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The doctor told me to take a rest and take pills

He ordered me to stay

Oh Angel, What happen? You look so terrible.

Yes, I have a headache and fever

What did the doctor tell you to do?

The doctor told me to rest for three days

Did the doctor ask you to take medicine?

Yes, he ordered me two pills a day

Well, so you should to stay at home

When I have a headache my mom always tells me to avoid using my cell phone because she
thinks that is the reason.

 to take an aspirin
 9:43 AM
to avoid using my cellphone
 9:44 AM
to drink hot water with lemon
 9:44 AM
to eat light food like a chicken soup
 9:45 AM
to take a shower and a pill too
 9:45 AM
to take a pill and go to the dentist
 9:46 AM
to drink a lot of water
 9:46 AM
to eat warm soup and to drink eucaliptus tea
 9:46 AM
to take a rest

I prefer natural medicine because usually is more effective than


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