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01. Introduction to Singida district

02. The Village Council should be officially (through official letter) informed. Date and time set and
agreed for Village Council and Village Assembly introductory meetings.

03. Introductory meeting with the Village Council

Issues of this meeting are:
A. To introduce the VC to PRA/PLUM team;
B. To introduce the PRA/PLUM team;
C. To introduce the idea of PLUM;
D. To conduct awareness on Land Policies and Legislations;
i. Village land Act 1999
ii. Land Act 1999
iii. Land use planning Act 2007
iv. Gidelines for participatory village land use planning, administration and management in tanzian

E. To introduce importance and process of village land use planning

and management; the PRA process and required data;
F. Land use rights v/s mineral prospecting/mining
G. To sensitise on economic development, environment conservation and
managing climatic change;
H. To form the Village Land Use Management Committee (VLUMC).
These should be informed to join the PRA process the next day.

04. Introductory meeting with the Village Assembly

Issues of this meeting are:
A. To introduce the PRA/PLUM team;
B. To introduce the idea of PLUM;
C. To conduct awareness on Land Policies and Legislations ;
v. Village land Act 1999
vi. Land Act 1999
vii. Land use planning Act 2007
viii. Guidelines for participatory village land use planning, administration and management in
Tanziania 2011
D. To introduce importance and process of village land use
planning and management;
E. To sensitize villagers on economic development, environment
conservation and managing climatic change;
F. To introduce the Village Land Use Management Committee


1. Distribution of Household paper cards including the following questions
What is your name
What is your age
Number of people in a household
2. Wealth ranking (PRA tool)
3. Focus group discussion FGD
Groups having elders, women , men and youth & VLUMC conducting resource mapping and social

5.During focus group discussion the following PRA tools are done
1.Resource mapping
Is a process through which villagers draw or show watersheds, forests, farms, home gardens, residential
areas, soils, water sources, household assets, land-use patterns, changes in farming practices,
constraints and the distribution of various resources.

Explain to the group that they will be mapping their community
Pass out sheets of plain paper and a marker or pencil.
Allow about 20 to 30 minutes for the individuals to sketch a map
Once each individual has finished his or her map, combine them into groups of about four. Give each
group a sheet of flip chart paper and a marker

2. Historical timeline
This is one of PRA tools used for determining the historical trend of events over time since the
formation of the village.

3. Seasonal calender
A seasonal calendar is a visual method of showing the distribution of seasonally varying phenomena
(such as economic activities, resources, production activities, problems, illness/disease, migration, and
natural events/ phenomena) over time can be used for various purposes

4. Venn diagram
The Venn Diagram shows institutions, organizations, groups and important individuals found in the
village, as well as the villagers view of their importance in the community.

5. Mobility matrix
To understand why and how people move in and out of the village for a short and long time

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