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Chapter 1:

Introduction to Computer System

The word computer originates from the Latin word “Computare” which means “to
calculate”. Earlier computers were used as calculating devices.
A computer is an electronic device that accepts data as input from users and gives
the output after processing them.
A computer along with additional hardware and software together is called a
computer system.
 Hardware = Internal Devices + Peripheral Devices
All physical parts of the computer (or everything that we can touch) are
known as Hardware.
 Software = Programs
Software gives “intelligence” to the computer.
Computer system interconnection.

A computer system primarily consists of a central processing unit, memory,

input/output devices, and storage devices.
CPU is usually referred to as the brain of the computer. It is also commonly called
as processor.
The CPU is given instructions and data through programs. The CPU then fetches
the program and data from the memory and performs arithmetic and logical
operations as per the given instructions and stores the result back to memory.
The CPU stores the data as well as instructions in its local memory,
called'registers’.Other than the registers, the CPU has two main components —
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit (CU). ALU performs all the
arithmetic and logic operations that need to be done as per the instruction. CU
controls sequential instruction execution, interprets instructions and guides data
flow through the computer’s memory, ALU and input or output devices.
Input Devices:
Devices which help to enter data into computer system.
Eg. Keyboad, Mouse, Touchscreen, Barcode Reader, Scanner, MICR, OMR etc.
Keyboards are necessary input devices for computers. They look like a standard
typewriter. They consist of alphabets keys (a to z), numeric keys(0 to 9), ctrl, shift,
alt, windows key, etc.
A mouse is a pointing device that is used to accept commands in computers
through click or movement. 
A scanner is used to scan either text or graphics.
Touch Screen
It is the most popular input device found on smartphones, monitors, tablets, etc. It
accepts input by touching the screen. Virtual keyboards are available on-screen to
enter data.
Output Devices: 
Devices which receives data from a computer system for display,physical
production etc.
Eg. Monitor, Printer, Plotter, Projector
The monitor or VDU (Visual Display Unit) is an output device that displays data
on the screen. It is available in different types such as CRT (Cathode Ray Tube),
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), LED (Light Emitting Diode). 
The printer
The printer provides data on paper. It is also available in many shapes and sizes
with different types such as Dot Matrix Printer, Laser Printer, Inkjet Printer, etc.
Speakers are used to listening to audio from computers. They are also available in
different designs, sizes, and shapes.

Evolution of computing devices

First Generation Computers (1940-56)
The first generation computers used vaccum tubes & machine language was used
for giving the instructions. These computer were large in size & their programming
was difficult task. The electricity consumption was very high. Some computers of
this generation are ENIAC (electronic numerical integrator and computer),
EDVAC(electronic discrete variable automatic computer)
Second Generation Computers (1956-63)
They were small in size compared to the first generation’s computers. Transistors
were used to store data on these computers.
Third Generation(1964-71):
The 3rd generation computers replaced transistors with Integrated circuit known as
chip. From Small scale integrated circuits which had 10 transistors per chip,
technology developed to MSI circuits with 100 transistors per chip. These
computers were smaller, faster & more reliable. High level languages invented in
this generation.
Fourth Generation(1972- present):
LSI & VLSI were used in this generation. As a result microprocessors came into
existence. The computers using this technology known to be Micro Computers.
High capacity hard disk were invented. There is great development in data
Fifth Generation Computers
They have high storage capacity, high speed, and capable of performing
sophisticated tasks. They involve Artificial Intelligence for computing.
Data deletion is the process of deleting or removing data from computers.
Sometimes it is required when there is no use of such data and users need free
space to acquire new data. Sometimes data may be deleted due to a few
reasons such as virus attack, OS files may corrupt data, etc.


How to delete data?
 To delete files from the computer follow these steps:
 Open the folder from where data or files to be deleted.
 Press delete from the keyboard or Right-click and choose the delete option. 
When the above steps followed to delete data, these data moves to the Recycle Bin. If data needs
to be deleted permanently then press shift + delete or delete it from the recycle bin too.
Data deletion causes
The storage devices can malfunction or crash down resulting in the deletion of the stored data.
Users can accidentally erase data from storage devices, or a hacker/malware can delete the
digital data intentionally
Data recovery is a process of retrieving deleted, corrupted and lost data from secondary storage

Deleting digitally stored data means changing the details of data at bit level.

Security concerns

1) deletion by some unauthorised person or software.

This can be avoided by limiting access to the computer system and using passwords for user
accounts and files.There is also an option of encrypting files to protect them from unwanted

2) unwanted recovery of data by unauthorised user/software

Use proper tools to delete data before disposing off

any old or faulty storage device.

Text book solutions

Q1. Name the software required to make a computer functional. Write down its two primary

Ans. The software required to make a computer functional is Operating System (OS). It’s two
primary services are :

Memory management : It manages Primary or main memory of a computer system.

Device Management : It interacts with the device driver and the related software for a
particular device.

Q2. What is the need of RAM? How does it differ from ROM?
Ans. RAM is used to store data temporarily while the computer is working. Whenever the
computer is started or a software application is launched, the required program and data are
loaded into RAM for processing.

Write 4 differences between RAM and ROM

Q3. What is the need for secondary memory?

Ans. The secondary memory (also called storage device) is required to store data, instructions
and results permanently for future use.

Q4. Draw the block diagram of a computer system. Briefly write about the functionality of each

Ans. A computer system primarily comprises a Central Processing Unit (CPU), memory,
input/output devices and storage devices.

1.CPU : The CPU has two main components — Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit
(CU). ALU performs all the arithmetic and logical operations. The control unit controls the
sequence in which computer programs and instructions are executed.
2. Input Device : The devices through which data/signals are sent to a computer are termed as
input devices. for example : keyboard, mouse, scanner etc.
3. Output Devices : The device that receives data from a computer system for display is called
output device. It converts digital information into human understandable form. For example,
monitor, projector, headphone, speaker, printer, etc.
4. Storage Devices : A computer system needs memory to store the data and instructions for
processing. Those devices which stores data for processing are called storage devices like Hard
Disk, SSD etc
Q5.Differentiate between proprietary software and freeware software. Name two software for
each type.

Proprietary Software Freeware Software

Source code is not available Source code is available

Not free to use Free to use

example : Microsoft Windows, example : Python, LibreOffice,

Microsoft Office Open office

Q7. Name the input or output device used to do the following:

Ans. a) To output audio : Speaker

b) To enter textual data : Keyboard

c) To make hard copy of a text file : Printer

d) To display the data or information : Monitor

e) To enter audio-based command : Microphone

f) To build 3D models : 3D Printer

g) To assist a visually-impaired individual in entering data : Braille keyboards

Q8. Identify the category (system, application, programming tool) of the following software:
a) Compiler
b) Assembler
c) Ubuntu
d) Text editor

Ans. a) Compiler : System Software

b) Assembler : System Software

c) Ubuntu : System Software

d) Text Editor : Programming Tool

Q9. Convert the following into bytes:

a) 2 MB

b) 3.7 GB

c) 1.2 TB

Ans. a) 2MB = 2 x 1024 x 1024 = 2097152 bytes

b) 3.7 GB = 3972844748.8 bytes

c) 1.2 TB = 1319413953331.2 bytes

Q10. What is the security threats involved when we throw away electronic gadgets that are non-

Ans. security threat can increase if the electronic gadgets and the magnetic strip inside the
devices are not disposed properly. Personal detail, bank detail, important documents can be
fetched through broken hard disk or memory card which can be used by hackers.

Q11. Write down the type of memory needed to do the following:

a) To store data permanently

b) To execute the program

c) To store the instructions which can not be overwritten.

Ans a) Secondary Storage like Hard Disk, Pen Drive, CD, DVD, SD Card, SSD etc

b) RAM – Random Access Memory

c) ROM – Read Only Memory

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