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The land use planning act, 2007; Is an Act to provide for procedures for the preparation,
administration and enforcement of land use plans; to repeal the National Land use Planning
Commission Act and to provide for related matters. Enacted by Parliament of the United
Republic of Tanzania.
The need of land use planning (section 3)
 Make serviced land available for shelter and human settlements development in general
to all sections of community including women, youth, the elderly, disabled,
disadvantaged and pastoralist.
 Improve the level of the provision of infrastructure and social services for sustainable
human settlements development.
 Facilitate the creation of employment opportunities and eradication of poverty.
 Protect the environment of human settlements and of ecosystems from pollution,
degradation and destruction in order to attain sustainable development.
 Promote and include the participation of the private and popular sectors, Community
Based Organisations, Non-Governmental Organisations, cooperatives and communities
in land use planning.
To make sure that the Village Development plan is developed considering the needs of
land use planning Act eg preserving the environment, joint participatory plan, improve
social and physical infrastructure and as well as improving the living starndards.
Objectives of land use planning (section 4)
 Facilitate efficient and orderly management of land use.
 Empower landholders and users to make better and more productive use of their land.
 Promote sustainable land use practices.
 Ensure security and equity in access to land resources.
 Facilitate the establishment of a framework for the prevention of land use conflicts.
Our project objectives should reflect on the ones found in Land use planning Act in order
to ensure proper land uses in development of a Village.
Planning authorities shall include; (Section 18(1))
 a village council.
 a district council.
 the National Land Use Commission and
 any such body or organ which the Minister may, by order published in the Gazette,
declare to be a planning authority or joint planning authority.
All land use planning authorities shall in respect of each declared planning area or zone, prepare
a land suitability assessment consisting of: (Section 27 (1))
 a description and analysis of the current use and general condition of the land.
 the suitability of the land for the proposed land use plan.
 community needs in that area or zone.
 valuable or sensitive ecosystems, if any, in that area or zone.
 an assessment of the likely impact of the proposed plan on the environment of the
planning area or zone.
To be aware of the authority that is involved in planning process of a Village
Development plan as well as , the procedures to be followed when starting a project of
Village develooment plan to avoid inconvenience during carrying out the project.

Matters to be included in all land use plans (Section 28(1))

 Creation of buffer zones for the protection of natural forests, forest reserves, water
catchments areas, rivers, dams and river banks.
 Determination or designation of land for various uses including cropland, rangeland,
forestland and water sources, fisheries, farming and industrial, factory and workshop
 Promotion or regulation of the scope of any agricultural or pastoral activity on the land
Since our project involves rural areas, there are plenty of Natural resources like Forests,
aerable land and water sources. Our studio project should include the preservation of the
natural resources and improve the any agricultural or pastoral activity .

 Every village land use planning authority shall, within two years of the issuance of a
notice under subsection (1) of section 27 (Section 33 (1))
35. – (1) Village land use plans shall be submitted to Village Assemblies for approval
(2) Any plan submitted to the Village Assembly under subsection (1) may be approved
within ninety days from the date of submission of the plan unless the Assembly refuses such
Section 37. – (1) All plans approved by the Minister or the Village Assemblies under sections 34
and 35 and published under section 36, shall be kept by the relevant planning authority
To be aware on the approval of the project (Village develooment plan) when its complete so as
for it to be implemented.
Under section 33
1. State goals and objectives.
2. Preparations of community action plans for the management of land use.
3. Preliminary activities
a. Establish or ascertain village boundaries
b. Prepare or update village land use and base maps
c. Motivate villagers on land use planning
d. Mobilise and motivate stakeholders in the village
e. Assemble necessary resources
4.Organise meetings with village council.
5.Agree on broad zoning for land uses and community facilities
6.Negotiate tenure rights between individuals and the community
7.Involve stakeholders
8.Draft and finalize village land use plan
9.Present draft land use plan to stakeholders for discussion and approval
10.Establish institutions for evaluation and monitoring
In our Village development plan studio, we are supposed to adhere to these procedures from the
first to the last to be guided on the development of Village plan to avoid any inconveniences.

Issues for consideration in preparing Village land use plans

1. Existing tenure arrangements land uses and development patterns.
2. Proposals for multiple land use systems to accommodate different land use practices.
3. Participation of local communities and villages in managing their resources.
4. Pattern of rural settlements.
5. Population growth, migration, density and distribution, age, sex, structure and household size.
6. Employment and incomes of the population including where people work, trend and problems
encountered in relation to services delivered.
7. Agricultural potential of the rural areas showing various agricultural activities and the
problems facing the local communities.
8. General statements on the terrains, soils and climate.
9. Soil survey (land classes, soil texture, erosion, soil suitability
10. Analysis of social economic data and biophysical data (environment data)
11. Proposed implementation of existing traditional technologies
12. Potential role of wildlife in local community and village development
13. Potential role of forests in local community development
14. Potential role of minerals and water resources
15. Potential role of livestock in local community development
Through these consideration as highlighted in Land use planning Act 2007 in preparing of
Village Development plan we should ensure them since they help use to understand the available
potentials and main issues to be considered in our studio project.

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