A Soft Wearable Robotic Ankle-Foot-Orthosis For Post-Stroke Patients

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3, JULY 2019 2547

A Soft Wearable Robotic Ankle-Foot-Orthosis

for Post-Stroke Patients
Junghan Kwon , Ji-Hong Park, Subyeong Ku, YeongHyeon Jeong, Nam-Jong Paik , and Yong-Lae Park

Abstract—We propose a soft robotic ankle-foot-orthosis for post- important functions in daily life. Since walking is performed by
stroke patients, which is inexpensive, lightweight, easy to wear, and harmonious cooperation of bones, muscles, sensory receptors, a
capable of gait assistance for rehabilitation not only in the clinic but neurotransmission system, and central and peripheral nerve sys-
also in daily life. The device includes a 3D-printed flexible brace
and an ankle supportthat allows natural flexion and extension of
tems, gait disorders can occur if there is a disease in one of these
the ankle but provides support in the vertical direction prevent- subsystems [1]–[3]. Particularly, post-stroke patients accompa-
ing the structure from buckling. A bi-directional tendon-driven nied by hemiplegia experience muscular weakness of their ankle
actuator was used for assisting both dorsiflexion and plantarflex- joints, which induces degradation of propulsion force during the
ion. The device also contains a wearable gait sensing module for stance phase and reduced clearance during the swing phase due
measuring the leg trajectory and the foot pressures in real time for to foot-drop. This muscular weakness increases the degree of
feedback control. Since the device is powered by a rechargeable asymmetry in leg movements, muscle fatigues, and the risk of
battery and communicates with the main controller wirelessly, it
is fully untethered, making it mobile and comfortable. Using the
falls during walking. Even if the patient does not die due to this
measured sensor data and the biomechanics of the legs, the real- disorder, a long-term treatment is necessary causing physical,
time gait phase is detected, and then a gait assistance algorithm economical, and mental costs.
for both dorsiflexion and plantarflexion provides an accurate pre- Currently, various types of assistive devices are used for gait
diction of a control phase and timing although there are variations rehabilitation. A plastic ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) is the most
in the gait trajectories among individuals. As a feasibility test, the widely used to improve the alignment of the ankle joint, in-
walking experiment was conducted with a post-stroke patient. The creasing the walking speed and reducing the energy consump-
result showed improvement in both gait propulsion and foot-drop
prevention. tion during walking [4]–[6]. However, since the AFO permits
only limited ankle motions with zero degree of freedom, the
Index Terms—Soft robotics, wearable robotics, post-stroke re- movement of the ankle is significantly different from normal
habilitation, gait detection. walking gait pattern. Although a certain level of gait motions
can be achieved by using hinge joints and springs, this only per-
I. INTRODUCTION mits passive movements with a predetermined stiffness and very
limited degrees of freedom.
ALKING is a repeated sequence of motions by mov-
W ing two legs alternately, and it is one of the most
To overcome this limitation, robotic devices with active asis-
tances have been developed, and their positive clinical effects
for gait rehabilitation have been reported [7]–[10]. However, the
number of patients receiving treatment using a robotic device is
Manuscript received October 15, 2018; accepted March 10, 2019. Date of
publication April 1, 2019; date of current version April 12, 2019. This letter was highly limited due to its high cost and bulkiness. Therefore, there
recommended for publication by Associate Editor C.-H. Yeow and Editor K.-J. is a demand for a device that is inexpensive, lightweight, and
Cho upon evaluation of the reviewers’ comments. This work was supported in easy to wear, and can be used for gait rehabilitation in hospital,
part by the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Korean Gov-
ernment (MSIT) under Grant NRF-2016R1A5A1938472, in part by the Seoul
home and daily life.
National University Bundang Hospital Research Fund under Grant 14-2017-025, To address the above issues, there are several challenges to
and in part by the Interdisciplinary Research Initiatives Program under Grant overcome. First, an orthosis made of rigid materials can cause
800-20170165 from College of Engineering and College of Medicine, Seoul discomfort to the wearer and restrict the natural movement dur-
National University. (Junghan Kwon and Ji-Hong Park contributed equally to
this work.) (Corresponding authors: Nam-Jong Paik; Yong-Lae Park.) ing walking. As a solution, it is possible to use flexible materials
J. Kwon, S. Ku, Y. Jeong, and Y.-L. Park are with the Department making the device light and easy to wear when made in a form
of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Soft Robotics Research Cen- of clothes. For this reason, soft wearable devices [11]–[14] have
ter, Institute of Advanced Machines and Design, Seoul National University,
Seoul 08826, South Korea (e-mail:, jhkwon@snu.ac.kr; shetshield@snu.ac.kr;
been recently proposed. With soft materials, anchoring of the
yunghyun1208@snu.ac.kr; ylpark@snu.ac.kr). actuators and sensors on a brace should be carefully consid-
J.-H. Park and N.-J. Paik are with the Seoul National University Bundang ered to prevent slippage of components and pressure concen-
Hospital, Seongnam 13620, South Korea (e-mail:,parkjihong.md@gmail.com; tration on the skin. It can be designed in a form that wraps a
This letter has supplementary downloadable material available at wide area of a fixed part of the body’s convex geometry, such
http://ieeexplore.ieee.org, provided by the authors. This video, viewable with as hips and knees, and distributes the pressures. However, this
QuickTime Player (MAC), VLC Media Player (Windows), shows the design, can make the system bulky due to the large area of the structure
fabrication, control of Soft Wearable Robotic Orthosis for rehabilitation of post- even though the device is only for a single joint. Therefore, it is
stroke patients. The size of the video is 6.55 MB. Contact (jhkwon@snu.ac.kr)
for further questions about this work. necessary to minimize the size of the orthosis while allow-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LRA.2019.2908491 ing bending motions of the ankle and preventing slippage and

2377-3766 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Illustration of a prototype of the soft wearable robotic ankle-foot-

orthosis for post-stroke patients.

vertical force for anchoring. In addition, a simple and automated

fabrication process is required to be competitive in price.
Second, since soft actuators, such as pneumatic artificial mus-
cles (PAMs) [15], [16] and tendon-driven systems [17]–[19] Fig. 2. Design and prototyping of flexible ankle brace. (a) 3D printing of flexi-
produce only pulling forces, an antagonistic pair of actuators ble filament. (b) Flexible but incompressible ankle column. (c) Actual prototype
with ankle mock-up. (d) Simple wearing process using Velcro straps.
are required to assist both dorsiflexion and plantarflexioin mo-
tions. However, the system in this case may be more complex
and heavier as the number of actuators increases. To address this The rest of this letter is organized as follows. Section II de-
issue, a cable-pulling mechanism in both directions with a single scribes the design of the soft robotic orthosis, followed by the
motor has been introduced [18]. strategy of gait phase detection and assistive-force-generation
Third, a gait sensing module and a detection algorithm are algorithm in Section III. The experimental results of a feasibil-
required to control the actuator of the orthosis at proper timing. In ity test of ground walking with/without the device are presented
particular, post-stroke patients have different gait patterns from in Section IV, and Section V concludes the letter.
those of normal people, and individual differences also exist.
Since it is difficult to estimate the walking state and the control II. DESIGN
timing with a limited number of sensors, individual tuning of
control parameters has been introduced [12]. A. Flexible Ankle Brace
For these reasons, we propose a soft wearable robotic ankle- The ankle brace was fabricated using a 3D-printer (Cubicon
foot orthosis with a bi-directional tendon-driven actuator for Single Plus, Cubicon Inc.) (Fig. 2-a), which enabled quick fabri-
post-stroke patients (Fig. 1). We also present a fabrication cation and easy parameter changes in the orthosis design accord-
method taking advantage of 3D printing of flexible materials. ing to the body size of the user. To improve the wearability of
The proposed brace was designed with two flexible columns the brace, a flexible thermoplastic polyurethane filament (TPU,
that allow natural flexion motions of the ankle joint while pro- Cubicon Inc.) was used as a 3D-printing material. The selected
viding vertical supports preventing the structure from buckling. TPU material shows similar flexibility to leather when printed in
Wearable gait sensing modules were also developed to measure thin sheets while providing relatively high stiffness in the form
the wearer’s lower limb motions and foot-ground contacts, and of columns or blocks.
integrated with the actuation module and the real-time control The brace was also designed to effectively anchor the actuator
system. From the sensor data, a skeletal model of the legs was for driving tendons (Fig. 2-b). Two flexible columns connecting
constructed in a sagittal plane, and the gait phase was detected in the shank and the heel pads allow rotation of the ankle while pre-
real-time with the accurate prediction of a control phase and tim- venting vertical compression (i.e., buckling). This is necessary
ing although there are differences in the gait trajectories among for anchoring that prevents the shank pad from slipping even
individuals. Then, the assistive force was generated for both when the brace is loosely tied to the shank, only transmitting the
dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. assistive torque to the ankle for rotation.
To evaluate the performance of the device, a test of ground The proposed brace is an open-toe design, and adjustment can
walking was carried out with a post-stroke patient. The ex- be easily made to fit the foot size using a Velcro strap to achieve
perimental results showed improvement in gait propulsion and both robust anchoring and easy wear-and-removal, as shown in
foot-drop prevention by the proposed control algorithm which Fig. 2-c and 2-d. The foot size available for this prototype is
successfully estimated the control timing in real time. about 240 mm to 280 mm.

Fig. 3. Bi-directional tendon-driven actuation module. (a) Components.

Cable-pulling mechanisms for (b) plantarflexion and (c) dorsiflexion.

The orthosis is 330 mm tall, 160 mm wide, and the total weight
of the device is 1,540 g including the flexible ankle brace with
the actuation module (580 g), the sensing module (400 g), and
the controller with a battery (560 g).

B. Actuation Module
A bi-directional tendon-driven winch module with an electric
motor was developed to minimize the size and the weight of
the device, as shown in Fig. 3. The pulley and the housing parts
were made of a rigid plastic material (VeroBlack Plus, Stratasys)
using a polyjet 3d-printer (Object30 Prime, Stratasys), with two
Bowden cables wound together on one pulley to produce pulling
forces for both plantarflexion and dorsiflexion (Fig. 3-b and
3-c). This actuation module was attached on the shank pad of
the flexible ankle brace to reduce the distance of cable routing
and the friction in the cables. A commercial high-performance
electric motor integrated with gears and a rotary encoder (MX-
64T, ROBOTIS) was employed to achieve a pulling force and a
stroke of up to 70 N and 100 mm, respectively with the pulley. Fig. 4. Soft wearable gait sensing module: (a) components of the module.
In this study, the maximum assistive force of 70 N was targeted (b) model of the human leg in a sagittal plane. (c) a photo wearing the sensing
modules on both legs and a soft orthosis on the right leg.
in plantarflexion.
For motor control, a current-based torque controller was em-
ployed to directly generate desired pulling forces. This control
and foot lf segment were measured from the wearer in advance.
approach reinforces safety in human-robot interactions because
Using the measured data from the soft strain sensors and the
it maintains the same output force upon a given command input
IMUs, a kinematic model of the human legs in the sagittal plane
despite sudden position changes in gait that may occur due to
was constructed, as shown in Fig. 4-b. An insole with three force
unexpected disturbances.
sensitive resistors (FSRs) (Flex force, Tekscan) was also used to
detect the ground contact of each foot.
C. Gait Sensing Module The sensor data were collected by a microcontroller (Arduino
A soft wearable gait sensing module was also developed for MKR-1000) operated remotely and powered by a battery. The
measuring the motions of both legs and the ground reaction wireless communication between the sensor board and the main
forces (GRFs) of both feet in real-time (Fig. 4-a). Soft strain controller allowed the entire brace to be fully untethered and
sensors were attached on the knee and the ankle joints to mea- comfortable during walking (Fig. 4-c).
sure relative joint angles, θk and θa , respectively. The design
of the soft sensors was based on our previous work [20], [21].
An inertial measurement unit (IMU) (MW-AHRS, NTRexLAB) D. Control Hardware
was additionally attached to each shank to measure the absolute The remote main controller communicates wirelessly with a
joint angles of the shank θs with respect to the ground. Then, local motor controller that was worn by the user (Fig. 5). Upon
the hip joint ankle was calculated from the measured knee ankle receiving the command signals, the portable motor, powered by
θk and the shank angle θs . The length of the thigh lt , shanklt , a 12 V rechargeable battery pack, generates a torque input to

Fig. 5. Configuration of the control hardware interface.

Fig. 6. Screenshot of graphic user interface for monitoring and recording.

the winch that drives the ankle of the wearer. The main con- Fig. 7. Gait detection and control strategy: (a)the kinematic leg model recre-
troller receives sensor data from the sensing module, recognizes ated for each instance in frames below it for a gait cycle. (b) FSR signals of
the current walking pattern, calculates the appropriate control foot pressure insole. (c) Estimated GRF angle. (d) control strategy for three gait
force, and transmits the command to the motor controller. A phases.
graphical user interface (GUI) in the main controller addition-
ally lets the user monitor and log the current walking status However, the posture of the leg was directly calculated in real
(Fig. 6). This data can be used not only for real-time feedback time in our algorithm based on the soft sensor data and the IMUs
control of the robotic orthosis but also for providing quantitative attached to the both legs and the kinematic model of the legs.
information of the patient’s gait patterns to caregivers or clinical This approach always uses the sensor data at each moment in
staffs. the current gait cycle, and hence, it responds quickly to changes
in the gait speed and the patterns.
III. GAIT DETECTION AND CONTROL We distinguished the stance and the the swing phases using
the foot-ground contact information (Fig. 7-b). The stance was
A. Real-Time Gait Phase Detection Algorithm determined by the period from heel strike until toe-off.
The gait phase of the patient is detected in real-time based The heel rise event was determined based on the direction of
on the measured foot-ground contact information and the gait the GRF (Fig. 7-c). After calculating the positions of the ankle
motion of the paretic side on the sagittal plane (Fig. 7-a). and the hip joints from the sketch model of the lower limb, we
In a previous study, the sensor data were measured by a gyro assumed that the direction of the GRF was in the same direction
sensor on foot, and the gait event of the current gait cycle was of the vector from the ankle joint to hip joint (Fig. 4-b). Then, the
predicted from the sensor data of the last three gait cycles [13]. heel rise event was determined when the direction of the GRF
This method works if the walking speed and the pattern are was perpendicular to the ground.
relatively constant, but the accuracy may become lowered if This assumption makes the center of pressure (COP) fixed
they change suddenly. This is due to the difference of the gait at the ankle joint and does not include the COP movement of
patterns in the previous and the current gait cycles. approximately ±10 cm during the stance phase. By assuming the

leg length of 80 cm, the maximum error for this approximation

was calculated as ±7.1◦ . The error would be relatively large in
the toe-off events due to the difference between the position of
the actual COP and the ankle joint. On the other hand, during
the heel strike and the heel rise events, the errors were reduced
because the position of the COP was close to the ankle position.
Since we used the estimated GRF direction to find the heel rise
event, this approximation would be applicable.

B. Assistive Force Generation

Assistive force was generated from the results of the gait phase
and the gait events detection. The peak plantarflexion moment
acting on the ankle during normal walking was considered as
1.31 Nm/kg on average [22]. Assuming the length of the moment
arm from the center of the ankle to the cable is 8 cm and the
patient’s weight is 65 kg, this moment corresponds to a pulling
force of 1,064 N. In this study, the maximum assistive force
of 70 N was generated in plantarflexion, which corresponds to Fig. 8. Schematic representation of experimental setup.
approximately 6.6%.
The control command was divided into three stages the largest swing time by the sum of the largest and the smallest
(Fig. 7-d). First, between the heel strike event and the heel rise swing times. The asymmetry was calculated in the same man-
event, a pulling force of 30 N in the plantarflexion direction ner for the step length. The paretic propulsion was calculated as
was generated to remove the cable slick. Second, between the the time integral of the positive anteroposterior ground reaction
heel rise event and the toe-off event, a larger pulling force of forces according to previous study [24].
70 N was generated in the plantarflexion direction to assist the The study protocol was approved by the institutional review
wearer’s walking. Finally, between the toe-off event and the next board (IRB protocol number, B-1802-451-006) of Seoul Na-
heel strike, a pulling force of 50 N in the dorsiflexion direction tional University Bundang Hospital. The informed consent was
was generated for prevention of foot-drop. obtained from the participant in agreement with the rules of the
Our algorithm does not estimate the gait event using the pre- Ethics Committee.
vious gait cycles but estimates the gait event at each moment of
the gait cycle in real-time, and the method for finding the heel B. Experimental Results
rise event from the change of the estimated GRF direction was
The joint angle of the paretic ankle of the subject in each
implemented. Using this heel rise timing as a starting point for
condition was measured throughout the gait cycle (Fig. 9-a).
assisting plantarflexion, control timing can be generated without
The green line indicates the average movement of the ankle of
tuning parameters individually.
normal population. Without the orthosis, the ankle joint was
more plantar-flexed after toe-off and ended the gait cycle with-
IV. RESULTS out sufficient dorsiflexion. With the orthosis unactuated, the
plantarflexion and dorsiflexion were both limited compared with
A. Experimental Setup and Protocol normal motions. With orthosis actuated, appropriate plantarflex-
A feasibility test of ground walking was carried out to eval- ion was achieved at the proper moment during the gait cycle.
uate the performance of the prototype of the soft wearable The dorsiflexion showed a peak of approximately 10◦ higher
robotic orthosis with a 49-year-old male chronic stroke patient in with the actuated orthosis. However, the slope was similar to the
functional ambulation category 3. He had right middle cerebral condition without the orthosis. The amount of the assistive force
artery infarction 10 months before the experiment. His Fugl- for dorsiflexion after toe-off might not be enough for this subject.
Meyer assessment lower extremity score was 24 out of 34 on The experimental results showed that the paretic propulsion
the paretic side, and his performance on 10-meter walking test of the subject was increased by wearing the unactuated orthosis,
was 16.35 seconds. He underwent 3-D gait analysis which was and further increased by the actuated orthosis (Fig. 9-b). Thus,
performed using an optical motion capture system (Vicon 370, our device would bestow stronger propulsive strength for the
VICON) and a force plate (Kistler) (Fig. 8). An experienced stroke patients with low paretic propulsion. The improvement
operator placed 15 reflective markers to calculate the kinematic of the swing time and the step length asymmetry was not obvi-
data [23]. ous (Fig. 9-c), which means that our device did not mitigate the
The gait analysis was performed under three different walk- subject’s gait asymmetry in the spatio-temporal aspect. This also
ing conditions: 1) without the orthosis, 2) wearing the orthosis implies that the abnormality of the non-paretic side in the hemi-
without actuation, and 3) wearing the orthosis with actuation. plegic gait was not corrected. It is necessary to control the timing
Motion was captured three times on a nine-meter walkway. The of plantarflexion assistance according to the patient’s walking
average kinematic data along with the spatio-temporal parame- speed and to consider the problems, such as the lateral shifting
ters, such as stride length, cadence, and walking speed were also of the weight during walking. Further investigation with larger
obtained. The swing time asymmetry was calculated by dividing samples of walking trials would be necessary.

The institute of Engineering Research at SNU provided the
research facilities for this work.

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