steps 3 and 4.


35. A near timing of event can be fixed by the transits of the DBA lords. Here it is to
check the star-lord of the fast moving planets (Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus) and the
sub-lord of the slow moving planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu) in the first 2 steps
only, without taking consideration of more important steps 3 and 4. The event will
fructify, if these star-lord and sub-lord are the primary significators of any or more of the
required houses (2, 7, 11 and 5, 8 for marriage) in the first 2 steps, without taking into
consideration of negative houses . The transit will not favor the event to take place, if
there are the primary significators of the totally negative houses (4, 6, 12 for marriage)
only. The event will not materialize while the star-lord or sub-lord, in which the DBA
lords are transiting, is in retrograde. In such a case, the next transit is to be considered.
The event will not fructify unless the transits of DBA are favorable even when the DBA
lords are fruitful. (R1, pages 49, 52-54, 71-72,76-77; R2-Part 5, R3)

36. For the example chart 1, around the planned timing of foreign visit, Nov - Dec 2007:

1) Dasa lord Saturn (slow moving planet) will be transiting in the Mercury ‘sub’ till 9-11-
2007, and then in the Venus sub.
2) Bhukti lord Rahu (slow moving planet) will be transiting in the Jupiter ‘sub’ till 20-11-
2007, in the Rahu sub till 27-12-2007 and then in the Moon sub.
3) Antara lord Mercury (fast moving planet) will be transiting in the ‘star’ of Mars till 11-
11-2007, then in Rahu star till 20-11-2007, Jupiter till 29-11-2007, Saturn till 8-12-2007,
Mercury till 16-12-2007, Ketu till 24-12-2007, Venus till 02-01-2008.
4) No star-lord or sub-lord will be in ‘retrograde’ to negate the results of DBA. If any
star-lord or sub-lord is in retrograde, the event can not be materialized during such period
of transit, and it will require towait for the next transit.

37. The primary significators of the above star-lords and sub-lords in the first 2 steps (1
and 2) are as given under.

1) Ketu: 9, 5, 3, 12, 7and 11

2) Venus: 7 and 6, 1, 2, 11
3) Moon: 12, 3, 7, 9, 5 and 11
4) Mars: 5, 12 and 6
5) Rahu: 3, 5, 12, 9 and 11, 6
6) Jupiter: 3, 12, 7, 9, 5 and 11, 6
7) Saturn: 9, 5, 3, 12, 7 and 6, 11
8) Mercury: 7, 3, 5, 12, 9 and 2, 11, 1, 6

38. Since every star-lord or sub-lord, in which the DBA lords will be transiting, primarily
signifies one or more of the required houses, the transit agrees with the DBA. The most
beneficial time for a monetary gain through foreign visit is expected, firstly from 9-12-
2007 to 16-12-2007 while Dasa lord Saturn will be transiting in the Venus sub, Bhukti
lord Rahu in its own Rahu sub and Antara lord Mercury in its own Mercury star, and
secondly from 25-12-2007 to 02-01-2007 while Dasa lord Saturn will be transiting in the
Venus sub, Bhukti lord Rahu in Rahu/Moon sub and Antara lord Mercury in Venus star.


39. The retrogression is not applied in the horary and natal prediction. It is used ‘only’ in
considering the transits of DBA lords for the event to take place. The transiting DBA
lords should not be in the relevant sub and star of retrograde planets for an event to
materialize. (R1, pages 54, 75, Msg#13296, Messages in the other group)


40. The available house grouping is given below.


S Event C Houses to be Remark and Reference

N P signified

1 Purchase of 4 4,11,12 9,6 supportive for getting loan;
house 8= delay, difficulties; One can’t
have his own house if 4th Sbl
is Ra/Ke. (R1, pages 77-80)
2 Child birth 5 2,5,11 & For female 5th for 1st child, 7th
supportive 9 for 2nd etc; for male to consider
(if connected ‘5th for all children’. If plt of
Ke & barren 5th Sbl at 4th step (Stl of 5th
Sign<Ar,Ge, Sbl’s Stl) is in ‘odd’ sign, ‘male’
Le & Vi> a child; in even sign, female child;
possibility 1,4,10 are negative houses. (R1,
of abortion) p 43, 45, 47; R10, Msg#14148)
3 Caesarian 5 Connected to Also when DBA lords con-
birth Mars & 8th nected to Mars, (R1, page 47; R6)
4 Profit 5 2,6,11 & To apply horary only; short term
in buying supportive investment, less than 1yr; 5,8,12=
shares 1,3,10 no profit; selling when 2,6 are
strong. For long term investment
to check 12th cusp sub-lord.
1,2= benefit in short/long term;
(R5, Msg#13571 & others)
5 Stock market 5 1,2,3,6,10,11 Also dasa ending at market hr.
movement (good prospect) 7th indicates a slide down.
Jupiter & Mercury transit by
considering in all 4 steps and
effects of Saturn, Rahu, Mars &
retrograde etc (Messages in the
other group)
6 Win a match 6 6,10,11 & If answer is doubtful, consider
1,2,3 11th; also 12th & 5th for opponent,
for whom 5,7,9,12 are favorable;
8,9,12 = tough fight; Also to judge
Moon’s star at starting time of
match by all 4 steps; For other
nations without India, 6 & 11
from 9th to be considered; 6,11,
10= clear cut victory; no signify-
cation of them indicates loss; DBA
is not applied for one day match.
(R1, p 60-61, Msg#13084, #14859
Messages in the other group)
7 Marriage 7 2,7,11 & 5,8 1,6,10,12 are negative houses; in
some cases 4 also is negative.
(R1, pages 32,37, 41; R7; R9)
8 Divorce 7 1,6,12 Multi-marriage: 7th Sbl in
dual sign and Sbls of 6th &

7th are the same. (R1, pp 37-38)
9 Marriage and D 2,7,11 & If DBA lords primarily signify
Divorce B also 1,4,6,12 2,7,11 & also 1,4,6,12
A (R1, Page 37, Msg#14096)
10 Sale of house 10 10,5,6 & 3,9 (R1, page 73)
11 Change in 10 3,5,9 3&12 = leave a job secured;
job (R1, pages 51-52, 55, 57)
12 Get a new 10 2,6,10 & Favorable houses to get a new
job 1,11 job:2,11&1; 8= supportive/
favorable/ also hurdles;
(R1,p 49,51-52,57-59; R8)
13 Going abroad 12 3,9,12 & 5,7 With 10 for job; 6= unfavorable
house; (R1, 65-67,71-72)
14 Death Maraka(2,7), (R1, pages 88-89, 92)
Badhaka, 12


41. Uranus giving sudden, unexpected results, Neptune deceit and Pluto explosive results
are also taken into consideration. It is supposed to avoid many mistakes by taking into
consideration of the effects of these planets in KP. In an example chart for a match, Mars
aspecting Pluto within the 3d:20m orb has to give the result of Pluto, unexpectedly
loosing the match, reversing Mars’ own primary signification of 1, 6. (R1, page 63-64,
Msg#13387) In an example chart of child birth in the R6, although the star-lord of the
5th cusp sub-lord’s sub-lord Jupiter, a primary significator, is in the ‘odd’ sign, the first
child was a girl due to Jupiter’s conjunction with Neptune in retrograde, giving a negative
result. For the sex of the 2nd child, there was no effect of Jupiter’s conjunction with
Neptune because Jupiter is not a primary significator in this case. The star-lord of the 7 th
cusp sub-lord is Mars, and it is in conjunction with Pluto and aspects the 6 and 10 houses
within the prescribed orb, indicating illness and caesarian, negative to the desired normal
delivery. These write ups and the chart of the given birth details do not tally in the article
(R6). Neptune in 7th is also supposed to deny marriage, which is promised by the
standard approach. (Msg#14051) However, the negative affects of Neptune and Pluto are
not conclusive. (Msg#14075, #14106, #14157) Pluto the planet is dead. (Msg#9423,
#9680) Moreover, to make or break a rule, a study or one’s experience of ‘at least’ 100
cases with around 70-75% favorable results may be required.


42. Once the primary significators are ready in hand, the prediction is theoretically easy
by choosing the DBA chain and checking transit. However, practically it may not be so
as per a review of events below.


S Chart Event Dasa Bhukti Antara T Remark

1 Example 1st job 6,10,11* 6,10,11 6,10, A No 2
Chart 1 11* * = same plt
(attached) A= transit
agrees DBA
Marriage 7,11,5, 7,11,5, 7,11,5, A No 2
8 8 8
Son born 5,11,9 5,11,9 2,5,11, A Complete
9 DBA chain
Last foreign 3,9,12, 3,9,12, 3,9,12, A Complete
visit 5,7* 5,7 5,7* DBA chain
2 Example Eng degree 9* 9 9* A No 4 or 11
Chart 2 A= transit
(attached) agrees DBA
1st job 2 2,10* 2,10* A No 6 or 11
Paper 2 2 2 N No 7,11 or 5,8
marriage N= transit
does not agree
Got a job 2 2,10,1 2,6 A Complete
DBA chain
Left for US 9 3,9 9 N No 12 or 5,7
Divorce No 1,4, 6,4 6,10,4 N DBA chain not
6,10,12 complete
3 Example Marriage 8 7,11,5 7 N No 2,7,11
Chart in Dasa
Divorce 10,12 1,4 10,12 N No 6
Death of 3,8,10 3,8 3,1 A Complete
2nd husband chain (3,8,10,
1 or 3,8,10
as per 2nd or
9th for 2nd
4 Sub Lord Marriage 2 2,5,8 2,7,5, N No 11
Speaks LVII, 8
2nd Example
(from KP Divorce 1* 10,12,1 1* N No 6 or 4
Reader sectioned * = same
IV, p 192) planet
5 Sub Lord 1st job 2,6,10, 2,6,10, 10,1 A Complete
Speaks LVIII, 1,11* 1,11* DBA chain
1st Example
Marriage 2,7,11 2,7,11* 2,7,11* N Complete
DBA chain
6 Sub Lord Marriage 2,7,8 2,7,8 2,8 N No 11 or 5
Speaks LVIII, N= transit not
2nd Example agree DBA

7 Sub Lord 1st job 2,11 6,11,1 10,11 A Complete
Speaks LIX, DBA chain
1st Example
Promotion 6,11,1* 6,11,1* 6,11,1 A No 2, 10
Marriage 2,11,8 7,11,5, 7,11,5, A Complete
8* 8* DBA chain
8 Sub Lord Marriage 2,7,5, 2,7,5, 2,7,5, A No 11
Speaks LIX, 8* 8* 8* * = same
2nd Example planet
1st child 2,5* 2,5* 2,5,11 A Complete
DBA chain
2nd child 2,5 2,5,9* 2,5,9* A No 7 or 11
9 Sub Lord Marriage 2,7,5,8 2* 2* N No 11
Speaks LIX, * = same
3rd Example planet
1st job 2,10, 2,10, 2,10, No 6
11,1* 11,1* 11,1*
10 Guruji KSK Father’s 7,8 7 7,8 A No 10 or 3
Demon- death (Badk) (Maraka)
stration A= transit
Example agrees DBA
(KP Reader Mother’s 5 5 5,3 N No 12
III, p 139 or death (Badhaka)
146/ Reader Child’s 4,6,11 4,6,11 No 4,6, DBA chain
V, p 139/ death 11(Bdk) not complete
Reader VI, Marriage 7,11,5, 7,11,5 7,11,5, N No 2
8* 8*
p 83/ DOB 29- 1st job 2,6,1 6,11 Neg. 5 A DBA chain
1-1928) in 4th not complete
step No 10
11 Guruji KSK 1st job 1 10,1 2,1 N No 6
2nd son Neg. 1 5,9 Neg. 1 N DBA chain not
born in 4th in 4th complete
step step No 2, 11

3rd son Neg. 1 5,9 Neg. 1 N DBA chain not

born in 4th in 4th complete
step step No 2, 11
Retired 12 5,9* 5,9* A Complete
DBA chain
1st issue of --- --- --- N No 3,10,11 in
Astrology & DBA
1st Edition --- --- --- N No 3,10,11 in
of KP 2 Vol DBA
Visit to 12,7 7 9 A No 3

Visit to 12,7 7 3,9,12, A Complete
Sri Lanka DBA chain
Death 2,7,12 7* 7* N Complete (No
Bdk 11)
12 Dr. BV Raman Marriage 2,7,11, 7,5 7,5,8 N Complete
5 DBA chain
1st son Neg.10 No 2,5, 5 N DBA chain not
born in 4th 11,9 complete
2nd son 2,5,11, Neg. 10 5 N DBA chain not
born 9 in 4th complete
1st US visit 7 7,5 3,9,12, N N= transit not
7,5 agree DBA
2nd US visit 7 3,9,12, 7,5 A A= transit
7,5 agrees DBA
3rd US visit 7 3,9,12, 7,5 N
4th US visit 7,5* 7,5* 7,5* A No 3,9,12
5th US visit 7,5 3,9,12 7 A
6th US visit 7,5 9,7,5 7 N No 3,12
Death 7* 7* 7 A No Badhaka
(9) & 12
13 Albert 1st job 10,11,1 10 10,6,1 A Complete
Einstein chain (No 2)
(AA chart) Marriage 11,5,8 11,5,8* 11,5,8* A No 7
Got PhD 11,4 9,11* 9,11* N Complete
DBA chain
Divorce 1,4,10, 1,6,10, 1,4,10, N Complete
12 12 12 DBA chain
2nd 11,5,8 5 11,5,8 A No 7, 2 or 9
Moved to 12 9,7 12,5 A Complete
US chain (No 3)
Death 12 12 12 A No Maraka,
Badaka (7th)
14 George W. Marriage 2,11 Neg. 1 Neg. N DBA chain
Bush only in 1,4 in not complete
(AA chart) all 4 4th N= transit not
steps step agree DBA
Twin 2,11 2 Neg. A DBA chain
daughters 1,4 in not complete
born 4th No 5
1st time 10 2,6,10, 2,6,10, N Complete
president 11,1* 11,1* DBA chain
Reelected 10 10 1 A DBA chain
for 2nd term not complete


1. Sunil Gondhalekar: Advance Theory of KP, Four Step Theory

2. A.R. Raichur: “4 Step Method – Part 1 to 5”, in the February to June-2007 issues of the
KP E-Zine
3. A.R. Raichur: “4 STEP” (essentials of 4 step method), Msg#5333, also in the File
Section of this KP Group
4. A.R. Raichur: “Marriage girl”, DOB 25-7-1982 (4 step example) in the File Section of
the KP Group
5. A.R. Raichur: “Shares” (English Translation of Sunil Gondhalekar’s article, “Will it
be Profitable to Buy Shares of IFCI Company”, which appeared in the February-2007
issue of the Nakshatrache Dene), in the File Section of the KP Group
6. Bane Anna: “Cannot Avoid Caesarian”, English Translation English Translation by
A.R. Raichur in the July-2007 issue of the KP E-Zine, which appeared in the May-2007
issue of the Nakshatrache Dene
7. S.S. Hiremath-Kalhapur: “Unmarried (Unfavoured Sub)”, English Translation by A.R.
Raichur in the July-2007 issue of the KP E-Zine, which appeared in the June-2007 issue
of the Nakshatrache Dene)
8. Dr. Madhukar Konarde: “Will I Get a Job on Compassionate Grounds”, English
Translation by A.R. Raichur in the August-2007 issue of the KP E-Zine, which appeared
in the July-2007 issue of the Nakshatrache Dene
9. Sunil Gondhalekar: “Marriage when?,” English Translation in the link below, which
appeared in the July-2006 issue of the Nakshatrache Dene
10. Ganeshaya Namaha: “KP Traditional vs. 4 Step – A Comparative Analysis”, in the
March-2007 issue of the KP E-Zine
11. Messages to learn the Four Step Theory compiled in Msg#14851 and other Messages
in this KP Group


1. Life Example Chart 1 (Msg#14787)

1.1. Basic Data

Hardeep ji, 28-02-1958, 17-20 PM, Ramgarh, Near Ranchi, Bihar, 23N38, 85E31, New
KPA 23-10-58, Mars Dasa Bal 0Y-7M-16D

Pt/Cp-Sg-D-M-Sgl-Stl-Sbl- H
09th Ar 08-00 Mar-Ket-Jup
Ke* Ar 11-06 Mar-Ket-Sat-9

10th Ta 09-41 Ven-Sun-Ven
Mo+Ge 05-28 Mer-Mar-Sun-10
11th Ge 10-54 Mer-Rah-Sat
12th Cn 11-08 Mo-Sat-Moo
01st Le 10-15 Sun-Ket-Sat
02nd Vi 07-36 Mer-Sun-Ket
03rd Li 08-00 Ven-Rah-Rah
Ju+R Li 08-13 Ven-Rah-Ra-3
Rah* Li 11-06 Ven-Rah-Sat-3
04th- Sc 09-41 Mar-Sat-Ven
Fort Sc 29-30 Mar-Mer-Sat-4
Sa+ Sg 01-30 Jup-Ket-Ven-4
05th Sg 10-54 Jup-Ket-Sat
Mar Sg 24-35 Jup-Ven-Mer-5
Ven Cp 09-27 Sat-Sun-Ven-5
06th Cp 11-08 Sat-Moo-Mar
07th Aq 10-15 Sat-Rah-Jup
Me+Aq 13-19 Sat-Rah-Mer-7
Sun Aq 16-13 Sat-Rah-Ven-7
08th Pi 07-36 Jup-Sat-Ket

+ no planet in its star

* in its own star


1) 10-09-1988 (Ju-Mo-Ju-Ra) came in govt job as lecturer

2) 27-10-1991 (Ju-Ra-Ke-Ve) married
3) 14-09-1992 (Ju-Ra-Ma-Ju) birth of a son
4) 29-05-2007 to 05-07-2007 (Sa-Ra-Sa-Ve to Sa-Ra-Sa-Mo) last time foreign visit
5) Nov to end of Dec 2007 (Sa-Ra-Me-Mo to Sa-Ra-Me-Ju) planning to go abroad

Sa Dasa: 17-10-1992 to 17-10-2011

Sa-Ra: 28-05-2006 to 02-04-2009
Sa-Ju: 03-04-2009 to 17-10-2011
Me Dasa: 18-10-2011 to 17-10-2028


Will I gain through foreign visits? if yes, then what would be possible time?
Now I am planning to go abroad in Nov to end of December this year, will I gain
Do you see any change in my professional status?


Empty houses: 1, 2, 6, 8, 11, 12

Planets with no planets in their stars (+): Mo, Me, Ju, Sa

Planets in own stars (*): Ra, Ke

Me conj 7
Ju conj 3
Ve conj 6
Ra conj 3
Ke conj 9

Su conj Me
Ra conj Ju

Mo is aspected by Ju
Ke is aspected by Ju

Me aspects 1
Ju aspects 7, 9, 11
Ve aspects 12
Ra aspects 9
Ke aspects 3

Planet Ke*: 9; Sgl Ma(5); Asp by Ju(3, 8, Asp Mo[10, 12], Asp 7, Asp 9, Asp 11, Cnj 3);
Asp 3; Cnj 9
Starlord of Ke is Ke*: 9; Sgl Ma(5); Asp by Ju(3, 8, Asp Mo[10, 12], Asp 7, Asp 9, Asp
11, Cnj 3); Asp 3; Cnj 9
Sublord of Ke is Sa+: 4; 6
Starlord of Sa is Ke*: 9; Sgl Ma(5); Asp by Ju(3, 8, Asp Mo[10, 12], Asp 7, Asp 9, Asp
11, Cnj 3); Asp 3; Cnj 9

Planet Ve: Cnj 6

Starlord of Ve is Su: 7; 1; Cnj Me(7, 2-11, Asp 1, Cnj 7)
Sublord of Ve is Ve: Cnj 6
Starlord of Ve is Su: 7; 1; Cnj Me(7, 2-11, Asp 1, Cnj 7)

Planet Su:
Starlord of Su is Ra*: 3; Sgl Ve(5, Asp 12, Cnj 6); Cnj Ju(3-8, Asp
Mo[10-12], Asp 7, Asp 9, Asp 11, Cnj 3); Asp 9; Cnj 3
Sublord of Su is Ve: Cnj 6
Starlord of Ve is Su: 7-1; Cnj Me(7- 2-11, Asp 1, Cnj 7)

Planet Mo+: 10-12; Asp by Ju(3-8, Asp 7, Asp 9, Asp 11, Cnj 3)
Starlord of Mo is Ma: 5

Sublord of Mo is Su:
Starlord of Su is Ra*: 3; Sgl Ve(5, Asp 12, Cnj 6); Cnj Ju(3-8, Asp
Mo[10-12], Asp 7, Asp 9, Asp 11, Cnj 3); Asp 9; Cnj 3

Planet Ma:
Starlord of Ma is Ve: 5; Asp 12; Cnj 6
Sublord of Ma is Me+: 7-2-11; Cnj Su(7-1); Asp 1; Cnj 7
Starlord of Me is Ra*: 3; Sgl Ve(5, Asp 12, Cnj 6); Cnj Ju(3-8, Asp Mo[10-12], Asp 7,
Asp 9, Asp 11, Cnj 3); Asp 9; Cnj 3

Planet Ra*: 3; Sgl Ve(5, Asp 12, Cnj 6); Cnj Ju(3-8, Asp Mo[10-12], Asp 7, Asp 9, Asp
11, Cnj 3); Asp 9; Cnj 3
Starlord of Ra is Ra*: 3; Sgl Ve(5, Asp 12, Cnj 6); Cnj Ju(3-8, Asp Mo[10-12], Asp 7,
Asp 9, Asp 11, Cnj 3); Asp 9; Cnj 3
Sublord of Ra is Sa+: 4; 6
Starlord of Sa is Ke*: 9; Sgl Ma(5); Asp by Ju(3-8, Asp Mo[10-12], Asp 7, Asp 9, Asp
11, Cnj 3); Asp 3; Cnj 9

Planet Ju+: 3-8; Asp Mo(10-12); Asp 7; Asp 9; Asp 11; Cnj 3
Starlord of Ju is Ra*: 3; Sgl Ve(5, Asp 12, Cnj 6); Cnj Ju(3-8, Asp Mo[10-12], Asp 7,
Asp 9, Asp 11, Cnj 3); Asp 9; Cnj 3
Sublord of Ju is Ra*: 3; Sgl Ve(5, Asp 12, Cnj 6); Cnj Ju(3-8, Asp Mo[10-12], Asp 7,
Asp 9, Asp 11, Cnj 3); Asp 9; Cnj 3
Starlord of Ra is Ra*: 3; Sgl Ve(5, Asp 12, Cnj 6); Cnj Ju(3-8, Asp Mo[10-12], Asp 7,
Asp 9, Asp 11, Cnj 3); Asp 9; Cnj 3

Planet Sa+: 4; 6
Starlord of Sa is Ke*: 9; Sgl Ma(5); Asp by Ju(3, 8, Asp Mo[10-12], Asp 7,
Asp 9, Asp 11, Cnj 3); Asp 3; Cnj 9
Sublord of Sa is Ve: Cnj 6
Starlord of Ve is Su: 7-1; Cnj Me(7-2-11, Asp 1, Cnj 7)

Planet Me+: 7-2-11; Cnj Su(7-1); Asp 1; Cnj 7

Starlord of Me is Ra*: 3; Sgl Ve(5, Asp 12, Cnj 6); Cnj Ju(3-8, Asp Mo[10-12], Asp 7,
Asp 9, Asp 11, Cnj 3); Asp 9; Cnj 3
Sublord of Me is Me+: 7-2-11; Cnj Su(7-1); Asp 1; Cnj 7
Starlord of Me is Ra*: 3; Sgl Ve(5, Asp 12, Cnj 6); Cnj Ju(3-8, Asp Mo[10-12], Asp 7,
Asp 9, Asp 11, Cnj 3); Asp 9; Cnj 3


This is a very wide rage of primary significators generally indicating the events in the
various combination of DBA chain.
Su/Ma/Me/Sa signify all houses except 4.
Ra/Ke signify all houses except 1-2.
Mo/Ju signify all houses except 1-2-4.

Ve signifies 1-2-6-7-11.

2. Life Example Chart 2 (Msg#14710/14777)


Khushdev Singla, 03-07-1977, 00:05 AM, Chandigarh (UT), 30N42, 76E48, New KP
Ayanamsa 23-27-10, Sun Dasa Bal 0Y-0M-0D

Pt/Cp-Sg-D-M-Sgl--Stl-Sbl- -H
02nd Ar 21-59 Mar-Ven-Sat
Mar Ar 26-02 Mar-Ven-Ket-2
Venu Ta 02-28 Ven-Sun-Jup-2
03rd Ta 18-57 Ven-Mon-Mer
Jup Ta 26-43 Ven-Mar-Jup-3
04th Ge 12-16 Mer-Rah-Sat
Sun Ge 17-17 Mer-Rah-Ven-4
Mer Ge 20-38 Mer-Jup--Jup-4
05th Cn 06-24 Moo-Sat-Mer
Sa+ Cn 21-50 Moo-Mer-Sun-5
06th Le 05-58 Sun-Ket-Rah
07th Vi 15-40 Mer-Moo-Sat
Rah Vi 26-45 Mer-Mar-Jup-7
08th Li 21-59 Ven-Jup-Sat
For Li 08-23 Ven-Rah-Rah-8
09th Sc 18-57 Mar-Mer-Ket
10th Sg 12-16 Jup-Ket-Mer
11th Cp 06-24 Sat-Sun-Mer
Mo+Cp 10-00 Sat-Sun-Ven-11
12th Aq 05-58 Sat-Mar-Moo
01st Pi 15-40 Jup-Sat-Jup
Ket+ Pi 26-45 Jup-Mer-Jup-1

+ no planet in its star


1) Ra-Ra-Sa: July 1995, got admission in very reputed eng college

2) Ra-Ju-Ra: June1999, managed to clear engineering with much
3) Ra-Sa to Ra-Me-Me: appeared in IAS 3 times till July 2002 but
couldn't clear it
4) Ra-Me-Me: august 2002 to DEC 2003, worked in an IAS coaching
institute in partnership with his teacher
5) Ra-Me-Ra: Dec 2003, his partner cheated with him and had to opt
out of this institute
6) Ra-Me-Ju: from Dec 2003 to April 2004, under huge depression, was
idle and sitting in home
7) Ra-Me-Ra to Ra-Me-Ju:, got a (paper) marriage proposal
from a daughter of IAS officer who was doing masters in Canada
8) Ra-Ke-Ve: February 2005, got a marriage proposal from another
girl from Canada
9) Ra-Ke-Ve: march 2005, got the job in Airtel and worked there till
august 2005
10) Ra-Ke-Ju: august 15th 2005, left for USA and joined college in
august 2005, however couldn't study there, stayed in USA for 18
months and couldn't study at all
11) Ra-Ve-Su: august 30th 2006, got divorce from the first girl
12) Ra-Ve-Ma: January 2007, decided to come back to India, the
second girl didn't like this and broke off from the native

Till today the native is on high dose of Anti depression drugs. At

present he is doing job in Airtel again with salary of only Rs10000/.


Ra: 03-07-1994 to 03-07-2012

Ra-Ra: 03-07-1994 to 14-03-1997

Ra-Ju: 15-03-1997 to 08-08-1999
Ra-Sa: 09-08-1999 to 14-06-2002
Ra-Me:15-06-2002 to 31-12-2004
Ra-Ke: 01-01-2005 to 20-01-2006
Ra-Ve: 21-01-2006 to 20-01-2009
Ra-Su: 21-01-2009 to 14-12-2009
Ra-Mo: 15-12-2009 to 14-06-2011
Ra-Ma: 15-06-2011 to 03-07-2012

Ju: 04-07-2012 to 03-07-2028


What do you see in future for my career?

When will I get married?
How will be my financial status?


Empty houses: 6, 8, 9, 10, 12

Planets with no planets in their stars (+): Mo, Sa, Ke

Planets in own stars (*): Nil

Ra is aspected by Ju

Sa aspects 2

Planet Ke+: 1; Sgl Ju(3-10)

Starlord of Ke is Me: 4
Sublord of Ke is Ju:
Starlord of Ju is Ma: 2-9

Planet Ve:
Starlord of Ve is Su: 4-6
Sublord of Ve is Ju:
Starlord of Ju is Ma: 2-9

Planet Su:
Starlord of Su is Ra: 7; Sgl Me(4); Stl Ma(2-9); Asp by Ju(3-10)
Sublord of Su is Ve:
Starlord of Ve is Su: 4-6

Planet Mo+: 11
Starlord of Mo is Su: 4-6
Sublord of Mo is Ve:
Starlord of Ve is Su: 4-6

Planet Ma:
Starlord of Ma is Ve: 2-8
Sublord of Ma is Ke+: 1; Sgl Ju(3-10)
Starlord of Ke is Me: 4

Planet Ra:
Starlord of Ra is Ma: 2-9
Sublord of Ra is Ju:
Starlord of Ju is Ma: 2-9

Planet Ju:
Starlord of Ju is Ma: 2-9
Sublord of Ju is Ju:
Starlord of Ju is Ma: 2-9

Planet Sa+: 5-12; Asp 2

Starlord of Sa is Me: 4
Sublord of Sa is Su:

Starlord of Su is Ra: 7; Sgl Me(4); Stl Ma(2-9); Asp by Ju(3-10)

Planet Me:
Starlord of Me is Ju: 3-10
Sublord of Me is Ju:
Starlord of Ju is Ma: 2-9


Here is a very limited number of primary significators providing the insufficient
indication for events. Both the current running Rahu Dasa lord and the next coming
Jupiter Dasa lord are primarily signifying the same 2-9 houses only, indicating the same
results for the both Dasa periods.


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