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Reading Literature Application



4222 Cantrell Rd Acworth Ga. 30101

March 23, 2011

Upcoming Learners at
Barber Middle School

Dear new students,

You have moved up a grade! You have gone from second best to the top of middle
school. I assume that you want to make this year your best, which you should considering
that when you hit high school you will be at the bottom of the food chain. I agree totally,
no lying low, get out there and have fun. Hate the sixth graders it’s ok (as long as it
doesn’t go too far), I mean, you guys were once the hated sixth graders. I say go for it this
year, but you have to be smart. This isn’t the carefree year, it is the fun year, which is a
big difference. Being carefree brings your grades down, which can lead to skipping school,
which can end up in repeating the grade. Trust me, you do not want to fail a grade. SO
saying this, I think I should warn you about some things.
First off, 8th grade is hard. It’s is the grade where they try to prepare you for high school,
which is much harder. The teachers are soft and sympathetic, but sometimes they are
completely the opposite. I guess they are trying to warn you about starting out high
school. You can’t ignore your work, trust me. Especially in Mrs. Watts class. She is
probably the worst best teacher in the whole school, if you pardon my oxymoron. She is
unrelenting in her rules; she is literally like a mother. Take my advice, get on her good
side. That’s where the tiny breakage in her dictatorship comes in. If you have this
technology class, but not Ms. Watts, I would still keep reading. The whole entire year in
this class, we just do projects after project with a few tests. You can’t fool her, so get those
projects in on time! Most of her projects are group ones anyway so you have no excuse.
For those shy kids that usually go for solo projects, listen to me very carefully. It is OK if
you do some projects by yourself, but not all of them. Do not dare to try to accomplish all
of them because it will stress you out. Ms. Watts makes us do a lot of stuff for our projects,
and at least with groups the work can be split up. Though I do warn you, the groups you
chose need to be people that work. I have had personal experiences for solo projects and
projects with people that don’t work, don’t do it!
For the most part 8th grade is fun, it should be. You can’t be scared of doing things
because you are in the 8 th grade. Have fun, live well, but live smartly. Don’t do things you
will regret, but don’t be scared to try something new. 8th grade is where you start to hit the
fun teenage years. If you don’t have fun now how will you have fun in the 9 th grade? Don’t
ruin your life and please keep your grades in check.
Yours sincerely as always,

Whitley Elzy 

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