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Joseph Polytechnic



2010 – 2011

Submitted By

29110001 V.MEYYAPPAN

Guided by
Thiru. M.PAUL DCE., BE.,
Lecturer in civil Engineering




Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic



This is to certify that the project report entitled “A COMMUNITY HALL

BUILDING ” is done by the above student in association with his batch mates in the
final year Diploma in Civil Engineering branch in partial fulfillment of the course
requirement for the Diploma Examination of the state board of Technical
Education, Guindy, Chennai-600 025, Tamil nadu. During the year 2010-2011.
Submitted foh the Board Examination held on ______________________



Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic


First of all, we would like to express our deep sense of gratitude to

GOD and thank him for his graceness to complete this project successfully.
We would like to express our thanks to the honorable secretary
DR.G.ADAIKALASAMY, St Joseph Polytechnic College, Thirumayam
for giving us this opportunity.

We would like to express our gratitude to the principal

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

MR.N.JAGADEESAN M.E., for hisencouragement to successfully

complete this project. We would like to exprees our deep sense of gratitude
to the head of the department, civil engineering
MR.M.MUTHUKUMAR.DCE(BE)., for his keep interest in our project.

We exprees our profound gratitude to MR. M.PAUL DCE. BE. our

guide for his valuable suggestion and generous support throughout our
Our hurtful thanks to MR.S.SATHYAMOORTHI.BE,
S.VADIVEL.DCE., MR.ANANTHAN.DCE, Lectures in civil engineering
and MR.V.SELVARAJ.M.COM., In administration as helped us in this

We are very thankful to our parents, brothers, sisters and friends as

love and support throughout our studies. Last but not least we wish to thank
each and every one who helped us, even though we could not mention
everybody’s name, we are grateful to you all……

……Project Team

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic


Thirumayam is a selection grade panchayat which is situated is

Pudukkottai (Dist). This small town is near by our polytechnic there are lot
of villages around this town. Also, this town connects major town like
Madurai, Pudukkottai, and Karaikudi. Even though it is very busy there is
no community hall to the public enable to perform their functions.

We are the final year students surveyed the area and proposed to
take up a project for con struction of community hall to public in a large
scale here the people live in and around the area can be utilized. This hall
which will be most helpful to perform their functions with a great manner.

This all having modern kitchen for cooking, dinning arrangements,

large area for perform functions, reception and dinning.

In this project it is proposed to provide Hall, store room & Reception

& Portico in G.F. By doing so we fulfill the requirement of people who want
to stay and to have Community hall.


COST / Sft Rs. 1,300.00

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic


St. Joseph Polytechnic was a visionary who believed that the

education is an absolute necessity for a human being to become productive,
wholesome and humane.

According to this purpose he started a number of institutions in

Karaikudi. St. Joseph polytechnic college is one among them.

Importance of the proposal :-

Even there is a Community hall in Karaikudi, it is not sufficient to

staff and other important peoples and guest, as there is no parking facility
and other facilities also. So a new building is proposed in that locality, the
administrative approvals and execution of jail major works done, through
this a Residential building. Water supply is also under its control.

About the building:

The proposed constructions cover a floor area of 92 m2. [The building

consists of verandah, hall store room , reception & portico common toilet
and bath room].
The foundation concrete is of 1:4:8 mix of 150 mm thick.
The footings are of R.C.C Concrete in CM 1:5 and the basement is filled
with river sand to a depth of 150 mm.

D.P.C is laid in CM 1:3 and super structure in B.W in CM 1:5

The R.C.C roof slab of 150 mm overall thick and it is of C.C 1:11/2:3

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Plastering is done with CM 1:5 country wood paneled doors and doors
windows and ventilators are proposed.

As per IS 456-2000, M20 grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel re used.
Drawings are made with the help of AutoCAD software and Estimation is
done with the help of Microsoft Excel software as per the current schedule
of rates 2010-2011.

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic


Earth Work Excavation:

Earth work excavation for coloum footing for consideration

of all load.the depth foundation is 1.00m the width of foundation is 0.75m
almost up to hard soils obtained.

Foundation concrete in 1:4:8 mix using 40mm jelly with the

depth 150mm and 900mm breaths for the construction of brick work to the
all load bearing walls.

R.C.C Roof Slab:

R.C.C roof slab 1:2:4 mix using 20mm jelly at the size of
150mm thick for ground floor properly the reinforcement of main bar and
distribution bars are designed and provided.

Wall Plastering:

Inner and outer walls in 1:3 with 12mm thick and the edges
of the joining such as jelly finished with cm 1:2mix.

Ceiling Plastering:

Ceiling plastering in 1:3mix using with the thickness of 10mm.

Floor Finish:

Floor finishing of all place are finished with using cm 1:5mix.

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Lintels And Sunshade:

All opening jelly by lintel cum sunshade above them.The size

of all lintels are 150mm thick width 230mm.It is in R.C.C 1:2:4 using 20mm
size broken stone.The sunshade monolithically cashed with lintel where
sunshade is nessary.Sunshade is of trapezondal in shape at top 100mm thick
at edge 50mm thick and projected to a length of 600mm.


Flooring will be in C.C 1:5 using plain cement concrete for a

thickness of a 150mm and the flooring is finished with C.M 1:3 20mm thick.

White Supply Work:

All water supply connection or given in whreever wanted.

White Washing:

All internal and external wall shall be whitewashed with and

exposed surface shall be colour using approved colours.

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic


Use M20, and Fe 415
Wall thick = 230mm

Brick = 20 KN/m

Size of lintel = 230 X 150mm

Assume cover = 25mm @ 12mm dia

D = 150 – 25 – 12/2 = 119mm

D = 110 + 30 = 149

= 150mm

Effective Span-:

Clear opening Span = eff. Span = 1.6m

Height of equiltereal
Triangle = 0.866X L
= 0.866X1.6= 1.3866m
Height of wall above
the lintel = 3-(2.1+0.15) =0.75 m

Since the height of wall above the lintel is less than 0.866XL
the total weight of the rectangular portion of the masonry above the lintel is
consider in the design of lintel


Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Self Weight of Lintel = 1 x 0.23 x 0.150x25

= 0.863KN/M

Weight of masonry = 1 x 0.23 x 0.75 x 19

= 3.278 KN/M

Self Weight of sunshade = 1.282KN/M

Total Load = 5.904 KN/M

Wu = 5.904 x 1.5 = 10.125 KN/M

Mu = WI2
= (10.125 x 1.6192)
3.276 x 10 KN/m
Area Of Steel:-
Mu = 0.87 x fy x Ast x d (1 -Ast.fy)

3.276 x 10 = 0.87 x 415 x Ast x 119 (1 –_Ast.415 )

1000 x 119 x 25
1 = 7319.16 Ast + 99775.92= 0

Ast = 80.56 mm

Provided 2 Nos. ot 10mm # 300 C/c

Bottom and 2 Nos.of 8mm # bars @ 450 C/c at top at hangers

Minimum area of Steel (0.12%)

0.12X100 x 1000 x 110 = 180mm

Provide 2 Nos. # 10mm dia bars of 300 mm C/c

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

2 Nos. 10 mm dia at 300 mm C/c

Check for deflection:

Fy = 0.58 x 415 = 240.7

% tension Steel = 0.067

D = 200 = 33 Ð 120 mm Safe

7 x 0.85

S = 50 x 100 = 27.47

S = 5 x 119 = 595

S = 450 C/c Provide 8 mm dia 450 C/c

Check for stiffness:-

Ast (provided) = 100mm2

% of Ast (provided) = (Ast/bd) 100

= 100 x 100
230x 126

= 0.345%

Fs = 0.58 Fy Ast (required)

Ast ( provided)
= 0.58x 415x (80.56/100)

= 142.5 N/mm2

M.F = 2.0

Effective depth = span

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic


= 1600/92x26) = 30.77<126 mm

That is deflection is within the permissible limit

Hence safe

Size of lintel = 230X150mm
Tension reinforcement = 2Nos 10mm# Fe 415

Hanger rods = 2Nos 8mm# Fe415

Shear reinforcement = 6mm# Fe415 two legged

stirrups @ 300mmc/c


Assuming clear size = 1.9X 4.05

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Width of each flight = (1900-100)/2 =900mm

Assuming landing = 900mm

Horizontal flight = 4050- 1800 = 2250mm

Nos steps = 2250/9 = 9

Ground to roof height = 300mm

Landing to landing height=1800mm

Rise of each step =200mm

Effective span:-
Effective span of flight =2.25+0.9= 3.15m

Consider one meter width

Imposed load = 4KN/M

Weight of finish =1KN/M

Weight of steps =2KN/M

Self weight ofStair case =4.5KN/M

Total load =11.5 KN/m

Design load =11.5X1.5= 17.0KN/M

Bending and shear force:-

B.M at mid span = (Wul2) /8 = 25.89KN/m

S.F at supports = (Wul2) /2 = 26.6 KN/m

Depth required of strength:-

Using M20 grade and Fe415 steel

Moment resistance = 2.759 b d2

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

25.89x106 = 2.759 x1000 xd2

d = 96.87mm

provided 10mm dia bars with nominal cover of 15mm ,effective

depth provided

= 150-15-5 =130>96.87mm

Area of steel :-
Main reinforcement

0.87 x 250 x Ast (130 - 250Ast) = 25.89x 106

20 x 1000
Ast – 6266 Ast + 3.46X106 = 0

Ast = 611.95 mm2
Provided 8nos 0f 10mm dia in each flight as main reinforcement
Ast (minimum) = 0.12% bd
= 0.12% 1000x150
= 180mm2
Spacing of 8mm # bars
S = ast x1000
= (50.27 /180) 1000
Say270mm c/c
Provide 8mm# @ 270mmc/c

check for shear :-

Nominal shear stress τ v = Vu/(bd)

= 26.63/( 1000x130)

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

= 0.2N/mm2
Minimum value permissible value = 0.28N/mm2
Hence safe,

Check for stiffness:-

Ast (provided) = 628mm2

% of Ast (provided) = (Ast/bd) 100

= 628 x 100
900x 130

= 0.537%
Fs = 0.58 Fy Ast (required)
Ast ( provided)
= 0.58x 415x (611.5/628)

= 210 N/mm2

M.F = 1.53

Effective depth = span


= 3150/20x1.53) = 102.87<126 mm

That is deflection is within the permissible limit

Hence safe


Width of flight of slab = 0.9m

Tread and rise = 250mm ,200mm

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Total steps = 18 nos

Main reinforcement = 10mm# @ 8nos

Distributers = 8mm # @ 270mm


Room Size = 3.90 x 9.15m

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Grade M20 & Fe415

Wall thick = 230mm
ly/lx = 9.15 / 3.90 = 2.35>2
One way slab
d = Eff.depth / BV x M.F = 3900 / 20 x 1.5 = 130mm
Overall Depth (D) = 130+20 = 150mm
d =130mm , D = 150mm
Effective Span :
i) Clear Span + d = 3.9+0.13 = 4.03mm
ii) Clear span + C/C distance = 3.9+0.23 = 4.13mm

Weathering course = 1.25 KN/m2
Self weight = 1 x 0.15 x 25 = 3.75 KN/m2
Imposed load (5/3.90) = 1.28 KN/m2
6.28 KN/m2
Factored load = 6.28 x 1.5 = 9.42 KN/m2

Design B.M & S.F :

Mu = wl2/8 = 9.42 x 4.032/8 = 19.12 KNm
Vu = wl/2 = 9.42 x 4.03/2 = 18.98 KN

Depth Required:
d = √ Mu/Qub = √19.12 x 106/(2.76 x 1000) = 83.23mm
Eff.depth provided = 130mm > 83.23mm
Main Reinforcement:
Mu = 0.87fy Ast[d- fy Ast/fck b]
19.12 x 106 = 0.87 x 415 Ast [130 - 415 Ast/(20 x 1000)]
19.12 x 106 = 46936.5 Ast – 7.49 Ast2

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

7.49 Ast2 – 46936.5 Ast + 19.12 x 106 = 0

Ast = 437.96 mm2
Minimum area = 0.12% bD = 0.12/100 x (1000 x 150) = 180mm2
Spacing = ast/Ast x 1000 = 78.5/437.96 x 1000 = 180mm

Area = 180mm2
Spacing = ast/Ast x 1000 = 50/180 x 1000 = 277 say 250mm
Provide for 8mm dia @ 250mm C/C

Check for Shear:

τv = 18.98 x 103/(1000 x 130) = 0.146 Nmm2

τc = 0.28 N/mm2 τcmax = 2.8 N/mm2
τv<k τc <0.5τcmax
0.146 < 1.3 x 0.28 < 0.5 x 2.8
0.146 < 0.364 < 1.4
Hence Ok.
The Slab is Safe
Check for Stiffness:
Eff.Span/(B.V x MF) = 4.030/(20 x 1.56) = 128mm < 130mm
Ptmax = 437.96/(1000 x 130) x 100 = 0.34%
Fs = 0.58 x 415 = 240 N/mm2
Hence Ok.


Data :-
Size = 350*550m

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Grade M20 & Fe415

Clear Cover = 50mm
Live Load = 4KN
Span = 9.15m
Eff.Span = 9.15+0.23 = 9.38m
Design Constant:
Grade Fe415 & M20 , Mu (limit) = 0.138 bd2 fck , Ptmax = 0.954

Qu = 2.759 bd2 , τcmax = 0.48d

d = Span/15 = 9150/15 = 610 mm

D = 500 + 50 = 550mm
b = 350mm
Self weight beam = 0.35 x 0.55 x 1 x 25 = 4.183 N/mm
Live Load = 6.280 N/mm
11.093 N/mm
Factored Load = 11.093 x 1.5 = 16639.5 N/mm
Effective depth

d=√ Mu/Qub

= √ 183 x 106/(2.759 x 350) = 435.32 say 430mm.

Overall depth (D) = 430 + 25 + 8 + 25/2= 575.5 say 475mm.

D = 550

d = 550 – 25 – 8 - 12.5 = 550mm > 475mm

under reinforcement section.

Main Reinforcement:

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast [ d - fy Ast / fck b]

= 0.87 x 415Ast [505-415 Ast / (20 x 350)]

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

183 x 106 = 182330.25Ast – 21.41 Ast2

21.41 Ast2 - 182330.25 Ast+1.83 x 106 = 0

Ast = 1162.30mm2

5 Nos @ 20mm dia (1570.8mm2)

Shear Reinforcement :

d = 0.505/2 = 0.25

Vu = w l/2.w (0.25+0.505)

= [16639.5 x 9.38/2] - 16639.5 [0.25+0.505]

= 78039.26 - 12562.82 = 65476.49

τv = Vu / bd = 65476.44/350 x 505 = 0.37

Pfmax = Ast/bd x 100 =1570.8/350 x 505 x 100=0.87

τc = 0.56 + (0.62 -0 .56 / 0.25) x (1 - 0.89)

τc = 0.59
τc > τv No Shear Reinforcement in necessary only provided nominal
shear reinforcement.

DESIGN OF COLUMN (Axially loaded) :


Size of Column = 300 x 350mm

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Grade M20 & Fe415

Loads :

Live Load = 11.093 KN

Self Weight of Column

1 x 1 x 0.3 x 0.35 x 25 = 6.265 KN

17.358 KN
1.5 x 17.358 = 26.037 KNm
Pu = 26.037 KNm
Since eccentricity when the effective length of the column is
given is equal to 20 mm.
Pu = 0.4fck Ac + 0.67fy Asc
= 0.4 x 20 [300 x 350 –Asc] + 0.67 x 415 x Asc
26.037 x 106 = 840000 + 278.05 Asc.
Asc = 3014.12mm2 (-)
Asc is at Negative.
Provide of 10 Nos of 20 mm dia bar.
Minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement is 0.8%
Area = 0.8/100 x(300 x 350) = 840 mm 2
Use 8mm dia ties.
i) 300mm
ii) 16 times dia of the longitudinal bar = 320mm
iii) 48 times dia of the bar = 384mm
Provide 10Nos of 20mm dia bar, 8mm tie bar of C/C distance of 250mm
Data :
Grade M20 & Fe415,
Bearing Capacity – 120KN/m2

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic


Self wt of Super Structure = 1 x 0.23 x 20 = 4.60 KN

Beam of Slab = 17.36 KN
Self wt of parapet wall 1x 0.23 x 0.6 x 20 = 2.76 KN
Load due to basement =1x 0.3 x 0.6 x 24 = 4.32 KN
Lintel =1.5 x 0.2 x 0.15 x 25 = 1.12 KN
Column Self Weight =1x 0.3 x 0.35 x 25 = 2.625KN
32.79 KN
Factored Load = 32.79 x 1.5 = 49.19KN

Size of Footing :
w = 49.19KN
Area = 49.19 / 120 = 0.41m2
Ratio of B to L = 300/350 = 0.86
0.86 L x L = 0.41
0.86L2 = 0.41
L2 = 0.41/0.86
L = 0.70m
Provide L = 1m
B = 0.70m
Size of Foundation = 1 x 0.70m
Net upward pressure = Po=49.19 / (1 x 10.70) = 70.27 KN/m2

Design of Section :
Bending moment M1 about section X.X
M1 = P0B/8 (L-a)2
= 70.27 x 0.70/8 (1-0.35)2
= 4.00 x 106 N/mm2

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

B.M M2 about section Y-Y;

M2 = Po L/8 (B-b)2
=70.27 x 1/8 (0.70-0.30)2
=1.4 x 106 N/mm
Effective Depth :
d = √ Mu/Rub = √4 x 106/ (2.76 x 700) = 55.72mm
Provide 100mm depth
Depth on the basis of one way shear:
V = PoB [l/2 -9/2-d]
= 70.27 x 0.70[1-0.35/2 -0.001d 2]
Vu = 1.5 x V
= 49.19[0.325-0.001d2]

τv = Vu/Bd = 49.19(0.325-0.001d2)/0.70d

permissible shear stress = 1 x 0.384 = 0.384 N/mm2

Check for two way shear :
Perimeter = 2[(a+d) + (b+d)] d
=2[(0.35+0.1) + (0.30+0.1)] 1
= 2[0.145+0.40]
= 1.7m =1700mm
Area ABCD = 0.45 x 0.33 = 0.149 m2
Punching Shear = 70.27 [(1 x 0.70) – 0.149]
= 38.72KN

τv = 38.72 x 103/ (1700 x 160)

= 0.144 N/mm2
Allowable Shear Stress:

τc is given by

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

τc = 0.25√fck = 0.25√20 = 1.118 N/mm2

Ks = (0.5+βc) = (0.5+0.7/1) = 1.20

Ks τc = 1.20+1.118 = 1.3416
∴this is more than τv Safe.
Design of Reinforcement :
= 0.0241[1-√1-(18.4 x 106/358.4 x 106 )] x 112 x 103
= 69.64mm2
Provide 10mm dia bar (minimum)
Ast = 0.5 fck/fy [1-√1- 4.6 Mu2 / fck Ldr2] Ld
Provide 10mm dia bar minimum
Check for development for length :
Ld = 47φ
= 47 x 10
= 470mm
Provide 40 mm Side Cover,
Length available = ½ [(0.70-0.30)0.06]
= 170mm
Ld is greater
Hence Ok.
Check for transfer of load of base :
A2 = 300 x 350 = 105 x 103 mm2
At a rate of spread of 2:1
A1 = [350+2(2 x 300)]2
=2.425 x 106
√A1/A2 = √2.4025 x 106/105 x 103 = 4.7 > 2
Permissible bearing stress = 0.45 fck √A1/A2
= 0.45 x 20 x 47
=42.3 N/mm2

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Actual bearing Stress = 2.5 N/mm2

Hence Safe.

DESIGN OF COLUMN (Axially loaded):

Size of Column = 230 x 230
Self wt of Super Structure = 1 x 0.23 x 20 = 4.60 KN

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Self wt of beam = 1 x 0.23 x 0.375 x 25 = 2.16 KN

Self wt of Floor Sla = 0.225 x 25 x 1x1 = 5.62 KN
12.38 KN
Total load = 12.38 KN
Design load = 1.5 x 12.385 = 18.58 KNm
Pu = 18.58 KNm
Since eccentricity when the effective length of the column is not given is
equal to 20mm.
Main Reinforcement:
Pu = 0.4 fck Ac + 0.67fyAsc
= 0.4 x 20 x [230 x 230 - Asc] + (0.67 x 415 x Asc)
= 423260 – 8Asc +278.05Asc
18.58 x 103 = 423260+270.05Asc
Asc = 1498.32(-)
Asc is of Negative.
Minnimum area of the longitudinal reinforcement is 0.8%.
Area = 0.8 / 100 x 230 x 230 = 423.2mm2
Provide 4 Nos of 20mm dia bar
Use10mm dia ties, Spacing is
i) 350mm
ii) 16 times dia of longitudinal bars = 320mm
iii) 48 times dia of tie bar = 384mm
Provide 4 Nos of 20mm dia bar, 8 mm tie bar at C/C distance
of 300mm.

Provide Effective depth:-

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Assume provide = Total thickness of sunshade of support = 75mm.

Assume provide a total thickness of sunshade of free end = 50mm.
Assume 8mmφ Fe250 and M20 grade as main reinforcement clear cover =
Effective cover = 15 + 4 = 19mm
Provide effective depth as support = 75-19
dprov= 56mm.
Provide effective depth of free end = 50 – 19
dprov = 31mm.

EFFECTIVE SPAN: (Effective Projections as sunshade):-

Clear Projection = 0.450m
Wall thickness = 0.230m
Effective span = clear span + half the effective depth.
= 1.5 + 0.056/2
= 0.478m
Imposed load = 750 N/m2 as sunshade.
Consider 1m width of sunshade.
Total imposed load = 1 x 0.478 x 750
= 358.5 N or 0.3585 KN.
Self weight of rectangular portion of sunshade
= b x d x 1 x25
= 1.0.03 x 0.478 x 25
= 0.5975 KN (or) 597.5N.
Self weight of rectangular portion of sunshade
= 1 x 0.025 / 2 x 0.478 x 25
= 0.149375 KN.
Weight of sunshade tins thing = 0.015 N.

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Total load = w = 0.3585 + 0.5975 + 0.1493 + 0.015 = 1.1203 KN..

Maximum B.M at Support, Mu = Wu left / 2
= 1.680 x 0.478 / 2
= 0.4016 KN/m.
For M15 grade concrete and Fe250 grade steel for table 47 as per
IS 456 – 2000 moment of resistance Qu = 2.225.
Mu = Qbd2.
effective depth dreq = 13.43 mm
dprov > dreq
Hence it is safe.
Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1-(Ast fy / bd fcu))
0.4016 x 106 = 0.87 x 250 x Ast x 56 (1- 250 / 1000 x 56 x 15)
Ast = 83.30 mm2.
Say, Astpro < Astmin.

Minimum reinforcement:
For fe 250 grade steel,
Astmin = 0.15 % as total bD
= 0.15 / 100 (1000 x 75)
= 112.5 mm2.
Spanning of main reinforcement:-
Area of 8mmφ bar ast = π d2/4.
= 50.26 mm2.
i) Spacing of main reinforcement = ast / Astmin x 1000

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

S = 50.26 / 125 x 1000

S = 402.08 mm.
ii) Spacing = 3 x d = 3 x 31 = 93mm say 90mm
Provide 8mmφ Fe250 grade steel bas as main reinforcement @ 90mm c/c.
Area of steel required for distributor (0.15%)
= 112.5 mm2/m width.
= 112.5 x 0.476 mm2
= 53.775mm2for 0.478m width.
Assume provide 6mmφ bar as distribution.
Area of 6mmφ bar = π x 62 /4
= 28.27mm2
Number of 6φ bar required = 53.775 / 28.27.
= 1.90mm say 2mm.
Spacing = ast as 6mmφ bar/Ast min
= 28.27 x 1000 / 112.5 = 251.28mm say 250 mm c/c.
Maximum permitted spacing of distributors,
= 5d (or) 450mm
= 5 x 31 = 155mm c/c.
Provide spacing of 6mmφ bar = clear span / nos.of bars provided
= 110 mm c/c.
Provide 4 Nos of 6mmφ bars distributor @ 110 mm c/c.

Design sheer force:-

Maximum S.F at support (design)
Vu= 1.6805 KN.
Normal shear stress τv = Vu / bd.
= 1.6856 x 106/ 1000 x 56

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Shear strength of concrete τc min = Astmin / bd x 100.

= 0.319 N/mm2.
Maximum shear stress τcmax = 2.5 N/mm2.
τv < τcmin < τcmax
0.03 < 0.319 < 2.5
Hence the sunshade is safe against share.
Total thickness as sunshade at support = 75mm
Total thickness of sunshade of free end = 50mm.
Main reinforcement = 8mmφ M.S bar @ 110mm c/c.
Distributor: 4 Nos of 6mmφ M.S bar @ 110mm c/c.


Beam Size = 230 x 375mm
Grade M20 & Fe415

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Clear cover = 50mm

Live load = 4KN
Span = 4.88m
Eff.Span = 4.88 + 0.23 = 5.11m
Design Constants:
M20 & Fe415
Mu limit = 0.138 bd2 fck
Pf(max) = 0.957
Qu = 2.759 bd2
Xu(max) = 0.48d.
d = Span / 15 = 4880 / 15 = 325mm
D = 325+50 = 375mm
b = 230mm
Self Weight of beam = 0.23 x 0.375 x 1 x 25 = 2156.25 N/mm
Live load = 4000.00 N/mm
= 6156.25 N/mm

Factored load = 6156.25 x 1.5

= 9234.35 N/mm
Le = l+d = 4.88 + 0.325 = 6.425m

Effective depth :
Mu = wl2/8 = 9234.375 x 5.112/8 = 30.14KNm
d = √ Mu / Q.b = √30.15 x 10 6/2.759 x 230 =217.98 Sq 220mm
Overall Depth (D) = 220 + 25 + 8 + 20 / 2 = 263mm

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Overall Depth (D) = 375

d = 375 – 25 – 8 – 10 = 332 > 263mm
Under Reinforcement Section.

Steel reinforcement:
Mu = 0.87fyAst [d- fyAst/fck b]
31.55 x 106 = 0.87 x 415Ast [332-415Ast / (20 x 230)]
82.59Ast2 – 119868.6 Ast +31.55 x 106 = 0
Ast = 285.34mm2
3Nos of 12mm φ rod 339.3 mm2

Shear reinforcement:
d = 0.332/2 = 0.166
Qu = w l/2 = w(0.166+0.332)
= [9234.375 x 5.11 / 2] – [9234.375(0.166+0.332)]
= 23593.83 – 4598.72 =18995.11 N

Nominal Shear Stress τV = Vu/bd = 18995.11 / (230 x 332) = 0.25 N/mm2

Ptmax = Ast / bd x 100 = 285.34 / (230 x 332) = 0.4

τc = 0.36+[0.48-0.36/0.25](0.4-0.25)=0.432

τc > τv No Shear Reinforcement in necessary only provided nominal

shear reinforcement.


Dimension : 230 x 230mm

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Load : 12.368 KN
Self weight of the column = 24 x 0.23 x 0.23 x 6
= 7.6176 KN
Total load on Footing = 19.986 KN.
Ultimate load on Footing = 29.97 KN
= 30.00KN
Grade M20 & Fe415,
Bearing Capacity = 120 KN/m2.
Size of Footing :
A = 33/120 = 0.275 ≈ 0.5m2
Provide Square Footing of 0.75m x 0.75m

Design of Section:
Maximum bending moment act at the face of the column is given by
M = Po B / 8(B-6)2 x 106 Nmm
Net Upward pressure Po = 33 / (0.75 x 0.75) = 58.7 KN/m2.
M = 58.70 x 0.75 /8 (0.75-0.23)2 x 106
= 1.48 x 106 Nmm
d = √M / RB = √1.48 x 106 / 0.875 x 750
= 47.6mm
Provide minimum thickness of 100mm.

Check for Shear:

Shear Force V = PoB{1/2(B-b)-d}
= 58.7 x 750 (1/2(0.75-0.23)-0.100)
= 7.044 KN.

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

τc = B/B.d = 750/(750 x 100) = 0.01 N/mm2

Use 12mm dia bar at 60mm Clear cover.

Total depth will be about 100 + 6 + 60 = 166mm
= 200mm

Permissible Shear Stress = k x τc = 1 x 0.01

= 0.01N/mm2.
From table 3.1 hence safe.
Two way shear:
The Section lies at d/2 from the column face all around. The Width of Po of
the section = b+d = 230+200 = 400mm
F = Po[B2 – bo2] = Po[B2-(b+d)2]
= 58.7[0.752 - (0.23+0.1)2]
= 26.62 KN.

τc = F/ (4 bo d)

= F / 4[b+d]d = 26.62 x 103 / 4 [230+100] 100

= 0.20 N/mm2

Permissible Shear Stress = Ks τc

Where ,
Ks = (0.5 +βc) = (0.5+1) max value is 1
Ks = 1.

Also τc = 0.16√fck = 0.16√20 = 0.71 N/mm2.

Permissible shear stress = Ks τc= 1 x 0.71= 0.71 N/mm2.

(τc <permissible stress)

Hence Safe.
Design of steel Reinforcement:

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Ast = M/σst jd
= 1.48 x 106 / (140 x 0.865 x 100)
= 122.2 mm2
Use 12mm φ bar Aφ = π/4 (12)2 = 113 mm2.
Provide minimum Ast = 0.8% bd.
Development Length:
Ld =58.3φ
Providing cover of 60mm;
Length of the bar available = 1/2[B-b]-60
= ½ [0.75-0.23] x 103 - 60
= 200mm.
Transfer of load at column base:
A2 = 230 x 230 = 52.9 x 103 mm2
A1 = [230+2(2 x 200)]2
= 1.06 x 106
√A1/A2 = 4.47
Adopt maximum value of √ A1/A2 = 2.
Hence permissible shear stress = 0.25 fck √ A1/A2
= 0.25 x 20 x 2
= 10 N/mm2
Actual bearing pressure = 120 x 100 / 230 x 230 =0.22N/mm2.

Hence Safe.


Beam Size = 230 x 375mm

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Grade M20 & Fe415

Clear cover = 50mm
Live load = 4KN
Span = 4.88m
Eff.Span = 4.88 + 0.23 = 5.11m
Design Constants:
M20 & Fe415
Mu limit = 0.138 bd2 fck
Pf(max) = 0.957
Qu = 2.759 bd2
Xu(max) = 0.48d.
d = Span / 15 = 4880 / 15 = 325mm
D = 325+50 = 375mm
b = 230mm
Self Weight of beam = 0.23 x 0.375 x 1 x 25 = 2156.25 N/mm
Live load = 4000.00 N/mm
= 6156.25 N/mm

Factored load = 6156.25 x 1.5

= 9234.35 N/mm
Le = l+d = 4.88 + 0.325 = 6.425m

Effective depth :
Mu = wl2/8 = 9234.375 x 5.112/8 = 30.14KNm
d = √ Mu / Q.b = √30.15 x 10 6/2.759 x 230 =217.98 Sq 220mm

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Overall Depth (D) = 220 + 25 + 8 + 20 / 2 = 263mm

Overall Depth (D) = 375
d = 375 – 25 – 8 – 10 = 332 > 263mm
Under Reinforcement Section.

Steel reinforcement:
Mu = 0.87fyAst [d- fyAst/fck b]
31.55 x 106 = 0.87 x 415Ast [332-415Ast / (20 x 230)]
82.59Ast2 – 119868.6 Ast +31.55 x 106 = 0
Ast = 285.34mm2
3Nos of 12mm φ rod 339.3 mm2

Shear reinforcement:
d = 0.332/2 = 0.166
Qu = w l/2 = w(0.166+0.332)
= [9234.375 x 5.11 / 2] – [9234.375(0.166+0.332)]
= 23593.83 – 4598.72 =18995.11 N

Nominal Shear Stress τV = Vu/bd = 18995.11 / (230 x 332) = 0.25 N/mm2

Ptmax = Ast / bd x 100 = 285.34 / (230 x 332) = 0.4

τc = 0.36+[0.48-0.36/0.25](0.4-0.25)=0.432

τc > τv No Shear Reinforcement in necessary only provided nominal

shear reinforcement.


Data :-
Size = 350*550m

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

Grade M20 & Fe415

Clear Cover = 50mm
Live Load = 4KN
Span = 9.15m
Eff.Span = 9.15+0.23 = 9.38m
Design Constant:
Grade Fe415 & M20 , Mu (limit) = 0.138 bd2 fck , Ptmax = 0.954

Qu = 2.759 bd2 , τcmax = 0.48d

d = Span/15 = 9150/15 = 610 mm

D = 500 + 50 = 550mm
b = 350mm
Self weight beam = 0.35 x 0.55 x 1 x 25 = 4.183 N/mm
Live Load = 6.280 N/mm
11.093 N/mm
Factored Load = 11.093 x 1.5 = 16639.5 N/mm
Effective depth

d=√ Mu/Qub

= √ 183 x 106/(2.759 x 350) = 435.32 say 430mm.

Overall depth (D) = 430 + 25 + 8 + 25/2= 575.5 say 475mm.

D = 550

d = 550 – 25 – 8 - 12.5 = 550mm > 475mm

under reinforcement section.

Main Reinforcement:

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast [ d - fy Ast / fck b]

= 0.87 x 415Ast [505-415 Ast / (20 x 350)]

Community hall
St. Joseph Polytechnic

183 x 106 = 182330.25Ast – 21.41 Ast2

21.41 Ast2 - 182330.25 Ast+1.83 x 106 = 0

Ast = 1162.30mm2

5 Nos @ 20mm dia (1570.8mm2)

Shear Reinforcement :

d = 0.505/2 = 0.25

Vu = w l/2.w (0.25+0.505)

= [16639.5 x 9.38/2] - 16639.5 [0.25+0.505]

= 78039.26 - 12562.82 = 65476.49

τv = Vu / bd = 65476.44/350 x 505 = 0.37

Pfmax = Ast/bd x 100 =1570.8/350 x 505 x 100=0.87

τc = 0.56 + (0.62 -0 .56 / 0.25) x (1 - 0.89)

τc = 0.59
τc > τv No Shear Reinforcement in necessary only provided nominal
shear reinforcement.

Community hall

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