Product Description: Espace Audio Recorder V100R001C02Spc300

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eSpace Audio Recorder

Product Description

Issue 05

Date 2015-04-30


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Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description Contents

About This Document

This document describes how to use Huawei eSpace audio recorder.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
 Technical support engineers
 Maintenance engineers

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance deterioration, or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to
personal injury.
Calls attention to important information, best practices
and tips.
NOTE is used to address information not related to
personal injury, equipment damage, and environment

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description Contents

Change History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all the
updates made in earlier issues.

The fourth release contains following updates:
Change all the information that contains eSpace U2900 series gateway to eSpace
U1900/USM/U2900 series gateway.

Issue 04(2013-10-15)
Tirdd release.Updated as follows:
Chapter 2 Product Overview
Increase file download encrypted transmission characteristics.
Chapter 3 Hardware Structure
Hard drive recommended configuration by 600G tuning 300G (Raid1) or above.
Chapter 6 Technical Specifications
Maximum number of recording channels supported by a single Log Server

Issue 03(2013-05-08)
Second release.Updated as follows:
All U2980 is replaced by eSpace U2900 Series Gateway.
Chapter 2 Product Overview
Add a single server deployment plan.
Chapter 3 Hardware Structure
Add a single server deployment configuration.
Chapter 4 Application Scenarios
Add a single server deployment plan.

Issue 02 (2013-02-20)
First release. Updated as follows:
Chapter 8 Webservice Interface
List all IMP Webservice interface.

Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description Contents

Issue 01 (2012-10-15)
This issue is the trial release.

Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iv

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Co., Ltd.
eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description Contents


About This Document .................................................................................................................... ii

1 Product Overview ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Positioning ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Architecture ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Advantages ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Hardware Structure....................................................................................................................... 5
3 Application Scenarios .................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Scenarios .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2.1 Conference Mode .................................................................................................................................... 6

4 Typical Configuration .................................................................................................................. 9

5 Operation and Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Advantages ..................................................................................................................................................... 11

6 Technical Specifications ............................................................................................................ 12

7 Webservice Interface .................................................................................................................. 13
8 Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................... 14

Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential v

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 1 Product Overview

1 Product Overview

1.1 Positioning
This document serves as an introduction to the eSpace Audio Recorder V100R001C02.
To assist in the transition from traditional call centers to IP-based call centers that integrate
voice and data networks, Huawei offers the eSpace Audio Recorder.
The eSpace Audio Recorder is a recording system that uses the advanced streaming media
technology. The eSpace Audio Recorder system is widely used in the following fields:
 Financial transaction
 Governments and enterprises
 Air traffic control
 Transportation
 Postal industry
 Electric power industry

1.2 Architecture
eSpace Audio Recorder provide two kinds of deployment plan:
1. Two-node cluster deployment, it can ensure the reliability of the recording,as shown in
Figure 1-1.
2. The single server deployment for IMP and Database, it can save the cost of the shown in Figure 1-2.

Two-node cluster which is a cluster of IMP and Database,we should use eSpace Audio Recorder
V100R001C02SPC300 Floating IP and SQL Database Clust 04 to deploy environment of cluster, the
number of LogServer can be two or more.
Single server refers to only one server to deploy the IMP and Database,it dosen’t require deploy the
cluster with eSpace Audio Recorder V100R001C02SPC300 Floating IP and SQL Database Clust 04, the
number of LogServer can be one or more.

Figure 1-1 shows the architecture of two-node cluster deployment.

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 1 Product Overview

Figure 1-1 eSpace Audio Recorder Logic architecture of two-node cluster deployment

Figure 1-2 shows the architecture of single server deployment.

Figure 1-2 eSpace Audio Recorder Logic architecture of single server deployment

The components in the eSpace Audio Recorder architecture are:

 eSpace U1900/USM/U2900 Series Gateway
Interacts with the SIP Server through signaling, sends call information and requests for
starting and stopping the recording process to the SIP Server, and sends RTP /SRPT
streams to the Log Server cluster.
 SIP Server
Two SIP Servers working in active and standby mode interact with eSpace
U1900/USM/U2900 Series Gateway, send requests to the Log Server cluster for starting

Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 1 Product Overview

or stopping the recording process based on the Log Server load to implement load
balancing in the Log Server cluster.
 Log Server Cluster
Receives RTP/SRTP streams from eSpace U1900/USM/U2900 Series Gateway using
multiple Log Servers, starts recording and stops recording the message recording
information based on the SIP Server, and generates and stores recording files and
recording data. A single Log Server failure does not affect the recording of the entire
 Database
Stores Log Server parameters and recording data.
 HWLog Integrated Management Platform (IMP)
Manages Log Servers in a unified manner and configures Log Server parameters.

1、LogServer, IMP must be deployed in a trusted network (for example, Deployed the firewall carved
out of the same security domain).
2、The database, Log Server, and HWLog IMP can be installed on the same server.

1.3 Advantages
Centralized Server Configuration and Management
The eSpace Audio Recorder can manage and configure Log Servers in a centralized way,
Single server can support 256 concurrent recording, meeting requirements of large-capacity
call centers.

Modular Design
The eSpace Audio Recorder modules include the IMP, recycle, backup, and alarm modules.
Customers can customize these modules to meet a variety of requirements.

Multi-Level Control
The eSpace Audio Recorder allows the administrator to create multiple roles with different
management rights and service rights. A user can be bound to multiple roles, which separates
the users' management rights from the service rights.

Data Encryption
The eSpace Audio Recorder uses the 128-bit Microsoft CryptoAPI algorithm to encrypt
recording files to ensure data security during transmission. Users can decrypt and play the
recording files only on the eSpace Audio Recorder IMP.

File download, encrypted transmission

The eSpace Audio Recorder management platform download and play the recording files via
SFTP secure file transfer protocol and the HTTPS secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol to

Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 1 Product Overview

establish a channel for information security, to ensure that the recording file data transfer

Multi-Level Storage
The eSpace Audio Recorder saves a recording file to a local disk of a Log Server and backs up
to another network storage device at the same time, which ensures the data security.

Standby redundancy, load balancing

eSpace Audio Recorder core components are hot standby redundancy mechanism. The main
SIP Server running during the outage, the system automatically switches to prepare the SIP
Server(For the two-node cluster deployment.). Ensure recording data integrity to improve
system security.
Log Server cluster load balancing mechanism, Single Log Server failure does not affect the
overall cluster recording work.

Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 2 Hardware Structure

2 Hardware Structure

The eSpace Audio Recorder is deployed on a server that is installed in a 19-inch cabinet 2 U
(1U = 4.45 cm). It is recommended that a Huawei PC Server be used as a Log Server. Table
2-1 lists the minimum and recommended configurations for a Log Server.

Table 2-1 Minimum and recommended hardware configurations for a Log Server(Two-node

Hardware Minimum Configuration Recommended Configuration

CPU Xeon quad core 2 x E5606 or higher
Memory 8 GB DDR3 32 GB or more
Hard disk 160 GB 300G (Raid1) or above
DataBase SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard
Operating Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 R2 (Enterprise
system (Enterprise Edition) Edition)
Network Quantity: 3 Quantity: 3

Table 2-2 Minimum and recommended hardware configurations for a Log Server(single server)

Hardware Minimum Configuration Recommended Configuration

CPU Xeon quad core 2 x E5606 or higher

Memory 8 GB DDR3 32 GB or more
Hard disk 160 GB 300G (Raid1) or above
DataBase SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard
Operating Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 R2 (Standard)
system (Standard)
Network Quantity: 2 Quantity: 2

Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 3 Application Scenarios

3 Application Scenarios

3.1 Overview
The eSpace Audio Recorder product form to meet different scenarios of network deployment,
to provide users with the perfect solution for recording.
The eSpace Audio Recorder is working by conference mode in medium and large scale users
to support the recording line for more than 500 concurrent or above-scale.

3.2 Scenarios
The eSpace Audio Recorder is a highly integrated, easy to install, low power consumption
and easy maintenance advantages.
The eSpace Audio Recorder is based on the pure software approach to process data. The
eSpace Audio Recorder capacity can be expanded seamlessly by adding Log Servers and
licenses, ensure that the system smooth expansion and upgrading, maximize the protection of
customer resources.

3.2.1 Conference Mode

Two-node cluster deployment
Two SIP Servers are prepared for signaling interaction in conferences. SIP Servers send
RTP/SRTP streams to the Log Server cluster, and the Log Servers receive RTP/SRTP streams
to complete the recording process.
Figure 3-1 shows the network diagram of the eSpace Audio Recorder working in conference
mode(Two-node cluster).

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 3 Application Scenarios

Figure 3-1 Network diagram of the eSpace Audio Recorder working in conference

Log Servers function as the recording server and RTP/SRTP streams are transmitted in the conference to
complete the recording process.

Single Server deployment

Only one SIP Server is prepared for signaling interaction in conferences. SIP Servers send
RTP/SRTP streams to the Log Server cluster, and the Log Servers receive RTP/SRTP streams
to complete the recording process.
Figure 3-2shows the network diagram of the eSpace Audio Recorder working in conference
mode(Single Server)

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 3 Application Scenarios

Figure 3-2 Network diagram of the eSpace Audio Recorder working in conference mode(Single

Log Servers function as the recording server and RTP/SRTP streams are transmitted in the conference to
complete the recording process.

Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 4 Typical Configuration

4 Typical Configuration

Table 4-1 lists the configurations in conference mode(Two-node).

Table 4-1 Configurations in conference mode(Two-node)

Component Function Quantity Remarks

SIP Server Signaling interaction with 2 The SIP Server can be
eSpace U1900/USM/U2900 installed on the Log Server
Series Gateway, to receive
the recording start and stop
Log Server Receive RTP/SRTP data 2 This server supports
from the eSpace recording backup and
U1900/USM/U2900 Series deletion functions.
Gateway and generates
recording files.
IMP Maintains and manages Log 2 The IMP can be installed
Server parameters. on the Log Server.
Database Stores Log Server 1 The database can be
parameters and recording installed on the Log
data. Server.
NAS or SAN Storage and backup 1 /
recording files

Table 4-2 lists the configurations in conference mode(Single Server)

Table 4-2 Configurations in conference mode(Single Server)

Component Function Quantity Remarks

SIP Server Signaling interaction with One The SIP Server can be
eSpace U1900/USM/U2900 installed on the Log Server
Series Gateway, to receive
the recording start and stop

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 4 Typical Configuration

Log Server Receive RTP/SRTP data One or This server supports

from the eSpace more recording backup and
U1900/USM/U2900 Series deletion functions.
Gateway and generates
recording files.
IMP Maintains and manages Log One The IMP can be installed
Server parameters. on the Log Server.
Database Stores Log Server One The database can be
parameters and recording installed on the Log Server.
NAS or SAN Storage and backup One Please refer to the on-site
recording files environment.

Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 5 Operation and Maintenance

5 Operation and Maintenance

5.1 Introduction
The IMP provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for users to manage the entire eSpace
Audio Recorder.

5.2 Advantages
The IMP provides flexible ways to set HWLogVoice, HWLogDB, recording channels, and
user management parameters.
The eSpace Audio Recorder allows users to back up recording files from Log Servers to
network storage devices in real time or during off-peak hours. Real-time backup is
recommended for small- or medium-capacity call centers. Backup during off-peak hours
reduces network load and is recommended for large-capacity call centers.

Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 6 Technical Specifications

6 Technical Specifications

Table 6-1 lists the eSpace Audio Recorder technical specifications.

Table 6-1 Technical specifications

Item Parameter Remarks

Maximum number of Encrypted: 200 You are advised to
recording channels supported encrypt the recording
by a single Log Server files.
Recording success rate 99.99% N/A

Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 7 Webservice Interface

7 Webservice Interface

eSpace Audio Recorder need WCF interface to complete the part of the data between the the IMP server and
database interaction.
eSpace Audio Recorder webservice interface as follows:


Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13

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eSpace Audio RecorderProduct Description 8 Acronyms and Abbreviations

8 Acronyms and Abbreviations


IP Internet Protocol
IMP Integrated Management Platform
IAD Integrated Access Device

RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol
SRTP Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol
SBC Session Border Controller
SIP Session Initiation Protocol

U1900/USM/U2900 Unified Gateway

Issue 05 (2015-04-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 14

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