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Summer Pack Solution (English)




Irsa Javed

Q- Read the passage carefully and tick the true statement and cross the fa


i. Hazrat Abu Bakr was born in Madina. ✖

ii. His wife's name was Ayesha. ✖

iii. The prophet peace be upon him bestowed him the title of Siddiq. ✅

iv. Hazrat Umar is considered the Prophet's companion during the

migration. ✖

v. Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A. was elected as the fourth caliph of Islam. ✖

Q- Write about the family of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique?

Ans- Abu Bakr was born in Makkah. His father's name was Uthman also

known as Abu Quhafa, and his mother was Salma. He and his wife,

Zaynab, had six children: Aisha, Abdullah, Asma, Abd Al-Rahman, Umm

Kulthum, and Muhammad.

Q- Write about his contribution to Islam?

Ans- After his conversion, he spent his wealth in the service of Islam by

giving alms, freeing slaves, and supporting the work of Muhammad, fully

parting with his riches when he was elected caliph. Abu Bakr was among the

first Muslims. Being very persuasive, Abu Bakr convinced several other

people to convert to Islam after his own conversion, including Uthman bin

Affan, the third caliph. Abu Bakir is considered the Prophet’s companion

during the migration.

Q- When and where did Hazrat Abu Bakr die?

Ans- He died in Medina and is buried next to the Prophet P.B.U.H.

Q- How long did Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique reign?

Ans- Hazrat Abu Bakr's reign lasted for 2 years, 3 months and 11 days.

➢ Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.

i. Horses’ hooves are like our fingernails which need to be trimmed.

ii. Horses are herbivorous meaning they do not eat other animals.

iii. Therapy horses help people with disabilities to become calm and comfortable.
Reading task page number 3

Write complete answers.

Q- What is the difference between a horse and a human diet?

Ans- The differences between a horse's diet and a human's diet are: Horses

are herbivores and can only eat plants while humans are omnivores and

hence, they can eat both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals.

Q- Why do horses sleep standing up in the wild?

Ans- To protect themselves, horses instead doze while standing. They're able

to do this through the stay apparatus, a special system of tendons and

ligaments that enables a horse to lock the major joints in its legs. The horse

can then relax and nap without worrying about falling.

Q- Why do some horses work as therapy horses?

Ans- Horses have become the most popular animal to use in animal therapy

because they give immediate feedback to the handler or rider's actions.

Horses also have the ability to mirror the feelings of the handler or rider.

Horses' large and intimidating appearance forces and individuals to gain trust

around them.
Q- Did you have any misconceptions (something you thought you knew but

found out to be incorrect after reading the passage) what were they?

Ans- I thought Horses can only sleep by sitting.

Q2- Write the meaning of the following words.

Words Meanings

Creature A living organism

Mammal Any warm-blooded vertebrate

Predator Any animal that lives by preying on

other animals

Trimmed cut down to the desired size

Therapy Treatment of someone with mental or

physical illness without the use of drugs

or operations

Words meaning and sentences unit

number one where we live now

➢ Write the meaning of the following words.

Words English Meanings Urdu Meanings

Trekked Journey on foot, especially in ‫اہپڑوں رپدیپلرفس‬

the mountains

Landslides A slide of a large mass of dirt ‫یٹمےکوتدےیااہپڑےکڑکٹےاکٹک‬

and rock down a mountain

Threatened Present a danger ‫رطخہ‬

Sedative A drug that reduces ‫کک‬

‫ُسونآ َوردوا‬
excitability and calms a


Commotion A noisy disturbance ‫اَف َراتری‬

Congestion Excessive crowding ‫ڑیھباھبڑ‬

Devastating Critical or damaging ‫ابتہک‬

Enormously To a great extent ‫تہبزیادہ‬

Nomad Wanderer ‫اخہندبوش‬

Illiterate Uneducated ‫یاوخادنہ‬

Barest Completely unclothed ‫برنہ‬

➢ Use the following words in your sentences.

Words Sentences

Panther The panther is chasing a rabbit.

Exotic I traveled to exotic places.

Escape The thief escaped from prison

Predict These signs predict bad news.

Word meaning unit number 2

The sea
➢ Read the chapter the king and the tide and write the meaning of the following words.

Words English Meanings Urdu Meanings

Excessive More than is necessary ‫رضورتےسزیادہ‬

Groan make a deep inarticulate ‫رکاانہ‬

sound conveying pain
Eagerly in a keenly expectant or ‫ےبربصیےس‬
interested manner.

Expect Consider reasonable or due ‫وتعق‬

Praising express warm approval or ‫داددنی‬


Ruined Irreparably damaged or ‫بریادرکدیا‬


Q1- What do you think? What is the message of the story, The king

and the Tide?

Ans- The message of the story is that there is only one King who is

all-powerful, and it is He, Who rules the sea, and holds the ocean in

the hollow of his hand.

Q2- What is the meaning of King's words in the text: 'No king is

powerful enough to command the time.'

Ans- It means that that there is only one King who is all-powerful, and

it is He, Who rules the sea, and holds the ocean in the hollow of his


Q3- Why the courtiers were 'wiser men' at the end of the story?
Ans- They were wiser men because they learnt that their lesson.

Form of verbs
➢ Learn and write forms of verb

Sr# 1st Form 2nd Form 3rd Form

1 Do does done
2 Buy Bought Bought
3 Come Came come
4 Add Added Added
5 Feed Fed Fed
6 Call Called Called
7 Read Read Read
8 bring Brought Brought
9 teach taught taught
10 Cure cured cured
11 learn learnt learnt
12 See saw seen
13 Drink drank drunk
14 Greet greeted greeted
15 pay paid paid

Present tense practice

➢ Translate into English.

‫وہہرروزریسوکاجیاےہ۔‬ -1

He goes for walks every day.

‫ڈوےتبوکےکنتاکاہسرا۔‬ ‫‪-2‬‬

‫‪A drowning man will clutch at a straw.‬‬

‫متوھجےٹاہبےنانبےتوہ۔‬ ‫‪-3‬‬

‫‪You make lame excuses.‬‬

‫وہگاہرپںیہناتھچپیاےہ۔‬ ‫‪-4‬‬

‫‪He does not repent of sin.‬‬

‫ایکوہیسکیکرپواہںیہنرکےتںیہ؟‬ ‫‪-5‬‬

‫?‪Don't they care about anyone‬‬

‫وہدیادتناریےساکمںیہنرکراہےہ۔‬ ‫‪-6‬‬

‫‪He is not working honestly.‬‬

‫وہیطلغرکرےہںیہ۔‬ ‫‪-7‬‬

‫‪They are making a mistake.‬‬

‫ومالسداھریارشوہریہےہ۔‬ ‫‪-8‬‬

‫‪It's raining heavily.‬‬

‫ڈنھٹیڈنھٹیوہالچریہےہ۔‬ ‫‪-9‬‬

‫‪The cool breeze is blowing.‬‬

‫ںیمےناانپودعہوپرارکدیاےہ۔‬ ‫‪-10‬‬

‫‪I have fulfilled my promise.‬‬

‫وممسبراسترشوعوہاکچےہ۔‬ ‫‪-11‬‬
The rainy season has begun.

‫ایکمتیازیجےکچوہ؟‬ -12

Have you won?

‫ڑلےکٹفیالںیہنلیھکرےہںیہ۔‬ -13

Boys are not playing football.

‫ایکوہطخھکلاکچےہ؟‬ -14

Has he written the letter?

‫املسگنتپاڑایاےہ۔‬ -15

Aslam flies kite.

Present tense activity

➢ Complete the following sentences with the correct verb.
1 Walks

2 Try

3 drinks

4 Run

5 Work

6 Drives

7 bakes

8 Sleep
Active / Passive Voice
i. Is a lie told by you?
ii. Is a song sung by you?
iii. My clothes are not washed by him?
iv. Hockey is played by him.
v. Tea is being taken by her.
vi. The egg has not been laid by the hen.
vii. Is a bell being rung by the peon?
viii. English is being taught by teacher.
ix. Are they helped by us every day?
x. I am being bitten by the mosquitoes.

Grammar Skills
➢ Complete the sentences by adding definite or indefinite articles.

i. Visitors to Perth always visit King's Park which is a scenic, natural

bush area overlooking the city.
ii. In the park, there is a war memorial from which visitors can see the
whole city.
iii. It is the capital city of the state of Western Australia.
iv. In the park, there is also a cross-section of an ancient tree.
v. You will certainly want to see the wild flowers.
vi. The wild flower festival is held in spring every year.

Page no. 14
➢ Listen to news updates on any news channel. Make headlines and
prepare a report.


Indonesia Covid: Hospitals beyond capacity amid deadly wave


Despite a lockdown, Indonesia has been unable to contain the spread of the
coronavirus. Cases and deaths are rising, and oxygen is in short supply.
Hospitals are full and patients are being treated in tents outside. Some patients
are being turned away. There is also an acute oxygen shortage, making the
situation even more dire.
In some parts of the country, authorities are using unconventional methods to
persuade people to abide by restrictions and to raise awareness about

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