Wo Compounds

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Wo Compounds

 Wo does not mean “where” in these compounds;

instead in English it is the “what” in these questions.
 Corresponds to two English words “what” at the
beginning of the sentence and the preposition
“with/about/to” at the end.

 Usage:
A. used in questions when asking for clarification or about
the object of the preposition.
1. What he is interested for?
Wofür interessiert er?
2. What do you remember?
Woran erinnerst du dich?

 Forms
Inanimate Objects
1. Preposition starting with consonants
Wo + Preposition
Wo + von= wovon
Wo+ mit= womit
Wo+ für= wofür
Wo+ gegen= wogegen

2. Preposition starting with vowels

Wor + Preposition
Wor + über=worüber
Wor + an= woran
Wor + auf= Worauf

Sentence Pattern:
 Preposition + wen (Akku)/ wem (Dat)- verb- subject?
1. Aus wem entkommt sie?
Whom she is escaping from?
2. an wen schickst du?
To who do you send?

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