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Key Differences (Biotic Factors vs Abiotic Factors)


DEFINITION The biotic factor or biotic Abiotic factors or abiotic
component is the living components of an
organism that shapes an ecosystem are the
ecosystem. nonliving physical and
chemical composition of
DEPENDENCY Biotic factors depend on Abiotic factors do not
abiotic factors for their depend on biotic factors for
survival and growth. their existence.
MEASUREMENT The measurement of the The measurement of the
biotic component is abiotic component is
subjective. objective.
RELATIONSHIP Living organisms might be Abiotic factors determine
directly or indirectly related the number and type of
to other organisms in an living organisms surviving
ecosystem. in an ecosystem.
ADAPTATION Biotic factors are capable Abiotic factors don’t have
of adapting to changes in the ability to adapt
the environment. according to the
environmental conditions.
LIMITING FACTORS Changes in one biotic Changes in any abiotic
factor rarely cause factor might bring
changes in other groups. significant changes in the
biotic factors.
COMPONENTS Biotic factors include Abiotic factors include soil
various plants, animals, topography, climate, and
bacteria, and algae that act natural disturbances of the
as producers, consumers, ecosystem.
or decomposers.
RESOURCES Biotic resources are forests Abiotic resources include
and forest products, land, water, soil, and coal.
marine resources like fish,
ASSOCIATION Biotic factors might form No such associations are
different associations like formed between abiotic
symbiosis, parasitism, and factors.
predator-prey association.
EXAMPLES Humans, insects, wild Soil, rainfall, humidity,
animals, birds, bacteria, temperature, pH, climate,
etc. are some examples of etc. are some examples of
biotic factors. abiotic factors.

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