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------------ SEMESl'ER MID TERM EXAMINATl()N: ------------- 2020

PROGRAMME NAME: ll. Tech (CSE)- 4' 11 Semester

COURSE COOE: CSE-201 COURSE Tlll,E: Databa~c Managemen t ~ystcm

J imi:: 1:00 Hrs __ __)vla.\__Mar'k<,; 20

- --·---- - - - · - - ---------- - - - ·----..--. ·-------- --
Note: Attempt All questio11.,· of both the sections.

Section -A

9,'i _\Vh~t is the difference between database sc hema and databaSL'. ,: tale. Which one of th~m is liable to
change frequently and \Vhy? .

91-:,. \Vhat rok does the concept of foreign key play when speci fy ing the most comrrwn types of
me,:mingful joi n operations?

Q3 . _\\' hat is the difference between logical data independence and physical data Indepcmh..·nc-.<> Which
one lS harder to achieve? \Vhv ',.

/ Section -B
((4. Assume we have the fo llowing application that models soccer teams, the games they pfay. and the
players in each team. In the J esig n, we want to capture the fo llov.ring:
• We have a set of teams. each team has an ID ( unique identifie r ). n.arne , main :-stadium. ·:rnJ t •., -... b ic.h
ciry this team belongs.
• Each team has many players, and each player be lo ngs to one team . Eac h player has a Ht ,rn \Y..: r I un1.qu :
ide~tifier), name, DoB. start year, and shirt number that he uses.
• Teams play matches, in each match there is a host team and a guest team . The match takes place in the
stadium of the host team.
• For each match we need to keep track of the following:
o The date on which the game is played
o The final result of the match.,
o The players participated in the match. For each player, how many goals he sco red, whether or
not he took yellow card, and whether or not he took red card.
o During the match, one player may substitute another player. We want to capture this substitu£i0n
and the time at which it took place.

I Each match has exactly three referees. For each referee we have an TD (unique_ identifi~f), name.
DoB, years of experience. One referee is the main referee and the other two are ass1stanr rd eree_
Design an ER diagram to capture the above requirements. State any assumptions you have that at1ect5
your design ( use the back of the page if needed). Make sure cardinalities and primary keys are clear.
. · · · . .· u q· ueries in Relatio nal
._ . . , . . S .,. · fv the follow 1n~ . · ._
. Q) .. Cons1der the COtv1PAN-'i relational database. pt;Cl -; - . ·
and Tuple relational Calculus.

En1ployee Enan1e, SSn, Bdate,Addrcss, Fender, Salary ,Super_S 5 n, Ono

Department Dnan1e, Dnun1ber Mgr_ssn,Mgr_start_date

Dept_locations Dnumber, Dlocation

Project Pname,Pnumber,plocation,Dnmn
Works on Essn Pno Hours
- -=-aa'-"=~-'

/ Find the names of all employees who work for "AMITY". ·

/ , i n d the names and address of residence of all employees who work for "AMITY''.

/.Find the names, address Of residence of all employees who work for " AMITY" and earn. more
· than · l 00,000 per annun).

/Retrieve the names of airemployees who work on every project.

e. For each depart1nent, retrieve the departn1ent nan1e and the average salary of a\\ enlp\oy ees
working in that departn1ent.

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