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Open Society Foundations – Open Society Initiative for Europe


version as of April 2019
The budget information included in the spreadsheet establishes an important basis for the evaluation of the merits for awarding support to your
project or organization. The following instructions are developed with the aim of assisting potential applicants in the process of developing a
well-structured grant budget that will provide clear information to form a basis for evaluation.
The budget proposal shall be prepared in USD currency and in English using the attached template in Excel. There are already formulas and
automatic fill-in cells created, please fill in only those cells where you are instructed to submit information (parts highlighted in green). If
additional calculations between cells (i.e. summations and multiplications, etc.) are necessary, please use formulas. Please add additional lines
to budget subcategories if necessary, or delete item lines which are not used. Please do not leave cells blank. Either remove them or insert zero
when the value is zero.

Your Budget proposal, once approved by the Open Society Initiative for Europe, will become the basis for your financial reporting. All
expenses reported at each reporting period must be clearly presented in your initially or subsequently approved budgets. Subsequent transfers
between budget categories shall be permitted without prior approval if they do not exceed 10 percent of the “Transferred From” category, and
also do not exceed 10 percent of the “Transferred To” category. Transfers exceeding this limit shall only be permitted with prior written
approval from the responsible program person in charge of your grant on behalf of OSF. While OSIFE is fairly flexible and allows for
reasonable changes to the proposed budget, we invite you to spend the necessary time to develop a budget that will accurately reflect the
financial needs, viability and realistic needs of the proposed project.


All sections are mandatory; please start with this section as the repeating fields will be automatically copied to other worksheets as well.

Section A.1: Please indicate the legally registered name of the institution, legally registered address, the mailing address (if different) and
contact phone numbers and email address of the organization, the person legally authorized to sign on behalf of the organization, and the person
in charge of this project proposal. Please take appropriate care in providing accurate information since this information will be used to draft the
grant contract. Any subsequent changes to this information will cause substantial time delays in the processing of the grant.

Section A.2: Please indicate the name of the project grant and briefly describe the purpose and overall objectives as well as the overall goals
you intend to accomplish with it. This text will be used to draft the appropriate section of the grant contract should support to your
project/organization be awarded, and it may be used as public information about grants we support on our website, so please spend the
necessary time on this section, including the most important aspects of the project. Please limit this entry to 150-200 words.

Section A.3: Please fill in the Project Period and Grant Contract Period. The Project duration is calculated automatically in months for
reference. The Project Period should describe the length of the entire project. If you are requesting support for only one part of the project,
please indicate this period in the Grant Period section. In the initial grant request, we suggest you request the length that you actually need,
OSIFE reserves the right to suggest alternative implementation dates which are subject to negotiation with the grantee. Given the nature of work
we support, it is very rare that project support would be for shorter period than 12 months, similarly, we would normally not commit to
providing support for longer than 4 years as this would span beyond our strategy period.

OSIFE reserves the right to suggest the division of the project into separate grant contract periods, which are subject to negotiation with the

Section A.4 (Optional): You may estimate the installment amounts needed, and suggest when payments should be made by preparing the
schedule showing target date(s) and amount(s) to be transferred at that time. Please note that the payment schedule must correspond to the
monitoring and reporting schedule and the final payment and reporting schedule will be decide by the OSIFE program staff in charge. The
financial and interim reports for project grants are usually due 6 months and 12 months after the project commences and the final reports are
due one month after the project concludes. Subsequent installments are normally initiated once interim reports are approved.

Section A.5: Please fill in the bank information accurately since the transfer of funds you are requesting will be initiated in line with this
information. Failure to provide all necessary information may cause unnecessary delay in the granting process should you be awarded the grant.


Each of the budget categories is listed separately. Use your best judgment as to which budget category a particular expense should be assigned.
Remember that the person reviewing the budget does not know as much as you do about the needs of the project, so be specific. Please be sure
to include other funding sources (including your own contributions and in-kind) wherever applicable. This budget detail should describe costs
directly related to the project. The overhead costs (the costs related to the running of the organization’s office etc.) charged in case of project
support should reflect additional costs to your organization from performing the project. Any need for deviation from this rule must be
appropriately explained.

Please provide expenses for budget items with sufficient detail. This includes unit costs or monthly rates (as applicable), number of units or
months used and the share (%) that the given item will use or given staff member will devote towards the aims of this project. The column
“Other Funding” lists the matching funds for each budget category that will be received from other or your own sources during the overall grant
period. This column also includes your in-kind contributions. The Column “OSF Funding” indicates the portion of the total expenses you are
requesting from the Open Society Initiative for Europe. It is calculated as: “Total budget line expense” less “other funding.”

Section B.1: Personnel: This category is for people on YOUR payroll. Monthly Salary Rate is defined as the normal cost of a full time person
in the position for an entire month. For the purposes of budget reporting, a full time employed person is someone who spends 35h+ hours each
week working for your organization, regardless of the type of formal contractual arrangement (whether the person has full employment or a
contractual relation with you). Please fill in the number of months that the individual will be working during the grant period and the share of
their time devoted to this project. The total cost is calculated automatically. Please fill-in other funding as appropriate. The share of OSF
funding is calculated for you. Grantees whose employees will work on this project less than 100% of their working time are required to use time
sheets to track how much time they are spending on different projects. Timesheets, including the name of the staff, their specific position and
dates worked should be stored by the grantee as they may be requested for inspection.

Section B.2: Consultants and External Contributors: Please list the costs of NON-payroll employees during the grant period. List items such
as external consultants and temporary contract employees’ expenses, lecturers’ honoraria, experts, auditors, etc. Please list the unit rate (month,
day, hour or lump sum) and the number of units working for the organization. Please provide the share that the individual will work towards the
aims of this project as a percentage of their contract with your organization. In the case that you list positions or expenses that could be
considered staff on your payroll, please explain.

Section B.3: Equipment and Capital Purchases: List items such as computers, general-purpose software and furniture in this section, but not
items such as books or subscriptions. The latter should be listed in sections B.5. Research Costs and B.6. Communications and Advocacy Costs
dependent on the purpose. Please append the model specifications (model equivalent is sufficient, you may procure a different equivalent of the
model if it is more cost efficient) and quantity of each item above $500, as well as documentation for the proper procurement procedures
displaying the best value for the amount spent on equipment. Please explain why the given equipment or capital purchase is necessary to fulfill
the need of this particular project. The explanation and details can be provided in the "comments" section.

Section B.4: Administration and Overhead: This category includes general office-related expenses related to the additional costs to your
organization for performing this project. Costs should be broken down per unit and share of the cost on the project. Feel free to add additional
subcategories on the list. All other miscellaneous expenses should be listed in Category B.9. Other. Provide a detailed description of each item
in the "comments" section if applicable.

Section B.5: Research Costs: This category includes all research-related costs such as data collection costs, surveys and focus groups
expenses, the purchase of research-related software, subscriptions and other materials to be used for the research purpose. The explanation and
details can be provided in the "comments" section. Please do not include any staffing costs into this category. The latter can be listed in the
sections B.1:Personnel and B.2:Consultants and External Contributors.

Section B.6: Communications and Advocacy Costs: This category includes all activities and expenses related to the communications and
advocacy purposes. These can include cost of advertising, production of the media materials such as royalties, authors’ compensation, editing,
printing and publication, distribution and other similar costs. The explanation and details can be provided in the "comments" section. Please do
not include any staffing costs into this category. The latter can be listed in the sections B.1: Personnel and B.2:Consultants and External

Section B.7: Grants, Fellowships and Stipends: This category includes the costs of all people you will use who are NOT on your payroll (full-
time employees as defined above), usually related to costs for students, interns and fellows engaged in this project/organization. Please use the
same calculation as is used for Personnel in section B.1.

Section B.8: Events & Travel: This section should contain all events and travel-related costs (transportation, accommodation, meals, per
diems, catering, etc). Please differentiate the costs for in-country and out-of-country travel. If OSF funding is required to co-fund travel
expenses, please list all planned trips including origin, destination and duration, means of travel, number of people, travel costs and lodging
costs in the "comments" section. If you use a per diem rate for meals and lodging, please show the rate used. Feel free to add costs for visas, per
diem rates, taxis, etc.

Section B.9: Other: Please list other expenses which do not fall into any of the above categories, and provide a detailed description and
calculation for each item.


The Budget Summary is intended to provide a clear overview of the itemized expenses listed in the previous sheet (Budget Detail).

Section C.1: Financial Summary: This section is intended to provide an overview of OSF funds necessary to successfully complete your
project, and contextualize our support within your overall organizational budget. Given that the project support is intended to cover incremental
cost to your organization from implementing it, this section will enable us to assess the scale of this cost (this will be calculated automatically).
Please also fill in the information about the total organizational budget and expenditures for the most recent fiscal year. This will enable us to
assess the share of this project on the overall organizational budget.

Section C.2: Expenses: The design of the template allows for all other amounts in this section to be directly copied from the detailed budget
sheet. Do not enter amounts in this section of the summary sheet as they will be automatically calculated based on the information provided in
the detailed budget sheet (B. Budget Detail).

Section C.3: Sources of Funding: Under the column ‘Sources’ please list each institution/funding source which will contribute to the project
budget (or overhead costs which are shared with this project) during the grant period, including funding secured from other OSF/OSI entities.
The Total Funding in this section should not be less than the total amount required to complete the project - i.e. the Total Expenses column from
the C.2.Expenses section has to match the total from the C.3.Sources of Funding section. Please indicate which of these funding sources are
‘requested’ and which are already ‘granted’ by other donors.



A.1./ GRANT REQUESTOR : Please enter organization name in A-Budget Request

Legally registered name:
(please, indicate legally registered name of your organization - in English as well)

ADDRESS : Mailing address if it is different than above :

City: City:
Street: Street:
Postal code: Postal code:
Web site :

Legal signatory Person of the organization: Responsible Person for the project (contact person):
Full name: Full name:
Position: Position:
Phone: Phone:
Fax: Fax:
E-mail: E-mail:

Please enter project name (or specify if it's a request for core support for a program or for the whole NGO)
A.2./ Project Name: in A-Budget Request
Project Description: Please briefly describe the purpose and overall aims, as well as the goals and objectives you intend to
accomplish with the project (150-200 words maximum).

A.3./ From: To: Project duration

Project Period : 1/31/1980 1/31/1981 12 months
Grant Period: 1/31/1980 1/31/1981 12 months
please use following format for enter dates DD/MM/YYYY

A.4/ PAYMENT SCHEDULE Optional: You may propose a number of installments and payment schedule
Other Funding OSF Funding
Installment # Date USD USD
Financial and narrative progress reports for project grants are
normally due 6 months and 12 months after the project
2 commences. Final reports are due generally one month after
3 the project concludes. Installments are typically wired one
4 month after interim reports are approved.
Total USD : $0 $0
BANK NAME : Correspondent bank, only if applicable:

Bank account holder:

ACCOUNT # : Bank account holder:

A-Budget Request

Please enter project name (or specify if it's a request for core support for a
Project / Grant Title : program or for the whole NGO) in A-Budget Request

Grant Requestor : Please enter organization name in A-Budget Request

If you add a row, please check that the summation formulas include the newly added cells.
Please round up costs to whole number

B.1. Personnel Please list the staff name if known, or clearly identifiable position
Monthly Total USD Comments
% time on Other USD OSF USD
Position Salary Months Cost to the if relevant, please provide details for
project Funding Funding
Rate project the items

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

TOTAL SALARIES : $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

Taxes/Employer's contributions $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

Fringe benefits $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

TOTAL PERSONNEL : $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

B.2. Consultants and External Contributors Please list the staff name if known, or clearly identifiable position

Total USD Comments

% share to
Position Unit Rate # of units cost to the Other USD OSF USD if relevant, please provide details for
project Funding Funding the items

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0


B.3. Equipment and Capital Purchases

Total USD Comments
List Equipment and Capital cost to the Other USD OSF USD if relevant, please provide details for
Spendings (Project related) Unit price Quantity project Funding Funding the items

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

TOTAL EQUIPMENT & CAPITAL : $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

B.4. Administration and Overhead

if relevant, please provide details for
rate/unit Quantity / Share for Total USD Other USD OSF USD
List Type of Expense the items
cost months project Cost Funding Funding

Rent $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

Telecommunications Services $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

Office Supplies and Postage Costs $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

Service and Maintenance $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

Printing and Publishing (Office related) $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

Bank and Currency Conversion Fees $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

Other $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0


B.5. Research Costs Please least all research-related costs suchs as data collection, surveys, focus groups EXCLUDING the staff costs
Share for
Unit price Quantity Total USD Other USD OSF USD if relevant, please provide details for
List Cost Funding Funding the items

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

TOTAL RESEARCH COSTS: $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

B.6. Communications and Advocacy Costs Please least all communications and advocasy-related costs EXCLUDING the staff costs
Share for
Unit price Quantity Total USD Other USD OSF USD if relevant, please provide details for
List project Cost Funding Funding the items

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0


B.7. Grants, Fellowships, and Stipends
Monthly % time on Total USD Other USD OSF USD if relevant, please provide details for
List Rate Months project Cost Funding Funding the items

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

TOTAL GRANTS, etc. : $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

B.8. Events and Travel

Total USD Other USD OSF USD if relevant, please provide details for
List Unit price Quantity Cost Funding Funding the items

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

TOTAL EVENTS & TRAVEL : $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

B.9. Other
Monthly Comments
rate/unit Quantity / Share for Total USD Other USD OSF USD if relevant, please provide details for
List price months project Cost Funding Funding the items

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

$0.0 $0.0 $0.0

TOTAL OTHER : $0.0 $0.0 $0.0

TOTAL BUDGET : $0.0 $0.0 $0.0



Please enter project name (or specify if it's a request for core support for a program or
Project / Grant Title : for the whole NGO) in A-Budget Request

Grant Requestor : Please enter organization name in A-Budget Request

From: To: Project duration

Project Period : 1/31/1980 1/31/1981 12 months
Grant Period: 1/31/1980 1/31/1981 12 months

C.1. Financial Summary

Period (please specify the calendar year) Total 2016 2017 2018

Total OSF Funding for this Project, USD $0 $0 $0 $0

Total Organizational Budget, USD $0 $0 $0 $0
OSF OSIFE's support share #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Total organizational annual expenditures for the most
recent fiscal year, USD
Total expenditures start and ending date fiscal year
Is supporting financial documentation attached to the

C.2. Expenses:

1. Personnel $0 $0 $0
2. Consultants and External Contributors $0 $0 $0
3. Equipment and Capital Purchases $0 $0 $0
4. Administration and Overhead $0 $0 $0
5. Research Costs $0 $0 $0
6. Communications and Advocacy Costs $0 $0 $0
7. Grants, Fellowships, etc. $0 $0 $0
8. Events and Travel $0 $0 $0
9. Other $0 $0 $0
TOTAL USD : $0 $0 $0

C.3. Sources of Funding for this project:


OSI/OSF sources for this project

Other grants for this project

Consulting contracts / other income

generating activities

In-kind contributions

TOTAL USD : $0 $0 N.A.

Please note that the budget must be prepared in the US Dollars!

Please remove any item lines that are not used

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