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‫فاطمه جاسم محمد‬

1- Some small size protein less than 65 KDa is filtered through the kidney by which of
the following mechanism
a) Protein channels
b) Endocytosis
c) Cotransport with Na+
d) None of the above

2- The glomerular filtration rate is determined by the balance of hydrostatic and

colloidal osmotic pressure. Which of the following promote the glomerular filtration?
a) hydrostatic pressure of glomerular capillary
b) oncotic pressure of the glomerular capillary
c) hydrostatic pressure of Bowman's capsule
d) Oncotic pressure of Bowman's capsule

3- Presence of myoglobin in urine

a) Overload proteinuria
b) Tubular proteinuria
c) Glomerular proteinuria
d) Postrenal proteinuria

4- Which of the following statement is true regarding renal plasma flow?

a) The renal blood flow is approximately 25% of cardiac output
b) Vasoconstriction of renal arterioles lead to a decrease in renal blood flow
c) Vasodilatation of renal arterioles lead to an increase in renal blood flow
d) All of the above

5-A 30-year-old male is diagnosed with urinary tract obstruction. he is expected to

have hydronephrosis and a decreased glomerular filtration rate caused by:

A. decreased renal blood flow.

B. decreased peritubular capillary pressure.
C. increased hydrostatic pressure in the glomerular capsule.
D. stimulation of antidiuretic hormone.

6- A 24-year-old female is diagnosed with renal calculus that is causing obstruction. Which of
the following symptoms would she most likely experience?

A. Anuria
B. Haematuria
C. Pyuria
D. Flank pain

7-A 75-year-old male complains to his physician of loss of urine with cough, sneezing, or
laughing. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Urge incontinence
B. Stress incontinence
C. Overflow incontinence
D. Functional incontinence

8- The nurse determines that a patient with acute renal failure has prerenal oliguria when
a. Urine testing reveals a low specific gravity
b. The causative factor is malignant hypertension
c. Urine testing reveals a high sodium concentration
d. Reversal of the oliguria occurs with fluid replacement

9- Metabolic acidosis occurs in the oliguric phase of acute renal failure as a result of
a. Ammonia synthesis
b. Excretion of sodium
c. Excretion of bicarbonate
d. Conservation of potassium

10- During the nursing assessment of the patient with renal insufficiency, the nurse asks the
patient specifically about a history of
a. Angina
b. Asthma
c. Hypertension
d. Rheumatoid arthritis

11- Signs and symptoms of chronic rejection of the kidney are caused by
a. Recurrence of the original kidney disease
b. Gradual occlusion or the renal blood vessels
c. T-cytotoxic cell attack on the foreign kidney
d. Destruction of kidney tissue by sensitized antibodies

12-The most common condition associated with the development of acute

pyelonephritis is:

A. cystitis.
B. renal cancer.
C. urinary tract obstruction.
D. nephrotic syndrome.

13- A 15-year-old female presents with flank pain, irritability, malaise, and fever.
Tests reveal
glomerulonephritis. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
B. Immunoglobulin A nephropathy
C. Nephrotic syndrome
D. Potter syndrome

14-A 42-year-old male is involved in a motor vehicle accident during which he loses a
lot of blood.
He develops acute kidney injury caused by:

A. kidney stones.
B. immune complex deposition in the glomerulus.
C. inadequate renal blood flow.
D. obstruction of the proximal tubule.

15- Wilms tumors are found in the:

A. kidneys.
B. ureters.
C. bladder.
D. urethra.

16-The ascending limb of the Loop of Henle is more permeable to:

a. sodium and chloride

b. water
c. bicarbonate
d. sodium

17-The functional unit of the kidney is the:

a. loop of Henle
b. bladder
c. nephron
d. glomerulus.

18-Which of the following is not considered to be a major renal process?

a. Tubular reabsorption
b. Glomerular filtration
c. Tubular secretion
d. Micturition

19-Loop diuretics inhibit the:

a. Na+-K+-2CI- transporters
b. Na+-CI+ transporters
c. carbonic anhydrase transporters
d. water molecule transporters.

20-Which is not a function of the kidney?

a. Blood pressure regulation
b. Blood pH regulation
c. Urea excretion
d. Antidiuretic hormone synthesis

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