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1. In the quartiles, the central tendency median to be measured must lie in

a. First quartile b. Second quartile c. Third quartile d. Fourth quartile

2. The arithmetic mean is 12 and the number of observations are 20 then the sum of all
the values is
a. 8 b. 32 c. 240 d. 1.667

3. The mean or average used to measure central tendency is called

a. Sample mean b. Arithmetic mean c. Negative mean d. Population mean

4. If a constant value is added to every observation of data, then arithmetic mean is

obtained by
a. Subtracting the constant b. Adding the constant c. Multiplying the constant
d. Dividing the constant

5. The sum of the squares of the deviations about mean is

a. Zero b. Maximum c. Minimum d. All the above

6. The arithmetic mean of 10 items is 4 and arithmetic mean of 5 items is 10. The
combined arithmetic mean is

a. 4 b. 5 c. 90 d. 6

7. The difference of mode and mean is equal to

a. 3(mean-median) b. 2(mean-median) c. 3(mean-mode) d. 2(mode-mean)

8. If the mean is 11 and the median is 13 then the value of mode is

a. 15 b. 13 c. 11 d. 17

9. If the value of mode is 14 and the value of arithmetic mean is 5 then the value of
median is

a. 12 b. 18 c. 8 d. 14

10. Four friends went shopping for school clothes. Kim bought 5 shirts, Jill bought 4
shirts, Leslie bought 6 shirts, and Crystal bought only 1 shirt. Which answer choice
represents the mean of the shirts purchased?

a. 6 b. 2 c. 4 d. 3

11. What is the median of the following numbers? 1,2,2,8,9,14

a. 2 b. 13 c. 5 d. 6

12. The following are scores made on a math test. 80,90,90,85,60,70,75,85,90,60,80.

What is the mode of these scores?

a. 80 b. 70 c. 60 d. 90

13. The following scores were obtained by eleven footballers in a goal-shoot competition:
5 3 6 8 7 8 3 11 6 3 2
The modal and median score was
a. 3 and 6 b. 6 and 8 c. 8 and 3 d. 6 and 11

14. The mean of ten numbers is 58. If one of the numbers is 40, what is the mean of the
other nine?

a. 18 b. 60 c. 162 d. 540

15. The mean of 11 numbers is 7. One of the numbers, 13, is deleted. What is the mean of
the remaining 10 numbers?
a. 7.7 b. 6.4 c. 6.0 d. 5.8

16. Dispersion measures

a. The scatterness of a set of observations b. The concentration of set of
observations c. The peakedness of distribution d. None

17. Which one is an absolute measure of Dispersion?

a. Range b.Mean Deviation c. Quartile Deviation d. All these measures

18. Coefficient of standard deviation is

a. SD/Mean b. SD/Median c. SD/Mode d. Mean/SD

19. The range of the scores 29, 3, 143, 27, 99 is

a. 140 b. 143 c. 146 d. 70

20. The range of the scores 29, 3, 143, 27, 99 is

a. 140 b. 143 c. 146 d. 70

21. If Q3  20 and Q1  10 , the coefficient of quartile deviation is

a. 3 b. 13 c. 2 3 d. 1

22. If there are ten values each equal to 10, then standard deviation of these values is:
a. 100 b.20 c. 10 d. 0
23. The standard deviation of -5, -5, -5, -5, 5 is:
a. -5 b. +5 c. 0 d. -25

24. Standard deviation is always calculated from:

a. Mean b. Median c. Mode d. Lower quartile

25.- If a distribution is symmetrical, it has

(a) Zero skewness (b) Positive skewness (c) Negative skewness (d) None of the above

26. For a symmetric distribution,

(a) Mean = Median = Mode (b) Mean > Median > Mode (c) Mode > Median > Mean (d)
Both (B) and (C)

27. The right tail of a distribution is longer than the left tail. Such a distribution is having
(a) Zero skewness (b) Positive skewness (c) Negative skewness (d) None of the above

28. If Mean > Median > Mode, the distribution is

(a) Symmetrical (b) Positively skewed (c) Negatively skewed (d) None of the above

29. If Q3 = 2M – Q1, then skewness of the distribution is

(a) symmetric (b) moderate (c) positive (d) negative

30. Salaries of employees are often examples of

(a) Positive skewness (b) Negative skewness (c) Zero skewness (d) None of these

31. In a negatively skewed distribution,

(a) Mean > Median > Mode (b) Mean = Median = Mode (c) Median > Mean > Mode
(d) Mode > Median > Mean

32. The maximum and minimum values of Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness are
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 2 (c) 3 and 3 (d) 4 and 4

33. Bowley’s coefficient of skewness lies between

(a) –1 and 1 (b) –2 and 2 (c) –3 and 3 (d) –4 and 4

34. Bowley’s coefficient of skewness (Skb) for the following data 5, 6, 7, 1, 4, 3, 9 is

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) –1 (d) 0.1

35.- Find the regression coefficients of

a) 2.1
b) 4.4
c) 5.1
d) 3.1
36. Find the equation of the regression line of y on x if and mean of x and y
is 5.5 when x = 6
a) y=3.3
b) y=6.5
c) y=2.37
d) y=5.78
37. For two variables X and Y the equations of the regression lines are
and Find the mean value of X and Y.
a) Mean of X=50 , Mean of Y=50
b) Mean of X=162 , Mean of Y=162
c) Mean of X=162 , Mean of Y=50
d) Mean of X=162 , Mean of Y=162
38. For two variables X and Y the equations of the regression lines are and

Find the mean value of X and Y.

a) Mean of X=6 , Mean of Y=3
b) Mean of X=3 , Mean of Y=6
c) Mean of X=6 , Mean of Y=6
d) Mean of X=3, Mean of Y=3
39. Find the regression coefficient if and
a) r=3/2
b) r=2
c) r=2/3
d) r=1
40. The standard deviation of x and y is 5 and 40/3, the coefficient of correlation between
x and y is 8/15. Find the regression coefficient of y on x.
a) 2.33
b) 1.42
c) 3.25
d) 4.4
41. Using normal equation find ‘a’ and ‘b’ , if n=7,

a) a=128 and b=232

b) a=232 and b=1278
c) a=323 and b=1278
d) a=1278 and b=232

42. Use the straight line equation find Y. where a=680,b=70.5,x=-4.

a) 893
b) 983
c) 398
d) 938
43. The regression equation x on y is also given Find





44. Find the standard deviation of Y .where regression coefficient is 8/15 and

standard deviation of X is 5.
a) 3/40
b) 4/30
c) 40/3
d) 1/10
45. For a given series of paired data, the following information is available
Covariance between X and Y series = –32.6
Standard deviation of X series = 8.6
Standard deviation of Y series = 4.8
No. of pairs of observations = 15
Calculate the coefficient of correlation?
a) –0.790 b) -0.175 c) 0.563 d) 0.342

46. Given the following information:

Number of pairs of observations of X and Y series =15
X series arithmetic mean = 25
Y series arithmetic mean =18
X series standard deviation = 3.0
Y series standard deviation = 3.03
Summation of the products of corresponding deviations of X and Y series = 122
Calculate the coefficient of correlation between X and Y series.
a) 0.739 b) 0.895 c) 0.248 d) 0.136

47. The coefficient of correlation lies between

a) +1 b) -1 c) +1 and -1 d) +1 or -1
48. Given:
Total of multiplication of deviations of X and Y = 3,476
No. of pairs of observations = 12
Total of deviations of X = – 176
Total of deviations of Y = – 26
Total of squares of deviations of X = 8,288
Total of squares of deviations of Y = 2,556
Using this information, calculate the coefficient of correlation when the arbitrary mean
values of X and Y are 85 and 22, respectively.
a) 0.237 b) 0.657 c) 0.426 d) 0.819

49. For a set of bi-variate data, you are given the following information:
(X – 58) = 46,(Y – 58) = 19, (X – 58) (Y – 58) = 1,095,
(X – 58)2= 1,483, and (Y – 58)2= 3,086
Number of pairs of observations = 8
Calculate the coefficient of correlation between X and Y.
a) 0.819 b) 0.325 c) 0.465 d) 0.962

50. The variable being estimated is called _______________ while the variable used to make
estimates is called _____________________
a) Independent, independent b) dependent, independent c) independent, dependent d)
dependent, dependent
51. The relationship between variables is presented by means of a regression equation which is
obtained using the ___________________________
a) Divisor method b) method of multiplier c) principles of least squares d) method of
square root
52. The two regression coefficients byx and bxy cannot both be smaller than 1.
a) True b) false c) semi-true d) semi-false
53. The coefficient of correlation is equal to geometric mean of the two regression coefficients.
a) 0.819 b) 0.763 c) 0.542 d) 0.247

54. Calculate the regression coefficients bxy and byx from data given below :
Instructions Series x Series y
Average 25 22
Standard deviation 4 5
r = 0.8.
a) 0.31 , 2.00 b) 0.52 , 3.00 c) 0.64, 1.00 d) 0.76, 0.34

55. From the following data, compute the coefficient of correlation between X and Y :
Instructions X Series Y Series

Number of items 15 15

Arithmetic Mean 25 18

Square of deviation from Mean 136 138

Summation of product deviations of X and Y from their Arithmetic Means = 122

a) 0.78 b) 0.89 c) 0.91 d) 0.12
Answers :

1. b 11. a 21. b
2. c 12. D 22. d
3. b 13. A 23. c
4. b 14. b 24. a
5. c 15. b
6. d 16. a
7. a 17. d
8. d 18. a
9. c 19. a
10. a 20. a

25. a
26. a
27. b
28. b
29. a
30. a
31. d
32. c
33. a
34. a
35. a
36. d
37. c
38. a
39. c
40. b
41. d
42. c
43. b
44. c
45. a
46. b
47. c
48. d
49. a
50. b.
51. c.
52. b
53. a
54. c
55. b


1. Find the mean from the daily wages of 50 employees in an organization are given

Daily wages 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300

No. Of workers 12 13 17 8

2. The mean of the following distribution is 26. Find the value of p and also the value
of the observation

0 1 2 3 4 5
3 3 p 7 p-1 4
Also find the mode of the data.
3. A sample of five accounting graduates revealed the following starting salaries 22,000,
28,000, 31,000, 23,000. 24,000. Find their range and coefficient of range.
4. From the following data calculate all quartiles, inter quartile range and coefficient of
quartile deviation for the following data

Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60

No. of students 10 20 30 50 40 30

5. Calculate co-efficient of mean deviation about median from the following data

Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

Frequency 5 18 15 16 6
6. Find the mean deviation from mean for the following data

X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
F 3 5 8 12 1 7 5

7. From the following data, calculate standard deviation

Work type 5 15 25 35 45 55

No. of workers 10 20 30 50 40 30
8. For the following data compute variance

Class Interval 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

Frequency 3 5 7 9 4

9. Suppose a series of 100 observations has mean 50 and variance 20. Another series of
200 observations has mean 80 and variance 40. What is the combined variance and
standard deviation of the given series?
10. (i) If , then find co-efficient of variation.
(ii) For a distribution, the co-efficient of variations is 70.6% and the value of the
arithmetic mean is 16. Find the value of variance and standard deviation.

Descriptive type Questions

11. Define skewness. What are the measures of skewness?
12. Define kurtosis. Explain in details of curves?
13. what are the differences between skewness and kurtosis
14. For a given data, Q1 = 58, Md = 59 and Q3 == 61. Find coefficient of skewness.
15. Following statistical measures are given for a data set. Find out the value of standard deviation,
Coefficient of skewness is -0.375, Mean is 62 and Median is 6.
16. The first four central moments of a distribution are 0, 3.5, 0.8 and 17.75. Examine the skewness
and kurtosis of the distribution.
17. Find Sk for the following set of observations. 17, 17, 21, 14, 15, 20, 19, 16, 13, 17 , 18
18. For a distribution Q3 + Q2 = 40, Q2 + Q1 = 60. Find Bowley’s coefficient of skewness Sk
19. Find Median for the following set of observations: 18, 27, 10, 25, 31, 13, 28
20. For a frequency distribution, the mean is 150, the coefficient of variation is 12% and Karl
Pearson’s coefficient of skewness Sk is 0.5. Find the mode.
11. Measure of skewness says the amount of asymmetry in a given series of observations. There
are absolute and relative measures of skewness. The absolute measures of skewness tell us the
extent of asymmetry and whether it is positive or negative. It is based on the difference between
mean and mode

12. If the frequency curve is almost same in shape to the graph of the function f(x)=

with normal curve is known as kurtosis.

13. 1- The characteristic of a frequency distribution that ascertains its symmetry about the mean is
called skewness. On the other hand, Kurtosis means the relative pointedness of the standard bell
curve, defined by the frequency distribution.
2- Skewness is a measure of the degree of lopsidedness in the frequency distribution. Conversely,
kurtosis is a measure of degree of tailedness in the frequency distribution.
3- Skewness is an indicator of lack of symmetry, i.e. both left and right sides of the curve are
unequal, with respect to the central point. As against this, kurtosis is a measure of data, that is
either peaked or flat, with respect to the probability distribution.
14. Sk = 0.33
15. Standard Deviation is 24.
16. Skewness = 0.015 and Kurtosis =10283
17. Sk = 0
18. Sk = - 0.2
19. Median = 25
20. Mode = 141
Descriptive questions
21. For two variables X and Y the equations of the regression lines are 9Y-X-288=0 and
X-4Y+38=0, find
i. The mean values of X and Y.
ii. The coefficient of correlation between X and Y.
iii. The ratio of the SD of Y to that of X.
iv. The most probable value of Y when X=145.
v. The most probable value of X when Y=35.

22. A panel of judges A and B graded seven debators and independently awarded the
following marks.
Debator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Marks 40 34 28 30 44 38 31
by A
Marks 32 39 26 30 38 34 28
by B

An eight debator was awarded 36 marks by judge A while judge B was not present. If
judge B were also present, how many marks would you expect him to award to the
eighth debator assuming that the same degree of relationship exists in their

23. Find the equation of regression lines for thr following data.
x 25 28 35 32 36 36 29 38 34 32
y 43 46 49 41 36 32 31 30 33 39

24. A group of 5 students took tests before and after training and obtained the following
Scores Before 3 4 4 6 8
Scores After 4 5 6 8 10
Find by the method of least squares the straight line of best fit.

25. Fit a straight line to the following data.

years 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976
Sales(in 38 40 65 72 69 60 87 95
lakhs of
Estimate the sales for 1977.

26. In a partially destroyed records the following data are available: variance of X =25.
regression equation of X on Y is 5X-Y=22. Regression equation of Y on X is 64X-
45Y=24. Find
i. Mean value of X and Y.
ii. Co-efficient of correlation between X and Y.
iii. Standard Deviation of Y.

27. Find the two regression coefficient and and hence find the correlation

coefficient for the following , ,

28. Obtain the least square regression line of y on x for the following data.

x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
y 9 8 10 12 11 13 14 16 15
Also obtain an estimate of y which should correspond on an average to x=6.2

29. In a laboratory experiment on correlation research study, the equation of the

regression lines were found to be and . Find the
mean of x and y. Also work done the values of the regression coefficient between the
two variables x and y.

30. Given the regression equations y on x and on y as and

respectively and the second moment of x about the origin as 3,

Find (i) correlation co-efficient and

(ii) the standard deviation of y


1. The durations of the telephone calls made by an employee were recorded for a month.
The results are shown in the following table.
Duration in Number of phone
Minutes calls
Under 3 45
3 & under 6 59
6 & under 9 38
9 & under 12 31
12 & under 15 19
15 & under 18 8
18 & over 0

Calculate the arithmetic mean, variance, standard deviation and also calculate co-
efficient of variation.
2. Co-efficient of variation of two series is 60% and 80% respectively. Their standard
deviations are 20 and 16 respectively. What is their arithmetic mean.
3. The runs scored in a cricket match by 11 players is as follows
7, 16, 121, 51, 101, 81, 16, 9, 16.
Find the mean and median of this data. By using empirical relations find mode.
4. A frequency distribution is as follows:

Value Frequency
Atleast 0 , under 5 2
Atleast 5, under 8 30
Atleast 8 , under 11 10
Atleast 11 , under 14 4
Atleast 14 , under 17 2

Calculate median, lower quartile and upper quartile.

5. The weights of a sample of crates containing books for the bookstore are
103, 97, 101, 106, 103.
Find the mean weight of the crates and also find the mean deviation of the crates.
6. Find the mean deviation from median for the following data:

More than Not more than Frequency

0 10 4
10 20 6
20 30 8
30 40 20
40 50 6
50 60 0
Open Ended problems
7. In a frequency distribution, the coefficient of skewness based upon quartiles is 0.6 If the sum of
the upper and lower quartiles is 100 and the median is 38, find the value of the upper quartile.
8. Calculate Karl Pearson's coefficient of skewness based on the empirical Skewness relationship that
exists between the central tendencies in a moderately asymmetrical distribution: Mean = 23, Median = 24,
Standard Deviation = 10. Is this distribution negatively or positively skewed?
9. if median , first quartile and coefficient of quartile deviation of distribution are 18.5 , 14.5 and 0.275
respt. Calculate Bowley’s coefficient of skewness
10. For a frequency distribution, the mean is 200, the coefficient of variation is 8% and Karl Pearsonian’s
coefficient of skewness is 0.3. Find the mode and median of the distribution
11. For a distribution, Bowley’s coefficient of skewness is 0.6. The sum of upper and lower quartiles is
100 and median is 38. Find the upper and lower quartiles.
7. upper quartile is 70.
8. -0.3
9. SKB = 0.27
10. Mode = 195.2 Median = 198.4
11. upper quartile = 70 and lower quartile = 30
Open ended problem
12. The working funds of a nationalised bank during seven consecutive years
beginning with 1961 were (in crores of rupees) 147,191,213,254,296,383,418. Fit a
straight line to the above data. Use the result to estimate the working funds during
13. The sales of a firm during 7 consecutive years were (in lakhs of rupees)
32,45,56,78,94,112,136. Fit a linear trend. Give an estimate of sales for the eight year
as a forecast.
14. Fit a parabolic curve of regression of y on x to the 9 pairs of value
X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
y 2 6 7 8 10 11 11 10 9
15. Two lines of regression are given by and and

. Calculate the mean values of X and Y, variance of Y and the coefficient of

correlation between X and Y.
16. The regression equation of production (X) on capacity utilisation (Y) of a certain
firm is 5x-3830y+14680=0. The average capacity utilisation of the firm was 70% and
the variance of capacity utilisation is 9/18 of the variance of production. Find the
average production and coefficient of correlation between production and capacity

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