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Employment GUarantee Scheme (

Road works under the.... ./'L
Planning nepartment,
Resolution No.m-1077 /233r~MP_I

Man tralay a, BOmbay- 400 032.
Dated the 4th liIay, 1973.

R3AD =
i) Goverrunent Resolution, Planning Department No.
.IDS-I077/233/!.:1,1P-3 dated the 21st rtlay 1977.

, ii)Uovernment Resolution, Pl~~ing Department No.

IDS-1077/233/3iiiP-3 dated the 27th 1)ec~mber 1977.

Iii) Gov~rnment Resolution, Planning Department No.

3GS-1077/283/3MP-3 Qatar!the 15th February 1978-

iv)Government Resolution, Planning Department No.

ro-S-1077/283/3IJIP-III r1ated the 29th /I.pril 1973.

RESOLUl'ION: The condition (0. in paragraph-2 of GOVernment

Re;;lution, Planning Departm~~t N,:>.~G'3-1077/283/~MP-III, dated
the 21st l1ay, 1977, lays down that the ~ollector, shOUld,while
sanctioning rOad work under the J:mployment Guarantee Scheme
recordAcertificate to the effect that there is no other productive
wo~k within a radius of 0 kms. It has been represented to
GOvernment that in view of the abover.lentioned condition, no road
works are sanctioned under 3mploy m,ant Guarantee Sch - erne even in
the areas where annewari of crops is less than 6 annas ann the
needy labourers can not be absorbed on the on-going productive
works within a raoius of a kms. of such areas. GOvernment is
\{ therefore pleased to clarify that in areas where the annewari of
crops declared is less than six annas, road works can be taken
up under 3mp1oyment Guarantee Scheme for providing employment
to the needy labourers who cannot be provided employment on the
on.going prod*ctive works withinL3 kms. La rad ius of

""'.,- . _.-- By order and in the name of the Governor of I~arashtra.

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( 'i"l .B. aik

State Planning Officer,

~g.~..-~~, Flanning Department.
.II ./'

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