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Lovely Grace A. Garvez June 11, 2021

Student Teacher Date

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 70% of the students are expected to:
a. Identify the basic parts of speech.
b. State the importance of learning Parts of speech.
c. Recognize and distinguish nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs,
prepositions, interjection and conjunctions from each other.
d. Write sentences to each parts of speech.

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: Parts of Speech
Reference/s: Better English for Philippine High School
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, strips, Chart, chalk

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings and Checking of Attendance
3. Review of the previous lesson

B. Lesson Proper
1. Preparation/Motivation
The teacher writes down variety of words, phrases and sentences
using the parts of speech on a card. The, the cards will be placed in a box.
Ask students to draw a card and act out what the card says.

The following words/phrases/sentences are:

1. David ran as fast as he could.
2. Walk
3. The tall man
4. I am pretty.
5. WOW!!!!!!!
6. Under the table

The teacher then asks students the topic for the meeting.

2. Presentation
The teacher will present the lesson “Parts of Speech”
3. Discussion
First, the teacher will define Parts of Speech and introduce to the
class the basic parts of speech.
Each parts will be discussed along with the corresponding examples.

PART OF SPEECH - a class of words that are identified according to the kinds
of ideas they express and the way they work in a sentence.

 Noun - a person, thing, place or idea

Example: The bakery has fresh baked goodies.
Kylie is a pro-golfer.

 Pronouns – is a word that talks place of a noun.

Example: I, me, your, she, her, it, us, they, them his, her, their,
mine, myself, ourselves, everybody, everyone, etc.

 Verb – is the action of the sentence; shows what something or

someone is doing.
Example; run, paint, read

 Adjective – a word that describes a noun or pronoun.

Example; green shirt, sour limes

 Adverb – describes how the action is performed. Tells how much,

how often, when and where something is done.
Example: The fish jumped quickly from the water.
The man sat alone.

 Conjunction – a word that joins words or word together.

Example: and, but, or, so, nor, although, yet, so, either, and

 Preposition – a word that shoes that direction or position.

Example: in, out, under, over, after, out, into, up, down, for,
*She worked at her desk.
*The cat is sleeping under the table.

 Interjection – a word that shows strong emotions

Example: Ouch! Wow! Hurray! Oh no!
4. Generalization
After the discussion, the teacher will ask the students:
 What are the eight (8) parts of speech?
 Why do you think it is important to know the parts of speech in the
application of the grammar rules?

5. Application
 Put a chart on the board with the following 8 columns: nouns,
pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, interjection and
 Group the students into four (4). Each group will be given a
 Tell students that they are going to listen to a song and write down
words (as many as they can) that comes to their minds while
listening. Ask students to write their 10 words in the given handouts.
 Ask students to share their words and identify the correct category,
and write the words in the chart to which category the words belong.
Ask the class to confirm if the categories are correct.



GROUP #:_______________________________
GROUP MEMBERS: ____________________

DIRECTION: Listen to the music. While you listen to the music, write as many words as you can
that comes to mind. Be prepared to share your answers to the class.
(Note: the words will be written in the chart)

Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective Adverb Conjunction Preposition Interjection


IV. Evaluation (1/2 crosswise)

A. Directions: On the line to the left of the sentence, write the word that is the part of the
speech indicated in parenthesis.

Example: gold (adjective) The gold dress shines like a sun.

1. ___________________ (conjunction) I like peanuts and potato chips.
2. ___________________ (preposition) He walked around the corner.
3. ___________________ (pronoun) Paul hopes that she will sing with the choir.
4. ___________________ (noun) The lock was stuck.
5. ______________ (adjective) Kind people are often rewarded.
6. ___________________ (verb) She ran fast.
7. ___________________ (adverb) The thief ran fast.
8. ___________________ (preposition) Reggie tripped down the stairs.
9. ___________________ (preposition) May I sit between you two?
10. ___________________ (adjective) Steven is honest.

B. Write 2 sentences to each parts of speech.

V. Assignment:
Answer the exercises on your English book, page 20. Write your answers on a whole
sheet of paper.

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