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Dr Shafeeq Haider (Management Partner in all
Mr A Saed Kailvi (Management Partner in all

For Investor
28TH June 2021,
V 1.1

pg. 1


Project # 1
Title: Opening a surgical instrument manufacturing factory in Saudi Arabia
Description: Sialkot, Pakistan is well-known in the world for expertise of
manufacturing surgical instrument. Most of these instruments are exported to EU
in Finished or semi-finished state. Final packing and touching is done there and
then these instruments are sold to rest of the world with exorbitant profits.
Sialkot export in 1 USD per instrument which is later sold by EU to KSA (and rest
of the world) in 8 USD per instrument. These are just indicative pricing.
Sialkot is facing acute shortage of energy and running is a furnace is very
expensive in Sialkot. So if a surgical instrument factory is setup in KSA with
furnace + sterilization and packing setup then it will be very profitable. This
factory will have advantage of cheap electricity. We will bring technical experts
from Sialkot Pakistan. We can import surgical instruments in semi-finished state ie
80% ready and rest of 20% is done in Saudi Arabia. Transfer of technology will be
gradual. We have experts available to get this job done. All the instruments
manufactured in KSA will be labelled as ‘Made in KSA’ and Government of Saudi
Arabia’s all hospital will be bound to buy instruments from this factory or give
them preference over EU instruments. These instruments could be exported to all
GCC and globally.
Amount required: 4 Million USD
Profit to investor: We can give 70% share profit to the investor. He/she will get
atleast 1.3 Million USD net profit per year from Year 2. This profitability is 30%+.
We need angel investor and we will manage on TURN KEY basis whole project

pg. 2

Project # 2
Title: Establishment of Biologic (Vaccine) manufacturing factory in Saudi Arabia
Description: Future belongs to Biotech. Unfortunately Saudi Arabia lags behind in
Biotechnology manufacturing (except for Saudi Bio and few more). Most of the
biotechnology vaccine and products ie insulin etc are imported from abroad. We
have the technical expertise to do it and our team is already into biologic
manufacturing for last 25 years in Pakistan. There is huge market for these
products not only locally but also internationally. Most of the vaccines being
inoculated are made of pig (haram) base. We will produce only halal vaccines and
biologic products. There is huge market in OIC Islamic countries.

Investment required: 35 Million USD for a factory in KSA. It will take 18 months
to get the factory rolling.
Profit: The investor will get 65% share in the factory while Dr Shafeeq technical
team will get 35%. The profitability is approximately 30% + for the investor ie
investor of 35 Million USD will get 11 to 13 Million USD every year from year 3.
This is very prestigious project.

pg. 3


Project # 3
Title: ultra-modern Corporate Farming of exotic vegetables/fruits in Pakistan
Description: Pakistan is a very fertile country. We can buy or rent few acre piece
of land in Punjab and use most modern agro technologies to grow vegetables and
fruits. There is unmet need. There is huge demand of these. We can later even
export. We have technical experts available with decades of experience. We will
use Chinese and American technologies to establish a model integrated farm. We
have technical expertise available

Amount Required: 1 Million USD

Profit to the investor: We can give 70% share to the investor of 1 million USD. He
will get atleast 300,000 USD every year as net profit (every year). Our technical
team will manage here on TURN KEY basis and will keep 30% of profit ie 100 to
120,000 USD per year.
We need angel investor only. In future, we can convince Saudi government to
buy more land for KSA as food security. After few years several hundred acres of
land could be dedicated for Saudi Arabia/GCC only (for strategic food security).
This is very profitable, scientific and strategically important project.

pg. 4

Project # 4
Title: Establishment of a small hospital near Karachi in Hyderabad
Description: Millions of patients from interior Sind travel to Karachi every year for
treatment, since hospitals are of low quality in interior Sind. All of these patients
travel through Hyderabad to Karachi. If they are provided a world class small
hospital in Hyderabad (or Sukkhur), they would love to get treated near their
house rather than going to Karachi. So far there is only one high quality hospital
in Hyderabad and waiting list there is for months. It is expensive yet thousands of
patients visit that hospital. If we establish a high quality 100 bed international
hospital in Hyderabad, it will be very successful. Whole project size is 10 Million
USD. We have already arranged land provider as partner (worth 2 Million USD),
equipment provider as partner (worth 2 Million USD); Working capital provider as
partner ( 2 Million USD). We are looking for investor of 4 Million USD. This
amount will be used to construct the building infrastructure. The hospital will be
ready in just 14 to 16 months (since we will use pre-fabricated technology).

Profits: The profitability from 3rd year will be atleast 30% to the investor ie he/she
will get 1.4 Million USD as net profit every year. We will manage on TURN KEY
basis and will charge 30% equity for this. The investor of 4 Million USD will get
40% of the remaining 70% share ie 30% share of the overall project
We just need this last partner, otherwise we have already arranged most of the
other important stakeholders. This is excellent opportunity since later we could
gradually convert into University / Medical College. Land price will also appreciate
as soon as we announce this hospital.

pg. 5

Project # 5
Title: Establishment of a factory of value added oils in Pakistan
Description: Every year Pakistan Army and many other institutions (ie Railway and
industries) buy billions of Rupees worth of engine oil, brake oils and jet fuel oils
(for air force). These are value added and very expensive imported products.
We have an expert team who is manufacturing these at very small scale and
earning huge profits but on very small scale. We need investment of 9 Million
USD to establish a factory. We will import crude/raw oil from KSA and other
places and mix with additive at certain atmospheric pressures and temperatures.
Technology and expertise is available. We can request the team to involve the
Profitability: The investor of this amount may have 40% share in the factory. It will
be managed by our team and technology holder team. Still the returns to the
investors are huge. The investor of 9 Million USD will have net profit of 3 Million
USD every year from Year 2. We need angel investor only

Project # 6
Title: Establishment of a Biologic vaccine factory in Pakistan
Description: Pakistan has been producing a very limited quantity of vaccines for
the last many decades in Islamabad. We have an expert team doing it for last 25
years. We have technical expertise in hand. We can establish a factory of
vaccines and biological products ie insulin etc in Pakistan in just 25 Million USD.
Profit: We can give 65% share to the investor while 35% share will be retained by
technical experts and management (as sweat equity). The returns are 30%+ from
year 3 ie the investor of 25 Million USD wil get 8 to 9 Million USD as net profit
every year. We will run on TURN KEY basis and investor does not has to do

pg. 6

Project # 7
Title: Establishment of a world class Pharmacy in Pakistan
Description: There are thousands of pharmacies in Pakistan but there are very few
mega pharmacy stores (just like saidlya etc). There is no concept of proper
medical store in Pakistan where one could not only buy medicines but also
parapharmacy items ie disease specific cloths, disease specific foods etc. There
are thousands of support items in Orthopedics and also nutritional items (ie male
vitality etc). There are very few grand pharmacies in Pakistan ie D Watson,
Shaheed in Islamabd and they are doing roaring business earning billions of Rs
every year. We want to establish a world class chain of a mega pharmacy medical
store in Karachi and later franchise it out to other towns in Karachi. There is huge
supply and demand gap here.
Investment required and profit: Only 650, 000 USD is required to establish this in
a huge rental space in a posh locality in Karachi. We could give 70% share to the
investor which will translate into 30 to 35% annual return to the investor ie the
investor of 650,000 UDS will get atleast 225,000 USD as net profit every year from
2nd year. Later this profitability will further increase since we will launch KFC/Mc
Donald type franchise in the city. This business is easy, quick and safe. Especially
after Covid, pharmacy business is doing roaring business. This business is safe,
ethical, prestigious and scalable. Our team is very experienced and comprised of
people who have managed whole chain of pharmacies in Pakistan. We will mange
the show by ourselves against 30% sweat equity.
The investor is not supposed to do anything except provision of funds. He/she will
act as angel investor. We will manage on ground.

pg. 7


Project # 8
Title: Establishment of an Islamic micro-finance bank in Africa
Description: There is acute shortage of liquidity in whole of Africa. All micro-
finance banks are earning extraordinary profits in the world. There is still a gap.
We can open a microfinance bank in Kenya or Guinea. we have technical banker
teams available there who could manage with us. We need 4 Million USD for this
Profits: We can give atleast 30 to 35% profit every year to the investor. Our team
will manage on TURN KEY BASIS. The investor will have 70% share in the bank.
We have all arrangements ie wasta, permissions, technical inputs, clergy Islamic
support and millions of clients.

Project # 9
Title: Establishment of a hospital with clinical network in Africa
Description: There is huge gap in quality healthcare delivery in whole Africa. In
many countries there is not a single proper, professionally run private hospital in
whole country. The patients are sent to neighboring countries by chartered
planes. Many are even sent to India for minor surgeries. There is huge supply and
demand gap and need in high-quality hospital segment. This could be established
in 8 Million USD. Guinea, Sierra Leon, Mali etc are ideal countries.
Profits: The profitability is atleast 30 to 35% against 8 Million USD investment
from 2nd year. The investor will get atleast 2.5 Million USD as per net profit every
year. Overall the investor will get 70% share in the project while we will manage
on TURN KEY basis against 30% sweat equity.

pg. 8

Project # 10
Title: Establishment of Fruit processing factory in Africa
Description: Various poor African countries are blessed with exotic vegetables
and fruits ie Pineapples etc. These are mostly wasted or simply thrown away due
to lack of industrial grade consumption. There are few coco, rubber, pineapple
etc processing factories working in west Africa and earning huge profits. We have
access to raw material supply chain there (or could source at extremely cheap
rates). We also have local partners willing to provide land (worth 50,000 USD) as
their equity in the project. We are looking for a Partner, who could provide
machinery ( 150,000 USD) and working capital (75,000 USD). Total project size is
approximately 275,000 USD. The profitability is enormous ie atleast 40% yearly ie
investor of 200,000 USD will earn 160,000 USD per year from 2nd year till life cycle
of project. Please note, we have team to manage on ground there. So the
investor does not have to worry about oversight etc.

pg. 9

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