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Brian Greenberg, SAP

Spotlight Article | SAP Services

This article appeared in the Jan Feb Mar 2010 issue of SAPinsider (
n n

and appears here with permission from the publisher, Wellesley Information Services (WIS).

Benefit from Experience

Ensure Smooth Implementations, Efficient Upgrades, and
Continuous Operations with SAP Safeguarding

Over the past several years, SAP has seen many of gained from supporting SAP customers and their
you use and deploy SAP solutions in your own way. installations for more than three decades. Customers
Your stories are unique — you have different configu- can benefit from our experience and know-how when
rations, applications, interfaces, modifications, and they engage in SAP Safeguarding services.
technology stacks. The key to SAP Safeguarding for software imple-
Yet despite your unique situations, you are encoun- mentation and upgrade projects is to identify, assess,
tering similar challenges. You face conflicting and mitigate technical risks. Proactive checks and
Brian Greenberg (brian.
demands: Your IT organization is tasked with not only diagnostics identify relevant risk factors and offer is a nine- guaranteeing business continuity and driving innova- remediation early in the project life cycle. Early identi-
year veteran at SAP. In his current
role with SAP Active Global
tion, but also reducing costs and risks. And you’re fication will reduce or eliminate costly downtime and
Support, Brian is responsible for striving to effectively deploy and run SAP solutions to delays and provide ample time for resolving any
positioning SAP Safeguarding
offerings for customers and
gain faster time-to-benefit while still maintaining performance bottlenecks, should they occur. During
prospects. Some of his respon­- flexibility for innovation and rapid growth. an SAP Safeguarding engagement, you will collaborate
sibilities include scoping each
engagement, as well as negotiating
To help you tackle these issues, SAP has developed with SAP technical quality managers and their delivery
terms and conditions for all SAP the following service portfolios, which include various teams to determine the factors that pose risks to your
Safeguarding contracts.
analysis and optimization services and activities: project. These risks will be addressed through our
services to work toward a successful go-live.
 SAP Safeguarding for Integration Validation
An SAP Safeguarding engagement also provides
 SAP Safeguarding for Upgrades the knowledge and enablement required for improv-
ing existing IT operations using the Run SAP method-
 SAP Safeguarding for Operations
ology and SAP standards for solution operations. The
Not only do these comprehensive portfolios offer Run SAP methodology enables you to optimize the
insight and guidance from the SAP Active Global implementation and ongoing management of end-to-
Only when your IT Support organization, but they’re also designed to end solution operations.
team, business users, help your IT staff enhance its effectiveness and level
and key vendors
of understanding of your company’s IT infrastructure. Maximize Your Entire Application Life
collaborate can your
This is done through a codified system of knowledge Cycle: Implementation, Upgrade, and
enterprise overcome
its pressing challenges
transfer, so IT can continue to efficiently maintain Ongoing Operations
and leverage your and monitor systems and business processes after SAP Safeguarding consists of a combination of on-
systems as a competi- the service engagement is over. site and remote services, delivered by SAP support
tive advantage. engineers, that can be leveraged throughout an
Customers Asked, SAP Answered application life cycle to mitigate technical risks and
We developed these SAP Safeguarding offerings help establish or adapt high-performing operations.
in response to you, our customers, and your need to You’ll be better equipped to avoid complications
more proactively address potentially mission-critical from the outset of your IT projects if you employ
issues before they occur. The services represent SAP Safeguarding. Let’s review three best practices
our collective, cumulative technical expertise and for optimizing the life cycle of your applications with
knowledge (both product- and non-product-related) the help of SAP Safeguarding.

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1. Reduce the Risk and Cost of New Technology add more capacity, it’s economically prudent to
Implementing new technology and applications assess a system’s current capacity to see if it is under-
typically involves more applications, servers, desk- utilized or underperforming compared to its potential.
tops, network capacity, and new or changed business Companies should continuously manage business
processes than an upgrade does. Therefore, the out- processes in a standardized and cost-effective manner
come of new implementations can suffer if a company after going live with software.
doesn’t conduct careful tests pertaining to both inte- SAP Safeguarding for Operations establishes the
gration and performance, especially in complex IT end-to-end SAP standards for solution operations
environments. Failing to ensure adequate testing can and a certified support organization that can not
increase the overall costs and risks of implementa- only manage the current IT operation smoothly, but
tions and negatively impact subsequent operations. also drive solution operations safely through new
SAP Safeguarding for Integration Validation challenges. This engagement also provides services
improves integration testing procedures by using the for continuous improvement that can be used to
advanced root-cause analysis capabilities that SAP eliminate existing performance issues and to proac-
Solution Manager provides. This helps identify issues tively combat potential problems.
and their root causes much earlier, minimizing the
time needed for test completion. This engagement Experience Matters
provides SAP experts to help ensure a successful SAP Safeguarding services have been performed tens
Leveraging SAP implementation and help enable manageable and of thousands of times around the globe. Leveraging
Safeguarding services reliable ongoing operations of your SAP software. these services guarantees that you’re using the most
guarantees that you
complete and extensive knowledgebase around SAP
are using the most
2. Identify Upgrade Challenges Before They Turn solutions to effectively manage your organization’s
complete and extensive
knowledgebase around
into Problems application life cycle. Our customer-tailored approach
SAP solutions to The upgrade process is an area in IT that offers results in successful implementation, upgrade, and IT
effectively manage both rewards and risks. On the one hand, upgraded operation improvement projects and can enable your
your organization’s applications offer more features and functionality, SAP solutions to perform even better than expected.
application life cycle. and they frequently have the potential for more inno- For more information, please visit
vation based on that new functionality. On the other services/bysubject/support/index.epx and click on
hand, upgrades of specific components, especially the SAP Safeguarding link. n
within an application used enterprise wide, require a
keen awareness of dependencies and compatibilities.
These dependencies can appear in both software
code and business processes. When a component
targeted for an upgrade has been customized for
specific business needs, IT must take even more care  “Roadmaps and Methodology: Get the Most
to ensure that user-driven changes don’t conflict with Out of Your Implementations, Upgrades,
a vendor’s code changes. and SAP Systems” by Brad Saxon (Solution
SAP Safeguarding for Upgrades offers a holistic, Manager Expert, Volume 1, Update 1,
end-to-end approach that can assist you in proac-
tively identifying and addressing potential challenges  The SAP Solution Manager, Enterprise
associated with an SAP solution upgrade before any Edition and Support seminar for optimiz-
business disruptions occur. With a proven methodol- ation strategies, best practices, and
ogy and service engagements conducted during guidelines (for dates and locations, see
various quality gates, an organization can effectively
identify risks to preempt problems.  “7 Best Practices You Can Put in Place
Now to Make Your Future Upgrade a
3. Maintain Standards to Stabilize and Enhance Breeze” by Evan J. Albright
Your IT Operations (SAP NetWeaver Magazine, Fall 2008,
Companies have invested heavily in their IT infra-
structure. While there are always opportunities to

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