Best Left Buried - Spoils of The Gorgon Coast (v1) (2020)

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B.Richmond,B.Brown & Z.

Cox 1
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Spoils of

Gorgon Coast
Published By
SoulMuppet Publishing

Brian Richmond,

Ben Brown, @IllustratorBB

Layout & Design

Arielle Skwirut

Jarrett Crader
Fiona Geist
Zachary Cox

Project By
Zachary Cox

Part One: Regarding this Book
slave‑haunted port, colosseum of atrocities and once vaunted people. By hubris
alone, the Empire of Blackened Horns fell; the impossible accomplished not by
mortal man’s hateful hand but the overreach of decadent nobility brought low by
petulant children wishing to take the Blackened Throne for themselves. Over 300
years, the Gorgon’s Coast regressed into a monster-haunted backwater—spoken of
with venom-laced words by those of fearless Maigne and dour Jerrod.

In the modern age’s waning days, ill-tidings emerge from the empire’s long rotten
corpse: Inheritors—claimants to the Blackened Throne of Ancient Taurochtalia—
seek mercenaries, freeblades, and Cryptdiggers to plunder the ruins of tarnished
antiquity and combat their rivals.

The Cult of Chalices offers indulgences and anointment to those walking this
path of reclamation, for the Empire’s rebirth is nascent. If the shores are choked
with dead and the meadows run fallow with charnel horrors—such is the price of
ambition—even if it leaves them rulers of ruin, inbred butchers upon stolen palatial
thrones, liege lords over the dead and damned.

Such is life on the Gorgon Coast since ancient days where men cowered in cliff-side
caves fearing monsters to Ancient Taurochtalia’s hedonistic heights where such
beasts were bedded in malevolent menageries. For all the land’s natural marvel and
beauty it is afforded only violence and man’s capacity for cruelty.

It should never rise again to engage in monsterful politics, engineer another

conquest turning cousin against cousin—vile nobility perpetuating a cycle of
violence. It is something Best Left Buried,
Buried for the meek will not inherit this world—
but die nameless.

What is this?
Spoils of the Gorgon Coast allows the owner to create their own version of the titular region
as a hex-crawl campaign. There is no true or canonical Gorgon Coast. Your version can be a
monster-infested war zone or a curiously peaceful region of enlightenment. This is a toolbox,
make what you desire.

Regarding the book’s themes...

Spoils of the Gorgon Coast has dark themes regarding man’s cruelty to man, the horrors of war,
hegemonic politics, and cultural desecration in the name of greed or legacy. Such evils are
meant to be portrayed as such.

How do I, the DOOMSAYER
DOOMSAYER,, prepare a campaign?
To use this book you also need a standard array of roleplaying dice (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12,
D20) or access to an online dice roller. You also need paper for drawing on. A hex-grid is
recommended but choose the scale yourself.
With these materials in hand consider the following while preparing the campaign map—
suggestions for campaign use spotlighting the War of Inheritance.
I. Taurochtalia and the Ashen City as presented on pg 6 and pg 9 respectively are intended
to be located at the Gorgon Coast’s center, bordering the sea.
II. Hexes bordering the sea should be Shores or Cliffs. With Cliffs consider using the
secondary Coast randomizers to determine features at their base.
III. Bordering sea-side hexes are Meadows containing Cities and Hamlets.
IV. Given the hostility between City-States place them sparingly. A struggle between at
least three City-States is suggested with at least two Hamlets to occupy and oppress.
V. South, beyond the Meadows, the ground becomes rockier and Valleys are abundant.
VI. Past the Valleys are Mountains—placed immediately or used with Cliffs or Meadows
buffering between the Valley and Mountain hexes.
VII. Ruins derived from a biome specific table or the Ruins section. Place at your leisure.
You do not need to generate all details or even the entire map to start. The material on pg 6 is
sufficient to begin play.

How do I, the DOOMSAYER

DOOMSAYER,, use this in play?
While this book is largely devoted to preparing a campaign, the idea of a contemporary war
on the Gorgon Coast means things can change for the worse in a moment. If encountering
the war consider the following:
I. Entering a recently sacked Hamlet or City-State: roll on The Aftermath and The
Occupation to determine appearances.
II. Entering a non-allied Hamlet or City-State held by an enemy or their own forces: roll
on The Occupation to determine events.
III. In a hex adjacent to a known battlefield: roll on The Aftermath table of signs of recent
calamity for things audible in the distance.
IV. When crossing or studying environments where a battle was “recently” fought: roll on
The Aftermath table, adding notable details.
V. If battle is waged: the surrounding hexes use the Wartime Encounters random event
generator, replacing their usual one—feeling bold? Combine both listings.
VI. When camping: roll on the tables on pg 44 to generate tone or any auspicious dreams.

How do I, a Cryptdigger, use this book?

The general assumption is—regardless of character origins—you were hired with a
mercenary outfit to plunder the Gorgon Coast. Randomizers (Part 4, pg 38) generate the
details of your mercenary company: your uniform, rumors about your leader, and the
general appearance of equipment by rank and unit specialty.
Note: your Doomsayer may wish to determine these randomly on your behalf—consult with
them before using those chapters. It would be awkward playing a cavalry outrider if you’re
predominantly climbing cliffs and blowing up villas.

Part Two: Fallen Taurocthalia

What is this place?

The titular Gorgon Coast is a coastal region The empire fell with Taurocthalia, plebeians
of bitter seas to the north, rival nations to and many a patrician buried in a volcanic
the east and west, and mountains to the catastrophe, their bodies petrified but souls
south. In ancient days it was an imperial compelled to move within ever present
power obsessed with bloodletting monsters smog. In the following centuries the
for dark powers and bedding them when Dogaressa’s Guard did their best to cordon
such abilities were not easily transfused. entrances to the city but Inheritors have
A hedonistic empire seeking dominion long desired to delve it and steal the Palace
over this horrible world if it wasn’t ripped of Blackened Horns—the final act of their
asunder by internal strife and struggle. reconquista ensuring none doubt their rule.
Each subsequent Imperator was a pale Fallen Taurochtalia and the factions
imitation, and by Ancient Taurocthalia’s inhabiting it are described below. This
fall usurpers and weak claimants tarnished chapter provides a starting location
those bloodlines destined for the Blackened alongside a potential set for the campaign’s
Throne. finale, as this new War of Inheritance
eventually arrives to steal the Palace of
Broken Horns within the Ashen City.

Fallen Taurocthalia: City
Carved into the Gorgon Coast’s jagged cliffs is Fallen Taurochtalia: derelict throne of
a former imperial power. Waves crash upon colossal shattered harbor chains while
foreign soldiers disembark from ships, casting grim reflections upon the sea. Freeblades,
mercenaries, sellswords all walk the broken city’s frescoed plazas, scowled at for trespassing
by ancient Imperators’ carved facades.

The Low Market

Walking Fallen Taurochtalia imparts a civilization’s dessicated corpse brought low by hubris
at its apex. The city’s low markets, carved deep into the stone cliffs by slaves in elder days,
are pockmarked with smugglers’ caches and hidden routes to sunken places where dark
things dwell. Beggars and parasite lepers dwell here among the bones of the past.

[D6] Sites in the Low Market

The Old Slave Warrens: carved deep into the cliffs, a labyrinth of cramped cinnabar-tainted
1 tunnels leading to a deadman’s fall into the uncaring sea. Parasite lepers fear this place—though
many dwell within.
The Harbor District: a shanty-town of ramshackle wood and canvas tents encrusted with
2 barnacles and sun-bleached coral crowd the quays. Camp followers ply their trade to new
arrivals while smugglers seek to capitalize on these ill circumstances.
The Plaza Gorgoneia: marked by a serpent-wreathed fresco of fine brickwork, Ancient
3 Taurocthalia’s slave market is a place of ill omen occupied now only by lepers and the odd
Chalice Aspirant.
The Brass Maiden: a towering landmark: a gorgon clawing at her throat in agony, head trapped
4 in a spiked cage. Overlooks a series of markets between Plaza Gorgoneia and Plaza Ammonitae.
The Plaza Ammonitae: ancient market grounds paved primordial cephalopods’ spiral shells.
5 Smugglers trade in back alleys with merchants and quartermasters, who openly sell these
second-hand goods.
The Hydra’s Fountain: set into the rock partitioning the upper city from the low market, a
6 dizzying maze of stone serpents wrapped in combat against a Dog-Man warrior. Water spurts
from the hydra’s throats and the warrior’s wounds.

[D6] Scenes in the Low Market

Smugglers offload cargo from boat or cart arguing with Merchants reneging on their debts.
1 They share a laugh with a Quartermaster while examining the state of their goods.
Mercenaries speak with Camp Followers about the cost of comfort while nearby others argue
2 about the letter of their contract and their fickle Quartermaster’s wheeling-and-dealing.
Beggars and Parasite Lepers shake their alms bowls in the hopes of clemency. The boldest seek
3 to enlist with a mercenary outfit who will take them—any life is better than this. Others chant,
hoping for a boon.
A Quartermaster nurses a cup of rum mulling over contracts, attempting to ignore their
4 Sellswords harassing the poor for information on the Ashen City and its alleged treasures.
Merchants shout their wares, both local goods and comforts from various companies in the
5 grand war host’s homelands. Deserters attempt to offload identifying equipment—the tattooed
have the hardest time.
Protagonists engage in vicious street brawls, boasting and posturing after each blow. Local
6 Children praise their favorites and the Cult of Chalices’ Pilgrims of the Cult of Chalices rue
this sacrilege and wasted blood.

The Upper City
The Upper City, built upon stone terraces further inland, though still vaunted. Vacated by
natives since the Dogaressa’s Rebellion sealed the Palace of the Blackened Horns in baleful
ritual. Mercenary captains, crime lords and wayward conquerors infest the ruined villas and
sacked manor halls, plying Inheritors from neighboring city-states for favors and contracts.

[D6] Sites in the Upper City

The Tower Collegium - embellished with facades and frescos of great men performing
trepanations upon one another, anointing themselves in the blood. Used as an archive.
The Ecclian Colosseum - built during Imperator Ecclian III’s reign, whose desire for carnage
often saw the daily bloodsports’ audience thrown to the monsters fighting in the sand.
The Shrine of the First Chalice - vaunted obelisk with a votive shelf sitting a stone goblet filled
to the brim with dried, coagulated blood. Any climbing the obelisk succumb to horrific visions.
The Gilded Carnifexian Serpent Pit: foreign conquests’ plundered wealth were cast deep into
this carved chasm for Imperator Carnifex VI, seeking to lure the Basilisk. Hoping to redeem
his legacy, his daughters commissioned the hunt of Basilisk spawn, allegedly lingering in the
gilded depths.
The Gate of the Manticore - entrance to the Palace of the Blackened Horns. A viciously barbed
5 portcullis is affixed to the grand promenade, watched by the Dogaressa’s Guard in their vigil.
Statues are seen through the bars, horrid caryatid forms holding severed heads.
The Concourse Plaza - former imperial parade ground. Watched over by 67 scowling
6 Imperators’ marble-hewn faces. Kneeling in the center allows one to be judged and found
wanting by all of them.

[D6] Scenes in the Upper City

Philosophers from across the Coast gather in the streets, preaching their world views.
Engaging in rancorous debate, throwing the occasional plucked waterfowl at one another, and
chasing off any Beggar or Parasite Leper speaking of stoicism. If accused of heresy they begin
the Chalice Chant.
Merchants and Bankers from the Inheritors of the Coast and the Great Banks of Calmyn speak
2 kindly to one another and make knowing glances on how the coming war profits their mutual
masters. Watching Protagonists consider when to mug them.
A Denied Heir convenes with a Company Council, brandishing their family line’s riches and
3 seeking to break contract. When asked why the Heir is not in line for the throne they wait a
moment too long to call off their House Guard. The tension is palpable.
A dispute between the Dogaressa’s Guard and a band of Mercenaries shows the native
4 swordsmen’s skilled fencing disarming the freeblades, wounding their pride. A nearby
Poisoner proffers services to the mercenaries walking away to lick their wounds.
A grand chorus of Chalice Chanters ululate their blessed song—it rings strangely and makes
5 the heart beat faster. More acclimated Sellswords are strongarmed by their lessers for anything
to plug their ears.
Knights of the Ordo Mourner-Stigmata in glistening armor and bloodied shrouds parade
through the streets, watchful of the mercenaries and judgemental of the corruption they may
bring. Flocks of Beggars and Pilgrims praise the Knights, crudely singing the chant, much to
the knights’ displeasure

The Ashen City (Ruins)
Ash purged Ancient Taurochtalia, smothering inhabitants in their beds and choking them
in the streets, petrifying their agonized grimaces of horror. Like a crashing tidal wave
it arrived in the outer civilian districts long before the Mountain’s lava ran aground and
buried those fleeing. The Palace of Blackened Horns rises above this Ashen City, a tarnished
crown atop a petrified land of the dead.
The Ashen City is arduous travel and peace is often bought by assistance against mutual
foes. To determine random encounters in the Ashen City roll a d6. An even roll indicates
a Non-Hostile Random Encounter. An odd roll indicates a Hostile Random Encounter. A
careful party may, at the Doomsayer’s discretion, travel the Ashen City without incident.

[D6] Non-Hostile Random Encounters in the Ashen City

1 Lost member of the Dogaressa’s Guard, lungs petrifying as they call out in desperation.
2 Group of Smugglers attempting to haul contraband out of the ruins.
3 Gang of Protagonists led by a Parasite Leper, attempting to find a lost cartographer.
4 Wayward Scholar and armed Sellsword escaping the Ashen City after a terrible discovery.
Party of the Dogaressa’s Guard, their faces veiled, taking a short rest after a melee with the
Ashen Dead.
A Lares of the Empire speaks in an imperious voice of a nearby treasure, promising a boon for
its recovery.

[D6] Hostile Random Encounters in the Ashen City

1 Panicked Deserters fleeing the Ashen City lash out at anyone in their way.
2 Small patrol of the Ashen Dead seeking blood to douse their burning souls.
3 Wayward band of murderous Slimefeasters looting abandoned villas want no witnesses.
Basilisk Spawn prowl in packs, seeking to kill any unfortunate souls by forcing inhalation of
the ruin’s noxious miasma.
A Lares of the Empire who succumbed to madness at the Empire’s collapse demands fealty and
supplication from any living thing crossing its path.
6 An endless horde of the Ashen Dead hounds the party!

Factions on the Gorgon Coast
Within Fallen Taurochtalia many factions vie for power and control. All manner of warriors
and preachers, be they templars of the Cult, mercenaries of the Dog-Men or wandering
monster hunters, know allies are found within this fallen capital.

The Cult of Chalices

The Gorgon Coast’s state religion, emulating the First Imperator’s profane rites devouring a gorgon’s
heart and proclaiming under his hateful gaze humanity would never fear a monster. In subsequent
centuries the Cult of Chalices transformed into a theocratic institution serving the Inheritors and
seeking to birth the ever-bleeding, apocalyptic Wyrm of the Wound—whose blood drowns the
unworthy and whose mantle is cast upon the pure.
The Cult of Chalices perform lay rituals and few, save for the Chalice-Bearers, know of the faith’s grand
apocalyptic schemes. They provide iron rations and rites of purification, house vagrants, and accept
indulgences funding collegiums and medicarium institutions. Cultists wear drab red as a full ensemble
or point of contrast, referred to as their “sanguine.” Elevated members wear a laurel of silver snakes
and a stone mask called a Regalia Gorgoneia. All carry chalices with artistry varying by rank.

The Dissident Choir

The Dissident Choir believe in the Cult of Chalices but are simply unwilling to carve open a virgin’s
heart or cast children into a fire serving an Inheritor’s blind ambition.

The Dogaressa’s Guard

Though the Dogaressa, Leonella Bissabova, was murdered during the First War of Inheritance, her
legacy endures. The Dogaressa’s Guard safeguard those of common blood, strike down Inheritors
seeking the Blackened Throne, and bring low any organization whose profane rituals would plunge the
coast back into calamity.
The Dogaressa’s Guard are a tolerable itch to most regional malefactors, just as easy to posture against
a mutual enemy as they are to come for anyone else. Notable for their silver breastplates, serpentine
symbol embellished cutting rapiers, and their teal tabards festooned with cnidarian hydra like patterns
in rose thread.

The Dog-Men
The First Imperator’s loyal bondsmen were strong of back and mighty of arm, and there was such fear
of usurpation if they were able to show their power in guileful cunning. The Imperator fed monster
blood to those he could keep loyal through word alone and to his loyal bondsmen: the blood of dogs.
The typical Dog-Man of any gender is generally 8’ tall and weighs several hundred pounds. They
are universally hirsute, broad of features and build, with cataracted eyes which register darkness in
shades of azure. Having lost station in Ancient Taurocthalia’s waning days, most live as simple hunters
and mountain guides. Those seeking to honor their lineage hire themselves into Inheritors’ service,
exchanging freedom for command’s comfortable yoke.

The Inheritors
Blooded by the ancient Imperators and the monsters they broke upon humanity’s altars, an Inheritor
is a man-made-monstrous or a monster-made-mannish. Mere generations from achieving profane
apotheosis: a lineage worthy of inheriting this monster-haunted world. They hate one another only
slightly more than the bulk of humanity—long told of their beatific mien and divine right in all they
do. Long dwelling in wealth’s hedonistic luxury befitting ancient imperial bloodlines, few are ever
dissuaded from this thinking.
The Inheritors hold every Gorgon Coast city-state and seldom cooperate with one another—only one of
them may sit upon the Blackened Throne. Lessening their ambitions for unity’s sake would only be for
skullduggery and betrayal. Each Inheritor outfits their forces differently but with uniform garishness.

The Knights Basilisk

Of shrouded origin, the Knights Basilisk conceal their identities within gothic suits of oxidized bronze
with conical-faced helmets of horrible reptiles. Rumored to be cursed, their souls devoured by the
eponymous Basilisk they crusade against serving the Cult of Chalice. Those who have seen them
without their masks and armor know better. The Knights Basilisk are fallen Inheritors or uplifted
Parasite Lepers— the distinction is moot.
The Knights Basilisk roam the countryside pursuing monsters, occasionally serving at the Cult or a
City-State’s command.

The Ordo Mourners-Stigmata

The Ordo Mourners-Stigmata, among the Chalice’s most zealous faithful, quest for monster blood. They
offer chalices of their blood to the unworthy hopefully sharing the “blessed sanguine purge.” Despite
their anemia, most are ruthless, desiring to prove their worth by violence. They often wear white
garments stained red to the point of being their religious finery. After years of service most wear rings
of gold upon bleeding areas.

The Ordo Parasitium

In the absence of a true claimant on the Blackened Throne, the
petrifying parasite strain runs rampant across the coast. The Ordo
Parasitium was founded within the Cult of Chalices to cull the
parasite lepers’ growing population and to trace the infestation’s
origins beyond the last Imperator’s burnt documents.

The Parasite Lepers

Found in nearly every city, clinging to rags and
binding their stone flesh with errant twine so as
not to be raw red and ripe for further infection.
Of unknown origin, anyone can awake after
a night in the wild, flesh numb and slowly
turning to stone, hog snouted snakes crawling
under their skin. The whispers come soon after:
a call to spread serpents and dwell within a
world of ageless perfection. Petrified flesh peels
off in bleeding sheets revealing the parasites.

Part Three: The Land of Rivals
The Gorgon Coast has a tarnished beauty, still clinging to imperial power’s halcyon days. A
balmy and pleasant region of rolling meadows, steep valleys, treacherous cliffs and towering
mountains, the scent of lemons and lavender wafts from outlying hamlets’ steppe farms.
This beauty was birthed in blood so long ago that many live humble lives of ignorance.

The Cliffs
The Gorgon Coast’s infamous natural barriers: treacherous rocky cliffs formed by receding
antediluvian floodwaters.

[D10] Cliff, Appearance

1 Dreadful concave overhangs, arduous to climb and liable to collapse.
2 Well-weathered stone, sheer as if hewn by a colossus’s hands.
3 Hogback steep, riddled with gaps and poor footholds.
4 Fellfield brought low by bitter winds, littered with loosened stones.
5 Wave-cut terrace from when this land was beneath the sea.
6 Escarpment of limestone, notably fissured from recent geological calamity.
7 Crumbling chalk with many a rock tumbling off.
8 Collapsed face, only jagged remnants.
9 Veiny, riddled with the aroma and dust of a sulphur spur.
10 Sturdy basalt, encrusted with pockmarks from ancient titanic conflict.

[D10] Cliff, Feature

1 Deeply embedded petrified leviathans from an antediluvian age.
2 A poorly carved muleskinner’s path allows for travel, albeit roundabout and up the cliff.
3 Mewling grotesques of hideous beasts carved near the top.
4 Riddled with broken chutes and sluices, the remains of an aqueduct system.
5 A rain-filled natural basin on the edge of the rock is a stopping site for pilgrims.
6 Small hostel half-carved into the rock offers overly salty foods at a meager price.
7 Signs of a recent albeit failed mine are noticeable in the scree.
8 Chalice shrine: a dried fountain depicts a three-faced manticore gasping over a dried stone cup.
9 Geysers of scorching sulfur dot the earth like pock marks.
10 Deciduous trees coat the errant ground, roots dug in deep to secure themselves.

[D10] Cliff, Foraged Goods [D10] Cliff, Scavenged Goods
1 Abundant wild saffron. 1 Dirt encrusted mattock.
2 White grass pea. 2 Rusty climbing pitons.
3 Hearty wild red garlic. 3 30’ of frayed rope.
4 Flowering fennel. 4 Tiny ceramic bull figurine.
5 Unblemished melograno apples. 5 Ancient, inhuman bone fragments.
6 Overly-waxed prickly pears. 6 Sanguine-stained clay cup.
7 Shiny cracked geode. 7 Jagged manticore spine pugio.
8 Hearty ginger roots. 8 Age-worn banner of an ancient Imperator.
9 Dandelions as far as the eye can see. 9 Defaced statuette of a gorgon.
10 Unlucky but trusting goat. 10 Body of a petrified traveller.

[D6] Cliff, Ruin Site [D6] Cliff, Ruin Allure

1 Gaping sinkhole, all too perfectly circular. ...wafting from the interior a wretched
1 fresh offal scent.
Deep winding cave, primitive paintings
2 lining its maw. ...piled men’s and horses’ bones at the
2 outskirts.
Sun-baked steppe lined with the grasping
3 forms of petrified hoplites. ...limp exsanguinated corpses lay on the
3 precipice.
Dust-enshrouded jagged outcropping of
4 stone. ...shadows move strangely as if
4 shade-haunted.
Abandoned watch tower, half-crushed by
5 time. 5 ...light casts a faint greenish glow.
6 Serpent-filled crag, jagged and deep. ...approaching strange, rhythmic knocking
6 is audible.

[D6] Cliff, Encounters

1 A clutch of Bone Raptors wheel overhead, seeking to devour fresh meat and marrow.
A baggage train of Miners and Mountaineers march through, prospecting and idly
2 chit‑chatting—there is safety in numbers.
3 A Rock Serpent slithers through the scrub—it poisons and flees, stalking the afflicted.
4 Unmoving Basilisk Spawn sun upon the rocks unless boredom stokes their innate sadism.
5 A Bounty Hunter group seeks war criminals and deserters.
A Manticore lurks among gore-stained rocks occasionally murdering Chalice supplicants
6 seeking to bed it.

The Coasts
Ancient shorelines lapped by primordial seas. The First Imperator’s conquering host landed
here from beyond the mist-shrouded horizon.

[D10] Coast, Appearance [D10] Sea, Appearance

Wave cut flats deeply gouged tidepools The waters gently lap, contentedly
1 thrive with primordial life. 1 suckling at the coast like an infant.
Large flamingo creches congregate, Cutting tides abrading sediment drags
2 stalking the sandy beach bloated with 2 across anything submerged.
shrimp. Red algae blooms tenaciously as a mortal
A scenic coastline’s bright white sands 3 wound.
3 shimmer like diamonds in the sun’s light. A great brackish kelp forest obscures the
The beach is composed of millions of tiny 4 seafloor—and numerous predators.
4 zebra-striped shells crunching into jagged The waters conceal a resplendent coral
shards underfoot. 5 reef inhabited by all manner of lavishly
Blackened sands like sedimentary smoke colored fish.
5 coat the beaches making the shoals a The sea is riddled with ashen dust home
murky shadow. 6 to a once great reef’s pale, dessicated
Flat stones as far as the eye can see, a rock remnants.
6 shelf leads to a dead drop into the sea. The red, hooked coral grows like rapidly
7 The beach is acrid, dank with rotting fish 7 spreading fungus desolate save for
and slathered in slick kelp detritus. tubeworms.
The rocky shore is infested with barnacles Forms on the distant horizon line of the
8 and mussels flense boots and feet with 8 sea—Leviathans of Old or driftwood
disturbing ease. playing with the mind.
A long dazzling pink coast dotted with Distant, sharp stone barrier islands
9 swarms of albinistic scuttling crabs. 9 swarming with seagulls visible from the
Brackish sludge coated sands, burn to the shore.
10 touch, seemingly slithers with a drunken
10 Floating eerily-shaped pumice swarms
leech’s grace. born from recent volcanic activity.

[D10] Coast, Foraged Goods [D10] Coast, Scavenged Goods

1 Wriggling tide glob. 1 Waterlogged foreign garb.
2 Meat-bloated crab. 2 Oxidized bronze coins.
3 Pool-locked eel. 3 Destroyed letter in a bottle.
4 Large, jagged clam. 4 Handful of colored “sea glass.”
5 Briny sheet of kelp. 5 Sodden leather wallet.
6 Bushel of ripe orach. 6 Leaky tin pail.
7 Hearty bunch of goose tongue. 7 Barnacle-encrusted old almanac.
8 Wild parsley and hairy carrots. 8 Sand-coated old boot.
9 Fistful of poisonous hemlock seeds. 9 Shiny ill-sized golden ring.
10 Mussel-encrusted detritus. 10 Ancient rusted cutlass.

[D6] Coast, Ruin Site [D6] Coast, Ruin Allure
1 Cracked, shattered hull of a wrecked ship. ...a swarm of seagulls gather, attracted by
the promise of fresh meat.
Massive crag of coral clutching through
2 ...eerily silent: all that can be heard is the
the beach like an angry hand.
2 lapping of waves, and even that seems
Half-drowned, toppled shrine,
3 orchestrated.
pre‑Chalice and alien.
...shallows filled with flopping fish that
Deep coastal cave illuminated faintly by 3
4 struggle for air.
abyssal ocean life.
...a comfortable, dizzying singing floats
Long abandoned lighthouse nearly 4
upon the air.
5 collapsed by bitter winds and ancient
tides. 5 ...colorful, hypnotic flowering corals bloom.
Fog-shrouded harbor, waterlogged and ...utterly slick with brine: an errant step
splintering. 6 reveals isopods and other bottomfeeders
feasting upon the muck.

[D6] Coast, Encounters

Fishermen reeling in great fish and nets full of clams. Some comb the shores for scavenged
wealth and crabs, which they toss into baskets.
A procession of Slimefeasters emerge from the sea, charging towards any land dwellers in
sight. Crudely armored and seeking to prove their valor.
3 Gang of Looters looting the shipwrecked dead and killing those who still cling to life.
The tides bring with it Benthic Crawlers within a seemingly endless sheet of slime and sludge
upon the coast.
5 Harpies lurk on rocks, singing their songs and looking to lure in easy meals.

6 A Leviathan of Old lurks in the shallows, scanning the coastline for a meal.

The Meadows
Pastoral lavender fields, heirloom orchards, and rolling hills provide scenes rivaling any
artist’s craft—delicate places, easily put to the torch.

[D10] Meadow, Appearance [D10] Meadow, Feature

1 Rolling fields coated in a miasmic dew. A deep, clear river runs gently through
this countryside.
An ocean of green grass rippling in the
2 Sparkling pond of crystal clear water
breeze. 2
serving as a meeting place for beasts.
Sloping emerald hills dotted with
3 Signs of an ancient road, retaken by the
3 wild, leading to places that no longer
Dried golden grass speckled with red
4 exist.
The occasional copse of yellow birch can
5 Fields of yellow irises and rough bushes. 4
be found in these meadows.
Rolling green hills, ancient farmland lost Skittish deer lope about in the tall grass
6 5
to time. and vanish like phantoms.
Rich with bright blue cornflower like tiny Large lake fed by small streams
7 6
distant stars. populated with fat croaking frogs.
Golden hills, rolling, gentle, with old The bountiful remains of an apple
8 7
stone fences. orchard, its fruits crisp and tart.
Long abandoned wheat fields, overgrown Dotted with restful sweetgum trees
9 8
and amber. stretching their boughs out wildly.
Crowned with a thick forest of oak and Abandoned aqueducts loom across the
10 9
tall, brittle grasses. landscape.
A lone farm sits upon a hillock, overcast
and foreboding.

[D10] Meadow, Foraged Goods [D10] Meadow, Scavenged Goods

1 Abundance of orange flower blossoms. 1 Perfectly fine wagon wheel.
2 Several seed-rich sunflowers. 2 Battered old wooden bucket.
3 Plentiful bough of olives. 3 Slightly rusted shovel.
4 Branches of sour pomelo fruit. 4 Jagged, rusty-bladed threshing scythe.
5 Bushel of wild onion. 5 Petite abstract clay bull figurine.
6 Handful of sweet garlic. 6 Handful of old imperial coins.
7 Sleepy corpulent rabbit. Abandoned cart, in need of cosmetic
7 repairs.
8 Bloated toad.
8 Common pitch fork.
9 Wayward doe.
9 Tattered canvas tent.
10 Abandoned grapevines.
10 Pilgrim’s tin chalice.

[D6] Meadow, Ruin Site
1 An abandoned farm’s desiccated ruins...
2 A road station’s burnt remains...
3 A burial mound of grass-coated stones...
4 A deep rocky crag hidden by the wilderness...
5 A copse of swirled bark trees surrounding a shimmering pond...
6 A labyrinthine cairn of foreign stones...

[D6] Meadow, Ruin Allure

1 ...emanates the overwhelming scent of a wet rot.
2 ...fresh blood is haphazardly spattered about the entrance.
3 ...emits droning flies dripping in strange ichors.
4 ...a distant pained, sobbing wailing comes from within.
5 ...a shrill scraping sound like iron dragging on stone permeates the locale.
6 ancient whisper upon the breeze warns against entry.

[D6] Meadow, Encounters

A large swarm of feral Skull-faced Swine root for tubers and truffles. Some rut, others
A lumbering ox-pulled Trade Caravan guarded by poorly funded (but content provided they’re
unmolested) Sellswords meanders by.
3 Poachers picking off wild bulls and horses for blood to swindle fools in the Cult of Chalices.

4 Brigands performing hit-and-run raids on travellers.

5 Errant Peers of the Ordo Parasitium ride by in wildflower crowns gathering aromatic herbs.
A Patrician’s Hunting Party (including a Dog-Man and House Guards) hunting Skull-faced
Swine—or anything larger if given a tip.

The Mountains
Jealous rock seeking to spite the heaven and spare foreigners the indignity of dying within
the Inheritors’ realm. The southernmost towering, volcanic mountains have long obscured
the Coast.

[D10] Mountain, Appearance [D10] Mountain, Feature

Grassy like the back of some great shaggy Sharp, battering rocks are prevalent
1 1
beast, slowly rising out of the earth. throughout.
Deep brown stone, bedraggled by all Numerous eagles nesting well out of
2 manner of dark emerald grass: a bulwark reach.
of a natural barrier. Treacherous footing sees many narrow
Jagged, uncaring range of grey stone and paths lead over chasms of the dead.
3 dark green pine worn like a mantle against A recent rockslide has invalidated any
the elements. 4
maps describing known paths.
Bare stone slope reaching up to kiss the A river flows down from the peak and to
4 heavens, the intimacy of which is shrouded 5
the lands below and adjacent.
by cloud cover.
Sulfurous gas vents through fissures in
Striated, bold and craggy, as if in defiance 6
5 the ground, scalding and blinding all.
to calamity and the test of time.
Petrified wayfarers loom here, silently
Bare churlish stone cutting through the 7
6 screaming for all eternity.
blue of the sky like a barbarous hook.
Well-trodden roads: other travellers are
Jagged labyrinthe of stone and pine 8
7 not uncommon.
creeping up the petty slopes to the sky.
Treacherous but useful hunter’s path
Dry peak of arduous rock and loose stone 9
runs serpentine throughout.
8 piles waiting for the inevitable calamity of
their fall. Ancient travel signs nailed to trees and
10 carved in stone speak of places long lost
Towering crater belching forth ash and fire, to calamity.
9 bursting at its seams with heat enough to
scourge anything.
Rough, dry range of ever increasing height,
glistening in the sun like salt in a wound.

[D10] Mountain, Foraged Goods [D10] Mountain, Scavenged Goods

1 Copious woody rock fungi. 1 Misplaced whip of a flagellant.
2 Bitter mountain truffle. 2 Mined rock chunks of raw silver.
3 Unpalatable but edible dewy slime. 3 A geode of black volcanic crystals.
4 Large vulture’s egg. 4 Large crystals of grey mountain salt.
5 Easily stunned goat. Long trampled bronze chalice from
another age.
6 Handful of bold-tasting mint.
6 Dilapidated red mantle.
Pinch of raspberry leaves and juniper
7 7 Sharpened stone bloodletting knife.
8 Plentiful amount of blueberries. 8 Bracelet of cutting obsidian stones.
9 Bountiful amounts of spruce needles. White metal cloak clasp in the shape of
grasping arms.
10 Blossoming mallow flowers.
Abandoned bundle of pitons, tied with

[D6] Mountain, Ruin Site
1 A ramshackle vertical mine shaft entrance...
2 A long forgotten abbey carved into the rock..
3 A weather-beaten, abandoned watch tower...
4 A derelict Chalice shrine...
5 A copse of tall, perfect, petrified wood...
6 A deep cave, akin to a scowling maw, littered with petrified bodies...

[D6] Mountain, Ruin Allure

1 ...marred by cooled volcanic stone.
2 ...rings with the loud echoes of ancient Chalice rituals.
3 ...curious tall and regal phantom shades observe.
4 ...bloody-stained rocks sanguine stains birth strange lichen.
5 ...a shimmering chalice is cast down like a challenge at the entrance.
6 ...a thick coating of fresh gore bubbles and bleeds.

[D6] Mountain, Encounters

1 Cult of the Chalices’ Pilgrims ascend the mountain seeking hidden purity.
A mountainside Dissident Choir heretic seeks those unafflicted by Chalice propaganda for
Ordo Mourner-Stigmata members—unarmored while undergoing a proving—climb, bleeding
from their hands and eyes.
An Ashen Dead swarm meanders seeking blood to soothe their souls. Consumed by their
hunger, they ignore their surroundings.
5 A lone Basilisk Knight brandishes a scroll, asking for any intrusion’s justification.

6 A Gorgon wishes to live out her dying days in isolation.

The Valleys
Carved from the earth, the lifeblood of fledgling civilization and ancient wilderness.

[D10] Valley, Appearance [D10] Valley, Feature

Gentle sloping grass hills peppered with Bounded by snake-riddled, rocky
1 1
flowers. forests.
Narrow series of limestone combes and petty Ubiquitous flowing streams are rich
2 2
hills. with fish and salamanders.
Deep, flat bottomed steephead of luscious Gentle hills display strange creatures’
3 3
emerald greens. chalk mound art.
Steep-walled ravine accessible by treacherous 4 Squatting glaciar bleeds cold waters.
5 Deer frolic watchful for hunters.
Broad, murky gully, sodden by subterranean
5 6 Songbirds sing merry lovelorn tunes.
Bifurcated by a river of silt and lined with Wind whistles as if beckoning to
6 7
aromatic citrus trees. hidden paths.
Great forested dale whose curling oak Ancient civilization’s trails snake across
7 8
boughs obscure the heavens. the valley.
Steep wild flower and tall grass plains Stone paved roads ensure modestly
8 9
sloping to the vale’s bottom. paced travel.
Deep meltwater valleyland rich with narrow Bears stumble about, drunk on nature’s
9 10
lakes of mineral water. bounty.
Slow and gentle slopes into a bare, grassy
valley beneath a seemingly endless sky.

[D10] Valley, Foraged Goods [D10] Valley, Scavenged Goods

1 Sweet yellow peppers. 1 Cracked clay baby’s rattle.
2 Heads of wild cabbages. 2 Corroded copper hand scythe.
3 A sage bush. 3 Battered basket of figs.
4 A lonely tree’s figs. 4 A few errant crossbow bolts.
5 A shiny-shelled, fist-sized dung beetle. 5 Fine blackware chalice with handles.
A small amber chunk encases strange 6 Metal rake with a splintering handle.
6 crab zoea.
7 Blunt, well-used armourer’s hammer.
7 Sticks ripe with sweet juniper berries.
8 A monster teeth medallion.
8 A bloated, aromatic honeycomb.
Corroded copper bracer, marred by
9 A large hydra’s tooth. 9
Dog‑Men art.
10 A sugar-swollen queen bee. 10 Teal abstract-patterned, ceramic canteen.

[D6] Valley, Ruin Site
1 Abandoned star fortress of Ancient Taurochtalia...
2 Village razed to embers not long ago...
3 Deep ravine leading into darkness and the mythic underworld...
4 Tarnished palatial estate of an ancient Imperator...
5 Copse of tall, gnarled trees, their forms like dryads in agony...
6 Flooded cavern entrance riddled with strange echoes...

[D6] Valley, Ruin Allure

1 ...clouds cover this place, revealing only faint beams of light.
2 ...bedraggled by crows, looming on every available perch: waiting, watching.
3 ...a sensation as though mortal life is present and waiting.
4 ...sodden, utterly saturated with muck and wet.
5 ...skeletal remains, apparently fleeing this place, linger at its borders.
6 ...the scent of recent fire and fresh blood wafting upon the breeze.

[D6] Valley, Encounters

1 A band of Highwaymen enforce a road tax on anyone they think they can coerce.
Cadre of Dog-Men roam the valley seeking to make a home here and engage in their sacred
Hunters and Gatherers wander the valley, insular, isolationist, and mistrustful of anyone but
their kin.
4 A sibling pair of Horned Torchbearers terrorize those beholding them in the wild.
A great army of Coastal Wild Dogs have assembled: they smell war on the wind and wish to
take territory for their own.
6 A group of Mercenaries on orders to kill anyone discovering their presence.

The Ruins
Invariably local folklore believes these places are cursed or haunted and, allegedly, contain
ancient wealth too easily spoiled outside these dessicated halls.

[D6] Monstrous Ruins [D6] Cataclysmic Ruins

Field of shallow graves smouldering with Collapsed villa, destroyed by recent
1 1
hateful heat and shrouded in ash. earthquakes.
Pock-marked series of tunnels filled with Still smoking hamlet, destroyed in a recent
2 the half-petrified, half-devoured corpses fire.
of recent victims. Ancient palace, half-sunken and flooded by
Derelict plaza of serpentine frescos and centuries of rain.
broken stone benches. Star fortress consumed by the earth in an
Sodden crag rubbed slick with ambergris ancient mudslide.
and thrumming with parasitic life. Cavernous passage revealed by recent
Deep cave of glistening coins and splits in the earth.
mangled bodies. City-state buried in petrifying ash, its great
Fissure belching flames and whispering 6 gates toppled by a wave of ash-choked
sins. corpses of stone.

[D6] Conquest Ruins [D6] Ancient Ruins

Mass grave extending further than Monolithic plinth of cyclopean stone with
1 comprehension. The dead’s eyes seem to shelves for many blooded chalices.
trail the living. Sanguine-stained cave once used in
Wilderness of scorched and salted earth, bloodletting rites.
a charred husk of left to spite nature. Acrid bathhouse of stagnant waters and
Burnt out forest where those fleeing strange fungal rot.
conflict were trapped and put to the torch. Long neglected marble quarry left to the
4 Crumbling stone collegium. elements for hundreds of years.
Shattered road, bombarded in the past Abandoned crossroads market, easily
5 with fire and stone: the site of an ambush defensible but left in disrepair.
and massacre. Destroyed hold of a failed Imperator who
City-state collapsed by an ancient siege, 6 sought to relocate their palace away from
6 Taurochtalia.
left abandoned to its shades.

[D6] Recent Ruins

1 A failed village, brought low by famine and drought.
2 A hamlet, its fate sealed by plague and natural isolation.
3 A colony of parasite lepers, purged on claim of Basilisk worship.
4 A township, culled by a still living Inheritor for a petty act of defiance.
5 A collegium, destroyed by lack of funding from patrons.
6 A devastation of shattered earth, rumored to be the prowling ground of the Basilisk.

[D10] Common Treasures, the Ruins [D10] Rare Treasures, the Ruins
1 Petrified ashen loaf cake. Fine sandals, gold thread embellishments
depict wings on the heels.
2 Amphora of spoiled oils.
2 Calmly reposing Leviathan statuette.
3 Horned pikeman statuette.
3 A famed fighter’s ivory cestus wrappings.
4 Crude, red, polished stone bauble.
4 Ancient athletic competition medallion.
5 Ivory patrician family portrait.
5 Talisman necklace depicting ocean scenes.
6 Old bone dice.
6 Bowl of gilded durian fruits.
7 Sanguine religious robes.
7 Ancient, forever pure, honeyed beer cask.
8 Harpy feather mantle.
8 Laurel wreath of ruby-eyed silver serpents.
9 Bronze chalice.
Cackling chorus mask representing the
10 Whale-shaped drinking cup. 9
jubilant and blooded.
10 A Colosseum heel’s horrid bronze helmet.

[D10] Horrific Treasures, the Ruins

1 A conquering blade crying for a tyrant’s grip.
2 A gorgon’s blindfold which blesses carried serpents.
3 Basilisk worshipper squamous dagger.
4 Antique Dog-Man heart preserved for foul works.
5 Envenomed hydra fang tipped arrow set.
6 A sacred phial of glowing sanguine, a would-be god’s blood.
7 A stone set of “Inverted Chalices” which scuttle like ticks.
8 A crown of golden serpents whose whispers command stone.
9 An ancient monster slayer’s hammer forged from manticore spines.
10 The Dog-Men’s long lost originator Chalice.

[D10] Random Encounters, the Ruins

1 Plunderers linger nearby staking their claim by presence alone.
2 Scholars keep their distance from the ruin goading passerby to enter.
A professional Cryptdigger company is setting up shop nearby—willing to share gallow’s
humor and rotgut with a stranger.
Vicious Brigands attempted to lair within but were easily repelled by superstition and the
horrors within.
5 Quarantined by the Ordo Parasitium who believe it is infested with some contagion.
A Lares of the Empire lurks by the ruins entrance, demanding service—believes foreign
mercenaries are conquered nations’ irregular troops.

The Hamlets
The hamlets of the Gorgon Coast are affixed to neighboring city-states, with whom they
trade and owe fealty.

Names, [D50]
Names, [D10] Hamlet, Appearance
Hamlet Hamlet Colorful painted stone houses, cramped so that their
1 Aixle 26 Llusteres outward beauty disguises any interior issues.
2 Alurode 27 Malapanet Winding maze of cobblestone streets and brick houses, a
near labyrinthe of lesser urban living.
3 Aondae 28 Manchalleres
Tiers of stone buildings and broad streets— the large
4 Baggino 29 Melossia 3
central market has seen better days.
5 Basilimanc 30 Merze Wooden homes and private gardens within toppled stone
6 Basnika 31 Molioccia walls.
Well-trimmed lawns and sun-bleached white stone houses
7 Calgunote 32 Mollerie 5
in the ancient Taurochtalian style.
8 Carnnieux 33 Murolaccia
White-and-blue style houses glimmer in the sunlight—any
9 Caronotta 34 Murolocio imperfection is all too easily seen.
10 Cascatta 35 Osovilla Columned stone buildings from antiquity stand in stark
contrast to ramshackle wooden homes of newer occupants.
11 Casemuro 36 Paesino
Derelict and mouldering homes, all raised of foundation
12 Cettiponce 37 Pavas 8
as if expecting floodwaters.
13 Cogarra 38 Rovanno Half-timbered buildings with decorative blue brickwork
14 Corremo 39 Sadaques and iron wrought fences.
Clay and wood structures, within the belly of a ruined
15 Ecceseile 40 Sinigoa 10
fortress of antiquity.
16 Einanotta 41 Tagana
17 Ephosa 42 Tellos
18 Fedetuga 43 Tencavanda
19 Fedevio 44 Testarano
20 Gandalus 45 Tiosedo
21 Grigilia 46 Toffana
22 Haussinotta 47 Triotibes
23 Jucara 48 Verccicia
24 Lambocci 49 Viona
25 Lindelocio 50 Vocce

[D6] Hamlet, Authority [D6] Hamlet, Authority Feature

A former soldier, maimed in an old conflict but ...bitter, knowing damage to their hamlet is all
1 1
whose experience is valued. but inevitable.
A wizened sage from the neighboring city, here ...drinks heavily at night, brought low by love
2 2
for the relative quiet. long lost.
The local chalice-bearer of the Cult, seemingly ...would, if they could, steal dominion and power
3 3
humble. for themselves.
A famed monster hunter, retired but ...recently made an enemy of a Freeblade Captain
4 4
knowledgeable. and expect violent reprisal.
The heir to a noble house maintains a villa wrongly in the eyes of their betters—this
5 5
away from urban scandals. will see them condemned if they are not careful.
A council of farmers and craftspeople who try ...loathe their fellow citizens, seeing them as
6 6
to do what is best for the town. craven and prone to treachery.
[D10] Hamlet, Feature [D20] Hamlet, Raw Goods [D20] Hamlet, Crafted Goods
Apiaries grant the 1 Supple boar leather. Hand-carved farming
1 settlement ready access to implements.
honey. 2 Glistening honeycombs.
2 Hourglass of pink sands.
Locals have perfected 3 Pungent edible mushrooms.
2 a breed of horses now 3 Bolt of fine quality cloth.
4 Bouquet of aromatic flowers.
cherished by an Inheritor. 4 Clay white covered pot.
A vaunted painter-in- 5 Handful of grey quail eggs.
5 Ceramic pitcher.
3 residence has made their 6 Pound of wild garlic.
home here for several years. 6 Woven wooden basket.
Several slices of bracket
A small university built 7 7 Pewter flatware set.
in honor of one of the Ten
4 8 Powerful ginger root. 8 Brass drinking goblet.
Sages before the fall of the
Empire. 9 Raw dripping cheeses. 9 Silver serving platter.
A master cobbler from
10 Bag of bitter salts. 10 Wooden bucket.
5 a long line of cobblers
perfects their craft here. 11 Jar of fresh milk. 11 Set of fine inks.
A resplendent stone abbey 12 Bushel of hearty wheats. 12 Blue clay vase.
to the Cult of Chalices.
13 Wild yellow tomatoes. 13 Commemorative festival plate.
A statue of an Inheritor
standing atop the Basilisk. 14 Gamey chopped venison. 14 Green glass vase.
The winter villa of a 15 Sealed jar of fermenting leeks. Set of decorative painted
8 15
still‑living Inheritor. spoons.
16 Trained guard dog.
The produce from the 16 Fine leather shoes.
markets is of heirloom 17 Cheap cooking wine.
9 17 Bottle of local wine.
quality, famed across the
coast. 18 Rat-catching feline.
18 Shaving kit with silver razor.
A deep well within 19 Fearless young donkey.
produces waters some 19 Brush of boar's hair.
10 20 Jar of bay leaves and chives.
believe have healing 20 Ivory hand mirror.

[D10] Hamlet, Easy Spoils [D10] Hamlet, Plundered Treasures

1 Sculpted oil-soap flask. 1 Frieze of dueling Inheritors.
2 Coloured wax portrait. 2 Marble bust of an Imperator.
3 Serpent-headed copper brooch. 3 Gold-plated Collegium tome.
4 Brass tablet of citizenship. 4 Lacquered wooden tax chest.
5 Clay-sculpted goose. 5 Lavish tapestry of the First Chalice.
6 Blackware toiletry set. 6 Blackware amphora of ancient blood.
7 Dolphin-shaped gold earrings. 7 Gold and ivory funeral mask.
8 Nacre bullhead brooch. 8 Lavish lararium house shrine.
9 Clay ostracization tablets. 9 Lizard-hide lacquered fainting couch.
10 Lacy satin nightgown. 10 Decorative antique gladiator's helmet.

[D6] Random Encounters within a Hamlet

1 Beggars and Refugees were driven to this hamlet en masse, provoking its inhabitants’ worst nature.
2 Hired Enforcers accompany a Degenerate Spawn to recruit a militia for their parent’s warhost.
3 The local Reckless Youth pointlessly boast and posture, challenging anyone and everyone.
The Elders are terrified of the coming war and suspect spies among their neighbors. They’ve hired
4 Sellswords to harass petty rivals.
A group of Chalice Chanters seeking to rouse the faithful to join the “righteous conflict” and increase
5 morale. They attempt a ritual if things do not improve.
6 A few Protagonists guard the city’s entrances and exits, putting on patrols, and incarcerating the disruptive.
The City-States
Ruled often in proxy from their patron Inheritors nearby palaces, places of urban
experimentation, vaunted whimsy, and artisan craftsmanship.

[D50] Names, City- [D50] Names, City- [D50] Titles, City- [D50] Titles, City-State
State State State
1 Aigonakkale 26 Lonzesco Ancestral Hold
1 26 Forlorn Arena
of the Blooded
2 Almerazio 27 Luccandria
2 27 Fortress of the Dog-Men
3 Ameruggia 28 Masomarca Sepulcher

4 Argona 29 Nidera Fortress of the

3 Ancestral Throne 28
Dogaressa's Guard
5 Athernae 30 Nomalani Ancient House of Hand of the Empire's
4 29
6 Borgorione 31 Relama Knives Fated
5 Anointed State 30 Hand of the Old Empire
7 Brisabel 32 Rhobania
Inherited City of
8 Bruteclia 33 Rhotampia 6 Argent Palace 31
9 Cantobardi 34 Ruliscia Inspired House of High
7 Basilisk's Grotto 32
10 Crotonium 35 Sanamo
8 Cathedral City 33 Lagoon of the Harpies
11 Decasaro 36 Sargenia
9 Chalice State 34 Leviathan's Clutch
12 Delclea 37 Saribia
10 City of Colleges 35 Old Barracks
13 Dethika 38 Savadoria City of Endless
11 36 Palace in Ivory
14 Fenanto 39 Sumbria Spears
Palace of Sundered
15 Fenibuon 40 Tauronaggio 12 City of Fountains 37
16 Gargenecchio 41 Terrefa City of Mournful Palace of the Blood
13 38
17 Gorgonia 42 Teurnopoli Gardens Vicar
City of Petulant Palace of the
18 Hagios Golgo 43 Tigimida 14 39
Heirs Degenerate Heir
19 Jhepisa 44 Traniculpa City of Rivaled
15 40 Palace of the Ten Sages
20 Kaltioch 45 Trompele
City of Stone Parasite's Festering
21 Klegion 46 Urete 16 41
Crowns Stone
22 Kospyrus 47 Valentus City of Tarnished
17 42 Philosopher's Plaza
23 Lagetazio 48 Xanthae
City of the Bell- Reclaimed Palace of
18 43
24 Laretonia 49 Yatos Ringers Sages

25 Locestria 50 Zeccana City of the Seat of the Ancient

19 44
Gorgontide Collegium
City of the
20 Knighted 45 Seat of the Bloodied
City of the Seat of the Ordo of of
21 46
Masters the Knights Basilisk
Seat of the Ordo
22 City of the Moth 47
City of the
23 48 State of Ancient Rites
Nestled Hearth
Conqueror's State of the Inheritor-
24 49
Hold Claimant
Demesne of the
25 50 Tyrant's Hold

[D8] City-State, Appearance [D8] City-State, Feature
Great marble buildings of resplendent Great stone fountains depicting the
stonework and azure-tiled roofs. 1 judging Imperators of Old featured in
A labyrinthe of winding stone streets the city plazas.
2 and tall gothic buildings with imposing Many canals, fed by reservoirs, allow for
grotesques. barge and gondola travel.
Once an Imperator's palace, expanded Noted palatial collegium of the Ten
3 3
outward into a city-state. Sages of Ancient Taurochtalia.
Domed stone buildings, cobblestone Splendorous ruby-tinted cathedral of the
4 ditchways, and ancient monster lairs Cult of Chalices.
turned holy sites of the Cult of Chalices. Ancient stone abbey of the Cult of
White stone constructed upon a tall round Chalices's faithful.
5 hill with columned architecture and Military academy of many renown
petrified gardens. 6 victories, built in homage to Ancient
Half-ruined, its ancient stonework toppled Taurocthalia's martial culture.
6 and broken. Wooden architecture built An odeum of ostentatious acoustic
with regal aesthetics. 7 engineering and lavish, nearly
Built upon high foundations of stone, with hedonistic comforts.
7 all its buildings run more narrow than Vineyard of local nobility, who process
broad. 8 only the finest grapes to be found on the
The envy of its peers, with brightly Gorgon Coast.
8 painted buildings, colorful markets, and
polished whitestone plaza and walkways.

[D20] City-State, Iconography [D20] City-State, Colors

1 Scowling gorgon's head. 1 Sanguine red.
2 Garish chalice of gold. 2 Deep azure.
3 Ravenous boar's head. 3 Faded sky blue.
4 Hand grasping the sun. 4 Bubonic green.
5 Triad of white lotuses. 5 Regal violet.
6 Hateful ram's head. 6 Peach red.
7 Striped dolphin. 7 Summer lavender.
8 Vicious dog's head. 8 Buff ivory.
9 Regal horse with a wild mane. 9 Blackish olive.
10 Harpy clutching a trident. 10 Sulphine lemon yellow.
11 Collective of bees surrounding a chalice. 11 Sea teal.
12 Dour owl with piercing eyes. 12 Phlegmatic red.

[D6] City-State, Authority

1 Stunted younger sibling of the local Inheritor.
2 Oldest and wealthiest noble in the city, unblooded as they are.
3 Mercenary commander hired by the local Inheritor, effectively a despot.
4 Former member of the Dogaressa's Guard, sworn to protect a vacant throne.
5 Archdeacon of the local Cult of Chalices, bearing a goblet of antiquity.
6 Properly elected Doge, who allegedly speaks for the people.

[D6] City-State, Authority Feature [D6] City-State, Authority Fashion
...with many enemies in this city who’d 1 A coiled hydra spaulder with tassets.
pay for their destruction.
2 Fur-lined mantles of black satin and velvet.
...gloryhounding fool, often performing
2 Satin suits in gaudy colors, with holes all
reckless acts. 3
...addicted to alchemical poultices
3 4 Elaborate feather-lined doublets.
available only now in rival city-states.
...have seen the world beyond the Coast Purplish vesta with floral patterns and
4 and think all foreigners are ignorant 5
yellow trim.
6 Brightly colored long gowns over black garb.
...fears what will come if the Inheritor
they serve gains the Blackened Throne.
...bedraggled by nightmares of blood red
skies and a sea of churning teeth.

[D20] City-State, Common Goods [D20] City-State, Artisan Goods

1 New blackware funerary urn. 1 Fine local table wine.
2 Fine blueware amphora. 2 Exquisite wedding wine.
3 Elaborate blackware clay pipe. 3 Coiled stone bottle of sacred sanguine.
4 Serpent-headed hobby horse. 4 Pastoral scene painted on ivory.
Large wooden top which displays a 5 Illuminated Chalice prayer book.
5 melee when spun.
6 Dog-sized sculpture of the Basilisk.
6 Pumice-sculpted trireme boat.
7 Marble bust of the current Inheritor.
7 Red felt plis hat.
8 Polished hornbook of letters.
8 Ivory white fez hat.
9 Fine perfume of lavenders.
Terracotta oil lamp with Chalice relief
9 10 Gilded candelabra.
10 Small tin of fine sword oil. 11 Elaborate set of blueware dining plates.
11 Dish of sweet table olives. Blackware tea-set embellished with Chalice
12 imagery.
12 Jar of candied grapefruit taffy.
Blueware chalice painted with serpent
13 Domesticated coastal wild dog. 13 patterns.
14 A waxed leather rain slicker. 14 Fine silver rapier.
15 A child's training sword Academic text regarding the history of
15 Taurochtalia.
16 Colorful horse barding.
16 Vial of harpy's blood.
17 Barrels of fermented olives.
Mercenary's letter of marque, signed by an
18 A sturdy work cart. 17 unobservant Inheritor.
19 A well carved coracle boat. 18 Horrific and monstrous clay orgy mask.
20 An armored wagon. 19 Bronze and embellished carriage.
Gilded cage containing a brightly feathered
20 rhamphorhynchus.

[D10] City-State, Easy Spoils [D10] City-State, Plundered Treasures
1 Black marble bust of a gladiator. 1 Full-sized sculpture of an Inheritor.
Patrician's impressionistic family 2 Throne of rosewood and leather.
Ancient blackware chalice, stained red
3 Set of gold and emerald wedding bands. 3
Layered patrician clothing with gold 4 Locked lacquer wood chest of coinage.
5 Red-plumed decorative helmet.
5 Pair of inherited silver xiphos swords.
Grand tapestry of the First Imperator
Elaborate tapestry of a Chalice 6
6 blooding the Dog-Men.
drowning monsters.
Set of sanguine-tinted religious
7 Gilded house chalice of bronze and ruby. 7
8 Set of grimacing stone chorial masks. The kintsugi marble urn of a fallen
9 Fine blue clay jar of pedigree leeches.
9 Fasces of golden rods and silvered edge.
10 Relief sculpture of a Basilisk hunt.
Hidden child of an Inheritor, a hostage
worth a king's ransom.

[D6] City-State, Encounters

1 Protagonists working at the local authority’s behest enforce visitation taxes.
2 The City Guard stockpiling resources and weapons to prepare for a siege.
3 Rival Nobles are warring within the City-State, seeking to extirpate their enemy’s line.
A Chalice Chanter congregation seek to elevate a Ordo Mourner-Stigmata member to a
position of power and authority.
A local inheritor’s Denied Heir is engaged in a debauched bender of hedonistic delights,
seeking to fill a void in their life.
6 The local Chalice-Bearer has claimed the Dissident Choir has corrupted the City-State.

The Inheritors & their Palaces
These palaces are splendorous things, the envy of the civilized world—hedonistic displays of
wealth beyond measure and luxury without restraint.

[D6] Inheritor, Form Appearance [D6] Inheritor, Strain Appearance

1 Hulking brute with eyes like fire. 1 Face is a fanged and swine-like affair.
2 Rail-thin gaunt-thing in mannish shape. Brow is crowned in sharp, twitching
Towering figure with limbs that drag too
3 Smile is broad and filled with needle-like
long. 3
Bent figure of mangled spine, taller than
4 Eyes are crusted over with blackened
most as it now stands. 4
Pale form, muscled with inhuman
5 Grin is one of ragged lips and crocodile
knotwork. 5
Corpulent frame, like a noble left to bloat
6 6 Face is sunken, like a malformed skull.
in the sea.

[D6] Inheritor, Ambition [D6] Inheritor, Indulgences

The Blackened Throne and the death of 1 Bibliophile and sponsor many libraries.
any who would dare oppose them.
2 Dog breeder seeking a perfect pedigree.
To awaken the Wyrm of the Wound, to
2 Comforted by grafting plants and making
bring about the end of all things. 3
To perfect their blood and achieve
3 A deft painter creating beatific works of
monsterful apotheosis. 4
Mastery of their form, breaking bones and
4 Cult of Chalices chanter with a mighty
flaying flesh to find their inner truth. 5
operatic voice.
To purge the region of foreign influence
5 and see Maigne and Jerrod be broken 6 Indulge in hunts—funding and partaking.
under their thumb.
Divinity in the Chalice—to become a
6 pontifex crowned in blood and made
master of monsters.

[D6] Inheritor, Lordly Weapon
1 Silver rapier, its blade a swirling corkscrew of hydras ending in a petty azure jeweled point.
Great bastard sword, wavy like a tongue of flame, embellished with menacing eyes and fangs
upon the fuller.
Fasces, wrapped in the petrified arms of ancient enemies and double-bitted with silvered
Mazzatello hammer, carved to appear in the likeness of an ivory chalice, a glass orb of
sanguine sloshing at its head.
5 Golden sceptre crowned with the leathery preserved head of a blind Gorgon.
Pike forged in ancient proving rites by the Dog-Men—allegedly drew first blood upon a Hydra
in the elder days.

[D6] Inheritor, Lordly Raiment

1 Blackened plate armor embellished with gold filigree displaying chevrons and skulls.
2 Red plate armor with grotesque masked helmet and heavy manticore pelt cloak.
Slashed doublet of azure embedded with apotropaic studs and fine basilisk-spawn leather
riding boots.
4 Fire-scorched lorica hamata armor, golden serpentine torc, and sanguine-stained silk cloak.
5 Robe made from the crimson leather of a leviathan, embellished with a feather mantle.
Long gown of elaborate, nearly hypnotic paisley. Dazzling colored rings on each digit, and
silken upturned shoes.

[D6] Inheritor’s Palace, Appearance

Periwinkle marble with sculpted cascading water features and resplendent gardens of pale
tulips and red roses.
Towering display of Brutalist architecture, with narrow windows and a devoted appreciation
to natural rock faces, as if it had emerged from the earth.
Sprawling blackened bricks, grotesque-carved columns, and broad fountains displaying horrid
creatures forever belching forth water.
Cyclopean affair of grotesque stonework, walls bearing hewn fangs and menacing eyes, and
portals looking more like hell-mouths.
Bloated azure-bricked castle, onion domes of stained black glass, and a deeply-delved moat
filled with foul serpents.
Gargantuan spires hewn from volcanic rock by the inhuman claws of monsters enslaved in
ancient days.

[D6] Inheritor’s Palace, Feature

1 The inheritor lines’ ancient enemies remains are petrified, and elegantly displayed.
2 Private forest of towering deciduous trees, a well-tended wilderness maze.
3 Many private pools of volcanic water, heated deep from the earth and rich in strange minerals.
4 Garden of statues, horrific displays of otherworldly beasts, shaded behind barbarous plants.
5 Narrow winding pathway up to its central halls, enough to exhaust a guest and stall an army.
6 Great fountain staircase depicting the rise and fall of the Empire in marble frieze.

[D6] Inheritor’s Henchmen, Form
A cabal of lesser Degenerated Spawn, the Inheritor’s personal project was fruitless save for
these malformed dregs.
The Inheritor's Degenerate Spawn children— their blood imbalanced and form too bestial. A
subject of frequent abuse.
A gharial-faced Inheritor, a Denied Heir; castrated and mutilated for seemingly Basilisk-type
blood impurities.
The Inheritor's spouse, a Denied Heir, battered and informed they will never have what their
blood should permit.
5 A Templar of the Knights Basilisk, sealed in petrified armor and hateful as the day is long.
A mutilated Gorgon—her form scarified, serpents throttled, and eyes gouged out by the
Inheritor's cruel hand.

[D6] Inheritor’s Henchmen, Feature

1 ...serve loyally for fear an uprising would see them crucified.
2 ...obey every command for they are broken to this master.
3 ...desire to usurp the Inheritor and break their power.
4 ...dream, much to their horror, of taking the Blackened Throne for themselves.
5 ...command the respect of the garrison and mercenaries far more than their master.
6 ...scheme of coups and betrayals when the hour of their deliverance is nascent.

[D6] Inheritor, Splendorous Displays

1 Gouache painting of the Inheritor in regal finery, framed in gold.
2 Hall of portraits depicting every ancestor in their bloodline in oil.
3 Towering marble statue of their Imperator ancestor.
4 Marble frieze of their ancestor's greatest deeds.
5 Menagerie of gilded cages and strange, ill-treated beasts.
6 Large, horrific man-eating plants from distant lands.

[D6] Palace, Treasured Splendors

1 Marble room lined with agonized foes’ viciously sculpted bodies.
2 Well-stocked and easily defendable armory, nearly rivaling the palace proper.
Many false corridors and strange mechanisms which can loudly shift the palace into a
4 Private gallery of monstrous corpses preserved in slime-filled glass tanks.
5 Petrified statues of the current Inheritor's parentage.
6 Great illuminated scroll penned by inhuman hands regarding the Basilisk.

[D10] Palace, Storehouse Goods [D10] Palace, Other Assets
1 Bottle of blessed ancient hydra sanguine. Old mare, monster-blooded but left to
2 Wheel of maggot-topped buttery cheese.
Pack of chubby, flat-faced coastal wild
Iron cask of soft goat-cow mixed milk 2
3 dogs; ill-bred and kindly.
Crude cauldron of fermented rotgut
4 Wax globe of creamy blue cheese. 3
5 Rack of munitions grade pikes. 4 Bundle of iron-reinforced torches.
6 Crate of broad arming swords. 5 60' coil of fine horsehair rope.
Barrel of highly explosive blasting 6 Hammer and chisel of a sculptor.
Exquisite silver alembic and a set of odd
Wax-sealed barrel of highly incendiary 7
8 glass flasks.
blasting powder.
Drafting compass and set of magnifying
Well-decorated pavisse of a previous 8
9 lenses embellished in gold.
palace guard captain.
Several hundred pounds of fine wooden
Crate of rough heater shields, crudely 9
10 timbers.
10 Extravagant personal pleasure barge.

The Aftermath
War is cruel and war is bitter—what it does to the world only time
heals. A battle’s aftermath rips the earth asunder infesting it with
dead—true as it is anywhere else.

[D10] Aftermath, Appearance [D10] State of the Dead
Wilderness is stained red as if blood had Mutilated, hard to recognize friend from
1 1
saturated the morning dew. foe.
Corpses have been strewn about in pits, Utterly eviscerated, pulped and gashed
2 2
fires set to desecrate the dead. meat.
A long trench has been dug deep, the Dismembered, their limbs ripped and
3 3
dead piled in and only partially buried. bashed to bloody broken stumps.
Fallen horses have toppled and kicked Dead from various wounds but all have
4 deep pits of mud, crushing mortal riders had their throats deeply slit.
to a visceral pulp. Heads of many infantrymen and a few
Ground has been bombarded into a burnt 5 officers have had their skulls caved in
out crater. through the face.
Earth has been salted, and charred, torn Pale and limp, without rigor and
6 6
up into a quagmire of rocks and root. without blood. Utterly exsanguinated.
Fallen timbers and splintered woods give Charred, utterly burnt black, their
7 easy perch to a horde of carrion birds who 7 bones fused in agonized rictus by some
are setting in for a long feast. ghastly heat.
Endless stench of rot makes marching Lingering in great mangled piles of
8 8
through this territory a dizzying affair. pulped meat and spilled organs.
Barricade of civilian corpses congests the Left to rot in the sun, their flesh bloating
9 path through the wilderness, unfortunate and baked by the heat of the day.
bystanders torn asunder. Somehow skinless, their meat redder
Earth is gore-soaked, tattered with than red. Dripping to the touch.
rippling organs and squamous
musculature. From a certain angle it looks
almost alive.

[D10] Lingering Dread [D10] Loot of the Dead

Flies drone with increasing intensity like Entrenchment tool turned make-shift
1 1
a hurricane of carrion rot. hatchet.
Ichor gathers in grotesque puddles like 2 Trench knife with a spiked-knuckle grip.
the painted waters of the fallen.
Enemy uniform, tattered in places but
Corpses twitch and shudder, making it 3
3 with sturdy boots.
hard to tell the dead from the dying.
4 Banner of a fallen enemy's company.
A dull silence in the air, a stillness of
4 Spoiled iron rations, dripping with its
being. 5
carrier's blood.
The cacophony of human indignities,
5 bodies evacuating themselves, staining Small satchel of letters from home and
their corpses and once shining raiments. family.
Passing travellers wail, mourning a lost 7 Rifle with a busted muzzle.
6 innocent. In a blink they are gone as if 8 Small torn coin purse.
they were merely shades.
Half-empty, dented flask of cheap
Bonepickers and vagrants loot the dead, 9
7 indifferent to identity or what led them
here. White flag, almost raised, spattered with
Starving wild dogs rip at the dead,
gnawing and devouring what they can.
Beneath all the blood spilled, something
9 slithers. You catch it in reflection, in a
shimmer, in an errant ripple.
So much dead the way forward is
troubled. Corpse piles devastate the
natural world incubating rot and the
The Occupation
Man’s innate cruelty to man apexes within the civilization’s host—destroying generations
beyond those killed taking it.

[D10] Occupation, Damages [D10] Occupation, Oppression

The once cultured edifices were shattered People cower and avert their eyes,
1 1
and dragged down. fearful of the conquerors.
The gates are toppled and trampled into Many patricians collaborate with their
2 2
the dirt. oppressors.
The plebian and patrician houses alike Much of the populace seeks to flee from
3 were immolated leaving little more than the settlement’s coming abuses.
cinders and ashen frames. The populace hides when possible
A lingering miasma of dust and ash 4 terrorized by the conquerors casual
4 clogs central streets since the original cruelties.
ruination. The Conquerors' forced plebeian and
The shops were looted, wrecked, and patrician alike into service.
brought low—little remains. The underclass took initiative striking
The statues of ancient Imperators and 6 against their former oppressors, the
6 once great heroes have been defaced and conqueror's will be damned.
ripped down. Seizing the momentum, many youth
A mass grave lines the settlement exterior 7 signed on with the conquerors for
as a warning. power.
Authority figures, enemy commanders, Patricians’ personal vendettas broil as
and those who dared speak against the the conqueror's seek to instill order.
conquerors heads are proudly displayed The young and the desperate are
impaled deep upon iron spikes. 9 looting, seizing resources before they’re
The town’s finest estate was razed to the plundered.
ground disregarding the legacy lost. Several homes were butchered to the
The local Cult of Chalices was blooded in 10 last. The people fear a killer hides
mockery, overflowing with dead. among their own.

[D10] Lingering Cruelty

1 Public executions of dissidents are mandatory and commonplace.
2 Imprisonment and chattel slavery are consequences for nearly any "crime."
3 Shrieks of torture ring through the streets at all hours of the day.
4 The sound of violence: chains hitting flesh, and bones breaking are disturbingly common.
Citizens engage in escalating violence previous bitterness now exacerbated into survivalist
5 competition.
6 Wounded children linger, maimed in the moment, broken in the long run.
7 Brutalized adults lock eyes, whose desperation spells only doom.
8 The once heroic and mighty are given into despair and conqueror’s abuses.
9 Crucifictions ensure examples are made—sapping what hope remains.
10 The conquerors abscond with the eye-pleasing, mutilating those denying them.

[D10] Potential Insurgents
1 Group of reckless youths, yearning for a future now denied.
2 Would-be scholars, too clever for their own good.
3 Denounced Authority, hopeful to rally loyalists.
4 Former soldiers among the locals, too old for the front.
5 Wayward knight, horrified by such pointless brutality.
6 Political prisoner of the former Authority, unwilling to accept their good fortune.
7 Pillar of the community, thrust into a position of power without their consent.
8 Noble of a lesser house, knowing they may ascend if they can beat back the conquerors.
9 Parasite leper, unwilling to see others suffer similar abuses they've undergone.
10 Local chalice-bearer, unable to comprehend this fall from power.

Wartime Encounters
Man’s cruelty to man ensures once a war commences, scouts, spies, and great war hosts
begin ripping the Coast asunder pursuing plunder and power.

[D6] Nearby Battlefield, Encounters

Band of Deserters, fleeing nearby conflict wearing the colors of their former company. They are
cruel in their cowardice.
Group of Sellswords has pursued routed enemies, only to lose them. Distrust anyone they
come across.
Elite Mankiller squad, the finest of a rival Cryptdigger company, were loosed to inflict morale
damage and terror upon anyone they encounter.
Enemy Outriders, mounted and heavily armed, ordered to scout the outlying wilderness near
the field of battle.
Angry Mob of the unwashed masses, gathered with what weapons and armor they scavenged
hoping to enacting justice or mere retribution.
Baggage train of Camp Followers making their way towards the battlefield, having gotten lost
or delayed.

[D6] Distant Battlefield, Encounters

Weary and ragged, Deserters from some distant battlefield wander, paranoid and willing to
Gang of fresh-faced Sellswords deployed to the front, their blades not yet bloodied and their
uniforms unblemished.
Trio of Outriders returning from the front, bear terrible missives and require reinforcements.
They distrust those outside their company but may hire Bounty Hunters.
4 Scouts creating a map for front-bound baggage. Anyone they encounter is lied to or ambushed.
Platoon of House Guards led by a Denied Heir atop a palanquin, headed to the front to enjoy
their enemies’ fall. They offer to hire wandering freeblades but will not be denied.
Misfortune and horror apparent on their faces, fleeing settlement and hamlet Refugees striking
if their children, elderly, or loved ones are endangered.

Part Four: To the Plunderers...
The Inheritors in their terrible hubris, each seek to raise a war host shaming the magnitude
of their ancestors’. Heralds and bribes spread across the known world, bidding for any
freeblade or Cryptdigger worth their silver to come to the Gorgon Coast and fight under
their banners. Those who fight for the Inheritor seizing the Blackened Throne are held in the
annals of history as triumphant damned only comforted with filthy lucre.

Cryptdigger Companies
Being a company Cryptdigger is being a peer to many a strange mercenary plundering the
earth’s dark places. For sake of color and flavor, fifty unique companies are provided to flesh
out the casts and antagonistic freeblades hired to fight upon the Gorgon Coast. They possess
a special piece of gear displaying their affiliation to those wise in the ways of war.
If you are seeking to use a company for the player character group to operate under, the
listed specialized gear listed below can replace the silver coin in Best Left Buried’s core rules.

[D50] Cryptdigger Companies of Note [D50] Cryptdigger Companies of Note

The Order of the Gilded Key The Penal Hatcheters
1 Gear: Gilded key upon a tarnished 13 Gear: Solid iron hatchet with a number
chain. burnt into its head.
The Phoenix Lords The Jaguar Loyalists
2 14
Gear: Red-painted albatross feather. Gear: Sash of jaguar-print linen.
The Calmyn Crowner’s Company
The Liar’s Tongue
3 Gear: Contract with the bank of 15
Gear: Tongue in a bottle, squirming.
The Argent Fusiliers The Order of the Silvered Rose
4 16
Gear: Silver-tinted powderhorn. Gear: Pendant of a silver rose.
The Hand of Ruin
The Guild of the Rambling Moon
5 17 Gear: Sledge hammer, inherited and
Gear: Nacre tooth that shines at night.
The Swords of the Ghastly Sun The Bleak Tear Crusaders
6 18
Gear: Flame-patterned scabbard. Gear: Vial of a fallen priest’s final tears.
The Sons of Enkidu The Vault Legion
7 19
Gear: Cup of blessed clay. Gear: Portable iron lockbox and key.
The Aegis of Horns The Lonely Few
8 20
Gear: Hornbone torc. Gear: Bottle of fine rum, for sharing.
The Knights of the Penitent Torch The Company of the Tarnished Coin
9 21
Gear: Wrought-metal torch holder. Gear: Ancient coin, stained in blood.
The Mangled Dogs The Petulant Rats
10 22
Gear: Small but vicious dog. Gear: Set of yellowed bone knuckledusters.
The Blessed Order of the Orphan’s
The Serpent’s Folly
11 23 Gear: Perfectly white apple, carved from
Gear: Illustrated patent of noble
The Lash of Lendal The Plundermen
12 Gear: Leather pouch depicting a crude 24 Gear: Toggle-closing haversack of black,
map of the Duchies. reinforced leathers.
[D50] Cryptdigger Companies of Note [D50] Cryptdigger Companies of Note
The Blacktooth Company
The Chasmcult
25 Gear: Bottle of strong rum which 38
Gear: Ring inlaid with a biting geode.
stains the teeth.
The Guild of the Radiant Clutch The Order of the Resplendent Carp
26 39
Gear: Gauntlet of yellow leathers. Gear: Carp shaped, soft metal belt buckle.
The Company of the Blighted Unicorn The Esoteric Order of the Moth
27 Gear: Scabbard of violet fabric with 40 Gear: Domino mask of leather, painted with
mushroom patterns. moth wing patterns.
The Elf-Cutters The Sightless Tower
28 Gear: Razor-sharp arrow of Elfen 41 Gear: Unfolding spyglass, lens scuffed
make. beyond use.
The Champion’s Cabal
The Goblinscalper Gang
29 Gear: Small gilded amphora of body 42
Gear: Ugly, jagged, scrap-metal machete.
The Lion’s Roar The Tower of Exquisite Filth
30 Gear: Kettle helmet lined with thick 43 Gear: Jar of acidic rot that blooms with
brown fur. strange flowers.
The Merchant Knaves The Dourclaw Inquisition
31 Gear: Dagger made of crudely melted 44 Gear: Clawed gauntlet, emblazoned with
copper coins. eyes.
The Order of the Iron Lamp
The Order of the Blessed Apricot
32 45 Gear: Kite shield with fixtures to affix a
Gear: Jar containing a petrified apricot.
The Unconquered Crown The Dominion of Blessed Waters
33 Gear: Scarf composed of stolen flag 46 Gear: Large bottle of blessed, carbonated
fabrics. water.
The Iron Trident The Roach Brigade
34 47
Gear: Trishula crested circlet. Gear: Military dead man’s stitched flesh cap.
The Ordo Salamandras
The Whalebone Cartel
35 48 Gear: Spaulders emblazoned with copper
Gear: Whalebone carving knife.
The Ten-Strike League
The Heirs of Elm and Ivory
36 49 Gear: Well-worn manual of combat
Gear: Elm and ivory carrying trunk.
procedures and pressure points.
The Order of the Aurumvorax
The Clan of the Ironthreaded
37 50 Gear: Weasel-fur sash, tinted with golden
Gear: False beard of iron wire.

Company Modus Operandi
[D6] Cryptdigger Company Modus Operandi
1 Scout ahead of the war party, gather information regarding potential battlefields, make
contacts and assets of city-states authority, discreetly eliminate enemy field agents.
2 Route enemy forces, scout on horseback, perform charges, and corral non-combatants during
settlement raids.
3 Perform abductions, assassinations, poisonings, and all manner of illicit wartime acts executed
with brutal efficiency on behalf of the war party.
4 Establish supply lines, gather wealth for the war chest, and establish black market connections
to feed and pay the war party.
5 Make use of the company’s guns, artillery, and engineered weapons of war to maximize enemy
6 Engage in urban warfare, dishonorable combat, and scouting within enemy held territory with
sufficient skill to dispatch any discovering them.

Company Equipment by Modus Operandi

In addition to starting equipment as determined in the Best Left Buried core rules, members
of a specialized company should also have two pieces of equipment as determined by their
modus operandi. When generating a character roll once on each specialization’s equipment
lists to determine this additional gear.

[D6] General Reconnaissance Equipment [D6] Additional Reconnaissance Equipment

1 Sensationalist pamphlets. 1 Horse-hair wig.
2 Soft-soled boots. 2 Earth-coloured cloak.
3 Bottle of absinthe. 3 Outdated local map.
4 Bottle of chloroform. 4 Steel pocket compass.
5 Choking smoke grenade. 5 Copper bird whistle.
6 Collapsing brass telescope. 6 Paper of company command ciphers.

[D6] General Cavalry Equipment [D6] Additional Cavalry Equipment

1 Stubborn old horse. 1 Breathable old bandana.
2 Disobedient young pony. 2 Weather-beaten coachman's jacket.
3 Well-spirited draught horse. 3 Enthusiastic herd dog.
4 Skittish thoroughbred. 4 Fraying military whip.
5 Grumpy hackney horse. 5 Hand-me-down pistol.
6 Thick-haired bog pony. 6 Patched leather bandolier.

[D6] General Kill-Team Equipment [D6] Additional Kill-Team Equipment
1 Vicious trench knife. 1 Trophy net for severed heads.
2 Flask of fire oil. 2 Sinister flaying knife.
3 Dark sack-cloth hood. 3 Blackened iron prybar.
4 Jar of war paint. 4 Iron phial of laudanum.
5 Phial of flesh-burning acid. 5 Bottle of sweet rum.
6 Weighted iron truncheon. 6 Bag of caltrops.

[D6] General Acquisitions Equipment [D6] Additional Acquisitions Equipment

1 Merchant's cloth finery. 1 Map of outdated trade routes.
2 Guild-associated signet ring. 2 Regal ceremonial sword.
3 Balanced mercantile scale. 3 Phial of arsenic poison.
4 Fine bottle of wine. 4 High-quality military uniform.
5 Incriminating blackmail documents. 5 Boxed calligraphy kit.
6 Expensive bronze spice box. 6 Iron lockbox and key.

[D6] General Artillery Equipment [D6] Additional Artillery Equipment

1 Pneumatic harpoon gun. 1 Handcrafted silver bullet.
2 Pair of artisan pistols. 2 Ornate ear horn.
3 Inherited family hunting rifle. 3 Waxen ear plugs.
4 Five blackpowder blasting sticks. 4 Windsock in company colours.
5 Waterproof canister of matches. 5 Iron face mask.
6 Leather-reinforced pouch of blackpowder. 6 Jar of extinguishing salts.

[D6] General Skirmisher Equipment [D6] Additional Skirmisher Equipment

1 Hold-out pistol. 1 Stolen enemy company uniform.
2 Tarnished steel rapier. 2 Fake beard and ostentatious wig.
3 Proven heavy crossbow. 3 Hooded rain slicker.
4 Pavise shield in company colours. 4 Soft-soled leather boots.
5 Oaken sword-cane. 5 Box of snuff weed.
6 Garotte wire with wooden grips. 6 Marching fife.

Jobs by Modus Operandi
Depending on how a company operates they specialize in particular jobs over others.
When generating orders roll on their company modus operandi’s appropriate table and then
determine a job complication.

[D6] Typical Reconnaissance Orders [D6] Typical Reconnaissance Complications

1 Seed disinformation among a populace. 1 The enemy is expecting us.
2 Shadow enemies entering a Crypt. 2 You'll be deep in enemy territory.
3 Pit two factions against one another. 3 Any deaths need to look accidental.
4 Flip an enemy contact to your company. 4 You cannot be discovered or identified.
5 Discover a traitor in your midst. 5 Leave no trace nor witnesses of your act.
6 Find a tactical advantage for a battlefield. Make sure anyone who gets in your way
knows fear.

[D6] Typical Cavalry Orders [D6] Typical Cavalry Complications

1 Track down deserters from our company. 1 The enemy seeks to intercept you.
2 Scout out the nearby wilderness. 2 Wild monsters may be present.
3 Run a message to an outpost. 3 This must be done with subtlety and haste.
4 Bait an enemy army into a trap. 4 Trust no one sent to relieve you.
5 Chase down routed enemies. Do not disrupt civilians, unless you can
blame the enemy.
6 Ensure our supply train is in order.
6 Drag anyone suspicious back to command.

[D6] Typical Kill-Team Orders [D6] Typical Kill-Team Complications

Abduct the lover of an enemy command Make it look like it was done by a traitor in
1 1
officer. their midst.
Murder an enemy and leave their body in 2 Make it look like a suicide.
the open.
3 Bring back their scalps.
3 Butcher those who serve the enemy.
You need to be quick, the enemy is
The enemy is procuring a weapon from a 4
4 preparing for us.
tomb. Get it.
5 Leave no witnesses unless it instills fear.
Break the morale of enemy soldiers on
5 6 The enemy must be humiliated by this act.
Kill anyone wearing the colours of our

[D6] Typical Acquisitions Orders [D6] Typical Acquisitions Complications
1 Establish useful black market contacts. 1 Do not let your manipulations be known.
Ensure trade relations with outlying 2 Use violence only as a last resort.
You must do this quickly, before things
3 Plunder a known Crypt for wealth. 3
become unfavorable.
Deliver treasure from the wilderness to 4 Enemy reconnaissance may be on to you.
command headquarters.
5 You have a limited budget to see this done.
5 Attend to morale issues in the field.
Enemy disinformation may be at play—be
Gather information on the flow of 6
6 cautious.

[D6] Typical Artillery Orders [D6] Typical Artillery Complications

1 Provide explosive cover from afar. 1 Explosive fire has awakened monsters.
2 Use an experimental weapon. There is a high potential of accidental
friendly fire.
3 Level enemy defenses to the dirt.
3 Our artillery is volatile from frequent use.
4 Lay explosives in the wilderness.
4 We cannot abide civilian casualties.
5 Recover a plundered artillery weapon.
Steal any additional ammunition you come
6 Gun down an enemy force. 5
6 Leave nothing but ashes and gore behind.

[D6] Typical Skirmisher Orders [D6] Typical Skirmisher Complications

Butcher enemies in the streets of a 1 Make anyone nice to the enemy regret it.
2 Put a head on a pike while you're at it.
2 Lay traps in the wilderness.
3 And steal as much from them as you can.
3 Inflict morale damage on the enemy.
4 Do it without being noticed by anyone.
4 Scout deep into enemy territory.
5 Place any blame on a neutral party.
Establish weaknesses in an enemy
5 6 Burn down anything that gets in your way.
6 Assassinate an enemy spy.

At Camp & At Rest
Comfort in wartime is best and often only found with commiserating peers around a
campfire. Humanity can be reclaimed in moments of respite, though those truly undone by
the horrors of war and this foreign land’s atrocities find little clemency in their slumbers.

[D6] What do you dream about when things seem stable?

Young love, an item of infatuation from more peaceful times; you are with them and for a
moment innocent once more.
Home, as you remember it with nostalgia and childlike whimsy. It is now a place of safety and
Half-remembered words, garbled like a song on the tip of your tongue. Surely important, but
lost upon awakening.
Sitting upon the shores of a warm sea, watching the sun go down and the stars fly across a
tapestry of bluish-black. A pleasant sensation.
Loss of control, too many orders being barked at you—they all sound the same. You're falling.
You awaken before the ground hits you.
Family, their admiration and respect. You feel love, you grow old, you watch them live their
lives. You awaken far from home.

[D6] What do you dream of when things have gone astray and you’ve lost your grip?
You feel the flames crackling your flesh from beneath. Impaled upon a roasting spit, you cannot
scream. Your friends watch you, slavering with hunger.
An itch upon your face leads to deep gouging wounds filled with parasites. You pull apart your
flesh, mangling yourself into a weeping corpse.
You find yourself upon a table, divine entities and eldritch abominations watching you. They
ordain your doom—you awaken to hear the echo of their laughter.
You crack open the skull of your love and peel their scalp with your teeth. You drink away all
the lies of hope they once fed you.
The world is red as raw flesh, your skin is stone and teeth, your eyes thrum. The doom of an
age is nascent and rising.
You are unable to move. Your body bloats, fat with slithering worms, more and more until they
begin to pour out of every orifice and pore.

[D6] Gentle Scenes at the Cryptdigger Camp

Letter from home, the reader smiles wistfully. They speak with a homely comfort about them
for the rest of the night.
Contract from the quartermaster, stamped and approved, waved with hubris. Extra beer rations
due to a slip of the pen. Merriment ensues.
3 Spice box is produced and shared, a bit of flavor for the night. The food sits nicely in your guts.
4 Letter of commendation, perhaps meant for someone else, praises the group for their efforts.
5 Decent meal and a calm, gentle breeze in the air. Dangers seem far away.
Someone breaks out an instrument and gently plays it with genuine skill. It adds a calming
ambience to the camp.

[D6] Tense Scenes at the Cryptdigger Camp
Letter from home, a spouse took another lover. Someone laughs, perhaps unintentionally. A
single unkind word will lead to a brawl.
Some Cryptdiggers walk towards the camp later than curfew, covered in filth. They buried
some peers today, barely adults. They bring a chill of mortality with them.
Arguing, loud. Screaming, really. Blame is cast for the death of someone who could've survived
the day if only someone had gone against orders. Nobody feels good about this.
Someone discovers the body of a friend, having taken their own life. A simple note left behind.
A chill of hopelessness grips the camp.
Someone injured is given written command that they're needed in the field to perform a
5 job they cannot do given their injuries. They plead for someone to take the job, growing
increasingly furious at the idiocy of it all.
Someone comes undone at camp, the weight of the world crashing upon them. They react with
violence, thrashing and howling.

Part Five: A Legacy of Blood
War, conquest, and endless bloodletting have long controlled the dwellers of the Gorgon
Coast’s fates. Whether in Ancient Taurochtalia or modern Inheritor courts, blood alone
turns the wheel of history and those unwilling to spill such sanguine are crushed invariably
beneath war’s careless treads.

Beasts of the Gorgon Coast

Gorgon Coast fauna were long forced to evolve to survive the Cult of the Chalices rampant
rituals and the Imperitor’s ambitions of expansion. Bloodletting rituals and domesticating
greater beasts let some lesser entities seize bestial opportunities for their own power.

Bone Raptors
Carrion birds the size of a mule with their wings outstretched, plumed in macabre blacks and whites.
Eyes like a dying sun. They crack open bones to sup at the marrow.

Mood Brawn: 1 Vigour: 14 Weaponry

Critter Will: 1 Armour: 8 Unarmed (Ripping Beak and Talons)

Advancements Wit: 0 Grip: 0 or Ranged (Dropped Stone or Corpse)

Disorganized, Flesh-gorging, Flying

Coastal Wild Dog

Slanderers among the Cult of Chalices whisper that the first Imperator glutted these dogs on the blood
of man just as equally as he blooded his loyal militants on the blood of dogs. Hairless, with eyes of solid
blue and serrated teeth. Tactical, almost human intellect.

Mood Brawn: 1 Vigour: 9 Weaponry

Critter Will: 1 Armour: 9 Unarmed (Ripping Fangs)

Advancements Wit: 2 Grip: 3

Quick Reflexes, Razorclawed, Maiming Strike

Skull-faced Swine
Violent, bold, and corpulent. A white wen grows over their face—a fleshy, sagging second “skull”
obscuring their vision and driving them to further violence. The true natives and truer inheritors of the
region—neither petrifying foes or time culls their numbers.

Mood Brawn: 1 Vigour: 16 Weaponry

Great Beast Will: 0 Armour: 7 Unarmed (Goring Tusks)

Advancements Wit: 1 Grip: 0

Bloodthirsty, Ferocious Charge, Rampage, Hex-Proof (Petrification)

Rock Serpent
Large enough to constrict a horse and venomous enough to rend metal with mere vapors. The Cult
of Chalices claims these serpents are the primordial hydra’s get, its body made weak such that heads
could no longer replicate from the stump, forcing flight into the wilds.

Mood Brawn: 1 Vigour: 11 Weaponry

Abomination Will: 1 Armour: 9 Light (Venomous Fangs)

Advancements Wit: 0 Grip: 0 or Heavy (Crushing Mass)

Acidic (Fangs), Compressible, Devour, Disguise (Rock Pile)

Civilians & Combatants

Mere mortals living upon the Gorgon Coast spend their days within the hamlets and
city‑states. Civilians have little thoughts on the war until it reaches their doors and seldom is
it one enters the life of a combatant without spilling the innocent’s blood.
Loyalty and comfort from this shame are found in the coin such professions issue.
Regardless of origin, mortal man is inevitably butchered upon ambition’s altar as the conflict
Civilians & Combatants are similar to Cryptdigging parties save that most are craven or enticed only
by greed. You may generate statistics for them at

The Dogaressa’s Guard

Servants of the long-departed Dogaressa guard
against seeking to enter the Ashen City or take
the Blackened Throne of Ancient Taurochtalia.
Duellists of dreary, fading influence.

Mood Brawn: 2 Vigour: 16 Weaponry

Light (Silver Rapier), Heavy
Cultists Will: 0 Armour: 9
Advancements Wit: 2 Grip: 3 or Throwing (Silver Knives)

Oath of Courage, Horde Killer, Unfellable

The Cult of Chalices
Founded in ancient days emulating the First Imperator, the Cult of Chalices holds dominion
over the Gorgon Coast and its various city-states. They slake their thirst on monstrous blood
and seek to mantle an Inheritor with the Blackened Throne to enact apocalyptic rites.

Chalice Aspirant
Flagellants and zealots, a Chalice Aspirant seeks to ascend among the Chanters of the choir becoming a
Chalice-Bearer proper. Their minds are warped by scripture and chalice offerings.

Mood Brawn: 2 Vigour: 14 Weaponry

Brigands Will: 0 Armour: 8 Hand (Ritual Dagger)

Advancements Wit: 1 Grip: 2 or Heavy (Chalice-headed Maul)

Blood of the Godsman, the Holy Song of War, Sacred Gift (Battle Frenzy)

The Cult of Chalices upper echelon, clergy who drank deeply of the blood of the loyal, sworn, and
monstrous. Those glimpsing terrible truths in these inebriated states are inducted into the Cult’s dark
ambitions—learning terrible spells and aligning their ambitions with apocalyptic texts.

Mood Brawn: 1 Vigour: 22 Weaponry

Cultists Will: 3 Armour: 9 Hand (Ritual Dagger)

Advancements Wit: 3 Grip: 5

Blood of the Godsmen, the Holy Song of War, Rousing Sermon, Concoctionist

Chalice Chanter
Though nearly all among the Gorgon Coast hold the chant on their tongues, a Chalice Chanter devotes
themself to the song of thrumming blood and ancient ambition.

Mood Brawn: 0 Vigour: 5 Weaponry

Civilian Will: 1 Armour: 7 Light (Bloodletting Knife)

Advancements Wit: -1 Grip: 3

The Holy Song of War, Rousing Sermon

Chanter of the Dissident Choir

The Dissident Choir heretics know the Cult of Chalice’s eschatological aspirations and fear another
calamity rending the Gorgon Coast asunder they must dissent.

Mood Brawn: 0 Vigour: 5 Weaponry

Cultists Will: 2 Armour: 7 Light (Bloodletting Knife)

Advancements Wit: 2 Grip: 4

I See Truth in the Stars, Knife From the Shadows

Peer of the Ordo Mourner-Stigmata
Questing knights seeking the blood of monsters despite the burdens of anemia and, in many cases,
hemophilia. Utterly loyal and as zealous in the hunt as rabid dogs, peers of the Ordo Mourner-Stigmata
suffer none who deny the Chalice, least of all when it is theirs to offer.

Mood Brawn: 0 Vigour: 14 Weaponry

Guards Will: 3 Armour: 9 Hand (Ritual Dagger)

Advancements Wit: 2 Grip: 3 or Light (Bloodletting Scourge)

Blood of the Conquerors, Maiming Strike, My Shining Armor Gleams, Hex-Addled

Peer of the Ordo Parasitium

Exorcists and red-armored knights, the Ordo Parasitium seeks to stymie parasite leprosy’s spread and
slay the Basilisk before it further contaminates the Inheritors blood with its presence.

Mood Brawn: 1 Vigour: 16 Weaponry

Cultists Will: 3 Armour: 9 Hand (Iron-wrapped Torch)

Advancements Wit: 2 Grip: 2 or Long (Man-catcher)

Concoctionist, Horde Killer, Toxic Blades

The Inheritor’s Court
The courts of the Gorgon Coast’s palaces are held by those of ancient, sacred,
monster‑infected blood. Such wretched nobles have wide families—siblings and scions
broken or made loyal lest usurpation end a dynasty before it once again sits upon the
Blackened Throne.

Denied Heir
An heir denied an Inheritor’s ambitions is unable to continue the bloodline: by choice, desire, love, or
foul fortune. Most serve as heralds and lesser commanders, their familial loyalty assured by hefty sums
of continued wealth.

Mood Brawn: 2 Vigour: 18 Weaponry

Cultists Will: 1 Armour: 8 Hand (Gilded Family Blade)

Advancements Wit: 2 Grip: 4 Ranged (Well-crafted Firearm)

Blood of the Conqueror, Maiming Strike, Bloodscent

Degenerate Spawn
Those deemed Degenerate Spawn’s blood—unfortunately—are rendered obsolescent by the family
birthing a purer vessel. Some still serve loyally though most fall into hedonism and seclusion.

Mood Brawn: 3 Vigour: 24 Weaponry

Abomination Will: 2 Armour: 8 Hand (Bestial Claws)
Heavy (Crushing Maul) or Hand
Advancements Wit: 1 Grip: 2
(Discarded Family Weapon)

Blood of the Conqueror, Bloodscent, Flesh-gorging

Loyal to the Inheritors due to ancestral fealty and their own fading as a culture, Dog-Men often seek a
place in an Inheritor’s court so they may lead a warhost reclaiming a sense of glory. Muscled like beasts
and lacking purpose, these martial paragons seek a proving and warrior’s death.

Mood Brawn: 3 Vigour: 20 Weaponry

Tribals Will: 1 Armour: 9 Hand (Pugio Knife)
Heavy (Dog-forged Spatha) or
Advancements Wit: 1 Grip: 4
Throwing (Barbed Javelins)

Battle Frenzy, Nose of the Dog, Roar of Challenge, Unfellable

The Inheritor
Scion of Ancient Taurochtalia’s Imperator, an Inheritor knows the world owes them more than they
have. Ego in a vaguely human frame, a wretched emulation of their progenitors, and only in monstrous
apotheosis will they sit the Blackened Throne.

Mood Brawn: 2 Vigour: 28 Weaponry

Hand, Heavy, or Light (Lordly
Otherworlder Will: 3 Armour: 9
Regalia’s Armament (pg 31))
Advancements Wit: 2 Grip: 4

Bloodscent, Spellcraft, Blessing of the Ancients, Maiming Strike, Fearsome

Peer of the Ordo of the Knights Basilisk

Almost universally silent and private in their
endeavors, serving without apparent question in
battle. Their weapons bite with knowing cruelty.

Mood Brawn: 3 Vigour: 26 Weaponry

Long (Stone-tipped Halberd) or
Constructs Will: 2 Armour: 10
Heavy (Petrified Steel Sword)
Advancements Wit: 2 Grip: 3

My Shing Armour Gleams, Hex-Proof (Petrification), Brittle-Skinned (if unarmored), Oath of


Monstrous Foes
The Gorgon Coast, like most of the world, is a monster-haunted wilderland. Despite
Imperators, conquerors, tyrants and knights best efforts, the region’s primeval horrors are
not so easily quelled. With war on the horizon and a new race for the Blackened Throne,
dark things creep from the earth’s shrouded corners, watching and awaiting the coming age.

Ashen Dead
They arose, petrified, calcified, and illuminated by the ever-immolating pain of their souls’
conflagration before their time. Ashen Dead lurk the fallen places, victims of calamity and bleak rite
like nearly crumbled statues gouting magmatic blood, and shuffling in agonized mien. Blood can
momentarily cool their baleful fire and they seek to bathe in it, as if still Chalice-faithful in death.

Mood Brawn: 2 Vigour: 7 Weaponry

Unarmed (Smoldering Claws and
Abomination Will: 0 Armour: 7
Advancements Wit: 0 Grip: 0

Bloodscent, Elemental (Fire), Undead, Unstoppable

Basilisk Spawn
Sinful, mutated, and rivaling horses in size, these sadistic creatures seeking to amuse themselves until
they might usurp that which spawned them. Their eyes are maddened, wild with denied ambitions.

Mood Brawn: 1 Vigour: 13 Weaponry

Critter Will: 2 Armour: 8 Heavy (Crushing Serrated Fangs)

Advancements Wit: 1 Grip: 2

Otherworldly Gaze, Petrifying Gaze, Slippery

Benthic Crawler
The sea’s ebb and flow upon the Gorgon Coast reveals all too
often that best left to antiquity: mangled amalgamations of
primeval beasts and rotted acrid ambergris masses animated
by globs of slime which wash so strangely ashore.

Mood Brawn: 3 Vigour: 21 Weaponry

Abomination Will: -1 Armour: 7 Heavy (Crushing Mass)

Advancements Wit: -1 Grip: 0 Throwing (Sloughed Off Globs)

Amorphous (Globs of Slime), Aquatic, Acidic, Devour (Consumed in Slime)

They were born of a curse: their beauty so great and destructive the Gods bid they destroy all they
beheld. The First Imperator brutalized Gorgons, made crowns from their serpentine locks and
devoured their hearts. The Cult of Chalices maintains later Imperators took Gorgons as concubines,
blinding them with searing irons. They are a broken sisterhood made uglier by man’s actions.

Mood Brawn: 2 Vigour: 22 Weaponry

Otherworlder Will: 3 Armour: 8 Unarmed (Claws)

Advancements Wit: 2 Grip: 4 or Hand (Ancient Blades)

Fearsome, Otherworldly Gaze, Petrifying Gaze

For a period in Ancient Taurochtalia, harpies were glutted deeply in all their carnal desires, allowing
them to enjoy passive positions within the Cult of Chalices and the Imperator’s courts. Since its fall they
have regressed to starved, bestial instincts.

Mood Brawn: 2 Vigour: 16 Weaponry

Great Beast Will: 1 Armour: 8 Unarmed (Claws and Teeth)

Advancements Wit: 3 Grip: 3

Flying, Flesh-Gorging
Siren’s Song (Listeners make a Grip Check. Failure results in a trance, leaving them open to the

Horned Torchbearer
Seldom spoken of Horned Torchbearers are an interbreeding of Imperator scions and Dog-Men, drunk
deep on chalices of bull’s blood. Those not condemned to the arenas were hidden away in convents and
underground labyrinths. Only in moments of great horror and shame does a human soul light behind
their eyes.

Mood Brawn: 3 Vigour: 25 Weaponry

Abomination Will: -1 Armour: 8 Heavy (Goring Horns)

Advancements Wit: 0 Grip: 1 or Unarmed (Ripping Claws)

Battle Frenzy, Ferocious Charge, Fearsome, Rampage, Razorclawed (Horns)

Leviathan of Old
The seas lapping upon the Gorgon Coast never receded at the hateful hand of humanity’s civilized
conquests. The monsters dwelling within were kept native and numerous with ill intent. Long necked,
fang-filled mouths, and of innumerable other permutations, they are a throwback to primeval darkness
and a mariner’s blight.

Mood Brawn: 3 Vigour: 25 Weaponry

Heavy (Crushing Mass and Rending
Great Beast Will: -1 Armour: 8
Advancements Wit: -1 Grip: 0

Aquatic, Devour, Hulking, Rampage

Churlish, hateful, a tiger with drake’s wings and a man’s face, coated in spines terminating like a scythe
upon its tail. Old indignities are not forgotten, generations after the collapse. They desire to flense and
consume men for their ancient crimes.

Mood Brawn: 3 Vigour: 20 Weaponry

Hand (Fangs and Claws), Heavy (Tail
Great Beast Will: 2 Armour: 8
Advancements Wit: 2 Grip: 2 or Throwing (Tail Spines)

Flying, Flesh-Gorger, Envenomed Blades (Spines), Bloodscent

A drowned Inheritor order—a fallen house pledged to something
darker beneath the sea. Corrupt, obsolescent, devoid of ambition to
take the Throne. They desire revenge against old enemies’ servants
and consume bile and ambergris washed up on the coast.

Mood Brawn: 0 Vigour: 5 Weaponry

Tribals Will: 0 Armour: 7 Unarmed
or Hand
Advancements Wit: 0 Grip: 2 (Coral

Aquatic, Disorganized, Envenomed Blades

The Basilisk
It appeared in an instant, bursting from the southern mountains and devastating the Imperators’
kingdom. The Basilisk is the sum of humanity’s sins and ambitions manifesting within a pit-dwelling,
draconic horror. It possesses a cruelty befitting a man of means and seeks crowns and treasure desirous
to festoon itself with assurance of its worth. Its eyes pierce the soul and render impurity to stone. Its
fangs rend flesh and steel asunder without effort. Its breath is calamity, an agony of endless torporeal
torment, killing in moments that feel like decades.
It delights in theft and corruption and is culpable for the Coast’s parasite leprosy and an Inheritor
strain devastating antiquity’s palatial halls. Such is its greed that no two Basilisks may exist—its spawn
writhe in emulation of its imperious form.

Mood Brawn: 5 Vigour: 110 Weaponry

Heavy (Crushing Mass, Rending
Abomination Will: 3 Armour: 11
Advancements Wit: 2 Grip: 4 or Long (Claw Swipe or Tail Lash)
Compressible, Devour, Hulking, Fearsome, Disguise (Giant Treasure Hoard), Ironshelled,
Otherworldly Gaze, Rampage, Petrifying Gaze, Soulfeast, Spider Climb, Unstoppable

The Lares of the Empire

The genius loci of failed imperial ambitions. Fettering red mist, often possessing a statue or edifice of
a scowling Imperator. They linger, desiring supplication and authority. They cannot comprehend their
power’s collapse—it is anathema. It is the cause for violence.

Mood Brawn: 1 Vigour: 14 Weaponry

Otherworlder Will: 4 Armour: 9 Heavy (Crushing Stones)
Advancements Wit: 2 Grip: 5 Light (Fettering Spirits)

Corpse Mover, Ethereal, Shadowclad, Soulfeast, Violent End

Appendix: Names, Titles, and Food
What follows are a collection of listings for names, titles, meals and the quality thereof
which can add to campaigns set upon the Gorgon Coast or in regions of equivalent theme.

First Names in the Gorgon Coast

Masculine [D50]
Masculine [D50]
Feminine [D50]
Feminine [D50]
Ambiguous [D50]
First Names First Names First Names First Names First Names First Names
1 Aemil 26 Girolamo 1 Albina 26 Fortuna 1 Acheron 26 Libeccio
2 Ageppo 27 Grigore 2 Alessandra 27 Gelsomnia 2 Alessi 27 Lothotto
3 Alberto 28 Guglielmo 3 Andreuola 28 Grazia 3 Ambrosi 28 Lux
4 Alibech 29 Hidelago 4 Annunciata 29 Hekketa 4 Anemoi 29 Mistral
5 Apollo 30 Jacopo 5 Arista 30 Helenika 5 Anstice 30 Ostro
6 Aymaro 31 Julianos 6 Bambina 31 Herretra 6 Arete 31 Ousia
7 Bergamino 32 Kaffas 7 Bronte 32 Imelda 7 Arius 32 Pallas
8 Bernabo 33 Lamporeo 8 Cantada 33 Kalosa 8 Ave 33 Perctario
9 Brutekles 34 Landolfo 9 Caterina 34 Lisabetta 9 Calais 34 Pike
10 Charops 35 Martellino 10 Chezarina 35 Marozia 10 Cantos 35 Poggio
11 Ciappelletto 36 Monferro 11 Cleopane 36 Mercutia 11 Capri 36 Ponente
12 Cimon 37 Narbon 12 Concretta 37 Meridine 12 Coda 37 Ricci
13 Commodus 38 Nicepheros 13 Cunigunda 38 Mirra 13 Cojari 38 Sanuto
14 Constantirius 39 Noster 14 Donatella 39 Ota 14 Corian 39 Serendipities
15 Dante 40 Paganino 15 Drucilla 40 Richilde 15 Cunico 40 Sirocco
16 Duophanes 41 Phorbas 16 Eleonora 41 Salvestra 16 Dion 41 Sisyphike
17 Elagab 42 Rabano 17 Elettra 42 Santuzza 17 Domani 42 Tanaphon
18 Eschtopheles 43 Remigo 18 Eleutheria 43 Simona 18 Ducata 43 Tekla
19 Ferondo 44 Rencrutio 19 Eudokia 44 Stegedore 19 Eios 44 Tramontane
20 Florio 45 Ricciardo 20 Fastrada 45 Theodora 20 Eridian 45 Tutti
21 Galban 46 Rinaldo 21 Fausta 46 Theophanu 21 Erosan 46 Urbani
22 Gascon 47 Rustico 22 Fiamma 47 Tritonia 22 Etramas 47 Xenoph
23 Geneo 48 Tancredo 23 Fiammetta 48 Vittoria 23 Exodus 48 Zanob
24 Geosede 49 Ubertino 24 Fiorenza 49 Zaira 24 Karikos 49 Zenon
25 Giallos 50 Umberto 25 Flambette 50 Zerlina 25 Lanza 50 Zortho

Surnames in the Gorgon Coast
[D50] Vaunted Surnames [D50] Vaunted Surnames [D50] Common Surnames [D50] Common Surnames

1 Abatantuon 26 Gorgondi-Lux 1 Acri 26 Isollae

2 Anafestono 27 Gorgondi-Rex 2 Amato 27 Lalama
3 Armossi 28 Grimanga 3 Bakas 28 Lombasti
4 Bassilius 29 Laskalogo 4 Battaglia 29 Magglo
5 Bellini 30 Mastropiero 5 Bianco 30 Marini
6 Boccaccio 31 Mocenga 6 Bompia 31 Marumanica
7 Borghallasta 32 Monomachios 7 Bozzelle 32 Mele
8 Briggnola 33 Mussius-Memor 8 Cadmossi 33 Myronos
9 Buonocore 34 Neposia 9 Coppole 34 Nerosa
10 Burdenello 35 Odoacia 10 Cosimos 35 Ninotti
11 Caccioppoli 36 Pacomio 11 Damico 36 Nunges
12 Caleocrei 37 Phokanter 12 Dragha 37 Oddo
13 Cosmonenos 38 Pieromali 13 Duraduce 38 Piras
14 Dalla Gorgos 39 Pininfarina 14 Eco 39 Ragusa
15 Dandolo 40 Sabbanta 15 Eneide 40 Riva
16 DiLucca 41 Sangumodo 16 Episcalla 41 Rua
17 Dominitus 42 Sebanstus 17 Fallaci 42 Sagese
18 Felicissisa 43 Spinos 18 Ferri 43 Simele
19 Ferragamo 44 Taurobucci 19 Fittio 44 Stathos
20 Foscario 45 Tibericci 20 Fontana 45 Storgei
21 Frelloccio 46 Valguemarra 21 Frangas 46 Styglia
22 Galassia 47 Vecellio 22 Gandolfo 47 Tassos
23 Gennuselli 48 Vultanelle 23 Gatti 48 Toldo

24 Giustinata 49 Zampatta 24 Grassi 49 Udini

25 Glycerii 50 Zanidello 25 Hadesca 50 Vallagari

Titles on the Gorgon Coast
[D50] Vaunted Titles [D50] Vaunted Titles [D50] Low Titles [D50] Low Titles
the Ender of of Seven Bastards
1 of Baleful Portent 26 1 26 the Hound
Bloodlines Born
2 of Beatific Mien 27 the Gorgon Crowned 2 of the Ashen City 27 the Inventor
3 of Devout Silver 28 the Hand of Virtue 3 of the Assembly 28 the Islander
of the Blackened the Heir of Blackened 4 of the Bullcutters 29 the Jailer of Men
4 29
Horns Horns
of the Cult of
5 of the Blooded Chalice 30 the Heir of Chalices 5 30 the Keytaker
6 of the Dog-Men 31 the Imperator Reborn 6 of the Plaza 31 the Lay Scholar
of the Dogaressa's 7 of the Sallow Sea 32 the Legalist
7 32 the Inheritor Apparent
8 the Apostate 33 the Man-Snatcher
8 of the Knights Basilisk 33 the Iron Despot
9 the Basilisk's Clutch 34 the Merciless
9 of the Lararium 34 the Mercurial
10 the Bloodied 35 the Monk
of the Old Senate the Mourner in
10 35
House Exaltation 11 the Bravo's Blade 36 the Morose
of the Ordo Mourner-
11 36 the Old Master 12 the Busker 37 the Noosed
12 of the Ordo Parasitium 37 the Patrician 13 the Consumed 38 the Paidogogos

13 of the Palace of Man 38 the Patron of Patrons 14 the Crucified 39 the Penitent One

14 of the Ten Sages 39 the Penitent One 15 the Cutpurse 40 the Perfidious

15 the Archon 40 the Polychoralist 16 the Deepdelver 41 the Profound

16 the Auric One 41 the Pretender the Dissident

17 42 the Proven
17 the Bane of Crowns 42 the Queastor
18 the Evangelist 43 the Serpent's Lash
18 the Bombast 43 the Red Deacon the Shrouded
19 the Eyebiter 44
19 the Burnt Statesman 44 the Scholar Pontiff
20 the Fixer 45 the Starved
20 the Carrionmaker 45 the Scorned Heir
the Friend of
21 the Castrated 46 the Scourge of Lendal 21 46 the Thrice-Cursed
the Sculpted 22 the Hateful Heart 47 the Toothless
22 the Censor 47
23 the Heron 48 the Underhanded
the Sword of the
23 the Chalice-Bearer 48
Elders 24 the Historian 49 the Warsmith
24 the Dictator's Heir 49 the Vitreous
25 the Horsefighter 50 the Wild Dog
25 the Ducale Magistrate 50 the Warmonger

Food of the Gorgon Coast
[D10] Vegetable Meals [D10] Freeblade Rations
1 Garlic braised carrots. 1 Salt-dried beef patty.
2 Scorched sweet purple onion. 2 Jellied fish paste.
3 Parched chickpeas. 3 Thrice-baked hard biscuit.
4 Baked yellow onions with mushrooms. 4 Salt-cured pork belly.
5 Fennel and cabbage soup. 5 Condensed powdered fudge.
6 Red beans and sauteed cardoons. 6 Sliced turnips in black lump sauce.
7 Artichoke fritters. 7 Herb-encrusted offal.
8 Pan-roasted broccoli raab. 8 Milled oats and wheat powder.
9 Yellow pepper with tomato and basil. 9 Fermented chicken backs.
10 Green beans with zucchini flowers. 10 Sleeve of salted crackers.

[D10] Quality of Food [D10] Quality of Food [D10] Quality of Drink [D10] Quality of Drink
1 Pestilent. 6 Adequate. 1 Festering. 6 Well-made.
2 Rotten. 7 Well-seasoned. 2 Nauseating. 7 Refreshing.
3 Nasty. 8 Rich. 3 Acrid. 8 Superb.
4 Gross. 9 Exquisite. 4 Unpleasant. 9 Splendid.
5 Bland. 10 Divine. 5 Enjoyable. 10 Magnificent.

[D10] Breads of the Coast [D10] Fish Meals [D10] Meat Meals
1 Elderflower flatbread. 1 Sweet dough fried anchovies. 1 Boar's liver on coarse bread.
2 Chickpea flatbread. 2 White pepper prawns. 2 Sausage-stuffed zucchini flowers.
3 Heavy spelt bread. 3 Fried shrimp in sage. 3 Batter-wrapped boar sausage.
4 Chestnut flour polenta. 4 Salt cod in chestnut soup. 4 Mushroom-stuffed turkey neck.
5 Potato croquette. 5 Crumb-stuffed cuttlefish. 5 Lambs liver frittata.
6 Sweet lard cake loaf. 6 Baked lobster with plums. 6 Buttered pheasant terrine.
7 Bull's blood biscuits. 7 Fish-and-mussel stew. Braised chicken with meadow
8 Coarse meadow bread. 8 Baked swordfish shanks.
8 Cold oil pigeon pot roast.
9 Garlic and almond loaf. 9 Stockfish with pomello.
9 Sausage-stuffed goose.
10 Dense twelve-nut bread. 10 Cracked sea star soup.
10 Deviled quail-on-the-bone.

Gaze upon the legacy of despoiling wars and
monstrous pride, of vile-blooded heritage and
terrible ruination.
SPOILS OF THE GORGON COAST is a procedural generation toolbox
for the fantasy horror game Best Left Buried. The random tables within
present Doomsayers with the tools to randomly generate their own version
of the Gorgon Coast, a picturesque region of Lendal beset once again by
war. Throughout the lands are the ruined vestiges of a former imperial
power, Ancient Taurochtalia, cast down in ash and strife!
Now long-forgotten in the wider world, the former power struggles for
new prominence in the clutches of its sinister Inheritors: former imperial
nobility whose obsession with monstrous eugenics brought about
their empire's collapse. The Inheritors gather armies of Freeblades and
Cryptdiggers alike to plunder the wreckage of old and plunge the Gorgon
Coast into a war of a succession for its blackened throne.
Included alongside a massive array of random tables detailing the various
biomes and settlements of the region are stats for 27 brand new monsters,
tables to expand the idea of Cryptdigger companies and a host of factions
vying for power within the region.

This is an Adventure Best Left Buried.

Funded on Kickstarter as part of Zinequest 2, the Best Left Buried: Zinequest Quartet
is a collection of four adventures for Best Left Buried and other OSR games, with
conversion tools available at WWW.SOULMUPPET.CO.UK to work with any D20
roleplaying system.


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