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Compiled by Kim Smith

Evidence – required evidence, possible evidence

Q1 Weekly reviews, End of Placement Reports and lesson observations to show evidence about
trainee teachers’ commitment, attitudes, behaviour and expectations of learners’
Examples of planning to demonstrate how to develop specific values, attitudes and behaviour
Q2 in children.
DA2, DA4 - positive relationships with children and commitment to their potential

DA5 (health and safety)
Q3 DA9 (behaviour)
DA11 (role of Governors)
DA15 (equal opportunities)

Q4 Example of lesson plan/observations to show effective use of language in the classroom to

motivate, support, challenge and manage learners, and to secure learning and
encouragement of learners working effectively together for improvement.
DA6, DA7, DA17 - communications with colleagues
DA12, DA18 - communications with children and parents and understanding of their
Q5 contributions
DA21 and evidence of involvement in parents evening to show ability to communicate
sensitively and effectively with parents and carers.

Link to Q32 and Q33

Q6 SBT 2 reviews, observation(s) and End of placement report will evidence collaboration and co-
operative working.

Examples of weekly reviews demonstrating progress against SBT targets.

Audits of subject knowledge
Q7 Completion of transition point one of the CEDP will draw on evidence relating to all of the QTS
standards and enable trainees to identify their strengths and areas for development.
Evidence of involvement in school- and centre-based professional development activities

DA1 - lesson observations showing a constructively critical approach and identification of

benefits and improvements for own practice
Q8 DA14 - creative planning and critical approach to own practice
DA19 to show creativity and adaptabiltiy
Action plans showing how improvements in practise will be made.

SBT reports and observations showing how feedback from tutors and mentors is received and
acted upon

DA1 - identifies a range of strategies and how to adapt them

DA7 - understanding of how learning is personalised
DA9 - understanding of personalised provision and strategies for behaviour,
Q10 DA12 - evidence of personalising learning for one particular child
DA16 - use of assessment to provide opportunities for all to achieve potential
DA17 (link to Q33) - strategic use of TA to provide opportunities for all to achieve potential
DA18 - shows understanding of personalised learning provision

Examples of levelled work for English Mathematics, Science and ICT in KS1 & KS2
Q11 DA16 to show knowledge of assessment arrangements, procedures and public exam material
DA20 to show understanding of assessment strategies, requirements and expectations

Link to Q26 (DA8), Q27, Q28

Examples of lessons plans showing use of a range of formative assessment strategies (DA13)
Evidence of assessment of class and homework
Records of group/class assessments in relation to targets

DA10, DA16 - use of data and targets to raise attainment, monitor progress and evaluate

audits of subject knowledge

Baseline/summative test results in core subjects
Evidence of subject knowledge development work (eg core subject DAs)
T&L readings related to curriculum/pedagogy

Q15 Lesson plans showing links to curriculum objectives, in a range of subjects

Compiled by Kim Smith

Q16 QTS test PASS confirmations

Q17 Lesson plan demonstrating significant ICT use

Examples of lessons plans/evaluations showing understanding of the range of influences that

Q18 might create barriers to learning eg SEN, EAL, behaviour.
DA2, DA12, DA18 - case studies of children’s development and factors affecting learning

Lesson plan(s) showing personalised provision or inclusive practice

DA4 - examples of personalised provision

DA6 - (link to Q5/6) understanding role of TA

Q20 DA17 - (link to Q33) evidence of seeking guidance from colleagues with specific

DA18 - understanding implementation of ECM

T&L readings related to child protection
Annotated copy of child protection policy to show understanding of procedures and how to
identify children in need

Unit and weekly plans for English and Mathematics

Medium term plan for science and other curriculum subjects

Q23 Lessons plans for literacy, numeracy and ICT.

Q24 Example of homework relating to lesson objectives

One example of planning and the evaluation of the lesson in each of the following:
· The humanities (either history, geography or RE)
· The arts (either Art and DT)
· The performing arts (either music or dance)
· PE
· PSHE/citizenship

One core and one foundation subject:

· Lesson plan and evaluation
· assessment record/evidence relating to learning objectives
· subsequent lesson plan(s) showing use of assessment information (DA8)
DA20 - using different assessment strategies
Link to Q12 - Example of lessons plans showing use of a range of formative assessment
strategies (DA13)

DA21 - An example of a report to parents

An example of marked work with feedback

Link to Q26 and Q12 including lesson plans showing evidence of children’s own self-
Examples of work showing self-assessment
Link to Q27 - examples of marked work with feedback which encourages reflection

Example of lesson plan and evaluation of lesson detailing impact of teaching on progress of
all learners and subsequent lesson showing modifications made

Example of an out-of-school context for learning with risk assessment

Lesson plan showing appropriate risk assessment

Link to Q1, Q2 - Weekly reviews, End of Placement Reports and lesson observations detailing
effective use of behaviour management techniques

DA17 - (Link to Q33, Q20) working with TA

Examples of lessons plans and evaluations showing co-teaching

Q33 Lesson plan showing effective use of TA/LSA or additional adult(s) (DA17)

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