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PERFORMANCE TASK: July 7, 2021 (Pairwork)

Exercise 4: Toward Becoming an Ideal Filipino Citizen

Present Realities: The slow, scientific method of doing things, step by step, in an orderly manner is no
longer appreciated by many of the Filipino youth nowadays. Their fast-paced world surrounded with
computers, cell phones, televisions sets, among others, have given them instant answers to their
questions, without the use of their thinking and reasoning powers. Information gathered through mass
media and the internet are absorbed without filtering, and because of lack of critical thinking, many young
people have accepted that certain ideas like abuse of political power, materialism, preference for foreign
goods or practices are “in” while traditional teachings related to fairness and justice, social concern, moral
uprightness, love of country, and the like are “out.” Through logical reasoning, Filipinos, young and old
alike, should be able o identify the primary healthy personality characteristics of individual Filipinos which,
in turn, could enable them to fully function as human beings, thereby transforming themselves into ideal
Filipino citizen who could help build a more just and more humane Philippine society.

Follow the instructions and write your answer in the space provided.
1. Recall the enumerated healthy personality characteristics in Exercise 3 and list down the five most
important healthy personality characteristics in your opinion.

Openness to feelings
Straightforwardness (and being “frank, sincere, and ingenuous”)
Warmth (being affectionate and friendly)
Positive emotions (experiencing “joy, happiness, love, and excitement”)
Low levels of angry hostility
Low anxiety (not being “shy, fearful, nervous, tensed, and restless”)
Low depression
Low vulnerability to stress
Low impulsivity (being able to control cravings and urges)

5 most important healthy personality characteristics :


2. Of the five most important healthy personality characteristics in your list, identify the primary
healthy personality characteristic that must be developed first, in order that the others could also be
developed after this.

3. Reason out and why the chosen primary healthy personality characteristic could ensure the
development of the other healthy personality characteristics.

A healthy personality necessitates openness and desire toward all aspects of life, old and
new. It includes not only new experiences, but also new ideas, thoughts, letting go of old habits,
and accepting change. Openess also discusses the importance of creativity and a good
imagination in developing others.

4. State the relationship between the primary healthy personality characteristic and the characteristics
of an ideal Filipino citizen-socially concerned, productive, morally, upright, and patriotic.

Pakikisama is involved in important idea in the Philippines. In its most basic sense,
‘pakikisama’ means going along with others. Its basic etymological source is ‘sama’ (to go with). A
derived term is ‘kasama’ (companion; together with). In the social interaction context, ‘pakikisama’
means ‘getting along with others’, and ideally getting along ‘well’ with others. The first part of the
term ‘paki-’ is also significant, since it also happens to be the Tagalog affix for ‘please’. It’s as if the
individual is being requested to ‘please’ get along well one’s fellow human beings
“Hiya” is an important idea in the Philippines. It literally translates to ‘a sense of
shame. Sometimes hiya is interpreted as ‘face’, as in ‘losing face’, but that is not the
whole story. “Filipinos are very sensitive to personal affront. They try, as much as
possible, to avoid feeling “hiya”, a painful emotion or deep shame arising from a
realization of having failed to live up to the standards of Filipino society. It is a kind of
anxiety, a fear of being left exposed, unprotected and unaccepted. It is a fear of being
shunned by their society, which would mean personal humiliation.
“Amor propio” is Spanish word which means self –love; a sense of self-esteem or
self respect that prevents a person from swallowing his pride. According to the
Philippines Australia Business Council: Amor propio often implies a vindictive reaction to
questioning an individual’s action, integrity, or honor. Injury is personal and does not
need to be shared; it is enough to the aggrieved person that injury has been inflicted.
Amor propio is like a high tension wire, which holds an individuals self-respect and
esteem and provides protection from rebuff. Amor propio is not aroused by every insult
or offensive remark, but only by those which hit at an individual’s most highly valued
attributes. If amor propio is aroused, the impulse to hit back physically or verbally often
overrides pakikisama and the desire to avoid violence.
5. Trace the origin of the primary healthy personality characteristic that will enable an individual to be
an ideal Filipino citizen like Dr. Jose Rizal. Get clues from the lyrics of the song “the Greatest Love
of All.”

I believe the children are our are future

Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone who fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be
And so I learned to depend on me.

Exercise 5: Developing a Positive Self-Concept

Present Realities: Self-concept or self-esteem is a set of beliefs about one’s personal qualities and
typical behavior. Moretti and Higgins (1990) stated that: “when people live up to their personal standards
(ideal selves), they experience high/positive self-concept; when they don’t meet their own expectations,
their self-concept suffers.” Harter (1993) said that: “the foundations for the high or low self-concept appear
to be laid early in life.” For this reason, psychologists focused much of their attention on the role of
parenting in self-concept development. Indeed, there is ample evidence that personal involvement,
acceptance, support, and exposure to clearly defined limits have marked influence on their children’s self-
concept. The nature of man’s self-evaluation has profound effects on his thinking process, emotions,
desires, values, and goals. It is the single most important key to his behavior; therefore, his becoming an
ideal Filipino citizen who is socially concerned, patriotic, productive, and morally upright is dependent on his
having a positive or good self-concept. “Colonial mentality” (preference for foreign ideas and goods), “hiya”
(Shyness or unexplained humility), “inggit” (envy for other’s good fortune) among Filipinos are contributory
factors to the Filipinos’ obvious low self-concept which probably hinder their development into ideal Filipino
citizens who could help in nation-building.

Follow the instructions and write your answers in the space provided.
1. List down your strengths and your weaknesses and explain how these developed. Do list at home,
in the privacy of your room, or in any quiet place.

Strength: creativity, versatility, flexibility, focused, taking initiative

Weaknesses: public speaking, self criticism, presentation of skills,

2. What is the importance of having a positive self-concept?

The value of having a healthy/positive self-concept becomes more evident when we recognize how
much it influences our ability to manage our emotional experiences. However, it doesn’t stop there.
A positive self-concept also impacts how far you will go to solve a problem or achieve a goal. It
also has an impact on how you use your physiology when confronted with challenges, obstacles,
and problems. A positive self-concept influences the questions you ask yourself every day, as well
as how you interact with others and think about yourself, others, and your situations. When all of
this is taken into account, your self-concept effectively defines what you will do or not do at any
particular time. As a result, it has an impact on your natural ability to do, be, have, and achieve
your goals. To summarize, having a healthy/positive self-concept will help you advance in life. It will
enable you to reach your full potential by maximizing your strengths, talents, and abilities.

3. Give the relationship of a positive self-concept with the characteristics of persons with a healthy
personality and ideal Filipino citizens.
A person's self-concept is their perception of themselves, encompassing their characteristics
and who and what they are. According to Carl Rodgers (1959), the self-concept is made up of
three parts: self-image, self-esteem, and ideal self. The opinion a person has of oneself is
influenced by external sources such as parental influences, friends, and the media. Self-Esteem
is a measure of how much a person likes, accepts, approves, or values themselves. It
entails a self-evaluation that can result in either a negative or positive assessment of
oneself. The ideal self is the person you want to be. However, the ideal self is not always
realistic, and there can be inconsistencies between the ideal self and actual experience
(McLeod, 2008).
4. How can you apply to yourself these learning gained from this exercise?

By identifying the gaps in my knowledge. Transferring a notion or piece of knowledge to a

new context will be more challenging if you don't fully comprehend it. With this in mind, it's
critical to identify any knowledge gaps and then focus on improving your weaker areas. Practice
testing is an ideal approach to do this because you'll be able to see exactly what types of
questions you're getting wrong and what topics you still need to learn. Similarly, practice exams
will reveal the topics you have previously mastered, allowing you to concentrate on the areas
that require the most improvement.

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