CHM131 General Chemistry Tutorial 5: Redox Reaction

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1. Define the following terms :

a) Redox reaction
b) Oxidizing agent

2. Determine the O.N. of each element:

a) Cr in CrCl₃
b) Cr in Cr₂O₇2⁻
c) N in NO₃⁻
d) Cl in HClO

3. Determine the oxidation numbers of each underlined element in each of the

following :
a) K₂Cr₂O₇
b) KMnO₄
c) SO₄2⁻
d) NH₄⁺
e) N₂H₄
f) N2O5
g) PO₄ᶾ⁻
h) Na₂SO₃

4. Balance the following half-reaction occurring in acidic solution by ion electron

a) BiO₃⁻ → Biᶾ⁻
b) Pb2⁺ → PbO₂

5. Balance the following oxidation-reduction equation occurring in acidic solution by
ion electron method.
a) NH₃ + O₂ → NO + H₂O
b) As₂O₃ + NO₃⁻ → H₃AsO₄ + NO
c) Cr₂O₇2⁻ + H₃AsO₃ → H₃AsO₄ + Crᶾ⁺

6. Determine the oxidation number of Au in AuCl₄⁻.

7. Consider following redox reaction in acidic medium

Ce⁴ ⁺ + SO₃2⁻ → Ceᶾ⁺ + SO₄2⁻
a) Balance the equation for the above reaction occurring in acidic solution.
b) Determine which is the oxidizing and reducing agent.

8. Given Cr₂O₇2⁻ + H₂S → Crᶾ⁺ + S

a) Write a balanced redox equation for this reaction in acidic solution.
b) Identify the oxidizing and reducing agent in the above reaction.

9. Consider the following redox reaction in acidic solution

Ni ⁺ + IO₄⁻ → Niᶾ⁺ + I⁻
a) Write a balance equation for the above equation.
b) Identify the oxidizing agent and reducing agent.

10. Given Cl⁻ + Cr₂O₇2⁻ → Cl⁻ + Crᶾ⁺

a) Balance the above redox reaction in acidic solution.
b) Determine which is the oxidizing and reducing agent.

11. Given Cl₂ + SO₂ → Cl⁻ + SO₄2⁻

a) What is meant by redox reaction?
b) Balance the above redox reaction in acidic solution.
c) Name the oxidizing agent and reducing agent involved in the reaction.
d) Calculate the oxidation number for sulphur before and after the reaction.

12. Based on the following redox equation which occurs in acidic medium :
NO₃⁻ + H₂SO₃ → SO₄^2⁻ + NO
a) Name all the ions and compounds in the above equation.
c) Indicate the oxidizing number for sulfur before and after the reaction.
d) Is NO₃⁻ an oxidizing or a reducing agent? Explain your answer.
e) Balance the above equation using ion-electron method.

13. Given MnO₄⁻ + I⁻ → MnO₂ + IOᶾ⁻

a) Write a balances redox equation for this reaction in acidic solution.
b) Identify the oxidizing agent and reducing agent.

14. Determine the oxidation number of chromium in each of the following

a) Potassium chromate
b) Sodium dichromate

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