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Determined the mass of the metal

Placed 150cm3 of water in a polystyrene cup and recorded the initial temperature of the water

Placed the metal in a water bath and heated it for approximately 10 minutes.

Measured the temperature of the water bath

Quickly transferred the metal into the polystyrene cup of water.

Recorded the highest reading on the thermometer.

Calculated the specific heat capacity of the metal.

Mass of metal block: 0.20kg

Initial temperature of the metal block: 100 °C

Final temperature of the metal block: 39 °C

Drop in temperature of the metal block:

=100 °C-39 °C

=61 °C

Mass of water: 0.15 kg

Initial temperature of the water: 32 °C

Final temperature of the water: 39 °C

Rise in temperature of the water:

=39 °C-32 °C

=7 °C

EH = mcΔθ

Heat energy = mass (m) x specific heat capacity(c) x change in temperature (Δθ)
Heat energy lost by the block = heat energy gained by the water
m (metal) x c (metal) x Δθ (metal) = m (water) x c (water) x Δθ (water)

0.2 kg x c x 61°C = 0.15 kg x 4200 Jkg^-1°C^-1 x 7°C

= 12.2 x c = 4410 J

Specific heat capacity = Q/m∆t

c = 4410 J / 0.2 kg x 61°C

c = 361.48 Jkg^-1°C^-1

The specific heat capacity of the metal = 361.48 Jkg^-1°C^-1

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