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Writing activities

Task 1. Read and identify the following activities as Learning to Write LTW (how to express
ideas in written form) or Writing to Learn WTL(writing as a means- for practicing vocabulary,
grammar spelling, punctuation 2. Then analyze them according to the following criteria:

- Does it have a communicative purpose?

- Is it a coherent piece of writing?
- Does it practice real life writing skill? (Is it authentic)
- Does it have audience in mind?

# Activities LTW or WTL

1 making sentences with vocabulary words

2 writing a description of their best friend using at least three

descriptive adjectives

3 writing a story with a clear beginning, middle, & end

4 using the persuasive format given in class to write a letter to their

parents asking for a new phone

5 practice exercise 5 from the textbook using present perfect

6 writing a dialogue with their partner about ordering food in a


7 summarizing an article they read in class using at least two

transition words

8 journaling about their weekend activities

9 writing a paragraph with a main idea and three supporting details

10 Write a blog about bullying and post in the Facebook group of our

11 Write a dialogue including the new vocabulary words just studied.

12 Write a school development project. The project will be put up on

the school website in the “Students’ Initiatives” Section.

13 Write 5 sentences expressing your opinion about pollution and

how the problem need to be solved. Use phrases for expressing
opinions as well as other linkers.

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