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1. Which of the following is the correct sequence of life cycle of a project?


Planning, Selection, Scheduling, Termination.

Selection, Scheduling, Implementation, Evaluation, Control.

Planning, Implementaion, Scheduling, Terminaion.

Planning, Implementation, Scheduling, Termination

2. The net present value of a project is Rs. 9 lakh. If its investment is Rs. 2 lakh and the cost of capital
is 10%, the benefit cost ratio is






3. Capital budgeting decisions are



affects the profitability of a firm

related with long run

all are true

4. Slack' or 'Float' is


A spare time available for the completion of critical activities

The time required for the completion of non-critical activities

The difference the Latest start and earliest start time

The difference between latest start of preceeding event and earliest finish of suceeding activity

5. Duration of critical path is obtained by


Subtracting the sum of duration of all activities from the sum of duration of all non-critical activities

The addition of duration of all non-critical activities

The sum of duration of all the activities on critical path

None of the above

6. In Matrix form of project organization


The hierarchical principle is ignored

Responsibility and authority are commensurate

There is dual subordination

Both (a),and (c) above.

7. Which of the following is not an advantage of the traditional form of organization for the
management of projects?


Budgeting and control are easy.

It facilitates better technical control.

It is easy to integrate the functions of all concerned departments towards the fulfillment of the project

The lines of communication are well established.

8. If the acceptance of one project is dependent on the acceptance of the other project then they are
said to be



Mutually exclusive


Economically dependent

9. Value chain analysis is aimed at identifying the activities of the firm that are contributing value to
the firm. Which of the following activities is considered to be a primary activity as per this analysis?


Purchase of raw materials.

Creation of consumer awareness about the product.

Acquisition of process technology.

Recruitment of fresh people in the organization.

10. If there is a conflict between the line manager and project manager the staff prefer to


Report to the project manager because he is superior to line manager

Report to the line manager as he controls their payments and promotions

Report to the general manager avoiding both line manager and project manager

None of the above

11. If two projects A and B are mutually exclusive then selection of one will


Automatically select the other project

Automitically reject the other project

Both option are posssible

None of these

12. Which of the following project appraisal criteria does not assume that the risk of new projects
undertaken by a firm will be same as that of the existing projects?





Certainly equivalent method.

13. When there is declining trend in the resources available, the resource allocation should be


Strictly based on a formula

Made on the existing pattern

Allocated by free bargaining between the divisions and the center

Made either by imposed priorities by the center of competitive bidding.

14. A one-year project which requires an initial investment of Rs. 10 lakh yields Rs. 6 lakh at the end of
the first year. The project's IRR is






15. The technical managers should be appointed as project managers because


They have good relationships with the technical departments

They understand how best to work with perfectionists

They become highly involved in technical matters and do not delegate

Both (a) and (b) above

16. Multiple Choice ( Select 1 out of 4 options, for the question below. )

Delphi method is used for


capital budgeting decisions

project management

demand forecasting

all of these
17. A ' dummy activity' in a network diagram


Has a project duration greater than zero

Increase the project duration

can be accomplished in zero time and consumes zero


Always lies on critical path.

18. Which of the following is/are true?


The NPV method if based on the assumption that the intermediate cash inflows are reinvested at a rate
of return equal to the internal rate of return

When the NPV is positive it implies that the project earns an excess return for the equity shareholders

When the IRR is equal to the cost of capital it implies that the intermediate cash inflows are reinvested
at a rate of return equal to the cost of capital

Both (b) and (c) above

19. Which of the following statement is/are true?


People who give brilliant ideas from their knowlegde and experience can very well manage in getting
their ideas implemented.

People who have great ideas are not necessarlily good implementers.

People who give brilliant ideas will always fail in getting things done.

People who are good at handling things will always possess creative thinking.
20. Which of the following statements is/are/true?


By line-staff form of organization an efficient utilization of resources can be achieved.

The functional form of organization is not suitable to achieve effective utilzation of resoruces.

Matrix form of organization is not conducive to achieve effective realization of project objectives.

Divisional form of organization is suitable for effective utilization of resources

21. Which of the following is/are 'external reasons' for project failure?


Dispute with local people.

Non-availability of skilled personnel.


Labour disputes.

22. Traditional form of organization is suitable to


The projects which are characterized by non-routine work

The projects which call for the coordination of different functional areas

The projects which contain a continuous flow of repetitive work

The projects which are dynamic in nature

23. Which of the following is not a part of a milestone schedule prepared in project planning?


The date when the project starts.

The date when the project ends.

The inputs and standards of inputs required for each part of the project.

Major events like review meetings, testing, etc.

24. Frequent revision of the plans


Will result in resource loss, confusion and lack of confidence among the personnel and ultimaltely
project failure

Is required after completing a significant part of the project

Is not required because for successful completion of the project the initial plan laid out should be
implemented strictly

Is necessary to review the plans periodically to make adjustments if necessary

25. Which of the following statement is/are true?


The maximum activity of a project will be in the conception and selection stage.

The procurement of materials is undertaken during the planning and secheduling stage.

The goals of a project are established during the planning stage.

The expenditure on a project will be maximum during the implementation stage.

26. Which of the following is true.


The concept of crashing an activity is given both in PERT and CPM models

Both PERT and CPM techniques involve drawing network showing relationship between various

PERT is determinstic and CPM is probabilistic .

Float and slack is used in both PERT and CPM

27. A certain activity has a budgeted cost of Rs 80,000 and at the time of the periodic progress review it
is estimated that 60 percent of the work has been accomplished at the cost of Rs 52,800. Therefore
cost over-run (under- run) is






28. Which of the following statements is/are true?


The critical path is the path with the shortest duration.

The duration of the critical path is the longest period in which the project can be completed.

The standard deviation of the duration of the critical path is the sum of the standard deviations of the
durations of the activities on the critical path.

When there is more than one critical path, any one of the paths can be crashed.
29. Which of the following statement is/are true?


Capital rationing exists when funds available for investment are inadequate to undertake all projects
which are otherwise acceptable.

Internal rationing is caused by a choice of hurdle rate higher than the cost of capital.

Both (a) and (b) above

External rational arises by setting the limit to capital expenditure.

30. In order to motivate the project personnel, the project manager


Should not act supportively, because this may increase the employees demands unreasonably

Should act threateningly which may result in employees conformation to the plans out of fear

Should not bother about the motivational responsibilities because he has got many other aspects to

Should act supportively because this may bring in confidence among employees that their interests
will be looked after

31. Which of the following might be the reasons for the failure of projects?


Lack of proper planning.

Bad choice of technology

Both (a) and (b) above

None of the above

32. Which of the following is /are internal reasons for project failure?


Non-availability of equipment in time due to its use by other departments of the organization

Failure to raise required funds on time due to its use by other departments of the organization.

A steep rise in inflation and the exchange rates.

Both (a) and (b) above

33. Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) criterion can be considered as superior to net present value because


In case of capital rationing, BCR ranks the projects correctly in the order of decreasingly efficient use
of capital

It considers the cash outflows beyond the current period

It can aggregate several smaller projects into a package

It can discriminate better between large and small


34. Which of the following is not a risk management tool in capital budgeting?


Decision Tree Analysis

Coefficient of variance


Risk adjusted discount rate

35. Which of the following statement is true?


Total float is the difference of free float and independent float

Independent float cannot be positive

Free float is always available for all the activities on critical path

Only the activities on the critical path have a float of zero

36. Which of the following statements is/are/true?


Uniform Annual Equivalent (UAE) can also be referred to as Annual Capital charge.

The UAE (capital costs) increase with the extension of the replacement cycle.

The economic life of an asset refers to the number of years it can be used to produce a certain output
without maintenance.

Both (a) and (c) above

37. The earliest start time of an activity will be


Equal to zero

Equal to time of first activity

Will be a positive value

All are possible

38. If the NPV profiles of two projects are not intersecting means


There will not exist any conflict in ranking between the two projects

There shall be no Fisherian rate of return applicable for the two projects

That all the appraisal criteria on discounting basis would give each of them the same

All of (a), (b) and (c) above.

39. The internal rate of return can be said to be based on the assumption that the intermediate cash
flows are


Perfectly certain

Highly variable

Reinvested at the cost of capital of the firm

Reinvested at a rate equal to the internal rate of return of the firm

40. Which of the following is/are true?


A project is an ad hoc activity of the firm.

A project should be viewed as the main activity of the firm.

A project should be viewed as something which contributes to the ability of the organisation.

None of the above

41. Crashing of a project is concerned with


reducing the time of various activities of a project

reducing the budget of a project

both (a) and (b) above

None of these

42. Which of the following is true with respect to Milestone Schedule?


It is a written document containing description of the work to be done.

It contains the starting and ending date of the project and the events marking completion of the
major tasks in the project, along with their dates of completion.

It contains the details of inputs and standard of inputs required for each part of the project.

None of the above

43. Which of the following method is most suitable for forecasting the demand for power in the


Delphi Method

Chain Ratio Method

Econometric Method

Moving Average Method

44. In which of the following situations, product organization is not suitable?

i. When projects involve high levels of technical competence.

ii. For projects which require the integration of inputs from different

iii. For companies that are involved in repetitive projects of the same type.


Only (i) above.

Only (ii) above.

Only (iii) above.

Both (i) and (ii) above.

45. Which of the following factors call for the project management?


Interdependencies among the activities undertaken by various departments.

Size of the task involved

Both (a) and (b) above

Either (a) or (b)

46. During which stage of the life cycle of project is the level of highest activity?


Conception and selection.

Planning and scheduling.

Implementation, monitoring and control

47. Which of the following statement/s is/are true?


Two projects are said to be economically independent when cash flows of one project are influenced by
the cash flows of other project.

Two projects are said to be economically dependent when the acceptance or rejection of one project is
influenced by the acceptance (rejection) of the other project.

Two projects are said to be economically dependent when cash flows of one project are influenced by
the cash flows of other projects.

Both (a) and (c) above

48. Abandonment of a project should be considered when


The project is not feasible technically though it can be completed within the stipulated costs

It is feasible technically but it cannot be completed within the stipulated cost and time

If the PV of cash flows are more at the time of the proposal for abandonment than the PV of cash flows
realizable if the project is continued through its life

Both (a) and (c) above

49. A project requires an initial investment of Rs. 10 crore and provides inflows of Rs.5 crore every year
for five years. The payback period of the project is


5 years

4 years

3 years

2 years
50. A successful project manager should


Adopt a well - built, mechanical approach to his problems

Attach a high value on technical perfection

Have a creative approach to use the resources efficiently and to solve human relation problems

seek an enduring solution to the problem

51. Price elasticity of demand is


The ratio of change in price to current demand

The ratio of change in demand to change in price

The ratio of change in price to change in demand

The ratio of change in price to total demand

52. ABC Ltd which is going for expansion has made the following time estimate for completion of a
major activity on the critical path. Time in month Optimistic 9 Pessimistic 21 Most likely 15 The
variance of the activity would be ____month


53. Projects A and B both involve the same outlay and offer the same IRR, which exceeds the
opportunity cost of capital. The cash flows generated by Project A are larger than those of B but
tend to occur later. Based on this one can conclude that


Both projects A and B are equally viable

Both projects have NPV =0 at the same discount rate

Project A has a higher NPV than Project B

Both (b) and (c) above

54. Which of the following qualities should a project manager possess?


Commitment to technology.

Zeal to exceed the objectives.

Tendency to test everything.

Willingness to take risks.

55. Conflict in the ranking of projects based on different appraisal criteria arises due to.


Different initial investments.

Different useful lives.

Different reinvestment assumptions.

All of (a), (b) and (c) above

56. If the optimistic, most likely and the pessimistic estimates of time of an activity are 6,12 and 24
days respectively, then the expected time of that activity is


12.75 days

13.00 days

13.20 days

13.50 days

57. When the cost of capital of a project is equal to its internal rate of return


The NPV will be zero

The NPV wil be +ve

The NPV wil be -ve

Benefit cost ratio will be zero

58. If standard deviations of two projects are same but different means then what is true?


Project are equally risky

Project with lower mean is less risky

Risk ranking of two project is not possible.

Project with higher mean is less risky

59. Ramanna Construcitons Ltd. is evaluating projects P, Q, R, S and T for investment. If project R
cannot be accepted unless at least two projects from the projects P, Q,S and T are accepted, then
the corresponding constraint can be represented as


Payback period method is probabilistic

Based on entire life a project

Based on profit

Based on cash flows

60. Which of the following is/are the informational inputs for project planning?


Statement of work

Project specifications.

Milestone schedule

All of the above

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