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Jenny Dooley

Student's Book
Published by Express Publishing

L ib e r t y H o u s e , G r e e n h a m B u s in e s s P a rk , N e w b u r y ,
B e r k s h ir e R G 1 9 6 H W , U n it e d K in g d o m
Tel.: (0 0 4 4 ) 1635 817 363
Fax : (0 0 4 4 ) 1635 817 463
e m a il: in q u ir ie s @ e x p r e s s p u b lis h in g .c o .u k
w w w .e x p r e s s p u b lis h in g .c o .u k

© J e n n y D o o le y , 2018

D e s ig n a n d Illu s tr a t io n © Ex p ress P u b lis h in g , 2018

C o lo u r Illu s tra tio n s : A n g e la , A n d r e w S im o n s , K y r © E x p ress P u b lis h in g , 2018

M u s ic A r r a n g e m e n t s b y Taz © E x p re s s P u b lis h in g , 2018

F irst p u b lis h e d 2018

M a d e in E ll

A ll rig h ts re s e rv e d . N o p a r t o f th is p u b lic a t io n m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d , s to re d in a r e t r ie v a l sy ste m , o r

t r a n s m it t e d in a n y fo r m , o r b y a n y m e a n s , e le c t r o n ic , p h o t o c o p y in g , o r o t h e r w is e , w i t h o u t t h e p rio r
w r i t t e n p e rm is s io n o f t h e p u b lis h e rs . *

T h is b o o k is n o t m e a n t t o b e c h a n g e d in a n y w a y .

IS B N 978-1-4715-6954-8

A u t h o r 's A c k n o w le d g e m e n t s

D e d ic a t e d t o t h e f o n d m e m o r y o f V ir g in ia E v a n s , c o - a u th o r o f t h e o r ig in a l t it le .

We would lik e t o t h a n k all t h e s t a f f a t E x p ress P u b lis h in g w h o h a v e c o n t r ib u t e d t h e ir skills t o

producing th is b o o k . T h a n k s f o r t h e ir s u p p o r t a n d p a t ie n c e a r e d u e in p a r t ic u la r to : M e g a n L a w t o n
( E d it o r in C h ie f); M a r y S w a n a n d S e a n T o d d (s e n io r e d ito r s ); M ic h a e l S a d le r a n d S t e v e M ille r
(editorial a s sista n ts); R ic h a rd W h i t e (s e n io r p r o d u c t io n c o n t r o lle r ) ; t h e E x p re ss d e s ig n t e a m ; E x p ress
studio (recording p ro d u c e rs ); a n d K e v in H a rris , A n n B r o w n a n d C h ris tin e L itt le . W e w o u ld a ls o lik e
to thank th o s e in s titu tio n s a n d t e a c h e r s w h o p ilo t e d t h e m a n u s c rip t, a n d w h o s e c o m m e n ts a n d
*eedDack were in v a lu a b le in t h e p r o d u c tio n o f t h e b o o k .

: t io t o g r a p h A c k n o w le d g e m e n t s
o " r t 2: Culture T h e W illia m s S is te rs © R ic h a rd C o r k e r y / G e tt y Im a g e s / Id e a l Im a g e o n p. 18; T h e
z'anco b r o t h e r s © B r u c e G lik a s / G e tty Im a g e s / Id e a l Im a g e o n p. 18; U n it 10: 10a R o g e r M o o r e ©
zz'z 's .s '- a r t m a g n a .c o m o n p. 82; R o g e r M o o r e © P O P P E R F O T O / G e t t y Im a g e s / Id e a l Im a g e o n p. 83;
d a K a '- lo © B E T T M A N N / G e t t y Im a g e s / Id e a l Im a g e o n p. 83; A lb e r t E in s te in © U n iv e r s a l Im a g e s
3 r c x ,o G e t t y Im a g e s / Id e a l Im a g e o n p. 83; 10b R R T o lk ie n © H a y w o o d M a g e e P ic tu r e P o s t/ G e tty
— 5 c e s '- e s ' ^ a g e o n p. 84; E lvis P r e s le y © e v e r e t t w w w . im l . g r o n p. 84

E •=•-> 5 ~ " a s b e e n m a d e t o tr a c e a ll t h e copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently

r r e r lc c * sc t h e p u b lis h e r s w il l b e p le a s e d t o m a k e t h e n e c e s s a r y a r r a n g e m e n t s a t t h e fir s t
appirtH lyL
C o n t en t s
G ra m m a r v o c a b u la r y R e a d in g L is t e n in g S p e a k in g W r it in g C u lt u r e

• the verb to fte • cardinal Social Media a dialogue • greetings, • an 'about me' Countries
• subject pronouns numbers Profiles (multiple introductions profile of the
• a/an • countries/ (replace words) choice) & personal writing tip: English-
• the verb can (ability) nationalities questions - capital letters speaking
НІ! • jobs • intonation in - linking ideas world
(p p . 4-11)
• abilities w/7-questions (and, but)
• school/college
• colours

(• the verb have got • family A family like no a dialogue • identifying & • a blog entry Celebrity
• object pronouns members otherl (multiple describing about a Siblings
• possessive • people's (article - matching) people famous
adjectives/pronouns appearance answer • pronunciation: person
Families • possessive case • character questions) w riting tip:
• who/whose adjectives punctuation
(p p , 12-19)
• plurals (regular,

.... .. . . w

• there is/there are/a- • rooms, Life a dialogue • renting a flat • an email The UK-
an/some-any furniture & underground (note taking) • pronunciation: describing Homes
• this/these-that/ appliances (online a rticle- /а:/ /аг/ your new flat of the
those • ordinal T/F statements) writing tip: Monarchy
Home sweet • prepositions of place numbers %> informal
home! (on, in, under, behind, • types of language
next to, in front of, houses
(p p , 20-27)
near, between,

Values - National Pride (p. 28)

Public Speaking Skills A - present your country's flag (p. 29)

• present simple • daily routines A day in the life a dialogue • making • a blog entry Hobbies &
• adverbs of • days of the of Valeria Lopez (T/F arrangements about your Sports:
frequency week (article - statements) • pronunciation: typical Sunday Australia vs
• love/like/hate +-ing • telling the time match /s//z/ /iz/ writing tip: Canada
Busy days • prepositions of time • free-time headings to opening/closing
(p p . 30-37) activities paragraphs; T/F remarks
• sports statements)
V............. _...............
• modal verbs: can/ • wild animals Welcome to a dialogue • asking for • an application Unique
could, can't, must, • parts of Pohatu Marine (T/F information form to animals in
mustn't animals' Reserve (online statements) • pronunciation: volunteer Australia
• question words bodies article-T/F /е/ /з:/ writing tip:
Birds of a • farm animals statements completing
feather - answer application
questions) forms
(p p . 38-45)

• present continuous • weather Willis in all short • shopping for • a postcard A guide to
• present continuous • months & Weathers descriptions clothes w riting tip: California
vs present simple seasons (blog-T/F/DS (picture • pronunciation: - writing
• activities statements) numbering) /п/ /ці addresses
Come rain or • clothes - avoiding
shine repetition
(p p . 46-53)

Values B - Environmentalism (p. 54)

Public Speaking Skills B - present an endangered animal (p. 55)

G ra m m a r V o c a b u la r y R e a d in g L is t e n in g s p e a k in g w r itin g C u lt u r e

• countable/ • food/drinks Food of the a restaurant • ordering food • a restaurant Traditional

uncountable nouns • cutlery & World advert • pronunciation: review Irish Recipes
• phrases of quantity tableware (article - (gap fill) /g/ Afe/ w riting tip:
• some, any, a lot of/ • ways to cook complete using adjectives
Taste much/many - how • food sentences)
the world much/how many- preparation

pp. 56-63) a few/a little

• the imperative
c J
r s
• com parative- • adjectives Los Angeles a dialogue • making • an article Welcome to

superlative describing - The City of (multiple suggestions about a place NewZealand
• adverbs of degree places Angels matching) • pronunciation: w riting tip: title,
(quite, very, much, • tourist (article-T/F /S//!/ tenses, informal
s e w places, too) attractions statements language in
n e w faces • too/enough - answer articles
(pp. 64-71)
........-........ -J
f ..—
(was/ • features in a Inishmore: directions • asking for/ • an article UK street

• past simple
were, had, could) place Then & Now (gap fill) giving about a place names
• places/ (article - directions then and now
buildings in a answer • pronunciation: w riting tip:
—ies change town/city questions) /1/ pronounced linking ideas:
pp. 72-79) • transport T0r silent because/so

V. _____ ___________

Values - Respect (p. 80)

Public Speaking Skills C - present a historic landmark (p. 81)
• past simple (regular/ • famous Making the a narration • narrating past • a story William
irregular) people Best ofa of an event events w riting tip: Shakespeare
• prepositions of and their bad situation (order of • intonation Yes/ adjectives/ -A Poet for
movement achievements (article-T/F events) No questions adverbs; join All Time
Tieir stories • adverb formation • jobs statements; sentences {and,
live on • feelings/ multiple but, because, so
pp. 82-89) reactions matching) then, when, etc)

• should/shouldn't • the A Dark a dialogue • giving advice • an email Arbor Day -

• future simple, environment Future or a about • inviting/ about your Give a Little
be going to, present • summer plans Bright One? summer plans accepting/ sum m er plans Time to the
continuous (future (blog — (multiple refusing w riting tip: Trees
meaning) complete choice) invitations expressing
' Tie will tell
(P P . 90-97) • It-There sentences) • pronunciation: reason, result or
11-won't purpose

• present perfect • holiday Exotic telephone • describing • a blog Adventure

• present perfect vs activities Morocco conversations holiday comment Holidays in
past simple • travel (email -T/F (multiple experiences about a Canada
• The/- experiences statements) choice) • pronunciation: holiday
M pronounced experience
"ake a break or silent w riting tip:
pp. 98-105)

values - Environmental Awareness (p. 106)

Public Speaking Skills D - present a green city (p. 107)
CLIL (pp. 108-111)
Word List (pp. 112-118)
Irregular Verbs (p. 119)
Cardna numbers. Countries. Everyday English: Introduce yourself/others,
Nationalities, Jobs. Abilities, Subjects, Give personal information
Colours Writing: A short text about a friend,
the verb to be, subject pronouns; Your social media profile
a/an, the verb can

R e a d in g

Look at the social media profiles. How old is each person?

What is their dream job?
Listen and read to find out.

* . s
Peter Smith M aria A lvarez
Age: 16 Age: 18
Country: th e UK ■Country: A rg e n tin a

I m g o o d a t singing. M u s ic is m y
I m rea lly in te rested in A rt an d ICT. \
fa v o u rite s u b je c t a t sch o o l. M y I c a n d ra w beau tifu l
fa vo u rite artist is B ru n o M ars. pictures. I c a n ^
He is an A m e r ic a n sin g er an d he desig n g re a t outfits on
ca n sin g really w ell. M y d re a m
m y c o m p u te r a s w ell. M y «a
jo b is to b e c o m e a singer. It's an d re a m jo b is to b e c o m e a fash ion
a m a z in g job. designer. It's a g re a t job!

Shan Mort ш Uk*S * Save mra non

. о
Ju Luo ^Janusz Florek
Age: 20
r гы/ V i' * Country: T hailand Country: Po lan d

г~*.: " : • .,.
• t л .

I'm c ra z y a b o u t English A t m y college, all o f th e

Literature. M y fa vo u rite s u b je c ts a re interesting, but m y

w rite rs a re M a rg a re t A tw o o d , fa vo u rite o n e is Art. I'm m ad

Jo h n S te in b e c k an d C h a rle s a b o u t photography. I c a n ta k e

D ickens. I c a n w rite good rea lly g o o d s n a p s h o ts w ith m y

stories. M y d re a m jo b is to c a m e ra . M y d re a m jo b is to

b e c o m e a w riter. b e c o m e a photographer.

штат Ф Uk«* * S tu n

Read the sentences. Replace the words in bold with words C h e ck th e s e w o rd s

from the text.
good at, become, amazing, interested
1 P e t e r is good a t it. 3 She's interested in English Literature. in, draw, design, outfit, crazy about, mad

4 Ja n u s z c a n ta k e these w ith his about, snapshot

2 M a ria is in tereste d in
them. c a m e ra .
S p e a k in g Countries/Nationalities

a) Ask and answer questions, as in the Fill in the gaps with words from the list.Write in
example. your notebook. Then make sentences, as in the
What is Peter's B: He's from the UK.
surname? A: what is his dream • Brazil • M e x ic a n • A rg e n tin a

Smith. job? • Ja p a n e s e • G re e k • Sp ain • Finland

how old is he? B: His dream job is to • A m e ric a n • C a n a d a • Turkey

-e’s 16 years old. become a singer.

Name Nationality Capital Country
.‘/here is he from?

Paolo Brazilian Brasilia 1) Brazil

3 Read the texts again. Copy and complete the
table. Make sentences, as in the example.

- ~ name Surname Age Country Dream Job Pablo Spanish Madrid 2) .....

=eter Smith 16 the UK singer

'.'aria Alvarez Ja s o n C anadian Ottawa 3) .....

jarusz Ito 4) ..... Tokyo Ja p a n

years old. He/She is from ... . His/Her dream

become. . . . Tomäs Argentinian 5).....

v o c a b u la r y Washington
Mike 6)..... the U S A
Cardinal numbers DC

a r > Listen and learn.

Costas 7) ..... Athens G reece

e le v e n (11) th irty (30)

tw e lv e (12) fo rty (40)

Hans Finnish Helsinki 8) .....
fifty (50)
th irte e n (13)
sixty (60)
fo u rte e n (14)
s e v e n ty (70) Rico 9) ..... Mexico City Mexico
fifteen (15)
e ig h ty (80)
six teen (16)
n in e ty (90)
s e v e n te e n (17)
a h u n d red (100) Ali Turkish Ankara 10)
e ig h te e n (18)
a hu n dred an d on e (101)
n in e te e n (19)
a th o u s a n d (1000)
tw e n ty (20) Paolo is Brazilian. He's from Brasilia, Brazil.
tw e n ty - o n e (21)

W r it in g
z Listen and circle the numbers you hear,
write them in your notebook. Copy and complete the table in Ex. 3b with
information about your friend. Use your notes
67,13 28S i t 56 64
to write a paragraph about him/her (50 words).
Add a photo.
TOO 89

Grammar in use
a) Complete the gaps with the correct form of
Tony's Profile the verb to be.

Viewing By: m m m m
Hi! M y n a m e D / s A n d re a
an d I 2 ) .................... from

th e UK. I 3 ) ........................ 25
Tony is from London, the UK. He's 18 years old.
y e a r s old. This 4 ).............
Tony is good at drawing, but he isn't good at
m y frien d M o n ica. S h e 5 ) .................... from
singing. His dream job is to become an architect.
P o lan d . S h e 6 ) .................... 28 y e a r s old. W e 7 ).............
He can play football well, but he can't play tennis.
ph o to g rap h ers. I 8 ) .................... go od a t dra w in g , an d

M o n ic a 9 ) good at singing. In this photo, w e

Read the table. Find examples in Tony's profile. 10).................... at a cafe. B e ou r e-friend.

The verb to be
Affirmative Negative b) Correct the sentences, write in your notebook.
Long form Short form Long form Short form
A n d re a is trom Po lan d .
I am I'm I am not I'm not
Andrea isn't from Poland. She's from the UK.
you are you 're you are not you aren 't
1 M o n ic a is 25 y e a r s old.
he he's he he
she is she's she is not she isn't A n d re a an d M o n ic a a re A m e ric a n .
it J it's it - it
A n d re a is a good singer.
we i w e 're we we
you are yo u 're you are not you aren't
they th ey're they th ey SPEAKING Pretend you are from one
interrogative Short answers of the countries below. Your partner tries to
Am I? Yes, 1am. / No, I'm not. guess where you are from.
Are yo u ? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't.
he? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't. • A u stra lia • India • Peru • F ra n c e • G e rm a n y

Is sh e? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't. • B a h ra in • Po rtu g a l • Brazil • Italy • E g yp t

. it? Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.
A: Are you from Italy? A: Are you from France?
w e? Yes, w e are. / No, w e aren't.
Are yo u ? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't.
B: No, I'm not. B: Yes, I am.
th e y? Yes, th ey are. / No, th ey aren't.

Read the theory box. Then fill in the correct

Fill in: is, are, 's, 're, 'm, aren't or isn't. subject pronoun.
1 A:is h e from M e x ic o ? Subject pronouns
B: No, h e .................... H e ................... fro m Ja p a n .
singular I/You/He/She/It
2 A: ................. th e y S p a n is h ? Plural We/You/They
B: No, t h e y .....................T h e y .................. C an ad ian . Su bject pronouns go before the main verb.

3 A : W h a t .................. y o u r fa v o u rite sch o o l s u b je c t?

John is from Peru. He is Peruvian.

B: M y fa vo u rite sc h o o l s u b j e c t ................... M usic.

1 M a ry is fro m th e U K ........................................... is British.
4 A: .................Pa o lo from B razil?
2 Tom an d I are 18 y e a r s o ld .................... a re C an ad ian .
B: Yes, h e ............. H e ................. fro m Brasilia.
3 S u e an d M o lly a re s tu d e n ts ............. a re from th e U SA .
5 A: H o w o l d ................... y o u ?
4 I am in terested in A r t........... is m y fa vo u rite su b ject.
3: 1.................. 23.
5 M a rk is 28 y e a r s o ld ....................... is a photographer.
6 A: e from Italy?
6 You an d A n n a a re fro m C a n a d a ...........a re C an ad ian s.
B: Yes, s h e ...................... S h e .................. fro m M ilan.
Read the theory. Find one example in Tony's b) Ask and answer
profile on p. 6. questions about the people in Ex. 7a.

a/an A: w hat's his name? A: W hat's his job?

• -*.e use a/an before singular nouns w h en w e talk
B: Steven. B: He's a waiter.
generally about them . W e also use a/an before nam es A: How old is he?
y jobs, a book, an actor B: Twenty-seven.
• -ve use a before consonant sounds {b, c, d, f, etc). He's
eacher. W e use an before vow el sounds (a, e, /, o, u).
; s an actress. g Read the table. Find examples in Tony's profile
on p. 6.

The verb can

a Use a/an and the words: artist, astronaut, doctor,
Affirmative i/You/He/She/it/we/You/They can.
engineer, pilot, police officer, vet, waiter, waitress,
actress/actor, secretary to label the pictures. Interrogative Can l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they?
Negative i/You/He/She/i|/we/You/They cannot/can't.

9 Say what each person can/can't do.

M a ry / ty p e (/ ) L o r a / d a n c e (X)
M a rk /co o k (/)

S a m / p lay th e K ate / run ( / )

S t e v e / s w im (/ )
g u itar (x)

7 Mark can't cook.

«I q 023329 ^In groups, ask and answer

questions to find out what your friends can
or can't do. Use the phrases in the table.

very well/fast 9 5%

quite well/fast 7 0%

not very well/fast 40%

no 0%

A: Can you cook?

B: Yes, I can cook very well. Can youtype?
A: No, I can't. Can you type?
C: Yes, I can type quite well. Can you... ? etc
Skills in Action
V o c a b u la r y E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
School/College subjects Greetings, Introductions &
Personal questions
a) Listen and learn.
a) Complete the dialogue.

Ann: N ic e party!
Steve: Yes, it's great.
M aths C om puter physics Geography
Scie n ce
Ann: I'm A n n , by th e w ay. 1).............
is y o u r n a m e ?
Steve: I'm Ste ve , S t e v e Blair. N ic e to m e e t yo u .
Ann: N ic e to m e e t yo u , too. 2)...........
a re yo u fro m ?
Steve: I'm from G lasg ow , Sc o tlan d .
English Language ^ usjc
Ann: O h, a re y o u a s tu d e n t th e r e ?
Steve: I'm a doctor. 3) ..........................a b o u t y o u ?
Ann: I'm fro m B irm in g h a m an d I'm a stu d en t.
I stu d y Biology.
Steve: R e a lly ? B io lo g y is m y favou rite. 4) .....
Biology Chem istry Literature Drama old a re y o u ?
Ann: I'm tw en ty-on e. A n d y o u ?
b) Which subject are/aren't you good at? What Steve: W e ll, I'm thirty.
about your best friend? Tell your partner.
I'm good at Maths. I'm not very good at History.
My best friend is good at Physics. She isn't very good b) Listen and check.
at Music, etc
^ Act out a similar dialogue. Use phrases
from the Language box.
L is t e n in g
Greet people Respond
study skills • Hil/Hello! H ow are you? • Fine. • Great. • So-so.
• H ow 's everything? • Not bad. • I'm OK.
Multiple choice
• Bye! • See you! • se e you!
First, read the questions and all the possible answers so
that you know what you are about to listen to. While you introduce yourself/others Respond
listen, try not to get distracted as all options are mentioned. • Hi! I'm .... • Nice to m eet you!
• Hello! M y nam e's .... This is .... • Oh, hi! I'm ....
• Pleased to m eet you.

I a) Look at the questions and answers. What is Personal questions

the dialogue about? • W h at's your n am e? • H ow old are you?
• W h e re are you from ? • W h at's your job?
1 W h e r e is Elsa fro m ?

A Sw eden B M e x ic o C Sp ain

2 H o w old is C a rlo s ? intonation in wft-questions

A 21 B 20 C 18
Read the theory.
3 W h a t y e a r is Elsa in ?
Listen and repeat.
A 2 B 3 C 1

4 W h a t is D ieg o's fa vo u rite s u b je c t?

Intonation goes dow n at the end of wh- questions.
A English B G e o g ra p h y C A rt What's your name? ^
5 W h a t is C a rlo s's fa vo u rite s u b je c t?

A C h e m is try B B io lo g y C English 1 W h e r e are y o u fro m ? 3 W h e n is y o u r birthday

2 W h a t's his n a m e ? 4 w h a t about yo u ?

b) Listen and choose the correct answers.
R e a d in g & w r i t in g
I* Writing Tip
Read the texts. Copy and complete the table for each person Unking ideas
in your notebook. • w e use and to link sim ilar ideas.
I'm 25 years old and I'm from Vietnam.
• W e use but to link opposing ideas.
I can cook very well but l can't
Michael Stephenson dance well.

About me: 0 Read the Writing Tip box. use and

M y nam e’s M ichael. I’m 18 years o ld and I’m a or but to join the sentences.
c o lle s e student from Los A ng eles in the U SA . M y
1 D an is 16 y e a r s old. H e is good at
favourite subjects are Maths and Physics. I can
M aths.
sw im and run very fast but I can 't play the guitar.
M y favourite singer is Eminem.

2 M a ry can draw . S h e c a n 't sing.


nba Akua
o :-j t m e:
3 Iam good a t M usic. Ic a n p lay th e
piano v e r y w ell.
- '-’ iba and I ’m from Nairobi in Kenya. I ’m
1 ears old and I ’m a college student. I ’m
it 3DOut Drama and Literature. My favourite
are Oscar Wilde and F. Scott Fitzgerald. I 4 I am in terested in D ram a. I c a n sing
r^ te really good stories and cook very well. w ell.
- about Sia. She’s a great singer.

5 Je n n y c a n s w im really fast. S h e c a n 't

co o k v e r y w ell.

• “- e - r fro m

:: : .- te subjects
~ O ii~ e S

:: :i.- :e singer W r it in g (an 'About me'


^ Copy the table in Ex. 6 into your

notebook and complete itwith
lapta otters
information about yourself.
■: r :■ ve use capital letters to start a sentence. (He's from Italy.) w e also
e etterswith:
- ° i j l Smith). • nationalities (Mexican). • months (June). 10 You want to create your social
td subjects (Art). • days of the w eek • the personal media profile. Use your notes
- es Mexico). (Monday). pronoun/. in Ex. 9 to write the 'About me'
text for it(50-60 words).
a : th e Writing Tip box. Rewrite the sentences. Use capital
IB S .

1 - fr a n c e ..........................................................................................

I . =■= "t e r e s t e d in m a th s ......................................................................

\ d a n c e v e r y w e ll.........................................................................

s 5 'e b ritish .............................................................................................

: , ' t e sp o rtsm a n is m ich ae l phelps. h e 's a m e rica n .

culture Countries of the
English-speaking uuorld
Over 840 million people speak English as a first or second
language. It is an official language in 67 countries. And in these six
countries most people are native speakers of English.
4 . . / H

Continent: North America
Population: 36 million Continent: Europe

Capital: Ottawa Population: 5 million

Area: 9.98 million km2 Capital: Dublin

Currency: Canadian dollars ($) Area: 70,000 km2

Currency: euros (€)

New Zealand

Continent: Oceania
Population: 5 million
Continent: Europe
Capital: Wellington
Population: 66 million
Area: 270,000 km2
Capital: London
Currency: New Zealand dollars ($)
Area: 242,000 km2
Currency: pounds (£)
Continent: North America
population: 325 million
S o u th
P acific
Capital: Washington DC
O ce a n Area: 9.83 million km2 South
Currency: American dollars ($) Atlantic
Ocean Continent: Oceania
population: 25 million
Capital: Canberra
Area: 7.69 million km2
Currency: Australian dollars ($)

'A Check these words

official language, native speaker, continent, population, capital, currency

L is t e n in g & R e a d in g S p e a k in g & w r i t in g

Look at the map and the fact files. What is the

official language in these countries?
Listen and read the text to find out. 0 Use the colour guide
and say what colours are
Read again and correct the sentences. on each country's flag.

1 A u stra lia an d N e w Z e a la n d a re in N orth A m e ric a .

2 W e llin g to n is in A u stralia.

3 Irelan d 's c u rre n c y is pounds.

4 C a n a d a an d th e UK are n e a rly th e s a m e size.

5 The population o f N e w Z ealan d is th e s a m e a s th e UK.

The UK's flag is red, white and blue.

Write a similar fact file about your country.

v o c a b u la r y Fill in: a or an.

1 Write the numbers.

I'm W illia m an d m y b e st frien d is B e n . H e 's 1)......
1 5 ............................. 6 3 .. stu d e n t a t c o lle g e an d I'm 2)................ actor. My
2 15 .............. 7 38 .. s iste r's 3)................artist. B e n 's d re a m is to becom e
3 12 ............................. 8 105 4) It's 5)................. am az in g job.
4 20 .............. 9 16 .. (5X2=10)
5 73 .............. 10 82 ......
(10X1 = 10) 6 Use can or can't to fill in the gaps.

2 write the nationalities. 1 " .................... yo u c o o k ? " "Y e s ...............

1 th e U K - ....................... 4 T u rk ey- 2 " .................... w e run f a s t ? " " N o , ..........

2 Ja p a n - ......................... 5 S p ain - 3 " .................... A liso n s w im ? " " Y e s ,

3 C a n a d a - ..................... 4 " .................... th e y d a n c e ? " "Yes,

(5X2=10) 5 " .................... h e ty p e fa s t ? " " N 5 , .

<3 Write each person's job. (5X2=10)

1 Terry c a n ta k e go o d s n a p s h o ts ..............
Complete the gaps with the correct form of the
2 A n n a can w rite in terestin g s to rie s ......... verb to be or the verb can.
3 Ja c o b can desig n outfits...........................
A Sa m a n th a c a n d ra w beautiful pictures.
11)................Kevin an d this 2)................. m y frien d Alex.
W e 3) ................ b e st friends. A le x an d 14 ) .................. both
A n d re w can sin g w e ll...............................
s e v e n te e n y e a r s old. M y fa vo u rite s u b je c t 5).....
M usic. I 6) ................p lay th e guitar, but I 7).......
G ra m m a r sing v e r y w ell. A le x 8 ) a lly goo d a t Art. He
9)................d ra w am az in g pictu res. H e 10).......
4 Fill in the correct form of the verb to be.
also ta k e really go o d s n a p s h o ts w ith his c a m e ra .
A: ....y o u a te a c h e r ?
(10x2 =20)
B: No, I ........ .............. I ......................a doctor.

2 A; ..M a r k from th e U S A ? E v e r y d a y E n g lis h

g- Yes, h e ... ..................H e ......................A m e ric a n .
Match the sentences.
3 A: .. S te v e and Luke pilots?
1 0 W h a t's y o u r n a m e ? A I'm tw en ty.
B: No, t h e y .. .................... T h e y ..................... actors.
2 0 H o w old a re y o u ? B N o t bad.
A: .. yo u from Italy?
3 0 H ello! M y n a m e 's C S h e is from M exico.
B; Yes, w e ... .................. W e ................from M ilan.
Ste ve. Q I'm B re n d a .
5 A; .... Ju lia from G e rm a n y ? 4 0 H o w a re y o u ? e N ic e to m e e t you !
B: No, s h e .... ..................S h e ..................... from Russia.
5 0 w h e r e is s h e fro m ?
(5X4=20) (5X2=10)
Total 100

Lexical Competence Reading Competence Speaking Competence
Talk a b o u t • read fo r sp e cific • greet & introduce m yself/others
good/ in form ation (iden tify
• card in al n u m b e rs • g ive p ers o n a l in fo rm ation
re fe re n c e in a text;
• co u n tries & nationalities Writing Competence
c o m p le te a tab le)
V tR Y G O O D / J • jo b s • w rite a sh o rt tex t a b o u t m y
Listening Competence
• abilities friend
• id entify k ey in fo rm ation
• co lo u rs • w rite an 'A b o u t m e ' p ag e
(m ultip le c h o ic e )
Vocabulary: Family members, People's appearance, Everyday English: Identifying &
Character adjectives Describing people
Grammar: the verb have got, object/possessive Writing: A blog entry about a
pronouns, possessive adjectives, possessive famous person
case, who's/whose, plurals

R e a d in g
*^ Hddams
Look at the family tree, who are these ie T Y
characters? who's got a pet spider?
r k Listen and read to find out.

) (5ome^

Imagine a family where nothing is normal!

They are The Addams Family and they
can make you laugh until you cry!

Gom ez Addam s (husband ): He is a billionaire.

He has got short black hair and a moustache.
He can dance the tango with his wife and can
juggle. His favourite hobby is playing with his
toy trains.
M o rtid a Addam s (wife ) : She is tall and thin
with very long black hair. She is clever and can
speak French. Her favourite hobbies are playing
music and gardening.
W ednesday Addam s (their daughter): She is
very serious. Her favourite hobbies are reading,
looking after her pet spider, Homer, and playing
with her brother.
Pugsley Addam s (W ednesday's brother): He is
short, plump and very naughty. He has got a pet
octopus; his name is Aristotle. Playing games
with his sister is his favourite hobby.

Read the text again and answer the

1 W h a t is G o m e z 's fa v o u r ite h o b b y ?

Check these words 2 W h a t c a n M o rtic ia d o ?

laugh, cry, billionaire, moustache, juggle, gardening, 3 W h a t is W e d n e s d a y lik e ?

look after, naughty, octopus 4 W h o 's g o t a p e t o c to p u s ?
People's appearance

5 Look at the Addams' family tree. Who's:

1 tall an d slim w ith long straight black h air?
2 old an d short w ith fair h air?
3 well-built w ith short straigh t b lack hair an d a
m o u s ta c h e ?

4 young an d plump w ith short fair h a ir?

5 middle-aged, plum p an d bald?

Label the different parts of the face, then

point to them on your face and name them.
• hair • m o u th • n o s e • e y e • c h e e k
• lips • te e th • ch in • gar

1 hair

v o c a b u la r y Use the words small, short, fair, thin, curly, plump

to write the opposite phrases. Find photos of
Family memfc
family/friends on your smartphone and show
Look at the family tree. Choose the correct word. them to the class.
1 F e s te r is G o m e z 's brother/father. 1 tall b o y * short boy 5 d ark hair * ...................

2 M o rticia is O p h e lia 's daughter/sister. 2 slim girl * ..................... 6 fulll i p s * ........................

3 W e d n e s d a y is G ra n d m a m a 's aunt/granddaughter. 3 long h air * ................. 7 big n o se * ...................

4 P u b e rt is O p h e lia 's son/nephew. 4 straigh t h air * ............ 8 big e y e s * ....................

5 Pu g s le y is M o rtic ia 's cousin/son.

6 G o m e z is M o rticia 's husband/father.

S p e a k in g & W r it in g
7 Pu g s le y is P u b e rt's brother/uncle.
8 M• < Choose a person in the Addams family
8 Fa th e r F ru m p an d G ra n d m a F ru m p a re W e d n e s d a y 's
parents/grandparents. and ask and answer questions, as in the example.
A: What does M orticia look like?
B: She's tall and slim. She's got long straight black
Say a sentence about a person in the hair.
family tree. Your partner says who the person is.
It's Father Frump's wife. ICT Find pictures of another famous TV/film
Grandma £rump. family. Label them. Present the family to the class.
Grammar in use
a) Look at the pictures and complete the
sentences with: have got, has got, haven't got,
hasn't got.


Mary: This photo is cool, but who are they?

Beth: They're my friends, Danny and his
sister Jane.
Mary: Jane! Really? Jessica
Beth: Yes, she's got long dark hair now.
Mary: So, who's the girl with the curly hair?
Beth: That's Danny's cousin, Lynn. She's a vet. Daniel ,
The new place on
Cook Street is hers.
Mary: Really? Have you got Andrea

her phone number?

My dog's got a bad
1 J o h n ....... ......... b lack hair. H e .............. ............. fair hair.
2 M a r y ...... ..........straigh t hair. S h e ....... c u rly hair.
Beth: No, sorry, I haven't.
But we can ask 3 B e n an d A n d r e a ............................... blo n d e hair. T h e y
............. b ro w n hair.
Jane. She's got it.
4 Je s s ic a ..................................... long w avy hair. She
............. sh o rt straigh t hair.

Read the table. Find examples in the dialogue. 5 C h arlo tte an d M a ry ........................ ....... sh o rt hair.
T h e y ....... ....................... long hair.

The verb have got 6 B e n ............................... a b eard an d a m o u sta ch e.

Affirmative 7 A n d r e a ... ............ straigh t hair. S h e ... .......... c u rly hair.

Long form Short form 8 D a n ie l.... .......b ro w n e ye s, but B e n . eyes.

l/You have g o t ... I've/You've g o t ... 9 J e s s i c a .....................fair hair. S h e ........ ........... dark hair.
He/She/It has g ot... He's/She's/lt's g o t ...
10 A n d re a an d C h a r lo t t e ......................... .... long hair, but
We/You/They have g o t ... W e've/You've/They've g o t ...
J e s s i c a ................................ sh o rt hair.
Long form Short form
b) Form questions and then answer
I/You have not g o t ... I/You h aven 't g o t ...
them, as in the example.
He/She/It has not g ot... He/she/it h asn't g o t...
We/You/They have not g o t ... We/You/They h aven 't g o t ... 1 C h arlo tte/fair h air? 6 Jo hn /a b e ard ?
Interrogative Short answers 2 Ben/a m o u s ta c h e ? 7 D aniel/fair h air?

H ave l/you g o t ...? Yes, l/you No, l/you 3 M ary/b ro w n e y e s ? 8 Je ssica /re d h air?
have. haven't.
4 Jo h n /sh o rt h air? 9 A n d rea/straig h t h air?
Has he/she/it g o t ...? Yes, he/she/ No, he/she/
it has. it hasn't. 5 C h arlo tte/b lue e y e s ? 10 Je s s ic a / w a v y h air?

Have we/you/they g o t ...? Yes, we/you/ No, we/you/

th ey have. they haven't.
1 A: Has Charlotte got fair hair?
B: No, she hasn't. She's got red hair.
SPEAKING Choose one person from Choose the correct item.
Ex. 2. Your partner asks questions to find out
who this person is. 1 Who's/Whose b ro th er is M ik e ? H e's Kelly's/
Kellys' brother.
s it a woman? A: Has she got brown hair?
2 who/whose is B ill? H e is the boy's/boys cousin.
*es, it is. B: Yes, she has.
3 Who/Whose is M a rk ? H e's Sam's and Mary's/
Sam and Mary's brother.
Read the table. Find examples in the dialogue on
p. 14. 4 W h e re are John's and Ann's/John and Ann's
ro o m s?
r 1
Object pronouns - 5 T h e s e are th e girls'/girl's glasses. T h e y a re th eir
=ossessive adjectives/pronouns glasses.

me you him her it us you them 1

I ^ '- o u n s

— r " h e verb as objects: Look at him. He's my friend. g Read the theory. Find an example in the
1 = cssessive
dialogue on p. 14.
my your his her its our your their
j - : rC tive s
[ :- r :r e nouns to sh o w possession: This is his dog.
• nouns + -s:one friend - two friends
1 ^ - sse s siv e
mine yours his hers ours yours theirs • -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o + -es: bus - buses,
a ro o o u n s
glass - glasses, brush - brushes, match - matches,
r r e end of a sentence: s his.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H i mmm box - boxes, tomato -■tomatoes
• -f, -fe -> -ves: leaf- leaves, knife - knives
• consonant -y->- -ies: family- families BUT. boy-boys
Choose the correct item.
• Irregular plurals: man - men, woman - women,
child - children, foot - feet, tooth - teeth, ox - oxen
0 M e e t th e S w a n so n s! deer - deer, fish - fish, sheep - sheep

-- : "Baders! 1) My/I nam e is M ark

arc 25 I/me am 23 years old. I've
brown hair and 3) my/me Q Use the plural form of the nouns in the brackets
- t-: =t b blue. In this photo, I am with to complete the gaps.
- -. Tie brother Tom and 5) us/our
- 6) We/Us are at the beach. Hi, I'm Louise. M e e t m y family.

_ e: 7) we/us. Tom is 25 years old. 1 I've got t w o ................................. (brother), P e te r and

— . H e 's very tall and well-built. 9) Our/Us sister Ann is 20 Ralph.

ears d g 10) She/Her is a bit short and 11) she/her hair is 2 T h e i r .............................................. ....(personality) are
r * r - - S h e ’s very funny. Tell 12) us/our about your families. v e r y d ifferen t from e a c h other.

3 P e te r's f a v o u r it e ........................ ..... (hobby) are

rea d in g an d listening to m usic.
Read the theory. Find an example in the 4 R a lp h 's got t h r e e ....................... ...... (goldfish).
dialogue on p. 14.
5 M y dad is a te a c h e r a t t w o ..........................................

Possessive case (Vs) (university)

6 M y m u m is an artist. S h e c a n c re a te beautiful
*e -se:
.......................(painting) w ith h e r ..................
• s th singular and irregular plural nouns.
—e boy's brother, the men's father
• Aitfi p lural nouns, the girls'mother 7 I've g o t fo u r o f th e m in m y room . M y fa v o u rite is th e
• of id talk about things that belong to other things. o n e w ith b r o w n ..................................... (leaf).
door of the car
COMPARE: Jo and Sue's brothers (sam e brothers)
BUT: .o's and Sue's brothers (different brothers) 10 S fflE f Show photos of your
• .'ie use who to ask about people. Who is Tony? friends on your smartphone. Your partner
• .e use whose to ask about possession or relation, asks questions about them, use the dialogue
.vftose cat is this? Whose brother is Tony? on p. 14 as a model.
Skills in Action
V o c a b u la r y E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
Character adjectives Identifying & Describing people

a) Listen and learn. Use the sentences A-D to complete the

dialogue. One sentence is extra. Listen and
Study Skills check. Find Mr Jones in the picture.
Learn words with their opposites. This helps you remember

A w h o is M r Jo n e s ? c H o w old is h e ?

funny serious kind impolite B W h a t's his n a m e ? D W h a t's h e like?

b) which adjectives best describe you?

Ann: 1).........................
I'm funny and kind. I can be noisy at times. Jane: H e's th e o n e w ith th e sh o rt fair hair, b eard
an d m o u sta ch e .
Ann: 2).........................
L is t e n in g Jane: I think h e 's 35.
Ann: 3).........................
study Skills
Jane: W e ll, h e 's really q u ie t and h e's v e r y h ard ­
Multiple matching w orking.
Read the rubric and the lists of words. Try to guess the Ann: OK. Let's go into th e m eeting.
content of the recording. While you listen, try not to get
distracted as all options will be mentioned.

You are about to go into a meeting. Act

a) Listen to Tom talking to a friend. Match out a dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 3. Use
the people to their relationship with Tom. phrases from the language box.

People Relations Asking about people Responding

0 [ß ] A lex A COUSin • W h at is he/she like? • He/She's clever.
• H ow old is he/she? • He/She's 25.
1 0 M arg a re t B b ro th er
• W h o 's he/she? • He/She's the new manager etc.
2 0 M arth a C au n t • W h at's his/her nam e? • M r Sm ith/M s Bro w n etc.
3 0 D avid D m um
4 0 C laire E dad Pronunciation l\.l h i
5 0 v chelle F gran d m a
Listen and tick (/). Listen again and repeat.
G uncle
H sister /i:/ h i /i:/ III /i:/ /i/I
six th re e te a c h e r
read slim sin ger
a • I • ,\-3t is each person like? *
J a m ie 's B lo g

M y fa v o u rite a c t o r is K it H arin g to n . H e is B ritis h w ith c u rly b la c k hair, b ro w n e y e s

a n d a big sm ile. H is m u m 's a p la y w rig h t a n d h is d a d 's a b u s in e s s m a n . H e 's g o t a
bro th er, Jo h n .

K it's v e r y fa m o u s fo r h is ro le a s Jo n S n o w in Game of Thrones. A t th e b e g in n in g o f

th e s to ry Jo n is th e s o n o f Lord N e d S ta rk . H e is v e r y c lo s e to h is h a lf b ro th e rs, Robb,
B ra n a n d R ic k o n a n d h a lf s is te rs S a n s a a n d A ry a , b u t N e d 's w ife , C a te ly n , is n 't fo n d
o f him . Kit is g r e a t a s b ra v e Jo n S n o w ! W h o 's y o u r fa v o u rite film o r T V a c t o r ?

R e a d in g & w r i t in g ICT collect information about your favourite

Look at the text. What is itabout? Read and actor/actress. Answer the questions.
check. 1 W h o 's y o u r fa v o u rite a c to r/ a c tre s s ?

Read again and answer the questions. 2 W h e r e 's h e/sh e fro m ?

1 W h e re is Kit H arington fro m ?

3 H as h e/sh e g o t a n y b ro th e rs/ siste rs/so n s/d a u g h te rs?

2 W h a t is his m u m 's jo b ?
4 W h ic h film /TV s e rie s is he/sh e in ?

3 W h ic h T V s e rie s is h e in ?
5 W h a t is h e/sh e like in h is/h er ro le ?

4 W h o 's Jo n S n o w 's d a d ?

5 W h a t is Jo n S n o w lik e? w r i t in g
(A blog entry about a famous person)

10 Use your answers from Ex. 9 to write a blog

Writing Tip entry about your favourite actor/actress
similar to the one in Ex. 6 (50-80 words).
Follow the plan.
W e use a (n )...
• (.)full stop after affirmative & negative sentences.
• (?)question mark after interrogative sentences. Plan
• (,)comma to separate a list of items. Para 1: n a m e o f fa vo u rite a c to r/ a c tre ss, nationality,
• (!)exclamation mark to express strong feelings. a p p e a ra n c e an d fa m ily m em b ers.
Para 2: n a m e in fiim /TV se rie s, family, c h a ra c te r

g Punctuate the following sentences.

1 His real n a m e is C h risto p h e r

2 His hair isn 't black

3 W h o 's y o u r fa vo u rite a c to r

4 H e 's an a c to r a w rite r an d a p o et

5 H e is am az in g

It's easy to be famous w ith a brother or sister by your side!

The Bratus# brothers

T h e re 's not one, not tw o, but THREE
F ra n c o b ro th ers! T h e y a re th e s o n s of a
b u s in e s s m a n an d a w rite r from C alifornia.

T h e y a re ail v e r y c le v e r an d ta len ted .

Ja m e s an d D ave a re both actors. Ja m e s
is o u tg o in g b u t D a v e is 'q u ite shy. Tom
is an a c to r too, b u t h e is also an

artist. H e's v e r y funny.

The Vi' Id io m sisters

T h e s e tw o siste rs a re g re at te n n is players. T h e y are
both v e r y hard-working. V e n u s is S e r e n a 's big sister.
T heir d ad R ich ard , th e ir ex -co ach, an d th e ir m u m
O ra c e n e Price, a re v e r y proud o f th e ir dau g hters.

T h e siste rs h a v e g o t h o m e s in Flo rid a v e r y n e a r o n e

another. B e c a u s e o f th e ir lo ve o f fash ion, th e y h av e

both g o t clo th in g co m p an ies.

L is t e n in g & R e a d in g
Check these words
Look at the photos. W ho are these people?
sibling, famous, ex-coach, proud, fashion, company, talented
Whose dad is a businessman?
Listen and read to find out.
S p e a k in g & W r it in g
Read the text again and replace the words in Ask and answer questions about the siblings.
bold with words from the text.
• w h o 's . . . ? • W h a t d o e s ... look like?
1 V e n u s an d S e re n a ca n p lay it. • w h a t i s ... like?
2 V e n u s is her big sister.
3 V e n u s ' an d S e r e n a 's h o u s e s a re there.
^ ICT work in groups. Write short descriptions
4 T he F ra n c o b ro th e rs a re fro m there. about famous siblings in your country or other
5 He is shy. countries. Write about: names, jobs, character.
6 He is an artist. Present them to the class.
V o c a b u la r y
5 Choose the correct item.
Complete the sentences. 1 us/we. Our/We've g o t beards.
Look a t

2 My/Me b ro th er is tw en ty. Look at him/his!

Jo n a th a n — r - V aleria
3 This isn 't your/yours ball. It's me/mine.
I----- ------1 4 This is them/their dog. It's them/theirs.
V icto ria B en H elen D avid
(4 X 2 = 8)
I----- ---- 1 Write the plurals.
P e te r Sa ra h Ryan M a ry Ja s o n D aisy 6
1 hobby- ......... 4 ch ild -.....................
V aleria is H e le n 's ......
2 brother- ........ 5 foot - ......................
B e n is R y a n 's ............
3 m an - ........................... 6 fish - .......................
Ja s o n is S a r a h 's ........
(6X2= 12)
P e te r is H e le n 's ........
Choose the correct item.
V icto ria is D a i s y 's ....
(5X2=10) whose/who's siste r is th is?
Match to form collocations. This is Vicky's/Vickys' sister,

2 whose/who's th a t o v e r th e r e ?
1 0 old A lips
S h e is Tom's $nd Anna's/Tom and Anna's sister.
2 0 straight B woman
3 Whose/Who's are all th e s e b o x e s?
3 0 full C nose T h e y a re th e girl's/girls boxes.
4 O big D hair 4 Whose/Who is he o v e r th e r e ?
(4 X 2 =8) H e's George's/Georges' brother,

i Write the opposites. 5 whose/who dad is S e a n ?

He is Mary and Ann's/Mary's and Ann's dad.
1 long hair * ................ 4 noisy boy * ...............
2 tall boy * ................. 5 straight hair * ...........
3 thin girl * .................. 6 funny boy * .............. E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
Match the exchanges.
G ra m m a r 8

0 who's he? A
4 Complete with: has, hasn't, have, haven't. 1

2 0 What's his name? B

H e 's 17.

H e 's quiet.
1 .................yo u go t a b ro th e r? No, I ..................
3 0 How old is he? C Jo hn .
2 .... G avin got b lack h air? Yes, h e ........
4 0 What does he look D H e 's tall an d well-built.
3 . y o u r p a re n ts g o t fair h a ir? No, t h e y .
like? E H e's m y cousin.
4 .... A n d y an d M a ry got tw o c h ild re n ?
0 What's he like?
Yes, t h e y .
(5 X 4 =20)
. y o u r m u m g o t c u rly h a ir? No, sh e .
Total 100

Lexical Competence Reading Competence Speaking Competence
Talk a b o u t • read fo r sp ecific • id entify an d d e sc rib e p eo p le
g o o d / • fa m ily m e m b e rs inform ation (identify Writing Competence
• p e o p le 's a p p e a ra n c e inform ation in a text; • w rite sh o rt tex ts ab o u t a
• c h a ra c te r a d je c tive s a n s w e r q u estio n s) fa m o u s fa m ily and fa m o u s
v ei w g o o d / /
Listening Competence siblings
• m ultiple m atch in g • w rite a blog e n try ab o u t m y
ex c el l en t (id entify relationships) fa vo u rite fa m o u s perso n
Vocabulary: Rooms. Furniture, Appliances, Everyday English: Renting a flat
Ordinal numbers, Types of houses Writing: An email describing your
Grammar: there is/are, a/an/some/any, th is / new flat
these, that/those, prepositions of

Home sweet home!

v o c a b u la r y
Furniture & Appliances

.. ....... ■
Look at the picture of the house. II u washbasin
Which rooms are:
bookcase wardrobe cabinet cupboards
• on the ground floor
• on the first floor (upstairs)?
• in the attic? armchair
• outside the house?
The kitchen is on the ground floor

2 Put the furniture/appliances in

each room.
Listen and check. U---- cr a-------- o
single bed double bed . coffee table table chairs




10 wardrobe






About Us Special Offers Destinations

Life underground
C a n p e o p le to d a y live u n d e r th e g ro u n d ? In an a re a in huge b ath ro o m , a large beCfroom an d a spacious living
Sp ain , far a w a y from th e big cities, th e re is a sm all city room .
c alle d Guadix. In o n e n eig h b o u rh o o d , all y o u c a n s e e a re These pretty h o m e s a re good for th e e n viro n m e n t. S in c e
w h ite c h im n e y s, red roofs an d sm all w o o d e n doors. This th e y 'r e u n d erg ro u n d , th e y c a n s a v e e le c tric ity a s th e y are
is b e c a u s e th e h o u s e s th e re a re not on th e hills, th e y are co o l in th e s u m m e r ^ n d w a rm in th e w inter.
u n d e r th em ! F o r p e o p le in G uadix, th is n eig h b o u rh o o d is v e r y sp ecial.
These unique c a v e h o u s e s a re v e r y old; s o m e o f th e m It's a w o rld a w a y from th e n o is y life o f th e city.
a re o v e r 1,000 y e a r s old. B u t th e y all h a v e modern
fu rn itu re an d ap p lia n ce s. Check these words
In a typ ical c a v e h o u se th e re is a cosy k itch en w ith a
ground, neighbourhood, w ooden, hill, environm ent, save, cool, w arm
wonderful v ie w of a beautiful g a rd en . T h e re is also a

Easy Travel Contacts

R e a d in g £ Write the adjectives in Ex. 5 that have a similar

Look at the picture. What is special about these meaning to the adjectives in bold.
1 lovely = wonderful, b _______________ p___________
Listen and read to find out. 2 big = h _____ , ! _________ s _______________

Read the text again and decide ifthe sentences

S p e a k in g & w r i t in g
are T (True) or F (False).
™ ,M* P How different is your house from a
1 T here are c a v e h o u ses in all cities in S p a in .................... typical cave house? write a few sentences. Read
2 T h e c a v e h o u s e s h a v e g o t red c h im n e y s .................... them to the class.
3 T h e y h a v e g o t w o o d e n doors. .............
4 T h e re a re s o m e n e w c a v e h o u s e s in Study Skills
Guadix. ............. Grouping words
5 A typ ical c a v e h o u se h a s g o t fo u r ro o m s .................... Grouping w o rd s under headings helps you to rem em ber
n e w vocabulary.

Look at the adjectives in bold in the text and fill

in the nouns. 8 * Group the words in Exs 1 and 2 under the
1 big cities 6 beau tifu l headings: rooms - furniture - appliances - other/
2 u n i q u e .... 7 h u ge ...... decoration.
3 m o d e rn ... 8 l a r g e ......
4 c o s y ......... 9 s p a c io u s C th in kwhich is your favourite room in your
5 w o n d e rfu l 10 p r e t t y .... house? Why? Describe it.
Grammar in Use
Complete the sentences with some/any, a/an.
; Homes For rent For sale
T h ere i s .........................ta b le in o u r kitchen.
Spacious house in Edgbaston, Birmingham T h ere a r e ...............................pillow s on th e bed.
A re t h e r e .............................flo w e rs in th e v a s e ?
Is t h e r e ......................... b o o k c a s e in y o u r living room"’
T h ere i s .........................a rm c h a ir in o u r study.
T h ere a r e n 't ...........................c a rs in th e garage.
T h ere a r e oks on th e desk.
is t h e r e ......................... fire p la c e in y o u r h o u s e ?
T h ere i s ........................ pain tin g on th e w all.
T h ere i s ........................ attic in th e house.
This unique house has got four bedrooms, one kitchen,
two bathrooms, one living room and a study. Outside
there is a garage, a small garden in front of the house a) What things can you see in the picture? Put
and a large one behind it. The kitchen, the living room a tick (/) or a cross W for each, then ask and
and the study are on the ground floor. Upstairs there answer questions, as in the example.
are the bedrooms and the bathrooms. This is a great
home for all the family.

M ake it yours today!

C ontact M r Bernard on 012 18 .

a) Read the theory. Find examples in the advert.

there is/there are - a/an - . some/any

singular Plural
T here is a/an... Affirmative T h ere are s o m e ...
T h ere isn't a/an Negative T h e re aren't any...
is th e re a/an...? interrogative Are th e re any...?
1 dining ta b le 9 d o u b le bed .......
Yes, th e re is. Short Yes, th e re are./
No, th e re isn't. Answers No, th e re aren't. 2 bedside cab in ets / 10 sin gle bed .......
3 c u sh io n s 11 light
• W e use there is in th e singular.
There is a bed in the bedroom.
4 pillow s 12 d e sk .......

• W e u se there are in th e plural. 5 p o ste rs 13 rug

There are two beds in the bedroom. 6 la m p s 14 bookcase .......
• W e u se some in th e plural in th e affirm ative. 7 sofa 15 c u rta in s .......
There are some chairs in the kitchen. 8 a rm c h a ir 16 fire p lace
• W e u se any in th e plural in th e n e g ative and th e
interrogative. There aren't any chairs in the kitchen.
A: Is there a dining table?
Are there any chairs in the kitchen?
b : No, there isn't. Are there any bedside cabinets?
A: Yes, there are. etc.

b) Complete the sentences with there is/isn't,

b) Describe the picture. Make three
there are/aren't, is/are there.
mistakes. Your partner corrects you.
1 A: ........... a n y c h a irs in th e k itc h e n ?
B: N o , ..................
2 A: ........... a d e sk in th e b e d ro o m ?
A Read the theory.
B: Y e s , ................
this/these - that/those
3 A: ........... a fire p la c e in th e living
ro o m ?
W e use this/these for things near us.
This is my bed. These are my cushions, (near)
B: N o , ..................
W e u se that/those for things far from us.
4 A: ........... a n y c u s h io n s on th e s o fa ? That is my desk. Those are my posters, (far)
B: Y e s , ................

Write sentences as in the example. prepositions of place

1 This is a sofa and that is a coffee table.
W .. -vvgwo*»"..

I 1
Look at the sketches and the picture, then
!: ;■ ; _____
choose the correct preposition.
car V i-H55 V

VBft v«w
i\ /1 m a
& ■ & ■

Kir’ Kgf* This is our living room. T h ere are tw o so fas w ith som e
c u sh io n s 1) in/on them . 2) opposite/on the
T h ere is a v a s e
co ffee tab le w ith flo w e rs 3) in/behind it and a rug 4) behind/
on the floor 5) under/in front of the co ffee table. The coffee
Ordinal numbers tab le is 6) between/opposite the fire p la c e and the sofa.

Listen and learn. Which floor are the 7) Behind/Next to the fire p la c e th e re is a TV. T h ere is also
a c h a ir 8) behind/in front of the TV and a huge w in d o w
people's flats on?
9) opposite/next to it. Our living room is v e ry modern.
<1*0 O h
O 20 twentieth
"O O 18 eighteenth
8 Look at the picture. Use the words to ask
and answer questions, as in the example.
fifteenth 15 O O 16 sixteenth
fourteenth • d e sk • bed
thirteenth 13 O O 14
eleventh twelfth • ball • rug
11 o 0 «
ninth tenth • wardrobe
9 0 O i0 • pillow
seventh 70 o eighth
• b e d s id e c a b in e t
fifth sO O 6 sixth
S te v e & P a u l 9 th • window • chair
third 30 o fourth
• lamp
first 10 o second
basement -10 Oo ground floor

A: Where's the desk? B: It's next to the wardrobe.


TH,NIC ^ 9 Design your ideal house. How

many floors has itgot? What are the rooms
like? What furniture is there? What colours
are the walls? Present itto the class.

Write an advert for your house.

Use the advert on p. 22 as a model.
Skills in Action
v o c a b u la r y E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
Types of houses Renting a flat
Listen and learn. Which of these types of a) Max wants to rent a flat and he is talking to
houses are there in your city/village? an estate agent. Complete the dialogue with
the phrases (A-E).

Estate Agent: Hello. H ow can I help you ?

Max: Yes. 1 ) ..........................
Estate Agent: Okay, let m e see. Ttiere is a very nice
flat for rent very close to the city centre.
Max: 2)..........
Estate Agent: It's 14 Oakfield Road.
Max: Oh, Ok. 3)..........
Estate Agent: It's a double bedroom flat. It has got a
living room, dining room, kitchen and
tw o bathrooms.
Max: And which floor is it on?
Estate Agent: It's on the second floor of a nice block
of flats.
.Max: 4)..........
Estate Agent: It's £500 per month.
Max: That's perfect. 5)..........
Estate Agent: Of course, I can take you th ere right
Max: That's great.

H ow m an y room s has D I'm interested in a flat

it got? near the city centre.
H ow m uch is the rent? E W h a t's th e add ress?
C an I see it?

Study Skills
b) Listen and check.
Note taking (Predicting words)
Try to guess w h a t is m issing in each gap (e.g. a nam e, a
noun, a num ber). This will help you do the task. You want to rent the flat in Ex. 2. Act out
a similar dialogue to the one in Ex. 3. Use
phrases from the language box.
L is t e n in g
Asking information Giving information
Look at gaps 1-5. Which ask for: a number? about a flat about a flat
a noun? an adjective? • How m an y ro o m s has it • It's got (two bedrooms,
g o t? one kitchen), etc.
Listen to an estate agent and a flat owner • W h ic h floor is it o n ? • it's on th e (second) floor.
and complete the gaps. • H o w m uch is th e re n t? • It's (£500) per m onth.
• W h a t's th e a d d re ss ? • It's (87 Ridgeway Street).
Large Flat Available for Rent
Address: (1 ] jGreenbank Pronunciation /a:/ /<e/
Park Listen and tick (/). Listen again and repea
ii&SJl Rooms: a (2 ) Iliving room,
a kitchen, a small bathroom and two /a:/ /se/ /a:/ /ae/
attic c a rp e t a rm c h a ir
g ard en lam p flat
Outside: a small garden and a double [4^
Cost: £800 per [5 I ) Read More

R e a d in g & w r i t in g W r it in g (an email describing your
Look at the email. Who is itfrom? who is itfor? new flat)
what is itabout? Read through to find out. Read the task. Answer the questions.

You are in London starting college. This is part of an

em ail from your Australian friend.
From: G in a
W h at's life like in Lon don ? Is your flat O K? W h at
To: D a d
is yo u r bedroom like? W rite back.
Subject: M y new hom e
W rite an em ail to you r friend an sw erin g all the
questions (80 words).

1 W h a t a re yo u goin g to w r i t e ? ............
2 W h o is it f o r ? .........................................
3 W h a t sh o u ld yo u w rite a b o u t ? ..........
4 H o w m a n y w o rd s sh o u ld yo u w r ite ?

Hi D a d ,

> T h a n k s for th e beau tifu l p a in tin g s! I’m in m y n e w Study Skills

"a t, at last! It’s on th e s e v e n th floor of a h u g e b lo c k of Brainstorming
"a t s n e a r th e c ity c e n tre a n d it’s g o t a w o n d e rfu l v ie w Before you start waiting, brainstorm for ideas. This helps
;• a p ark o u ts id e . It’s g o t a la rg e living room , a sm all you do the writing task.
zath ro o m , a m o d e rn k itch en a n d a b e d ro o m .

M y b e d r o o m ’s w o n d e rfu l. T h e r e ’s a d o u b le b e d a n d
a d e sk . T h e w a r d r o b e ’s v e r y sm all, but th a t’s O K . T h e re 10 a) Complete the spidergram in your notebook
=re s o m e b eau tifu l p a in tin g s on th e w a lls now. with information about your flat/house.
y M y n e w flat is v e r y c o m fo rta b le . C a n ’t w a it for yo u to
c o m e a n d s e e it. D ro p m e a line soon. flo o r

E y e for now !

3 na room s

my flat
b e d ro o m /
Study Skills
d e s c rip tio n
A lw ays group you r ideas into paragraphs. A n ew idea
~eeds a n e w paragraph. b) Use your notes in Ex. 10a to write your
email. Follow the plan.

Read again. Which paragraph is: a description of m m

the flat? a description of Gina's room? Hi + (frien d 's first nam e),
Para 1: o p e n in g rem arks; d e s c rib e y o u r h o u se
(n u m b e r o f ro o m s, locatio n , extra fea tu res)

* Writing Tip Para 2: d e s c rib e y o u r b e d ro o m (colour, o b je cts in it)
Para 3: clo sin g rem arks
iformal language
Bye for now!
. v e n w e w rite em ails to people w e know like our friends
; r d fam ily w e use informal language. That is: (yo u r first n am e)

• everyd ay vocabulary. (Thanks, at last)

• everyd ay expressions and idioms. (Drop me a line.)
• short verb forms. (I'm in my new flat.)
• omission of pronouns. (Can't wait instead of I can’t wait)

Find examples of informal language in the email

in Ex. 6.

e ß to

The Royal Fam ily o f the UK

are very pow erful people.
The Queen is the UK's head
of state. Their homes are
very impressive.

S t J a m e s 's P a la ce is o n e
W in d s o r C a s tle is t h e w e e k e n d h o m e o f th e
o f t h e h o m e s o f th e m o n a rc h
B ritis h m o n a rc h y . It is in th e c o u n t y o f B e rk s h ire ,
o f t h e U K a n d th e R o y a l C o u rt.
E n g la n d . It is a v e r y old bu ilding . A c tu a lly , it is o v e r
T h e p a la c e is a la rg e b u ild in g in
900 y e a r s old. It h a s g o t v e r y high w a lls a n d a
L o n d o n , n e x t to S t Ja m e s 's
B la rg e t o w e r in t h e m id d le o f it w ith lo ts o f ro o m s.
P a rk . It is o v e r 4 00 y e a r s
o ld a n d it h a s g o t tall
red w a lls a n d a big
g a te h o u s e a t t h e fro n t. ,I

in sid e, t h e r e a r e lo ts o f
ro o m s a n d o ffic e s.

People from all over the world can

B u c k in g h a m P a la ce is th e o ffic ia l hom e of th e visit these homes and see the amazing
m o n a r c h y o f t h e U K in L o n d o n . It is in th e c e n t r e o f L o n d o n paintings, spacious rooms and pretty
n e x t to H y d e P a rk . It is a h u g e b u ild in g w it h 775 ro o m s. gardens o f the UK's monarchy. They are
T h e r e a r e 52 ro ya l b e d ro o m s , 188 s t a f f b e d r o o m s a n d 78 N open for all.
b a th ro o m s in it.

Check these words

pow erful, head of state, county, gatehouse, office

L is t e n in g & R e a d in g
Look at the pictures. Where is each building? S p e a k in g & w r i t in g
Listen and read to find out.
3 ™ ,HK Which of the three buildings is the
most impressive? Why?
Read the texts again. Which building(s) A, B or C
h as g o t o ffic e s ? 1Q ^ ICT Think of the head of state in your
a re n e a r a p ark ? 2 0 0 country, is there a special building for them to
h as got high w a lls ? 30 live in? Collect information under the headings:
a re in L o n d o n ? 4 0 0 location - age - size - rooms. Present itto the
h as g o t red w a lls ? 50 class.
v o c a b u la r y Fill in: this/that, these/those.
Find the odd word out.
1 living r o o m - s t u d y - a t t i c - p i l l o w
2 b a t h - w a s h b a s in - t o il e t - g a r d e n
3 g a rag e - bed - b e d s id e c a b in e t - w a rd ro b e
4 te rra c e d - d e ta c h e d - sem i- d e tach e d - b ath ro o m is a v a s e a n d ...............a re flow ers.
5 w in d o w - c u s h i o n - c h im n e y - w a l l
6 ca stle - block of flats - te rra c e d - stairs
7 s o f a - c o o k e r - fr id g e - s in k
8 t a b le - c h a ir s - w in d o w - s o fa
9 c h im n e y - r o o f - c o o k e r - w i n d o w
2 .............. a re p o sters a n d ................ is a painting.
(9 X 2 = 18)
Fill in: cushions, armchairs, rug, mirror, wardrobe,
towels, pillows, curtains.

1 In th e b ath ro o m th e re a re s o m e c o lo u r f u l..................
3 .............. a re c u s h io n s a n d . an arm chair.
an d a ...................... on th e w all.
(6X2= 12)
2 in m y b e d ro o m th e re is a ...................... n ext to m y
bed an d a ...................... on th e floor.
Choose the correct item.
3 T h e re a re t w o ...................... w ith s o m e ........................ 1 T h ere is a large w in d o w behind/on th e desk.
in th e living room . 2 T h ere is a rug above/on th e floor.
4 On m y bed th e re a re tw o la r g e ...................... and 3 T he p o ste rs in/on th e w all a re really nice.
y e l l o w ...................... on th e w in d o w . 4 T h e re is a b ed sid e c a b in e t next to/behind th e bed.
(8 x 2 = 16)
5 T h e a rm c h a ir is between/in front of th e fireplace.

G ra m m a r 6 T h e flo w e rs in/under th e v a s e a re beautiful.

Use is/isn't, are/ 7 T h e w a rd ro b e is opposite/above th e bed.

aren't and some/ 8 T h e bed is between/in front of th e tw o b e d sid e

any/a/an to
complete the 9 T he rug is under/above th e table.
description of 10 The painting under/above th e firep lace is really old.

this room. (10X1 = 10)

1 in m y b e d ro o m t h e r e ...................... single bed but

E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
t h e r e ...................... w ard ro b e. Match the two columns.
2 T h e r e ...................... pillow on th e bed but th e re
1 0 W h ic h floor is y o u r A It's £600 p e r m onth.
...................... cu sh io n s.
flat o n ? B O n th e sixth.
3 T h e r e ...................... a rm c h a ir but t h e r e .......................
2 0 H o w m a n y ro o m s h as C It's g o t six.
it g o t? D I'm in te rested in a
4 T h e r e ...................... b o o k c a s e but t h e r e ........................
3 0 H o w much is the rent? flat.
s h e lv e s on th e w alls.
4 0 what's the add ress? E It's 64 B e n s o n
5 T h e r e ......................d e sk but t h e r e ...........................TV.
5 0 H o w can l help y o u ? Stre e t.
6 T h e r e ...................... p en cils on th e d e sk b u t th e re
...................... com p uter.
Total 100
(1 2 x 2 = 24)

Lexical Competence Reading Competence Speaking Competence
Talk about: • read for sp ecific in form atio n • ren tin g a flat
g o o d /
• roo m s, fu rn itu re & (T/F s ta te m e n ts ; m ultiple writing Competence
a p p lia n c e s m atch in g ) • w rite an a d v e rt fo r m y h o u se
very g o o d / / • ordinal n u m b e rs Listening Competence • w rite an e m ail d e sc rib in g m y
• ty p e s o f h o u se s • listen for d etail (n o te taking) n e w flat

exc el l ent / / /
V alues: National pride

Colours Symbols
E v e r y c o u n try in th e R e d is fo r life, c o u ra g e an d strength. The Sun is a sym b o l o f energy.

w o rld h as got a flag. You can s e e red on th e flags o f Egypt, C o u n trie s like Uruguay, N a m ib ia and

The d ifferen t s h a p e s Po lan d an d V ietn a m . A rg e n tin a h a v e g o t it on th e ir flags.

an d c o lo u rs on a flag B l u e is fo r w ater, sky, w is d o m and Stars a re a sy m b o l o f pow er. M yan m ar,
a re s y m b o ls o f th e
honesty. You can s e e blue on th e flags C u b a an d C h ile h a v e all g o t sta rs on
v a lu e s th e p e o p le from
o f Kazak h stan , Fiji an d Thailand. th e ir flags.
e a c h c o u n try have.
Flag s are a lso national G r e e n is fo r nature, p e a c e and Stripes a re a sy m b o l o f fre e d o m . M a n y
sym bols. harm ony. You c a n s e e g re e n on th e co u n tries, like F ra n ce , P o la n d an d India,
flags o f M exico, Brazil an d Nigeria. h a v e g o t strip e s on th e ir flags.

Look at the flags. Why are the colours and sci Collect information about the
symbols on them important? meaning of more colours and more symbols on
Listen and read to find out. flags. Prepare a poster. Tell the class.

Read again and complete the table in your Imagine your team takes part in
notebook. Choose two flags and explain what a sports competition. You need to create your
the colours and symbols on them mean. own flag. Decide on: colours, symbols, meanings.
Use the information in Ex. 2 to design your flag.

red th e Su n
You are your team's representative. Present
your team's flag to the audience. Explain its
blue stars
meaning. The class votes for the best idea.
green strip es
Public Speaking Skills
Study Skills
preparing your presentation: steps to follow
A Brainstorm for ideas. Collect information and create
a spidergram with notes.
B Find appropriate visuals.
C Prepare your presentation, use your notes to write
your text. Hello, I’m Lien Dao.
D Practise your presentation in front of a mirror. You can see it on public buildings during
E Give your presentation. Speak clearly. Use short national celebrations in Vietnam. What is it? ... That’s
sentences. Look at the audience. Use appropriate body right! It's theflag ofVietnam. I'm from Vietnam and one
language and gestures. Smile. Don't cross your arms,
ofthe things I'm proud ofis my country'sflag.
put your hands in your pockets or look at your notes all
the time. Vietnam’sflag is red and has got a yellow star on it. The
red isfor life and theyellow isfor the people of Vietnam.
Thefive points on the star arefor the soldiers, traders,
1 a) Read the task.
students,farmers and workers ofVietnam.
Im agine you celebrate Flag D ay at a local event. The flag is our country’s national symbol and it has
You are th e school's representative. Presen t your a special meaning for us - just like the flags of other
country's flag to the audience. countries have a special meaning to their people. Thank

youfor listening.
b) Listen and read the model. Then copy
and complete the spidergram in your

Meaning ■


Read the theory, which opening technique can

you read in the model? t

Opening techniques in public speaking

~o start a presentation, w e can:
• use humour/a riddle: "I am red with a yellow star and
am a symbol of my country, w h at am I? ... It's the flag
of my country, Vietnam." *
• Address the audience directly: "Can you guess the
meaning of the colour on this flag?"
• Ask a rhetorical question: "Aren't w e proud of our
country's flag?"
• Make a statement: "One thing I'm proud of is my
country's flag."

Copy the spidergram in Ex. 1b and

complete itwith information about the
flag of your country, use your notes and the
model to prepare and give your presentation.
Vocabulary: Daily routines, Days of the week. Telling Everyday English: Making arrangements
the time, Free-time activities. Sports Writing: A blog entry about
Grammar: present simple, adverbs of frequency, your typical Sunday
love/like/hate + -ing, prepositions of time

Busy days
v o c a b u la r y R e a d in g

Daily routines a) Does Valeria go to work every morning?

Listen and read to find out.
Look at the pictures.
Listen and learn.

0 Valeria Lopez is 17 and she's a live there. She gets back home, has

college student. She also works dinner and listens to music or Skypes
part-time at an animal shelter. "I her friends before she goes to bed at
really like my job because I love around 11:00. "I've got a busy routine
wake up eatiyj ( have a shower ) working with animals. My job is but it's OK," Valeria says. "I am a

tiring, though, as I often work long hard-working person."

hours. There's a lot to do in the e

shelter," she says.
Q So, w hat does Valeria do in her

free tim e? She likes going for

Q Valeria wakes up at 6:30. She long walks in the countryside with
has a shower, gets dressed and her dog, Max. She also loves playing
then has breakfast. Around 7:15 am, basketball with her friends when
Valeria catches the bus to college. she isn't at the shelter.
Her lessons start at 7:45 am. She
always has a break for lunch at
O "I feel very satisfied with
noon. Valeria works at the shelter
my life at the moment," says
every Monday, Wednesday and
have a break for lunch ) Valeria. "I love working at the shelter
Friday. From 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm, she
and I enjoy my free time. Who can
shows visitors around the shelter
ask for m ore?"
and helps care for the animals that
b) Think of a title for the text. 4| | Look at the clock faces. Ask and answer
questions, as in the example. Tell the time in
Study Skills both ways.
Matching headings to paragraphs
Read the headings and underline the key words. Then,
read the text and try to find words that mean the sam e as
the underlined words in the headings. This will help you do
the task.

a) Read the text again and match the headings

(A-E) to the paragraphs (1-4). One heading is
A H ap p y w ith Life D A W o rk in g S tu d e n t

B M y D aily R o u tin e E Fu n Tim e

C A N orm al C o lleg e D ay A: What time is it? A: What's the time?

B: It's (a) quarter to seven. B: It's six forty-five.
b) Decide ifthe sentences are T (True) or
F (False). Then, explain the words in bold.
Days of the w eek
V aleria g e ts up early. .............
n k Listen and learn. Which days are weekdays?
S h e w a lk s to college. .............

S h e g o e s to th e s h e lte r e v e r y day. ............. Monday Wednesday Friday

S h e h as g o t a dog. .............
Tuesday Thursday Saturday

L is t e n in g
s p e a k in g
Telling the time 6 ^ Listen to Tony's weekday daily routine
and make notes under these headings: in the
morning -At noon - In the afternoon - in the
W e t e l l t h e t i m e in evening. Present his routine to the class.

t w o d if fe r e n t w ays
What is your daily routine like? Tell the class.
Use the headings in Ex. 6 to help you.
half past six
OR W r it in g (an email)
six thirty
8 You and your family now live in a new country.
Write an email to your English-speaking friend
(a) quarter
about your typical weekday. Write what you do in
past six the morning, afternoon and evening (50-80 words).
six fifteen EDO
Hi ...!

twenty past H o p e y o u 're w ell. Life h ere is great. In th e

six m orning, I w a k e up a t .... In th e afte rn o o n , I ....

OR In th e eve n in g s, I ....
six twenty W h a t do yo u u su ally do e v e r y d a y ?
W rite back,
Note: am: before midday
pm: after midday
Grammar in use
Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple
M a ry leaves (leave) th e h o u se a t 8 o 'c lo c k in th e
m orning.

S h e ........ (catch) th e b u s to co lle g e w ith her

frie n d s M ia an d D arren.

M a ry 's m o t h e r ........ (work) in a hospital;

s h e 's a nurse.

M a r y .............. (finish) h e r le s so n s a t 3:30.

M a ry 's d a d ........ (go) h o m e at 4:00 pm e v e r y day

M a ry ........ (tidy) h er bedroom in the

A fte r s h e h as d in n e r w ith h e r paren ts,
Mary: Hi Kim, do you know where Lucy is? i need
M a r y ........ (watch) TV.
to give her a book.
Kim: I'm not sure. She usually eats in the M a r y ........ (have) a b u sy daily

cafeteria at noon. She likes spending her ro u tin e but h e r w e e k e n d s a re great.

break there. E v e r y Saturday, M a r y .....................

Mary: Well, I don't think she's there. It’s never open (meet) her frie n d s a t th e m all.
after 2:30. What time does she leave college? 10 S h e ....•>... (like) go in g to th e
Kim: On Thursdays, she has football practice c in e m a on S a tu rd a y even in g s.
with the college team, so she always leaves
quite early, at four o'clock. Why don't you
drop it off at her flat on your way home?
Mary: Does she live near here? ^ Study the table. Find examples in the dialogue.
Kim: Yes, she does. She lives at number 14, Elm How do we form the present simple negative?
Mary: OK. Thanks Kim. Present Simple
Study the theory. Find examples in the dialogue. Long form Short form
I/You do not work. l/You don't work.
Present Simple He/She/It does not work. He/She/lt doesn't work.
We/You/They do not work. We/You/They don't work.
l/You work. He/She/It works. We/You/They w ork
interrogative Short answers
Do l/you w o rk ? Yes, l/you do. No, l/you don't
Does he/she/it w o rk ? Yes, he/she/it No, he/she/it
W e use the present sim ple for:
does. doesn't.
• permanent states. He lives in Madrid.
Do w e/you/they w o rk ? Yes, we/you/ No, we/you/
• repeated actions, i go to the gym every afternoon.
th ey do. they don't.
• daily routines. / brush my teeth in the morning.
• M ost verbs take an -s in the affirm ative third person
j Fill in do, does, don't or doesn't.
i work - he works
• Verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o take -es. 1 "Do yo u p la y fo o tb a ll?" "Y es, I do."
you finish - she finishes " ...................... y o u r frien d live in th a t h o u s e ? "
• verb s ending in consonant + -y drop the and take
"Y es, h e ......................... "
-ies. we study - he studies BUT: / play - she plays
" ...................... V ic k y like b a s k e tb a ll?"
"N o, s h e ........................."

" .................. y o u like rock m u s ic ? " "Y es, I ..........

Fill in the third-person singular.
5 "W h a t t i m e ........................Karen start w o r k ? "
1 I go - h e ...................... 4 I w a s h - he "So rry, I ....................... know ."

2 I w o rk - h e .................. 5 I fly - h e ...... 6 " ............... y o u e a t lu n ch a t w o r k ? " "N o, I ..........

3 I lo v e - h e .................... 6 I e n jo y - h e 7 " e y w alk to sc h o o l?" "No, t h e y ..........

a) Study the theory. Find examples in the b) Complete the sentences. Use: like (S), love U S),
dialogue on p. 32. don't like (x), hate (№) and the verbs: listen, go,
watch, wake up, play.
Adverbs of frequency

1 Ilove playing (//) bask etb all w ith m y brother.

never 0 % sometimes 50% usually 9 0% 2 M y m u m .............................................( / ) to pop m usic.

rarely 5 % often 7 0% alw ays 100%
3 M y d a d ............................................ (xx) to th e cin e m a .
A dverbs of frequ en cy usually com e:
4 M y siste r A n n a .................................................. (x) early.
• before the main verb. / usually get up early In the
5 M y g r a n d d a d ...................... (//) T V in th e aftern o o n .

• after the verb to be. I am never late for work.

• after auxiliary v e r b s .' don't often have lunch at noon. c) what do you like/love/don't like/
hate doing? Tell your partner.

b) Which of the following do you never/rarely/

^ Study the theory. Find examples in the dialogue
sometimes/often/usually/always do on Sundays?
on p. 32.
• h a v e football p ra ctic e • go jo ggin g • m e e t frien d s
• go to th e c in e m a • p la y bask etb all • e a t o u t Prepositions of time
• w a tc h TV » c o o k d in n e r • c h a t w ith frie n d s on lin e W e use at in the expressions: at the weekend,
at noon, at midday^at midnight, at night; w ith the time:
1never have football practice on Sundays.
at six o'clock
W e use on w ith days of the w eek: on Monday; in the

SPEAKING expression: on weekdays; w ith parts of a particular

Ask and answer questions,
day: on Sunday morning(s), w ith dates: on 2nd August
as in the example. Then, write a short paragraph
W e use in w ith m onths & seasons: in January,
about your partner.
in summer; in the expressions: in the morning, in the
afternoon, in the evening
H o w often do you ... never, often , etc.
go s w im m in g ?
e v e r y day/m o n th /
go to th e th e a tre ?
e ve n in g , etc.
cook? *1 Q Fill in at, in or on. Compare Henry's routine to
e v e r y tw o / th ree your teacher's.
go for long w a lk s ?
d ays/Su n d ay, etc.
go o u t w ith y o u r fa m ily ?
play c o m p u te r g a m e s ? o n ce/tw ice/th ree \
•v •
% r
Ml r e £ f. *

w a tc h T V ? tim es a w eek /
Henry Jones, 50, is a farmer. "It's tiring,” he says, “but I like
m e e t y o u r frie n d s ? m onth, etc.
it a lot.” Every day, Henry wakes up 1) ............ half past
four 2) ..........the morning and milks the cows. He finishes
A: How often do you go swimming? 3)............about half past six. After that, he goes back to the
S Twice a week. farmhouse and has breakfast, then he feeds the animals. He
Tonygoes swimming twice a week and... has lunch 4) ............noon. 5) ..............2 o’clock, he goes to
the fields and works there until five. 6 ) ............the evening,
he milks the cows again, then he goes back home and has a
a) Study the theory. Find an example in the shower. He sometimes watches TV before he goes
dialogue on p. 32. to bed 7) .............. about nine. 8) ......
Saturday afternoons, he goes to the local
love/like/hate + -ing playing field to watch the village team play

-ing form after the verbs:

| W e use the football. Henry likes football a lot. 9) ....
love (//) like (/) don't like (x) hate (w) Sundays, Henry relaxes. "I like the way I live,”
love playing football and I like listening to music. f says Henry. "Working in the open air makes me
don't like watching TV, though. feel good.”
OR [ijin f
love playing football and I like listening to music, but
don't like watching TV.
Skills in Action
V o c a b u la r y E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
Free-time activities Making arrangements

a) Look at the pictures. Listen and learn. These phrases are from a dialogue
between two friends. What is the dialogue about?
Listen and read to find out.
• A re yo u fre e th is S a tu rd a y ? • I th in k so. W h y ?
• Do yo u w a n t to ...? • Sure. W h a t tim e do yo u w a n t
to m e e t? • C an w e m e e t at a d ifferen t tim e ? • No

listen to m u sic read a book p rob lem . L e t's m e e t a t ... • S e e y o u there.

Harry: H e y Tom , a re yo u fre e th is S a tu rd a y ?

Tom: I th in k so. W h y ?
Harry: Do yo u w a n t to go sw im m in g w ith m e ?
Tom: Sure. W h a t tim e d o yo u w a n t to m e e t?
go d a n c in g go on a picn ic Harry: Is h alf p ast tw c fg o o d for y o u ?
Tom: N o t really. M y d ra m a c la s s d o e s n 't finish
until th re e o 'c lo c k . C an w e m e e t a t a
d ifferen t tim e ?
Harry: N o pro b lem . L e t's m e e t at th e s w im m in g
pool at q u a rte r to four, th e n . D o n 't be late.

go to th e m all go to th e c in e m a Tom: OK, 3:45 s o u n d s good to m e. S e e y o u there.

^ Find phrases in the dialogue which mean:

• I'm afraid not. • Probably. • M e e t yo u there.

visit m u s e u m s m e e t frie n d s • M a k e su re y o u 're on tim e.

Arrange to meet your partner. Act out a

dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 3. Use phrases
from the language box. Use the following ideas.
w a tc h a film do yo g a • th is M o n d a y / g o to th e c in e m a
• th is Frid a y / visit th e n e w m o d e rn art m u se u m

Suggesting Agreeing/Disagreeing
• Are you free ...? • Sure.
• Do you w a n t to ...? • Yes, w h y not?

p lay football go to th e library • H ow about + (-ing fo r m )...? • I'd love to.

• Let's + (inf. w ithout to)....
• Not really.
• W e can ....
b) What do you usually do in your free • I'm afraid I can't.

time? Ask and answer questions. • l'm afraid not.

L is t e n in g
Pronunciation h i I/I l\zl
Listen and decide which of the sentences
Listen and tick (/). Listen again and repeat.
are T (True) or F (False).
1 A n n lo v e s listen in g to m usic. .......... /s/ III Iv/J /s/ /// /1Z/
lives w rite s
2 H olly d o e s n 't like reading. ..........
w a lk s w ashes
3 A n n likes going to th e m all. ..........
goes w a tch e s
4 H olly an d A n n both like visiting m u s e u m s ................
Reading & writing g Read the writing Tip box. What technique does
Christy use to start/end her blog entry?
Study Skills
Completing a text Writing (a blog entry about your
Read the text quickly to understand w hat it is about. Read
typical Sunday)
the text again and pay attention to the words before and
after each gap. Think of w hat type of word is missing
study Skills
(noun, verb, preposition etc.). W hen you finish, read the
text again and check if it makes sense. Brainstorming
Before you start writing, read the rubric, underline the key
words, then brainstorm for words/ideas related to the
topic. This will help you do the task.
a) Read the blog and complete the missing
words. What type of word is each?

^ Read the rubric. Look at the underlined key

words and then brainstorm for words/ideas
under the headings below.

■lntnl'V W rite a reply to Christy's blog in Ex. 7 (60-80 words).


LUit' . w h a t vou usually do on a typical Su n day.

Everyone loves Sunday, but I have a

special reason. You see, Sunday is my . w h o with.

day 1)................ Dad! I always wake . h o w you like it.

up very early 2 ) ................ cycle over

to his flat for breakfast. 3)...... in the
the morning, w e often go by bike to a feelings morning
farmer's market to get fresh food for
lunch. D ad’s 4)................ amazing
cook! In the afternoon, 5)......

usually go to the city centre and visit a in the

in the
museum or 6 ) ................ art gallery. In evening
the evening, w e sometimes go to the

cinema or stay at home and relax. I love

my Dad Sundays! How
spend your Sundays?
7).............. you
10 Use your notes in Ex. 9 to write your blog
entry. Follow the plan.

b) Listen and check. • in tro d u ce th e to p ic
1 w h a t yo u u su ally do in th e m orn in g /aftern oon /even in g
Writing Tip 1 c o m m e n ts /fe e lin g s

:3-ening/Closing remarks in blog entries

A e can start/end a blog entry with one of the following
• Offer a general thought Sundays are great.)
• Address the reader directly iHow do you feel about HapP>neSS , ,hat every
• Ask a rhetorical question (I really enjoy Sundays, but
,<ro doesn't?)

Hobbies & Sports

Australia VS Canada a
snow boarding
There are lots o f exciting w a y s to enjoy yo u r free tim e, in Australia

and Canada sport is an im portant part of life.

People in Australia love sw im m ing. They often ta k e part in surfing

and ocean sw im m ing com petitions like th e A ussies — an annual

sports com petition. They also love team sports like Australian

football, rugby and cricket.

People in Canada enjoy snow boarding, skiing, curling, rugby, cricket
and baseball, ice hockey is Canada's official w in te r sport and lacrosse

is th eir official sum m er sport.

Playing sports and enjoying your free tim e are im portant
all over the world. But these countries really are

sports mad!



ice hockey

; take part, competition, annual, official

L is t e n in g & R e a d in g
S p e a k in g & w r i t in g
Look at the pictures. Listen and learn. Do
you/your friends do any of these sports? which 0 th in kcompare and contrast the sports
sport is your favourite? people play in these two countries.

which of these sports are popular in:Australia? ICT What sports are popular in your
Canada? country? Collect information, then write a short
Listen and read to find out. text for the class English magazine.
Review &
V o c a b u la r y
Fill in: do, does, don't, doesn't.

1 Fill in:get, have, wake, chat, catch in the correct 1 "............ M a rk like b a s k e tb a ll?" "Y es, h e ................. "
form. 2 "...........y o u r paren ts w o rk a s v e t s ? " "No, t h e y ............. "
1 In th e m orning, A n d re a .............. up at 7 o'clo ck . 3 ".............. M a ry live n e a r c o lle g e ? " "N o, s h e .................. "
2 A t half p ast se v e n , she ...................... d ressed . 4 "................y o u go h o m e at 7 p m ? " "Y e s, I ................. "

3 Then, s h e ...................... a big breakfast. 5 " e kids h a v e d in n e r at 7 :3 0 ?" "Y es, th e y

4 S h e a l w a y s .................... .. th e eig h t-o 'clo ck bus.

5 S h e ................................ w ith h e r frien d A n g ie on lin e
Fill in: in, on, at.
b efo re dinner. 6
(5X2=10) 1 Ip lay v o lle y b a ll.................. th e w e e k e n d .
write the time in two different ways. 2 M y siste r h as a b re a k fo r lu n c h ..................noon.
3 .................. Frid ays, I u su ally m e e t m y friends.
1 6:00 It's six o'clock. 4 4 W e like goin g s w im m in g e sum m er.
9:15 .........
5 S te v e c o m e s b a c k .............. 7th M arch .
2 5 2:40 (5x2=10)
8 :3 0 .......................

Complete the sentences, use: like (s), love (s s ).
6 5:45 6 4:25 not like (x), hate (XX) and the verbs: go (x2), chat,
clean, have in the correct form.
1 I .........................................................................( / / ) lunch
Fill in: listen, read, go (x3), visit, watch, do, play, meet. in th e c a fe te ria w ith m y friends.
1 ..........................a book 6 ............................. yo g a 2 M y m u m .............................................. ( / ) to th e library
in her fre e tim e.
2 .................. a m u se u m 7 ..................snorkelling
3 J e n n y ....................... (xx) h er room w ith o u t a n y help.
3 ..........................frien d s 8 ....................... d a n c in g

9 4 K e v in ................................... (/) w ith his frie n d s online.

4 ........................ football ...................... to m u sic
5 M y d a d .............................................. (x) to th e cin em a.
5 ......................a film 10 ..................on a picnic
(10X2 =20)
E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
G ra m m a r

Put the verbs in the present simple and the Match the exchanges.
adverbs of frequency in the correct place. 1 Q A re yo u fre e th is S u n d a y ? N ot really. C an

2 CD Do yo u w a n t to play w e m eet at 3?
1 M a n d y ............ ...... (work/always) from 9 to 5.
football w ith m e ? T w ice a w e e k .
2 A l a n ................. (be/usually) on tim e fo r class.
........ (play/often) a t th e park. 3 C D is ten to tw o good for I think so. w h y ?
3 T he ch ildren
you? Sure.
4 M u m ............... (wash/sometimes) th e dishes. Ar
H C D W h a t's th e tim e, p le a s e ? It's h alf p ast one.
5 M a r k ............... (tidy/never) his ro o m on Su n d ays. C
D C D H o w o ften do yo u s w im ?
(5x2=10) (5x4=20)
Total 100
Lexical Competence Reading Competence Speaking Competence
Talk a b o u t • identify th e m ain idea of a paragraph • m akin g a rra n g e m e n ts
good/ (m atch h eadings to paragraphs)
• daily ro u tin e s Writing Competence
• free-tim e activities • read for detail (T/F s ta te m e n ts ) • w rite an em ail ab o u t
VERY GOOD / • d a y s o f th e w e e k Listening Competence m y d aily routine

• th e tim e • listen fo r sp e c ific in form ation (T/F • w rite a blog e n try a b o u t

s ta te m e n ts ) m y typ ical S u n d a y
• sp o rts
Vocabulary: Wild animals. Parts of animals' bodies, Farm animals Everyday English: Asking for
Grammar: modal verbs: can/could (making/granting requests - information
asking for/giving permission), ca n 't (refusing Writing: Filling in a form
requests/permission), must (obligation), m u stn 't to volunteer
(prohibition), question words

Birds of a feather
i( . . ------- ---

Welcome to
Here at Pohatu in Akaroa, N e w Zealand w e protect dolphins
and penguins. W e also offer sea kayak tours along the coast.

Narine Reserve
There, you can see th ese w onderful anim als up close and
learn m ore about them !

P e n g u in s
D o lp h in s
Penguins lay eggs and th e y'v e got sm all wings, so th ey are
Dolphins are m am m als. They have babies and feed them
like other birds, but th ey c a n 't fly! They can sw im very well,
on milk. Dolphins are not fish, but th ey live in w ater. They
though. They are black an^ white, and th e y'v e got very short
can sw im very well. They h aven 't got legs. T h ey've got
legs and a short tail. T h ey've also got thick feathers to keep
grey skin and a big smile. T h ey've also got fins and a
tail to help them sw im . They weigh from seven ty to five
them warm in cold w ater. They w eigh about tw e n ty kilos.

hundred kilos.
Penguins look funny w h en th ey walk. However, w h en they
are in the w ater, th ey sw im like fish.
Dolphins are very intelligent animals. They can easily
learn h ow to play gam es and are friendly to people. Penguins live on the ice of
A ntarctica and in the seas
Dolphins live in w arm seas in m any different parts of the
around it. They live in
world. They live in small groups and th ey eat fish. They live
big groups and they
for about fifty years.
fish. They live for
about tw e n ty years.

check these words

Click here to find out more
coast, feed on, fin, w eigh, w arm ,
lay eggs, thick, ice

Read these sentences and decide ifthey are
T (True) or F (False). What is the purpose of the
text? Copy and complete the table. Use your notes to
Listen and read to find out. compare the two animals.
1 D olph in s a re fish. ........... Dolphins Penguins
2 D olp h in s live in groups. ...........
kind o f an im al: mammals |
3 P e n g u in s w e ig h a b o u t th irty kilos. ...........
u n u su al b e c a u s e :
4 P e n g u in s live in A n ta rc tic a . ...........
th e y can:
th e y 'v e got:
Read again and answer the questions. Then
th e y w e ig h :
explain the words in bold.
th e y live:
1 W h a t can d o lp h in s do v e r y w e ll?
th e y eat:
2 W h e r e do d o lp h in s live ?
th e y live for:
3 H o w long do dolp h in s live ?
4 W h y are p en g u in s u n u su al b ird s? Dolphins are mammals....
5 W h a t h a v e p en g u in s g o t to k e e p th e m w a r m ?
v o c a b u la r y Find the definitions of mammals, birds, reptiles, in
Wild animals your dictionary. Classify the animals in Ex. 4.
Elephants are mammals.
study Skills
Learning new words
A ssociate w o rd s w ith pictures. This helps you rem em ber Parts of animals' bodies
them .
use the words below to label the parts of the
animals' bodies. Check in your dictionary.
^ Look at the pictures.
Listen and learn • b eak • fe a th e rs • tail • p a w s • fu r • n eck

cro c o d ile

I* -

flam in g o

S p e a k in g

a) which of the animals in Ex. 4 have got...

• th ick fu r? » a sh o rt ta il? » a big m o u th ? » a l o n g
n e c k ? • v e r y big e a r s ? • a long b o d y ? • fe a th e rs ?
• w in g s ? • c la w s ? • long le g s? • a tru n k ?

b) Choose an animal in Ex. 4 and describe itto

the class.

g th in k which is your favourite animal? Why?

Writing (a fact file about an animal)

e le p h a n t
sn a k e
^ ICT use the headings in Ex. 3 to collect
information about an animal in Ex. 4. Write
a short text about it.
Grammar in use
2 ^ Listen to a man telling some new shark tank
cleaners the rules of cleaning tanks. Tick (/) the
correct box. Then write sentences using must or
mustn't, as in the example.

Shark tank cleaners must mustn't

w o rk a lo n e /
Explore 1,800 acres of wildlife preserve, home to over e n te r a ta n k w ith sh a rk s in it
3,500 animals across 260 species from six continents
cle a n ta n k s after m eals
of the world. Visitors:
d o o v e r 1,000 d iv e s p er y e a r
• m u s t n 't bring pets to the park.
sta y in th e w a t e r v e r y long
• MUST pay an entrance fee.
u se stro n g so a p
• CAN take photos of the animals.
• CAN bring their own food and have a picnic in the park. Shark tank cleaners mustn't work alone.
• CAN'T drive through the park.

Fill in: must or mustn't.

Q: Where is the Safari Park?
A: 35 miles northeast o f the zoo, in Escondido, California.
Q: When is the park open?
A: Visitors can come any day between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.
Q: How much does a ticket cost?
A: Tickets cost $52 for adults, b ut are free for children under 3.

1 YOU .. ...................... fe e d th e an im als.

2 You .. ...................... p a y to park here.

Study the theory. Find examples on the San 3 You .. ...................... s m o k e here.

Diego zoo Safari Park webpage. 4 You ...................... k e e p th e zoo clean .

Modal verbs: must/mustn't, can/can't/could

4 *example.AskUseandcan/can't,
answer questions, as in the

if W e u se must to ex p ress obligation/duty. or could.

Visitors to the zoo must follow the rules. (Th ey are
obliged to.) A s k y o u r m u m if yo u c a n h a v e a sa n d w ic h . ( / )

W e u se mustn't to e x p ress prohibition. A: Can I have a sandwich?

You mustn't disturb the animals. (It's forbidden.) B: Yes, you can.
W e u se can to make/grant a request or to ask for/ A s k th e z o o k e e p e r if yo u can pick up a sn ake. (/)
give permission, (inform al) A sk yo u r m an ag er for perm ission to go h om e early. (/ )
Can I go to the aquarium later, Mum? Of course you
A s k y o u r frien d to b o rro w his c a m e ra , (x)
can. (inform al)
COMPARE: Could l see the manager? Yes, you can. A sk yo u r friend for perm ission to open th e w indow . (/ )
(NOT: Yes, yo u c o u ldr) form al (Is it O K fo r m e to ...?) A sk for perm ission to d rive th roug h th e safari park. (X)
Can we take photographs here, Dad? Yes, you can.
(Do w e h av e perm issio n to ...?)
W e u se can't to refuse a request/permission. What can/can't/must/mustn't you do at college/
I'm afraid you can't feed the monkeys now. (It's not OK.) home?
You can't enter this area (You don 't have perm ission.)
Study the table. Find examples g Form questions to which the underlined words
on the San Diego Zoo Safari are the answers.
Park webpage in Ex. 1.
K a n g a ro o s are m a m m a ls . T h e y h a v e b ab ies an d
Question words
fe e d th e m o n m ilk . T h e y live in A u s tra lia . T h e y
w e u se qu estio n w o rd s to ask are a b o u t t w o m etres tall a n d w e ig h a b o u t sixty
ab o u t d ifferen t kinds of inform ation: v
kilos. K a n g a ro o s h av e g o t t w o b ac k legs, tw o
What do es it e a t ? (things) Tree le a ve s and grass. sh o rt fro n t legs a n d a lo n g tail. T h e y
Where d o e s it liv e ? (place) In th e fo rests of A frica. r !i|
When d o e s it s le e p ? (time) A t night. can ju m p very h ig h b e c a u se th e ir
Why d o es it h a v e s trip e s ? (reason) B e c a u s e th e y help b ac k legs are very stro n g . They id
t hide. sleep d u rin g th e day and th e y
How long is its to n g u e ? (length) A b o u t 45 cm long.
e a t le a ve s. K a n g a ro o s c a rry th e ir
How tall is it? (height) A b o u t 1.5 m etres.
How much d o e s it w e ig h ? (quantity) B e tw e e n 200 b ab ies in a p o u c h . T h e y live in m
and 300 kg. sm all g ro u p s. T h e y live fo r fifteen
How long d o e s it live fo r? (time) T w e n ty to th irty years.
How many okapis a re th e re in th e w ild ? (number/
to t w e n t y y e a r s . 44
quantity) A b o u t 25,000.

What do kangaroos feed their babies on?

(milk) -
Complete the gaps. Use: where, when, how many,
how long, how much, why, what (x2).
SPEAKING Use the prompts to ask
Insect F a d s and answer questions about the animals below.
1 A: UTraf colour are ladybirds? -----
B: Yellow, red or orange with black .. this a n im a l? s e a lion
spots on their wings. .. w e ig h ? a b o u t 250 kilos
.. e a t ? fish
m . . 2 A: ................. do caterpillars live fo r? .. c a n / d o ? s w im v e r y w ell
B: Ju s t a few weeks. .. liv e ? P a cific O ce a n
.. liv e ? a b o u t 15 y e a r s

3 A: ................ legs have centipedes got?

3: They’ve got 28 to 354 legs. %

4 A: ................... do ants live?

. th is a n im a l? tiger
B: Under the ground.
. w e ig h ? a b o u t 200 kilos
. e a t ? d e e r an d m o n k e y s

5 A: .................... do cockroaches . s le e p ? d u rin g th e d a y

B: About 30g. . liv e ? fo re sts in India

. liv e ? a b o u t 15 y e a r s

6 A: ................... do dragonflies
hunt for food?
B: In the sum m er months.

*| Q ICT collect information about various

A: ................... are butterflies very colourful?
mammals, birds and reptiles, and create a
B: Because their colours help them hide.
quiz. Swap with another group.
A: .................... do praying
mantises eat?
B: Other insects.

Skills in Action

1 ro o s te r 2 tu r k e y 3 cow 4 du ck goose 7 don key sh eep 10 go at

Vocabulary Everyday EngHsh

Farm animals Asking for information

Look at the pictures. Listen and learn. ^ Read the first and the last exchange in the
dialogue. What is itabout? When isTony free?
Listen and read to find out.
Listen to the dialogue and decide ifthe Lucy: G o o d afte rn o o n . H o w c a n I h e lp ?
statements (1-6) are T (True) or F (False). Tony: Hello, I'm interested in volunteering at the
1 M a tt lives on a farm . .............
2 R o ck y an d B laz e a re th e s a m e age. .............
Lucy: T h a t's great. W h a t's y o u r n a m e ?

3 T he h o rs e s ' fa vo u rite food is carrots. .............

Tony: T o ny M org an .

4 M a tt fe e d s his h o rs e s o n c e a day. .............

Lucy: I'm L u c y S te v e n s , th e fa rm m an ag er. W h e n
a re yo u a v a ila b le ?
5 M a tt c le a n s th e s ta b le s o n c e e v e r y w e e k ...................
6 M a tt d o e s n 't m ind looking a fte r his h o rs e s .................
Tony: I'm fre e on S a tu rd a y m ornings.
Lucy: C a n yo u a lso c o m e on S u n d a y a fte rn o o n s ?
Tony: I'm afraid I c a n 't. I w o rk part-tim e a t a cafe.

Study the sizes, then read the examples. Lucy: Oh OK! W h e n c a n yo u s ta rt?

In pairs, ask and answer questions about the Tony: This S a tu rd a y if it's O K w ith yo u .

animals in Ex. 1, as in the example. Lucy: P e rfe c t! C o m e at 9:00 an d ask for Ste ve.
Tony: Thanks.

very quite You want to volunteer at an animal

big big small shelter. Take roles and act out a dialogue similar
to the one in Ex. 4.
A s k in g f o r in f o r m a t i o n G iv in g in f o r m a t i o n
v e r y 0 n g quite long
• w h a t 's yo u r n a m e ? • I'm ....
• W h e n a re you a v a ila b le ? • I'm fre e on ... .
q u it e s h o r t U -
• C an you also c o m e on ...? • Yes, I can./l'm afraid I can't.

sh ort U

What is this animal? it's a donkey. Pronunciation /e/ m

What colour is it? It's brown.
How big is it? It's very big. 6 ^ Listen and repeat.
How big are its ears? They're quite big. /e/ le g , h e a d
How long is its tail? It's quite long.
42 /3:/bird, fu r
Reading & Writing
8 a) Complete the gaps (1-5) in the form with the
correct headings (A-E).
Look at the form below, what kind of form is it?
who writes it? why? Read to find out.
Title (Mr/Mfs/Miss/Ms) & Name: Michael Dawson
Address: 5 Huckleberry Lane, Pilton, Somerset b) ™ ihk imagine you are a manager at an
Postcode: BA24 7DP animal charity. Do you think Michael Dawson
Telephone 01963 766 122 Mobile 07700900817 is a good applicant? Why (not)?
Age: 0 1 6 - 1 7 y r s 0 18-24 yrs 0 2 5 + yrs

Completing application forms

Education: W h en w e fill in application forms, w e usually give the
information in a num ber of different w ays. That is:
• A levels in Chemistry and English
• tick boxes to ch oose options.
• now in second year of university studying Physics
• w rite in note form to give brief details.
Volunteering experience: • w rite in full sen te n ces to explain som ething.
• three months working in a dog hotel
• two weeks at an animal rescue centre

Skills: I can drive a car and I know first aid. Look at the completed application form in Ex. 7.
How many full sentences does the writer use?
How does he present the other information?
Give examples.
0 full-time Q part-time 0 retired
0 unemployed 0 student
Writing (an application form
to volunteer)
Please tick boxes asappropriate. ^Q You have some free time and you want to
0 dog walking 0 cat care volunteer at an animal shelter. Copy the
0 charity shop 0 helping hands application form in Ex. 7 in your notebook.
Use the headings in Ex. 8a to fill in a
0 other (please say what) I am also interested in doing
volunteer application form.
fundraising events.

I am available Mondays 5 to 8 pm and Sundays 12 to 5 pm.

Signature: Mkhaei Dcuvuni


Emus can t fly, but Go an yw h e re in

th ey can run very fast Australia and you are

- up to 48 kilometres sure to find kangaroos

per hour. These huge in grasslands. They've

birds lay around 50 got thick fur and hop

eggs each year. These around using their big

eggs are green so they feet and strong tails.

are not easy to see on They keep their babies

the ground. The male in a pouch, a pocket on

em u looks after them. their stom ach.

In th e riv e rs of
In th e t r e e s o f
A u s tra lia th e r e is a
A u s tra lia th e r e
v e r y s tra n g e c re a tu re .
are c u te koalas.
It's g o t a d u c k 's bill
T h e y 'v e g o t
on its fa c e , t h e tail
flu ffy e a r s a n d
o f a b e a v e r a n d th e
fur, a n d a n o s e
f e e t o f a n o tter. It's a
th a t lo o k s like a
sp o o n . T h e y o n ly
platypus a n d it's o n e
o f th e f e w m a m m a ls
e a t e u c a ly p tu s
th a t la y s eggs.
le a v e s .

Check these words

ground, male, fluffy, spoon, eucalyptus, bill, beaver, otter
Listening & Reading
Look at the pictures. Where are these animals
from? What is special about them? Speaking & writing
Listen and read to find out. Tell the class one thing that you find interesting
about each animal.
Read the texts again. Which animal (A, B, C or D)...
looks like three different animals? 1 Q ^ ICT what unique animals are there in your
can move very quickly? 2 Q country? In groups, collect information, write a
carries their young around with them? 3 Q short text for an international nature magazine
lives on only one kind of food? 4 Q or prepare a digital presentation. Use pictures.
Vocabulary Grammar
Match the animals to their descriptions. Complete the exchanges with: can, can't, could,
must or mustn't.
1 O It's g o t a long trunk. A kan g aro o
2 Q It's got stripes. B lion 1 A: M u m .........................I h a v e a g lass o f milk, p le a s e ?

3 CD It's g o t a m an e. C tiger B: Yes, o f c o u rs e y o u ........................

4 CD T h e re 's a Pig fin on its P a ck . D e le p h a n t 2 A: ...................... w e fe e d th e m o n k e y s, sir?

5 CD It's g o t pink fea th ers. E dolphin B: I'm afraid not. Y o u ...................... fe e d th e

6 CD It's g o t a po u ch . F flam in g o m o n k e y s - it's forbidd en.

(6X1=6) 3 A: W e ...................... be q u iet in th e w ildlife park.

B: Yes, it s a y s so at th e en tran ce. W e ......................

Fill in: claws, mouths, fur, neck, stripes. m ak e a noise!

(6 x 3 = 18)
1 A zebra's black and w hite.............. help it to hide. Fill in the correct question word.
2 Big birds use catch small animals.
3 Koalas are cute animals with thick grey................ 1 ............................................... is this a n im a l? A n e lep h a n t.
4 A giraffe has a long.............. to reach its food. 2 ......................................... d o e s it liv e ? In A fric a an d India.
5 Sharks have huge.............. full of sharp teeth. 3 its tru n k ? A b o u t 2 m etres.
(5 x 2 = 10) 4 ......................................d o e s it w e ig h ? A b o u t 4,000 kilos.

Complete the sentences. 5 .........................................d o e s it Iive fo r? A b o u t 60 y e a rs.

6 ..........................?..................can it w a lk long d is ta n c e s ?
1 Snakes are r__________ . B e c a u s e it's g o t stro n g legs.
2 Lions have got thick m_____ . 7 ........................................ legs h as it g o t? Four.
3 Donkeys aren't wild animals; they are f____animals. 8 ........................................ d o e s it s le e p ? A t night.
4 Bears are m_________. (8 x 2 = 16)
5 Penguins have got w_____________ but they can't fly.
Everyday English
(5 x 2 = 10)

Fill in with the correct form of the verbs: keep, Match the exchanges.
lay, have, look, weigh. 1 CD H o w c a n I h e lp ? A OK. Thanks.
2 CD W h e n a re yo u fr e e ? B I'm sorry, I c an 't.
3 CD C a n yo u c o m e in on C This Saturday.
The Arctic fox lives in very cold places like Russia and
Sundays? D On Satu rd ays.
1)............ it warm.
Canada. It has got lots of fur to 4 CD W h e n c a n yo u s ta rt? E I w a n t to v o lu n te e r
ft has a long body and tail, and can 2) ............ up 5 CD C o m e at 10 am an d ask at th e zoo.
to ten kilos. It's a mammal so it doesn't 3 )........... fo r A d am .
eggs. During the spring months, it 4) ............ babies, (5 X 4 = 20)
usually between five and nine of them. The Arctic fox is Total 100
a beautiful animal. It 5 ) ............ very funny, too, when
itdives deep into the snow to catch its food.
(5 x 4 = 2 0 )

Lexical Reading Competence Speaking Competence

Competence • read fo r sp e c ific in fo rm ation • ask fo r inform ation
Talk ab o u t (a n s w e r q u e stio n s b a s e d on a text) • d e s c rib e an an im al
• w ild an im a ls • read fo r detail (T/F sta te m e n ts ; writing Competence
• p arts o f an im a ls ' m ultiple m atch in g ) • w rite a fa c t file o f an
P o d ie s Listening Competence anim al
• fa rm an im a ls • listen for sp e cific in form atio n (T/F • fill in a v o lu n te e r
statements) annliratinn fnrm
Vocabulary: Weather, Seasons, Months, Activities, Evei^day English: Shopping for clothes
Clothes Writing: A postcard
Grammar: Present continuous, Present
continuous vs Present simple

Come rain or shine

V o c a b u la r y
Match the sentences to the photos in Ex. 1.
Weather, Months & Seasons
Look at the photos, in which photo is the 1 There are clouds in the sky and the wind is blowing
weather: rainy, cloudy and windy? freezing cold and It's raining. It's a rainy day.
snowy? cold and foggy? warm and sunny? 2 The sun is shining. It's sunny.
3 It's snowing. It's a snowy day.
4 There's fog. It's foggy.

a) Fill in the missing months.

January - F................. - M .................. - April -

M ............... - June - J.................- August -
September - 0...............- November -

b) Which months are in the winter, spring,

summer and autumn in your country?

Ask and answer in pairs, as in the

A: What's the weather like in summer?
B: It's warm and sunny...


a) Which photo shows someone who is ...

1 CD sailing a boat?
2 CD sightseeing?
3 CD holding an umbrella?
4 CD snowboarding?

b) Use the words/phrases in Exs 1-4 to describe

the pictures.
In photo A it's foggy. Kate and Alenka are sightseeing.

Reading & Listening

6 ^ Listen and match the weather to the places

Weather Places
1 CD It's fre e z in g cold a n d A T hailan d
sn o w y. B N o rw a y
2 CD |t>s verY h°t a n d th e sun is C th e M a ld ive s
3 CD lt's windy, cold and raining.
Read the text quickly. List all the words related to: weather: clothes.

Willis in all Weathers <5EEE>

Hi e v e ry o n e ! I'm W illis W e a th e r s an d to d a y I'm visiting Trysil in
N o rw a y ! W h y am I w e a rin g m y h e a v y c o a t? It's freezing cold
h ere! In fact, th e re 's sn o w ! V isito rs are w e a rin g h ats an d
gloves. S o m e p eo p le a re skiing, sk atin g an d sn o w b o a rd in g ,

but I ju s t w a n t to go inside an d drink hot c h o c o la te !

W illis W e a th e r s is in beau tifu l T hailan d to d a y! I'm a t an a n c ie n t

te m p le an d th e w e a t h e r h e re is a bit strange. It's w a rm , but
it's raining! Luckily, I'v e g o t m y u m b rella w ith me. S o m e o th e r

to u rists a r e n 't so lu ck y - th e y 'r e ru n n in g to g et o u t o f th e rain. A t

le a st th e s e la d ies beh in d m e are w e a rin g waterproof jack ets!

G re e tin g s fro m th e M a ld ive s ! W illis W e a th e r s here, an d

I'm w a rm an d d ry a t last! T h e w e a t h e r is fa n ta s tic today.
It's v e r y hot an d th e su n 's shining. T h ere isn 't a clo u d in

th e sky. P e o p le a re sailin g boats, sw im m in g o r playing

vo lle y b a ll on th e g o ld en sand. I lo ve it h ere!

Check these words

in fact, strange, w aterp ro o f jacket, sand

Study Skills
Reading for specific information Speaking
Read the statem en ts and underline the key words. Find the part in the
text that a n sw e rs each question. Use the key w ords in the statem ent 9 ^ Listen and read the text.
to decide if th e statem en t is true or false, or if the text do es not contain Compare the weather in the three
an y inform ation about it. B e careful. For a statem en t to be true, e very places.
part of the statem en t m ust be true.

g Read the text again and decide ifthe statements (1-6) are T (true),
Writing (a blog post)
F (false) or DS (doesn't say). Then explain the words in bold. ^Q <^™J!““?imagine you are
1 It's v e ry cold in Norw ay. .........
Willis Weathers, write a
2 P e o p le in N o r w a y d o n 't like hot w e a th e r. .........
blog post from your country
3 It's raining in Thailand. .........
reporting what the weather is
4 W illis th in ks th e te m p le is a bit strange. .........
5 it's c lo u d y in th e M ald ives. .........
6 W illis is h a p p y to be in th e M ald ives. .........
Grammar in use
Add -ing to the following verbs.
1 read 7 fish
2 s u n b a th e 8 ski
Hi Olivia! Are you doing
anything special right now? 3 sh in e 9 buy

Amelia and I aren't working 4 do 10 have

today. We are planning a trip 5 run 11 jog
to the beach. Do you want to 6 m ak e 12 visit
come with us? we usually go
by bus, but today we're taking
my brother's car. © Do you Look at the pictures. Correct the sentences, as in the exampk
want me to come and pick Use verbs from Ex. 2.
you up? Let me know ASAP.

0 . TT & * .

S v

* “ d f c ' Z r J- .


Study the theory. Complete the

rule. Find examples in the text
message. 1 S te v e is e atin g an ice c ream .
No! Steve isn't eating an ice cream. He's jogging.
Present continuous 2 A n n is p laying g a m e s on h er m obile.

Affirmative Negative
I am playing l'm not playing
3 T he d o g is s le e p in g .......................................................

you are playing you aren't playing 4 P e te r is s w im m in g ........................................................

he -j he 5 Tom and A le x a re h av in g a b arb ecu e.
she is playing she isn't playing
it J it J
we 1 we
you are playing you aren't playing Put the verbs in brackets in the present continuous.
they they
To form the present continuous we use
the verb to be and the H i Obbie,
1) I ’m having (have) a fantastic tim e here in
base form of the main verb.
Lisbon. The sun 2 ) ................................ (shine)
We use the present continuous for
a n d uie 3 ) ............................ (enjoy) the usarm
actions happening now, at the moment
of speaking. We use this tense with w eather a lot.
now, right now and at the moment. There are a lo t o f cafes and restaurants fibbie Smith....
She's playing football now. and the food is delicious. Today, &>e
12 Miller- Street
She isn’t eating an ice cream at the V ) ................................(oisit) S intra, a beautifu l
moment. toion m th lots o f h isto ric buildings very close London...........

Spelling to Lisbon. Your unde S ) ............................... m i7 i)N .......

• Most verbs take -ing after the base (b u y) souoenirs a t one o f the shops here and
form of the main verb. Ben 6 ) ................................ (take) photos o f the
snow - snowing, wear - wearing monuments.
• Verbs ending in one stressed Its so beautiful, I don’t usant to leaoe!
vowel and a consonant double the
See yOU in tU>0 U>eeks, yjj
consonant and take -ing.
stop - stopping, swim - swimming fu n t L ily
• Verbs ending in -e drop the -e and *
take -ing.
take - taking, decorate - decorating

Study the table. How do we form the interrogative ^ write sentences, as in the example.
of the present continuous? Find examples in the
text message on p. 48. Rita u su a lly c h a ts on lin e on
S u n d a y a fte rn o o n / stu d y
Present continuous
Rita usually chats online on
Interrogative Short answers 1 Sunday afternoon. Right now, she
Am I playing? Yes, I am./No, I'm not. is studying.
I Are you playing? Yes, you are./No, you aren't.
Yes, he/she/it is. B e tty u su ally w a tc h TV on S a tu rd a y
Is she playing?
No, he/she/it isn't.
J it J m o rn in g / sh o p fo r c lo th e s
1 we 1
Yes, we/you/they are.
| Are you playing?
No, we/you/they aren't.

Ja m e s u su a lly go joggin g in th e
m o rn in g / ride his bike
Fill in: am, is or are, then complete the answers.

. S a n d y s le e p in g ? N o , ....................
. th e kids d o in g th e ir h o m e w o rk ?
B e n u su ally listen to m u sic in th e
Y e s ,.
a fte rn o o n / read a book
. yo u h avin g lu n c h ? N o , ........
. h e c o o k in g ? Y e s , ..................
. I sitting h e r e ? N o , .................
. w e h avin g a m e e tin g n o w ?

Y e s ,.
Put the verbs in brackets in the present
simple or the present continuous.
First, listen to the sounds and
tick (/) what you hear. Then ask and answer New Tab X | -f

questions, as in the example.

Hi mate, If Ilk
Tony: w a tc h T V □ play te n n is 0
I'm in Denmark with Chris. We
Stella: d rive a c a r Q have a sh o w er Q 1 ).............................. (study) Geography
Bob & Keith: sw im Q sle e p 0 here on an exchange programme. We 2 )...........................
They: listen to m u sic Q play c o m p u te r g a m e s Q (stay) with my Danish friend Casper in Copenhagen. It's very
James: ride a h o rse Q ride a m o to rP ik e Q cold here. It often 3 ) ................................ (rain), but right
She: p lay th e guitar Q play th e piano Q now it 4 ) ............................... (snow)! In the mornings, we
They: w a lk Q run 0 5)...............(go) to college. In the afternoons, we
6) ............................... (put on) our thick coats, hats and
A: Is Tony watching TV? gloves and we 7 ) ................................. (walk) around the city.
S: No, he isn't. He's playing tennis. Life 8 ) ............................... (be) quiet here and the people
9 ) ...(be) quite friendly. Anyway, I've got to
go - Casper 10)................................ (make) hot chocolate.
Read the examples and complete the rules. Find
What about you? 11).........................................(you/enjoy)
examples in the text message on p. 48.
your exchange programme? What 12)..................................
(you/do) there every day?
Present continuous - Present simple
Write back,
I John usually wears jeans and T-shirts. Alfie
■ ‘ohn's wearing a suit and tie today.

We use...................................... to talk about habits

I and daily routines. W m m iM <™»«?write a reply to
We use.................................... to talk about actions Alfie's email. Write about: where you are -
happening now, at the moment of speaking. what the weather is like - what you do every day
- what you are doing right now.
Skills in Action
Vocabulary Everyday English
Clothes Shopping for clothes
Look at the pictures. Complete the gaps. Use: a) Read the dialogue and complete the gaps.
blouse, boots, scarf, trousers, cap, belt. Listen and check.
B □
Sally Hello, 1)....... I h elp y o u ?
Jack: Hi, I'd like to return th is ja c k e t, please.
Sally: Sure, w h a t's w ro n g w ith it?
Jack: I'm afraid it's to o 2)..........for me.
Sally: I see. So w e c a n g ive yo u a refund, o r yo u
can pick a n o th e r item.
Jack: W e ll, I like th is jacke t. 3)......... it in a
bigger siz e ?
Sally: Let m e ch e ck . 4)....... size a re y o u ?
Jack: I'm a large.
Sally: I'm sorry, w e o'nly h a v e m e d iu m in black.
B u t w e 'v e got large in g re y an d red.
Jack: C a n l try th e g re y one, p le a s e ?
Sally: Sure. T h e fitting ro o m s a re o v e r here.

b) Use the clothes in the pictures to act

out similar dialogues.

high-heeled s h o e s

E □
Read the exchange. Use the pictures to
act out similar exchanges.


sh o rts I*
II s h o e s
r *

so c k s
train e rs

■ " r

Listening 1sh o rt tro u s e rs big b lo u se long d re s s

a) Look at the pictures in Ex. 1. A: What do you think of this shirt?

B: Well, I think it's too tight.
Listen and number the pictures (A-F) as
the designer describes each one.
Pronunciation /n/ / 13/
b) Look at the pictures and describe each
Listen and tick (/). Listen again and repeat.
person's clothes.
/n/ />]/ /n/ /13/
GAME Choose a student in your class w e a rin g sh in e

and describe his/her clothes. The first person to rain fishing

guess who you are describing goes next. m aking run

R e a d i n g & Writing ^ Replace the words in bold with appropriate
words to avoid repetition.
y Read the postcard and answer the questions.
1 W h o is w ritin g it?
Hi Sam m y!
2 W h o is sh e sen d in g it t o ?
M y cousin and I are in C ro atia fo r a holiday. My
3 W h e r e is e a c h p e rs o n ?
cousin and I are staying in a hotel right on th e
on the beach, but I love
b each . It's qu ite c ro w d e d
it. In th e m orning, my cousin and I g o sailing in
Hi Natalie, Jo h n 's boat. John's boat is ve ry fast and w e g o to
Greetings from La Macarena, th e islands n ear th e b each . The islands near the
Colombia! The weather's lovelij
beach are very qu iet. S e a sid e restaurants serve local
here. It's warm and sunnij. We
fo o d . The local food is delicious!
go sightseeing in the mornings
A Natalie Roberts S e e you w h en I g e t back!
with our group's guide. We taste
different local foods even/ datj P e te r
B 17 Green Lane
and take lots of pictures. Todaij,
we re visiting Cano Cristales, the C York
river of five colours. Were all
D Y030 5QX Writing (a postcard)
wearing hats and comfortable
clothes and boots, readu to E UK
et wet! It's so wonderful here.
10 a) Imagine-you are on holiday. Answer the
i-fope Ljou're Of\-
See IjOU soon, 1 w h e r e a re y o u ? ................................................................
Aunt Dorothij 2 W h o a re yo u w i t h ? ..........................................................
3 W h a t is th e w e a t h e r l i k e ? ..............................................
4 w h a t do yo u do th e re e v e r y d a y ? ...............................
5 W h a t a re yo u doing right n o w ? ....................................
6 W h a t a re y o u w e a r i n g ? ..................................................
Writing addresses
7 D o yo u like th e p l a c e ? ....................................................
W h en w e send a postcard, w e alw ays w rite the address
of the person w e are sending the postcard to. W e include
full name, house number and street
the person's b) Use your ideas from Ex. 10a to write a
name, town/city, postcode and country (if w e are postcard to your friend Alice (80 words),
sending the postcard from another country).
use her address from Ex. 8b. Follow the
g a) Look at Natalie's address in Ex. 7. Match the
letters (A-E) to the numbers (1-5).
1 0 c o u n try 0 to w n / city Hi + (yo u r frie n d 's first n a m e )
2 0 full n a m e 0 p o stc o d e Greetings from ... (n a m e o f p lace)
3 Q h o u se n u m b e r an d w h e r e yo u are; w h a t th e w e a t h e r is like; w h a t yo u do

stre e t n a m e th e re e v e r y d ay; w h a t yo u a re doing right n ow ; w h a t

y o u are w e a rin g ; co m m e n ts /fe e lin g s
b) Write the address in the right order. See you,
(yo u r first n am e)
• U K • EH11 1RP • A lic e D en n in g
• Ed in bu rgh • 9 N a p ie r D rive

iWriting Tip
Avoiding repetition
W h en w e write, w e use: it, this, that, here, there, he, T ravel is th r icher.
she, etc. to avoid repetition. I that makes y
Peter is sitting by the pool. He is sunbathing.
(NOT: Peter is sunbathing.)

Listening & Reading
Look at the map. Where is San Francisco; Los
Angeles? What isthe weather like in these places? San Francisco-

Listen and read to find out. Monterey I

• •
San Luis Obispo
Q 00
PACIFIC Santa Barbara

Palm Springs

San Diego

California isaround the same size as Japan and Morocco. MEXICO

The Sierra Nevada Mountains run down the centre, the Pacific State of California
Ocean isto the west and there's a desert in the east. Nickname: the Golden State Capital: Sacramento
Official language: English Largest city:LosAngeles
Population: about 40 million Area: 423,970 km2

i Hi guys! I’
m studying in the US at the moment, and Iwant to visit California. When’
November? April? Where’
s the best time - February?
s the best place to go - Los Angeles or San Francisco? And what must Ipack? Please help!
Ф SanFranOI
(Л Come to the City by the Bay - San Francisco! We have dry, sunny weather (15-17°C)from May to October (with some
V) foggy days) so you need T-shirts and lightclothes. Inspring and autumn, it’ s wet but warm. Inwinter, it’
s cool (the cold
2 months are December and January, with temperatures ofaround 11°C),so you need some warm clothes likejumpers
and trousers, but the important thing isto dress for rain - boots, a hat and a good coat!
La La Land is the place to go! I’
m writing this on Redondo Beach in LA in my swimming shorts and it’ s March! June,
July, August and September are allwarm - but not too hot (between 20 and 30°C). We have sunny weather allyear
round, and even inwinter itdoesn't get very cold (14-15°C).You need a hat for protection from the sun, T-shirts, shorts
and sandals. A jumper in the winter isjust fine.

Check these words

; desert, pack, protection
Read the texts again. Copy and complete the
table in your notebook. Then, explain the words
in bold. Speaking & writing
San Francisco LOS Angeles 3 Use the completed table to compare
the climates of Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Season Winter Summer Winter Summer
n ot v e r y
weather coo l ^ ICT Think of where you live. Create a
calendar for your college website showing the
Temperature 1 1 °C 1 5 - 1 7 °C 20 - 3 0 °C weather in each season.

Must bring ju m p e r Seasons Weather Temperature

w in te r co ld an d s n o w y 0-5°C

Choose the correct item.
Fill in: foggy, raining, windy, blowing, sunny, 'Is Charlie sleeping?' 4 'Are we leaving now?'
freezing. 'No, h e ...... ' 'Yes,...... '
a isn't b doesn't a we are
'Are you studying?' b aren't we
'Yes, I ...... ' 5 'Am I sitting here?'
a are b am 'Yes,...... '
'Is it still raining?' a you are
'No,...... ' b you do
a it isn't b isn't it
Fill in snow, go, have, play, eat, do in the present
continuous or present simple.

1 I u s u a lly .................................... jogging in th e aftern o o n ,

but to d a y I ..................... , th e library.
2 M a rk u s u a lly ............................................... his h o m e w o rk
b efo re dinner, b u t h e ..................................s o m e jo b s
fo r his u n cle today.
3 M y c o u s in s otball a t th e m o m e n t,
b u t th e y u s u a lly
4 W e .................................... c h ic k e n today, b u t w e u su ally
..................................c h ic k e n on Saturday.
5 Jill an d h e r f a m i ly .......................................d in n e r in a
re s ta u ra n t now, b u t th e y u s u a lly ..................................
d in n e r at hom e.
6 I t ..................................... outside, but it d o e s n 't u su ally M ay!
(6x3= 18)

Everyday English

7 Match the sentences.

(plan) to visit Canada
1 0 Hello, can I help A I'm a medium.
(not/snow) now - let's you? B Sure. The changing
2 0 What size are you? rooms are over there.
(you/play) on your 3 0 How about this C I'm looking for a
one? summer dress.
(shop) 4 0 Have you got it in D It looks nice.
black? E Sure. Here you are.
(enjoy) her 5 0 Can I try it on?
(not/do) his Total 100

(6x3 = 18)

Lexical Competence Reading Competence Speaking Competence

Talk about: • read for specific information • shop for clothes
• weather (T/F/DS statements; answer writing Competence
• seasons questions; note taking) • write an email
• months Listening Competence • write a postcard
• seasonal activities • listen for detail (multiple
• clothes matching; order pictures)
Values: Environmentalism
Protect an animal near you!

A lo t o f a n im a ls o n o u r b e a u tifu l p la n e t a r e in d a n g e r. S o m e a r e v e r y fa r a w a y - o t h e r s a r e
rig h t in o u r o w n n e ig h b o u rh o o d . T h e y a ll n e e d o u r h e lp s o w h y n o t s t a r t c lo s e to h o m e ?
H e r e a r e fiv e in t e r e s t in g w a y s to d o it!

Put out water Report strays

In hot weather, put bowls of w ater outside Find the num ber of an
your house. Rem em ber, dogs, cats, birds and anim al sh elter and tell
even hedgehogs get hot and thirsty, too. them w hen you se e
stray2 dogs or cats in the

Be careful of rubbish! streets. Sh e lte rs often run

A nim als in tow ns look for food in rubbish bins. special program m es to help strays.

So m e tim e s they can choke1 on rubbish or it Drive carefully

can poison them . M ake sure your rubbish bin
In country areas drivers must
has a lid th a t they c a n ’t open! watch out for animals.
They m ustn’t drive fast
Grow plants
so that they don’t hit any j
Find out what local anim als eat and plant it in
i animals on the road.
your garden! You can also grow trees to
provide food and shelter for garden anim als, 1 choke: sto p breathing
from insects to birds. 2 stray (anim al): w ith o u t; hom e

For more information on how you can help, click here

^ Look at the title, the pictures and the headings. 3 What is the purpose of the text: to
How can we help animals in danger? entertain? to inform? to persuade? Give reasons
r v Listen and read to find out.
^ ICT suggest three more ideas for how ti
Read the text again and answer the questions. protect animals in your area. Research online
for ideas. Use the key words: ways to help
1 W h y do w e n e e d to put b o w ls o f w a t e r o u tsid e th e
neighbourhood animals. Use the text in Ex. 1 as
2 H o w can w e m a k e ru bbish bins s a fe for a n im a ls ?
3 H o w can rubbish put local a n im a ls ' lives in d a n g e r?
4 H o w do s h e lte rs h elp stra y a n im a ls ?
It's Environment Day. Give a talk to members c
5 H o w c a n w e p ro te c t a n im a ls on th e ro a d s ?
the club on how to protect animals in your are
You can use your ideas in Ex. 4.
a) Read the task.

You are an exchange student in London and

m em b er o f a local environm ental organisation. It is
W orld Anim al Day. Presen t an endangered anim al
to th e m em b ers of th e organisation. Hello everybody - I'm Amav Patel. It's one of the
kings of the big cats and it's disappearing. What is
it? The tiger, of course. Tigers all over the world are
b) Listen to and read the model. Then endangered today, and the number of Bengal tigers
copy and complete the spidergram in your in my country, India, is down to about 2,500.
notebook. The Bengal tiger lives in the forests of India and
why how many left Bangladesh. It is orange with black stripes and eats
endangered deer and monkeys. It grows up to 325 kg and can live
, ives m up to 25 years. ,
The first reason why tigers are endangered is hunters.
description They hunt the tiger for its beautiful fur, teeth and
claws. Pollution is not a real threat for the tiger, but
eating habits
farmers are. They cut down trees to grow food, but
they destroy the forests tigers live in.

Which opening technique does Amav use? The Bengal tiger is a beautiful animal and we must
Replace itwith another appropriate one. not let it disappear. In the words of Anthony Douglas
Williams: "Each and every animal on Earth has
as much right
Read the theory, which closing technique does to be here as
Amav use? Replace with another technique. you and m e."
Thank you for
Closing techniques in public speaking listening.
To end a presentation, w e can:
use of quote/saying: In th e w o rd s Ja c k "The
most magnificent creature in the entire world, the
tiger is."
ask a 'what if' question: "W hat if the red panda
disappears? w e must make —
sure that never happens!"
use arhyme or a short
poem: In th e w o rd s of
A nthony Douglas Williams:
"Not a single creature ’’
on Earth has more or
less right to be here."

^ ICT copy the

spidergram in Ex. 1b
and complete itwith
information about
an endangered
animal in your
country or another
country. Use your
notes and the
model to prepare
and give your
Vocabulary: ■types of food/drinks; Cutlery/Tableware; Everyday English: Ordering food
Ways to cook; Food preparation verbs Writing: A restaurant
Grammar: Countable/uncountable nouns; (How) m uch/(how) review
m any; A few/a little . Some/any, a lo t of; phrases of
quantity; the imperative

Taste the world

pear s tra w b e rrie s p in e a p p le coconut bananas g ra p e s o ra n g e c h e rrie s

-U »
c o ffe e co la o ra n g e ju ic e tea w a te r c h o c o la te c a k e ic e c re a m a p p le pie pancakes b iscu its

lettu ce pepper c a rro ts lion garlic cabbage p o ta to e s

O '

c e re a l p asta n o o d le s bread eg g s cheese' b u tter m ilk

sa lt & p e p p e r m u stard & k e tch u p c h ick en beef fish cra b p ra w n s

Vocabulary Speaking
Food/Drinks 3^ Listen to and read the dialogues.
Look at the pictures. Match the sections (A-l) to Then use the prompts to act out similar
the headings: dialogues in pairs.
vegetables - meat & poultry fru it ] -
A: I'm thirsty. Is th e re an yth in g to d rin k ?
grains - sweets - drinks - dairy & eggs
B: would you like s o m e o ra n g e ju ic e ?
seafood - seasoning & sauces A: No, thanks. I d o n 't like o ra n g e juice.
Listen and check. B: H o w about s o m e m ilk?
A: Oh, y e s , p lease !
Answer the questions.
A: I'm hungry. Is th e re a n yth in g to e a t?
1 W h ic h o f th e fo od s/drin ks do y o u like/don't yo u like?
B: Would you like s o m e e g g s?
2 H o w often do yo u eat/drink th e foo d s/d rin k s yo u
A: No, thanks. I d o n 't like eggs.
B: H o w about s o m e c h ic k e n ?
3 W h ic h o f th e food s/drin ks a b o v e c a n yo u h a v e for
A: Oh, y e s , p le ase!
b reakfast/a light m e a l/ d e s s e rt?

• c o ffe e / tea pasta / fish

• c o la / w a t e r c h ic k e n / n o o d le s
Reacting & Listening Complete the sentences.
Look at the pictures (A & B). What are the names 1 V ie tn a m e s e sp rin g rolls a re a .........................
of the dishes? what ingredients do we use to 2 A p o p u lar drink in V ie tn a m i s .........................
make them? 3 V ie tn a m e s e p e o p le u su a lly e a t w i t h ......................

Listen and read to find out. 4 in s o m e Ja p a n e s e re stau ra n ts, y o u c a n c o o k th e

Ja p a n e s e p iz z a ..........................
5 You can drin k m ilk w ith g re e n te a p o w d e r h o t or

OO 6 in Ja p a n , it isn 't a good idea t o ..........................

Food of the World ^ th in k which dish would you like to try?

Are you travelling around the world this year? Why?
Local cuisine always adds to your travel experience
and helps you to get to know the culture of the country
you are visiting better. Cutlery & Tableware
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Fill in: knife, fork, plate, bowl, tablespoon, teaspoon.

W h a t to e a t an d drink Goi Cuon is

a Vietnamese speciality like a spring 1 W e can e a t so u p w ith a

roll. It has prawns, meat, vegetables

and noodles inside rice paper. You
dip it in a sweet or salty sauce. Coconut milk
5 a very refreshing drink to try. The Vietnamese like it a lot.
2 We can serve food on a
r jltu re T ip Most Vietnamese people eat with chopsticks
axl spoons, but restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City usually
•£.e knives and forks too - just ask. Trying chopsticks? 3 We can cut food with a
r /er place them in a V on your plate - it’s bad luck!
M you know? Fish sauce is so popular in Vietnam that
-ere are four different ways to say it in Vietnamese.
4 We can pick up food with a
Tokyo, Japan

W h a t to e a t an d drink Okonomiyaki,
or the Japanese pizza, is an excellent 5 We can eat soup from a
choice. Okonomiyaki means “what-
you-like grill”, and in some restaurants
you can cook it yourself at your table!
6 We can put sugar in tea with a
- 3 a pancake they sen/e with cabbage, meat and nearly
s ' other ingredient you can think of! For a relaxing drink,
- -atcha latte, milk with green tea powder. You can enjoy Writing
■xr. or cold.
I Jtu re T ip Don’t leave a tip in a Tokyo restaurant. In 8 ICT Collect information, then write a short text
about a typical dish and drink in the capital city
« e :e r . they find it strange and a little insulting. of your country for an online travel magazine
M you know? The Japanese love seafood. A Japanese (60-80 words). Use the subheadings in the text
s-scn eats 1.2 times their own weight in seafood every in Ex. 4 to help you.

K /1 Check these words

. s 'e, culture, speciality, salty, sauce, refreshing,
■rcsticks, ingredient, powder, tip, insulting, weight
Grammar in Use
a) Mark the following nouns as Countable (C) or
Uncountable (U). Then, fill in a/an or some.

□ ...... □

honey to m a to jam

Alfie: Hey, Sam, how many iO .......

' • ° .......
people are coming to bu rg er c o ffe e c h e rry
your son's sleepover
Sam: Four. Can you □

please go to the
supermarket for me? I need
some ingredients.
tutm J C
l ' D
D ......
Alfie: Sure. What do you need?
flour \ V 's a n d w ic h bu tter
Sam: Well, IV e got some bananas and an orange,
but I haven't got any pears. Can you get me
some? And a pineapple, some strawberries
and a few peaches.
Alfie: Sure. How many peaches do you need?
Sam: Four are enough. Oh, wait, I need a little
yoghurt, too. b) Write the plurals of the countable nouns in
Alfie: How much yoghurt do you need? Ex. 2a.
Sam: One small pot is enough. Oh, and a carton
of milk.
Alfie: OK. What are you making with all this fruit Study the theory. Find examples in the dialogue.
Sa m : Rainbow smoothies!
Phrases of quantity
Alfie: That sounds tasty! Okay, then, off I go!
W e can u se c o u n ta b le and u n co u n ta b le nou n s after
slice, bottle, glass,
p h ra ses o f q u a n tity su ch as:
0 packet, kilo, loaf, cup, carton, piece + of etc.

1 a bottle of w a t e r t 8 a cup of
Study the theory. Find examples in the dialogue. co ffe e

Countable - Uncountable Nouns 2 a loaf of bread 9 a bowl

o f sou p

Countable nouns a re th o s e w h ic h w e can count.
T h e y h a v e sin gu lar and plural form s. 1/2/3/4 apple(: 3 a piece of c h e e s e
Uncountable nouns are th o s e w h ic h w e c a n n o t 10 a bag of flour
count. T h ey h a v e o n ly sin gu lar form s.
some meat/sugar, etc. 4 a glass of orange
W e u se a/an w ith co u n ta b le n o u n s in th e singular. ju ic e
a tomato/an egg (NOT: a sugar)
W e u se some w ith c o u n ta b le n ou n s in th e plural 5 a packet
and u n co u n tab le n o u n s in th e affirm ative. of pasta 1 ■ I 11 a pot of
There is some bread and some biscuits in the yo g h u rt
W e u se any w ith co u n ta b le n o u n s in th e plural and
6 a carton of m ilk
u n co u n ta b le n ou n s in th e n eg ative and in terrog ative.
12 a box of
c e real
There aren't any apples. Is there any milk?
W e can u se some for offers or requests. 7 a slice of bread
Would you like some tea? Can I have some pizza?
^ Label the photos. Use: bread, fruitjuice, milk, Tom is making a shopping list for a dinner
cereal, cake, olive oil and the correct phrase of party. Look at the shopping list, then listen and
quantity. tick (/) the things she needs. Finally, ask and
answer questions, as in the example.

'"52PIPPL# 2 kilos o f m e a t / 1 kilo o f to m a to e s

1 two loaves of bread 10 egg s 2 bag s o f flour

1 kilo o f c h e e s e 3 bo ttles o f co la

20 slic e s o f ham 1 ca rto n o f o ra n g e ju ic e

2 lo a ve s o f b read 8 bananas

A: How much meat does he need?

B: He needs two kilos of meat. How many eggs does
he need?
A: He doesn't need any eggs.... etc.

Read the dialogue. Act out

Study the theory. Find examples in the dialogue similar dialogues. Use the prompts.
on p. 58.
A: W o u ld y o u like s o m e c o ffe e ?
A lot of/Much/Many - B: Yes, p lease, I'd love som e, w o u ld yo u like so m e
How much/How many - A few/A little m ilk?
A: No, thanks. I d o n 't like milk.
W e use a lot of/lots of w ith co u n tab le nouns in the
affirm ative. There are a lot of/lots of eggs.
• o r a n g e ju ic e « c h o c o la t e » te a « b is c u it s » p iz z a
W e u se much w ith u n co u n tab le n ou n s in th e n eg ative
• soda
and in terrog ative. There isn't much coffee. Is there
much butter?
W e u se many w ith c o u n ta b le nouns in th e n eg ative
Correct the mistakes.
and interrog ative. There aren't many tomatoes. Are
there many tomatoes?
1 C a n I h a v e jari b a n a n a p le a s e ?
W e use how much and a little (not m u ch but enough)
2 I'm thirsty. I'd like a w ater.
w ith u n co u n tab le nouns.
W e u se how many and a few (not m u ch but enough) 3 C an I h a v e a n y bread, p le a s e ?
w ith co u n ta b le nouns. 4 I'm hungry. I'd like an burger.
A: How much milk do you need? 5 Is th e re m a n y su g a r?
B: Just a little. 6 W e h a v e n 't g o t a lot o f cake.
A: How many carrots do you need?
7 I'd like s o m e su g ars in m y tea.
B: Just a few.
8 H o w m a n y h o n e y do yo u n e e d ?
9 C ou ld I h a v e a fe w butter, p le a s e ?
10 W o u ld yo u like a n y m ilk in y o u r t e a ?
Choose the correct item. 11 T h ere a re m u ch lem ons.
12 W e n e e d a little po tatoes.
1 H o w much/How many m ilk do yo u n e e d ?
13 H o w m a n y ju ic e is th e re in th e frid g e?
2 W e n e e d a little/a few oranges.
14 H o w m u ch o ra n g e s do w e n e e d ?
3 T h e re a re much/a lot of o n io n s in th e cu p b o ard .
15 T h e re 's m a n y flour in th e cu p b o ard .
4 Is th e re an/some egg in th e b o w l?
5 W o u ld yo u like some/any c a k e ?
6 Is th e re many/much c h e e s e in th e frid g e?
7 H o w much/many ju ic e do yo u n e e d ? Ju s t a few/ 1 0 KiiTriMi H You are
planning a dinner party for your friends.
a little
Decide what you can prepare and write your
8 A re th e re some/any g ra p e s ? Yes, th e re are a lot/ „shopping
i _:__ il:iaj
9 P le a s e b u y a little/a few ch erries.
10 T h e re 's to o many/much salt in th e soup.
Skills in Action
vocabulary Everyday English
Ways to cook Ordering food

a) Listen and learn. Read the dialogue and fill in the missing words.
Listen and check.

Waiter: G o o d e ve n in g , sir. Table 1).................... t w o ?

Mark: Y es, please.
Waiter: This w ay, p lease.
Cindy: T h an k yo u .
Waiter: W o u ld yo u like to look 2)............. th e m enu?
Cindy: Thanks.

Waiter: M a y I ta k e y o u r order, p le a s e ?
Mark: Yes. I w a n t th e to m a to soup, to sta rt w ith .
Cindy: T o m ato so u p 3)..?.................m e, too, p lease.
waiter: C ertainly. A n d for th e m ain c o u r s e ?
Mark: I'd like th e fried fish.
Cindy: A n d th e grilled c h ic k e n fo r m e, please.
waiter: O f cou rsq . 4) ..................... y o u like s o m e th in g
to d rin k ?
Cindy: A bo ttle o f w ater, please.
b) How can w e cook the foods below?
Waiter: Still o r sp a rk lin g ?

• c a k e • eg g s • fish • p asta • c h ic k e n
Cindy: Sp arkling, p lease.

• s te a k • p o ta to e s
Waiter: V e ry w e ll. W o u ld yo u 5).................... to
o rd e r y o u r d e s s e rt n o w ?
Mark: Yes. I'd like th e a p p le pie.
Listening Cindy: A n d I'd like a 6).................. o f c h o c o la te cake.
Waiter: C ertainly.
a) Look at the gaps in the advert. What words
do you think are missing? Compare your
ideas with your partner's.
^ Look at the menu. Act out a dialogue similar to
b) Listen and fill in the missing information. the one in Ex. 3.

Starters Desserts
tomato soup £4.50 apple pie £1.80
onion soup £4.50 fresh fruit £1.50
grilled vegetables £4.20 ice-cream £2.00
Side dishes carrot cake £1.80
baked potato £4.20 Drinks
grilled vegetables £3.50 Bottled water £1.00
Coffee £1.20
Main courses
Tea £1.10
Name: The ( Blue 1Lagoon Type: Hawaiian fried fish £9.75
Orange juice £2.20
grilled chicken £8.75
Location: ( 1 ) 3 Street Hot chocolate £2.50
prawns with rice £7.75
Main Courses: fresh fish dishes 12
with pineapple.

Desserts: coconut [ 3 ) Pronunciation /g /, M V

Cost: £ 4 ) for two people Listen and tick (/). Listen again and repeat.
Opening hours: 2 pm - ( 5 )
/g/ K\y /g/ /d.y /g/ K\y
Tel: 6620102 -
su g ar o ra n g e glass
in g red ient b u rg er fridge
Reading & Writing Complete the gaps with the adjectives in the
review in Ex. 6.
Read the review, and complete the table.
1 new fa m ily re s ta u ra n t 6 ... ............ ic e c re a m
2 ...................... d ish e s 7 ... ............ se rv ic e
3 ...................... s a la d s 8 ... ............ an d
4 ...................... so u p s ............ w a ite rs

Cookhouse 5 .......................a p p le pie

g Read the theory. Find examples in the review in

Ex. 6.

The imperative
W e form the imperative with the base form of the verb.
Book early!
W e form the negative form of the imperative with
Don't + base form of the verb. Don't leave a tip.
We use the imperative to teil people to do or not to do

Cookhouse is the new family restaurant at 10 Bridge


“ -ere are a lot of tasty dishes to choose from. For starters, ^ Use the verbs in the list in the correct form to
*ere are fresh salads and spicy soups. The best main complete the sentences.
u r s e s are pepper steak, roast chicken and fish with • fo rg e t • try • m iss • o rd e r • m ak e
-ce. Try the Cookhouse’s garlic bread - it’s delicious. For
1 ....... th e ro ast lam b w ith p otatoes. It's delicious.
ressert, have a slice of the chef’s superb apple pie or a
2 ...................................o u t on th e p ra w n s w ith rice.
:: of the homemade ice cream!
3 Fo r d e s s e r t ........................... ap p le pie w ith ice cre am .
~-e service is excellent with very helpful and friendly
4 ..............y o u r o w n pizza o r salad .
.enters. A meal for two costs about £25 and the restaurant 5 tr y th e ir traditional dish es, too.
; jpen from 12 noon to 12 midnight.
~~e Cookhouse is a great restaurant for any occasion, but
Writing (a restaurant review)
- ; very busy, so don’t forget to book a table first.
1 Q a) Choose a restaurant you like. Copy the
table in Ex. 6 and make notes.
»ame/Type: The Cookhouse/family restaurant
_;cation: b) Use your notes from Ex. 10a to write a
Erters: review in English for the restaurant for
■>ain courses: a local guide for tourists (60-80 words).
ides: Follow the plan. Mind the punctuation.
lest Para 1: n a m e o f th e restau ran t, type, location

::ening hours: Para 2: starters, m ain c o u rse s , d e ss e rts

Para 3: se rvice , cost, o p e n in g h o u rs
Para 4: re c o m m e n d a tio n

. adjectives
r 3 variety of adjectives to m ake yo u r writing m ore
JT e service is good. The service is excellent!
r ~ --------------------- ----------------------


KH filL a i H i

Traditional Recipes > Ireland

Ireland, the Emerald Isle, is famous for its cuisine.
Do you want to learn how to cook traditional Irish dishes yourself?
Then we have everything you need. Why not send in your own recipes for others to try? =

Fro m K ath leen : Fro m Patrick:

Boxty (Irish potato pancakes) Irish stew

Ingredients: Ingredients:
4 large p o ta to e s lam b (a kilo)
1 egg 6 p o ta to e s
100 g flour 4 on ion s
150 ml milk 4 carrots
baking p o w d e r w a te r
salt salt an d p e p p e r

Instructions: Instructions:
P e e l an d g rate th e p o ta to e s into sm all p ie c e s an d put th em into C u t th e lam b into large p ie c e s an d s e a s o n
a tow el. with salt an d pepper.
S q u e e z e all th e ju ice out of th e p o ta to es. Fry lam b p ie c e s in a large pot until th e y are
Mix th e flour, salt and baking p o w d e r together. brow n.

B e a t th e egg. P u t m e a t asid e, th en cu t th e onions, carro ts

M ix th e flour, salt an d baking p o w d e r w ith th e eg g an d p o tato es. an d p o ta to e s into large p ie ce s , an d c o o k in

th e pot until brow n.
U s e a ta b le s p o o n to g et part of th e m ixture an d put it in a hot
frying pan. P u t th e m eat into th e pot a n d a d d w ater.

'Fry until c o o k e d on both sides. R e p e a t with the rest of the mixture. C o o k for an hour.

Perfect for breakfast!

Check these words
Follow us recipe, baking powder, instructions, tow el, frying
pan, season, pot

vocabulary Listening & Reading

Food preparation 2 Look at the dishes on the webpage, which country
1 o Listen and learn. are they from? Which contains: onions? an egg?
Listen and read to find out.
( V
\ N.TT
Speaking & writing
/ Choose one of the dishes. Ask and
peel grate b e at answer questions about what ingredients you
) 'N
need and how to make it.

ICT Think of a traditional dish in your country,

3sW J, write the recipe for an international online cooking
mix magazine. Use photos. You can cook the dish and
62 record a video of yourselves to show the class.
Review I
vocabulary Grammar

1 Circle the odd one out. write C for Countable or U for uncountable.
c o c o n u t - p in e a p p le - ap p le pie - p e a r
jam ch ip ..............
c a rro t - o ra n g e - on io n - potato
egg c o ffe e ..............
c a k e - ice c re a m - b iscu it - c h e e s e
rice soup ..............
p e p p e r - fish - p ra w n - cra b
oil g rap e ..............
m ilk - s o u p - t e a - ju ic e
banana c h e rry ...............
sa lt - c e re a l - rice - pasta
(6X2= 12) (10X1 = 10)

Label the items in the picture. Choose the correct item.

a loaf/carton o f b read 7 a piece/bowl of

6 b..
a bottle/packet o f oil cheese
a bowl/slice o f c e re a l 8 a pot/glass o f ju ic e
a bag/pot o f yo g h u rt 9 ^ a loaf/packet o f p asta
v a slice/glass o f c a k e 10 a carton/piece o f milk
a cup/carton o f tea
(10X1 = 10)
Fill in much, manyjittle, few, some (x2), any(x2).
4 P ................. T h e re a r e n ' t ................. to m a to e s for th e salad.
(6x2= 12) D o w e h a v e o d in th e frid g e ?
Fill in: roast, peel, boil, beat, bake, squeeze, add, fry. S a m is d r in k in g ..................w ater.
T h e re 's a .................. ice c re a m - do yo u w a n t it?
th e p asta in w a t e r w ith sa lt in it.
C a n I h a v e .................. su g ar in m y te a ?
: W e ..................a c a k e e v e r y Sunday.
H o w .................. c u p s a re on th e ta b le ?
: o o ra n g e s to g e t th e juice.
T h e re a re o n ly a g s in th e box - 1 n eed
- th e fish in o live oil.
m ore.
: ................ five p o ta to e s an d c u t th e m into pieces.
H o w .................. s a u c e do yo u w a n t?
: ............... p e p p e r to m ak e y o u r so u p spicy.
(8x2= 16)
............. y o u r c h ic k e n for 2 h o u rs at 220°C.
« ............. th re e eg g s w ith a little m ilk an d s o m e flour. Everyday English
(8X2= 16)
C o m p le t e t h e w o r d s .
8 Match the sentences.
Q W o u ld yo u like A This w ay, please.
* v ou s e rv e so u p in a b _____ . so m e th in g to d rin k ? b O f c o u rse, m ad am .
: - o u n e e d a r _________ to m ak e a dish. 0 C an I ta k e y o u r o rd e r? C For a starter, I w a n t
: ~ie w ___________ in th e re s ta u ra n t a re v e r y helpful. 0 H o w 's y o u r pizza? a salad .
i. C ereal an d rice a re g _________ . 0 W e 'd like a ta b le fo r D A bottle o f water,
: = 'a w n s an d c ra b a re s ___________ . three. please.
* '.tiat i _____________________ do w e n e e d to m ak e Irish 0 C an w e h a v e th e bill, E D elicious. H o w
re w ? p le a s e ? a b o u t y o u rs ?
o p l e pie an d ic e cre*am a r e d _____________ . * (5X2=10)
(7X2= 14) Total 100

Lexical Competence Reading Competence Speaking Competence

Talk about: • read for sp e cific • m ak e a sh o p p in g list
g o o d /
• ty p e s o f food/drinks in form ation (s e n te n c e • o rd e r fo o d a t a re s ta u ra n t
• ta b le w a re / c u tle ry c o m p letio n ; n o te taking) Writing Competence
.E M g o o d /«/’
• m eals Listening Competence • w rite a tex t ab o u t a dish in m y
• w a y s to co o k • listen for sp ecific c o u n try • w rite a re s ta u ra n t
• food p rep aratio n v e rb s in fo rm atio n (gap-fill) re v ie w • w rite a re cip e
Vocabulary: Adjectives describing places, tourist Everyday English: making suggestions
attractions Writing: An article about a place
Grammar: comparative/superlative, adverbs of
degree; too/enough

New places, new faces

v o c a b u la r y
Look at the pictures in Ex. 1 and use the
Adjectives describing places adjectives below to compare the two places, a;
in the examples.
Use the adjective-noun collocations to make
sentences about York and Los Angeles, as in the • n o isier • m o re e x p e n siv e • c le a n e r • q u ie te r
example. • m o re m o d e rn • m o re polluted • c h e a p e r • oldc
• m o re c ro w d e d

LA is noisier than York.

LA is more expensive than York.

R e a d in g

Read the text quickly. Which of these

sentences are T (true) about Los Angeles?
Decide in pairs.
ГЬ Listen, read and check.
1 All th e h o tels in LA a re v e r y ex p en sive.
2 V e n ic e B e a c h is fa m o u s fo r its B o ta n ica l
G arden s.
3 M e lro s e A v e n u e is fa m o u s for its e x p e n sive
4 A lot o f re s ta u ra n ts in LA a re o p e n 24 h o u rs..........
5 T h e H o llyw o o d B o w l is an o u td o o r th e a tre .............

Д Read the text again and answer the question:

1 W h e r e c a n yo u s ta y in L A ? W h ic h p la c e s are sp e c
W hy?
2 W h e r e c a n yo u s e e h an d p rin ts o f fa m o u s a c to rs l
3 W h e r e c a n yo u find m o d e rn c h e a p c lo th e s ?
4 W h a t c a n y o u do a t th e G ra n d C en tra l M a rk e t?
5 W h a t c a n yo u do a t th e S ta p le s C e n te r?

Choose words from the listto fill in the gaps.

Then use them to make sentences based on
• film • h e a v y • s u n n y • d e sig n e r • sp o rts
• e x p e n s iv e • s tre e t • o u td o o r

1 ......................... stars 5 ............................. cloth

York is a quiet place, while LA is a noisy place. 2 ......................... w e a t h e r 6 ............................. shop

York has got clean streets... 3 ......................... traffic 7 ............................. th ee

4 .................... p e rfo rm e rs 8 .......................... stad
q u ie t * n o isy p lace
c le a n * dirty/polluted stre e ts
Match the words in bold in the text to their
tall * sm all building s/houses
synonyms in the list.You can use your
c h e a p * e x p e n siv e sh o p s/h o tels/ restau ran ts
m o d e rn * old c ity/to w n
ex citin g ^ boring nightlife • tre n d y • d e lic io u s • m e m o ra b le
• in tere stin g • bright • n e a r
Los Angeles THE C IT Y of AN G ELS
Los A n g e le s is the seco n d la rg est city in A m e ric a . It's also hom e to m u seu m s, film
stars, sunny w eath er, tall buildings and h e a v y traffic along w ith 75 m iles of co astlin e.

Hotels in LA can be more expensive than those in LA has a lot of restaurants to eat at, serving Asian,
many other American cities, but there are much Italian, Mexican food and more! Many of them
cheaper ones as well to suit everyone’s budget. are 24-hour restaurants. And don’t forget to visit
Choose one close to special bus stops where you I Grand Central Market - it’s got 37 stalls offering
can get rides to the city sights. tasty dishes from all over the world.

Don’t miss Venice Beach with its street performers,
Universal Studios to see how they make films, and
Griffith Park with its Botanical Gardens. You can
also see the handprints and footprints of film stars
outside Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. Children can
visit the Children’s Museum - one of the most
exciting museums in the world.
The Hollywood Bowl is bigger than any other
outdoor theatre in America. You can watch a
concert under the stars. Or spend the evening at
the Staples Center and watch a basketball match
in the huge sports stadium. There’s nowhere

You can buy very fashionable clothes on Melrose
Avenue and they’re quite cheap. For designer
clothes, go to the expensive shops on Rodeo
Drive. A visit there is always unforgettable.

LA is one of the most popular cities with

visitors in the USA. It’s noisy and crowded,
but it’s also fascinating. Check these words
hom e to, star, along with, suit
eve ryo n e 's budget, stall

S p e a k in g W r it in g

~J Tell the class three reasons why LA is an ideal g THINK Write sentences comparing your city/
city for a holiday. Find someone in the class that town/village to LA.
shares the same reasons as you.
Mexico City is crowded and noisy.
LA is crowded and noisy, too.

Grammar in use
use the forms in the advert to complete the
it th s i i k A p p le ! ; adjective comparative superlative
They call New York City 'the Big Apple’ tall taller

because it's big in every way. In fact it's big bigger

home to the tallest building in the USA - large the largest

the One World Trade Center. It's also the popular the m ost popular
biggest city in the USA - over 8.5 million busy busier
people live there. It has a larger number m ore exciting
of people from foreign countries than
good the best
any other city in the world. New York
is more popular with tourists than
any other US destination, with about Put the adjectives in brackets into the
60 million visitors every year. With all comparative.

those people, it is one of the busiest Los A n g e le s is ................. (hot) than

places in the world. New York is the N e w York.
most exciting city you can visit. S o m e p e o p le th in k N e w York i s ......................................

There’s nowhere better than ......... (fashionable) th a n Los A n g eles.

the Big Apple' for people 3 T he w e a t h e r i s ............................................. (bad) in N e w

York th a n in Los A n g eles.
looking for something
4 I t 's ....................................... (cheap) to fly from London
to N e w York th an Los A n g eles.
5 You c a n g e t a ................................................... (tasty)
ta c o in N e w York th a n in Los A n g eles.
Read the theory. How do w e form the 6 T he b e a c h e s inLos A n g e le s a r e ......................................
comparative/superlative forms of adjectives? (nice) th a n th e o n e s in N e w York.
Find examples in the advert.
Put the adjectives in the correct form to fill in
Comparative - Superlative
the gaps. Add any necessary words.
adjective comparative superlative
one-syllable cheap cheaper (than) the cheapest 1 B a n g k o k i s .............................................. (large) A sta n a

adjectives large larger (than) the largest but M e lb o u rn e i s ................................................... (large)

big bigger (than) the biggest o f all.

-y adjectives noisy noisier the noisiest 2 M e lb o u rn e i s ..................................................... (warm)

A s ta n a b u t B a n g k o k i s ...................................................
I adjectives
with two more the most (warm) o f all.
expensive expensive expensive 3 M e lb o u rn e is .................................................... (noisy)
or more
syllables A s ta n a but B an g k o k i s ...................................................

good better the best (noisy) o f all.

bad worse the worst 4 B an g k o k i s ................................................. (expensive)
irregular much the most A s ta n a but M e lb o u rn e is ..............................................
I adjectives many more
(expensive) o f all.
little less the least
I • we use the comparative form to compare two
people, things, places, etc. We usually use than with SPEAKING In pairs, use the adjectives
comparative adjectives. below to compare cities in your country.
Birmingham is bigger than Edinburgh but it is
smaller than London. • cold • sm all • q u ie t • c h e a p • large • s u n n
I • We use the superlative form to compare more than
two people, things, places. We use the ...of with A: ........................ is colder than ....
superlative adjectives. B: ........................ is the coldest city in my country.
London is the biggest of all. Edinburgh is the
smallest of all.
Fill in the superlative forms and choose the 8 O Read the sentences, then listen and decide
correct answer (A, B or C). ifthey are T (true) or F (false). Make sentences,
Listen and check your answers. as in the examples.

W h ic h i s ......................... (large) d e s e rt in th e w o rld ? London

A th e S a h a ra B th e N a m ib C th e N e v a d a

W h ic h i s ...................... (high) m o u n tain in th e w o rld ?

A B e n N eviS C M o u n t E v e re s t

B M o u n t M cK in le y

W h ic h i s ......................... (long) river in th e w o rld ?

A th e M isso u ri C th e A m a z o n Edinburgh
B th e M ississip pi

w h e r e i s .........................(dry) p la c e in th e w o rld ?
A in C h ile B in C a n a d a C in A u stra lia E d in b u rgh is s m a lle r th a n London.

W h ic h i s .........................(small) c o u n try in th e w o rld ? That's true. London isn't as small as Edinburgh.

A L u x e m b o u rg C th e S ta te o f V atica n C ity Edinburgh is much smalfer than London.
B w a le s London is s a fe r th an Edin burgh. F
W h e r e i s .........................(tall) building in th e U S A ?
That's false. London isn't as safe as Edinburgh.
A D allas B N e w York C C h icag o
Edinburgh is much safer than London.
Ed in bu rgh is nofeier th a n Lon don . ..........
Lo n d o n is m o re pollu ted th a n E d in b u rg h .................
Read the theory. Make sentences, as in the Lo n don is c h e a p e r th a n Edinburgh. ..........
^ a) use the key language to fill in the gaps.
Comparative - Adverbs of degree
• q u ite ( / ) • v e r y ( / / ) • m u ch ( / / / ) • to o (X)
• We can use (not) as + adjective + as to compare
two places, things, people etc.
York isn't as noisy as Los Angeles. A: Sh all w e g o to M y k o n o s fo r o u r s u m m e r
• much + comparative. h o lid a ys ?
York is much quieter than LA. B: w e ll, it looks 1).............................. ( / / ) n i c e b u t l
• quite/very + adjective.
th in k it's 2) ...................... (x) e x p e n s iv e fo r us.
York is quite expensive but LA is very expensive.
• too + adjective (negative meaning). A: W h y d o n 't w e go to Sa n to rin i t h e n ? It's

LA is too noisy. I can't stand the noise. 3)............................. ( / / / ) c h e a p e r th a n M yk o n o s

• adjective + enough (positive meaning) an d 4) ...................................( / ) e a s y to g e t to.
Tickets to York are cheap enough. B: OK, let's go th e re th en .

b) Use the prompts to act out similar dialogues.

Johannesburg Cape Town
exciting (SS), crowded (x) beautiful f / Z / J , quiet (/)
San Jose Drake Bay
interesting (yy), noisy (x) pretty (y y y ), peaceful (y)
buses trains taxis
e x p e n sive У УУ УУУ
sa fe УУ УУУ У 1 0 s i p § Discuss your city/town
fa st / УУУ УУ using the prompts below, as in the example.
c o m fo rta b le / УУУ УУ • old building • large park • b u sy ro a d /street
• p o p u lar c a fe • e x p e n s iv e re s ta u ra n t
Buses in Britain aren't as expensive as trains. • fa m o u s sq u a re • p retty building
Taxis in Britain are much more expensive than buses.
Trains in Britain are very expensive. A: Which is the oldest building in ...?
Taxis in Britain are too expensive. B: I think the Town Hall is the oldest building in my
Buses in Britain are cheap enough. city. Which is the largest park?
Skills in Action
V o c a b u la r y Everyday English
Tourist attractions Making suggestions

a)What can you do in each of these places? Sam and Lee are trying to decide where to go on
Choose from the list and make sentences. their first day in LA. What do they decide to do?
• w a tc h a p e rfo rm a n c e • s e e pain tin gs
Listen and read to find out.
• b u y s o u v e n irs • go fo r a w a lk • try local d ish e s
• go on rides • w a tc h a football m atch • s e e statu e s
Sam M o rn in g, Lee. T h e h o tel's lovely, isn 't it?
Lee: Hi, Sa m ! Yes, it's v e r y c o m fo rtab le. Now ,
w h a t's th e plan fo r o u r first d a y in L A ?
Sam: I k n o w - let's go sh opping! LA h as g re a t gift
sh op s! W e c a n b u y so u v e n irs to bring hom e.
Lee: I d o n 't rea lly feel like sh o p p in g on th e
first d a y o f o u r trip. H o w a b o u t going to a
re s ta u ra n t m u se u m
m u s e u m - like th e G e tty C e n tre ?
o ------------- Sam: W e ll, I d o n 't really like m u seu m s. H o w ab o u t
visiting th e U n iversa l Stu d io s th e m e p ark ?
Lee: OK, th a t so u n d s like fun. A n d afte r th a t w e
can go to a restau ra n t an d try so m e local

art g a lle ry sp o rts stad iu m

Sam: Sure, le t's do that.

ft imagine you are in LA. use phrases from

the Useful Language box and the places below to
act out a dialogue like the one in Ex. 3.

th e m e park th e a tre • th e Lo s A n g e le s T h e a tre • th e LA G a la x y stadiu m

• T h e A q u a riu m o f th e Pa cific • G ra n d Pa rk

M a k in g su g g e stio n s

• Let's/Why don't we/Shall we (go/visit, e t c )....

• How/What about (going/visiting, e t c )....
• Do you fancy/What do you say to (going/visiting, e tc )...
gift sh o p park A c c e p tin g su g g e stio n s R efu sin g su g g e stio n s

We can see paintings in an art gallery. • What a good idea! • l don't really feel like ....
• Sure, w hy not. • No, let's not do that.
• That sounds great! • That doesn't sound like fun!
b) Which of these places are there in your city?
• I'd love to. • I'd rather not.

Listening Pronunciation /s/ /;/

Listen to the dialogue and match the

Listen and tick (/). Listen again and repeat
people (1-5) to the places (A-G). There is an
example. There is one extra place. /8/ / J/ /s/ /[/
sh o p p in g shall
People Places
su n b a th in g fa sh io n a b le
0 0 Liam A sp o rts stad iu m
sig h tseein g su n n y
1 □ Sa lly B res ta u ra n t
2 0 Ralph C m u se u m
3 0 H elen D a rt g a lle ry
4 0 Ronny E th e m e park
5 0 M a ry F m ark e t
G th e a tre
Reading & writing
g Find the adjectives in the text in Ex. 7 that
^ Read the task. Look at the underlined key words describe: town, parks, River Avon, restaurants,
and complete the sentences. houses, home, plays.

A travel w eb site w a n ts its readers to w rite an article ^ Circle the odd adjective out.
about a popular tourist destination in their country.
W rite you r article for the w eb site describing w h at 1 town
historic - p retty - s a n d y - old
visitors can see and do th ere (80-120 words). 2 q u ie t - d e licio u s - b u sy - tre n d y streets
3 traditional - w a rm - m o d ern - large houses
1 I n e e d to w rite a n .............................................................. 4 fine - local - o u td o o r - long restaurants
a b o u t ................................................................ d e sc rib in g

Writing (an article about a place)

2 It is for a .............................................................................
3 I n e e d to w r i t e ...........................................w ords.
Writing Tip
a) Read the article. Copy and complete the Articles describing a popular tourist destination can appear
spidergram in your notebook. in magazines, on blogs, etc. They norm ally consist of:
• an introduction in w hich w e give general information
about the place (name, location, etc.).
• a main body in w h ich w e w rite w h at w e can see and
do there.
• a conclusion in w hich w e w rite our com m en ts and/or
feelings about the place.
W e alw ays give our article a short catchy title to attract
the reader's attention. W e norm ally use present tenses
and informal language (short verb forms; sim ple linkers;
e veryd ay language). W e can use adjectives to m ake our
description m ore interesting to the reader.

10 a) ICT copy the spidergram in Ex. 7 into

In the UK? Not sure where to go? your notebook. Collect information about
a popular tourist destination in your
Then pay a visit to Stratford-upon-Avon, just country and complete the spidergram.
north-west of London.
b) Use your notes in Ex. 10a to write your
This pretty, historic town is full of peaceful parks and the wide
article for the website. Follow the plan.
River Avon runs through it.There’s so much to do! You can
You can use the article in Ex. 7 as a model.
eat at one of the local restaurants next to the river or go for
a walk to see the traditional houses. Of course, Stratford is
famous because it is the birthplace of William Shakespeare. Plan
You can visit his old home or watch one of his popular plays at
Title (n a m e o f city/tow n/village)
the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.
Introduction: n a m e & lo catio n o f city/tow n/village
It's a must-see for visitors to the UK and it's only two hours by
Main body: w h a t to s e e an d do th ere
train from London. So what are you waiting for?
Conclusion: c o m m e n ts /re c o m m e n d a tio n
Head for Stratford!

comments/ V A L U E S
name, country,
A d v e n tu re ta n
■.-lat to do
what to see

b) C t h i n k what is the author's purpose?



Welcome to NewZealand
welcome to New Zealand, the country of 'The Lord of the Rings'. This beautiful country
is full of surprises for all travellers. From the tallest mountains in Oceania to the
huge volcanoes, there are so many places to visit!

Places to visit:

Milford Sound is o n e of th e m o st beautiful p la c e s on Earth . U p to a m illion p eo p le

visit th is fjord on N e w Z e a la n d 's S o u th island e v e r y year. T he c le a r w ater, beautiful

w a te rfa lls an d fa n ta s tic v ie w s a re a m u st-see fo r e v e r y visito r to N e w Z eala n d .

Things to do: Trekking, kayaking an d b o at cruises. N e w Z e a la n d 's n a m e in

M ao ri is A o te a ro a , th e land

Tongariro National Park is N e w Z e a la n d 's o ld e st national park. It's like no o th e r o f th e long w h ite cloud.

p lac e in th e w o rld . In side th e park is N e w Z e a la n d 's h ig h est vo lcan o , a s w e ll a s

lak es an d w aterfa lls.

Things to do: C am p in g , skiing an d m o u n tain biking.

New adventures are waiting for you! Check these words

Click here to find out more. ! must-see, trekking

Listening & Reading Speaking & writing

Which photo (A-D) shows: a volcano? a waterfall? Put the places in the text in
a lake? a fjord? Which of these can you see in order of interest. Which one would you like to
Tongariro National Park? visit? why?
Listen and read to find out.
ICT collect information about two places of
Read again and answer the questions. natural beauty in your country or in another
country. What geographical features make
1 H o w m a n y p e o p le visit M ilford S o u n d e v e r y y e a r ? each special? What can visitors do there? write
2 W h a t c a n visito rs to M ilford S o u n d s e e ? short texts. Alternatively, prepare a digital
3 W h a t c a n visito rs to Tongariro N atio nal Pa rk d o ? presentation. Use photos.
4 W h a t d o e s N e w Z e a la n d 's n a m e in M ao ri m e a n ?

v o c a b u la r y Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the adjectives in brackets.
Fill in: traffic, buildings, clothes, weather, shops.
1 This i s ......................................................... (expensive)
re stau ra n t in to w n .
M ilan in n o rth ern Italy is o n e o f th e w o rld 's biggest
2 T he S a h a ra D e s e rt is o n e o f ..........................................
-'ashion capitals. It's full o f e x p e n s iv e 1 ) ....................
(hot) p la c e s o n Earth.
and is th e ideal p la c e to b u y d e sig n e r 2 ) .......................
3 This m u s e u m is n o t .........................................................
You c a n s e e lots o f in terestin g sights th e re an d e n jo y
(interesting) a s th e art gallery.
:h e s u n n y 3)................... in th e sum m er. M ilan is an old
4 The Eiffel T o w e r i s ........................................ (tall) th an
city an d it d o e s n 't h a v e m a n y tall 4)..................... It h as th e S ta tu e o f Liberty.
a lot o f h e a v y 5) ................... th ou gh , so it's b e tte r to 5 T he m ark e t i s ................................................ (crowded)
„ s e pu b lic tra n s p o rt to g e t aro u n d . on S a tu rd a y s th an on Fridays.
(5X2 = 10)
7 Choose the correct item.
Choose the correct adjective.
A: This hotel looks 1) very/too nice.
1 fashionable/tasty clothes.
M e g an a lw a y s w e a r s B: Yes, and it's n o t 2) much/too ex p en sive.
2 Pa ris is a fascinating/bright p lace to visit. A: B u t it's in th e city cen tre. I th in k it's 3) too/much
3 Italian ice c re a m is really trendy/delicious. n o isy fo r us.
4 Our hotel is quiet/noisy b e c a u se it's in th e city centre. B: OK, h o w a b o u t this o n e ? It looks 4) quite/much
5 The s tre e ts in LA are v e ry crowded/heavy. quieter.

(5X2 =10) A: Yes, and it's 5) quite/too c lo s e to th e airport.

Fill in:park, gallery, stadium, shop. (5X2=10)

a r t ................................ 3 gift .... E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
2 s p o r t s .......................... 4 th e m e
Match the exchanges.
M Fill in:go (x2), see, watch (x2), buy. 1 0 T h e h o te l's lovely. A W e ll, I d o n 't really
"T 2 0 w h a t 's th e plan fo r like m u seu m s.
■f .............. on rid es 4 .... so u v e n irs to d a y ? B OK. L e t's do that.
2 .............. a football 5 .... 3 0 Flow a b o u t goin g to th e C Yes, it's v e r y
m atch a p e rfo rm a n c e m useum ? co m fo rtab le.
3 .............. for a w a lk 6 .... sta tu e s 4 0 W h y d o n 't w e go to th e D l k n o w - let's go
(6X2 = 12) sp o rts s ta d iu m ? sh oppin g.
5 0 W e c a n go to th e art E I'd ra th e r not.
G ra m m a r
gallery. I d o n 't like football.

Choose the correct item. (5X4=20)

• - lo ren ce is most/more beau tifu l th a n Rom e. Total 100
: T iis is th e luxurious/most luxurious hotel o f all.
3 This res ta u ra n t is cheaper/cheapest th a n th a t one.
4 W h ic h is th e noisier/noisiest city in th e U S A ?
: .Vhat is th e better/best w a y to tra v e l?
(5X2= 10)

Lexical Reading competence Speaking Competence
Competence • read fo r s p e c ific in form ation (T/F • m a k e s u g g e stio n s - a c c e p t/
Talk a b o u t sta te m e n ts ; a n s w e r q u estio n s) refu se su g g estio n s
• p la c e s in a • read fo r gist (id en tify a u th o r's Writing Competence
GOOD J J city p u rp o se) • w rite s e n te n c e s c o m p a rin g yo u r
• tourist Listening Competence to w n / c ity to LA
attraction s • listen fo r sp e c ific in form ation • w rite an a rticle d esc rib in g a
(m ultip le m atch in g ) p lac e 71
Vocabulary: Features in a place, Places/Buildings Everyday English: Asking for/Giving directions
in a town/city, TYansport Writing: An article about your
Grammar: past simple (was/were, had, could) neighbourhood

Times change
V o c a b u la r y
Features in a place

Look at the pictures. Which shows:

1 fishing boats Q 4 a ferry boat 0
2 a souvenir shop 0 5 an airport 0
3 a stone cottage 0 6 a guest house 0 Then Now
K ilm urvey
KitmurveyD Lighthouse
Dun Aengus Dun Eochla

Inishm ore is a beautiful little island off the w e st coast of

Ireland. At first, Inishm ore seem s exactly the sam e as it

w a s seventy years ago, but in fact it is a very different
place today.

Colman Coneely, a 90-year-old islander, says, “ W hen I was

young, tourists couldn’t reach Inishmore. There w a s n ’t an

airport or an y ferry boats in those days. There w e re only

donkeys and sm all fishing boats for getting around. Life

w a s difficult. W e didn’t have much m oney - w e only had

Read the summary. There are four mistakes sm all stone cottages. W e didn’t even have electricity
in it.Guess which they are. Listen to and read or running w ater! Inishm ore w a s a quiet place - there
the main text to check. w e re n ’t an y guest houses or restaurants back then.”

nishm ore is a beautiful island off the

east coast of Ireland. Seventy years ago,
life was difficult there. People only had
bicycles and small fishing boats to move
around. Their houses didn't have electricity,
but th ey had ru n ning water. Nowadays, there
is an airport and big ferry boats. Visitors
can stay in hotels and try local dishes in
restaurants. There aren't any green fields
now, but people are happy. Check these words
coast, seem, islander, get around
a) Read the article and answer the questions.
1 W h e r e is In is h m o re ?
2 W h y co u ld n 't tou rists re a ch th e island s e v e n ty ye a rs
3 H o w did th e isla n d e rs g e t a r o u n d ?
4 H o w c a n to u rists re a ch In ish m o re to d a y ?
5 W h a t d o e s C o lm a n C o n e e ly think o f th e isla n d ?

b) T H IN K , Give the article another title.

Choose words from the listto fill in the gaps, then

use them to make sentences based on the text.
• w a te r • fields • cottages • h ou ses • sh o p s • boats

f is h in g ... 4 g u e s t ....
sto n e .... 5 so u v e n ir
r u n n in g , 6 g r e e n ......

':c a y , up to 2,000 tourists a day can visit Inishmore. “ Now

Write the opposVtes of the adiectVMes \n bo\<J.
\s an avrport,” s a y s Co\man. “ T h ere are a\so cars, Use the words in the list.Then, make sentences
_;es, bicycles and big ferry boats. Life is very easy now. using the phrases.
v t ~ave got new, modern houses and a lot of money. W e
• b u sy • e a s y • big • s a m e
■ i.e also got electricity and running water. Inishm ore is
t ' i busy now. There are guest houses, restaurants and 1 little island * a ....................................island
— of souvenir shops.” 2 a different p la c e * t h e .........................

:: ^an looks across the green fields in front of his

3 a quiet p la c e * a .................................... p lac e
:. s e and sm iles. “ One thing is the sam e. Inishm ore is
4 difficult life *
beautiful and w e ’re working hard to keep it just like

re." ^ Explain the words/phrases in bold. You can use

your dictionary.

Speaking & Writing

Look at the table and make notes under the
headings in your notebook.

w h at there w as/w asn 't & w h a t there is &
what people had/didn't what people have got

Now, look at your notes and talk about what

Inishmore was like seventy years ago and what
it is like now. Start like this:
There wasn't an airport on Inishmore then. There were
only donkeys and fishing boats...

8 THiHK h o w is the place where you live the

same as/different to inishmore? Write a few
sentences. Read them to the class.
Grammar in use
Do the quiz. a) Fill in were, was or wasn't.
Listen and check. I ) ...................... yo u at h o m e last n ig h t?
No, I 2)....... I 3)........ at the cinema.
w h o 4) ..................... yo u w ith ?
Transport quiz
I 5)........ w ith Claire.
1 Lo n d o n b u se s w e r e n 't red u n t il... H o w 6)........ the film?
A 1907. B 1905. c 1900. it 7 ) ........very good. It 8)........
boring a t all. W h e r e 9)......... y o u ?
110)....................a t hom e.
2 T h e first city w h e re p e o p le co u ld II )................... yo u w ith Sally?
u se an u n d erg ro u n d train w a s ... No, 1 12)......... She 13)....... at work
A B o sto n . C Paris.

B London.
b) Use the prompts to act out a dialogue
3 T h e first c a rs d id n 't h a v e ... like the one in Ex. 4a.
A doors. C w h e e ls .
• a t a re s ta u ra n t «.Sh a ro n • th e food • not v e r y
B seats. n ic e • h orrible • C raig • at a football m atch

4 T h e W rig h t B ro th e rs w e r e th e
first p e o p le to fly in a p o w e re d Use the prompts below to ask and
an d co n tro lle d a e ro p la n e on 17th answer questions about London 150 years ago,
D e c e m b e r ,... as in the example.
A 1784. B 1899. C 1903.
• h o tels ( / ) • p o st o ffices ( / ) • blocks of flats (x)
• h o rs e s ( / ) • e le c tric ity (X) • p h o n e b o x es (x)
• te a ro o m s ( / ) • an airp o rt (x) • th e a tre s ( / )
• a football stad iu m (x)
Read the table. Find two examples in the quiz.
A: Were there any hotels in London 150 years ago?
г 4
was/were (past simple of the verb be) B: Yes, there were. Were there any... ?
Affirmative Negative
l/he/she/it was l/he/she/it was not/wasn't
Read the table. Find an example in the quiz in
yo u /w e / th e y were you /w e/th ey were not/weren't Ex. 1.
interrogative Short answers
Yes, l/he/she/it was. Had (past simple of have)
Was l/ h e/sh e/ it...?
No, l/he/she/it wasn't. Affirmative l/you/he, e tc had
Yes, yo u /w e / th e y were.
were y o u / w e / th e y ...? Negative l/you/he, e tc didn't have
No, yo u /w e / th e y weren't.
Interrogative Did l/you/he, etc. h ave
:Time expressions: last w e e k /m o n th etc, a w e e k / tw o
d ays ago etc, y e s te rd a y aftern o o n /even in g etc.
Short answers Yes, l/you/he, etc. did.
No, l/you/he, etc. didn't.

Fill in: was, were, wasn't or weren't.

y Fill in: have, had or didn't have.
T h e M a y a c iv ilis a t io n .................... an im p o rtan t on e
in C en tral A m e r ic a from 2000 B C E to 1700 C E. in th e 1950s, p e o p l e .................... b lack an d w h ite TVs.

S o m e M a y a p e o p le ............... rich, but m o s t .................. ; N o w a d a y s , p e o p l e ............................ flat s c re e n TV sets.

t h e y ................ v e r y poor, a n d .................. fa rm e rs or N o w a d a y s , w e ........................e le c tro n ic books, but not

v e r y long ag o w e o n l y ..................... p a p e r books.
T heir fa vo u rite drink .................. c h o c o la te but it B e fo re th e 20th century, p e o p l e ..................... plan es

..................c h e a p so i t ................... o n ly for th e rich. to travel fa r aw a y. T h e y o n l y ........................ ships. T h ese

T he 17th c e n t u r y ................. th e en d o f th e M a ya d ays, w e ..................... sh ip s an d planes.

civilisation. E a rly c a r s ..................... ste e rin g w h e e ls . Now , all o f

t h e m ..................... ste e rin g w h e e ls .
g a) Look at the pictures. Tick (/) what b) N o w talk about yourself, as in the example.
people had 100 years ago. Then, in pairs, ask
I could talk when I was one, but I couldn't count until I
and answer questions, as in the example.
was three....

11 Fill in were(n't), had, didn't have, was or could(n't).

helicopters hot-air balloons p-, mobile phones

1939 U 1783 U 1973 L - 1 Some ancient Romans 1) .................... very rich and
they 2) .................... beautiful brick houses. However,
there 3) ..................... any windows on the outside walls
and there 4) .................. any carpets on the floors! Other
people 5 ) ................ smaller houses or flats. Ancient Rome
aes S5g= = S
6) ................. big streets - the streets were narrow. There
3PS devices typewriters r—. computers ,— I
1989 U 1867 L - 1 1939 L 1 7) ................ lots of theatres and in every town and city there
8) ..................... a market and public baths. The public
baths 9 ) .................very popular. Men and women
10) ............ ....... go there at different times, but
children 1 1 ).............. .........use the baths. Hunting,
•ephones ,— I cars |— | USB flash drives ,.
U lo g o L J riding, fishing and having dinner parties with friends
1876 L J 1886
12) .............. ........ also popular free-time activities.
There 1 3 ).......................... lots of games and toys for
- Did they have helicopters? children. The boys’ favourite games 14) .................
: No, they didn't. Did they have... ball games and the girls 1 5 ).......................dolls to
play with. Children also 16) ........................ dogs,
b) No w write sentences, as in the example. cats, ducks and geese as pets. The ancient Romans’
favourite food 17) ........... ..... meat. Rich Romans
?o p /e didn't have helicopters 100 years ago.
18) ................. big feasts with lots of meat, but the _£
poor 19)................. afford it, so they 20) ‘ •
Read the table. Find an example in the quiz in vegetables and porridge.
Ex. 1.

Could (past simple of can)

I Affirmative l/you/he, etc could swim. 12 •»
LISTENING Do the quiz about ancient
Inca children.
negative l/you/he, etc couldn't swim.
Listen and check
nterrogative Could l/you/he, etc swim?
Short answers Yes, l/you/he, etc could. A n c ie n t In ca children had
No, l/you/he, etc couldn't. A p a p e r books. B w o o d e n toys.
T h e y c o u ld ...

A cook, farm an d fish. B read an d w rite.

T heir fa vo u rite fo o d w a s ...
a) r V Listen to the two men talking about
themselves and fill in the missing ages. A p o ta to e s an d corn. B m e a t w ith qu in oa.

Then make sentences, as in the example. Their fa vo u rite g a m e s w e r e

A ball g am es. B b o ard g am es.
=3ul could talk when he was one, but Doug couldn't
-ilk until he was two.
b) SPEAKING C o m p a r e y o u r s e lf t o t h e
Inca children.
talk 2 When I was eight, I had lots of paper books. Inca
count 3 children didn't have any paper books. They had....
'e a d 2 5
' de a b icycle
13 Iancient
CT civilisation.
collect information about another
Create your own quiz.
sw im

e bus stop
TfffT museum

4* park

□ hotel

© bank

post office

» petrol station

A fire station

If supermarket

fa department store

y restaurant
M school

o cinema

0 police station


w> cafe
Q train station
Asking for/Giving directions

Vocabulary Read the dialogue and choose the correct word.

Listen and check.
Places/Buildings in a tow n/city

a) Look at the map, then complete the sentences. Amy: Ex cu s e me, w a s th e re a police station h e re ?

Use: in front of, opposite, next to, on, between. Ben: Yes, th e re w a s . It w a s n ext to th e petrol
station, b u t n o w it's on O ak Street.
1 T he sc h o o l i s e park. Amy: C an yo u p le a s e tell m e th e w a y th e r e ?
2 T h e cafe i s ...................... th e h o tel an d th e restau ran t. Ben: O f co u rse. W a lk up King S tre e t an d turn
3 T he su p e rm a rk e t i s e p o st office. 1) right/left a t th e m u se u m . T hen w a lk
4 T h e re 's a bus s t o p e cin e m a . up Hill S tre e t an d turn 2) right/left at
5 T h e m u s e u m i s e c o rn e r o f Hill S tre e t O ak Street. It's th e third b uilding on th e
an d King Street. 3) right/left o p p o site th e hospital.
Amy: T h an k you.
b) Where is: the hospital? the bank? the petrol
station? the post office? the department store?
the restaurant? the train station? the hotel? Tell Use the language in the box to ask for and
your partner. give directions from: the hotel to the post office, the
cafe to the petrol station, the cinema to the supermarket.
Listening G ivin g d ire ctio n s
A s k in g fo r d ire ctio n s
Listen to the directions. Fill in the missing • Excuse me. Where's the ...? • Go up/down...
information. • How do I get to ...? • It's on your left /right.
• Could/Can you tell me how • Turn left/right...
to get t o ...? • It's on the corner o f ...
Destination: the [TJ ] , Hill Street • Could/Can you tell me the • It's next to/opposite/etc ...
way t o ...? • Cross the street.
Directions: Go [ 2 ! King Street.

Continue straight on King Street.

Pronunciation /i/ p ro n o u n c e d o r s ile n t
I metres, turn right onto G l

Continue straight for 100 metres. Listen and circle the words in which the /1 /
Your destination is on your (5 ) is silent. Listen again and repeat.
co u ld - field - talk - w a lk - c le a n - sch o o l
Reading & writing g Complete the notes about Canary Wharf and use
them to talk about what the place was like in
read the article and put the paragraphs into the the past and today.
:orrect order.
Then Now
The n e w Canary Wharf was a Canary wharf is a
c........ area
C anary W h arf
d........ area fifty
years ago. nowadays.

Canary Wharf was a dirty area fifty years ago. There were There were e........ There are f........ ,
r empty warehouses but there weren’t many shops. People warehouses. lots of shops, offices and
•nave much money or nice houses because they couldn't There weren't m ............... restaurants.
cos. Most of them didn’t have cars so they had to get shops.
! by bus or on foot.
People didn't have people have got more
Canary Wharf is the old port of London. Today, the area is m ............... money or money and I..................
Jetely different to how it was fifty years ago. n....... houses or cars. houses and cars.
'oday, Canary Wharf has so much to offer. It is a nice place People could only get People can get around by
around by bus or on foot. t.... •... and there is
Nowadays, Canary Wharf is much cleaner because they an airport.
ne river. There are beautiful flats and lots of shops, offices
rstaurants. People have got more money and lovely houses
:ars. There are three underground train stations and even ICT collect information about what the place
— national airport. you live in was like SCTyears ago. Complete a
Then & N o w table like the one in Ex. 8.

:ji Writing (an article about a place

then and now)

10 Use the plan below and ideas from Ex. 9

to write an article about the place you live
in then and now for an international travel
magazine (80-100 words). You can use the
article in Ex. 6 as a model.
Writing Tip
trig ideas: because/so
M because to give a reason: My neighbourhood is Title
L k :ed now because more people come here to find Para 1: n a m e o f th e p lace; location
■ i -ran in the past. Main Body
^ ■ b e so to sh o w a result: The metro is faster than the Para 2: w h a t life w a s like th e n (w h a t th e re w a s / w e re ,
lots of people prefer using it. th e re w a s n 't/ w e re n 't, w h a t p e o p le d id n 't h a v e and
w h a t th e y c o u ld / co u ld n 't do)
■ead the writing Tip. Use because or so to fill in Para 3: w h a t life is like n o w (w h a t th e re is/are, w h a t
-e gaps. p e o p le h a v e g o t an d w h a t p e o p le c a n do)
v : c o d y co u ld c ro s s th e river e re
Para 4: c o m m e n ts abou t change
e s n 't a bridge,
n ow adays, th e re is a bridge a c ro s s th e river
............... p e o p le can c ro s s it.
- e stre e ts w e r e d a r k e y didn't* h a v e
- ^ :tric lighting.
"c c a y, th e re a re lots o f s h o p s .........................y o u can
x m o re things.
~ "ere w e r e n 't a n y b u s e s .........................p e o p le cou ld
r > w alk.
iC ars c o u ld n 't go d o w n th e s t r e e t
• a s v e ry narrow .

From Ha-Ha Road and Frying Pan Alley to streets called Bow-wow and Swing Swang Lane,
the streets and roads of the UK have some very strange names. There's a No Name Street,
a There and Back Again Lane and even a Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma Gate. Every street name has
an interesting story behind it.

Streets with work names

There are streets in the UK called Butch ers R ow
and The Poultry. T hese streets get their n am es from

people's jobs. For exam ple, on Butch ers R o w there

w e re lots of butchers, w hile on The Poultry people
had lots of chickens for sale.

Names that describe streets

UK street n am es can also describe w h a t the streets
w ere like. W alking dow n Long Street could take you

som e time. And Straight Street w a s just that! But High

Street d o esn 't m ean the street is higher than the
others. It sh ow s that the street had the to w n 's m ost
im portant buildings and shops.

Royal roads
't o f roads and streets in Britain get their n am es
from kings and queens. There are Kings Roads, Victoria
Streets and A lbert Roads. M an y of th ese n am es com e
from Britain's past kings and queens. In this way,

British people could honour their royals.

Check these words Speaking & Writing

poultry, straight, royal, honour
3 Use the signs to present streets in the UK and
the meaning of their names.

Listening & Reading

Look at the signs, where do streets in the UK
4 ICT work in groups. Collect information
about street names in your country and their
get their names from? meanings. Present itto the class.
Listen and read to find out.
% t h in k create your own city. Think of names
to give to its streets. Present them to the class.
Read the text again and explain the meaning of Explain where each street gets its name from.
the street names in the photos.
V o c a b u la r y G ra m m a r

Fill in: stone, green, fishing, running, west. C h o o s e t h e c o r r e c t w o r d , t h e n c o m p le t e t h e

sh o rt a n sw e rs.
- 3e o p le in th e villag e g et a ro u n d i n .................... boats.
: M o d ern h o m e s to d a y h a v e .................... w ater. 1 w e r e / w a s yo u a t th e gym y e s te rd a y a ftern o o n .
: "h e r e are s o m e lo ve ly o l d .................... c o tta g e s in No, I ......................
the area. 2 Did you h a v e / h a d a flat screen TV w h e n you w e re 10?
i " h e .................... c o a s t o f th e c o u n try is v e r y beautiful. No, I ......................
: T i e field s a r e ..................... b e c a u s e th e re is so m u ch 3 C o u ld / C o u l d n 't yo u s w im w hen you w e re 5?
rain. Yes, I ......................
(5X3= 15) 4 W e r e / W a s Jo h n a t h o m e la st n ig h t? Yes, h e ..............
Fill in: busy, difficult, quiet, different, big. 5 D id / D o e s he h a v e a bike w h e n h e w a s 4 ?
Yes, h e ......................
- ME D I T E R R A N E A N SEA (5 X 4 = 20)

have got, wasn't, were, couldn't, was,

F ill in w it h :
■' -• &■
— weren't, is, are, could, haven't got, can.
(”\ CRETE < *4 _________ %
1 T o d ay s h e ..................... a fa m o u s film star, but w h e n
sh e w a s tw e n ty y e a r s old s h e .......................
2 T h e r e ..................... s i* m e m b e rs in th e b an d now.
I — e is a 1 ) .................. island in th e M e d ite rra n e a n T h re e y e a r s ag o th e re ............................. o n ly fo u r
5ea. T h ere are to u rists th e re e v e r y s u m m e r so it's m em b ers.

p « a y s a 2 ) .................. p la c e th e n . B u t fifty y e a r s ago it 3 A : ....................................yo u p la y th e g u itar w e ll w h e n

• as 3 ) .................... Life w a s 4 ) ................... an d p eace fu l. yo u w e r e t w e lv e ?

B: No, I .................. , b u t I .....................p lay it w e ll now.
~ : o l e d id n 't h a v e m u ch m oney, th ou g h , so life w a s
4 I ........................five bro th ers, b ut I ......................... a n y
(5X3=15) 5 W h e n I ..................... yo u n g , t h e r e ........................a n y
c in e m a s in th e to w n .
Match to form collocations. (5 X 4 = 20)

* D bus A h o u se s
E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
: 0 po lice B sh o p
: 3 d e p a rtm e n t c stop C o m p le t e t h e d ia lo g u e . U s e : opposite, walk,
i 0 post D station excuse, turn, corner.
S 0 so u v e n ir E office
A: 1 ) .................................. me, c an y o u tell m e w h e r e th e
: 0 fe rry F c e n tre
b an k is?
- 0 sp o rts G field s
B: O f co u rse. 2 ) ............................ up R iver S tre e t and
i 0 g re e n H b o ats
3 ) right at th e ban k and w a lk do w n
Z j § u est I airp o rt
Lake A ve n u e . T he c a fe is on th e 4 ) ..............................
3 intern atio n al store
o f Lake A v e n u e an d H a y Road, 5 ) ...........................
(10X1 = 10)
th e su p e rm a rk e t.
A: Thank you.
(5 X 4 = 2 0 )
Total 100

Lexical Reading Com petence Speaking Competence
g ood / Com petence • read for specific inform ation (a n sw e r | • d escrib e a p lace th en & n o w
Talk a b o u t questions; identify m eaning) # | • a s k for/give d irectio n s
• fe a tu re s in a * read for co h eren ce (order paragraphs) Writing Competence
je ry g o o d J J p la c e Listening Competence i • w rite a text co m p a rin g tw o

e x c e lle n t / / / \ • places/buildings | •

in a to w n /city
listen for specific information (error I
co rre ctio n ; n o te taking)
• w rite an article
Values: R e s p e c t

It’s fun to travel and see different cultures, but always remembe
to show respect. Here are our top tips!

Ask first Leave it how you find it

Taking photographs is the best way Respect isn’t just for people - it’s for
to remember your holiday. Ju s t make the world around us, too. Never leave
sure you always ask before taking rubbish on beaches or hiking trails, and
photos of people, or inside museums don’t climb on or touch ancient ruins.
and other important buildings.
Be careful what you buy
Respect the local dress code Do not buy products made from
People wear different clothes in endangered species. Buy souvenirs
different countries. In some cultures, people make in the place you’re
it is common to cover your arms, legs visiting and help the local economy.
or even your head when you enter a
religious building. In others, you have We all live on the same planet, but
to take off your shoes before you can every country is different. Research
enter. Make sure your clothes do not the local culture before you travel.
insult the locals. After all, respect costs nothing.
й га V _________________ _______________________

^ Look at the title of the text and the introduction. D What is the purpose of the text?
t h in k

How can travellers respect local cultures? can the information help you?
Listen and read to find out.
t h in k how can visitors show
in your country? Discuss in groups.
Public Speaking Skills
a) Read the task. -

Hi, I'm N e n e t R eis an d I h a v e a q u estio n fo r yo u . D o yo u

You are studying History at an A m erican university. k n o w w h ic h w a s th e ta lle st building in th e w o rld fo r
It is Culture Day. Presen t a historic landm ark from th o u s a n d s o f y e a r s ? W ell, a v e r y long tim e a g o th e ta lle st
your country to the other students on your course. bu ilding w a s th e G re a t P y ram id , an im p o rtan t sym b o l of
m y country, Egypt.

T he G re a t Py ra m id is th e biggest o f th e th re e p yra m id s at
b) Listen and read the model. Then copy and Giza, n e a r C airo in Egypt. It's 146 m e tre s tall, 230 m e tre s
complete the spidergram in your notebook. w id e a t th e bottom , an d th e re a re o v e r tw o m illion blo cks
o f sto n e in its w a lls! It is a lso v e r y old - 4,500 y e a r s old,
comments/ where in fact!
N o o n e is su re w h a t th e G re a t Py ra m id w a s for, but m a n y

Landmark p e o p le think it w a s a to m b fo r King Khufu. it's sp ecial

b e c a u s e a lm o s t all th e o th e r p yra m id s in E g y p t h a v e got
purpose description pain tin gs an d o b je c ts in side th e m , but th e G re a t P yram id
is em pty, an d no o n e k n o w s w hy.

The G re a t Py ra m id w a s o n e o f th e S e v e n W o n d e rs o f th e
Read the theory. Which way to get feedback A n c ie n t W o rld , an d the^Egyptian p eo p le a re v e r y proud of
from the audience is in the model? it. It is a sym b o l o f th e sta rt o f o u r civilisation. In th e w o rd s
o f M a rc u s G arvey, "A p e o p le w ith o u t th e k n o w le d g e of
th e ir p ast history, origin an d c u ltu re is like a tre e w ith o u t

ays to get feedback from the audience roots." T h e w h o le o f E g yp t g ro w s fro m th e ro o ts o f its

J c n e end of your presentation, to ch eck if the audience past, an d th a t's w h y it's so im p o rtan t to learn o u r history!
-:erstood your talk, you can use: N ow , it's tim e for a quiz! L et's g e t into tea m s. T he te a m
=op quiz style questions in teams: Split the th a t g e ts th e m o st c o rre c t a n s w e r s w in s ! T eam A: W h e r e
; .d ie n ce into tw o tea m s (A and B) and ask questions
is th e G re a t P y ra m id ? ... Yes, it's in Egypt! T eam B: H o w
aoout the topic, e.g. It's time for a quiz in teams! The
tall is it? ... T h a t's right, 146 m eters. T eam A : H o w m a n y
ream that gets the most correct answers wins! Team
- : Where is the Eiffel Tower?... Correct! Team B: How b lo ck s o f sto n e a re in its w a lls ? ... Y o u 're c o rre c t, o v e r tw o
:■disit?... m illion! T eam B: H o w old is it? ... 4,500 y e a r s old, th a t's
Open discussion: Invite the au dien ce to share their right! T eam A : W h a t do m o st p e o p le th in k th e p u rp o se
aw n sim ilar experiences, e.g. Would you like to share o f th e G re a t P y ra m id w a s ? ... Yes, a to m b fo r King Khufu.
.our experience?
T eam B: W h a t is in side th e G re a t P y ra m id ? ... T hat's right,
=olling questions: A sk the au dien ce a question.
n o t h in g !... G re a t - it's a d ra w ! W e ll done, e v e ry o n e !
"- e audience can a n s w e r by raising their hands or
r.anding up. e.g. Who wants to visit Machu T h an k yo u for y o u r tim e.
' Picchu?
=ocus groups: Divide the audience
-to groups of 3-4 people and give
questions for them to discuss and
-sport back.e.g. Please get into
roups of three. What impressed you
~ost aboutAngkor Wat and why?

ICT Copy the spidergram in

Ex. 1b and complete it
with information about
a historic landmark
from your country.
Use your notes
and the m odel to
prepare and give a
Vocabulary: Famous people and their achievements, Everyday English: Narrating past events
Jobs, Feelings/Reactions Writing: A story
Grammar: Past simple (regular, irregular), A biography
prepositions of movement, conjunctions,
adverb formation,

Their stories live on

V o c a b u la r y

Match the people to the fact files.

1 Q Mexican painter
(6th July 1907- 13th July 1954)

2 0Germ an physicist & teacher

(14th March 1879- 18th April 1955
3 Q Indian politician & lawyer
(2nd October 1869 - 30th January 1948)

4 Q British actor & model

(14th October 1927 - 23th May 2017)
5 Q Serbian inventor & engineer
(10th July 1856 - 7th January^943)

6 0 American zoologist
(16th January 1932 - 26th December 1985/

Study Skills
Reading dates
W e w rite: 26/8/1959 or 26th August, 1959
W e say: the twenty-sixth of August, nineteen fifty-nine
A ug u st the twenty-sixth, nineteen fifty-nine

Ask and answer questions about the people in

Ex. 1, as in the example.
A: Who w a s Nikola Tesla?
B: He was a Serbian inventor and engineer.
A: When was he born?
B: He was born on the 10th of July, 1856.
A: When did he die?
B: He died on the 7th of January, 1943.

R e a d in g

Read the sentences. Are they true (T) or false (F)?

Listen and read to find out.
1 R oger M o o re w a n te d to be a police officer.
2 Frid a Kah lo a lw a y s w a n te d to be an artist.
3 A lb ert Einstein d idn 't find his first job difficult.

^ Read again and write RM for Roger Moore, AE

for Albert Einstein or FK for Frida Kahlo. Then
explain the words in bold.
H e / S h e ...
1 h ad tro u b le finding a job. ........
2 had h elp fro m a p aren t. ........
3 w a s in an a c c id e n t. ........
lost a job. ........
Making the Best of a Bad Situation
Sometimes bad luck can lead to amazing things ...

3o g e r M o o re F rid a K a h lo
ger M oore's first jo b w as in a W h e n sh e w as yo u n g , Frid a Kahlo
npany m aking carto o n s, but w a n te d to be a d o cto r. B u t a t th e
ey f i r e d him. His c a re e r ch an g ed a g e o f 18, sh e w as on a bus w h e n
-ft th e help o f his father. His a tra m cra s h e d in to it. Frida had to
-er w as a police officer, and stay in b e d fo r m o n th s b e fo re she
e day he w e n t to th e h ou se o f a w as ab le to w alk again. To pass th e
" d u s film d ire c to r to l o o k i n t o tim e, sh e s ta rte d p ain tin g . After,
: obery. Later, he b ro u g h t his son Frid a p a in te d p ic tu re s o f h e rs e lf
:er, alon g to m e e t th e director, w ith special to o ls an d m irrors.
- th e d ire c to r o f f e r e d him Sh e p ro d u c e d so m e o f th e m o st
nail p a rt in his next film . A star b eau tifu l self-portraits o f th e 20th
: Dorn! cen tu ry.

A lb e r t E in s te in
A fte r h e le ft u n iversity, A lb e rt E in s te in c o u ld n 't fin d
w o rk as a te a c h e r a t first. B u t h e n e e d e d m oney,

so h e to o k a jo b in th e Sw iss P a te n t Office. His

jo b w as t o d e c id e if an in v e n to r's idea w as »
7 o r ig in a l. The jo b w as e asy fo r

>► him , so h e had p le n ty o f tim e to

w o rk on his o w n ideas, in fact, h e W&sOii

c a m e u p w it h his th e o ry

o f re la tiv ity an d th e e q u a tio n

E=MC2th e re ! f e J i

Check these words

fire, robbery, crash, th eory of relativity, equation

-ill in work orjob.

" n e e n g in e e r offered m e a ..................... in h e r office. S p e a k in g

After A n d y left university, it to o k him a fe w m o n th s
think which of the people in the text do you
- f i n d .......................
think was the luckiest? Why?
jo el's fa th e r lost h i s h e 's looking for
.-‘ o th e r position now.
M y sister w a n ts to be a m o d el, but I told h e r it's W r it in g
" a r t .......................
~ looking fo r a ..................... a s an actor.
g 1CT ^ 9 think Hall of Fame: Choose six
famous people from the past from your country.
Find photos of the people and label them with
Find five jobs in the text. Explain to your their names, what job they did and their year of
:.=rtner what these people do. birth/death. Present them to the class.
Grammar in use
a) Put the verbs in brackets into the past
simple, which verbs are irregular?
J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973)

J. R. R. Tolkien was born in South Africa S ir A le x a n d e r F le m in g 1) ................... (b e ) a

on 3rd January 1892. At the age of fa m o u s scientist. H e w a s born in Sc o tla n d on 6th
three, he went to England with his A ug u st, 1881. He 2) ..................... (study) M e d ic in e
mother and brother. Unfortunately, his at S t M a ry ’s H ospital in London. A fter W orld W a r I,
father died in South Africa before he he 3) .............................. (retu rn ) to St M a ry ’s and
could join them. His mother taught her two children at home,
4 ) (w o rk ) th ere a s a professor.
and Tolkien learned to love books from her. Sadly, she died
In 1915, he 5 ) ........................ (m a rry) S a ra h M arion
too when he was 12. A friend of the family raised him and
M c E lro y an d th e y 6 ) ........................ (h a v e ) a son. H e
his brother. Tolkien studied English Language and Literature
at Exeter College. In 1916, he married Edith Bratt, but left in 7) ........................ (d is c o v e r) penicillin in 1 92 8 and

the same year to fight for Britain in World War I. He left the 8 ) .......................( re c e iv e ) th e N ob el Prize for M e d ic in e

army in 1920 and started his academic career. He also wrote in 1945. H is w ife 9 ) .........................

stories. Tolkien began ‘The Hobbit' in 1930. It made him very (d ie ) in 1949.
famous. Later, he wrote 'The Lord of the Rings'. It took him Fle m in g m arried ag ain in 1953. His
more than ten years. He died on 2nd September, 1973. se co n d w ife 1 0 ) ........................ (b e ) a
4 Breek doctor, D r A m a lia Koutsouris.

F le m in g 1 1 ) ......................... (d ie ) on 11th
a) Read the table. Find examples in the biography. M a rc h , 1955. T h e y 12) .....................
(bu ry) him in St P a u l’s

Past simple C ath ed ral in London.

Affirmative l/You/He, etc. watched TV last night.

Negative I/You/He, etc. didn't watch TV last night.
interrogative Did l/you/he, etc. watch TV last night? b) Ask and answer questions about Alexander
Fleming, as in the example.
Short Yes, l/you/he, etc. did.
answers No, l/you/he, etc. didn't. 1 s tu d y / S c ie n c e ?
We use the past simple for actions which happened in A: Did he study Science?
the past and won't happen again. B: No, he didn't. He studied Medicine.
Diana married Prince Charles in 1981 (When? In 1981.) 2 w o rk /a s a d o c to r?
Time expressions: yesterday, ago, in 1950, last
Monday/week/month, etc.
3 m a rry / M a ry M ario n M c E lro y ?
4 have/a d a u g h te r?
we add -ed to most regular verbs. / work -1worked 5 d is c o v e r/ ra d iu m ?
We add -d to verbs ending in -e. / love -1loved
6 re c e iv e /N o b e l Prize fo r S c ie n c e ?
Verbs ending in consonant +y drop the -y and add
-/ed. I study -1studied BUT /enjoy -1enjoyed 7 die/in 1965?
Other verbs have irregular forms: say -said. Look at
the list of irregular verbs at the back of the book. Look at the facts about Elvis Presley and say
what he did/didn't do, as in the example.
b) Find the past simple of the verbs below in 1 live/in N e w York (x)
the biography and write them down. Which Elvis Presley didn't live in
are irregular? New York.
2 g et first gu itar/eleventh
1 go - went 8 m a rry - . . .
2 birth day ( / )
die 9 le a v e
3 can - ... 10 sta rt - ...
3 record/first hit/1954 ( )

4 te a c h 11 w rite
4 w rite/h is o w n so n g s (x)
5 learn - ... 12 begin - ...
5 m ake/31 film s ( / )
6 p e rfo rm co n certs/in
6 raise - ... 13 m ak e - ...
E u ro p e (/)
7 stu d y - . . . 14 ta k e - ...

Use the prompts and the time P r e p o s it io n s o f m o v e m e n t
expressions below and, in pairs, act out short
dialogues, as in the example. ^ Look at the pictures and use the prepositions to
tra ve l a b r o a d ?
fill in the gaps in the text. Then, put the pictures
in the correct order. Finally, look at the pictures
p o st a v id e o o n lin e ? and tell the story. Start like this: Ralph went
go sh o p p in g ?
horse-riding in the countryside.

th e last tim e yo u ... g e t a gift?

u p d ate y o u r so cial m ed ia p ro file?

lend m o n e y to a frie n d ?

e a t a t a re s ta u ra n t?

m e e t a fa m o u s p e rs o n ?

a 0 p ast b 0 to w a rd s c 0 a c ro s s

y e s te rd a y

y e s te rd a y m o rn in g /even in g, etc.

tw o d ay s/w e e k s, etc. ago

last M ondayTTUesday, etc.

a w e e k /m o n th , etc. ago

When was the last time you travelled abroad? d 0 up/dow n e 0 alo n g f 0 under
The last time I travelled abroad was two years
ago. How about you?
The last time I travelled abroad was a month ago.

First, put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

Then, match 1-6 with a-fto make sentences.

0 S te v e n Pau l Jo b s w a s born in C aliforn ia, U S A in g O in to h 0 th ro u g h i 0 over
1955. His p a r e n t s ..................... (give) him up a t
It w a s a lo ve ly day, so Ralph d e c id e d to go for a ride in
0 J o b s ............... (meet) S t e v e W o z n ia k a t w o rk in
1971 th e co u n trysid e. H e got on his h o rse an d rod e o u t of

0 W o z n ia k ..................... (design) a c o m p u te r in th e field. A t first, e ve ry th in g w a s fine. He w e n t 1) along

1976 a road, 2) ................... a tu n n e l an d 3 ) ..................... a
0 T h e ir company........... (be) successful forest. Then, he w e n t 4)................... a hill. T h e v ie w from
0 J o b s ..................... (return) to c o m p u te rs in 1997 th e re w a s beautiful! A fte r th at, h e w e n t 5).......
0 S t e v e J o b s ................................... (die) in 2011, an d th e o th e r sid e o f th e hill, 6 ) ................... a little old

c o tta g e an d 7)................... a bridge. A fte r th at, he w e n t

8 ) ................... a field. Su dd enly, e v e ry th in g w e n t w ro n g !
a and t h e y ............................ (become) good friends.
3 and h e .................(lead) th e c o m p a n y to g re a te r
A tra c to r s c a re d th e h o rs e an d it ju m p e d 9).......
su cce ss.
a fen ce. Ralph fell o ff th e h o rs e an d 10)................... a
c b y th e n his c o m p a n y .................. (be) o n e o f th e lake. H e g o t v e r y w e t! It w a s a h orrib le e x p e rie n ce !

most successful in the world.

d and Paul an d C lara J o b s ................... (adopt) him.
e but J o b s ........................... (leave) and b o u g h t a
Use the pictures in Ex. 6 to tell the story
film -m aking com p an y.
again, but make three mistakes. Your partner
* and J o b s ....................... (agree) to help him sell it.
corrects you.
Skills in Action
Vocabulary Everyday English
Feelings/Reactions Narrating an event
a) Listen and repeat, which are positive/ Read the dialogue and put the verbs in the past
negative feelings? simple.
Listen and check.

Andy: Hello, Sally. H o w w a s y o u r w e e k e n d in

1)........... (you/enjoy) it?
it i Sally: Hey, Andy. Yes, I 2).........(have) a
1 frig h ten ed 2 happy
g re at tim e. It w a s fantastic. A n d g u e s s w h o I
3).......... (meet)l Liam H e m sw o rth ,
th e fa m o u s H o llyw o o d acto r!
Andy: I d o n 't b e lie v e it! H e's y o u r fa vo u rite! H o w
4 ).............. (that/happen)?
Sally: I w a s o u tsid e tfte m u se u m w h e n I
4 w o rrie d 5).............(see) him.
Andy: W h a t 6)............... (you/do)?
Sally: I 7)................(go) up to him and
8) (ask) him fo r a selfie w ith him.
Here, ta k e a look.
Andy: That's am azing! Y o u 're so lucky!
5 shocked 6 ex cited

4 last
і weekend,
Tell your partner about how you spent
use sentences from the useful
Language box.
A: How was your weekend?
7 proud
B: It was amazing... etc.
8 co n fu se d

Narrating an event
b) You've got two minutes. Make as many
sentences as you can using the adjectives in Asking Responding
Ex. 1a. • H o w w a s yo u r w e e k e n d ? • It w a s great/am azing/
• W h a t w a s it like?/Did you fantastic/am using.
I watched a horror film last night. I felt frightened. en jo y it? • I d id n 't like it m uch./lt
• T h a t's terrible/am azing! w a s aw ful/boring.
• W h at happened? • G u e ss w h a t h ap pen ed
Listening • Really?/1 d o n 't b e lie ve it! to m e/w h o I m et, etc.

a) Listen to the sounds, what do you think

the story is about? Intonation in yes/no questions

b) Listen to the story. Put the events into Listen and repeat.
the order they happened (1-8).
Yes/No q u estio n s: rising intonation
C laire an d G re g w e n t to a w ild life park. Did you have a nice time? /
T h e y clim b e d into th e ra n g er's tru ck. ..........
T he c a r w o u ld n 't start. .......... 1 Is he an a c to r ? Did yo u stu d y A rt?
T he lions s c a re d Claire. .......... 2 Did sh e a c t in film s? Did yo u k n o w h im ?
S m o k e an d fla m e s c a m e o u t o f th e e n g in e .................
T h e y tried to a ttra c t s o m e o n e 's a tte n tio n ...................
A ra n g e r sc a re d a w a y th e lions. ..........
T h e y sto p p ed to ta k e p ictu re s o f lions. ..........

Reading & writing g write the adverbs formed from the adjectives.
What adverbs did the writer use in the story in
joining sentences
Ex. 6? what adjectives do they come from?
.ve can join sen ten ces with w o rd s such as and, but,
because, so, then, when, etc.
Adjective Adverb Adjective Adverb
Study th e exam ples:
hard fa st
She stood up and walked towards the door.
stran g e easy
He looked, but he couldn't see anything.
h ap p y good
He closed the window because it was very cold, d e s p e ra te qu ick
it was very late, so he decided to go home.
He opened the door, then turned on the lights.
He was in bed w hen he heard a strange noise. Writing (a story)
a) Look at the picture and read the text.
Read the theory, then read the story and choose Answer the questions.
the correct linking word.
T h a t cold w in te r

afternocJn, I d e c id e d to take
It was a beautifully warm, autum n day 1) b ecause/and
m y dog, Rex, fo r a w a lk on th e
Billy was on his way to college. He was near the entrance
2) w h en /so he saw his close friend Tania. He waved to b e a c h . Su dd enly, R ex b e g a n ,

her, 3) s o /b u t she didn’t see him.. She had headphones to bark loudly.
on and her head was down. She started to cross the wide
road. W h e n did th is h a p p e n ?
w h a t w a s th e w e a t h e r lik e? I
'Stop!" shouted Billy loudly, 4) b ecau se/th en he
suddenly saw a red car coming fast along the road. Tania W h e r e did th is h a p p e n ?

had headphones on, 5) b u t/s o she couldn’t hear Billy’s W h o w a s th e r e ?

frightened cry. Billy ran quickly towards her and got W h a t h a p p e n e d first?

there ju st before the car. He grabbed Tania’s arm hard,

6) th en /w h en pulled her out of the way of the car. The
b) Listen and put the events in the correct
car whizzed past them both, missing them by inches.
order (1-6).
Tania’s face was pale 7) b ecau se/an d she looked shocked.
”l think you ju st saved my life, Billy" she said in a low A I s a w a b oy in th e sea. ...........

voice. B W e b ro u g h t th e b o y b ac k hom e. ...........

"That’s what friends are for” said Billy happily. C T h e n a n n y th a n k e d me. ...........
D I b ro u g h t th e b o y b ac k to sh ore. ...........
E I d ived into th e w ater. ...........
F T h e w o m a n c alle d fo r help. 7

Writing Tip
^Q Use the ideas in Ex. 9 to write your story
Adjectives & Adverbs
for an international magazine's short story
W hen w e w rite stories w e use a variety of adjectives and
adverbs to m ake our story interesting to the reader.
competition (80-100 words). Follow the plan.
Adjectives describe nouns. One beautiful sunny day,
Me went to the park. Plan
Adverbs describe verbs and adjectives. He drove Para 1: tim e /p la c e th e e v e n t h a p p e n e d ; w e a th e r;
carefully, it was a strangely quiet day. p eo p le; w h a t h ap p e n e d first
W e usually form adverbs by adding -ly to the adjective. Para 2: e v e n ts in th e o rd e r th e y h ap p e n e d
quiet - quietly Para 3: w h a t h a p p e n e d in th e en d; h o w p e o p le felt
W hen the adjective en ds w ith a co n son an t +y, w e drop -y
and add -ily to form the adverb, happy - happily
Som e adverbs h ave the sam e form as their adjectives.
hard - hard, fast - fast, early - early BUT: good - w ell

Find the adjectives the writer uses in the story

to describe the following:
• d a y • frien d • road • c ry • fa c e • v o ic e

W i l l i a m S h a k e s p e a re

a P o e t for A l l T im e
"Fame lives long," wrote William In 1592, Shakespeare m oved to London.
Shakespeare, and in his case, this was It was a large, noisy and exciting city.
definitely true. He jo in e d the Lord Chamberlain's Men
William Shakespeare was born in - a com pany of actors - and soon began
Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564. His family acting and writing plays. These include
were simple people. His father sold leather historical plays like Henry V, tragedies
and his m other c a re d f o r the family. We like Romeo and Juliet and comedies like As
do not know m uch about Shakespeare's You Like It.
c h ild h o o d . It is possible he went to the Shakespeare died in 1616, but not
local grammar school - King Edward VI before he gave th e world 42 plays, wrote
School. Life in Stratford was peaceful hundreds of poems, and changed the
and quiet. In 1582, he married Anne English language fo re v e r. He added
Hathaway and they about 1,700 words to the English
had three children: language as well as m any c o m m o n
Susanna was born in phrases, like "a heart of gold" and "All's
1583 and the tw in s , well th at ends well." His works continue
Hamnet and Judith, to inspire readers even to th e present
were bo m in 1585. day.

Check these words

L is t e n in g & R e a d in g
; definitely, leather, inspire
H ow are these names related to Shakespeare?
Stratford-upon-Avon - Anne Hathaway - Susanna - Hamnet and
S p e a k in g & w r i t in g
Judith - London - the Lord Chamberlain's Men - Henry V - Romeo
and Juliet. 4 ™ ,MK William Shakespeare is
Listen and read to find out. an important figure in the English
language, why?
Read the text again and decide ifthe statements are T (True),
F (False) or DS (Doesn't say). ICT Collect information
1 W illia m S h a k e s p e a re had th re e brothers. ..................
about an important writer from
2 His m o th e r w o rk e d w ith his father. ..................
your country. Think about: name
3 King E d w a rd VI S c h o o l w a s in Stratfo rd -up on-A von .........................
- what famous for - when/where
4 S h a k e s p e a re had th re e sons. ..................
bom - early years - studies - family
5 S h a k e s p e a re d id n 't like his birthplace. ..................
- achievements - when/where
6 in London, h e w o rk e d a s an actor. ..................
died, write a short article for an
international magazine (80-100
words). Read your article to the
Explain the meaning of the words in bold. Check in your class.
Vocabulary Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple.

Fill in: zoologist, painter, actor, physicist, politician, 1 W hen w a s th e last tim e y o u ....................... (feel)

lawyer. scared ?
2 .................... (they/fly) to M alta last
A b ra h a m Lincoln w a s an A m e r ic a n .............................
m o n th ?
and th e 16th P re s id e n t o f th e U n ited States.
3 H e ................................................ (write) 42 poem s.
N oah S c h n a p p is m y f a v o u r it e ............................. in
4 He .............................................. (travel) all o v e r A sia
the TV s e rie s Stranger Things.
b efo re he m o ve d to Los A ng eles.
He w a n ts to be a ( n ) .................................... b e c a u s e he
5 T h e y ......................................... (not/play) o u r fa vo u rite
io ves anim als.
so n g a t th e c o n c e r t ye sterd ay.
A lb e rt E in stein w a s a ( n ) ......................................... H e is
6 T he la st tim e h e ................................................ (watch)
fa m o u s for his th e o rie s a b o u t s p a c e an d tim e.
a p e rfo rm a n c e w a s tw o w e e k s ago.
Sh e is a ( n ) ................................ an d re p re se n ts p eo p le
7 A l i c e .......................................... (not/pass) th e H istory
in court.
te s t yesterd ay.
The Persistence of Memory is th e m o st fa m o u s
8 w h e r e ......................................................... (he/work) in
pictu re by S p a n is h ................................ S a lv a d o r Dali.
2 015?
(6x2= 12) 9 W h y ....................................................... (he/leave) e a rly
Choose the correct word. y e s te rd a y ?
10 H e .......................................................... (go) to th e th e a tre
it w a s v e r y dark an d A n g e la w a s shocked/
last Saturday. *
frightened. (10X2=20)
Jim m y is proud/upset b e c a u s e h e w o n th e
Fill in the gaps in the table.
com p etition .
The tw in s a re flying to S w itz e rla n d an d th e y 'r e so
a d je c tiv e ad v e rb
su d d en 1 ) .....................
M ax's sister k e e p s takin g his CD s, so h e 's v e r y
2 ) ..................... b eau tifu lly
M y b ro th er h as a hard e x am to m o rro w , an d h e's fa st 3 ) .....................

worried/excited. happy 4 ) .....................

: .o e 's sister w a s proud/shocked w h e n s h e s a w th e 5 ) ..................... w ell

car a c cid e n t. (5X4=20)
(6X2= 12)
Everyday English
Match the sentences.
Write the past simple form of the verbs below. 6
1 0 H ow w a s your I a sk ed h e r for h er
ta k e -
w e e k e n d in L o n d o n ? au to g rap h .
die -
O l m e t a fa m o u s T hen l to o k a selfie
e n jo y -
singer! w ith her.
sa y -
0 W h a t did yo u d o ? T h a t's am azin g!
(8X2= 16) O W h a t h a p p e n e d n e x t? It w a s fan tastic.
Q l had a c a r a c c id e n t! H o w terrib le!

Total 100

Lexical Competence Reading Competence Listening Competence
Talk abo u t: • read fo r sp e cific • listen fo r detail (o rd er e v e n ts)
• fa m o u s p e o p le and in form atio n (m ultiple Speaking Competence
th e ir a c h ie v e m e n ts m atch in g ; T/F • n arrate p ast e v e n ts
• jo b s s ta te m e n ts ; m ultiple Writing Competence
• fe e lin g s/reactio n s m atch in g ; T/F/DS • w rite a sto ry
s ta te m e n ts ) • w rite a b io g rap h y
tC E U E N T
Vocabulary: The environment, Helping the Everyday English: Inviting - Accepting/
environment. Summer plans Refusing
Grammar: should/shouldn't, future simple/fee going Writing: An email about your
fcVpresent continuous (future meaning), summer plans
i t - there

Time will tell

V o c a b u la r y A Home Connect # Discover
The environment

Which of these predictions do you think/don't Andy Brown

you think will come true in 50 years' time? View my profile page

I think people will recycle all their rubbish.

89 119 142
I don't think wild animals will disappear. POSTS FOLLOWING FOLLOWERS

A Dark Future or a Bright One?

Wild animals will disappear. There will be more pollution

from cars.

The rainforests will disappear. Everyone will have electric cars.

There will be lots of rubbish. People will live in smart


Read the text and complete the sentences.

People will recycle all their People will plant more trees.
rubbish. Then, explain the words in bold.

1 A c c o rd in g to th e TV p ro g ram m e, so m e w ild an im a ls
R e a d in g
2 A n d y w a n ts to s t a r t .........................................
Which of the predictions from Ex. 1 are there in 3 Ben b e lie v e s e le c tric c a rs w ill s o lve th e pro b lem
the text?
Listen and read to find out. 4 K elly th in ks th a t p e o p le n eed to learn

W e/p /n g t/ie en w ro n m en t
Q, Search..
m o Match the advice to the reasons.

Hi, follow ers! I w atched a great T V program m e about

the environm ent last night. It w as interesting - but
it w as really sa d ! W e all know about pollution from
cars, don ’t w e ? W ell, in the future it will get w orse

ways to
and w orse. There will be lots of people on Earth and
they will make lots of rubbish. Plus, the rainforests
will disappear and som e of our favourite
animals, like the tiger and the rhino, will disappear,
w ild
6 save the planet
w as pretty m iserable after that program m e finished,
1 CD Turn off lights.
can tell you! But then I started thinking... m aybe
can help to stop this. S o I’m going to start an 2 CD U se cloth sh o p p in g bags. <

environm ental club at m y university. W e ’re going to 3 CD B u y food from th e m arket.

talk about environm ental problem s and do activities 4 CD G ive old c lo th e s to charity.
ike planting trees to help the world around us. 5 CD W a lk or ride a bike.
it’s up to us to decide if our future will be a dark one 6 CD H a v e a sh o w er, n o t a bath.
or a bright one. W h a t are you going to do to h elp ?
_eave a com m ent! r
It s a v e s w ater.
C a rs c a u s e pollution.
C lo th e s d o n 't en d up in th e rubbish.
C o m m e n ts
It s a v e s electricity.
P la s tic bag s a re bad for th e e n viro n m e n t.
Ben Smith
It d o e s n 't h a v e plastic packaging.
Hello, Andy. Love yo u r blog! But actually,
I don ’t think pollution from cars will be a
problem in the future. I think everyone
will have electric cars. In fact, m y uncle is Giving Advice
buying an electric car next month. I hope W e use should to sa y w h a t the right/best thing to do is.
he’ll let me drive it! You sh o u ld use public transport. (= It's a good idea.)
W e use shouldn't to sa y w h a t isn't the right/best thing
to do.
K elly Jones
You s h o u ld n 't use plastic bags. (= It isn't a good idea.)
Great post, A ndy! Y o u ’re right, in the future, W e can also give ad vice with: Why don't you...? I
there will be lots of people on Earth. But I think it's a good idea to ..., I don't think it's a
think w e ’ll learn to re c y c le all our rubbish. good idea to ...
I’m going to make sure all m y fam ily and
w h y d o n 't yo u use public transport?
friends will recycle everything!
I th in k it's a g o o d idea to use public transport.
I d o n 't th in k it's a g o o d idea to use plastic bags.

Q i
Check these words
Use the sentences in Ex. 5 to make sentences,
m iserable, environm ental club as in the example.
You should turn off the lights. It saves electricity,
why don't you...?

Speaking Writing (a leaflet)

| what will you do to make our future a
t h in k
y ICT collect more ideas on helping the
bright one? Tell your partner. environment. Use your ideas to write a leaflet to
hand out at college. Use should or shouldn't.
Grammar in use
Fill in with will or won't.
1 A: Sorry, Tim. W e won't be a b le to help yo u plan t
tre e s to m o rro w .
B: It's OK. I will a s k s o m e o n e e ls e fo r help.
2 A: .................. it rain to m o rr o w ?
B: Yes, i t .................... Let's s ta y a t hom e.
3 A: I d o n 't th in k p e o p l e .................. live on M a rs in 50
Tania: Hey, C harlie. H o w a re y o u ? A re yo u g o in g to
B: No, but t h e r e ..................b e p e o p le on th e M oon.
th e gym th is a fte rn o o n ?
4 A: D o yo u think t h e y .................. h a v e ro b o ts to
Charlie: Hi, Tania! No, I'm not g o in g to th e gym .
c le a n th e s e a s s o m e d a y ?
I'm a tte n d in g a p re s e n ta tio n in th e
B: in m y opinion, t h e y .................... B u t th en again,
E n v iro n m e n ta l S c ie n c e d e p a rtm e n t.
yo u n e v e r know.
Tania: W h a t p re s e n ta tio n ?
5 A: It's g ettin g cold. I ..................p u t th e h e a tin g on.
Charlie: It's a b o u t g re e n careers.
B: G reat! T h en I ..................n e e d to put a ju m p e r on.
Tania: W h a t's th a t?
Charlie: It's a b o u t jo b s th a t p ro te c t o u r
e n viro n m e n t. You k n o w th a t in th e future, 4 a) A What will life be like in 30 years? Read
th e re w o n 't be e n o u g h fo o d an d cle a n the sentences, then listen and put a W for
w a t e r fo r e v e ry o n e . W e ll, th e re a re p eo p le the woman's predictions, and a M for the
w o rk in g to fix th e s e prob lem s. I'm g oin g to man's. Where nobody makes a prediction,
g e t a jo b like th a t w h e n I le a v e university. put an X.
Tania: T h a t so u n d s interesting, i'll c o m e w ith you !
1 P e o p le w ill travel in flying cars. ........
Charlie: G reat. T he p re s e n ta tio n sta rts a t 5 pm , but
2 P e o p le w ill live in u n d e rw a te r cities. ........
th e re w ill b e lots o f people, so let's m e e t a t
3 Life w ill be m o re ex p en sive. ........
4:45 o u tsid e th e library.
4 P e o p le w ill go on h o lid a y to th e M o o n . ........
Tania: OK!
5 T h ere w ill be m o re p e o p le in th e w o rld . ........
6 Pollution w ill be w o rse . ........
7 T h ere w o n 't be e n o u g h trees. ........
Read the theory. Find examples in the dialogue.
8 P e o p le w ill u se ox yg en m ask s to b re a th e ...................
9 T h ere w ill be foo d pills in ste ad o f fresh fo o d ..............

Affirmative: l/you/he etc. will leave. b) Ask and answer questions. Use the
Negative: l/you/he etc. won't leave. ideas above.
Interrogative: Will l/you/he etc. leave?
Short Answers: Yes, l/you/he etc. will./No, l/you/he etc. A: Will people travel in flying cars?
B: Yes, they will./No, they won't.
w e use w ill:
- to make predictions: In 100 years' time, we will live in
underwater cities. Read the prompts and match them to the
-to make on-the-spot decisions: I'll have soup first, then
steak and chips.
correct on-the-spot decisions, then make
Time expressions: tomorrow, soon, next week/month/ sentences, as in the example.
etc., the day after tomorrow, etc.
On-the-spot decisions
I'm thirsty. c lo s e th e w in d o w
Read the examples and say: a) which are It's raining. h a v e a s a n d w ic h
predictions; b) which are on-the-spot decisions. It's cold. h a v e a g lass o f w a te r
I'm tired. call th e fire brigad e
1 I'm cold. I'll c lo s e th e w in d o w .
I'm hungry. go to bed
2 In 50 y e a r s ' tim e, I th in k th e re w ill be m o re c a rs in
It's hot. o p e n th e w in d o w
th e s tre e ts th an people.
T he h o u se is on fire. put on m y ra in co at
3 It w ill be co ld an d rain y to m o rro w .
4 I'm hungry. I'll m a k e m y s e lf a sa n d w ic h .
5 In 100 y e a r s ' tim e, p e o p le w ill h a v e flying cars. I'm thirsty. I'll have a glass of water.
s s s s a a i

ad the
the tthe
y. Find
Finnd ann example
e xampple
xa le in
in the
thhe dialogue
d al
og ue 9 •* Look
ok a
t Tom's
Tom s arrangements,
tss, then,
ts, thhen
t en, in pairs,
on p.
p. 92.
9922. Does
DDooes t he example
he exa
e xam
mppl sss: a future
lee e
re futu
ure ask
sk and
aas and answer
an answ
answ er questions,
swer que
s io
ions, as
ns si n the
in thhe ex
t eexample.
pla ? an
an intention
on? a prediction
tio based
on bas
ed on
on evidence

He going
going to
10 am:
10 am
a m visit
visitt the
vi the dentist
th de
st *** q
I am/You
u are/He
He is,
s, etc.
c. going
ng to
ir tive
ve mo
m ov
e house.
-- -
----- am
a m : meet
11 am: mee
eet Frank
eet Fran
nk for
for coffee
f ee
e l O
pm: have
1 pm: ha
ave lunch
ave lunc
un h with
th lane
e Th rsd
'm not/You
ou aren't/He
/He isn't,
isn'tt,, etc.
tc. going
in r J Donnerstag
D on
Donn ners
n erss ta
ner tagg

ve to move
to moov
ve house.
_ 5 pm:
m: catch
h the
he train
aiin to
to London
on I™
I™ *

Am l/Are
Am l/
e you/ls
/ls he,
he, etc.
he etc.
etc. going
g to
to i r -----------------------------------------
gattiivvee mo
move ou
A:: What
A Wha
at is
is Tom
om doing
ng at
at ten
ten o'clock?
te o''c
o clloc
o k?k?
Yes, l am/you
Yes, am
yoou are/he
e/ he is,
s, etc.
c. B:
B: He's
e's visiting
He' viisi
ti g tthe
e n ti
enti st at
ist at tenen o'clock.
en o'cl
ort answers
short aannsw
rs No, I'm
No, I'I'm not/you
no /y
ou aren't/he
/hhe isn't,
is n''tt,, etc.
u se be
1use b e ggoing
oii ng
oing t o to
n g to to talk
k about:
outut: 10
10 Put
ut the
thhee verbs
v erbs
er bs in
in brackets
ts into
nto the
the future
th futu
1 -jture
-j lans: /am
re plans:
ture pla m going
ng g to
to visit
v sit Poland
si P la
Po land
d next
nexextt summer.
mme .
mm mpllee, bee going
si goi
o ng to
to or
r the
the present
p rese
resent continuous.
on t nuuou
ti ous.
ons s:: l am
am going
goioingg to
to study
s u y foraffo
oraa test
estt tonight.
onin ght.
htt.. Identify
tifyfy the
he uses.
the use
onns based
basseed on
on evidence:
ncee:: it
's c
lo udy.
y It's
t's going
g in
go ing g to
a 1 I th
t h in
i n k w e ...
... ...
. ...
... ......
. ...
.. ...
... ...
.... .. ... (h
. ... (have)
ave) o u r o w n
o b o ts
ro t s in
in th
t h e future.
f utu
u ttu re.
2 M a rk
k .........................................................
.. ...
... ......
.. ......
. ...
.. .. ......
... .....
.. ...
..... (work)
k as a

a) Complete
a) CCoommpple
te t
te the
he sentences.
he sen
s. Use
Usse the
U thhe correct
c rrrec
co ect o g ra m m e r
p ro after
er college.
c lllleg
co eg
ffoorm ooff bee going
form goi
ng to
to an
andd the
a the ve
th verb
rbbs in
in the
thee list. 3 S u e ..
... ......
... ......
... .. (s
...... (start)
rt) u n iv
v e rrsity
s y iin
sit n O cto
er .
4 I tth
h in
i n k tth
h is
i s y e a r ...............................................
.. ......
....... . (b
... (be)
e) b eet
e) etter
t te
• v
s it
i • go
g o • h av
a v e • p lay
l ay
a • w a tc
t c h • ta
t a k e • stu
s tu
t dy th
h an
a n last
a st year.
l ast ye ar.

T hii s w e e k e n d ...
h ...
5 I 'm
I' m tired
t i red
ti rre
ed - l ...................(not/work)
... ..
.. not
a e ttonight.
at onight
nii g
ht .
Jo h n isn't
n't going
ng to
to play
lay football,
baall , (x
all ((x))
6 T h e y ...............................................
. ...
... ...
.. .......
... ......
. .......
...... (leave)
ve) o
on th e 10
1 S t a n ...
... .....
.. ....
. ...
... .....
... ...
... ......
... .......
. ..
. ...
....... a film.
.... film.
m (/ ) o 'c
c lo
o c k train.
t ra
a in
ai n..
2 ......
... .......
... .......
. ...
I ............................................m ...
.. .....m
m y co
c o u sin
s in
n in
n N e w York.
o rk.. ( / )
7 S h e is
s running
u nii g v e r y fast.
nin t. S h e ..
fa st
st. ........................................
.. ...
. ...
. ...
.. . ...
... ... ...
3 ..
. ...
..... ...
... ......
... ......
.. ......
. ....
.. .......
.. ......
. ...
J o .....................................................a ......
...... a m eall w ith
i th
h Sa m . (x)
( x)
in) th
in) th e race.
r a ce.
ra ce
i M ic
ic h a e l and
a nd
ann d Tom
To ........................................
. ...
... ......
.. ...
... ... fo r th
t h eir
eii r
8 T h e y ...............................................
.. ...
.. ......
... ......
... ......
... ......
... .. ...
... .....
...... .. (n
.. ... (not/stay)
) a t P a u l's
F re
r e n c h examm,
ex am (x))
(x th is
is w e e k .
5 P e t e r ...
. ......
... ......
. ..
. ... th
h e do
o g to
t o th
t h e vet's.
e 's.
s.. ( )
6 T a n ia
i ........................................................
. ....
.. .......
... . ...
. ......
.. ...
... . ......
. ...
. ..
. ...
. ...
. ...
. ....
.. ...
.. ... ..
. to
t o a c o n ce
c e rt,
r t,
rtt (x)
11 Read
ad tthehe theory.
he the
heo y. Find
nd an
a example
e x mpplee in
xa in the
b) Ask
Askk and
d aanswer
er questions
er q es
ioonns as
as iinn tth
he dialogue
ddi iaallog
oguee oon
n p.
p. 92
9 Th
92. Then
Thenn fill in
in the
he g
ap s wit it
e. oorrT There.

s JJohn
hn going
g in
go ing g to
o play
lay football
la f ot
ll this
s weekend?
end?? IItt --There
No, he
5 No, he isn't.
s 'tt.

We use:
Itt w ill b e +a
iill l be ve iitt will
tive willl be
be hot
hot in
in thethe future.
fu ture
R ead
ad tthe
he tthe
he theory.
ory. How
H oww d
doo these
thesee two
twwo tenses
te nseess differ?
r? There
Th h er
e re w ill b e + noun
i lll l be no
n ounT
un There
e will
w ll be
ll be flying
ng cars
caarrs soon.
indd examples
F l s of
exaampple of the
the present
he pre
p re
rese ntt continuous
sent con
onnti us for
ous for fixed
fo fixe
fi xed
fu re arrangements
ure aarr
rr a ge mentts in
geme in the
he dialogue
the dia
i lo gue on
gu on pp.. 92.
92 1 ........
.. ..
. ... w iililll b e fo g g y in
be in D ublin
u b lin
i n to
o m o rro
r ro w .
2 ........
.. w iliillll b
bee stro
s ttro
tr o n g w iin
n d s in
in H ara
a r a re
r e to
t o m o rro
r rro
be going
going to
to - p
re se
re s e nt
n t continuous
us 3 ........
. .
.. ..
. w ililll b rain
be raii n y in S e o u l to
t m o rro w .

iVe use
iV us
use b
bee going
g oi
o iing o to
n g tto
ng to talk
talk about
boutt fu
re pplans aan
la and
nd 4 ........
.... w ill
.. il l be s u n n y in
in S y d n e y to
t o m o rro w .
en ti onss:: I am
ion am going
g to
to watch
w atch
wa ttc
ch a DVD
DVD this
DV tth
is afternoon.
on. 5 ........
.. ....
.. w ill
ill l be
b s n o w in
n W a r s a w to m o rrro
ro w .
I iVe
iVe use
iV us
u se the
he pr
nt continuous
c ont
nuo us to
uous to talk
lk about
a bou
out fi ffixed
nj jtu
tur e arrangements:
re aarrrraannggeem
rr me
en s: am
ntts: am seeing
ing my
my dentist
istt this
00n o
I soeaking
so ea
orr actions
ng rrm
nss happening
a in
ng a le
g now/around
und the
un the time
th time
time of
o t what
whatt y
™ ,,M*
M* Write
ouu think
you thi
h ink
k will
itee t
ll happen
il happ
ee sentences
ppenn i
n es
n 50 years,
in yea
ea r,
twwo sentences
se ntencec s about
ennce abbouut what at you're
whhat you
youu'rre going
ing to
goin to
do nnex
do next
eexxt year,
ar,, and
and one
an onne sentence
cee about
a ut what
bo wha
w haat
yo ur reed doing
oi tonight.
ngg t
o ig
on ight
ht. 93
Skills in Action
Vocabulary Everyday English
Summer plans inviting - Accepting/Refusing invitations

a) Look at the pictures, which of the following What are Emily and Lyn going to do on
is Mary going to do in the summer? Look and Sunday? Listen and read to find out.
Emily: H e y Lyn, a re yo u b u sy th is S a tu rd a y ? I'm
g oin g to m y c o u sin 's w e d d in g . W o u ld vo u
like to c o m e w ith m e ?
Lyn: I'd love to. b u t I c a n 't. I'll be in York for th e
w e e k e n d . I'm lea vin g to m o rro w . So rry!
Emily: T h a t's all right. W h e n a re y o u c o m in g b a c k ?

m o v e h o u se (x) h av e Fre n c h lesso n s (/) Lyn: S u n d a y aftern o o n .

Emily: W h v d o n 't w e m e e t for d in n e r S u n d a y
e v e n in g ?
Lyn: Sure, w h v not! I'll call yo u w h e n I'm b a c k on
S u n d a y an d w e 'c a n a rran g e w h e re to m eet.
Emily: Brilliant! Right, h a v e to run. H a v e a s a fe trip.
Lyn: Thanks.

s ta rt a c o m p u te r c o u rse ( / ) go w in d su rfin g ( / )

^ Replace the underlined phrases/sentences with

phrases/sentences from the language box.
inviting Accepting
• W o u ld yo u like to ...? • T h a t's a g re a t idea!
• C an y o u ...? • S o u n d s good/great.
• w h y d o n 't w e / y o u ...? • Sure, w h y not!
go hiking (x) w o rk part-tim e in an anim al
• Do you w a n t to ...? • I'd love to.
sa n c tu a ry ( / )
Refusing Reacting to a refusal
• Sorry, I can 't. • T hat's a pity!
• I'm afraid I can 't. • N e v e r m ind!
• I'd love to, but lcan 't. • T hat's all right.

Use the prompts to act out a dialogue

join a gym (x) v o lu n te e r for an
similar to the one in Ex. 3. Use phrases from the
en viro n m e n tal group ( / )
language box. Record yourselves.
b) what are you going to do this summer? invite y o u r frien d to go to th e m all on S a tu rd a y
a fte rn o o n / to go to th e c in e m a on S u n d a y e v e n in g
invite y o u r frien d to go to th e m u se u m on S a tu rd a y
L is t e n in g
m o rn in g / to go to th e m a rk e t on S a tu rd a y aftern oon
Listen to a dialogue and for questions 1-4
choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
Pronunciation 'll-won't
1 This su m m er, Tim is NO T going to ...
A plan t trees. B vo lu n teer. C m ak e m oney.
Listen and repeat.
2 Tim is d o in g a ... • I'll call yo u . • I w o n 't call yo u . • It'll be hot today.
A c o m p u te r co u rse. C co o k in g cou rse. • W e w o n 't a llo w it. • T h e y w o n 't go. • T hey'll com e.
B la n g u ag e cou rse.

3 Ken w a n ts to d o a lot o f ...

A w in dsu rfin g. B study. C relaxing.

4 H o w m a n y d a y s is Ken going to s ta y at th e hotel fo r?

A tw o B five C six
R e a d in g & w r i t in g Talk about Lena's plans/intentions. Use
because or to-infinitive to join the sentences.
Read the email and complete the table.
She is going to travel back to Wroclaw because she
wants Sarah to meet her family.

Q Match Tony's intentions to their results, then

make sentences, as in the example.
Subject: holiday news intentions Results
Hi Sarah, 1 s a v e m o n e y ---------- a do so m eth in g exciting

How are you? I'm so excited about you coming to visit

2 join a gym b h elp p eo p le

me this summer! I've got some fantastic plans for us.

3 h a v e F re n c h lesso n s - c go on h o lid ay
4 go w in d su rfin g d g e t fit
I know your flight is landing in Poznan on 25th June.
5 v o lu n te e r for a c h a rity e learn a n e w la n g u ag e
I can't wait to show you around my university town 9
and introduce you to my friends. Then, after the end of
term on 1st July, we're going to travel to my hometown, Tony is going to save money so he can go on holiday.
Wroclaw. I want you to meet my family. I'm also going to
show you around the city because it's a very interesting
W r it in g (an email about your
place. Then, in August, the real summer holidays are
summer plans)
going to start!
First, we're going to go hiking with my friends Basia and
Marta in Tatra National Park because it's beautiful there!
10 a) Think about your summer holidays. Copy
the table in Ex. 7 in your notebook and
-hen, we're going to join my family in Sopot to relax a bit. complete it.
Sopot has got some lovely beaches and you can even try
windsurfing. b) Use your notes in Ex. 10a to write an
'm sure we'll have a great time. See you soon! email to an English-speaking friend who
is going to spend the summer with you,
saying what you are going to do together.
(80-100 words). Follow the plan.

'e y / tra v e l to Wroclaw Lena w a n ts Sa rah to meet
her family Hi + (your friend's first name)
I _ana/show S a ra h ............ it's a ........................................ Para 1: re a so n for w ritin g th e em ail
r e y / g o hiking in .............. it's v e r y ..................................
Para 2, 3: y o u r p lan s & in ten tio n s w ith re a so n s
7-ey/join h er fam ily i n ..... Lena w a n ts t o .......................
Para 4: clo sin g re m a rk s (e.g. See you soon.)
Be st,
FIXED ARRANGEMENTS (your first name)
I Sarah's flight/land on ....................................

Writing Tip
Expressing Reason, Result or Purpose
• W e ex p ress reaso n w ith because and resu lt w ithso.
>.Ve also e x p re ss rea so n or p u rp ose w ith fo-infinitive
In fin itive o f purpose).
-fe's going to join a gym because he wants to lose
-e wants to lose weight, so he's going to join a gym.
- e 's going to join a gym to lose weight.

Give a Little Time

to the Trees
A rbor Day started in 1872 in Nebraska, USA. It is a and cities. They also look after national forests, replant
special day to support the planting of trees. A hundred trees after natural disasters, and help young people learn
years later, in 1972, John Rosenow started a charity and about trees and connect with the natural world.
education organisation to inspire people all over the USA
Supporters and volunteers are very Important to the work
to plant, care for, and celebrate trees. Today, every state
of the Arbor Day Foundation. People can volunteer to
celebrates Arbor Day and the Arbor Day Foundation is the
help plant trees. They can also organise or take part in
biggest tree planting organisation in the world.
fundraising events, or make a donation.
The Arbor Day Foundation does amazing work. They
If you would like tQ find out more about how you can
raise money and work hard to plant trees in towns __ support the Arbor Day
Foundation, please visit

Check these words

L is t e n in g & R e a d in g
inspire, fundraising event, donation, support
Read the title of the text and look at the picture,
what do you think the Arbor Day Foundation
Listen and read to find out. ^ Explain the words in bold.

Read the text quickly. What is the purpose of the would you like to join the Arbor Day
t h in k

“ text? Foundation? Why/Why not?

Read the text again. Mark the statements (1-3) S p e a k in g & w r i t in g

as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say). Collect information about a charity in
1 A rb o r D ay starte d in N eb raska . ............ your country. Make notes under the headings:
2 Jo h n R o s e n o w is fro m N eb rask a . ............ name of organisation - history o f organisation
3 v o lu n te e rs c a n o n ly plan t trees. ............ - activities. Present the charity to the class.
Vocabulary Grammar
Match the words to make phrases. ^ Rewrite the sentences using should or shouldn't.
0 w ild a p ap er 1 It's a good id ea fo r u s to recycle.
□ sh o p p in g b p ro g ram m e
0 re c yc le d c bag 2 D o n 't th r o w c a n s into th e bin.
0 sm a rt d group
□ t v e an im al 3 It's n o t a good idea for S a lly to le a v e h e r job.
0 e n v iro n m e n ta l f h o u se
0 public g car 4 Turn th e h e a tin g d o w n .
0 e le c tric h tra n sp o rt
(8 X 2 = 1 6 ) 5 D o n 't go o u t w ith o u t a co at.

Fill in: join,

volunteer, go, work, have, move, recycle,
save, give, plant. (5 X 2 = 1 0 )
Choose the correct item.
I w a n t t o ....................... F re n c h le s so n s th is sum m er.
I'm not v e r y fit - I'm going t o ............................a gym . 1 Jo a n h as a b u c k e t b e c a u s e s h e will wash/is going
H o w m u ch o f y o u r ru bbish do y o u .............................? to wash th e car.
Dad w a n ts t o .................... h o u se to be c lo s e r to Gran. 2 C le a n up y o u r room . Y o u r co u sin will come/is
iA/e all m u st a c t t o ..................................... th e planet! coming to s ta y to m o rro w . *
..................................... part-tim e in a shop. 3 I don't think it'llbe/'s going to be very hot this summer.
Vlichael c a n ' t ...................................... w in d su rfin g this 4 Jo h n is studying/is going to study h a rd e r next
w eekend. y e a r - h e prom ised .
d o n 't earn m o n e y w h e n I ..................................... , but 5 T h e y d o n 't h a v e pizza, so w h a t will you order/are
feel good. you ordering?
v e 'r e m e e tin g at 10 in th e park t o ................................. 6 Terrence isgoing to work/is working w ith com puters
rees. after college.
m going t o ....................m y old clo th e s to 7 It/There will be w in d y to m o rro w .
harity. 8 It/There w ill be a n e w te a c h e r fo r B io lo g y to m o rro w .
( 1 0 X 2 = 20) (8 X 2 = 1 6 )
computer, plastic, environmental, animal,
ill in:
Everyday English
oth, summer.

e sp e n d s his w e e k e n d s w o rk in g at a ( n ) ...................... 6 Match the exchanges.

anctuary. 1 0 w o u ld yo u like to c o m e to A Brilliant! S p e a k
3 w a y s u s e .......................bags, not plastic ones. m y h o u se for d in n e r? soon!
'e yo u do ing a ( n ) ...................... c o u rs e ? 2 0 A trip to th e c in e m a B G reat! Let's
-jit in s u p e rm a rk e ts h as got a lot o f ...................... s o u n d s good. m e e t th e re a t 8.
ickag in g. 3 0 I'll call yo u to a rran g e C Yes. w h y d o n 't
r a h v o lu n te e rs for a ( n ) ....................................... group. w h e r e to m eet. yo u c o m e ?
'e r e a re yo u g o in g on y o u r ...................... h o lid a y s ? 4 0 A re yo u goin g w in d su rfin g D I'd lo ve to.

(6 x 3 = 18) n ex t w e e k e n d ? E T h a t's a pity!

5 0 I'm sorry, l c a n 't c o m e to
y o u r b arb ecu e .
(5X4= 20)
Total 100
Lexical Competence Reading Competence Speaking Competence
Talk abou t: • read for detail (sen ten ce • g ive a d v ic e
g oo d/
• th e e n v iro n m e n t com pletion, T/F/DS • in v it e - a c c e p t / r e fu s e in vitation s
• h elp in g th e statem en ts) writing Competence
/ GOOD / J e n v iro n m e n t Listening Competence • w rite a leaflet
• s u m m e r plan s • listen for detail (m ultip le • w rite an e m ail a b o u t m y
c h o ic e q u estio n s) s u m m e r plan s
Vocabulary: holiday activities, travel experiences Everyday English: describing a holiday
Grammar: present perfect, present perfect vs experience
past simple, The Writing: A blog comment about a
holiday experience

■-................ * ....... - - -......... ~ '

Take a break
V o c a b u la r y
Holiday activities

Fill in: ride, go, visit, see, buy (x2), take, try.
Listen and check.

Which of these activities did you do when you ancient temples

last went on holiday? Tell your partner. You can
use your own ideas.
Last July I went to .... I saw ancient buildings and
tried local dishes. I swam in the sea and took lots of
photos, etc.

R e a d in g & L is t e n in g
handmade souvenirs
Read the text quickly. Which title is appropriate?
» 4
M ystical Egypt - Exotic M orocco - Beautiful
M ongolia.

Read the sentences.

Then listen to and read the email Jack sent
to his friend and decide ifthe sentences are
T (True) or F (False).

1 He has already visited the Marrakech market.........

2 He has been to a traditional restaurant. ....... a market
3 He has visited the museum. .......
4 He has been to Rabat. .......

Check these words

try, spices, palace, exhibit
Replace the adjectives in bold with their
opposites. Check in your dictionary.
• d isgu stin g • co ld • q u iet • h orrible • e m p ty
• m o d ern

T he m ark e t
1 I'm h avin g a
w asnoisy and
wonderful tim e.

3 W e 'v e b e e n to
a traditional
restau ran t.
Hi Terry, r

Greetings from Morocco! The weather’s very hot. I’ve been 5 T he w e a t h e r

4 T h e fo od w a s
here since Monday and I’m having a wonderful time. I’m delicious is v e r y hot.
staying with my friend, Mohammed. He lives in Marrakech.
Marrakech is famous for its beautiful buildings, palaces and
its market. I’ve already been to the market. We visited it on Fill in the missing prepositions, then use them
Tuesday.You can’t imagine how noisy and crowded it was! I to make sentences based on the text.
bought some lovely handmade souvenirs there. I even rode • fo r « t o « o n (x2) • w ith • in
a camel in the desert outside Marrakech yesterday. It was
1 s t a y ...........m y friend 4 ............. T u e sd ay
fun! I’ve also been to a traditional restaurant. Mohammed
2 l i v e ......... M a rra k e sh 5 g o ............. a d a y trip
took me there last night. I tried tagine, a Moroccan dish with
3 f a m o u s ............ 6 r e t u r n .............. En glan d
chicken, fruit, vegetables and spices.The place was fantastic
and the food was just delicious.
S p e a k in g
There are a lot of things I haven’t done yet. I haven’t been to the
palaces yet, and I haven’t visited the museum. g Read the email again, then copy the table in
We are going on a day trip to Casablanca tomorrow and we
your notebook and complete it.
are going to visit the museum one of these days to see the ACTIVITIES HE W HA T HE WHAT IT
exhibits. We are also going to visit Rabat, Morocco’s capital DID WH EN DID THERE W A S LIKE
city. visited the Tuesday bought noisy &
Morocco is a fascinating country — you must visit it one day! market souvenirs crowded
Anyway, I’m returning to England on Sunday next week, so I’ll
call you then.
Ask and answer questions, as in the
Best wishes,
Jack A: Did Jack visit the market?
B: Yes, he did.
A: When did he visit it?
B: On Tuesday.
A: what did he do there?
Tell your partner three false
B: He bought some souvenirs.
statements based on the text. Your
A: what was it like?
partner corrects them.
B: It was noisy and crowded.
A: It's raining in Morocco.
B: No, it isn't raining. It's hot.
w r i t in g

write three reasons why you would

t h in k

like to visit Morocco. Read them to the class. Find

someone who has the same reason(s) as you.
Grammar in Use
Write the past participle of the verbs. Check in
a : W e lc o m e to the dialogue.
O rlando. H a v e yo u
1 s w i m ................. ........... 5 s e e ................................
s ta y e d in o u r hotel
2 s t a y ................... ........... 6 try ..................................
b e fo re ?
3 v i s i t ................... ........... 7 b o o k .............................
b: Yes, w e have. W e
4 b e ..................... ........... 8 d r i v e .............................
w e r e h e re in 2002.
A: H a v e yo u visited
W a lt D isn ey
Use the verbs in Ex. 2 in the present perfect to
W o r ld ?
complete the sentences.
B: Yes, w e w e n t 1 She has seen th e studios. ( / )
th e re on o u r first trip. W e 'v e a lso s e e n U n iversa l
2 S t e v e ................................................................ to R ab at, (X)
Stu d io s, but w e h a v e n 't b e e n to D is c o v e ry C o v e
3 T h e y ........................................................ w ith dolphins. (X)
yet. 4 L i s a ......................................................O rlan d o o n ce. (/)
A: O h, yo u sh o u ld go! H a v e yo u e v e r s w u m w ith 5 I ..........................c o u s c o u s b ut I d o n 't really like it. ( )
d o lp h in s? It's a w o n d e rfu l e x p e rie n ce ! 6 K e n ...................... .' th is hotel.(x)
B: S w im m in g w ith d olphins! W o w ! I h a v e n 't tried 7 I ......................................................... all th e w a y from
a n yth in g like th a t before! A riz o n a on m y o w n . ( )
A: H a v e yo u b o o k ed tic k e ts ?
8 W e ......................................................ou r tickets, (x)
B: No, w e h a v e n 't.
A: I c a n book th e m fo r yo u h e re a t th e hotel. I think
th e y 'v e g o t an o ffe r on th is w e e k .
^J_ Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect
interrogative, then answer the questions.
B: T h an ks! T h a t w o u ld be g reat! B u t not fo r today.
W e 'v e d riven d o w n fro m N e w York an d w e 'r e A: Have you ridden (you/ride) an e le p h a n t b e fo re ?
tired. B: Yes, I have.
A: (they/fly) in a h e lic o p te r?
B: N O ,...................... ............. T h e y 're afraid o f heights.

Read the table. Find examples in the dialogue. A: .....(you/be) o n a b o at trip

b e fo re ?
B: N o ,..................... . It's m y first tim e!
Present perfect A: (they/live) in M e x ic o C ity
Affirmative Negative fo r a long tim e ?
I/We/You/They have fve) I/We/You/They have not B: N o , ...................... T h e y m o v e d th e re a m o n th ago.
left. (haven't) left. A: (Bob/tell) yo u th e n e w s ?
He/She/It has ('s) left. He/She/It has not (hasn't) left. B: Y e s , .................... .. . W e 'r e goin g to India!
Interrogative Short answers A: (Paula/sleep) in a te n t?

Have l/we/you/they left? Yes, l/we/you/they have./ B Y e s ...................... . . S h e lo v e s cam p in g .

Has he/she/it left? No, l/we/you/they haven't.
Yes, he/she/it has./ Present perfect + Ever/Never
No, he/she/it hasn't.
W e use ever in questions and statements.
W e use the present perfect: Have you ever visited India? India is the best place
• for actions which started in the past and I've ever visited.
continue up to the present. He has lived in Florida W e use never in statements.
for five years. (He started living in Florida five years I've never visited Poland. I haven't visited Poland.
ago and he still lives there.)
• to refer to a personal experience. /have visited
Mexico (When? W e do not know.)
Time words/expressions used with the present
5*9 Ask and answer questions, as in the example.
perfect: just, already, yet, for, since, never, ever, this P e ru Italy Eg yp t Sp ain
week, etc.
Note: She has gone to Warsaw. (She went to Warsaw A u stra lia Po la n d Brazil V ie tn a m
and is still out there.)
She has been to Warsaw. (She went to Warsaw A: Peru is the best country I've ever visited. Have you
and returned. She is back now.) ever been there?
B: No, I've never been there.
Present perfect + Yet/Already ^ Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect
or the past simple.
w e u se already in q u estio n s an d s ta te m e n ts .
W e u se yet in q u e stio n s and negatives.
A: Have you packed your suitcase yet?
B: No, I haven't I haven't packed it yet. / Yes, I have. Hi Tracy,
I've already packed it.
Greetings from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
I'm sorry I 1) ............
(not/write) for so long. W e
6 ^ Kate and Ann are in Paris. Listen and tick (/)
2 )............ (arrive) here a w eek ago and
what they have already done, in pairs, ask and
I 3)............ (be) busy exploring the place. It's
answer questions, as in the example.
one of the best islands 14)............ (ever/visit).

1 visit th e Eiffel T o w e r 0 I 5)............. (cycle) around most of the island

2 g o to V e rsa ille s O so far. I 6 ) ............ (already/swim) at most

3 g o sh o p p in g □ of the beaches here and I 7) ............ (try)

4 s e e th e A rc d e Triom phe Q scuba diving! It 8 ) .........,.. (be) amazing. I

5 g o on a b o at trip on th e S e in e Q 9)............ (not/buy) any souvenirs yet, but
6 visit th e L o u vre Q there is plenty of time for that.
7 s e e N o tre D a m e 0
Yesterday, w e10)......... (go) to the underground
A: Have they visited the Eiffel Tower yet? caves of Rio Cam uy Cave Rark. W e 11)...............................

B: Yes, they have a lre a d y visited the Eiffel Tower. Have (never/see) such a beautiful place! Talk soon,
they been to Versailles yet? Anna
A: No, they haven't been to Versailles y e t

Present perfect + Just

I W e u se just in s ta te m e n ts to s h o w th a t an actio n W e u se the w ith th e n am es of: rivers (the Nile), o c e a n s
! finished o n ly a fe w m in u te s earlier. (the Atlantic Ocean), s e a s (the Baltic Sea), d e se rts (the
A: Have you packed your suitcase yet? Sahara Desert), unique lan d m ark s (the Eiffel Tower),
B: Yes, I've ju s t packed it. h otels (the Royal), m u se u m s (the British Museum),
m ountain ranges (the Alps), gro up s of islands (the
W e d o n 't u se the w ith th e n a m e s of: co u n tries
Read the theory. Ask and answer (Egypt), citie s (London), s tre e ts (Oxford Street), parks
questions, as in the example. (Hyde Park), single m o u n tain s (Everest), lak es (Lake
Como), single islan ds (Malta), c o n tin e n ts (Asia).
1 b o o k a ta b le 3 s p e a k to th e receptionist
2 o rd e r lunch 4 m e e t th e gu ide

A: Have you booked a table yet? 10 Read the theory. Fill in the where necessary.
B: Yes, I've ju s t booked it.
1 H a v e yo u e v e r c lim b e d ............ M o n t B la n c in .............
A lp s ?
Present perfect + For/Since
2 T h e y go t o ............ C a n a ry Islan ds e v e r y year.
W e u se for to e x p ress duration. 3 I h a v e n 't b een t o ............ N e w York before.
I've been here for five days.
4 T he m u s e u m i n ............... B a k e r S tre e t is o p e n now.
W e u se since to s ta te a startin g point.
I’ve been here since Monday.__________ 5 W e 'r e stayin g a t ............... B lu e H otel fo r five nights.
6 ............ Pacific O ce a n is th e largest o c e a n in th e w orld.
7 ............ Taj M a h a l is i n ............. A g ra, India.

8 Write sentences. Use: for or since. 8 ............Lake V ictoria is th e largest lake i n ............. Africa.

1 H e/b e in C airo /Frid a y

Ask your partner questions.
He has been in Cairo since Friday.
Use the present perfect. Your partner
2 He/live in R o m e / th re e y e a rs
answers them.
3 I/not s e e / Ja n e /te n y e a rs
4 I/not travel/b y train/2015 A: Have you ever been to Egypt?
5 They/be/on holid ay/last M o n d a y B: No, I haven't. Not yet.
V o c a b u la r y E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
Travel experiences Describing a holiday

ft Look at the pictures, in pairs, ask and

answer, as in the example. You can use these
adjectives: exciting, fantastic, amazing, great, 3 a) Complete the dialogue
with the phrases A-E.
terrible, difficult.
Mike: Hey, Holly, h o w a re y o u ?
Holly: G reat! I've ju s t g o t b ac k fro m a fa m ily
h o lid a y in G re n a d a .
Mike: R e a lly ? 1)......................
Holly: W e w e n t tw o w e e k s ag o an d g o t b ac k this
m orning.
Mike: 2 ) ........................................................................
Holly: Oh, it w a s w o n d e rfu l! I had th e tim e o f m y

go on a h e lic o p te r to u r go ic e skatin g life!

Mike: Nice. 3)........................
Holly: W e w e n t sn o rkellin g at th e U n d e rw a te r
S c u lp tu re Park. T h ere w e r e beautiful
s ta tu e s at th e bo ttom o f th e sea!
Mike: w o w ! 4 ) ...........................................................
Holly: W e also visited th e N ational M u s e u m an d k
A n n a n d a le Falls. I'v e tak en lots o f photos.
Mike: It so u n d s am azing.

go c a m p in g go sn orkelling Holly: it w as. 5).......................

w h a t did yo u do C w h e n did yo u g o ?
th e r e ? D W h a t w a s it like th e r e ?
I c a n 't w a it to go again! E W h a t e ls e did y o u d o ?

b)^ Listen and check.

go c a n o e in g s w im w ith dolphins ^ You have just come back from your holidays.
A: Have you ever been on a helicopter tour? Use phrases from the useful language box to act
B: Yes, I have. It was amazing./No, I haven't. out a dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 3a.
Asking about holidays Describing holidays
L is t e n in g
• w h e n did you g o ? • W e w e n t la st Jun e/etc.
• H o w w a s it? • it w a s terrific!
Listen to three short telephone
• W a s th e re m u ch to do • I had an am azing/a lovely
conversations. For each question, choose the th e r e ? tim e!
correct answer. • w h a t things cou ld you • T h ere w e r e am azing/
do th e r e ? b e a u tifu l/ fa n ta s tic ...
1 w h a t h as S a lly d o n e so fa r?
• Did you do anything e ls e ? • I also to ok/w en t on/visited ...
A g o n e ic e sk atin g c g o n e c a n o e in g

B g o n e on a h e lic o p te r to u r

2 W h e n did Jo h n arriv e in N e w Z e a la n d ?
Pronunciation /h/ p ro n o u n c e d o r s ile n t
A th re e d a y s ag o c y e s te rd a y

b last w e e k Listen and circle the words where h is

3 B e n is callin g Kevin t o ...
silent. Listen again and repeat.
A ask him to g o on h o lid ay together. h ap p y - h o u r - rh ym e - hair - w h ile - Jo h n -
B invite him to his house. h o lid ay - behind - sch o o l - h o w
C tell him a b o u t his holiday.
R e a d in g & W r it in g
Read the blog comments again and make notes
Look at the blog entry and the blog comments in the table.
below. What is the topic of the blog post? Read
Place Activities Feelings
to find out.
C h arlo tte Chile
Ja m ie

Writing Tip
Writing a blog comment
Hi, everyone! W h en w e read a blog entry, w e can respond and w rite a
blog comment. W h e n w e w rite a blog com m ent, w e use
Some friends and I want to informal language.
travel abroad this summer. W e start our blog com m ent by greeting the blogger (Hey,
We want to visit as many Nick!) and introducing ourselves. (Tina from the UK here.)
places as possible. Do you Then w e w rite our com m ent.

have any suggestions? W e end our co m m en t with closing remarks. (Can't wait
for your next post!)
Leave a comment below.
w e can also m ake a general co m m en t about the blog
en try either at the beginning or the end. (Love your blog!)
About me Contact

g Read the writing Tip box. Replace the underlined

phrases in the blog comments in Ex. 1 with the
ones below.
• C a n 't w a it to read y o u r n ex t post!
• I rea lly e n jo y read in g y o u r blog.
• G re a t blog!
• P o s t ag ain soon!

Hi, William! Charlotte here. Love vour bloa.

W r it in g (a blog comment about a
I’m in Chile and 1 love it! So far, I’ve been camping and I’ve
holiday experience)
Deen canoeing. I've even been sandboarding in the Atacama
Desert. It was a bit difficult and very hot - but it was fun! I Think of a place you have been to. Make notes
lad a great time. Go there - I’m sure you’ll love it. Can’t wait under the headings: name - activities - feelings.
;or vour next post!
W 33S S S S H 3 10 Use your notes from Ex. 9 to write your blog
comment on William's blog recommending a
place to go (60-80 words). Follow the plan.
■g re e t blogger, in tro d u ce y o u rs e lf
’ w rite y o u r c o m m e n ts (w h e re yo u h a v e b een , w h a t
y o u h a v e d o n e th ere, y o u r feelin g s)
ley, this is Jamie. ■re c o m m e n d a tio n , clo sin g rem ark s

'or me, Japan is the perfect place to go. I’ve visited the
iyukyu Islands many times and I’ve always had an amazing
ime there. Last time, I went windsurfing at Tebiro Beach. I
Iso visited the medieval castle of Shuri and went hiking in
he forests. I had the time of my life. Check out some of the
hotos I’ve taken. Bv the wav, great blog William. Looking
jrward to vour next post!

lA d v e h f w r e

Do you want an exciting holiday experience?

Then look no further! W ild Canadian Adventure Holidays
promises the perfect holiday for you.

Have you ever w anted to go on a helicopter

tour over a big city? Then Toronto with its

British Columbia amazing tall buildings is the place to go!

Nature lovers can go on a boat ride around
Niagara Falls. In winter, you
Imagine canoeing through the Rocky Mountains and sailing can also go ice skating on
around Vancouver Island. Book one of our British Columbia the many frozen lakes
package holidays and make your dream come true. We around O ntario.
also offer trips to northern British Columbia where you can
go camping, see Native American totem poles and even
watch the beautiful Northern Lights in the night sky.


Check these words

Listening & Reading
! package holiday, trip, nature lover, frozen
Go through the text quickly. What is itabout?
which place you can go camping? How can you
see Niagara Falls? Speaking & Writing
Can you think of a dream
2 ^ Read or listen to the text. In which place
holiday destination? How would you start the
(A or B):
description to make people want to visit?
1 can you see a city from the air?
2 is there a special evening attraction?
Design a travel brochure for tourist
3 can you stay in a tent? destinations in your country, write about
4 can you do a winter sport?
exciting things visitors can see and/or do there.
v o c a b u la r y Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect
or the past simple.
- in: see, visit, go (x2), try, buy, take, ride.
□ XI
: . c a n ............... cheap souvenirs here.
: j s h o u ld e m a rk e t in th e Old City.
: : i ' t forget t o ........................ p h o to s o f y o u r trip.
.•.ant t o ................all th e local dishes.
_ r . s ................on a d a y trip to C a s a b la n ca .
r w e n t to Fez t o ................a n c ie n t buildings.
-ad a c h a n c e t o ................a c a m e l in Egypt.
d id n 't w a n t t o ................sigh tseein g.
s tc h to form collocations.
h e lico p te r A h o lid ays Hi, Matt!
*rozen B skatin g Greetings from London! I'm staying here with my uncle.
traditional C so u v e n irs
We 1) ............................................................... (already/visit)
su m m e r D to u r
Buckingham Palace. We 2 ) ............................................. (go) there
H an d m ad e E restau ra n t
on Friday. My uncle also 3) ...................................(take) me to
ce F m ark e t
Oxford Street yesterday, but I 4 ) ......................................(not/buy)
n oisy G lake
(7 X 2 = 14) anything there. There are a lot of things I 5 ) ..............................
(not/do) yet. We 6) ................................. (not/be) to Madame
G ra m m a r
Tussauds yet and we 7) ..................................... (not/ride) in

::Tect the mistakes. a London taxi. I really want to do that! What about you?
8 ) .....................................(you/have) an exciting summer so far?
- a s Jo h n fin ish ed his h o m e w o r k ? " "No, h e has."
See you soon.
~-e ch ildren didn't tried c a n o e in g before,
v . - e re's Id a ? " "S h e 's been to th e s u p e rm a rk e t." Greg

.t j n c l e have lived in th e s a m e s tre e t all his life,

-a/e yo u s e e n J im ? " "Y es, I haven't." (8 X 3 = 2 4 )
' a . e gone to Pa ris th re e tim es.
(6 X 2 = 1 2 ) Everyday English
: in: just, yet, since, for, never, ever, already. Match the exchanges.
d o n 't n e e d to b oo k th e hotel. T im 's .....................
1 0 When did you goto A W e also visited a
i r e it.
Scotland? m u se u m .
"* e olan e h a s ..................landed.
2 0 How was it? B It w as. I c a n 't w a it to
. " h as lived h e r e ..................2007.
3 0 what did you do? go again.
: r ' a s .............. rid d en an e le p h a n t. It's his first tim e. 4 Q Did you do anything C Last w e e k e n d .
: - ca h as w o rk e d a t th e m u s e u m .................. five else? D W e w e n t can o ein g .
*9TS. 5 0 It sounds great. E It w a s terrific!
-e 9 y o u ..................visited R o m e ?
(5 X 4 = 20)
~~e, n a v e n 't c o m e b a c k fro m th e s a f a r i.................... Total 100
(7 X 2 = 1 4 )

Lexical Competence Reading Competence Speaking Competence
Talk ab o u t • read for s p e cific inform ation • d e s c rib e a h o liday
• h o lid ay activitie s (T/F s tate m e n ts; m ultiple e x p e rie n ce
• travel e x p e rie n ce s m atching) Writing Competence
Listening Competence • w rite a blog c o m m e n t
• listen fo r sp e cific inform ation a b o u t a h o lid ay
(m ultip le c h o ice ) e x p e rie n ce
Values: Environmental awareness

Create more parks. Parks are

the lungs of a city. They give
clean air to cities and are a
relaxing place for people to
spend their free time.

Create public spaces, such

as pedestrian-only streets.
They encourage people to get
A lot of cities nowadays are full of traffic,
around on foot. There is less
rubbish and air pollution. To stop this,
pollution from cars.
cities must ‘go green’! Here is how:

Encourage people to
use public transport
such as buses and
trains. They can also
use cycle lanes to move
around quickly. All this
means less traffic.

Set uprecycling
programmes for all kinds of
waste like cans, bottles and
electronics. This way, there
is less rubbish.

U se clean energy, s u c h as

so lar p o w e r an d w in d pow er.

This w ay, w e c a n h a v e clean
air an d s a v e m oney.

Perhaps it’s challenging to go green. But when we do these

simple things, we make cities better places to work, play
and live our lives.

How can a city 'go green'? TH .N K H ow green is the place where

Listen and read to find out. you live? Does it have any of the characteristics
in the text? Discuss with your partner.
Read the text again. Then, copy and complete
the table in your notebook. ICT collect information about more
characteristics of a green city and prepare a
Suggestions Benefits leaflet.
Park s clean air, relaxing place for people
-rrr ------" Q )

Public Speaking Skills

Digital presentations
• Use a m em orable image to start your presentation.
• D ecide on the slides you will use.
Hello, I'm Saanvi Lim. Dirty streets ... tall buildings ... air
• W rite a m ain heading, then w rite key words, not full
pollution. That's life in a big city, right? Well, in my city,
• U se appropriate fonts and images.
Singapore in Asia, we all work hard to create a greener,
• Do not use im ages with a multi-coloured background. healthier environment.
Let's take a look at some of the things we do. First, there are
over 300 parks and gardens, and four nature reserves. These
a) Read the task.
are home to rare plants and animals, and they provide the
city with fresh, clean air. Educational tours of the parks also
imagine you're at a local Earth D ay event. You're help people learn about the environment. Cycling is now
the environm ental club's representative. Present an the main mode of transport in Singapore. A 150-kilometre
exam ple o f a green city to the audience.
network of cycle lanes connects all the parks and there are
cycle lanes in business and shopping areas, too. This means
less traffic and air pollution, and people are healthier because
b) Listen and read the model. Put the slides they get more exercise. Thirdly, there are special programmes
into the correct order. Which slide is not very to encourage peopje and companies to recycle. There are
effective? Why? recycling bins in public areas and outside houses. A lot of
factories also take back e-waste for recycling and schools
recycle their food waste. This way, we have less rubbish.
Singapore's nickname is the City in a Garden and I think
it's a great name for such a green place! What if every city
follows its example? Are there any questions?... Thank you
for listening.

D 0 Life in a big city

a) IC T collect information
about a green city in your
country or another country.
Make notes under the
E 0 Singapore - A green city headings: N am e/Location
o f c ity - Characteristics
- H o w p eo p le help the
environm ent.

b) Use your notes to prepare

slides and give a digital
presentation. 107
CL1L: Citizenship

3 u , J I J3 J J J J j J U f Siliii illili
To .be ci good cicizen orlfi

be polite and not to be a bully. be creative.

--rmiinmi mil <

listen to everyone’s opinion, care for nature. keep learning about the world around you

^ Look at the leaflet. How can w e be good citizens of the world what else do you think
t h in k

today? you can do to be a good citizen?

Listen and read to find out.
CSSaA Find photos
Match the examples (A-F) to the tips (1-6) on how to be a good which show what makes
citizen. someone a good citizen. Design
your own poster about how to be
W e can ... a good citizen of the world.
A 0 m ak e n e w friends. D 0 h elp plan t trees.

B 0 c a re for a g ran d p aren t. E 0 try to c o m e up w ith n e w ideas.

C 0 read lots of books. F 0 ask o th e rs w h a t th e y think.

CL1L: Geography

A country's climate is what its weather is like over a long period

of time. Countries in different parts of the world have different
climates. There are 12 different types of climate worldwide and
three main climate zones: polar, temperate and tropica/

The temperate climate

has four seasons-spring,
summer, autumn and
winter. Temperatures are
between -30°C and 30°C.
The USA, the UK and
France have temperate
climates. You can find
The polar climate is very cold. Winters brown bears and deer in
are long and summers are short and don't this type of climate.
get very warm. Temperatures are between
-89°C and 17°C. There is lots of ice and
snow in this type of climate. Countries such
as Greenland, Finland and Iceland have a
polar climate. Polar bears and Arctic foxes
live in these regions.
The tropical climate has got
a wet season or a wet season
(summer) and a dry season
(winter). Temperatures are
between 20°C and 34°C. Brazil,
Indonesia and the Philippines
have tropical climates. The tall
trees here are home to a huge
number of animals like parrots
and monkeys.

L is t e n in g & R e a d in g
0 ICT Collect information about
How many main climate zones are there? How many seasons the climate in your country and
has each got? Listen and read to find out. another country, write a short
text comparing and contrasting
the climates of the two countries.
S p e a k in g & w r i t in g

") Read again. Then, copy and complete the table in your
notebook. Use your notes to compare the different types of
climates. Tell the class.
Climate Polar Tem perate Tropical
) Countries ....... 1 1
/wrtmrtfrj f f I

CLIL: H is to ry
Ev e r y d a y l if e i n a n c i e n t

Eg y p t
We all know something about the
Pyramids and the pharaohs,
but what was life like for ordinary
ancient Egyptians?

Jobs Homes
Most people w ere farmers. They had
Rich people had big stone houses
the River Nile for water, so it w as
with many rooms, but most people
usually easy to grow food. There
had,small mud-brick houses. They
were also many skilled workers,
w ere easy to make and quite cool
like builders, potters, w eavers and
in summer. Houses had flat roofs,
so people could sit up there after

Food sunset.

Bread w as very important in the Travel

diet. There w ere vegetables like
The Nile w as the best w a y to
onions, cucum bers and beans,
travel. Boats w ere on the river day
and fruit like figs and melons.
and night, with both goods and
They had chickens for eggs and
cow s for milk and cheese. Fish
w as often on the dinner
table, another
gift from the
river. Education
For most children, there w as no school. Richer

children had a general education, with lessons

in hieroglyphics (the ancient Egyptian writing

system) and mathematics.

Listening & Reading Speaking & Writing

Look at the pictures. Say three things you expect to read in compare life in ancient
t h in k

the text. Egypt to your life. Say two things

Listen and read. Were your guesses correct? that are the same and two things
that are different.
Read the text again, write T for True and F for False. Explain the
words in bold. ICT work in groups.
Choose a time between 3000
1 M o s t p e o p le in a n c ie n t E g yp t w e r e painters. ...........
bc and 30 BC in your country.
2 The a n c ie n t E g yp tia n s d id n 't e a t fish. ........... Find out about everyday life and
3 Rich an d p oo r p eo p le had th e s a m e h ouses. ........... prepare a presentation. Use the
4 All a n c ie n t Egyptian ch ild ren had sch o o l lessons. ...........
headings: jobs - food - education -
homes - travel.
5 P e o p le co u ld travel by w a t e r in a n c ie n t Egypt. ...........
CLIL: L ite ra tu re

H G Wells
was a British
writer. His
famous book
'The Time
tells the story of a man who travels
eena quickly becam e m y underground room. I could hear
through time into the future. There
he meets the Eloi and the Morlocks,
and makes friends with a girl called
W friend. O ne evening, as
we w alked through a beautiful
machines and smell meat. Then
the Morlocks saw me and started
Weena. garden w ith flowers and trees, we chasing me. I was scared. I ran back
saw a strange-looking creature down the passage and climbed up
like an ape w ith red eyes. It ran into the garden. ,
across the grass and disappeared “W hy are they chasing m e?” I
dow n a well. asked Weena.
“That was a M orlock’” said Weena. “They h u n t the Eloi,” she said.
“They live underground.” “It’s dangerous here!”
I knew then that this future world We found somewhere to hide. Then
was not as good as I thought. I she told me more. A long time ago,
decided to follow the M orlock the Eloi were powerful. They made
and clim bed dow n the small, dark the Morlocks live underground.
Listening & Reading well. I lit a m atch and saw three The Morlocks worked and served
M orlocks running away dow n a the Eloi. In their dark home,
Who was H G wells? what type passage. They were afraid of the the Morlocks began to hate the
of stories did he write? Read the light. The passage led into a big daylight and the Eloi. Soon, they
biography to find out.
felt it was time to take power and
make the Eloi afraid of them ...
Look at the picture in the text.
Who is in it? Where are they?
Listen and read to find out.

Read the extract and for

questions 1-3 choose the correct
answer (A, B or C).

- T he T im e T raveller rea lise d th a t th e

fu tu re w o rld

A w a s b e tte r th a n th e p ast one.

B had s o m e problem s.
Check these words
C w a s to o stran g e to live in.
I w h a t are th e M o rlo c k s s c a re d o f? l a ape,
p disappear, well, underground, passage,
powerful, daylight
A th e T im e T raveller

B th e n o isy m a c h in e s
Speaking & writing
C th e bright light
I W h y did th e M o rlo c k s begin to live
t h i n k ^ o o y 0 U fe e | S o rry f0r the Morlocks? why (not)?
u n d erg ro u n d ?

A T he Eloi s e n t th e m there.

B T h e y w a n te d to g e t m o re pow er.
Ej ICT Find another story by H. G. wells. Present itto the class.
C T h e y d id n 't like th e daylight.
Say who the main characters are, where and when the story
takes place and what happens in the story.
word List

Unit 1 - Hi! waitress /weitras/ (n) English-speaking moustache /ma'sta:J/ (n)

w ell /wel/ (adv) /ujgliJ ,spi:kir)/ (adj) mouth /mau0/ (n)
1a euro /juaro/ (n) naughty /no:ti/ (adj)
amazing /a'm eizii]/ (adj) flag /flaeg/ (n) nephew /nefju :/ (n)
American /a'm erikan/ (adj) 1C green /gri:n/ (adj) normal /n o rn al/ (adj)
Argentina /,a:d 3 an'ti:na/ (n) ability /a'bilati/ (n) grey /grei/ (adj) nose /nauz/ (n)
Argentinian /aidsan'tinisn/ (adj) A rt /a:t/ (n) native speaker /neitiv octopus /Dktapas/ (n)
become /bi'kAm / (v) Biology /bai'olsdsi/ (n) 'spi:ka/ (n) old /auld/ (adj)
Brazil /bra'zil/ (n) Chemistry /k e m is tri/ (n) nearly /mali/ (adv) parent /pearant/ (n)
Brazilian /bra'zilian/ (adj) Com puter Science /kam,pju:ta official language /a,fijal plump /pUmp/ (adj)
Canada /kaenada/ (n) 'saians/ (n) 'tei]gwid 3 / (n) serious /siarias/ (adj)
Canadian /ka'neidian/ (adj) create /kri'e it/ (v) orange /orind3/ (adj) short /Jo:t/ (adj)
cardinal num ber/,ka:dinal Drama /d r a m s / (n) pink /piqk/ (adj) sister /sista/ (n)
'nAmba/ (n) English Language /iq g lij population /popja'leijan/ (n) slim /slim / (adj)
crazy about /'k reizi abaut/ (adj) tei]gw id 3/ (n) pound /paund/ (n) son /sAn/ (n)
design /d i zain / (v) Geography /d 3 i'ografi/ (n) purple /p3:pal/ (adj) spider /sp aida/ (n)
draw /dro,:/ (v) greeting /gri.-tii]/ (n) red /red/ (adj) straight /streit/ (adj)
good at /gud at/ (adj) History /histari/ (n) same /seim/ (adj) tall /toil/ (adj)
Greece /gri:s/(n) How are you? (phr) w h ite /wait/ (adj) tango /taeqgau/ (n)
Greek /g ri:k / (adj) How old are you? (phr) yellow /jelau/ (adj) uncle /Arjkal/ (n)
interested in /intrastid 'in/ (adj) How's everything? (phr) w ell-built /,w el bilt/ (adj)
Japan /dss'pasn/ (n) I'm OK. (phr) yo u n g /jAi]/ (adj)
Japanese /d 3 aepa‘ni:z/ (adj) intonation /in ta 'n e ija n / (n)
mad about /masd abaut/ (adj)
Unit 2 - Families
introduction /intra'dAkJan/ (n)
Mexican /m ek sik an / (adj) join /d 3 oin/ (v) 2a 2b
Mexico /m ek sik au / (n) link /liq k / (v) appearance /a'piarans/ (n) a bit /a ’bit/ (adv)
nationality /naeja'naslati/ (n) Literature /litretJV (n) aunt /a:nt/ (n) artist /a:tist/ (n)
outfit /a u tfit/ (n) Maths /mas0s/ (n) bald /bo:ld/ (adj) beach /bi:tJ7 (n)
snapshot /snaspjDt/ (n) Music /mjuizik/ (n) billionaire /bilja'nea/ (n) beard /biad/ (n)
social media profile /saufal Nice to m eet you! (phr) brother /brA5 a / (n) blonde /bbnd/ (adj)
'miidia ,praufail/ (n) Not bad. (phr) cheek /tji:k/ (n) brush /brAj/ (n)
Spain /spein/ (n) opposing /a'pauziq/ (adj) chin /tjin/(n) cool /ku:l/ (adj)
Spanish /s p a s m j/ (adj) personal /p3:sanal/ (adj) cousin /kA zan/ (n) create /kri'eit/ (v)
the USA /5a ju : es 'ei/ (n) Physics /fiz ik s / (n) cry /krai/ (v) deer /dia/ (n)
Turkey /t3 :k i/ (n) Pleased to m eet you! (phr) curly /k3ili/ (adj) different /difarant/ (adj)
Turkish /t3 :k if/ (adj) See you! (phr) dark /da:k/ (adj) each other (phr)
sim ilar/s im a la/ (adj) d a u g h ter /do:ta/(n) glasses /gla:siz/(pl n)
so-so /sau sau/ (adv) fair /fea/ (adj) goldfish /gauldfij/ (n)
1b sportsman /sportsman/ (n) fam ily /f e m a li/ (n) hobby /hDbi/ (n)
actor /aekta/ (n) student /stjuidant/ (n) fam ily tree /fasm ali tri :/ (n) knife /naif/(n)
actress /'aiktras/ (n) study /stAdi/ (v) father /fa:Sa/ (n) leaf /li:f/ (n)
architect /a ik ite k t/ (n) too /tu:/ (adv) full /ful/ (adj) match /maetj/ (n)
artist /a:tist/ (n) w eb page /web peid3 / (n) gardening /gaidnii]/ (n) m eet /mi:t/ (v)
astronaut /aestrsnoit/ (n) W hat's your job? (phr) granddad /grasndaed/ (n) ox /oks/ (n)
cook /k u k / (v) W hat's your name? (phr) granddaughter /graen,do:ta/ (n) personality /,p3:sa'naelati/ (n)
dance /darns/ (v) W here are you from? (phr) grandfather /graend.faito/ (n) sheep /Ji:p/ (n)
doctor /d n k ta / (n) grandma /gracnm a:/ (n) smartphone /sm aitfaon / (n)
e-friend /i: frend/ (n) grandm other /grsn,mA0a/ (n) status /steitas/ (n)
engineer /,end 3 i'nra/ (n) Culture 1 grandparent /graen,pearant/ (n) teacher /tiitja/ (n)
fast /fa:st/ (adv) black /blaek/ (adj) husband /hA zband/ (n) university /ju:m 'v3:sati/ (n)
pilot /p a ila t/ (n) blue /blu:/ (adj) imagine /i'maed 3 in / (v) vet /vet/ (n)
play the guitar (phr) brown /braun/ (adj) juggle /d3A gal/ (v) w avy / w e iv i/ (adj)
police officer /ps'liis ,ofisa/ (n) capital /kaspitl/ (n) laugh /laif/ (v)
run /rAn/ (V) coat of arms /k a u t av 'a:mz/ (n) l i p /l i p / (n)
secretary /sekratari/ (n) colour guide /kAla gaid/ (n) long /Idi]/ (adj) 2C
swim /s w im / (v) continent /kon tinan t/ (n) look after / lu k a:fta/ (phr v) actor /ffikta/ (n)
type /ta ip / (v) currency /kAransi/ (n) look like (phr) actress /sktras/ (n)
vet /v e t/ (n) dollar /dola/ (n) middle-aged /.midl eid 3 d/(adj) blog entry / b b g entri/ (n)
w a ite r /w e ita / (n) m other /m A 3a/ (n) brave /breiv/ (adj)

clever / k lev a / (adj) cool /ku :l/ (adj) fireplace / fa ia p le is/ (n) the royal fam ily /Sa ,roial
close /klaus/ (adj) cosy /k a u z i/ (adj) for rent (phr) 'faemali/ (n)
famous /fe im a s/ (adj) cupboard /k A ta d / (n) for sale (phr) visit /v iz it / (v)
fond /fond/ (adj) curtain /k3 :ta n / (n) lamp /lasmp/ (n)
funny /fA ni/ (adj) decoration /d e k a 're ija n / (n) painting /pein tiq/ (n)
half-brother / h a :f brASa/ (n) dining room /d a in ii] ru:m / (n) poster /pausta/ (n) Values A:
half-sister / h a :f sista/ (n) double bed /.dAbl bed/ (n) National pride
hard-working /,ha:d W3:kii]/ downstairs /d au risteaz/ (adv) courage /kA rid 3 / (n)
(adj) environment /irivarranmant/ (n) 3C
different /d ifa ra n t/ (adj)
impolite /.im poiait/ (adj) fridge /frid 3 / (n) address /a'dres/ (n) energy /e n a d 3 i/ (n)
kind /kam d/ (adj) furniture /f3 :n itja / (n) available /a'veilabal/ (adj) flag /flaeg/ (n)
lazy / le iz i/ (adj) garage /gaerid 3 / (n) block of flats /,blDk a v freedom /frk d a m / (n)
Lord /b:d/ (n) ground /graund/ (n) flaets/ (n) harm ony /h o im an i/ (n)
manager /m asm d 3a/ (n) ground floor /graund flo :/ (n) can't w a it (phr) honesty /Dnasti/ (n)
noisy /n o izi/ (adj) hill /h il/ (n) com fortable /kAm ftabal/ (adj) life /la if/ (n)
outgoing /au tgau iq / (adj) Home sw eet home! (phr) cost /kost/ (n) national /naejanal/ (adj)
poet /pauit/ (n) huge /hju:d 3 / (adj) detached /di'taetjt/ (adj) nature /n e itja / (n)
quiet / k w aia t/ (adj) kitchen /k itja n / (n) double /dAbal/ (adj) peace /pi:s/ (n)
role /raul/ (n) large /la:d 3 / (adj) estate agent A 'steit e id 3ant/ (n) pow er /p a u a / (n)
series /siariiz/ (n) living room /liv ii] ruim / (n) feature /fi:tja/ (n) pride /p ra id / (n)
serious /siarias/ (adj) main bedroom /m e in flat ow ner /flaet ,auna/ (n) shape /Jeip/(n)
shy /Jai/ (adj) 'bedrum / (n) heart /hait/ (n) strength /streqG/ (n)
silly /sili/ (adj) m irror /m ira /(n ) inform ation /in fa 'm e ija n / (n) stripe /straip/ (n)
smile /sm ail/ (n) outside /aut'said/ (prep) location /lau 'keijan / (n) symbol /s im b a l/ (n)
What's he like? (phr) pillow /p ila u / (n) rent /rent/ (v) value /vaelju:/ (n)
wife /w aif/ (n) pretty /p riti/ (adj) sem i-detached / se m i wisdom /w iz d a m / (n)
writer /raita/ (n) roof /ru:f/ (n) di'taetjt/ (adj)
rug M g/ (n) terraced /terast/ (adj)
save /s e iv / (v) value /va elju :/ (n) Public Speaking
Culture 2 single bed /siqgl 'bed/ (n) Skills
Kjsinessman /biznasm aen/ (n) sink /siqk/ (n)
Culture 3 celebration /sela'b reijan / (n)
py your side (phr) sofa /sa u fa / (n)
farm er /fcrnna/ (n)
slebrity / saleb rati/ (n) spacious /sp e ifa s/ (adj) age /eid 3/ (n)
hum our /h ju :m a / (n)
ompany /kA m pani/ (n) stairs /steaz/ (pi n) am azing /a'm eizii]/ (adj)
meaning /m i:m i]/(n)
■ coach / e k s k a u tj/ (n) study room /stAdi ru:m / (n) building /bildii]/ (n)
point /p oint/ (n)
shion /faejan/ (n) to ilet /toilat/ (n) centre /sente/ (n)
proud of /p ra u d a v / (adj)
•rd-working/,ha:d 'w3:kiq/ to w el /ta u a l/ (n) county /kau nti/ (n)
public /p A b lik / (adj)
(adj) underground /Andagraund/ garden /ga:dan/ (n)
riddle /r id l/ (n)
oud /praud/ (adj) (adv) gatehouse / g e ith a u s/ (n)
soldier /sauld 3 a / (n)
ding /sib liq/ (n) unique /ju:'ni:k/ (adj) head of state /h e d a v steit/ (n)
special /s p e ja l/ (adj)
ented /taslantid/ (adj) upstairs /.Ap'steaz/ (adv) high /hai/ (adj)
student /stju:dant/ (n)
inis player / te m s p le ia / (n) view /vju :/ (n) impressive /im 'presiv/ (adj)
trader /tre id a / (n)
fter /raita/ (n) wall /w d :1/ (n) inside /in'said/ (prep)
w o rk e r/w 3 :k a / (n)
w ardrobe /w oidraub/ (n) king /kiq/ (n)
w arm /w o rn / (adj) middle /m idi/ (n)
washbasin /w o j.b e is an / (n) monarch /m on ak/ (n)
unit 3 - monarchy /m on aki/ (n) u n it 4 - Busy days
wonderful /w A n d a fa l/ (adj)
>me sweet home! w ooden /w u d n / (adj) office /nfis/ (n)
official /a'fijal/ (adj)
(a) quarter past (phr)
open /aupan/ (adj)
iiance /a'plaians/ (n) (a) quarter to (phr)
3b painting /peintii]/ (n)
chair /cnm tfea/ (n) animal shelter /asm mal
’aetik/ (n) advert /aedv3:t/ (n) palace /paelas/ (n)
'Jelta/ (n)
ba:0/ (n) basem ent /beism ant/ (n) powerful /p au afal/ (adj)
care for /k e a fa / (phr v)
ide cabinet /.bedsaid bookcase /b u k k e is / (n) queen /kwi:n/ (n)
catch the bus to college (phr)
contact /kDntaekt/ (v) royal /roial/ (adj)
aebinat/ (n) chat w ith friends online (phr)
cushion /k u ja n / (n) Royal Court /roia l ko:t/ (n)
case / b u k k eis/ (n) countryside /kA ntrisaid/ (n)
house / k e iv haus/ (n) design /di'zain/ (v) size /saiz/ (n)
daily routine /d e ili ru:'ti:n/(n)
staff /staif/ (n)
ley / tjim n i/ (n) do hom ew ork (phr)
th e front /5a frA nt/ (n)
>r /kuka/ (n) finish college (phr)
word List

get dressed (phr) go snorkelling (phr) mam mal /m aem ol/ (n) interested in /intrestid in / (adj)
go back hom e (phr) go to the cinema (phr) mane /m e in / (n) quite /k w a it/ (adv)
go jogging (phr) library /la ib re ri/ (n) monkey /niA i]ki/ (n) retired /ri'tarad/ (adj)
go to bed (phr) listen to music (phr) neck /n e k / (n) rooster /ru isto / (n)
half past (phr) make arrangem ents (phr) offer /Dfo/ (v) sheep /Ji:p/ (n)
have a break for lunch (phr) m arket /m a :k it/ (n) paw /po:/ (n) turkey /t3:ki/ (n)
have a show er (phr) m eet /m i:t/ (v) penguin /p e q g w in / (n) volunteer /vobritio/ (v)
have breakfast (phr) museum /m ju i'z b m / (n) protect /pra'tekt/ (v)
have dinner (phr) play /p le i/ (v) reptile /re p ta il/ (n)
in th e afternoon (phr) read /rird/ (v) reserve /ri'z3:v/ (n) Culture 5
in the evening (phr) reason /riizon/ (n) sharp /Ja:p/ (adj) beaver /bi:v o / (n)
in the morning (phr) spend /sp e n d / (v) smile /s m a il/ (n) bill /b il/ (n)
midday /,mid'dei/ (n) visit /v iz it/ (v) snake /sn e ik/ (n) cute /kju:t/ (adj)
o'clock /9 'klok/ (adv) watch a film (phr) stripe /straip/ (n) eucalyptus /ju:k3'l rptos/ (n)
satisfied /saetisfaid/ (adj) tail /te il/ (n) fluffy /flA fi/ (adj)
skype /skaip/ (v) thick /6 ik / (adj) ground /g ra u n d / (n)
tell the tim e (phr) Culture 4 tiger /taiga/ (n) * home to /ho um to/ (n)
tiring /tarariq/ (adj) annual /asnjuol/ (adj) trunk /trArjk/ (n) hop /h o p / (v)
visitor /Vizite/ (n) baseball /b e isb o il/ (n) unusual /An'ju:3uol/ (adj) male /m e il/ (adj)
w ake up /,w eik '\ p / (phr v) com petition /k n m p o 'tijo n / (n) w arm /w o:m / (adj) otter /Dto/ (n)
w alk /woik/ (n) cricket /k rik it/ (n) weigh /w e i/ (v) spoon /spu:n/ (n)
w ork part-tim e (phr) curling /k3:lii]/ (n) w elcom e /w e lk o m / (v) strange /strein d 3/ (adj)
enjoy /in'd 30 i/ (v) w hisker /wisko/(n) unique /ju:'ni:k/ (adj)
ice hockey /a is ,hoki/ (n) w ild /w aild / (adj)
4b lacrosse /b 'k ro s / (n) w ing /w iq/ (n)
closed / k b u z d / (adj) mad /m aed/ (adj) zebra /z e b ra / (n)
cook /kuk/ (v) official /o'fijol/ (adj)
unit 6 -
cow /kau/ (n) rugby /rA gbi/ (n) Come rain or shine
do the washing-up (phr) skiing /sk i:iq / (n) 5b 6a
eat out /,i:t 'aut/(phrv) snowboarding /snoub o id iq / (n) acre /e ik o / (n) ancient / em jo n t/ (adj)
farm house /faim h au s/ (n) surfing / S 3 l f l l ] / (n) carry /kaeri/ (v) blow /b b u / (v)
feed /fiid/ (v) take part (phr) continent /kon tinsn t/ (n) cloudy /k la u d i/ (adj)
field /fi:ld/ (n) entrance fee /entrans fi :/ (n) come rain or shine (idm)
football practice /futbo:! explore /ik'splo:/ (v) dry /drai/ (adj)
.praektis/ (n)
Unit 5 - feed /fi:d/ (v) fog /fog/ (n)
frequency /friik w on si/ (n) grant a request (phr)
go jogging (phr)
Birds of a Feather hide /h a id / (v)
foggy /fo g i/ (adj)
freezing cold /fri:zii] 'kould/ (adj)
go out /,gsu 'aut / (phr v) 5a pick up /,pik 'Ap/ (phr v) golden /gouldon/ (adj)
go shopping (phr) beak /bi:k/ (n) pouch /p a u tj/ (n) greetings /g riitiq z / (pi n)
hospital /hospital/ (n) bear /beg/ (n) preserve /pri'z3:v/ (n) in fact (phr)
local / b u k o l/ (adj) claw /klo:/ (n) species /spi:Ji:z/ (n) rainy /rein i/ (adj)
m ilk /m ilk/ (v) coast /koust/ (n) stripe /straip/ (n) sail /s e il/ (v)
playing field / p le n q fi:ld/ (n) crocodile /k rok o d ail/ (n) tank /taeqk/ (n) sand /saend/ (n)
refectory /ri'fektori/ (n) dolphin /d D lfin / (n) tongue /tAq/ (n) sightsee /saitsi:/ (v)
relax /ri'laeks/ (v) eagle /i:gol/ (n) zookeeper /zu:ki:po/ (n) snow /snou/ (v)
the open air /5i ,oupon eo/ (n) easily /iizoli/ (adv) snowy /snoui/ (adj)
though /Sso/ (adv) elephant /elifon t/ (n) strange /streind 3 / (adj)
feather /fe0o/ (n) sunny /sA ni/ (adj)
feed on /fi:d Dn/ (v) application form /aeph'keijon
4C tem ple /tem pol/ (n)
fin /fin/ (n) ,fo:m/ (n)
w arm /wo:m/ (adj)
art gallery /a:t .gaebri/ (n) cow /k a u / (n)
flam ingo /fb 'm iq g a u / (n) w aterproof jacket /.woitopruif
cycle /saik ol/ (v) donkey /dD qki/ (n)
friendly /fren d li/ (adj) 'd3 aekit/ (n)
do yoga (phr) duck /dA k/ (n)
fur /f3:/ (n) w indy /w in d i/ (adj)
free /fri:/ (adj) farm animal /fa :m .aemmol/ (n)
giraffe /d39'ra:f/ (n)
free-tim e activity /.fri: taim goat /gout/ (n)
ice /ais/ (n)
ask'tivoti/ (n)
intelligent /in'telid33nt/ (adj) goose /gu:s/ (n)
fresh /frej/ (adj) kayak tour /kaiaek tuo/ (n) hen /h en / (n)
go dancing (phr) horse /ho:s/ (n)
lay eggs (phr)
go on a picnic (phr)
lion /laion/ (n)
6b Values B: lifespan /la ifs p a n / (n) pear /pea/ (n)
ASAP (as soon as possible) Environmentalism pollution /pa'luijan/ (n) pepper /pepa/ (n)
(abbr) th reat /0ret/ (n) pineapple /painaspal/ (n)
animal shelter /anim al
barbecue /baibikju:/ (n) plate /pleit/ (n)
'Jelta/ (n)
delicious /di'lijss/ (adj) careful of /keafl av/ (adj) poultry /paultri/ (n)
gap year /gap jia/ (n) pow der /pauda/ (n)
carefully /keafali/ (adv) Unit 7 -
historic /hi'storik/ (adj) prawn /proin/ (n)
jog Afeog/ (v)
ch an g e /tjeind3 /(v) Taste the world refreshing /ri'frejii]/ (adj)
choke on /tjauk Dn/ (v)
m onum ent /monjumant/ (n) 7a rice /rais/ (n)
driver /draiva/ (n)
pick sb up /,pik 'лр/ (phr v) apple pie /a p a l pai/ (n) salad /salad/ (n)
entertain /enta'tein/ (v)
robotics /raubotiks/ (n) beef /biif/ (n) salt /soilt/ (n)
sunbathe /sAnbeiS/ (v) biscuit /biskit/ (n) salty /soilti/ (adj)
/in,vairan'mentalizam/ (n)
far aw ay (phr) bowl /bau l/ (n) sauce /sd is / (n)
find out /faind 'aut/ (phr) bread /bred/ (n) seafood /siifuid/ (n)
6C seasoning /siizami]/ (n)
grow /grau/ (v) breakfast /brekfast/ (n)
belt /belt/ (n) hedgehog /hed3 hog/ (n) butter /bA ta/ (n) specialty /spejalti/ (n)
blouse /blauz/ (n) hit /h it/ (v) cabbage /kasbid3 / (n) spring roll/spriq raul/(n)
boot /bu:t/ (n) in danger /in 'deind3a/ (prep phr) cereal /siarial/ (n) straw berry /stroibari/ (n)
cap /кар/ (n) inform /in'foim/ (v) cheese /tjiiz/ (n) sugar /Juga/(n)
coat /kaut/ (n) c h erry /tjeri/(n) sw eet /swiit/ (n)
insect /insekt/ (n)
crowded /kraudid/ (adj) interesting /intrastii]/ (adj) chicken /tjikin/ (n) tablespoon /teibalspuin/ (n)
dress /dres/ (n) lid /lid/ (n) chocolate cake /tjbklat keik/ (n) tablew are /teibalwea/ (n)
glove /gkv/ (n) look for /luk fa/ (phr v) choice /tjois/ (n) taste /teist/ (v)
guide /gaid/ (n) chopstics /tjD pstiks/ (pi n) teaspoon /tiispuin/ (n)
mosquito /ma'skiitau/ (n)
hat /haet/ (n) need /ni:d/ (v) coconut /kaukanA t/ (n) thirsty /03isti/ (adj)
nigh-heeled /,hai hi:ld/ (adj) crab /krab/ (n) tip /tip/ (n)
neighbourhood /neibahud/ (n)
island /ailand/ (n) cuisine /kwi'ziin/ (n) try /trai/ (v)
persuade /pa'sweid/ (v)
tern /aitam/ (n) planet /plamt/ (n) culture /kAltJa/ (n) vegetable /ved3 tabal/ (n)
acket /d3 akit/ (n) plant /plaint/ (n) cutlery /kA tlari/ (n) w eight /weit/ (n)
eans Afeimz/ (pi n) plant /plaint/ (v) dairy /deari/ (n)
■nedium /miidiam/ (adj) poisoned /poizand/ (pp) dessert /di'z3it/ (n)
:ostcode /paustkaud/ (n) 7b
protect /pra'tekt/ (v) dip /dip/ (v)
-efund /rufAnd/ (n) drink /drii]k/(n) bag /bag/ (n)
provide /pra'vaid/ (v)
sandal /sandl/ (n) fish /fijy (n) bottle /b D tl/ (n)
report /ri'poit/ (v)
scarf /skaif/ (n) rubbish /rAbiJV (n) food /fuid/ (n) burger /b 3 ig a / (n)
seaside /siisaid/ (adj) fork /foik/ (n) carton /kaitn/ (n)
rubbish bin /rAbiJ b in / (n)
serve /s3:v/ (v) fruit /fruit/ (n) countable /kauntabal/ (adj)
run a program m e (phr)
snirt /J3:t/ (n) garlic /gailik/ (n) cucumber /kjuikA m ba/ (n)
shady /Jeidi/ (adj)
tfiorts /Jbits/ (pi n) cup /kA p/ (n)
start /stait/ (v) grain /grein/ (n)
sze /saiz/ (n) grape /greip/ (n) eggplant /egplamt/ (n)
stray /strei/ (n)
sort /sk3:t/ (n) hungry /hA qgri/ (adj) flour /flaua/ (n)
watch out /w D tf 'aut/ (phr v)
arck /sDk/ (n) ice cream /,ais 'kriim/ (n) glass /glais/ (n)
s j t /suit/ (n) honey /hA ni / (n)
ingredient /in'griidiant/ (n)
"--shirt /ti: J3:t/(n) Public Speaking jam /d3 am/ (n)
insulting /in'SAltll]/ (n)
be tai/(n) Skills kilo /kiilau/ (n)
ketchup /ketjap/ (n)
i /tait/ (adj) knife /naif/ (n) loaf /lauf/ (n)
bright /b ra it/ (adv)
>/taits/ (pi n) olive oil /,d1iv 'oil/ (n)
burn /b3in/ (v) lamb /laem/ (n)
гор/ (n) lettuce /letis/ (n) packet /pakit/ (n)
cut down /.kAt 'daun/ (phr v)
; lers /treinaz/ (pi n) light /lait/ (adj)
peach /p iitj/ (n)
description /di'skripjan/ (n)
srs /trauzaz/ (pi n) meal /mill/ (n) piece /piis/ (n)
destroy /di'stroi/ (v)
m eat /m iit/ (n) pot /pDt/ (n)
disappear /disa'pia/ (v)
m ilk /milk/(n) rainbow /reinbau/ (n)
Mure 6 endangered /in'deind3 ad/ (adj)
mustard /niAstad/(n) sleepover /sliipauva/ (n)
forest /forist/ (n)
:/dezat/ (n) slice /slais/ (n)
grow /grau/ (v) noodles /nuidlz/ (pi n)
гМ злтра/(п) smoothie /sm uiS i/ (n)
habit /habit/ (n) onion /A njan/ (n)
раек/ (v) uncountable /An'kauntabal/ (adj)
hunt /hAnt/ (v) orange juice /orand3 d3 Uis/ (n)
.jsction /pra'tekjan/ (n) yo g h u rt/jo g at/(n )
hunter /hA nta/ (n) pancake /paenkeik/ (n)
pasta /pasta/ (n)

word List

7C squeeze /skwi:z/ (v) 8c islander /ailondo/(n)

to w el /tauol/ (n) aquarium /o'kweoriom/ (n) reach /riitj/ (v)
bake /beik/ (v)
traditional /tro'dijonol/ (adj) art gallery /a:t ,gaelori/ (n) running w a te r /rAnii]
baked potato /.beikt
buy souvenirs (phr) 'wo:to/ (n)
po'teitou/ (n)
fancy /faensi/ (v) seem /si:m/ (v)
boil /boil/ (v)
stone cottage /stoun ,kDtid3/ (n)
book /bok/ (v) Unit 8 - feel like doing sth (phr)
bottled /bmld/ (adj) gift shop /gift J d p/ (n)
New places,
certainly /s3itnli/ (adv) go for a w alk (phr)
new faces 9b
choose /tju:z/ (v) go on rides (phr)
historic /hi'storik/ (adj) afford /o'fo:d/ (v)
coconut /ksokonAt/ (n) 8a
hotspot /hotspot/ (n) ancient /einjont/ (adj)
cost /kDSt/ (v) along /o'Idi]/ (adv)
m arket /mcnkit/ (n) board gam e /bo:d geim/ (n)
dessert /di'z3:t/ (n) boring /b o :n i]/ (adj)
museum /mjui'ziom/ (n) brick /brik/ (n)
dish /dij/ (n) bright /b ra it/ (adj)
park /pa:k/ (n) carpet /ka:pit/ (n)
forget /fo'get/ (v) cheap /tfiip/ (adj) century /sentjori/ (n)
fried /fraid/ (adj) clean /kli:n/ (adj) pay a visit (phr)
restaurant /restoront/ (n) civilisation /sivolai'zeijon/ (n)
fry /frai/ (v) crowded /k ra u d id / (adj) controlled /ken'trould/ (adj)
garlic bread /gadik bred/ (n) sandy /sasndi/ (adj)
delicious /di'lijos/ (adj) corn /ko:n/ (n)
grill /gnl/ (v) see paintings (phr)
dirty /d 3 :ti/ (adj) count /kaunt/ (v)
grilled /grild/ (adj) exciting /ik'saitii]/ (adj) see statues (phr)
sports stadium /spo:ts explorer /ik'sploiro/ (n)
helpful /helpfal/ (adj) expensive /ik 'spen siv / (adj) feast /fi:st/ (n)
hom em ade /houm'meid/ (adj) fascinating /faesineitii]/ (adj) .steidiom/ (n)
flat-screen / f l a t skri:n/ (adj)
location /lou'keijon/ (n) fashionable /fasjonobol/ (adj) th eatre /Gioto/ (n) %
th em e park /0i:m paik/ (n) horrible /hDrobol/ (adj)
main course /mein 'ko:s/ (n) footprint /fu tp rin t/ (n)
traditional /tro'dijonol/ (adj) hunting /hA ntiq/ (n)
miss /mis/ (v) handprint /haendprint/ (n) narrow /nasrou/ (adj)
occasion /a'keijjsn/ (n) home to /houm to/ (n) trendy /trendi/ (adj)
try local dishes (phr) poor /poi/ (adj)
order /o:do/ (n) interesting /in tro stiq / (adj)
w atch a football match (phr) porridge /p o n d s / (n)
order /o:do/ (v) mem orable /m em o ro bo l/ (adj)
w atch a perform ance (phr) powered /pau od/ (adj)
recomm endation modern /m D dn/ (adj)
w ebsite /websait/ (n) public bath / p A b lik 'ba:0/(n)
/rekomen'deijon/ (n) nightlife /n a itla if/ (n) quinoa /k i:n w a :/ (n)
roast /roust/ (adj) noisy /n o iz i/ (adj) rich /r it j/ (adj)
roast /roust/ (v) old /ould/ (adj)
service /s3:vis/ (n)
Culture 8 slave /sleiv/ (n)
outdoor /a u td o :/ (adj) steering w heel /stiorii] wi:l/ (n)
side dish /said dij/ (n) boat cruise /bout kru:z/ (n)
place /p le is/ (n) transportation
sparkling /spa;klii]/ (adj) fjord /fiio:d / (n)
polluted /po'luitid/ (pp) /traenspoi'teijon/ (n)
spicy /spaisi/ (adj) kayaking /kaiaskiq/ (n)
quiet /k w a io t/ (adj) underground /Ando'graund/ (adj)
starter /sta:to/ (n) mountain biking /m aun tin
ride /ra id / (n) w heel /wi:l/ (n)
steak /steik/ (n) .baikii]/ (n)
sight /s a it/ (n) wooden /wudn/ (adj)
still /stil/ (adj) must-see /mASt si:/ (n)
stall /stoil/ (n)
superb /su:'p3:b/ (adj) trekking /tre k iq / (n)
star /sta:/ (n)
tasty /teisti/ (adj) volcano /vDl'keinou/ (n)
suit everyone's w a llet (phr) 9C
w aterfall /w ortofoil/ (n)
tasty /te is ti/ (adj) bank /baeqk/ (n)
w elcom e /w e lk o m / (v)
trendy /tre n d i/ (adj) bridge I b n & il (n)
Culture 7
unforgettable /Anfo'getobol/ (adj) bus station /bAs ,steiJon/(n)
add /aed/ (v)
cafe /kaefei/ (n)
baking pow der /beikiq Unit 9 - cinema /sinomo/ (n)
,pauda/ (n) 8b
beat /bi:t/ (v)
Times change departm ent store /di'pa:tmont
com fortable /kA m ftobol/ (adj) sto:/ (n)
cut /kAt/ (v) destination /desti'n eijo n / (n) 9a
destination /desti'neijon/ (n)
frying pan /frani] paen/ (n) dry /d ra i/ (adj) airport /eopoit/ (n) direction /do'rekjon/ (n)
grate /greit/ (v) foreign /fD ron/ (adj) coast /koust/ (n) fire station /faio steijon/ (n)
instructions /in'strAkJonz/ noisy /n o iz i/ (adj) donkey /drnjki/ (n) head /hed/ (v)
(pi n) peaceful /p iisfo l/ (adj) electricity /i.lek'trisoti/ (n) hospital /hDspitol/ (n)
mix /miks/ (v) popular with /pD pjulo wiS/ (adj) feature /fi:tJo/ (n) hotel /hou'tel/ (n)
peel /piil/ (v) quiet /k w a io t/ (adj) ferry boat /feri bout/ (n) international /into'nagjonol/ (adj)
pot /pDt/ (n) safe /s e if/ (adj) fishing boat /fijir) bout/ (n) museum /mjui'ziom/ (n)
recipe /resipi/ (n) get around /get o'raund/ (phr v) park /pa:k/ (n)
repeat /ri'piit/ (v) guest house /'gest haus/ (n) petrol station /petrol ,steiJon/ (n)
season /si:zon/ (v)
police station /pa'liis .steijan/ (n) knowledge /nDlid3/ (n) army /aim i/ (n) Culture 10
port /po:t/ (n) landmark /lasndm aik/ (n) bury /beri/ (v) care for sb /k e a fa/ (phr v)
post office /p au st ,ofis/ (n) object /Dbd3ikt/ (n) die /dai/ (v) childhood /tjaild hu d/(n )
restaurant /restaront/ (n) origin /orid3in/ (n) discover /dis'kAva/ (v) common /kom an/ (adj)
school /sku:l/ (n) past /pa:st/ (adj) fight /fait/ (v) definitely /d e fin atli/ (adv)
straight /streit/ (adv) proud of / p ra u d av/ (adj) join /d3oin/ (v) fame /feim / (n)
supermarket /su:pam a:kit/ (n) purpose /p 3 :pas/ (n) lend /lend/ (v) forever /fai'eva/ (adv)
train station /trein .steijan / (n) root /ru:t/ (n) medicine /m edsan / (n) inspire /in'spaia/(v)
warehouse / w e a h a u s/ (n) start /start/ (n) Nobel Prize /nau.bel praiz/ (n) join Afeain/ (v)
symbol /sim b al/ (n) penicillin /pen a'silin / (n) leather /leS a/ (n)
tomb /tu:m/ (n) post /paust/ (v) peaceful /piisfal/ (adj)
Culture 9 university /ju:ni'v 3 :sati/ (n) professor /pra'fesa/ (n) true /tru:/ (adj)
butcher /butj'a/ (n) wide /w aid/ (adj) raise /reiz/ (v)
chicken / tjik in / (n) wonder /wAnda/ (n) receive /n'siiv/ (v)
describe /di'skraib/ (v) scientist /saian tist/ (n)
for sale /fa 'seil/ (prep phr) social media profile /saujal unit 11 -
honour /Dna/ (v)
Unit 10 - 'm i:dia .praufail/(n) Time will teli
poultry /paultri/ (pi n) unfortunately
Their stories live on 11a
row /rau/ (n) /An'foitjanatli/ (adv)
royal /roial/ (adj) cause /ko:z/ (v)
10a update /Apdeit/ (v)
strange /streind3/ (adj) £harity /tjaerati/ (n)
actor /aekta/ (n) disappear /.disa'pia/ (v)
amazing /a'm eiziq/ (adj) 10c electric car / i,lek tn k ka:/ (n)
Values C: Respect career /ka'ria/ (n) end up /en d ’Ap/ (phr v)
attract sb's attention (phr)
cartoon /kai'tuin/ (n) environmental club
beach /bi:tj/ (n) bark /ba:k/ (v)
come up with /,kAin 'Ap wi5/ /in.vairan.mentl 'kkb/ (n)
common /kom an / (adj) confused /kan'fjuizd/ (adj)
(phr v)
cost /kost/ (v) cry /krai/ (n) miserable /mizarabal/ (adj)
company /kAmpani/ (n) packaging /paekid3ir)/ (n)
cover /kAva/ (v) dive into / d a iv inta/(v)
crash /kraej/ (v) plant /plaint/ (v)
culture / k A ltJ V (n) engine /end3in/ (n)
decide /di'said/ (v) pollution /paluijan/ (n)
dress code / d re s kaud/ (n) entrance /entrans/ (n)
engineer /,end3i'nia/ (n) rainforest /reinforist/ (n)
endangered species excited /ik'saitid/ (adj)
equation /i'kw ei3an/ (n) recycle /rii'saikal/ (v)
/m,demd33d 'spi:Ji:z/ (n) flame /fleim /(n)
film director / film da,rekta/(n) rubbish /rAbijy (n)
enter /enta/ (v) frightened /fraitn d / (adj)
fire /faia/ (v) save /seiv/ (v)
hiking trail / h a ik iq ,treil/(n) grab /graeb/ (v)
inventor /m 'vente/ (n) smart /smart/ (adj)
insult / (V) guess /ges/ (v)
lawyer /lo:ja/ (n) turn off /,t3:n 'of/ (phr v)
leave /liiv/ (v) happy /haspi/ (adj)
lead to /li:d ta/ (v) wild animal /waild 'aenimal/ (n)
ocal /lau kal/ (adj) headphones /h ed fau n z/ (pi n)
look into /luk inta/ (phr v)
ocals /lau kalz/(pl n) inch /intj/ (n)
luck / k k / (n)
aroduct /prodAkt/ (n) nanny /naeni/ (n)
model /m od i/ (n) 11b
■ssearch /ri's3 :tj/(v) negative / n e g a tiv / (adj)
offer /Dfa/ (v) attend /a'tend/ (v)
■aspect /ri'spekt/ (n) pale /peil/ (adj)
original /a'rid3inal/ (adj) breathe /bri:S/ (v)
"ubbish /rAbiJ/ (n) perseverance /,p3 :si'viarans/ (n)
painter /peinta/(n) department /di'paitmant/ (n)
"Jins /ru:m z/(pl n) positive /pDzativ/ (adj)
physicist / fizisist/ (n) fire brigade / fa ia bri.geid/ (n)
3 k e off / te ik 'Df/ (phr v) proud /praud/ (adj)
politician /pDla'tiJan/ (n) flying car /.flaiir) 'ka:/ (n)
sm ple /tem pal/(n) ranger /reind3a/ (n)
produce /pra'djuis/ (v) oxygen mask /Dksid3an
tip tap/ (n) save /seiv/ (v)
robbery /robari/ (n) m a:sk/ (n)
top top/(adj) scare /skea/ (v)
self-portrait / s e lf 'poitrat/ (n) pill /pil/ (n)
selfie / se lfi/ (n)
teacher /ti:tJa/ (n) presentation /prezan'teijan/ (n)
shocked /Jokt/ (adj)
Public Speaking theory of relativity /Giari a v protect /pra'tekt/ (v)
shore /Jo:/ (n)
je la 'tiv a ti/ (n) race /reis/ (n)
Skills thank /Gaeqk/ (v)
tool /tu:l/ (n) underwater/Ando'woita/ (adj)
:>ock /blDk/ (n) truck /trAk/ (n)
zoologist /zao'Dlad3ist/ (n) vet /vet/ (n)
: :Ttom /bDtam/ (n) upset /Ap'set/ (adj)
win /win/ (V)
: ■«• sation /sivalai'zeijan/ (n) w ave /w e iv/ (v)
: : - m e n t /kDment/ (n) 10b whiz /w iz/ (v)
— '.• s e /ko:s/(n) worried /wArid/ (adj)
abroad /a'broid/ (adv)
zt t m dro:/(n) academic /aeka'dem ik/ (adj)
grau/ (v)
~ zo rta n t /im'poitant/ (adj)
Word List

11C empty /empti/ (adj) Culture 12 public transport /.pAblik

animal sanctuary /aemmal exhibit /ig'zibit/ (n) 'traenspoit/ (n)
adventure /ad'ventJV (n)
,sa3i]ktjirari/ (n) handmade /hasndmeid/ (adj) canoe /ka'nu:/ (v) recycling programme
course fkois/ (n) horrible /hDrabal/ (adj) come true (phr) /ri;'saiklii] ,praugraem/ (n)
hiking /haikiq/ (n) modern /mDdn/ (adj) relaxing /ri'laeksiq/ (adj)
frozen /frauzan/ (adj)
introduce /intra'djuis/ (v) noisy /naizi/ (adj) further /fa :5a/ (adv) save /seiv/ (v)
land /lasnd/ (v) palace /pastas/ (n) imagine /i'masd3 in/ (v) set up /set 'Ap/(phr v)
move house (phr) quiet /kwaiat/ (adj) solar power /saula 'paua/ (n)
nature lover /neitja ,1ava/ (n)
part-time /,pa:t 'taim / (adv) spices /spaisiz/ (pi n) space /speis/ (n)
on offer /on 'ofa/ (prep phr)
term /t3:m/ (n) try /trai/ (v) package holiday /paskid3 waste /weist/ (n)
volunteer /volan'tia/ (v) .hDtadei/ (n) wind power /wind ,paua/ (n)
windsurfing /winds3;fii]/ (n) promise /promis/ (v)
sail /seil/ (v)
couscous /kuskus/ (n) Public Speaking
totem pole /tautam paul/ (n)
Culture 11 cycle /saikal/ (v)
trip /trip/ (n) Skills
application form /aspli'keijan explore /ik'splo:/ (v) audience /oidians/ (n)
,fo:m/ (n) island /aitand/ (n) , capital /kaepitl/ (n)
branch /braintj/ (n) lake /leik/ (n) Values D: celebrate /selabreit/ (v)
cruelty /kruialti/ (n) ocean /aujan/ (n) Environmental connect /ka'nekt/ (v)
fill out /,fil 'aut/ (phr v) awareness digital /did 3 itl/ (adj)
form /fo:m/ (v) e-waste/i: w eist/(n)
12C awareness /a'weanas/ (n)
in common /in 'koman/ (prep phr) educational /edju'keijanal/ (adj)
acceptance /ak'septans/ (n) can /kaen/ (n)
interview /intavju:/ (n) factory /faektari/ (n)
bottom /bDtam/ (n) challenging /tjaelind 3iq/ (adj)
prevention /pri'venjan/ (n) follow /fülau/ (v)
desert /dezat/ (n) clean energy /,kli:n enad3 i/ (n)
rescue /reskju:/ (v) mode /modi/ (n)
dolphin /dDlfin/ (n) cool /ku:l/ (adj)
training course /treimi] ko:s/ (n) nature reserve /neitja n,z3:v/(n)
go canoeing (phr) cycle lane /saikal lein/ (n)
volunteer/vDlan'tra/ (n) network /netw3:k/ (n)
go ice skating (phr) electronics /.elik'troniks/ (n)
nickname /nikneim/ (n)
go on a helicopter tour (phr) encourage /in'kArid3/ (v)
provide /pra'vaid/ (v)
go snorkelling (phr) environmental
rare /res/ (adj)
Unit 1 2 - medieval /.medi'iival/ (adj) /in,vairan'mentl/ (adj)
recycling bin /ri:'saiklii] bin/ (n)
Take a break post /paust/ (n) lung /Iai]/ (n)
sandboarding /sasndboidiq/ (n) nowadays /nauadeiz/ (adv)
12a on foot /on Tut/ (prep phr)
/repn'zentativ/ (n)
statue /staetju:/ (n)
ancient temple /einjant transport /transpo:t/ (n)
suggestion /sa'd3estjan/ (n) pedestrian-only street
'tempal/ (n) /pa'destrian aunli ,stri:t/ (n)
swim /swim/ (v)
crowded /kraudid/ (adj) pollution /pa'lu:Jan/ (n)
disgusting /dis'gAstii]/ (adj) public /pAblik/ (adj)
Irregular Verbs

Infinitive Past Infinitive Past

be /bi:/ was /woz/ leave /li:v/ left /left/
bear /bes/ bore /bo:/ lend /lend/ lent /lent/
beat beat /bi:t/ let/let/ let /let/
become /bl'kAm/ became /bi'keim/ lie /lai/ lay /lei/
begin /bi'gin/ began /bigaen/ light /lait/ lit /lit/
bite /bait/ bit /bit/ lose /lu:z/ lost /lost/
blow /blsu/ blew /blu:/
make /meik/ made /meid/
break /breik/ broke /brauk/
mean /mi:n/ meant /ment/
bring /brii]/ brought /bro:t/
meet /mi:t/ met /met/
build /bild/ built /bilt/
burn /b3:n/ burnt (burned) /b3:nt (b3:nd)/ pay /pel/ paid /peid/
burst /b3:st/ burst /b3:st/ put/put/ put /put/
buy /bai/ bought /bo:t/
read /ri:d/ read /red/
can /kaen/ could /kud/ ride /raid/ rode /raud/
catch /kaetj/ caught /ko:t/ ring /no/ rang /raeq^.
Choose /tju:z/ Chose /tjouz/ rise /raiz/ rose /rouz/
come /kAm/ came /keim/ run /rAn/ ran /raen/
COSt /kDSt/ cost /kDSt/
CUt /kAt/ cut /kAt/ say /sei/ said /sed/
see /si:/ saw /S3:/
deal /di:l/ dealt /deit/ sell /sel/ Sold /sauld/
dig /dig/ dug /dAg/ send /send/ sent /sent/
dO /du:/ did /did/ set /set/ set /set/
draw /dro:/ drew /dru:/ sew /sao/ sewed /ssud/
dream /dri;m/ dreamt (dreamed) shake /Jeik/ shook /juk/
/dremt (dri:md)/ Shine /Jain/ shone /Jon/
drink /driqk/ drank /draeqk/ Shoot /Ju:t/ shot /Jm/
drive /draiv/ drove /drauv/ show /jsu/ Showed /Jsud/
shut /jAt/ shut /jAt/
eat /i:t/ ate /eit/
sing /siq/ sang /saeq/
fall /foil/ fell /fel/ sit /sit/ Sat /saet/
feed /fi:d/ fed /fed/ Sleep /sli:p/ Slept /slept/
feel /fi:l/ felt /felt/ smell /smel/ smelt (smelled) /smelt (smeld)/
fight /fait/ fought /fo:t/ speak /spi:k/ spoke /spsuk/
find /faind/ found /faund/ spell /spel/ spelt (spelled) /spelt (speid)/
fly /flai/ flew /flu:/ spend /spend/ Spent /spent/
forbid /fs'bid/ forbade /fs'beid/ Stand /stasnd/ Stood /stud/
forget /fs'get/ forgot /fa'gnt/ Steal /sti:l/ Stole /stsul/
forgive /fa'giv/ forgave /fs'geiv/ Stick /stik/ Stuck /stAk/
freeze /fri:z/ froze /frauz/ sting /stiq/ Stung /stAI]/
swear /swea/ swore /swo:/
get /get/ got /got/
sweep /swi:p/ Swept /swept/
give /giv/ gave /geiv/
SWim /swim/ Swam /swaem/
go /gsu/ Went /went/
grow /grao/ grew /gru:/ take /teik/ took /tuk/
teach /ti:tj/ taught /to:t/
nang /haeq/ hung (hanged) /hAq (haeijd)/
tear /teg/ tore /to:/
"lave /haev/ had /haed/
tell /tel/ told /tauld/
"ear /hra/ heard /h3:d/
think /0n]k/ thought /0o:t/
':d e /haid/ hid /hid/
throw /0rau/ threw /0ru:/
hit /hit/ hit /hit/
"Old /hguld/ held /held/ understand /,And^sta;nd/ understood /.Ands'stud/
"Urt/h3:t/ hurt /h3:t/
wake /weik/ WOke /wsuk/
<eep /ki:p/ kept /kept/ wear /wea/ wore /wo:/
«TOW /nsu/ knew /nju:/ win /win/ won /wAn/
write /rait/ wrote /raut/
a y /lei/ laid /leid/
ead /li:d/ led /led/
earn /l3:n/ learnt (learned) /l3:nt (b:nd)/

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