Systems Analysis and Design

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(Exam Period: 21ST JUNE 2021 –JULY 11TH 2021)

PAPER : Systems Analysis and Design

EVEL : Degree / Diploma

STUDY SESSION : Day /Evening/Weekend/ Distance


TIME : 9AM – 9PM



1. Attempt FOUR (4) questions. All questions carry equal marks.

2. Apportion your time according to the marks allocated to each question.

3. Read the QUESTIONS and INSTRUCTIONS carefully before attempting

to answer.

4. Nkumba University examinations are conducted in accordance with the

Nkumba University Senate General Rules and Regulations 2009. Breach
of the above regulation, irregularity, or any other contravention of the
examination regulations will automatically lead to disqualification and/or
subsequent disciplinary action by University Senate.
Que. 1

Suppose you have been tasked by the Academic Registrar of your university to
help him design an Admission Information System. He then narrates the
following statement to you:

A person interested applies for admission and returns the form to the
Admissions office. Every day, received applications are then forwarded to the
Academic Registrar’s office to be verified and hence decide who to admit or
reject depending on the admission criteria and qualifications. An admission
letter containing Rules and Regulations of the university together with the
structure of all university dues to be paid is then sent to successful applicants
after thorough verification. A successful applicant is expected to make
payments either fully or in installments, within two weeks of receiving the
admission letter to make sure that he or she is serious of the place. The AR’s
office processes the Admissions, and an admission number on a green card is
given to the applicant only when he has fully paid the tuition fees and has been
verified by the Accounts office. This card and the admission number are used
for further registrations from which an applicant finally gets a registration
(Index) number. A student who pays half (½) of the tuition fee is given a blue
card that bears a number that was on his application form. Those who pay less
than half (½) are also given a card bearing their application number but this
card is red in color. All students who have not fully paid the dues are given one
month to clear. A reminder is issued to them one week to the end of the one
month period, however, those who have paid half (½) of the dues are not sent a
warning letter of termination. The AR keeps a record of all rejected and
admitted applicants of that year in various disciplines.


a) Represent the statement above as a context DFD. (9marks)

b) Decompose the AR’s office into functional areas (3marks)
c) Deduce Level 1 DFD of this system (13marks)

You have been requested by the Dean of SBA Nkumba University to design an
Information system to help in the school’s information needs.

a) Identify the needed information requirements for this school’s information

system in terms of inputs to the system, processes needed to transform the
inputs, outputs from the school, control mechanisms used to check the
outputs (13marks)
b) Suggest a general name of the information system requested above and
write three(3) functional and two (2) non functional requirement for that
system, clearly spelling out how each of those requirements will benefit the
user. (12marks)


a) Assume you are to do a systems analysis of the finance department of

Nkumba University. State major documents that are needed for obtaining
operational information for this department (give the use of each document
you have stated) (12marks)
b) Assume now that you are to investigate the working of the finance
department of Nkumba university with an intention of improving or
enhancing its working, giving reasons, suggest improvement or
modifications in the data items of the documents you have mentioned in a)
that may be adopted to control finance mishaps in this department.

Housing Finance Corporation (HFC) is an approved and professionally
managed organization extending loans to those who wish to construct their
own homes. They have computerized all their activities. The organization wants
to know the efficiency of its services to customers pertaining to waiting time
during each visit, the number of visits required for getting the loan sanctioned,
the dissemination of information regarding documents to be presented,
satisfaction level and any other information that pertains to their customer

a) Write down five(5) specific objectives to guide you in data collection

b) Design a questionnaire to be distributed to the customer(s) for getting
maximum information about the customer service. Your questionnaire
should contain both fixed and non-fixed format questions. (15marks)
The Nkumba University ICT department (NUICT) calls you to be part of a
development and enhancement team of an ODEL (Online Distance E-Learning).

a) Write a report of not more than three (3) pages (excluding the cover page) on
the risks that may be involved in this system development in relation to
Nkumba University. (13marks)
b) Write a report of not more than three (3) pages explaining the different
strategies you can use to mitigate the risks you wrote in the report above.

Some teachers at the Kampala International School use computers to store
records of their students including examination results. The Head teacher Peter
Onyango has decided that all teachers will use computers to keep their
assessment records and that this information will bestowed centrally. In order
to introduce this new system Peter has asked Mary, a systems analyst, to
analyse the existing paper-based system that a number of teachers are still
using. Each student has a unique ten-digit student number.
After the analysis phase Mary will design the new system. Part of this process
will be the design of validation checks. Mary will use presence checks and
existence checks on the student number and presence checks on the
examination scores, which are marks out of 100. In addition, Mary will need to
decide on other validation checks. Nov 2010

a. Describe two methods that Mary could use to record the information
about the current system (10marks)
After the system has been developed, the entry of examination results
will be tested.
b. Describe a suitable test plan with appropriate test data (15marks).


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