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Journal of Theoretical Biology 243 (2006) 386–392

Assortative mating through a mechanism of sexual selection

Laureano Castro, Miguel A. Toro!
Departamento de Mejora Genética Animal, Instituto de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria, SGIT-INIA,
Carretera de La Coruña km. 7, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Received 6 February 2006; received in revised form 7 July 2006; accepted 7 July 2006
Available online 15 July 2006


We propose that assortative mating can arise through a mechanism of sexual selection by active female choice of partners based on a
‘self-seeking like’ decision rule. Using a mathematical model, we show that a gene can be selected that make females to choose mates that
are similar to themselves with respect to an arbitrary tag, even if two independent and unlinked genes determine the preference and the
tag. The necessary requisite for this process to apply is an asymmetry between partners, such that the female can choose the male but this
one must always accept to mate. The fitness advantage is due to linkage disequilibrium built up between both genes. Simulations have
been run to check the algebraic results and to analyse the influence of several factors on the evolution of the system. Any factor that
favors linkage disequilibrium also favors the evolution of the preference allele. Moreover, in a large population subdivided in small
subpopulations connected by migration, the assortative mating homogenizes the population genotypic structure for the tags in contrast
to random mating that maintains most of the variation.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sexual selection; Mate choice; Assortative mating; Phenotype matching

1. Introduction selection theory proposes Fisherian self-reinforcing selection,

species recognition, genetic indicator mechanisms, and direct
Darwin’s concept of sexual selection is typically defined benefits as possible mechanisms driving the evolution of non-
as the tendency of members of one sex, usually females, to random mating (Andersson, 1994).
preferentially choose as mates certain members of the In this paper we show that assortative mating can arise
opposite sex, and provides one of the main explanations for through a mechanism of sexual selection by an active
the evolution of non-adaptive traits such as the peacock female choice of partners based on a ‘self seeking like’
tail. Females could prefer to mate with males carrying a decision rule—i.e. a type of self-referent phenotype
population-specific trait, a preference model, or to mate matching. First, using a simple mathematical model, we
with males that share their own trait phenotype, an show that a gene can be selected that makes females to
assortative mating model (Servedio, 2000). choose as mates those males that are similar to themselves
Assortative mating could occur if females asses their own with respect to an arbitrary tag even if two independent
phenotype and use it as a basis for mate choice, a type of self- and unlinked genes determine the preference and the tag.
referent phenotype matching (Verzijden et al., 2005), or if they Second, simulations have been carried out along a number
asses and use the phenotype of known relatives—i.e. through of generations to check the algebraic results and to analyse
sexual imprinting (Lorenz, 1935; ten Cate and Vos, 1999; Aoki the influence of several factors: multiple tags, intensity of
et al., 2001). It is not clear how common self-referent preference, and population size and structure.
phenotype matching is in nature. A review of the evidence
for this mechanism suggests that it may be more frequent than
previously thought (Hauber and Sherman, 2001). Sexual 2. Theoretical model

!Corresponding author. Tel. +34 913476807; fax: +34 913572293. The population consists of sexual haploid individuals
E-mail address: (M.A. Toro). AB, Ab, aB and ab at frequencies r, s, t and u, respectively,

0022-5193/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Castro, M.A. Toro / Journal of Theoretical Biology 243 (2006) 386–392 387

for the four genotypes at the two loci considered. The gene will also be affected. Thus, starting with some arbitrary
frequencies of allele A in the first locus and of allele B in the values of p1, p2 and D, the system evolves dissipating the
second locus are p1 ¼ r þ s and p2 ¼ r þ t. Let us assume linkage disequilibrium until a value of D ¼ 0 is reached,
that there is an asymmetry in the role played by males and and at this moment an equilibrium point is attained. At the
females in mating such that the female is in position to same time that D goes to 0, the behavior of the two loci is
choose a mate whereas the male can only accept to mate different. In the first locus (A,a), the increase of A allele
(otherwise he will be at an obvious disadvantage). Females depends on the square value of the linkage disequilibrium
carrying the a allele mate randomly, but those carrying the parameter D (Eq. (1)). Consequently, the A allele will
A allele mate randomly with probability 1#m and, if always increase in frequency if D6¼0, irrespective of the sign
partners are available, mate with probability m with a male of D. The increase will be greater as m increases. In the
of the population which is genetically similar to her but at a second locus (B,b), however, the change in gene frequency
second locus (B,b), that acts as tag. Thus, AB females tend depends directly on the sign and magnitude of the linkage
to be assorted with AB and aB males, whereas females Ab disequilibrium parameter D (Eq. (2)) and, therefore, the
tend to be assorted with Ab and ab males. frequency of the allele B can increase (D40) or decrease
The frequencies for the different types of matings are (Do0). The recombination fraction c between the two loci
shown in Table 1. Recombination between gametes follows does not affect directly the change in gene frequencies, but
and the next generation of zygotes is formed. It is a it has influence on D.
question of simple algebra to show that the change in gene It is well known that genetic drift arising in finite
frequencies will be populations is one of the main sources of linkage
disequilibrium even between unlinked genes. Eqs. (1)–(3)
Dp1 ¼ , (1) cannot give the evolution of gene frequencies in finite
2p2 ð1 # p2 Þ populations because the effect of drift has not been
formally included. Therefore, we should rely in simulations
Dp2 ¼ , (2) that will allow to study the evolution of the system in finite
2 populations and to test the conclusions of the algebraic
and analysis. The main conclusion is that the linkage disequili-
! " brium generated by drift in each generation would be
mD Dð1 # 2p2 Þ # 0:5D2
DD ¼ # 2c þ mc , (3) enough to allow that the A allele increases on average in
2 p2 ð1 # p2 Þ frequency until fixation as long as the variability in both
where D is the linkage disequilibrium between both loci locus A/a and B/b are not lost by drift. Any factor that
and c the rate of recombination. favors the generation of disequilibrium D (e.g. a greater
Several consequences from the above formulae must be number of tag loci) or that contributes to the maintenance
emphasized. The system is at equilibrium when the linkage of genetic variability for the tags (e.g. intermediate
disequilibrium is null (D ¼ 0) irrespective of the values of frequencies of the tag alleles or a greater number of tags)
the gene frequencies of A(p1) and B(p2), because if D ¼ 0 could facilitate the increase of the A allele. On the other
both loci behave neutrally, as intuitively expected. There- hand, population size has opposite effects on the evolution
fore, if the system is perturbed but maintaining D equal to of A: for example, small populations facilitate the
0 the new frequencies of A and B will be again at generation of linkage disequilibrium but also the loss of
equilibrium. However, if the perturbation affects linkage genetic variability. Finally, the algebraic analysis also
disequilibrium (D6¼0) the gene frequencies of A(p1) y B(p2) predicts that random fluctuations of the D value around

Table 1
Frequencies of mating

Female Male
AB Ab aB ab

AB mr2 rs(1#m) mrt ru(1#m) r

r2 ð1 # mÞ þ rtð1 # mÞ þ
rþt rþt

Ab sr(1#m) ms2 st(1#m) msu s

s2 ð1 # mÞ þ suð1 # mÞ þ
sþu sþu

aB tr ts T2 tu t
aB ur us ut u2 u
P mrt
mr2 s#ms(r+s) t # mtðr þ sÞ þ u#mu(r+s)
r # mrðr þ sÞ þ rþt
388 L. Castro, M.A. Toro / Journal of Theoretical Biology 243 (2006) 386–392

0 will not modify on average frequencies in the second choose males that are genetically different to them for the
locus B/b. second locus (B,b). Thus, AB females tend to be assorted
Notice the difference between our model and the with Ab and ab males, whereas Ab females tend to be
classical models of sexual selection where A females assorted with AB and aB males. In this case, however, the
preferentially choose males with a fixed variant of the allele A will only increase in frequency if
tag, for example, B males (Kirkpatrick, 1982). If the A
mD2 mDp1 ð1 # 2p2 Þ
females prefer B males, the equations of change in gene Dp1 ¼ # þ . (6)
frequency will be for m ¼ 1 and assuming the assumptions 2p2 ð1 # p2 Þ 2p2 ð1 # p2 Þ
of our model (i.e., that the B alleles are neutral and that the The first component will always be negative whereas the
female can choose but the male must always accept to sign of the second depends on the values of D and (1#2p2).
mate) Therefore, the frequency of A can either increase or
Dp1 ¼ Dp1 =p2 , (4)
and 3. Simulation model
Dp2 ¼ p1 ð1 # p2 Þ=2. (5)
A two-locus (A,a; B,b) sexual haploid population was
Obviously, the B allele is always favored even if D ¼ 0. studied. The a female mates randomly but the A female
This increase in frequency of B induces positive linkage prefers to mate with a male that is similar to her for the
disequilibrium that, in turns, favors the increase of the A neutral tag (B, b). We also consider the situation of
allele frequency until B attains fixation. However, classic multiple tags where each tag has two selectively neutral
models of sexual selection (see Lande, 1981; Kirkpatrick, alternative variants (i.e. for i ¼ 5 there are B/b, C/c, D/d,
1982) also assume that the B males have viability (1#s) E/e, F/f). Thus, ABCDEF females tend to mate with
times that of b males and that this locus B/b is not ABCDEF and aBCDEF males, whereas Abcdef female
expressed in females. Both authors find that under a wide tends to assort with Abcdef and abcdef males. When no
range of parameter values, their models exhibit continuous individuals matching for all tags are present, the most
equilibrium lines. In our model, the tags are neutral and the similar ones are chosen—i.e., each female choose at
equilibrium is only attained when D is 0. As a consequence, random a male among all that share with her the maximum
the A allele always increases in frequency in finite number of tags. We assume that all females mate only once
populations. but the males can be chosen as mates several times. The
It could be argued that in relatively large populations number of males equals the number of females and remains
having a preference for a mate entails some cost for constant along generations. From each mating, one son
females, in either evaluating tags, or seeking out similar and one daughter are obtained to form the next generation.
individuals. Models of Fisher’s runaway process have Brother and sister matings are avoided except in the case
shown that when such costs exist, the reinforcing evolution expressly indicated.
of trait and preference cannot usually occur (Kirkpatrick, First, we study the evolution of the A (and B) allele in
1985; Pomiankowski et al., 1991; Day, 2000), although the single populations of different sizes (50, 500 or 5000
outcomes of models depend on the details of several individuals). The base population is generated at random
assumptions (Mead and Anold, 2004). This objection can assuming an initial frequency of 0.1 for the A allele and 0.5
be mitigated if, in order to avoid costs, we make use of for the B allele. This last value implies maximum variability
Seger’s (1985) model of behavioral preference (‘the best-of- for the tags. The average over runs of the initial linkage
n males rule of female mating preferences’) where the disequilibrium is 0. Moreover, the assumed rate of
female chooses the male that is more similar to her but only recombination is always 0.5. We also consider a large
among a subset of n available males. In fact, for m ¼ 1, the population of 5000 individuals subdivided in 100 sub-
behavioral preference of our model is the Seger’s one when populations of 50 individuals each, half of them of each
n includes all males in the population. We have run some sex. In all generations and before matings occur each
simulations to study the effect of decreasing the number of population interchanges k individuals with other popula-
males evaluated. tions. Matings take place within populations that remain of
If we introduce a cost e for the A females associated to the same size along generations. Selection between groups
the activity of choosing, this cost can annul the advantage is avoided because processes of extinction and re-coloniza-
of the A allele derived from Eq. (1). Thus, whereas the A tion are not considered. Each situation shows the evolution
males have always an advantage over the a males if D6¼0, of the average frequency of 10,000, 1000 or 10 runs in
because they are chosen more frequently than a males as single populations of sizes 50, 500 or 5000, respectively.
partners, it could be overcompensated by the disadvantage When we studied large subdivided population, the number
of the A females due to the cost of choosing and, as a of runs was 100. Besides population structure (single or
consequence of this the A allele would be selected against. subdivided) and population size, other parameters are
Finally, it would seem that the A allele will increase in modified in the simulations: the number of tags i, the
frequency if A females show a tendency (measured by m) to assortment parameter m, the number of migrants k, the
L. Castro, M.A. Toro / Journal of Theoretical Biology 243 (2006) 386–392 389

Table 2
Evolution of A allele frequency along generations in single populations for the different simulated situations

Population size N Assortment m Tag number i Generation

0 25 100 500

50 1 1 0.100 0.109 0.122 0.12070.003

50a 1 1 0.100 0.132 0.166 0.16970.004
50 1 5 0.100 0.203 0.265 0.26670.004
500 1 1 0.100 0.100 0.111 0.11270.008
500 1 5 0.100 0.119 0.232 0.53070.015
5000 1 5 0.100 0.104 0.104 0.23170.049
50 0 1 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.10070.003
50 0.5 1 0.100 0.103 0.106 0.10670.003
50 0.5 5 0.100 0.118 0.130 0.12870.003
50 Negative –1 1 0.100 0.106 0.118 0.11870.003

The initial average frequency (0.5) of B tags remains constant along all generations. Common situation: no brother–sister matings.
With brother–sister matings.

number of evaluated males n, and exceptionally the system Table 3

of mating. Evolution of A allele frequency along generations in a large subdivided
population (100 groups of 50 individuals) with k migrants
4. Simulation results Assortment Situations Generations
Tag k 0 25 100
The main question is if the A allele can increase in
number migrants
frequency under different scenarios. Table 2 shows the i
evolution of the frequency of the A allele along 500
generations in single populations. The values have been 1 5 1 0.100 0.216 0.89770.003
1a 5a 1a 0.100a 0.653a 1.00070.000a
averaged over runs. In all case the average frequency of the 1 5 0.5 0.100 0.213 0.68070.006
B allele remains constant (p2 ¼ 0.5) along generations 1 5 2 0.100 0.209 0.94470.004
although, due to drift, in some populations either B or b 1 5 50 0.100 0.102 0.11670.005
become fixed. In small populations (50 individuals) and 1 1 1 0.100 0.112 0.15470.005
1 10 1 0.100 0.364 0.99970.000
only one tag, the initial frequency of the A allele (p1 ¼ 0.1) 0.5 5 1 0.100 0.117 0.20570.006
increases significantly (p1 ¼ 0.120). This increase is small Negative -1 5 1 0.100 0.109 0.17070.006
because the probability of loss of genetic variability by
The initial average frequency (0.5) of B tags remains constant along all
genetic drift is high and fixation of A or a is attained in
generations. Common situation: no brother–sister matings.
each population quickly before 100 generations. Thus, the a
With brother–sister matings.
frequency of the A allele is practically the same after 100 or
500 generations. If mating between brother and sister is not
avoided, the response for the A allele is greater frequency of the A allele is slight but significant. This
(p1 ¼ 0.169), even though only 4.4% of mating are result is due to a positive correlation between D and
incestuous. (1#2p2) with negative assortment and p2E0.5 and, there-
When linkage disequilibrium increases (five tags), the fore, the product of these two factors is positive in Eq. (6).
increase in frequency of the A allele is substantial Table 3 shows the evolution of the A allele in a large
(p1 ¼ 0.266). As population size increases, the genetic population (N ¼ 5000) subdivided into 100 groups of 50
variability stays longer but the magnitude of linkage individuals with different rates of migration k. In the initial
disequilibrium decreases. For N ¼ 500 individuals and 1 situation (i ¼ 5 tags and k ¼ 1 migrant), the results show a
tag, the increase in frequency is small even if the process striking increase in frequency of A (p1 ¼ 0.897). The reason
continues up to generation 500 (p1 ¼ 0.112). If the number is that migration allows the preservation of the genetic
of tags is five, 100 generations are enough to obtain a variability within populations and, for 5 tags, the
significant increase (p1 ¼ 0.232). On the contrary, for disequilibrium is high. The allowance of mating between
N ¼ 5000, 5 tags are not enough to produce an increase sibs facilitate still more the increase (p1 ¼ 1). For k ¼ 0.5,
of A in 100 generations but it occurs in 500 generations the increase is lower (p1 ¼ 0.680) because there is less
(p1 ¼ 0.231). genetic variability whereas for k ¼ 2 it is greater
The preference parameter also plays an important role. (p1 ¼ 0.944). However, there is an optimum value for the
For m ¼ 0, the A allele does not change in frequency and, number of migrants as, if k is very large, subdivision tends
with m ¼ 0.5, five tags are required to detect an increase in to dissipate linkage disequilibrium. In fact, when migration
frequency. For negative assortment, the increase in is complete (k ¼ 50), the situation reduces to a single large
390 L. Castro, M.A. Toro / Journal of Theoretical Biology 243 (2006) 386–392

population and the A allele increases very slightly in random mating (the females does not choose). The increase
frequency after 100 generations, but there is a significant in frequency is greater when n is equal to the number of
increase after 500 (p1 ¼ 0.156) or 1000 generations males in the populations but it also occurs, although more
(p1 ¼ 0.181). Notice that the last case is not equivalent to slowly, when n is smaller.
that of a single population of 5000 individuals, because in In some simulations we have assumed that, as a
the subdivided populations each female can only choose consequence of the choosing activity, the A females have
among the 25 males of her subpopulation. a probability e of remaining unmated. The results show
Table 3 also shows how the evolution of the A allele that, as expected, if e is great enough the A allele loses its
changes when the values of some parameters are modified. advantage and decreases in frequency. For example, in a
The results confirm those obtained in the isolated popula- large subdivided population (100 groups of 50 individuals)
tions. The increase in frequency of the A allele is greater as with 5 tags, m ¼ 1, and 1 migrant, if the probability
the number of tags increases (i ¼ 10 vs. i ¼ 1) but it is e ¼ 0.05, the frequency of the A allele increases from 0.1 to
retarded if the preference is incomplete (m ¼ 0.5). Negative 0.39 after 100 generations, but if the probability e ¼ 0.1,
assortment will also produce a significant but less then the frequency of A allele decreases to 0.068.
important increase. The simulation results indicate that the initial average
Table 4 shows the evolution of the A allele when the frequency of the B allele (p2 ¼ 0.5) remains equal along
female chooses the more similar male to her but only generations in all cases. However, the genotypic variability
among a subset of n males. The A allele does not increase in for the tags changes during the process. The change has
frequency if n ¼ 1, because this case corresponds to been studied comparing situations where either the A
(p1 ¼ 1) or a (p1 ¼ 0) allele is fixed. We consider a large
Table 4 population (N ¼ 5000) subdivided in 100 small subpopula-
Evolution of A allele frequency along generations in single populations for tions (N ¼ 50) connected by migration, because in this
different number of males assessed by females situation the probability that the A allele become fixed is
Population The best of Generation high. Table 5 shows the evolution along generations of the
size N n males average number of different genotypes for the 5 tags. In
0 25 100 500 absence of allele A (p1 ¼ 0 or what is equivalent m ¼ 0), the
50 1 0.100 0.098 0.096 0.09570.003
migration is able to maintain not only almost all genotypes
50 5 0.100 0.131 0.146 0.14770.004 (31.4–32) in the whole population after 1000 generations,
50 10 0.100 0.154 0.178 0.17870.004 but also a high number of genotypes within subpopula-
50 15 0.100 0.173 0.206 0.20870.004 tions—e.g., 14.4 genotypes for k ¼ 1 and 18.0 genotypes
50 25 0.100 0.203 0.265 0.26670.004 for k ¼ 10.
500 1 0.100 0.102 0.103 0.09970.021
500 25 0.100 0.096 0.149 0.20470.034
When the A allele is fixed and the preference parameter is
500 50 0.100 0.117 0.192 0.28770.040 maximum (p1 ¼ 1 and m ¼ 1), there is a quick loss of
500 100 0.100 0.123 0.210 0.36670.043 genotypic variability within subpopulations and in the
500 250 0.100 0.122 0.234 0.51170.049 population as a whole. Females choose males of the same
The initial average frequency (0.5) of B tags remains constant along all
genotype to mate with them and, consequently, there are
generations. Common situation: no brother–sister matings; assortment males that do not obtain mates in each subpopulation and,
m ¼ 1; tag number i ¼ 5. therefore, the variability decreases in the short term.

Table 5
Evolution of average number of genotypes within subpopulations and on the whole population for different migration rates k

Situations Number of different genotypes

Generation 0 Generation 100 Generation 500 Generation 1000

Subpopulat Populat. Subpopulat. Populat. Subpopulat. Populat. Subpopulat. Populat.

k ¼ 0.5 p1 ¼ 1 m ¼ 1 25.5 32.0 6.3 32.0 4.0 30.1 1.6 6.6

k ¼ 0.5 p1 ¼ 1 ¼ 0.9 6.6 2.0 13.3 1.2 1.5
k ¼ 0.5 p1 ¼ 0 m ¼ 0 13.1 11.9 32.0 11.0 32.0

k ¼ 1 p1 ¼ 1 m ¼ 1 25.5 32.0 7.6 32.0 1.7 2.3 1.5 1.7

k ¼ 1 p1 ¼ 1 m ¼ 0.9 8.71 1.4 1.5 1.3 1.3
k ¼ 1 p1 ¼ 0 m ¼ 0 17.7 16.2 32.0 14.4 31.7
k ¼ 10 p1 ¼ 1 m ¼ 1 25.5 32.0 3.3 5.9 2.3 2.8 2.2 2.5
k ¼ 10 p1 ¼ 1 m ¼ 0.9 4.4 9.4 1.7 1.7 1.63 1.63
k ¼ 10 p1 ¼ 1 m ¼ 0 23.7 32.0 21.0 32.0 18.0 31.4

The initial average frequency (0.5) of B tags remains constant along all generations. Common situation: no brother–sister matings, number of tags i ¼ 5.
L. Castro, M.A. Toro / Journal of Theoretical Biology 243 (2006) 386–392 391

Besides, migration impedes the formation of stable groups Notably, a subdivided population with a reasonable rate
of similar males and females mating between themselves. of migration is very efficient to facilitate the increase in
When an individual migrates to other subpopulation, this frequency of the A allele and, in the simulation results, 100
can destabilize the group of origin and, if he is a male, generations are enough to bring the A allele to fixation.
probably cannot find mates and his genotype disappears. To mitigate the cost that for females could arise as a
In the long term, each subpopulation tends to be fixed for consequence of having preferences, we also test a situation
one or two genotypes. Moreover, if the rate of migration is where females choose only among a limited subset of males
large enough (e.g., kX1), the whole population is homo- (e.g. females choose the best of n males) showing that the
genized to about two or three genotypes. The result is A allele also increases in frequency although more slowly.
dramatic: the number of different genotypes in the whole Moreover, when we assume a fixed cost such that the A
population goes, after 1000 generations, from 32 to only females have a probability e of remaining unmated, the
1.7–2.5, but all the genotypes (31.4–32) would be main- A allele still increases in frequency unless the e value is
tained in the absence of this type of assortment. This quite substantial.
homogenizing effect is still strong if a more realist rate of In classical models of sexual selection, the increase in
assortment is considered (m ¼ 0.9) because stable groups frequency of the preference allele goes together with an
of males and females with the same genotype for the tags increase in the trait object of preference but, in our model,
can never be consolidated. the average frequency of the tags does not change. This is
simply because assortative mating does not change gene
5. Discussion frequencies. Despite of this, the female tending to mate
with a male that is alike to her for some arbitrary markers
In this paper, we propose that assortative mating can produces a dramatic effect on the population genotypic
arise through sexual selection based on the female structure of the tags. In a large population subdivided in
preference for males who are similar to them for a number small subpopulations connected by migration, the assorta-
of arbitrary characteristics or tags, even when both the tive mating homogenizes the population as a whole in
preference and the tags depend on independent and contrast to random mating that maintains much of the
unlinked genes. The necessary requisite for this process to variation. In each subpopulation, the assortment decreases
act is an asymmetry between partners in such a way that the initial number of genotypes present because there are
the female can choose the male whereas the later must males that are not chosen as mates. Besides, migration
always accept to mate. Under these circumstances it is impedes the attainment of a stable equilibrium between
possible that a mechanism with a genetic basis (allele A) groups of similar males and females mating between
arises, favoring the active female choice of partners using a themselves. As consequence, the whole population became
‘self seeking like’ decision rule. The fitness advantage is due homogeneous with two or three genotypes coexisting
to the built up of linkage disequilibrium between locus A/a during many generations. This result is obtained for
and the tags. The disequilibrium can favor either one or the m ¼ 1 or, in a more realistic situation, when some errors
other tag alleles but, in both cases, A males mate more are allowed (m ¼ 0.9).
As the number of tags increases the evolution of the A
allele is favored and in the limit (for example with more Acknowledgments
than 1000 tags) the behavior of the A allele will be
equivalent to that of an allele promoting that the female We thank Mark Kirkpatrick and two anonymous
mates with her brothers. It is well known that such allele reviewers for their comments on an earlier version of the
would increase in frequency until its advantage is counter- manuscript.
acted by inbreeding depression. This situation can be
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